letsstaytuned · 24 days
Closed starter with @pxppinmolly
Text from unknown number:
<Good evening, Molly. This is Alastor, the Radio Demon. I have a business proposition for you. Would you be available to meet for dinner to discuss tomorrow? Bella Italia at 7?>
Molly hadn't given him her number but he is the Radio Demon. He had his ways of getting information he wanted. Alastor pocketed his phone and went about his current business, assuming the demon would respond when she had time.
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royalreef · 27 days
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@pxppinmolly inquired: ❛    this  is  bug  blood ,  for  sure .   ❜ - she'd know.
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She flicks her tongue out a few times, sliding it outwards so that the two purple tips appear first, followed by the rest of her tongue like a ribbon, bunching up behind it and over itself around the line of her mouth and pressing against her teeth. It's repetition is defined primarily by this motion, a stranger sort of flicking than the sort that snakes do. Her nostrils flare, but even though she's dipped her head down close to the strange light blue spreading across the ground, they don't seem to be doing much help. It is primarily the tongue, hovering just above the puddle.
"It does smell like such!"
Miranda too, would know. She knows enough, even, to remember this smell, catching the finer notes of it wafting through the air. It does have an airy sort of quality to it, a sweeter savory that makes her mouth water, makes her tongue return outwards a little more shining and slick in the light. Miranda does not mention this, of course. She's already trying not to dwell on it too hard herself.
"I believe it is horseshoe crab...? I do not know why there is so much of it, though! Typically they do not offer such a quantity... Nor do I think one would wander in this far?"
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von-eldritch · 3 months
@pxppinmolly replied to your post “//ALSO forgot to mention this until now but the...”:
Molly VC: I don’t want to fix her I want her to make me worse
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Now that, she can do.
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pcrfumebcttles · 7 months
An old friend
(A small drabble featuring: @pxppinmolly )
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“Who’s this mama?”
Allison turns to see the context of her daughter’s question and immediately her stomach drops. In her eldest's hands was a photo that Allison and Molly had taken years ago. A sudden wave of sadness, nostalgia, and bittersweet happiness washes over her as she forms a melancholy smile.
“Oh, that? That’s an old friend of mine. Molly. Molly Ragno.”
“She’s gorgeous!” Allison couldn’t help but chuckle in agreement at her daughter's admiration. Well, she wasn’t wrong. “What happened to her?”
Ah. There it was.
Her ability to choke back tears is starting to get rusty, but the celestial alchemist speaks, “She… died a while ago. She was only 32 at the time. And we were gushing about how she was gonna be a god mama to you kids…” How cruel fate can be! “She wasn’t always perfect. She loved getting into trouble, and there were times when even I would look at her sideways… but she was very dear to me. Very dear…”
Was Molly a bad person? Honestly, yes. Allison knew that. She wasn’t an idiot. Did she love and cherish Molly all the same? Yes. Absolutely. Birds of a feather they were. Two women who shared one thing in common… the world treated them like shit. And there was a time where they finally thought that things would look up for the duo. For Allison it did. Molly? Not so much.. If she deserved happiness and her happily ever after, why not Molly? Could she have not have earned it? Was she that low on time?! This fucked up world keeps ripping away the people she loves one after the other.
There were days when Allison cursed the gods themselves for subjecting Molly to her fate. More so than ever, though, she cursed herself. Another soul that she couldn’t protect from her fate… another beloved lost. Had it not been for her wives, she would’ve been inconsolable and would’ve done something stupid. Thankfully, she’s here now. She’s here with her daughters, her wives, and her friends. She’s here.
“Do you ever miss her, mom?”
Allison’s vision blurs, her tears staining the piece of parchment in her hands. Thankfully her back is to Elphaba. Her voice shakes, but she speaks. “Every day, Elphie… Every damn day.”
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griefxgifted · 5 months
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This new world was something-- so different from what she was used to. How many centuries had it been since she had left the cold tundra where she had hidden away for all this time? Was the world always this big before? Safina had known the world was divided only up into four respective territories separated by the magic that affected the season each resided within. Now it seemed the seasons fly off the handle in every location in some chaotic yet somewhat predictable mess.
How strange, but Safina thought if she were to commit to her plan she should know other vampires and establish herself among their ranks. Which is what led her to this, less-than-appealing city. Not quite the best looking but she could tell there was a vampiric presence here.
Of course, Safina stuck out to any vampire with a decent eye as one herself. Though the woman wasn't too sure where to find her own kind. Styles and fashions have changed so much and while she wishes she could, Safina knows she can't just walk up to everyone and simply ask. This world seemed more hostile to those of her kind than even before.
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hcppyhotel · 8 months
angel has one goal and it’s to wear everything in mollys closet.
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universalcarnival · 2 years
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@pxppinmolly​​ sent:
“You must be hungry.“ @pxppinmolly for loona. succubus or demon she is still v much Like This-
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— “ Do you always have food on you or something? You’re like, always offering me food and shit. I’m going to start to get a gut with how much food you put on me. ” 
Not that she was complaining at all, she offered food for a good reason. Loona wasn’t always the best at remembering eating in general, so Molly definitely helped with that. 
— “ ... whatcha got? ”
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tviirus · 2 years
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🚼 LEON AND MOLLY ...... // @pxppinmolly
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leon  didn't  like  the  idea  of  dying  her  hair,  but  leon  doesn't  make  the  rules,  molly  does.
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hellrazers · 2 years
@pxppinmolly​​ liked this for a lyric starter!
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“I listen to a lot of true crime.”
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wrxthfulguard · 29 days
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@pxppinmolly asked: “I’m used to it. And I really shouldn’t be.” (demon verse)
Bravery Sentence Starters
"Then you shouldn't force yourself to get used to being brave... Not unless it's in an emergency, Miss Molly." Being brave came from overcoming fear and cowardice, in Don's view of things... After all, bravery is forged from fear.
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"Things will only change for the better once you take the initiative for it... Take it one step at a time, strive to avoid being stuck at step one."
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letsstaytuned · 3 months
"'Ey, Strawberry Shortcake, is Angel in? He's had my Sunday Dress for ova' a week. I'm gonna need it this weekend 'n' he's been ignorin' my texts." - @pxppinmolly (succubus!molly verse :3)
"Molly! What a pleasant surprise," the Radio Demon greeted her, both hands resting on top of his cane which was in front of him.
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"Not at the moment. He hasn't been here much at all this week because I believe Valentino is 'riding him hard' in his words. We are expecting him shortly though so you are quite welcome to stay if you'd like," Alastor offered, removing one hand from his microphone cane and gesturing towards the bar and lobby area.
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von-eldritch · 8 months
@pxppinmolly liked this for a starter
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Molly is greeted with-- what else-- a quick kiss, a hand reaching out to settle on the demon's waist once she pulls back. The tendrils of her hair curl and straighten idly, an indication of pent-up energy of some kind.
"So, I've been thinking..." a charged way to start a sentence, "... you ever been to Envy?"
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strebcr · 8 months
"You call it a near-death experience, I call it a vibe check from God." @pxppinmolly
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"Bestie, I'm no doctor by any means. Buut I really think you should get that looked that! I don't think it's natural to be losing that much blood."
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griefxgifted · 3 months
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Safina hated this part of establishing herself as a new clan leader. Holding the Anger Cane in her hands gave her the right to take over the old Grinvoe clan, of which she would dissolve the name, let it die finally like the two old as dust bones of her former tormentors.
Instead rose her own title, instead of claiming a clan she would settle upon Queen. Vampire Queen, as many would call the past ruler Airad, and her horrid failings. No, she would not bother with clans and instead of caring for the blood ties of old traditions, she would establish a new monarchy across her new territory.
But to do this. . .she needed to network. A horrible task that Anger had told her of. The cane whispered how she needed to grow in power, and to do that she needed access to more knowledge from lands far past The Seasons.
So it was, from Autumn the message sent out to those she knew of an invite to speak with the new Queen. Which is what brought her to this day. Groaning as another set of people had come by, vampires, of course, to bless her and try to persuade her of favors. Thinking that she was finished with it, Safina would nearly scream at the sound of another at her castle's doorstep.
Stomping over and throwing it open, Safina did not resemble anything of the regal figure that she tried to write herself up as. Instead, annoyed, tired, and about done with the frivolous politics of old-era vampires, she glared at whoever was here now. Waiting expectantly for them to introduce themselves.
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hcppyhotel · 8 months
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@pxppinmolly sent ;;
"So how's this hotel business goin' for ya'? Is it least any sorta enta'tainin' at all? Seems like ya got a whole circus in there that could make Mammon cream his wallet or somethin'." DONT ASK ME TWICE TO GIVE ANGEL HIS MOLLY!!
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it  was  an  question  that  seemed  easy  to  answer.  it  would  be  a  hard  no  --  considering  the  life  he  was  used  to  ;  drugs,  sex,  drink,  sex,  etcetera...  it  really  was  an  adventure  not  knowing  what  or  whose  bed  you're  going  to  wake  up  in. 
but  still,  he's  been  sober  for  a  nearly  a  month  and  some  change.  well,  he's  been  off  coke,  and  that's  nothing  less  than  hard.  it  fucking  SUCKED  !!  he  wanted  to  tell  molly  how  much  he  hated  it.  how  much  he  hated  being  here.  but  there  would  be  no  point.  no  one  knew  angel  more  than  molly.  she'd  see  right  through  him.
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❝ well,  every  day  is  somethin'  different.  sur'a,  there  days  that  are  fuckin'  borin',  but  --  the  company  ain't  all  bad.  i  mean  how  many  people  can  say  that  they're  havin'  a  casual  conversation  with  that  so-called  radio  demon,  ah  ?  ❞  well,  as  casual  as  you  can  be  whenever  alastor  was  around.
❝ plus,  no  one  can  make  a  bett'a  drink  than  whiskers  ov'a  there.  ❞
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pcrfumebcttles · 9 months
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@pxppinmolly asked: “Could a girl really be a prince?” Revolutionary Lover
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"Girls can be whatever the hell they wanna be. Trust me. I've met my fair share of girl that more of a prince than any man I've ever met in my life."
One who's affections she almost threw away like a fool.
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