shaw-melody · 1 year
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Rock Swag Tournament Round 1: Igneous Rocks Part 8
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Once again we have some rocks named after minerals! This time, they're both ultramafic. Also this time, we also have a fun diagram to look at.
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Ternary plots, very useful but sometimes difficult to plot on (at least for me. I always confuse myself, even now). But we're not plotting anything, we're just looking at trends!
If you look at the three corners of this triangle, you will see they are labelled Ol for olivine), Opx for orthopyroxene, and Cpx for clinopyroxene. These corners tell us what three things we are comparing the proportions of. In this case, we are comparing what percent of olivine, orthopyroxene, and clinopyroxene are in a rock (and what we call that rock based on the relative amounts of these minerals).
Ternary diagrams can have any three things in the corners, but you'll often see QFL (Quartz, Feldspar, Lithics) diagrams to classify sedimentary rocks, or sand-silt-clay diagrams for soil texture. You can also stick two triangles together to make a diamond for something like a QAPF diagram where the four points are quartz, alkali feldspar, plagioclase, and feldspathoids. QAPF diagrams are also used to classify igneous rocks (you can plot syenite and monzonite on them, as well as your granites).
The closer you get to the top corner of the triangle, the more olivine you have. The closer you get to the right corner of the triangle, the more clinopyroxene you have, and the closer you get to the left corner of the triangle, the more orthopyroxene you have.
If your rock sample plots in the top half (ish) of the triangle (at least 40% olivine), your rock is a peridotite. Now, depending on the relative amounts of pyroxene minerals, you may have different types of peridotite like lherzolite, wherlite, harzburgite, or dunite.
In the picture of peridotite above, the peridotite is actually the xenolith (the green rock embedded in the black rock) and it would be considered dunite because it is more than 90% olivine. The reason a rock full of olivine is called peridotite is because peridot is another name for olivine (specifically gemstone-quality olivine).
As for pyroxenites, if you have less than 40% olivine, the rock would be a pyroxenite. If it's almost all pyroxene (no more than ~5% olivine, at the bottom of the pyramid), it would be called websterite.
As for other facts about the rocks, both peridotite and pyroxenite are typically intrusive, phaneritic rocks derived from the mantle. Peridotite is going to be some shade of green because of the olivine, and pyroxenite is usually black or at least dark in color.
I'm also thinking of making an informational post about volcanoes, partial melting (and magma composition) and how these rocks/magmas get from the mantle to the surface, so look out for that at some point (I know myself better than to name a specific timeline).
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If you're beautiful, you become prone to jealousy. If you're brave, you get hurt. If you're kind, you get taken advantage of. And if you're smart, you learn to fear everything. And that can't be good at all, can it?
One day, when I was working as guild keeper to the Dream Weavers…
EMMA : Volks-san, I've come with the documents you requested.
VOLKS : Thank you. That must have taken a lot of time and effort on your part.
EMMA : Oh, it's nothing. If there is anything else I can do just, please, let me know.
EMMA : Wow! It's so beautiful! Is that what they call a diamond in the rough?
VOLKS : Yes. the colors are exquisite, are they not? Still needs a good polishing but it has potential.
MEL : Wow, really? So these are the kind of gems you look for, Volks?
EMMA : Mel?
Mel, the Black Fairy, appears, from the key, looking over at Volks' hands with his typically perfect posture and eccentric pose.
VOLKS : Oh, so you're interested in these gemstones too, hmm?
MEL : Well, yes and no. I can't help but wonder how a gemstone can quite have so many obvious flaws...
VOLKS : Flaws, you say?
MEL : Yes, yes. Look closer. Look at that stone right there. It looks pretty at first glance, yes, but there are very fine cracks in it.
MEL : And that stone is tainted with carbon, so even if you were to polish it, it would only sell cheap on the market, no?
MEL : This is utter nonsense, my dear.
EMMA : What do you mean by cracks? And what's wrong with the gemstones containing carbon?
VOLKS : It's a contributing factor to a gem's declining market value.
I looked closer at the gem Mel pointed to, and quickly identified the same tell-tale black spots of carbon within the gem.
VOLKS : You are quite knowledgeable and observant, Mel!
MEL : It's only natural to know this stuff, no? If anything, I'd think it crazier if you didn't know!
EMMA : (I know it's a little late to ask… But surely it has to make Mel suffer always maintaning a pose like that...)
MEL : So… Why is a Meister Dream Weaver and pyroxenite connoisseur inspecting such junk gemstones?
VOLKS : Because these gemstones are not mere junk, Mel.
VOLKS : While it is true that these stones have their defects…
VOLKS : They also shine brightly and have remarkable color among gemstones. Cracks do not make the whole stone worthless.
VOLKS : We aim to maximize on the potential each stone's individual qualities, cutting and polishing them creatively to remove any cracks.
MEL : ………
VOLKS : As for this stone with the carbon, is it not otherwise a beautifully clear gemstone.
VOLKS : The carbon itself is very fine, and I believe it possible to decorate the stone with such elements with careful cutting.
EMMA : I see… So it all depends how you process it…
VOLKS : Yes. To assume the value of anything is to foolishly squander its potential.
MEL : Hmmm? But that's just forcing a bad stone to be something it's not, isn't it?
MEL : A bad stone is still a bad stone no matter what you do to fix it. If it isn't perfect, it isn't worth anything to me…
EMMA : (He's arched his back even more…)
VOLKS : …………..
VOLKS : So tell me, Mel. Which of these gemstones do you think is the most valuable?
MEL : Huh? It doesn't really matter which one I choose, does it? They're all junk. If it's not perfect, it's pointless.
VOLKS : If they're all the junk, and none are perfect to begin with…
VOLKS : Then what does it hurt to pick one?
MEL : ……You're persistent. Okay, then it's this one…
Mel picked the single most boring, plain looking gemstone of them all.
VOLKS : Hmmm. It would seem you have a good eye after all.
MEL : Huh? No, I certainly have eyes and can see perfectly, that's true, but…
MEL : I just picked that one at random, okay? Is this really all you do?
No matter how many barbed words Mel muttered, Volks calm demeanor never shifted an inch.
On the other hand... Seeing Volks look so calm seemed to really be getting under Mel's skin…
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butchharrydalton · 1 year
I will now recite the rocks in alphabetical order:
nepheline syenite
oil shale
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spider-xan · 1 year
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Finally getting around to posting a few quick pen sketches I did on Sunday on the last day of a special exhibit on Inuit artwork inspired by their musical traditions! All of these were very rushed bc I was cutting it super close to closing time, and the last one is unfinished bc the security guard was right next to me as he was closing up the exhibit and I was scribbling away; the angles I drew from we're different from the ones for the photographs.
Walrus Playing the Drum (1999) by Louie Makkituq (Uqsuqtuuq, Nunavut, b. 1969). Pyroxenite, caribou antler, ivory (?).
Sedna, Goddess of the Sea (2001) by Kingwatsiak (King) Jaw (Keatuk, Nunavut, 1962-(?), 2012). Serpentine.
Untitled (Dog Children) (1991) by David Ruben Piqtoukun (Paulatuk, Northwest Territories, b. 1950). Steatite.
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chemicals1 · 11 months
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leanstooneside · 1 year
Assisted senton
◊ php deem prefab wy downey ann weatherproof cadillac paraffin chairmen raven agricola belate applicate assassinate duplex caveman bayport semitic sulfide ambrose paralinguistic megabit difficult agate dreary alliance mirfak ladle diagonal codfish khan osborne parimutuel colloquy fresnel iq kurt ascend act lyman explain mammoth chigger alabama meier siva historic bolshevism diverse circumscribe aarhus chivalry askew towhee soon betatron imprison whimper arlen mulish scholastic gnp piper mezzo symbiotic slick maximal lynn soothsay selectmen female incorrect ascription checkbook shopkeep crinkle ian austin expressible vernier resistor folksy vassal matrices roar where'd consist crosswort d gilmore fiftieth cowgirl jaeger monetarist spheroidal mallow afterthought climax cognizant gerard caucasian sensorimotor menelaus gunflint lumpish theft abstractor andover featherweight cab walls they'll claudio hypodermic jujube crossover sixtieth contraception convince cryostat rex whomsoever chose belief panacea adsorption clothesline afraid elinor hershel jockstrap numerology gonzales clothier cooke alberta lessee exxon flout rhodium anchovy toggle granny anneal derisive curran failure broomcorn errand elijah authenticate giddap hazelnut vellum denominate counterfeit haystack fastidious cognate pertain repulsion swarthmore hostess cecropia commiserate greater airmass debbie auditorium reinforce chippendale droopy centric wyoming horsefly dialup allotting burst combat heroism asylum allot cardioid burglarproof cobra bauble embraceable uphill seminar spellbound helmsman mockup airy coachmen deprive disjunct lest dropout laurie numeral beatitude throw touchstone ox degradation curl arithmetic curb bye plank aborning phycomycetes finland carbone indomitable ornament armata transmitter annuli waylaid courtier mirfak brasilia baron berman spoonful coddle adsorptive charlemagne vengeful hewlett bucolic scorpion bondage coexistent connors decker jealous cahoot mutual oblige pyroxenite arrack navajo vociferous decision hut welsh salaried choreograph acorn rod cowl airframe bookplate recession hendrickson impregnate activation contagious versus ross olefin mountainside swain skill distribution myocardial eyesight embroider probity cogent decontrol christen automorphism blinn cabbage bicentennial cairo tug hub mba chug towhee dying magnet dietrich aeronautic nasturtium anarchic dysentery cannibal diamond byte discrepant conquistador chokeberry divulge needlepoint arachnid foundry critic urchin beebe conformation brooke sutton freehold cacophony anterior proclaim deficit banana sophie gush swordplay sierra chess cross character boast involution edith hyperbolic eyeball league millikan placebo gingham ackley earsplitting ichneumon prevent danish apposition blinn bulrush melancholy minnesota lunar gingham downfall definitive cavilling regimen are trod
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trade-global · 2 years
What You Should Know About Lead Ore
What Is Lead Ore
Lead ore is an important ore mineral for refining lead. The lead ore is cube shape, and many of these cube crystals are gathered together to form a granular or block. They have a metallic luster. Additionally, lead ore often contains silver, so it is also used as a resource for refining silver.
Chemical Properties of Lead Ore
Lead ore contains 86.6%of lead. The shape of the lead crystal is often cube, and the set is columnar or dense. It is lead gray, and its bars are gray-black, with metal luster, and opaque.
Usage of Lead Ore
Lead ore is the main mineral to extract lead. The use of lead is old and extensive, leading printing, lead leather bag cable, steel plate plating tin alloy, national defense, technology, pencil core, etc. Lead has good corrosion-resistant characteristics. Lead paint excludes algae to eat and protect the bottom of the ship. Lead is an indispensable raw material for making weapon materials. Lead can be used for shielding radioactive nuclear radiation materials, and lead can be used as batteries, electrode boards, etc. in power machinery.
Lead also has an unfavorable side to human life and production. The test data of trace element analysis shows that excessive lead dust and a large amount of lead chemotherapy are harmful to the health of the human body. The exhaust gas excreted by the car and the factory contains lead, which can reduce the output of wheat by 15%. In the iron ore providing smelting, such as the lead exceeding the allowable content, the furnace lining will be damaged, and the life of the furnace will be shortened.
More about Lead Ore in Nature
Lead ore is mainly the product of post-magma. In exposure to the explanation of the mine, it is often symbiotic with magnetite, pyroxenite, magnetic yellow iron ore, brass ore, and light zinc ore. In the medium and low-temperature thermal liquid mines, it is symbiotic with the light zinc ore, bronze ore, yellow iron ore, quartz, and heavy spar.
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ashirwad11 · 2 years
Ashirwad talc has been the leading manufacturer and supplier of talc Powder and other industrial minerals in Indiaand one of the largest supplier of talc powder in India is a naturally occurring mineral whose chemical name is hydrated magnesium silicate (H2Mg3(SiO3)4). It is formed by metamorphosis of sedimentary rocks namely dolomite, pyroxenite, amphibolite and serpentine.
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optical-mineralogy · 6 years
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Working on polishing my samples for reflective light microscopy. This sample is a pyroxenite from Hogen Camp Mine in the Hudson Highlands region of New York. The area was once a lead producer of iron ore and magnetite for the east coast.
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immeantobestudying · 6 years
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Some more sexy igneous rocks! This time I included both crossed and uncrossed images.
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cemfood · 3 years
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pafsplayground · 3 years
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@progeny-ex-machina Tumblr forgot to notify me of this so I'm very sorry if this is late but I went digging through my ao3 subscriptions and found a few of my favorites! So, without further ado,,,,
Paf's list of Among Us Fanfics you should totally go read right now
Cheating The Buddy System by Hertz: a really nice crewXcrew story, has a detailed and realistic description of choking and it's aftermath
colors by ellixtpage (orphan_account): has some pretty nice world building, stuff I haven't seen others do
Diary of a Bad Impostor by PaperJu: I like the formatting and it's story (and sequel!) are really nice
Diary of a Great Crew (and one Leader) by PaperJu: the aforementioned sequel, I just really liked this story, there are a couple more stories in the series and I recommend all of them
Friendly Fire by Hertz: a good impXimp, part of a five part series, enemies to friends to lovers, very funny imo
Ghost Ship by Pyroxenite: sadly never got past the 5th chapter, but a good story nonetheless
Impostor On Board by Hertz: surprise! Another Hertz story! I really like their stuff. Anyway this one is a good ol humans are space orcs style thing mixed with some cool alien culture stuff
Impostor Syndrome by TheAsexualofSpades: some platonic imp&crew with hurt/comfort and emotional damage, a real nice story
There's No Telling What You'll Find by Rawrpeep: jeez can you tell I like humans are space orcs? This one's got pranks, character development, aliens trying alcohol, conflict, all great stuff
Nine imposters among us by CreepyWaffleCO: This one had me on the edge of my seat after every chapter, so much variety with types of impostors, such fun character dynamics, and a great ending
On Foot I had to Cross the Solar System by JoyFriend: hasn't updated in a while sadly, but a very nice story. The second to last chapter had me so shook
Overrun by animatedrose: also hasn't updated in a while, but a very good story. Alternates between past and present, chalk full of tense moments
Planet of the Megafaunas (Revamp) by Haxorus: I actually read the first version of this, it was very good and I got excited when I saw the revamp cuz I was worried it was abandoned. I honestly can't find the right words, but trust me, it's good
The Docile Imposter by TheArtisticDragon: amnesia yay!!! Only has four chapters sadly, but what's there is nice
The Impostor Dilemma by BlackDragon41: an impostor struggling with morals! That's always fun. Probably abandoned, but a good story nonetheless
The Skeld Series by Elizabeth_Inkheart: a long story, very nice world building, seriously by the third story it's barely recognizable as Among Us it's so good go read it if you have a whole night free
Until We Part Ways by Supah: basically a stowaway decides to prank a crew until they no longer need to stay on the ship, very funny
aaaaaaand that's the list! I could probably find more, but these are just what I could find on my subscription list! Hope you enjoy these stories as much as I did!!
Also if you'd be interested I wrote a couple stories myself, as mentioned in the OG post, "Don't Scare Me Like That" and Harboring an Impostor are my babies and I'm actively writing some sister stories to go with them!
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anachronic-cobra · 4 years
What's the coolest rock you've seen
In person? Dunite xenoliths.
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They're what the mantle is made (along with peridotite and pyroxenite) of and look SUPER COOL under a petrographic microscope
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what-the-flux · 6 years
OC Meme: Swiftspark Topaz
Got tagged a second time but honestly you don’t have to tell me twice to want to fill out more of these!
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B A S I C S :
  Full name: Topaz, Swiftspark is a nickname she got when she was just out of saplinghood.   Gender: Female   Sexuality: Straight   Pronouns: She/Her
O T H E R :
  Family: She possesses no pod twin or anything similar so nothing in the way of biologically close family. Instead she considers her close friends and golems her family.   Birthplace: The Grove.   Job(s): Very much a Jack-of-all-Trades. Started off as a records clerk for the Vigil, apprentice for the Priory archives in Lornar’s before applying to be an exchange student in a krewe in Metrica for an experimental enterprise. Was a brilliant tech and got top marks but was let go after the Scarlet fiasco and distrust of sylvari was high. Was a Pact scrapper during the Mordremoth campaign, ordnance tester in a charr-centric Pact squad after that, became a combat medic understudy to an asura named Dr. Leta and got her catastrophic first injuries and implants while under her. Now runs her own scrapyard and tech shop.   Phobias: Enclosed spaces and deep, cramped subterranean passages.   Guilty pleasures: She’s an incorrigible thrill-seeker and stuntwoman, the more dangerous or ludicrous the challenge the better, ESPECIALLY if it has anything to do with heights or extreme speeds.   Hobbies: While tinkering and inventing could be considered her actual job, she also genuinely just loves messing with machinery, fixing and “fixing” things. Has also recently taken up the charr electric guitar.
M O R A L S :
  Moral alignment: Chaotic Good   Sins: lust / greed / envy / gluttony / pride / wrath / sloth     Virtues: charity / chastity / diligence / humility / justice / kindness / patience
T H I S - O R - T H A T :
   introvert / extrovert    organized / disorganized   close-minded / open-minded    calm / anxious / restless    disagreeable / agreeable / in-between    patient / impatient (varies; infinite patience for projects, none for most other things)    outspoken / reserved    leader / follower / flexible    empathetic / unempathetic    optimistic / pessimistic / realistic   traditional / modern / in-between    hard-working / lazy
R E L A T I O N S H I P S :
   OTP: Is in something akin to a civil union with a sylvari blacksmith named Pyroxenite but this relationship is very much considered open, so technically none.    Acceptable ships: She can fall for a surprising variety of types! Rule 1 though: Anyone that can take her constant sass and can dish it out just as easily.   OT3: None    BROTP: Is close friends with a lot of people, such as @spookygothmoth‘s Headmaster Whitby, Phlogistician Gankk and Enforcer Rilvor. She doesn’t believe the title of “bestie” should be limited to one individual.    NOTP: Anyone that shows signs of being too self-absorbed, morally bankrupt or too much of a wallflower but outside of that anything goes. Tends to not get along with those in law enforcement positions but exceptions can exist. Has an especial hatred for a scientist named Lady Absinthe though.
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chemicals1 · 11 months
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