#q mu' be kiddin' me
noir0neko · 7 years
to namjoon; a birthday card
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this is a post for kim namjoon on his sacred birthday. it is full of light and appreciation and sparkly laughter and happy tears of love for our leader mon, who has guided bts, and its individual members for nearly five years with intelligence, compassion, companionship, and care. there are so many things I have to say, I could create a post longer than the oxford dictionary, but i am exercising all forms of restraint to keep it kind of brief. i hope you enjoy and relate to my lov for eggmon,,, reblog, share, and add to this card to spread all the appreciation for this amazing human on his special day ♡ 
without further ado;
the man
How can you describe the man without describing how hard he has worked to become who he is now? From the depths of the underground rap scene to the top of international billboard charts, Kim Namjoon has embarked on a remarkable journey of self reflection, growth, and discovery, that we as ARMYS have had the honor of witnessing.
Namjoon has always been a seemingly humble man, never boasting about his looks, sincerely apologizing for mistakes, and allowing other members in the group to take charge. As a leader, he has been an amazing role model, and big(or little) brother to the rest of the group. And while he has always been quiet about his achievements there are many under his belt, he has written and composed many of bangtan’s tracks, he has outlined their comeback concepts, spoken on behalf of the group, produced his own mixtape and individual songs both for himself and other members, he has also collaborated with those he looks up to, not to mention taking the time to teach the other members English so they feel more confident in their abilities when abroad. He is heartfelt, sincere, humorous, despite the challenges presented to him with being a leader of an extremely popular band in the 21st century. He faces a lot of criticism, which I'm sure he is not ignorant to, especially regarding past cultural and lingual mistakes he has made, and being respectful and responsible he apologized, stopped, and still manages to hold his head high and be himself.
And he is himself. A goofy, clumsy, talented, extremely beautiful inside and out rapper who had carried Bangtan on his back for so long and is still strong and carries all of us ARMYS too. Without him, BTS would be unimaginable and there is no doubt that his strong and loving leadership has kept them all tied together as one. So to Namjoon, to Rap Monster, to the leader of Bangtan, you are irreplaceable and we love you so much.
namjoon abc’s
a- amazing, aesthetic, aegyo on point
b- brilliant
c- creative and cute
e- everything good and wholesome in the world, eggmon
f-for real the mAN Of tHE cenTury
g- god of destruction, god of looks, god of rap. god. just god.
h- how does he even exist???
i- intelligent as fuck
j- jfc i lov him
k- kool, 2 kool 4 skool, kimdaily
l- livin like larry
m- “my name is rap monster, R-A-P monster, not d-a-n-c-e monster.” 
n- “nOT d-A-n-CE mOnSter” 
o- oHmYgOd rEmember when hE sang fOols and broKe my wholE boDy
p- pocket monster in ur pocket
q- questions every single thing about life
r- runch randa on the streets, with ryan in the sheets
s- sailor mon, sleeve mon
t- those converse high tho bro
u- ummmm, “I wrote this, I composed this, I produced that, I sang that, I rapped this,” basically a milliontuple threat
v- very very very vErY ;;;;;)))))))))
w- “weLcome,, first time with bts??” 
x- x-ray my heart bitch it has his name on it
y- “yoU like nO skirt.”
z- zesty like a lemon, fresh like a salad
some highlight moments to capture the diversity of rapman
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this whole stAge tbh i watch it everyday
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i’m still wet for this hair
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and this look
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an actual king with a fake crown who stole my real heart
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this pic is blurry but my heart is still not beating, he looks so good in blUe
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everyday relatable asf namjoon
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u mu’ bE KIDDIN ME
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the best download i ever made right here
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oney true nineties kids remember namjoon’s obsession with crabs pt 1
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continuation of vintage 90′s flashback pt 1.5
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pt 2, the only trip memory he has 
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this mv is still a classIc and So waS hiS OUTFIT and thoSE FINGER GUNS
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if this isn’t the cutest thing you’ve seen u have no soul
deep quotes and life changing lyrics
“Are we dying to live, or living to die?” 
“Jimin, you got no jams.”
“Although youth can be beautiful, it can be short and wander off; like a shadow, it has a reckless danger to it.” 
“Even if you’re not perfect, you’re limited edition.” 
“Hiphop is dead. Only Sailor Mon survived.” 
"We normally think of love between a man and a woman. But I think caring for others is also love."
“I want to catch some crabs.” Part 1
“I want to catch some crabs.” Part 2
“I want to catch some crabs.” Part 3
“i”m a master baby with your bra.” 
“You can call me Converse pervert.” 
“Simply put, if there is no you(Army), there is no me.” 
“Members told me not to cook or five, for the sake of world peace.” 
“I am just me. I’m not an idol. I’m not an artist. I’m not hip hop. I’m not anything. I am just me. I am Rap Monster. I am Kim Namjoon.” 
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i just love him so much,,, it’s not as long as i originally planned but I'm so busy and i feel like this is so lame to show my love for him but i really hope he has the best birthday and gets alllll the love he deserves 
~Admin Eggplant
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