jacklinv · 2 years
Rtr claims that an Australian pension fund
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RTR Claims provide Pension Fund in Australia. RTR Claims is a claim management company and we provide many types of fund and insurance services. Let us for more information visit our website.  
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meow-moment · 11 months
when im quacking and dropping im qropping
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thealphareporter · 25 days
QROPS Direct Launches Comprehensive Services for UK Pension Holders in India
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universalnewspoint · 25 days
QROPS Direct Launches Comprehensive Services for UK Pension Holders in India
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hopetribune · 25 days
QROPS Direct Launches Comprehensive Services for UK Pension Holders in India
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conversationpoint · 25 days
QROPS Direct Launches Comprehensive Services for UK Pension Holders in India
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lizseyi · 1 year
Retirement Planning: Investing In UK Property – Abacus Gibraltar
Most affluent clients understand the tangible and intangible benefits of property investment. Despite the inherent risks of investing in “bricks and mortar”, property acquisitions remain a very popular asset class. Simple to understand, yet complex to determine their optimal holding structure.
The purchase of UK property can bring along an array of tax complications. SDLT to commence the process, possibly ATED if held under a conventional company or trust, VAT or personal income tax if rental income is received, CGT when the property is eventually sold and then IHT on death. Phew!
However holding UK property investments under a UK registered pension plan may result in attractive tax efficiencies. Commercial property is often held very successfully in a UK Self Invested Personal Pension(SIPP) or a small self-administered pension scheme (SASS). These are good retirement planning options for individuals who want to use their pension fund to benefit from property investment. They allow for receipt of rental income that may be passed on to the pension member as pension income after age 55.Furthermore, UK pension assets are also sheltered from IHT on death.
The downside to this arrangement is the restrictions placed on the value of UK pension funds by the UK lifetime allowance limits, currently set at £1,073,100 (2021/2022).This places severe limitations on the ability to place meaningful property investments into UK pension funds.
The introduction of pensions freedom in 2006 gave rise to the qualifying recognised overseas pension scheme (QROPs). These schemes provide the same gibraltar tax benefits as other pension funds and were popular with those people looking to relocate out of the UK on a permanent basis. However they did not allow residential property investment within the pension portfolio. Additionally on occasions these schemes were abused by some UK financial advisers looking to attract relatively small pension pots from UK residents for investment in speculative overseas assets.
An interesting complementary, yet not widely known, solution is the possibility of holding UK property, both residential and commercial, under a qualifying non-UK pension scheme (QNUPS). This is an overseas pension scheme that is recognised by HMRC and enjoys the same IHT exemptions attributed to UK registered pension schemes. They adhere to a specific set of regulatory rules and can offer an excellent supplementary retirement vehicle to one’s UK pension scheme.
in order for a pension scheme to be considered a QNUPS by HMRC it must meet the following criteria:
·        The scheme must have the same retirement age as would apply in the United Kingdom
·        It must only provide income after retirement
·        It must be available to the local population in the jurisdiction in which it is located
·        It must be recognised for tax purposes in the jurisdiction in which it is located
 A QNUPS needs to be designed with proper professional advice and established in the spirit of retirement planning.
They offer significant investment flexibility and can be setup under a trust-based or contract-based pension scheme, depending on the underlying structure and the cat 2 tax benefits applicable to the specific circumstances. Whilst they do not attract UK income tax relief the pension assets are not subject to UK IHT. Additionally a QNUPS is able to hold both commercial and residential property in the UK but is not subject to ATED.
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healthcareny · 2 years
4 key benefits of effective tax planning
Four major advantages of effective tax planning In addition to lowering your tax bill for yourself and your heirs, strategic and efficient tax planning can also help provide advantages for estate planning and boost investment returns. Is the primary goal of your savings and investments to generate growth, provide an income, or preserve your wealth? Maybe it's all of the aforementioned. Whatever the answer is, tax planning is crucial to preserving and maximizing your assets.
Strategic tax planning has numerous advantages, particularly for expatriates with cross-border considerations, despite the fact that the investment dog should not necessarily wag its tail in the same direction as the tax tail. Here are four examples.
1. A lower tax bill for you Let’s start with the most obvious benefit: you won't have to pay as much income tax, capital gains tax, or any other taxes on your assets, savings, pensions, or investments in your home country. Shouldn't you investigate if there is a more tax-efficient way to hold your capital and assets? However, a lot of people don't do that, so they end up paying more than they should. This could include paying income tax on bank interest that you aren't even using, as well as paying capital gains tax when you switch investments.
Additionally, many expatriates are caught out by failing to reevaluate their international living arrangements. ISAs and UK investment bonds, which were tax-free when you were a UK resident, become taxable in your home country once you are no longer a UK resident. In the meantime, you might be missing out on alternative structures that could legitimately lessen your tax burden and offer other potential advantages, like currency flexibility.
2. Reduced tax burden on your heirs naturally The less tax you pay during your lifetime, the more you must spend now or leave to your chosen heirs. However, you might also be able to reduce your inheritance tax burden for your heirs by using certain investment structures. For estate planning purposes, a locally compliant life assurance bond, for instance, can be extremely tax-efficient. Ideally, you want a solution that reduces inheritance taxes while also providing tax-efficient income and investment growth over time; therefore, you should look into your options with expert advice.
3. Increased flexibility in estate planning Strategic tax planning can also assist in making things simpler for your family when you pass away. Additionally, many tax-efficient investment arrangements provide additional control and flexibility for estate planning. When transferred to a Qualifying Recognized Overseas Pension Scheme (QROPS) or reinvested in a suitable tax-efficient structure for your country of residence, you can pass funds on to other chosen beneficiaries frequently without having to go through probate. The majority of UK pensions, for instance, are only transferable to your spouse upon death.
4. Getting the most out of real returns Effective tax planning also helps returns outpace the cost of living. After accounting for taxes, expenses, and inflation, the actual "real" returns are ultimately what determine an investment's value. Property, for instance, is praised for its relatively high long-term returns; however, the tax burden can be very high in comparison to other assets due to stamp duty, local rates, capital gains, and possibly wealth taxes, depending on where you live.
When investing, the first step should always be to ensure that your portfolio is well-diversified and tailored to your circumstances, requirements, objectives, time horizon, and risk tolerance. However, returns can be reduced by taxes that could have been avoided or at least significantly reduced if proper tax planning is not followed.
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jacklinv · 2 years
Insurance for Loan Protection
When you can't afford to pay your bills or are otherwise unable to do so, loan protection insurance is a type of protection insurance that can help. As with consumer credit insurance, it is similar. Different policies will provide varying levels of coverage. In essence, LPI is intended to provide coverage in the event of involuntary unemployment, disability, serious injury, and other circumstances. Visit Our Website for More.
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If you are already retired or planning to retire abroad, this is the time to review your pension options – before the rules potentially change.
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sameer123jugal · 5 years
Living in the UK and have decided to move back to India? Transfer your pension to India easily and without a worry. Visit the website for more information.
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I read an interesting article recently which has prompted this blog, written by Blair duQuesnay, CFA®, CFP® – an investment adviser at Ritholtz Wealth Management, LLC. Blair suggests that the most important change needed in the financial industry is qualifications. Poorly qualified advisers give poor investment advice. Bad investments advice leads to loss of funds. Blair has said one thing that underpins all the work we do at Pension Life: “The bar to hold oneself out as a financial advisor is low, shockingly low. This is all the more shocking because the stakes are so high. Clients have only one chance to save and invest for retirement. If bad advice leads to the unnecessary loss of capital, there is no time to start over.” Read the full article here: https://pension-life.com/raising-standards-financial-advisers-and-qualifications/ #pensionlife #pensionscam #sipps #qrops #brexit #safeguardyourpension #offshoreIFA #offshoreinvestments #poshbriefcase #BADINVESTMENT #blairduquesnay #changeisgood #lifeadvice #financialservices https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvykd6oBW7_/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=sy9y6s1motr
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cjfinance-co-uk · 4 years
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A SIPP can still be used by non-UK residents to manage their UK pensions in abroad. Cameron James is a dedicated and professional financial advisor offering  sipp for non uk residents and Expats to manage their pension in various countries. Visit our website for more details.
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prismxpat · 6 years
Why Do You Need an International Pension Transfer Specialist?
In a world of ever-increasing global mobility, investment goals and retirement policies of several who have moved to work overseas from the UK are under increased focus. With people moving around the world for work and settling down in new countries, there is a requirement for specialist expertise in helping these people deal with their finances and pensions successfully, especially where these are assets are located abroad. International pension transfer specialists help the expatriates and others to deal judiciously with their finances to achieve their pension goals and objectives.
The job of an international pension transfer specialist is to help guide investors through the complexity of international financial and pension decisions, and where relevant to transfer assets relating to pension and others across international borders. The transfer of pension funds across boundaries usually requires advice (especially where final salary pensions are involved) and a strong understanding of the client’s financial priorities, objectives, residency situation, tax differentials and investment risk profile. Once it has been decided that a cross border pension transfer should be undertaken, the process commences to ensure that the implementation of the international pension transfer is properly undertaken. This needs a thorough review to ensure a seamless transaction to provide the required outcome. This is only possible with the help of experts who have an in-depth knowledge of international pension policies and transfer procedures.
Every country has a different law and therefore, requires experience in closing or re-opening pension plans when they move along the international borders. Pension advisors will also usually help in setting up investment strategies for any transferred pension and therefore, help the clients to make well-thought over investments in line with their risk profile and properly working for their retirement.
The benefits of an international pension transfer include reducing exchange rate risk, protecting death benefits for dependents, significant tax savings through having your pension in your local (or a more favourable) tax jurisdiction, or gaining flexibility on how you use your funds in retirement. Disadvantages can include forgoing a guaranteed income stream, loss of inflation linking, or in some cases paying additional taxes. Whilst the benefits of a transfer can be significant, professional advice should be sought in each case as each client’s situation is different and a transfer is not always in your best financial interests.
As well as transfers, many international advice specialists can also aid in building a successful portfolio for further investment of non-pension assets in the new arena. Since it is about the years of hard-earned money, it is essential to ensure that these funds are properly invested.
All it takes is a call to an experienced international pension transfer specialist to help you make an informed decision as part of preparing for what for many will be their best stage of life - the exciting phase after the long years of well-managed jobs and transfers have been completed.
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qropsdirect · 3 years
Get The Benefits of QROPS Pension Transfer
QROPS Direct is the reliable & trusted financial planning advisor company in India, that will helps you to avail the benefits of qrops. They will provide facilities that have worked in the UK and want to shift to India or any part of the world.
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wisenri-blogs · 2 years
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