#qtr stobin
withacapitalp · 2 years
Steve and Robin's First Sleepover
Because they were definitely fucked up after season three :D
Okay so after they manage to convince the EMTs that they didn't need to go to the hospital, that their injuries from the 'fire' aren't that severe, Robin and Steve walked back to his house. He still didn't know where his car keys were, probably in the pocket of some dead Russian dude, so they walked.
They were both still a little bit looped from whatever drug they had been given, and Steve is in that weird up in the air headspace he gets in when these things are over. It's like his brain just takes a lap once the adrenaline rushes off, and he can't really respond to Robin's talking beyond a nod or the occasional hum. She understands though, and she talks enough for the both of them
Steve hadn't even really thought about what was happening until they were standing in his bedroom. Alone in his bedroom of his empty empty house. If it was any other girl or any other night, they would be here for another reason.
But they aren't, and Steve is well past his limit of making smart decisions for the night. So while Robin is awkwardly looking around, Steve takes the initiative to root in his drawers and pull out pajamas for the both of them, holding out a soft old grey t-shirt with rips along the seam and black fuzzy sweatpants, offering her his ensuite while he showers in his parents room.
He stands under the water until it stops running pink, soap stinging in his cuts and his whole body aching. It's good though, the pain gives Steve something to hang onto, something to think about. Anything to think about besides monsters made of people, and people who were monsters but who didn't die that way, and people who were good, so good, so very very good, but still died anyway.
Steve stands there until the water runs cold.
By the time he returns, Robin is already burrowed under the covers. Her eyes are glassy, and she's shaking, but she doesn't startle when he slips into bed next to her. She turns towards him and he pulls her in close. They've never done anything like this before, but Robin fits kind of perfectly in his arms, and she's stopped shaking, so he must be doing something right. He lets his cheek rest on her head and closes his eyes, taking a long breath and letting it out in a sigh.
Her hair smells like his shampoo. The shampoo he stole from his parents bathroom without their knowledge. Because it's good for volume, but his father would scream at him for hours if he knew that Steve was using something made for women. It's the shampoo that his mother has used all his life, a smell that reminded him of sitting in her lap and reading together, back when he was small and their family hadn't yet crumbled to pieces.
He misses his mother.
"Should this be weird?" Robin's voice is wavering, hesitant, like she's scared to say it out loud and break the peace that's slowly falling over them.
"Maybe," Steve admits. Maybe it should be weird given what Steve knows about her, and what she knows about him. It should be weird because only a year and a half ago he might have hated Robin if he found out she was lesbian. A year and a half ago she would have been disgusted to find out he had a crush on her.
But they just got tortured together. They just stopped the end of the world together. They just shared some of their deepest secrets together. They almost died together, and having her in his arms reminds Steve that not everyone he cares about is gone. So Steve just holds her closer, and Robin curls in a little tighter, and they're both asleep before they can say anything else.
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