borddeleau-estrie · 1 month
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NWR #17 "The Belgae Confederation"
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The Belgae Confederation, better known by there individual names of Ambiorix and Boudica, is incredibly large and powerful engine from Belgium, and they are named after the ancient Belgae confederation, while there individual names come from famous ancient Celtic figures. Ambiorix is the more out-going yet hot headed of the two while Boudica is more mature yet cautious, and both are incredibly reliable and hard-working as well. They were built as the Belgian Franco-Crosti Boiler locomotive in 1932 in Tubize, with a 0-6-2+2-4-2-4-2+2-6-0 wheel configuration, making them a quadruplex locomotive. In 1935, they were purchased along with Andreyev, and the engine was used for heavy goods work on the mainline. In 2019, the engine was renumbered from 2096 to 17. They are still working on the mainland today, working together as a unit.
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scienza-magia · 23 days
Misteriose eliche evanescenti nel DNA umano
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Mappati gli enigmatici nodi del Dna. Sono 50mila, potrebbero avere un ruolo contro tumori e infezioni. Mappati alcuni dei misteriosi ‘nodi’ che compaiono lungo il filamento a doppia elica del Dna umano: si tratta dei cosiddetti i-motifs, punti in cui il Dna perde la sua classica struttura e si attorciglia provvisoriamente e che potrebbero avere un ruolo fondamentale in alcune patologie e per nuovi farmaci antitumorali e antivirali. A coordinare il lavoro pubblicato sull'Embo  Journal è stato Daniel Christ, dell’Istituto Garvan in Australia, con il contributo di Sara Richter, Irene Zanin e Emanuela Ruggiero, dell’Università di Padova.
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 Rappresentazione artistica della doppia elica del Dna (fonte: Pixabay) “Sappiamo da alcuni anni che il Dna non esiste solo nella sua forma di doppia elica, quella che possiamo definire canonica”, ha detto all’ANSA l’italiana Ruggiero. “In alcuni momenti – ha aggiunto – il Dna può assumere strutture di vario tipo e alcune di queste, molto interessanti, sono quelle cosiddette quaternarie poiché sono una sorta di nodi formati da 4 filamenti, i g-quadruplex e gli i-motifs”. Sono simili a nodi che compaiono in fasi ben precise dell’attività cellulare, ad esempio nella replicazione, e poi svaniscono rapidamente, e finora erano quasi impossibili da studiare. Una svolta è arrivata nel 2018 quando proprio i ricercatori australiani hanno messo a punto una molecola capace di riconoscere e legarsi a questi nodi, una sorta di targhetta evidenziata per poterli studiare.
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Rappresentazione grafica di uno dei nodi del Dna (fonte: Garvan Institute) “Ma siamo ancora alle primissime fasi di studio – ha sottolineato Ruggiero – e al momento il grosso del lavoro è soprattutto identificare e studiare tutte queste strutture che molto probabilmente hanno un ruolo importante nell’attività cellulare e anche in molte patologie, sia nelle cellule tumorali che in caso di infezioni da parte di virus che attivano ad esempio la propria replicazione sulla sequenza di Dna”.  Il nuovo studio aiuta proprio in questa direzione: una mappa dei circa 50mila nodi di tipo i-motifs che possono prodursi nelle cellule umane e su cui in futuro si lavorerà per identificare nuovi farmaci e terapie. Read the full article
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medicomunicare · 5 months
R-loops work with TERRA project at the G4 telomere meeting: and ILF-3 is not the correct option to erase SASPects
Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of linear chromosomes that protect genome stability. At their level, particular forms of chromatin may be found. G-quadruplexes (G4s) are noncanonical nucleic acid structures pivotal to cellular processes and disease pathways. Deciphering G4-interacting proteins is imperative for unraveling G4’s biological significance. Very recently, scientists…
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beebfreeb · 7 months
Ok. So. Quadruplex VTRs
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Oh Hell Yeah Now That's A Beast.
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wordfromoursponsor · 4 months
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"New Quadruplex TV Tape Recorder: compact, completely transistorized, compatible recorder at a budget price!" (1964)
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sierrathesimmer · 2 years
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A quadruplex apartment townhome that includes 4 units. Each unit includes 2 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms, garage, patio, balcony and a den. Unit #1810 comes fully furnished.
This lot will work as functional Residential lot. You could also use LittleMsSam's Roommate mod to have other people living in the other townhomes. Make sure to tag my socials below if you use the build in any way. Enjoy! Disregard the Christmas decorations, it's that time of year in my game.
Lot Size - 40 x 30 | view more in-game screenshots here.
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DL [Patreon] Public Release - 10/27
Thank you to all the cc creators that made this build possible!
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kylo-wrecked · 6 months
SHIPPING INFO:// Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog
*~Fair warning, unreliable munarrator~*
What’s your OTP for your Muse(s)?
I don’t have fandom OTPs (though I do have ships I favor over others). As such, I don’t have true rp OTPs. I understand this isn’t the norm… my condolences. 
To jump on the… no, PULL, the bandwagon, like a mule, I say… *chin-hands* I cherish all the ships you see here, from the familial to the romantic to the sadistic (currently active or not).  Since I enjoy a variety of dynamics, I feel very lucky to have the muns and friends who’ve taken the time to write with me, especially over this last year. 
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
I like to feel things out through the writing and let the ships sail organically and perhaps also majestically along the Aegean... or straight into Charybdis; it depends. When the writing works, I find we’ll inevitably have conversations about where we want to set our sails. When in doubt or with a new mun, I try to follow your lead. Pre-establishing ships are something we have to discuss and plot. 
I don’t partake in pregnancy threads, nor do I read them. No exceptions.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
Mun can take or leave age gaps. The muse… In default aus, Modern!/Music!Ben’s around 30-34, and as (self conscious) public figures, I’m not sure either would date under 28. But Music!Ben is Music!Ben. Ex-Con!Ben is 34+ and, at any rate, would much rather any romantic interest be at least around his age. 
I move all over Dark!Ren’s timeline. Sometimes he’s he’s a 40-something-year-old cyborg who absorbed all his knights and roams wild space for fresh meat.  Sometimes, he’s a deranged 25-year-old still-kind-of-a-kid on a leash holding a bunch of other deranged kids on leashes. His primary interest is the Ren. You do the math. 
Are you selective when shipping?
Romance/sensual/sexual: Yes and no. No, because I like to ship. Yes, because consent, communication, compatibility, and chemistry are what make a ship fly. (Quadruplex, bitch!) We’re not getting to That Side of Neverland on nothing but pixie dust. 💅
Familial/platonic: Trick question, we still have to have the four Cs. 
As a side note on romantic ships, so long as we keep things PG-13/fade to black, we don’t have to talk all the time or often. We can sail side by side in silence while our muses figure things out.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
‘S’all about the motion of the ocean, na mean? If it gets kinky and implicit, we can keep it on the blog. If it gets kinky and explicit, we whisk it off to Discord. This only happens if we have a bond. This has been a PSA… 
Who are other muses you ship your muse with?
My muse has as many connections as I can write/keep up with. They can be seen right here on kylo-wrecked.tumblr.com for free! Read more—no jk. 
There is invariable potential.
@etoilebleu, @itmeanspeace, @ifyoucatchacriminal, @lastxdragon, @silverjetsystm, @valkxrie, @brooklynislandgirl, @nightmarefuele , @mayxthexforce , @chromium-siren , @smokinmirrors are some muns I ship with romantically. Sometimes, the ships are in a questionable state. Sometimes, they're toxic. Sometimes the ships are made out of lies. Sometimes, they're not even ship-shaped; who knows? They all have flags, and the flags flap proudly.
Famships with @desireandduty and @shadowedlights (exploring with @mnolith / @destincd).
Muses my variants are still getting to know (because I am slow, etc.): @bewitchingbaker, @smolcuriouskitten, @corinnebaileyrp, @southern-belle-outcasts (Nilza), @protectmypeople (lol).
Come one, come all.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
Gone corporate: let’s have a quick check-in to see whether we’re aligned.
How often do you like to ship?
Gone automation: I’m sorry, I didn’t get that. Please try again later. *dial tone*
Are you multiship?
Yes, and as many muns have said before me, I ship across verses. Picture it: me on a good day, potentially you, shipping across the universe… 
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
More-or-less. I’m here for juicy writing of all types. 
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
I’m a near-fandomless sham. Something broke in me, idk. I can think of the most erotic scene I’ve seen in a movie in quite some time, but it’s controversial and doesn’t belong here teehee. 
Finally, how does one ship with you?
We write a little. We talk a little. The rest we’ll make up as we go along. I don’t love plotting myself into corners when the sea we write on is fluid. Feels weird, man. 
tagged by:  my @brooklynislandgirl
tagging: thief it and tag me
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didanawisgi · 4 months
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saltcover · 7 months
Nüss. Segundo o canal Tela Ácida, que falou sobre novelas da TV Globo que foam apagadas, um 'rolinho' de videotape Quadruplex (2 polegadas) custaria hoje algo como uns 8000 reais, o que faria compra de simples fitas para gravação um investimento que (informação nossa) só perderia para as câmeras. Que ainda assim, podem ser alugadas.
Sendo que fitas profissionais não costumavam passar de 1 hora, só quando começou a ter o DVCAM (digital) que começaram a ter fitas de mais de 1h, mas ainda sem chegar a duas.
Eu ia perguntar o que a Quantegy acha disso, mas parece que eles não existem mais T-T Até recentemente eles fabricavam mídias magnéticas, inclusive de rolo, usada como master de gravadoras (de música, mesmo)
Então o cara era rico?! Segundo consta, só existem episódios do programa Monty Python's Flying Circus para serem vistos hoje porquê Terry Gilliam (americano e o animador do grupo) fez um acordo com a BBC, ficava com os VTs gravados do programa e pagava fitas novas para a emissora pública britânica (*privajossa essa tiça!) Senão eles regravavam tudo.
E recentemente foi divulgado que os VTs originais da novela Mandala foram usados para gravar a novela Vale Tudo. Sim, os mesmos. Mandala só existe em sua "versão internacional", aparentemente editada e copiada para formatos menores, como 1 polegada ou U-Matic.
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ribosome-papers · 2 days
Structural and dynamic consequences of inosine, 2'-O-methylation, and N6-methyladenosine modifications in RNA G-quadruplex: A molecular dynamics study
bioRxiv: http://dlvr.it/TDdZfn
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Here’s some extra trivia on some new OCs from my Thomas AU. And what there faces look like.
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fabioperes · 1 month
Mais Cor em Sua Vida - Tupi, 31/03/1972 O primeiro especial colorido da TV. Foi reprisado pela TV Cultura em algum momento dos anos 90. No especial "40 anos de TV" é mostrada inclusive a restauração da Quadruplex deste programa. Do acervo de José Marques Neto. via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBLEnNrY9D4
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clairestrogen · 2 months
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I love youtube recommendations cos like why like what huh???? Specifically season 34?????
I never watched an episode of simpsons in my life youtube should be recommending me Ampex Quadruplex related videos not this
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popgenpapers · 4 months
Unraveling the Role of G-Quadruplexes in Alternative Polyadenylation (APA): A Focus on Neogenin 1
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wilshirequinn · 5 months
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 With our 🚀 rapid bridge loans, we cater to various commercial properties including offices, mixed-use spaces, industrial warehouses, retail outlets, and even unique ventures like 🚗 car washes, 🏡 mobile home parks, 🅿️ parking lots, and ⛽ gas stations. Trust Wilshire Quinn to make your commercial real estate dreams a reality!
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Don't let the slow pace of traditional banks hold you back! At Wilshire Quinn, headquartered in vibrant San Diego, California, we're all about speed and reliability. Since 2004, we've been leading the way in the capital markets, providing rapid funding solutions for borrowers nationwide. 
With our 🌐 nationwide reach and diverse portfolio, we specialize in both commercial and residential real estate. From 🏢 offices and 🛒 retail spaces to 🏡 residential properties of all kinds, Wilshire Quinn is your go-to partner for swift financing and consistent returns.
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 Whether you're acquiring warehouses, distribution centers, or manufacturing facilities, our 🏦 bridge loans provide the flexibility and speed you need to succeed. Trust Wilshire Quinn to fuel your industrial real estate ventures and deliver consistent returns for investors.
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Ready to invest in residential real estate? Wilshire Quinn is your trusted partner for fast and reliable funding solutions! 🌴 Based in San Diego, California, we've been leading the way in the capital markets since 2004. Whether you're interested in single-family residences, condominiums, apartments, duplexes, triplexes, or quadruplexes, our 🏦 bridge loans provide the flexibility and speed you need to make your investments a success. Trust Wilshire Quinn to accelerate your residential real estate ventures and deliver consistent returns for investors.
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