airasora · 1 year
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I am so unbelievably happy with this manip, you guys have no idea. I always love blushing manips and these two shots of Belle and Quasi work so well together 🥰
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wodimewoahtime · 1 year
female marketing quaser be like quasel
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fizzpopped · 3 years
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Double trouble
So much for a one-off character huh? Quasel has gone through a few design changes since I first created them and I figured it would be fun to see them both interacting with one another
His personality hasn't budged at all, it's something I don't ever intend on changing. He's the perfect polar opposite of both Aqua and Cecessel's personalities with him being a goofy idiot who says things before thinking but genuinely means well. Design-wise, the only things that have really changed is the amount of hair/fur he had and his figure. I toned the hair back because it was hard to read his anatomy and his hair made no sense what so ever. His figure is overall leaner and lankier, he still has a tiny pot belly but I think him being narrow fits better than the giant hips he had before.
Oh and he has pants now, which makes all the old art of him oddly nude.
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airasora · 1 year
Here's a different type of video: A concept video! What I meany that is that this video, in comparison to my usual WIPs and previews, is not a work in progress or a future video - it's simply me experimenting with these two scenes and doing very bare bones editing to see if the scenes would work together or not. Literally just an experiment.
When I posted my Quasimodo color palette experiment, I mentioned I badly wanted to find someone to ship Quasimodo with. Someone reminded me of my OLD Quasimodo and Belle video which also had Esmeralda and Beast in it. It was an old video where I was planning to simply switch the couples around while sticking mostly to the BATB plot. When I say old I mean OLD, it's almost 10 years old-old.
It sparked some creativity in my brain and I might be leaning towards shipping Quasimodo with Belle. It would make almost too much sense given that Belle is my usual choice for making a (non)Disney avatar version for myself (and have been for over a decade) and Quasimodo being one of my first cartoon crushes and STILL being a comfort character of mine today. It almost feels like self-insert and… it's healing my childhood heart a bit x'D
So Quaselle (yes, I love their ship name SO MUCH) might become a big ship of mine. Too early to say, but the seeds are planted - let's see what becomes of it xD
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airasora · 8 months
Oh, I will send more later because they are super interesting but this one immediately got my attention: 33, What is their wedding day like? For Hollina, Rolfmaine, Quaselle and Sinric (I didn't plan on having two straight and two gay couples LOL those are the ones that are very intriguing to me in regards to the wedding)
What is their wedding day like?
Holli and Lina's wedding would be a big event. They both know a lot of people and care about making their wedding be as great as their love for each other. Even though they have had their disagreements about certain aspects of their wedding (like Holli wanting something elegant and modern, and Lina wanting something princessy and fairytale-like) they have managed to meet in the middle and their wedding will be remembered for decades. Their wedding day is filled with flowers, fairy lights, karaoke, glass tiles for the dancing area, and you better believe their first dance is choreographed to the max! And they have a first song too, because of course they do.
I also made a short fanfic about Holli's feelings about wearing a wedding veil you can read here.
Both John and Anastasia agreed they wanted a big, disgustingly elegant wedding. John Rolfe is used to fancy parties with stuffy clothing and waltzing around in a ballroom, and while Anastasia can't dance to save her life, she loves the same things John does. Their guest list, however, would not be exceptionally big. Both of them have few family members and a few friends, so despite the elegant setting and atmosphere, the wedding would still be intimate. John would consider playing a diplomatic move and invite acquaintances, but ultimately he didn't want to have to put pressure on Anastasia on her wedding day.
Simple and sweet forest ceremony, not truly a traditional wedding. I don't see Belle being religious and Quasimodo would have a very strained relationship with Christianity after all the religious trauma he's been through. So their wedding would be much more about having a day where they tell the world they love each other and intend to be together till death do them part. Neither Belle or Quasimodo would want a big, fancy wedding either. And while some might have expected them to get married in Notre Dame, ultimately the place has too many bitter memories for Quasimodo despite Notre Dame holding a lot of good memories for him as well. And Belle is a simple girl, ultimately she only cares about marrying Quasimodo and sharing the moment with friends and family. The party AFTER the ceremony though? Big street party. Even though Belle and Quasimodo are somewhat introverted and prefer small gatherings, they have a huge amount of acquaintances who would want to celebrate them, and they wouldn't be against that. But the ceremony would be just for them, Maurice, Esmeralda, Phoebus and Zephyr.
Eric's a prince; his wedding WILL be the event of the century, which is absolutely fine with Sinbad. They're both massive extroverts and thrive in big crowds, Sinbad especially loves all the attention and the jealous glances he'd get all day from bitter, rejected suitors of Eric. There's also the fact they had to hide their relationship for a while so once it's finally out there, they both want to show each other off to the world. Sinbad would hog Eric all night, dancing with him so much they'll both be exhausted by the time their wedding WEEK is over.
Want to ask a question about one of my OTPs? Check the OTP asks here!
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airasora · 1 year
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airasora · 8 months
21. Any routines one has that the other had to get used to (ex. morning, nighttime, sleeping habits)? For all your OTPs!
Lina is a morning parson, or rather she's "the sun is up, so I'm up" person. She hates the winter because of the lack of light and the cold, so that's when she becomes really sleepy. She practically has winter depression. Holli though prefers to wake up whenever. She's a night owl and has more energy during the evenings and nights than during the day. However, the sun or moon has nothing to do with that - it's just that she grew up in a nighttime environment so it's what her body is inevitably used to.
John is a very light sleeper and Anastasia is, unfortunately, someone who both snores and changes position in her sleep every 15 minutes. For a long time, John barely slept at all when he and Anastasia spent the night together. Eventually, they did the practical thing and started sleeping separately. Their night time routine consists of cuddling for a good half hour before going to sleep in their individual bedrooms. Whoever wakes up first, crawls into bed with the other so they get to wake up in each other's arms.
Odette talks to animals. All the time. If there's an animal, she'll talk to it. Thrax doesn't get it. What could an animal have to say that's worth listening to? It's weird. Just so fucking weird. But despite that, he'll wait patiently every time she's distracted by an animal she wants to strike up a conversation with. And, yeah, he can admit it's kinda cute.
While both she and Christopher love energetic hobbies, like swordfighting, horseback-riding and dancing, Christopher also enjoys laid-back activities like reading. Jasmine however cannot sit still for that long. 10 minutes into a book and her leg starts to bounce. So she doesn't do well with just cuddling either. She likes cuddling, just not for very long or without something exciting going on at the same time. Like watching fireworks, a play, listen to music, anything at all. But she absolutely cannot sit still and just... chill.
Sinbad can't dance. Can't play any instruments. Is overall extremely ignorant on anything artistic. Eric is extremely artistic, though. Plays the flute, dances randomly, can sing too. All Sinbad can do is clap, and even then, it's sometimes off beat. Both of them had to learn that the other is on the complete opposite on the artistic scale. Sinbad sometimes hates that stupid flute, and Eric loves waking him up with it.
Quasimodo and Belle are very similar in a lot of ways. Both enjoy books and stories, are somewhat introverted, and love spending quality time with each other even if they don't talk or even do the same activity. Quasimodo though has a very high work moral and is almost OCD either certain things. For example Belle will try to help him polish a bell and he knows that logically the way the bell is polished is just fine, but he HAS to be the one who polished the bell. So Belle might attempt to help, but Quasi winds up doing it himself again. It's a bit frustrating to Belle that she can't help him with any of his many chores in Notre Dame, but she understands that those bells and the gargoyles were his entire world for the first 20 years of his life, so his oddities with the way things are done make sense.
Oh, hell, where to even begin with these two. Neither of them can cook, but Robin will attempt and burn something while Basil has hired someone to do it for him. It's more practical than wasting time and food resources. They both play the violin, but while Basil prefers classical music, Robin prefers upbeat music. More than once, they've had a violin duel where they just played completely different songs to annoy the other. Robin has a habit of leaving things around, like a mug he just finished drinking from, and Basil hates mess like that because it distracts him.
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airasora · 1 year
Just finished making Belle and Quasimodo in the sims and the SECOND I put them into the world, they started having sex.
I think that's a sign.
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airasora · 1 year
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airasora · 1 year
"The Belle ringer"
A Quasimodo and Belle fanfic.
That's it, that's the post. I'm very proud of my pun 🤣🤣🤣
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airasora · 4 months
do u have any guilty pleasure songs?=?
In general... I love cheesy long songs by boy bands xD I love that upbeat, summer feeling I get from them.
Here's a few favorites, but I have MANY MORE. And please send happy boyband love songs my way if you have any favorites too, it's my go-to "I'm sad and need cheering up" music xD
And yes, I have made videos with the majority of these songs xD
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airasora · 8 months
I have an online friend who LOVES to point out whatever random sexual thought that pops into their twisted little mind. And they very recently watched Disney's The Hunchback of Notre Dame for the very first time with me, since this is my favorite Disney movie.
And they pointed out something that I can't unsee and just as a warning, this is... kinda NSFW.
My friend pointed out the, um... size... of Quasi's hands.
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They said, and I quote:
"I don't know what birth defect Quasimodo has, but if something is wrong with his junk, those fingers can still get the job done."
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I KNEW THEY WERE BIG, BUT... my friend is right. Holy shit.
And now my friend is trying to convince me to do a smutty Quaselle fanfic with this, uh, "discovery" 😳
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airasora · 8 months
How about '34. How do they cheer the other one up during sad times?'? You can choose which or how many couples, I like to be surprised.
Also, your ships are adorable!
34. How do they cheer the other one up during sad times?
Holli and Lina are fundamentally very different people, but something they have in common is their love for music and dancing. Doesn't matter that their tastes are completely different, they both love ALL music. It's both of their go tos for comforting each other. Lina for example has a heavy fear of thunder (generally bad weather of any kind) and Holli will sing to her to calm her down. And if Holli is feeling down, Lina will either sing a heartfelt, genuine sing about how amazing Holli is or she'll do a goofy dance.
Basil rarely feels upset, but when he does it's HEAVY. He's never just a little bit upset or angry, it's always very big emotions with Basil. Cheering him up is pretty easy though. He just needs a mental challenge to focus on then he'll eventually get over whatever made him upset to begin with. Robin is much more tricky though. Despite spending a lot of time with Little John, Robin has usually dealt with his feelings on his own and Basil isn't particularly emotionally intellectual. He'd try to fix whatever has Robin upset, but if it's not something he can fix, he doesn't really know what to do. So he goes at it pragmatically and simply asks Robin directly what he needs. And whatever that is, Basil will provide.
Years of abuse don't just magically go away even though his life is pretty amazing now. Quasimodo tends to self-isolate when his mind is mean to him, and Belle struggles with whether to give him space or comfort him. So she usually does a mix by approaching him, holding him for a bit while reminding him of everyone who loves him, gives him a kiss, and then leaves him alone. She knows he'll come back when he's ready. She just doesn't want him to feel alone until then. And Quasimodo has a lot of ways to cheer up Belle. A rose can sometimes do the trick, or he'll whittle a figurine for her inspired by her favorite book chatacters or simply get her a new book.
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airasora · 1 year
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Here's Quaselle for the sims 4!
You might be wondering why Belle is clearly wearing CC that was designed to match what she actually wears whereas Quasimodo is wearing sims canon clothes, specifically from Journey to Baatu. While I found plenty of good CC for him, in the long run I preferred this look for him.
Sometimes I want to stay very true to canon when making sims versions of (non)Disney characters and other times I want to find something that matches the same aesthetic. Quasimodo and Belle are a good example of this because Quasimodo is wearing no CC whatsoever and Belle is practically only CC (except for the shoes).
I can't really explain when and why I want to use CC and when I don't, it depends on the character and what I can find x'D
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airasora · 1 year
I was listening to my old French music collection, as one does (they're songs that were popular when my dad was little and that my grandmother loved, so they're very special to me) and I came across one that gave me an idea related to the stuff you've been posting recently and especially the yandere Quasimodo post.
The song is called Les Marionnettes, by a singer named Christophe. And I've always found it a bit creepy. At first it's all happy and peppy and upbeat, with the singer explaining that he makes puppets for a living, and the material he uses, and that he would like to introduce you to them because they're all so very cute. He introduces you to "the prettiest one", who knows how to say Papa and Mama, and next to her is her brother, who can tell if it'll rain or be sunny tomorrow. The chorus about wanting to show you the pretty puppets repeats but it's kinda more forceful. Next we have "a little clown that makes us all laugh", and that turns every day into a party. Even "poor little Alexa", the puppet next to the clown, forgets that she's been crying ever since she was made. He launches on another tirade about how he makes them, but by the end he sorta sounds hysterical, and starts screaming about how the puppets will tell you, the listener, that he's their friend. And the fade-out is him dissolving into that, "I'm their friend, I'm their friend, I'm their friend!"
So the idea I had... Well, Quasimodo makes dolls, right? And they're based off real people he's seen from the roof. I was thinking of a Quaselle version of that scene with Esmeralda where he shows her his workbench and the stuff he makes. Only, there's a very special part to the collection: the puppets, the ones he took time to make fully articulate because they're his favorite. I was thinking the prettiest one is Alice, since the Papa Mama thing implies that it's a child. Her "brother" I'm not sure, Peter maybe. The happy clown is Clopin, mostly because of the clothes (the french word used can suggest a variety of types of clowns harlequins etc, not just the typical 🤡 look). And the last one I'm not sure, but it could even be Esmeralda.
Belle is super impressed by the level of craftsmanship; if the regular dolls were good, these ones look like real people!
Except, she realizes, they ARE real people. They're people Quasimodo grew to care for, one way or another, and got lured into the tower, where he turned them into dolls (what exactly he did is at your discretion, I'm thinking a painless death and preserving the body or some form of paralysis, maybe both like in that one episode of Criminal Minds) to be able to look after them and protect them from the evil world.
The next thing Belle realizes is that the door is locked.
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fizzpopped · 4 years
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Dodgy dealings (Backlog)
A response to someone else's drawing, looks like he's found someone who trade in less than kosher goods- though Quasel is oblivious as per usual.
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