#quick serotonin
blue-and-dog · 1 year
Stonewalling (AKA “I’m Not Romancing the Stone!”) [OC X Canon Pokemon story]
(Featuring an illustration!)
Note: Still fleshing out this character but I wrote this to give myself some quick serotonin.
Summary: Alanis’s dad is business partners with Devon Corporation CEO Joseph Stone. When the pair arrange for Joseph’s son and Alanis to get married, despite having never met, Alanis goes to meet her new fiancé and “celebrate” the engagement, fully intent on ending things. Turns out, Steven Stone also has something he wants to say.
Alanis checked her phone again. She sighed. Why am I doing this…? She felt ridiculous…exposed, even, sitting alone in that booth in Lilycove City’s most elite restaurant.
“Dad, I thought we discussed this already,” Alanis began, “I’m not looking to get married right now.”
“He’s Joseph Stone’s son, Lani; not to mention a League Champion,” her father Lyle replied, “Joe wants his son to have some stability, and I want you to have some security.”
“I have security,” she retorted, “I have my own life, dad! A career I love, friends who care about me, children who need me…”
“I know you love your job. I’m not asking you to change. But think about it—Waywood Enterprises being connected to Devon Corporation by the marriage of their heirs would be beneficial to all of us.”
Alanis grunted in annoyance. She thought with the end of the caste system these sorts of marriages had long since died out.
“I’ve never even met Steven Stone! The two of you can’t just immediately decide we’re engaged!”
“The wheels are already in motion, my darling! Which is why on Saturday night, the two of you will finally meet in person to celebrate the engagement. Steven has already agreed to meet you.”
“Alanis.” Lyle’s eyes softened for just a bit, catching her off-guard. “…at the very least, meet him. If you end up absolutely detesting him, then we can discuss further. Can you promise me you’ll meet him? You might like him.”
He was already late. Steven Stone was known as a globetrotter—a talented trainer, a collector of rare stones, and—
“—an absolute dreamboat,” one of her fellow teachers gushed to her in the teachers’ lounge, “Women want him, some men want him, most men want to be him…you’re so lucky, Lani!”
“Then you can have him.”
“Oh, come on. At least give it a shot. From what it sounds like your dad just wants you to have the best possible partner. And who better than Steven Stone? …well, maybe Wallace. Maybe.”
“I think Wallace might be gay,” Alanis muttered as she pulled her students’ egg-carton bean sprouts out from the windowsill, “or bi. Or maybe pan?”
“That’s not my point.”
“Lay off, Molly,” a male teacher leaned over from his desk, “It’s clear Miss Waywood’s not exactly over the moon about this, and you aren’t helping.”
“Thank you, Elliott—“ Alanis started.
“So are we invited to the wedding?”
“Kidding! Kidding.”
“Think about it, though,” a third, female teacher looked over, “The guy spends all his time traveling. A rich husband who’s never home? It’ll be like you’re still single, and you’ll just have a bit more money.”
“That doesn’t help either…”
“I’m just being practical. If you’re gonna be in a loveless marriage, might as well take advantage of the perks. Figure as long as you two get along you’ll manage. Lots of arranged marriages work like that, from what I understand.”
In the end, here she was, alone in a booth, dressed up for a formal date (or maybe a school dance), staring at the menu in front of her. A waiter came by to refill her water.
Did he stand her up?
It was high school all over again…
“Excuse me.”
She snapped her head up in surprise, brought out of her anxious thoughts as her earthy browns met his steely blues. Steven Stone had finally arrived. He had a hand slightly raised, seeming to take a breath as he finally extended it to her.
“You’re…Alanis Waywood, right?”
“I am.” Alanis accepted his hand, as he gave it a firm but gentle shake.
“I’m Steven Stone,” he introduced himself, despite someone like him needing no such thing, “I’m so sorry for being late; I got held up with something at home and lost track of time…”
“It’s fine, really. I understand.”
Steven sat down across from her, speaking briefly to the server who approached and simply asking for water as he scanned the menu.
“I haven’t been here in several years,” he admitted, “The menu’s changed a lot.”
“I only came here once before,” she replied, “High school graduation.”
“It’s a nice place, but not my favorite,” he remarked.
The silence that fell between them was almost louder than the noise of the restaurant around them. Alanis gripped the fabric in her lap. Steven didn’t look at her, closing his eyes and sighing.
“Listen—“ they both began.
“I’m breaking off the engagement.”
Both froze in surprise. Steven straightened up to look at her, mouth slightly hung open. Alanis put her hand to her mouth.
“You too?” He asked. She nodded. His shoulders dropped, and he let out a sigh of relief as he relaxed a bit. “That…takes a lot off my shoulders.”
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Alanis couldn’t help but giggle a bit at this. “I take it this was sprung on you suddenly as well? How far back?”
“I’d say about four months. I guess it didn’t really settle in until dad told me about us finally meeting. He’d given me your photo before and I’ve heard a bit about you, but I figured it was just his usual attempt to get me to settle down.”
“My dad always seemed to hint at it…I didn’t take it seriously until he told me the engagement was official. Geez, marrying me off to another CEO’s son…”
“Seriously…we’re not in the age of marriage to unite adjacent fiefs, right?”
“I was going to say the age of the caste system.”
“That too.” He pointed at her with a chuckle. “So, us ‘breaking up’ won’t exactly start a war. I’ll be honest, I’m really not comfortable marrying someone I hadn’t met until now.”
“Besides, with all the traveling I do….”
“And I have school to worry about…”
“Oh, that’s right—you’re a schoolteacher, aren’t you? What age?”
“Elementary school, right now. I’m looking to eventually move up to middle school. My students are mostly nine-ten years old.”
“What subject?”
“Earth science.”
“Really?” His eyes lit up a bit.
“Yes, including basic geology,” she added with a smile. “We start that unit next week. I just finished my geode display.”
“Do you….”
She nodded, picking up her phone and going to her photos, passing it to him to show him the display. Steven examined each stone in the photo, his smile widening.
“Very nice,” he remarked, “Looks clear and concise, to me.”
“Thank you.”
“Is that…a Kecleon foot, in the corner of the frame?”
“Oh…that. Yes, that’s my Kecleon. He was looking for a rock I had removed from the display and hid.”
“Why’d you hide it?”
“He thinks it looks like a loaf of bread. That’s his favorite thing to eat. Come to think of it…” she dug into her purse and pulled out the sandy-colored geode. “…this is where I hid it.” She turned it over to reveal the teal-colored crystal formation inside. She couldn’t hand it to Steven fast enough. He flipped it over to examine the exterior.
“…huh!” He began, “it does look like ciabatta bread.”
“Not you, too,” she giggled.
“Hey, credit where it’s due. Your Kecleon does have a point.” He turned it to examine the interior, then paused, sighing and laughing sheepishly. “I’m sorry. This is supposed to be a social interaction and here I am fixating on rocks, as usual.”
“It’s okay. This is our break-up dinner, after all.”
“When you’re right, you’re right. But still, you better take this back.” He returned the geode to her as he saw the server returning, “Because the actual bread is here. Hopefully you didn’t smuggle your little friend in here.”
“He’s in his ball, no worries. I’ll save a little loaf for him if we have some left.”
As they put in their orders and began to eat the bread, a question finally emerged from Alanis.
“Why do you like rocks so much? Do you know?”
Steven seemed to think about it for a moment. “You know, I’ve been asked that more than once in my life…and I’m not sure. My dad likes them, I like them…my mom liked them to an extent….” He shrugged. “Maybe it’s genetic.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that. Lots of people have things they like and no explanation. And maybe, sometimes, you’re better off without a firm answer.”
“That’s actually kind of artistic. I like it.”
“Thank you. Are there any particular stones you’re after, right now?”
“Not to own, but to see.” He nodded. “I’m heading to Unova Tuesday morning. I’m visiting the Rateren* Nation reservation to head into their ancestral grounds and see some of the rock formations there. They don’t allow many people outside of museums to take samples from there, so I just want to get some personal photos.”
“That’s exciting! If you don’t mind…would you send the photos to me so I can show my class when we get to the unit?”
“I’d be happy to. Mind giving me your email?” He passed his phone to her after opening his contacts. She entered her contact information and passed it back. “Well, I may not be engaged anymore, but at least I’ve made a new friend.”
The rest of the evening passed without incident, the two talking casually over a meal—discussing Steven’s latest travels, and learning more about the students in Alanis’ classes. It all came so naturally, it was a bit of a disappointment when it was finally time to pay and leave. As the two stepped out into the cool night air, the moon shining on the sea, Alanis sighed.
“Well…I guess this is goodnight.”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“Yes, I’ll be fine.”
There was a silence between them.
“…I enjoyed tonight,” he finally spoke. “It was nice to meet you.”
“It was nice to meet you, too. Even if it was technically a break-up.”
“Yeah.” He put his hands in his pockets and offered a smile. “Have a good night, Alanis.”
“Lani. My…friends call me Lani.”
His smile got bigger. “Lani, then. Get home safe.”
A few days later…
“Morning!” Alanis called out as she stepped into the faculty office, her Kecleon hanging off the strap of her bag.
“Morning, Lani,” Molly leaned over from her desk, “You got a package in your cubby.”
“Hm?” Alanis went to the cubbies where faculty mail was kept, finding a small parcel there. “I didn’t have anything sent to the school…” Going to her desk, she retrieved her scissors and carefully cut the string off the package, unfolding the paper around it and blinking at the box inside. Taking a seat, she slowly opened it…revealing a blackened stone lump. A folded piece of paper was underneath. She unfolded it to read the message inside.
Igneous rock sample from my trip to Alola last year. I had extra and thought you might want it for your class.
P.S. How about, instead of a break-up dinner, we call our first meeting our first date? Let me know.
Her cheeks flushed as she read this. She put the letter to her chest with one hand, picking up the rock in the other.
Ohhh, no.
If there was one thing her maiden’s heart hated, it was her dad being right.
* Note: Rateren comes from Raterennótha, the Kanien'keha (Mohawk) word for Sing. It’s a Native Unovan tribe in my fanon.
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spiderthread · 7 months
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why don't you let yourself be gently peeled off the ground and tossed across the back of a horse like a sack of potatoes by the most handsome man in china, then maybe you'll calm down
(+ bonus:)
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elspeth-catton · 9 months
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saltburn instagram please never stop sharing bts photos with us
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fatuismooches · 2 months
Playable reader but they're the only one who has a second stamina bar when gliding/swimming. When the first bar runs out of stamina, Dottore automatically switches in with a line scolding them for straining themself or light-heartedly teasing them since they need to be carried now that they are tired.
He doesn't switch in when they're sprinting though, I imagine that canonically - not gameplay wise, he's just walking behind them, watching them run around. He's marvelling at how far they've come, going from bed-ridden to jumping everywhere and running circles around him.
As for climbing? There's a small chance of triggering a rare voice-line, so small that the players who found it thought it was part of an event or a side-quest.
Dottore, sighing exasperated: "Get down from there before you exhaust yourself."
Reader, grunting in strain but is still climbing: "Hold on— I think I'm almost there, I have to see what's up here. You'll catch me if I fall!"
Dottore: "And if I don't?"
Reader: "Wha— what do you mean 'if you don't...?!"
Dottore: "..."
Reader: "Dottore? Dottie—? Dot...! You're... you're still down there, right...? I can't look down..."
MY FAVORITE META CUTIE PIE COUPLE. Reader would always try to prove to Dottore that they don't need that much help anymore, which is true... to a certain extent. It's very obvious to Dottore whenever you push yourself, so while he usually prefers to lay back and carefully watch what you do, he'll always jump in when he feels it's necessary.
"Hey, I... I was fine to keep g-going..."
"Stop being foolish and listen to your doctor."
"Ugh... my back hurts now."
"You poor thing, shall I carry you?"
"No! I'm fine! ...I think."
AGREED!! Dottore (or another segment) is always just a few steps behind you. He's very much content to see you explore the oddities of the world (which are so very normal and boring to him, but interesting to you after being away for so long), mentally taking notes about how much you've changed and any abnormalities in your condition. He'll watch you jump up to pick some fruits for the two of you and skip back to him. He'll watch you tussle with a fishing rod and fight to reel in some fish for dinner. He loves watching you be confident in yourself just as you once were. Of course, if any danger were to appear, then he's in front of you again quicker than one can imagine. (Gameplay-wise, it's much more optimal for the player to use Dottore while running, otherwise, they'll have to deal with Reader complaining quite frequently...)
Climbing is probably the scariest part for Reader, but they can't help but want to challenge it sometimes! It's... not the easiest, but they can do it! Especially when they have Dottore in case of anything!
...Hopefully. You're well aware of Dottore's mean and sarcastic side, even if you're not the target of it the most often. Unfortunately, sometimes he uses it to scare you out of potentially dangerous situations for your body. It's for your own good, I promise.
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fire-bay · 1 year
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I wont play HSR but I can enjoy pretty lady
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 7 months
She has such a cute smile!!!
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What we’re truly here for at ROC😅
Jan. 28 2023, day 1 ROC nations cup🏆
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roselleasly · 7 months
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Do people still like this ship
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ann-chovi · 1 year
♡Sleepin Beansie♡
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marclef · 11 months
quick pencil sketch because i played the halloween update and i NEEDED to draw him hehehe
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karinonsan · 1 year
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A growing boy and a decreasing wallet +one concerned uncle bc he at least would like luke to eat less junk food and have some greens (yes him too, but mostly his veggies :/).
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crimsonicarus · 29 days
Nothing makes you feel more delusional than receiving compliments from an ambassador regarding your abilities at work
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lavampira · 7 months
gonna be real with y’all I think blooming panic has quickly become a comfort game :o)
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mitamicah · 1 year
Personal story time aka how Käärijä has rotted my brain take #3?
Was over at my sister’s house yesterday after her having studied abroad for half a year. One thing to know about her is that she has a lot of clothes. And I swear seeing her sort through all of it turned out to be a bigger challenge than expected because so much of it was either a) Käärijä green, b) bolero shaped (with puff sleeves and everything) or c) both
I had to bite my tongue so hard to not scream out:
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kelpiemomma · 6 months
Me chanting "you wrote something you enjoyed and other people enjoying it is a bonus" as I try to hype myself up enough to post the Akari centered halo submission fic
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stormyoceans · 8 months
Just some cute shit that will cheer you up.
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