#quiet nights in quaint company: node
familylightfox · 1 year
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
There was a soft glance between emerald and hazel, a moment of doubt solidified only in that the two would be approaching this together. They breathed in, a collective soft inhale as they turned their attention towards the door of the inn. The sun's rays were high overhead, illuminating the world in bright hues.
But the two mobians couldn't help but be nervous- they had up and disappeared months ago, the only warning they'd given that they'd be back in due time... But it had been so long. Cautiously, each reached out a hand- the usual sight failing to bring chuckles to the tired couple's muzzles, this time. They jointly knocked on the inn door, waiting for it to open as soft smiles finally, finally dawned on their faces.
"Been a while!...sorry about that, guys.." Bless chuckled quietly, scratching at the back of his head with an apologetic smile. He couldn't hide his tail that had slowly begun to wag back and forth. Call him hopeful, but he'd missed the two a lot- and even seeing their faces after so much work made it all worth it.
"...hope you don't mind we dropped by?" Node tilted their head slightly, an ear flicking slightly back. "How've you guys been?" They weren't sure what to expect- and that made them just a hint nervous (who were they kidding, they were a bundle of nerves).
The two had already agreed that, if this went well... They'd have to find some way to make it up to the hybrid and his daughter- but that would be a hurdle for the future. Right now... They just wanted to reconnect, after so much time away. However the two hybrids reacted... The couple would accept it.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was always an odd look given to the door whenever someone knocked. The Inn was always open to anyone and almost everyone that came to the village knew to just walk right in, but the knock was familiar. So was the energy behind it.
Volt knew that energy by heart, held it within his heart if one looked close enough, and quickly came around the counter in order to open the double doors. The instant his eyes looked upon those familiar faces, his arms were spread and both of them were pulled in for a tight hug. He took turns on who was getting the bulk of his cheek rubbing against theirs and also snuck a few kisses where he could while they spoke.
"As if I would ever be mad 'bout you comin' t' visit." Words were so easily muddled by the deep rumbling purr that had settled into his throat, but what might not have been conveyed in words, certainly were in his actions. A small gathering of tears had formed in the corner of his eyes upon being reunited with the two Mobians who held his heart.
"Bless! Node!" Harmony's call came from behind the pair, having been just making her way home from picking up supplies in the market. While she wasn't willing to dump the packages in her arms, a pep in her step allowed the teen to close the space and set it all onto the porch first.
A moment later and Volt laughed as his daughter lifted all three adults into the air to give her own hugs.
"Daddy and I missed ya so much! Where ya been? Ya gotta tell us all about whatcha been up t'!" Already her thoughts were going a mile a minute, needing to be tapped on the arm by her father's fingers to pause long enough for him to get a word in edgewise.
"Pumpkin... I'm sure they'll be more than happy t'... On their feet."
"Huh?" Emerald eyes blinked, pink suddenly crossing the powder blue muzzle. "Ooops..."
Harmony set them down, backing up with a wag of her tail while also scratching at the back of her neck. It was easy to see that she would have been more than willing to dive right back in for hugs the second she was given a chance.
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reflections-of-mobius · 11 months
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@familylightfox asked:
Never let it be said that Volt didn't know how to relax. With the village returning to normal, post festivals, the hybrid had plenty of time on his hands. Which meant he had plenty of time to sit down on the couch next to his partner while they were sketching. Careful to not bump their arm, he made himself comfortable by leaning against them with a purr.
[Unprompted! | Always accepting!]
With all the festivities (for the time being) complete... Node was able to focus on other things once more, though it hadn't been lost on them all the chaos of the past week or so. Now...they were about people'd out, content to hide in their sketchbook and pencils. The gentle sound of scratching lead on paper was like a soothing balm, each stroke on the page slowly building the image.
They'd been partway through when they realized that they wouldn't be able to quite finish the piece- it was just off-center enough that the final figure was partially off the paper, driving them to reset to a new page- the flick of material accompanied by the couch sagging by a degree as a new weight joined them.
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They didn't pause in their sketching- they'd grown accustomed enough to realize who had joined them without truly glancing over, but hazel hues still flashed for a moment- relaxing that faintest bit at the recognized brown and red fur. The fox remained as quiet as ever, even as Volt leaned against them. They could feel the purr in his vocals reverberating- like a steady buzz in their own ears, a soft white noise.
Node continued to sketch away- but a faint purr began to rumble in their own throat. They were tempted in part to stop doodling, but...they didn't want to break the moment. The mobian tilted their head for the briefest moment, nuzzling their partner with a soft sigh. There were a number of meanings to it- relief, comfort, love...each flickering in and out of each other, even as Node returned their attention to the page.
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Their pencil moved to a small corner- two quick strokes forming a small heart. And then they were back to the main sketch...though they did lean their head a little back, against the hybrid's form. The others might still be running on those post-festivity highs...but they were grateful that they could hide with Volt.
I love you.
A silent air to the room, where only soft purrs and the faint scratch of lead on paper could be heard.
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familylightfox · 3 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
“Am I the only one out of all of us who doesn’t get floofier when certain criteria are met?” It was a random question- suddenly voiced as it struck the fox. Volt could enter his feral or monstrous states (both of which Node considered ‘extra floof’ modes), Bless became a werehog at night…and them?- Nadda. “…n’ no, I’m not countin’ shampoo.” They nuzzled between their two partners with a quiet groan. “…least fluffy…” A small pout formed on their muzzle. They weren’t genuinely concerned about it- more playfully disappointed.
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While not exactly a statement that Volt was expecting, he had to chuckle at the soft grumbles from his partner that followed. There were still a few hours in the day left before the sunset, and so he considered things for a moment before slipping one arm around Node where they were sitting.
Of course, the arm hadn't remained its normal size.
Fur darkened and grew, or maybe that was just the muscles underneath it. The soft chuckle deepened ever so slightly as the hybrid shifted to be better positioned to scoop them up and draw them into the fluffy barrel chest.
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"Guess this means I'll just have t' share some o' my fluff with ya."
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familylightfox · 4 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
"I hope they like this..!" Node appeared in the kitchen, holding a carton of-- something. The top of it was covered in snow, the box's edges painted a pale, light blue- and the fox was smiling from ear to ear. They tossed the box onto the counter- causing a bit of snow to jump off, forming a powdery ring around it. "381, 381..." Node mumbled the world's number to themself. They reached forward, popping the top off. Fog rolled out from the frozen treat, drifting idly over the counter- nearly like the fog given off by dry ice, a faint, white wisp. They pulled out their phone, all but tap-dancing on the spot.
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[Brought some ice cream home from 381! Come inside if you guys want any! ^^ 🍨] The mobian turned back to the kitchen proper, their tail swishing from side to side. The ice cream within had small dark-brown bits- presumably, it was chocolate chip. The tips of their hands were all but a buzz, rapidly clapping together to create a very small tapping noise. They figured, since it was a bit hot out today, ice cream would be a good treat for the four.
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Four teenagers were not about to turn down ice cream after spending the day doing chores around the village. The moment Harmony's communicator went off, they made it a point to sprint back up the hill to the Inn. Volt had been finishing up the daily watering of his garden when he heard their approaching footsteps and chuckled.
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"They're gonna demolish that." He chuckled and closed the space between them for a quick kiss before the teens entered the kitchen.
No need for them to start teasing, but four pairs of eyes were focused on the box on the table more than anything else. Another chuckle rose as they all paused, waiting for Node to give them the go-ahead before grabbing bowls and portioning it out so everyone could have enough to satiate the heat.
From the first bite, it was clear that the dessert was a favorite among teens. Tails wagging, eyes sparking, and excited chatter shared between them at the rich and creamy texture melted on their tongue.
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"This is so good!" A chorus of joyous sounds came from the rest.
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"MmmmHmmm! This is great Nom! Perfect for the summer!"
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familylightfox · 9 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
Harmony had definitely started off Christmas with a bang- Bless and Node couldn't have been more overjoyed about the mugs they received- but of course, the two still had presents of their own to offer Volt and Harmony- after all, they'd been waiting quite some time for this. "I promise, I stayed in this universe this time..." Node grinned slightly. "But it was temptin'...." They pulled their gifts for Volt and Harmony from behind their back (given the lack of space there, one could only assume they'd teleported the gifts). One nearly appeared like a giant tootsie roll, the tag reading 'for the Power Duo'. The other two- stacked on top of one another- were relatively small boxes. "The big one's from both Bless n' I..." "And don't think I didn't get you guys gifts, either!" Bless disappeared for a moment- a soft breeze blowing from where he'd been standing. He returned in nearly no time at all- grinning. There was the briefest flicker of nausea in his eyes, but it was gone in a moment. "--maybe that was a few too many turns, yet...still...!" He breathed out. Two boxes were offered- a rather small one to Volt, and a slightly bigger one to Harmony. The 'Power Duo' roll, when unwrapped, was revealed to be two scarves- one purple, and one a fluctuation between shades of blue. The purple scarf ended on either end in small, lighter-purple (nearly pink) lightning bolts, twisting into the fringes at the very bottom. The shaded blue scarf nearly seemed to start bright at the center, darkening gradually, before fading to near-black at either end- with matching crescent moons surrounded by faint stars. "...we figured we could all go out some time...y'know---...in all the scarves n' whatnot." Node smiled lightly. "...had t'request these t'be made, since Bless n' I..." "Let's just say I'm not nearly as good with a needle as I am with chisels or gouges..." One of Bless' ears flicked. "But it'd be really fun to learn!...then I could actually make you guys scarves, next year." And it'd be a way to spend time together- the thought of which made his tail wag. "Oh yeah- open it!" Bless was by Volt's side when the hybrid went to open the small box he'd given. Inside...was a bracelet, carved from petrified wood- with a rather smaller 'watch face'...on which was a carving in the wood- the impression- of two hybrids, a hedgehog, and a fox. "....your powers knock out most tech, and I figured my regular stuff would burn...so...I spent some of my downtime practicing with petrified wood. That way, you could have something of us- no matter what happens." "...I know Bless n' Harmony go t' the mines together every now n' again, so I thought... 'Why not a rock tumbler'?" Node chuckled quietly as Harmony opened her gift from them. "Though thanks to you, I have an idea for what to get you for your birthday next Halloween, Harms." They grinned good-naturedly. "Annnnd I couldn't stop myself." Bless hummed as Harmony opened her next present. Like Volt, she'd received another carving- this one made of varying types of wood- a dark espresso for the back, black and antique cherry wood making up a small clearing in the 'woods', with country pine for a sky up above...it was a carved image of the woods that everyone had camped in half a year past. "You know me- can't help but carve...well. When I'm on a running diet, anyway." The small box for Volt contained two stones- one that was a swirling mixture of brown and red, the other, a fuchsia shade. Node's tail moved back and forth on the couch. They couldn't resist for a moment, leaning over to nuzzle Volt's cheek while Harmony and Bless were busy in what seemed to be a battle of who could hug harder. It wouldn't surprise Node if the two tried to turn it into a match of some sort. "...I saw them while we were out shopping one day, n'...well. They reminded me of you." Node chuckled quietly. Underneath the stones was a single, small piece of paper. [Thank you for being part of our lives, Funke.] [Merry (belated) Crisis (or Happy Holidays!)]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
[OOC: And A Merry Yule to you as well]
Despite having been dating for a while now, Volt still was occasionally surprised by his partner's ability to teleport items like that. Seeing them suddenly appear had raised his eyebrows, but his smile matched that of his daughters as they took them and set them carefully on their laps.
Father and daughter took to opening the one for both of them first, eyeing the scarves before taking them in hand. The craftsmanship was familiar and he looked up with a smirk. "What did ya bribe my mum with for these?"
It was a tease, knowing full well that Node had only needed to mention who they were for and Heidi would have gladly put down her projects to work on them. Anything to spoil her adopted son and granddaughter. Harmony had already wrapped hers around her neck and was snuggling the soft yarn with a wag of her tail.
"They're perfect. And this means we can go out later and get dinner at the longhouse." That sounded like a perfect way to break in their new gifts. Bless with his scarf and Node with their new jacket she had seen her father get them. But now she moved on to watching her father open his gifts. Violet eyes looked over the bracelet as his fingers gently moved over the engraved 'watch face'.
Since the hedgehog was right beside him, it was easy to turn his head and place a soft kiss to the tan cheek. "I love it."
And he proved that by carefully getting the bracelet over his bare organic wrist. The added bonus of giving him something to fiddle with on days when he was dealing with the lost feeling of no longer wearing his regulators. As he opened the small box, his arm looped around Node when they joined him on the couch. A quick little cuddle in thanks for the stones.
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"They're beautiful love." He nudged their nose together. "But I think I should be thankin' you 'n Bless for lettin' us into your lives."
With her father distracted by his partner, Harmony took to opening her gifts. The rock tumbler was going to be getting plenty of use. So much sea glass and smooth gemstones could be made into jewelry with it. Already her mind running rampant with ideas of what to make. But it was Bless' gift that had her eyes widen.
Who could forget the awesome camping trip they all took together. It looked so amazing and the teen already had the perfect spot in her room to put it so it would be safe and she could look at it whenever she so chose.
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"Thank you so much!" The teen set the gift to the side, to make sure it wouldn't be damaged before she pounced on her pa in a hug. Volt had managed to stifle a small snort at the sight, mainly when she picked Bless off the ground to win the hugging match.
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@galaxies-unknown​ asked:
“….any news?” Bless glanced to the kid. He hadn’t been sure about the past few days, what with Volt’s sudden disappearance and Harmony’s wild mental state, but…even he kept asking the question, wondering if there’s be anything found. It took everything in him not to go running out of the village to hunt down Volt himself,…not that he hadn’t tried every place he could before remembering the warnings of this world’s villains. Like that’s stop him forever… “…y’wanna make some hot chocolate together?” Maybe a distraction would be best, before his tapping foot burned a hole in the floor.
                                                       ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     When the question was asked, it seemed to have come at a good time. At least if the way all four teens looked up from where they were around the dining room table was anything to go by. Another was the ever slight wag of Harmony’s tail at seeing both Bless and Node coming in. She waited until their eyes met to nod and then looked to Buddy as he pulled up the holographic map with the location they’d been given.
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      “Harms got Rough and Tumble to spill the beans.” Tangle said proudly, leaning forward on the table. “You should’ve seen her. I’m pretty sure she made Perfect Chaos look like a Chao.”
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     “I just scared ‘em a lil…” Harmony ducked her head and scratched at her cheek, but looked back to Bless with a brighter smile than had been on her face recently. “But we were just plannin’ how we’re gonna handle if they got backup…”
     “Normally we have an adult supervise us in missions but Harm doesn’t want to get the Freedom Fighters involved…” A pause as all four teens looked to one another, then Tangle turned her attention back to the couple. “Will you guys come along?”
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familylightfox · 1 year
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
Both the mobians awoke with a start, hearing Volt's scream right before the night light in the room flickered and died. They didn't even look at each other as they rushed from the bedroom, making their ways downstairs towards the currently-electrified hedgefox, tiredness replaced with concern and worry.
"Volt??" Node took a step closer- keeping just enough away to avoid getting zapped.
"Did something happen?" Bless' inquiry came second. "....are you okay?" He had noticed the electricity, one of the few sources of light in the now-darkened inn.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He hadn't meant to wake them. They had been so busy in their own Zone for so long that Volt wanted them to be able to have the time to relax and recover. He should have known that an outburst like that would draw their attention.
Red tipped ears flicked at the approaching steps and the hybrid's gaze rose to look at his partners. The moment Node had taken a step, one hand was raised as if to ask them to stop, then quickly returned to what would possibly be seen as hugging himself.
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As if that would somehow contain the sparks that continued to arc along his fur.
"I-I'm okay. Just..." A breath was taken to calm himself, softly glowing violet eyes moved from Node to Bless before he continued. "I'm okay.. Just had a disagreement... Kinesis is.. a bit unstable... I'll be fine...
"Jus'... Don't touch me right now."
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@galaxies-unknown​ asked:
The holidays had come around, and this time, it was Bless and Node spending it with Voltage and Harmony. It had taken the couple some time to decide on gifts to give the pair, but they'd eventually managed to settle on a few items. The snow was gently falling outside as Bless and Node handed over the bits and bobs they'd made (and procured) for the small family. Bless had enjoyed putting it together while he traveled the multiverse- it was a new cookbook he'd actually hand-written, taking recipes from another worlds (each with a marker written down in case the four ever felt like visiting), each recipe something he had tried to make sure was unheard of... Rare concoctions that required ingredients from other lands, although he'd written substitution ideas in the margins, a small note in the front of the cookbook reading 'Let's make some together sometime!'. For Harmony, there was a small hand-carved bracelet, with tiny words etched into the bayong wood, all around a band that would fit around the fluffhog's wrist for a few years yet, reading 'Harmony' with a small swirling pattern on any bead not used for the name.
Node pulled a cylinder of wax with a candle wick in the top out of nowhere- a long-range teleport that (to any who didn't know them) probably looked like flat-out magic. It was accented with swirls of green and brown, a small note attached via a tiny rope reading 'it should smell faintly like petrichor and the forest- something to light when you need a little hope ^^'. For Harmony... Node pulled out what seemed like a small poster. They turned it around, revealing a still-drawing they'd done of the teen. It was cartoony, not quite realistic- but the ink somehow glowed around both Harmony's eyes and the gem that represented Chip's bracelet. They grinned. "...may have gotten help from Tails again."
There was a smile on either muzzle, Bless' tail going at what could probably be called the speed of sound (it was basically a blur of fluffy blue fur) and Node's far slower, but none the less happily wagging.
"Happy Yule to you too!" Gifts were nice... But making Volt and Harmony happy? Best part of the holiday. By far.
                                                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     This time of the year, it was hardly ever not snowing in the village. But Volt liked to think of it as all the more reason for them to spend that time together inside the Inn where it was nice and warm. Where they could cuddle up beside the tree that some of the closest neighbors had brought in and helped to decorate, with hot chocolate and some extra blankets. He knew they had planned to exchange gifts, which was a reason theirs were nearby for when it was Bless and Node’s turn to be spoiled. 
     The smile on the older hybrid’s face spoke volumes of what he thought of the cookbook being rested in his lap, flipping through the pages to take in some of the unique recipes. Oh they would so be making some of them together at some point, and he’d look into ordering some of the ingredients the next time the traders went on their routes. 
     He looked up into those emerald eyes and leaned over to sneak a soft kiss to Bless’ cheek, then did the same to Node when they handed him the candle. 
     “Thank you both. I’ll put both of them to good use.” The candle was placed in a heat resistant dish on the coffee table and lit with a small spark from the hybrid’s finger. What better time to let it fill the room with a little hope but when they were together again. And for the holidays.  At some point he’d get up to get them some of the apple cider he had been cooking all day, but it could wait until Harmony was done marveling over her gifts. 
      The bracelet was held gently in her hands, using the pads of her thumbs to feel the different carvings before carefully slipping it onto her wrist. The fact that it sat so well around her fluff, oh she loved it. She couldn’t wait to show it to her teammates tomorrow during their video call and as she unrolled the poster...
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     “Whoa...” Now that was awesome. The paper was turned this way and that, to watch the way it glowed before looking at her father with a wag of her tail. 
     “Well I did need to replace the photo I have up on the wall of her. I think that’ll do.” He grinned and returned the hug she gave him. The poster was set to the side and the teen made quick work of giving full on hugs to both of her father’s partners. 
     Needless to say, she loved the gifts. Both of them did. 
     “Settle in you two. The holidays aren’t over yet.” A wink was given, just as Fafo had decided that his next resting spot happened to be the lap of Node. “Harmony and I usually do a movie marathon. Hope ya don’t mind stop animation musicals.”
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familylightfox · 2 years
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@galaxies-unknown​ asked:
On Halloween, there was a brief stopover from a pair of 'fae'- the fae of sand, and the fae of the forest. While they were there for treats as well, there was still a brief moment where the fae of sand snuck Harmony a small box, on which was a card with the words 'Happy Hallo-birthday!' inscribed on it. Within, Harmony would find a small drawing of her pet snake, alongside numerous Halloween treats, and a plastic spider (or five).
                                                      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
     Oh Harmony couldn’t have been more than happy to take the box and card, making a point to give them both hugs before they got away from her. It was her birthday and she was going to enjoy herself. The card was opened with a bright smile and it only grew brighter at the picture of her snake, seeing how the serpent had been poking his head out of the top of his terrarium just a little bit ago for a snack. 
     And those fake spiders were going to come in handy. Oh yes... It wouldn’t be halloween for this teen if she didn’t manage to get a prank or two in the process. The treats were set to the side and the spiders placed back into the box as she went running outside. 
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     “Hey Tangle! Check out what Dad’s partners got me!”
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familylightfox · 14 days
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
"...I...think I've got a day setup?....I tried t'be careful about distance, since I don't know how well I'll be able t' teleport after..." Had it consumed a good chunk of their day, sorting it out?... A little, yes. Node had also taken care to look up everything they could do after- and it seemed they wouldn't be able to do much- not for two weeks after, anyway. But...they'd feel better about themself. "Seriously,...thank you, Funke." Node nuzzled Volt's arm. "...I'd probably have t'wait several months, if not for you n' Augustus..." "Chicken's nearly done....so, what's the time?" Bless glanced over from the oven. There was also a bloodied chicken breast on the counter- lightly seasoned, but not all that cooked. "...'bout two, in the afternoon. I'll head there probably at one,...or noon...or...earlier..." Node trailed off with a small grin. When given a time frame, Node tended to either forget entirely,...or arrive hours ahead of time.
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"....you guys know me." A hand pressed to either's back, trying to pull the two close and give them both a side-hug. "...love you two..."
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Volt had wondered where their partner had been for most of the day, but it had been answered enough when they returned to the living room that evening. Even Harmony had picked her head up from where she had been using her father as a pillow to smile. Of course, she'd been filled in on what was happening and had already made plans with her friends to tag along as moral support.
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"I was plannin' on usin' my Warp Ring t' get us there and back. Long as Dad can give it a charge before we left." Emerald eyes glanced at the transformed hybrid and smiled when he nodded. As Node approached, she moved so he could also get in a good cuddle with them.
"Anytime... Liebe~" He licked their cheek and ran a hand through their bangs. The smell of the chicken on the counter had drawn his attention earlier, but now it was on his partners as they set up a plan for the day in question.
Some part of him wanted to tag along, but his current state probably wasn't the best idea to take out in public.
Another playful lick was given in affection as they hugged him, shifting to a gruff sounding laugh as Harmony proceeded to lift all three of them off the ground for a hug of her own.
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familylightfox · 15 days
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
Node had been more than a little off, the past few days. There were nervous glances here and there- their tail puffing up off and on as they tried to gather their thoughts. They were trying to sort out how best to approach Volt about what they'd been hoping for- and planning. But now that they were on the couch, eyes on the blank page before them, pencil having been unmoving ever since they sat down... "....ey, Volt?..." They could already feel their tail beginning to fluff up. They worried off and on, sure, but they were especially concerned when it came to loved ones- when it came to Volt. Bless. Harmony.- While the change would be what they wanted,...they couldn't help but fear it wouldn't be to the taste of either of their partners. They could chalk it up to anxiety,...but it was difficult to do when said anxiety was eating away at their logic, chipping at it. They could barely feel the pen in their hand, or the faint coarseness of the sketchbook. There was no way to tell how the other would react in advance- sure, they could probe and dance around the issue, but...this would affect their physical form. What if they were less desired, as a result?
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"....how would you react,....if I told ya I was tryin' t'save up.." They could guess how their fur must've looked, given how hard and fast their heart was pounding. They were sure they were probably pale, unwilling to make eye contact- pencil still stuck on that first dot, the very start of the first line. "....for top surgery?..."
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One perk of being in the state he had been in for the last few weeks, it was so much easier to pick up on the little details from his partners. Things they did that tipped him off that things weren't as they usually were. Node's body language was one of them and led to the transformed hybrid taking a seat next to them on the couch to offer his own brand of comfort.
At least this time, he didn't decide to take up the majority of their lap with his head and instead let them lean on him while they sketched. The deep rumble of his purr quieted as they spoke, and darkened eyes looked down with a smile. The arm resting over the couch's back came down as the hybrid used the back of his fingers to affectionately rub their cheek.
"Hmm?" A small sound to let them know he was listening.
It wasn't hard for him to see the signs of nervousness. Why, he couldn't quite understand, but as they started speaking... Slowly, the pieces began to come together.
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"Love you." It really was that simple to him. He pulled them even closer to his chest and nuzzled the top of their head with his chin. Hopefully that would quell any of their fears on how he felt. Volt reached over to grab his handheld with his free hand.
There was something comical about how small it looked in his hand at the moment, but the tip of his thumb was used to open it and open up a browser he could search with. Soon enough, the handheld was held where his partner could see it. A list of some of the top surgeons in the Zone and their contact info.
"Ppp-ops can.. h-elp too. H-e knows mm-ost o' them."
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familylightfox · 3 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
It was one of the few things Node could make- so of course, when the opportunity arose... They'd taken to their music, kidnapped some tortillas and some cheese (alongside onion and any other requests...) and set about to making several quesadillas. It was only a couple of minutes before the table was coated in quesadillas- and Node finally removed their earbuds with a laugh. "Finally, I didn't burn the damn food...!" They grinned. "I tried to stick to y'all's requests, so....dig in!" They sat down at the table, picking up their own cheese-and-onion quesadilla and biting in with a happy hum. "Are you sure you're a fox and not a mouse?" Bless laughed as he bit into his own. There were a few chunks of chicken scattered amidst the cheese- alongside some tomato. Personally, it tasted divine...a little on the simple side. "Pretty sure." Node rolled their eyes with a laugh between bites. "Thanks for letting me make dinner, guys. N'...I'll consider myself lucky I didn't make another charcoal mountain..." They scratched the back of their head, before taking another bite. Honestly, the food itself was just normal- but the thought that they'd cooked one of their favorites for their partners and daughter...that was what made Node's smile so bright as they ate.
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Sometimes, the best meals were the simplest ones.
Volt had learned that over the years while cooking for Harmony. The teen wasn't picky, but she always loved it when he made her things that didn't require too much time in the kitchen. It gave them more time to spend as a family.
Harmony had wasted very little time in picking up her quesadilla and biting into the chicken and cheese. The sound of her tail could be heard smacking her chair with each bite. Volt chuckled and picked up his own. Chicken, cheese, onion, and tomato. It was a bit thicker but tasted just as perfect as everyone else's.
"I think we can call this one a success." Volt smiled, knowing full well the reason he usually did most of the cooking. The fact that their daughter was already 3 quarters of the way through hers a testament to the taste.
"Mhhmmm! The cheese is nice and melty! And the chicken's juicy!" The next bite wasn't done to prove it, but the way the cheese held together as she pulled away before coming loose in one long piece that needed to be gathered and popped in her mouth said it all. Thank Gaia she stuck a napkin in her bandana to keep it clean.
Volt chuckled, shook his head, and gave his partner a playful look.
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"Soooo... Does this mean I should teach ya how t' make my lasagna sometime?"
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familylightfox · 5 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
"Game night, game night, game night!" Node chanted under their breath as they set everything up. They'd teleported in their favorite games from across the multiverse- all card games, of course- and they'd made sure their phone was fully charged so they could play some LoFi in the background throughout. The snacks had been set, the drinks laid out with care- it looked more like something out of a commercial about games than an actual game night. Their tail wagged back and forth, eyes twinkling as they rapidly clapped their hands together- as quietly and as gently as they could, but they were still jazzed. Bless had gone out with Volt and Harmony to get a few extra supplies (and maybe another game or two), leaving Node to do their favorite thing- setup. Of course, Harmony's friends had been invited, so Node may have gone...overboard- on the treats. "Should I light a candle?...maybe I should-- which one...!" They scratched their head. Not everyone could make it- what with Buddy's exams and whatnot, but they were still looking forward to it. A nice night of games and fun, drinks and messing around (and possibly cursing out dice and card alike). "--'ll be honest, I've been looking for a chance to try out the chess board I carved...any takers?" Bless' voice, initially muffled by the door, grew to normal as he pushed it open- and then propped it open with a foot for the others. "Doesn't have to be right away, buuuuut I would like to try it some time tonight."
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With it being the weekend, Node wouldn't have to worry too much about all of Harmony's friends being unable to attend. Buddy had finished his last exam on Friday and was more than a little excited to be able to hang out with everyone.
But that might have been why the teen had arrived while Harmony was out with her dads. Tangle and Whisper had already made themselves comfortable in the lobby to stay out of the way of Node's prep, but they were just as excited.
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"My mom wants me home sunday night for dinner since I have one more week of school before graduation." It couldn't have been all that surprising the boy was completing school as early as he was, but he set down the card game he had brought. "Maybe if we have time. We can play Munchkin?"
"Mx Node." This was the only time Node spoke up. "If you're gonna light a candle, make sure it's not a heavy scent. Harmony gets headaches otherwise."
Leave it to the teens to look out for one another, but the approaching footsteps had gotten Buddy's ears to flick and he ducked behind the opening door as the three returned. Harmony's bright smile came with a giggle.
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"Buddy's really good at chess pa. Ya should challen..." Her voice trailed off as she looked around the room and didn't see the bright red fur waiting with everyone else. For a moment, her smile faltered before she felt the tap on her shoulder. Turning one way to find it empty, Volt had only just managed to move out of the way as she turned the other and spotted the canine with a wide grin.
"Ya made it!" Down went both teens as Harmony pounced him for a hug. The way her tail wagged said it all and Volt snickered as he set down the bag of snacks.
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"She's been poutin' all week."
"I have not!" Harmony's retort was muffled by her face being buried in Buddy's chest. Yet the bright pink across her muzzle said it all. Once she let him up, a look was given to the rest of the group before Tangle spoke up.
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"Well? What are we waiting for? I'm ready to kick all your butts in rummy!"
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familylightfox · 8 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
When Volt awoke that morning, he might've found a box in the bedroom that hadn't been there the night before.- Small, red with a lighter bow...and inside, a small slice of strawberry cake. Node hadn't mentioned the box- hadn't even glanced to it- they'd just walked by it, pretending it didn't exist that morning. Bless had all but spun his head when Volt finally opened it- a bit too excited to point out the small fold-out card that had been embedded in the roof of the small thing. A rather cheesy saying- 'Sparks fly when we're with you, Valentine'- was imprinted just inside the fold-out, with incredibly small, chibi-esque doodles of both Node and Bless waving to the viewer. Of course, neither party could resist giving the hybrid a kiss on either cheek- with Bless having to go to the tips of his toes while Node simply teleported outright, only to land on the floor a few moments later. "Don't worry, I've got breakfast covered today." Bless grinned. "Whaddya say to pancakes?" "Annnnd maybe a few cuddles after?" Node couldn't help but add with a grin. "After your cake slice, of course." [Happy Valentines from the duo!]
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Nothing made the hybrid more reluctant to get out of bed than to have both of his partners beside him, but as they began to move so did he. After stretching his arms above his head, and hearing that oh so satisfying crack of his back, his gaze was drawn to the box.
Curiosity got the better of him as he picked it up and opened it while they were getting dressed. Of course, his partners had gotten him such a gift. They knew his favorites at this point.
He smiled at the card and carefully set it back on the nightstand. That would definitely be going into his scrapbook later. For now though, he was focused on the pair as they snuck in their affections.
Now it was his turn~
Using a claw, the massive strawberry on top was plucked from the frosting.
While looking from Node to Bless, he made a point to lick the fruit before he slowly popped it into his mouth. And made a point to lick his bottom lip after. The deep rumble of a purr rose from his chest as he savored that sweet tartness that came from it.
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"Pancakes and cuddles sound like a perfect way t' spend today~" He smiled getting a bit more frosting on his finger to lick. "Just don't forget that I'm gonna do somethin' for you two too."
And he left it at that. The box was set to the side so that he could get himself dressed for the day. His collar and belt couldn't put themselves on... He just so happened to take his time in doing so.
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familylightfox · 9 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
It couldn't be helped. Whether the group (or, perhaps, family) celebrated the new year or not, Node and Bless had at least one tradition they were going to uphold. As the clock struck midnight, and all mechanical devices began to flip to a new year...they each moved close- three noses smushed slightly together as the duo kissed Volt in unison before pulling away. "Happy New Year!" Bless laughed. "New Year's resolution...make you both blush like tomatoes!" He raised his glass with a grin, offering a wink before taking a long swig. "...ain't what I'd really call a resolution..." Node shook their head, swirling the glass of sparkling cider in their hand. "Then again, mine's nebulous-- just...wanting a good year." They bumped their head gently against each male's shoulder in turn, before their eyes flicked to Volt. "What about you, Funke? Any goals for the new year?-- Or are you just gonna take it as it comes?" "I at least plan to give you both five thousand more surprise kisses." Bless hummed between sips of his drink. "--....maybe six thousand. Seven?..." He was grinning. Node's cheeks were slowly growing more and more red at the suggestion, their tail going still at the thought. "Chaos save us." For the 'fear' they were portraying...their actual emotion was betrayed by the smile on their muzzle. [HAPPY NEW YEARRRRRRRRRRRR FROM REFLECTIONS-OF-MOBIUS! YEEEEEEEEET-]
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
((Happy New Year to you too))
Normally it was a lot harder to get the hybrid's muzzle to match his markings, but a double kiss within sight of all the regulars within the lobby. That could do it. Although the bright red blush matched his smile in the best kind of way as he leaned in to sneak a kiss to both of them soon after.
Everyone around was willing to raise their glasses to the couple, quite a few already a few sheets in the wind with no look of stopping soon. It was New Year's. They were meant to have fun. Even Volt had a glass of actual champagne, despite not being able to end up like their friends.
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"Pretty much hit the nail on the head liebe. I plan t' take the year as it comes. Maybe make a resolution t' not be such a worrywart when Harmony goes out for a week or two with her friends." With the teen becoming more independent, it was more often than not that she was out and about. Exploring or adventuring with her friends.
All part of growing up, he knew. But he couldn't help but worry when she didn't call him every night like she used to.
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Violet eyes turned to Bless, tilting his head slightly as he leaned in to place a playful nip to a shoulder. "I'm not keepin' count but I'll match each kiss with one o' my own~"
A few that could overhear them in the lobby broke into laughter and the rest of the room followed suit.
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familylightfox · 9 months
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@reflections-of-mobius asked:
Node hadn't really said much as they'd slowly leaned against Volt's side. No words spoken as their eyes began to drift, their tail curling around as they turned their head slightly- the tickle of hair never pausing their advance. There was no reason to be so tired, and yet they were- an arm lazily stretched over Volt's chest, breaths soft and low. The fox's face was almost peaceful in sleep, even as they mumbled something incoherent (it sounded like 'cinnamon mace') before snuggling a little more deeply into Volt's side. The fox would be impossible to wake once they fell asleep. Even after everything, Node's rests were as deep as ever- nothing but the loudest explosion right next to their ears would have any chance in Hell of waking them from their slumber. A small purr reverberated in their throat as they laid there. This...was a safe place. One of the safest- and it had them ever-so-slightly trying to cling to Volt, even though they had little strength while awash in the realm of dreams.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
With the majority of the chores done, Volt had some time to sit down and had done so in the lobby. Just in case someone else came in so he wouldn't have to go so far to greet them. The Solstice and Yule festival was only just starting so he knew that very soon the Inn was going to be bustling with guests, visitors, and friends alike coming and going throughout the day.
Thank Chaos this was his second time doing it and had figured out a routine that worked out well.
Since it meant he had the time to sit there when his partner had joined him. One arm had moved around them to draw them even closer to his chest and sit back against the couch cushion. He let out a soft chuckle at the mumbled words but that was the only noise to fill the room beyond the crackle of the fireplace nearby, at first.
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Soon his own purr had accompanied Node's, his head leaning forward to rest his chin on theirs and let his eyes slip closed. For those few moments of peace, it was absolutely perfect. The sound of their contentment, mixed with the crackle of the fireplace, and the soft sounds of merriment down the hill in the village proper.
Nothing could have made this better... Save for if their other partner would have joined them. But Harmony had dragged them out to help with a few last minute chores in the village earlier and he doubted they would be back before dinner.
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