#quileute beach
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Rialto Beach Pt. 1
Greeted with an awesome sunrise (knowing that red skies in morning mean to take warning) we packed our rain jackets and ponchos, ate a full breakfast then headed for the beach! There was a storm coming from offshore later in the evening so the waves were starting to ramp up.
We started at Quileute Beach (aka First Beach) and were greeted to logs that displayed like an art exhibit. One is a super long tree with a seat carved into it, and folks had made these driftwood forts along the beach too! Wild, wild stuff.
After that we headed around the Quillayute River and over to Rialto Beach. We had planned to hike out to this spot known as Hole In-the-wall but the low tide wasn't low enough for us to safely get out to it. But gave us time to spend at a less sought after point Split Rock.
More to follow! :)
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constantlyfalling · 4 months
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First Beach - La Push - Quileute Nation
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bellaswan87 · 18 days
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Over the weekend, I decides to go with Mike, Eric, Jessica, Angela and some other friends from school to a beach in La Push.
At the beach, we met up with some guys that live on the La Push Indian reservation. One of them is Jacob Black.
Apparently I get to know from them that "The Cullens don't come here."
I am determined to find out exactly what he meant. Jacob and I took a walk along the beach, hoping to get him to tell me more about the Cullens. He told me about the Quileutes (Jacob's tribe) story about "the cold ones"
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
❝the witch hybrid and her companion 2❞
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✭ pairing : father Carlisle Cullen x reader x imprint Seth Clearwater
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (y/n) is a young witch who Carlisle had saved from the Salem witch trials, she had been been on the verge of being fully brunt to death when he had grabbed and rescued her, she was fifteen when he had turnt her thus making her the first hybrid of both witch and vampire species.
✭ authors note : this is part 2 to this request and I’m resuming from where I left off at
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the days following the revelation of Seth's imprint on (Y/N), Carlisle's overprotectiveness had reached new heights. He wanted to know her whereabouts at all times, even when he was at work. While his intentions were rooted in concern, (Y/N) found his constant vigilance suffocating.
One afternoon, feeling frustrated and in need of some space, (Y/N) decided to return to the Quileute pack's house. She was aware that her presence might not be welcomed by everyone, but she couldn't bear the overbearing atmosphere at home any longer.
As she arrived at the pack's house, Paul's abrasive greeting didn't surprise her. "Oh great, the freak's back."
Seth, sitting nearby, growled in response, his protective instincts kicking in. He shot Paul a warning glare before getting up and rushing to (Y/N)'s side. His face lit up with a lovesick smile as he hugged her tightly. "I've missed you," he murmured.
(Y/N) blushed and fidgeted under Seth's warm embrace, feeling a mixture of flattery and embarrassment.
Sam, observing the scene, approached with a curious expression. "Why are you here, (Y/N)?"
Unable to meet Sam's gaze, (Y/N) buried her head in Seth's chest and mumbled, "Just wanted to talk with Seth for a bit."
Seth tightened his hold on her, as if silently claiming her presence. He responded with a determined nod, his expression reflecting his unwavering affection for her.
Sam exchanged a knowing glance with the other pack members, recognizing the depth of Seth's imprint bond with (Y/N). While some tensions still lingered, they understood that this connection was beyond their control and something that needed to be respected.
(Y/N) and Seth, in that moment, found solace in each other's presence, away from the complexities and expectations of their respective worlds.
“Here follow me, I know where we can hang out at.”
Seth gently led (Y/N) toward the beach, their footsteps leaving imprints in the soft sand. The sound of the crashing waves filled the air, and the moon cast a shimmering silver glow over the ocean. It was a tranquil scene, the perfect backdrop for their conversation.
They found a quiet spot on the shore, sitting side by side, their toes sinking into the cool sand. They watched the waves roll in and out, the rhythm of the ocean providing a sense of calm.
After a few moments of comfortable silence, Seth turned to (Y/N), his eyes searching her face. "Something's been bothering you, hasn't it?"
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze fixed on the horizon. "Yeah, it's my father, Carlisle. He's been so overprotective lately, and it's suffocating."
Seth chuckled softly, understanding her frustration. "I get it. My big sister, Leah, can be the same way. They care deeply for us, (Y/N). They don't want to see us hurt."
(Y/N) nodded, appreciating Seth's perspective. "I know, and I love him for it, but I also need some space, you know? I want to have my own experiences and make my own decisions."
Seth grinned, his expression warm and supportive. "You're strong, (Y/N), and you've got a good head on your shoulders. You can handle it. Just be patient with him. He's learning too."
They turned their attention back to the waves, their conversation bringing a sense of understanding and reassurance. In that moment, (Y/N) felt grateful for the bond she shared with Seth, one that allowed them to share their concerns and find solace in each other's company.
As they watched the moonlight dance on the water, they knew that the challenges of their supernatural existence were vast, but with each other's support, they could navigate the complexities of their worlds and the relationships they held dear.
Seth's curiosity lingered in the tranquil night air as he turned to (Y/N) and asked, "If it isn't too much trouble to ask, what was it like back then for you?"
(Y/N) contemplated the question for a moment, the memories of those dark times resurfacing. "During the Salem witch trials?"
Seth nodded, his eyes reflecting genuine interest.
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her gaze distant as she began to recount her past. "My mother and I lived in fear, but there was a strange kind of harmony to it. We were both witches, you see. We learned magic from the grand witch, the first to be burnt alive in those trials."
Seth listened intently, captivated by her story.
(Y/N) continued, "The grand witch had been an outcast, feared and shunned by the townsfolk. But she wasn't wicked; she was just misunderstood. My mother and I were the only ones kind to her, and in return, she taught us her magic."
Seth's eyes widened with understanding. "So, you and your mother were accused because of your magic?"
(Y/N) nodded sadly. "Yes. They found my mother using her magic to make the crops grow during a particularly harsh season. The townsfolk believed it was witchcraft, so they killed her. A few months later, they came for me, fearing I was a witch like her."
Seth's expression turned sympathetic as he listened to the harrowing tale. He couldn't imagine the pain and fear (Y/N) must have endured during those dark times.
(Y/N) sighed, her gaze returning to the moonlit waves. "It was a time of persecution and ignorance, Seth. I'm just grateful that I found a family who accepts me for who I am now."
Seth reached out and gently squeezed (Y/N)'s hand, offering silent comfort and understanding. He had glimpsed a piece of her past, and it only deepened his admiration for her strength and resilience.
Seth's curiosity continued to drive his questions as he turned to (Y/N) once more. "Can you tell me what it was like when you were turned into a vampire?"
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment, her memories of the transformation still vivid and painful. "It was... excruciating. Not just physically, but emotionally as well. The venom burned like a thousand fires, coursing through my veins."
She shivered as she recalled the sensation, her voice quivering with the memories. "It was like reliving the flames from the stake all over again. But there was something else, something deeper. My own blood fought against the venom, resisting the change."
Seth's expression turned sympathetic as he listened to her describe the agonizing process. "That sounds awful. How did you make it through?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, finding strength in the presence of her friend. "I had Carlisle with me. He saved me from the pain of the stake, and he was there to help me through the transformation as well. He's been my savior in more ways than one."
Seth nodded, his respect for Carlisle growing even stronger. He couldn't imagine the strength and resilience it took for (Y/N) to endure such a traumatic experience and emerge from it as the person she was today.
As they continued their conversation under the moonlit sky, (Y/N) and Seth found solace in sharing their pasts and the challenges they had faced.
As (Y/N) and Seth continued to share their stories and experiences, it became clear that their bond was growing stronger with each passing moment. (Y/N) had learned about Seth's curiosity, and now it was her turn to ask about his life.
"I'd like to hear more about your life, Seth," she said, her eyes filled with genuine interest. "Tell me about your family."
Seth smiled, appreciating her curiosity. "Sure, (Y/N). Well, it's just my mom and my sister, Leah, now. Our dad, Harry, passed away when I was pretty young."
(Y/N) nodded in understanding, a sympathetic expression on her face.
Seth continued, "After Dad's death, it was just the three of us. Leah took on a lot of responsibility, helping our mom, Sue, raise me. She's always been strong and protective."
(Y/N) listened intently, gaining a deeper understanding of Seth's family dynamics.
Seth's smile grew as he recounted more of their story. "Leah shifted first, a few weeks before I did. It was a tough time for us, but she managed to navigate the challenges of being a wolf. When I eventually shifted too, it was a relief to have her by my side, guiding me through it."
(Y/N) was struck by the strength and resilience of the Clearwater family, especially Leah and Seth, who had faced significant challenges at a young age. Their bond as siblings had undoubtedly played a crucial role in helping them weather the storms of their supernatural existence.
As the conversation with Seth stretched into the late hours of the night, the moon hanging high in the sky, he eventually noticed the time. With a concerned expression, he spoke up, "It's getting pretty late. I could ask my mom if you can stay over if you want."
(Y/N) smiled warmly at his offer, appreciating his thoughtfulness. "That's really sweet, Seth, but I should head back home. My family's been worried about me enough as it is, especially my dad."
Seth nodded in understanding, realizing the importance of (Y/N)'s family. "I get it. Family comes first."
As they began to make their way back to the pack's house, Seth walked alongside (Y/N), the night air filled with a sense of companionship and understanding. When they finally reached their destination, Seth turned to (Y/N) with a soft smile.
"Well, (Y/N), thanks for coming to visit and sharing all those stories with me."
(Y/N) returned his smile, feeling a sense of connection she hadn't expected when she first ventured out to the pack's house. She leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on Seth's cheek. "Thank you for being such a good friend, Seth. I'll see you soon."
Seth's cheeks flushed bright red at the unexpected kiss. He stammered a grateful but slightly flustered reply, "Yeah, definitely. See you soon, (Y/N)."
As (Y/N) turned to head back home, she couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth in her heart. The supernatural world was filled with complexities and challenges, but it was also where unexpected friendships and connections could bloom, leaving a lasting impact on those who dared to embrace them.
As (Y/N) returned home, the familiar embrace of her family awaited her. Carlisle, who had been anxiously waiting for her, enveloped her in a tight hug the moment she stepped through the door.
"I'm so sorry for my behavior, (Y/N)," Carlisle whispered, his voice filled with regret. "I just worry about you, and I love you deeply."
(Y/N) returned the hug, her heart warmed by her father's concern. "I love you too, Carlisle. I'm grateful to have you as my father, even if I'm adopted."
Carlisle smiled, a mixture of relief and affection in his eyes. "You will always be my daughter, no matter what."
Feeling reassured, (Y/N) couldn't help but yawn. The long evening and heartfelt conversations with Seth had taken their toll on her.
Seeing her exhaustion, Carlisle gently said, "It's getting late, (Y/N). You should go to bed."
(Y/N) hesitated for a moment before making a request. "Can you stay with me until I fall asleep? Sing me the lullaby you used to sing when I was younger?"
Carlisle nodded, his heart swelling with love for his daughter. He followed her to her room, and as she settled into bed, he sat beside her. He began to softly sing the familiar lullaby that had always brought her comfort.
"The monsters gone, and it's on the run,
And your daddy's here.
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl."
As the soothing words filled the room, (Y/N) felt her eyelids grow heavy. She closed her eyes, listening to the familiar melody, and soon, the embrace of sleep overcame her.
Carlisle watched over her for a while longer, a wistful smile on his face. His little girl was growing up, and with each passing day, she was embracing her own unique journey in the supernatural world. He knew that their family's bond would remain unbreakable, no matter how much she changed and grew.
With a final loving glance at (Y/N), he left her room, closing the door gently behind him. The night settled over the Cullens' home, and Carlisle couldn't help but feel grateful for the love and connections that bound their family together, even in the face of the challenges that their extraordinary existence presented.
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jogetsobsessed · 1 year
Electricity - Paul Lahote x reader
This is a longer one, I plan on writing a small blurb based on the ending! -jo:)
The waves were crashing against the jagged rocks that stood above the waterline of the second beach. There were different groups walking along the coast, and a particular family, one that had stopped at the market before heading out to the beach, caught your eye. 
It was a younger couple with their two young children. A baby was strapped in a carrier to the woman's chest, happily kicking its legs as the mother cooed down at it. The father was a few steps ahead keeping up with the toddler. A little girl with bright blonde pigtails bounced as she ran ahead. Collecting seashells and stuffing them in the pockets of her pink polka dot raincoat as she went along, every once in a while turning back to show her dad the newest treasure that she had claimed. 
It was a picture-perfect image, one that made your heart swell. You had never had that as a child, your parents split just months after your birth. And in an unusual situation, they each took a child. You remained in the care of your father while your older sister was in the custody of your mother. 
But you never did mind, and you feared that you would never get to experience that with your future family. 
You grew up in the woods. Running barefoot clad in jeans and second-hand t-shirts coming home when the street lights turned on, dirty like a feral child. The children that you were surrounded with when you were younger had the same spirit as you. All of you ran together, creating your own realities that didn't have anything to do with the real world. 
Growing up spending more time on the rez than in town was frowned upon for most non-members of the tribe. But you were one of the rare exceptions. After your father became a single father to an infant while also being the chief of police he turned to one of his longest friends asking for his help. 
This ended up being a best-case scenario because you were then placed into the care of an elder in the Quileute community. She ran an informal home daycare, helping out members of the community when they needed it. 
There you grew up alongside a group of kids who accepted you from day one, even though you weren't from the reservation. It didn't matter to them, children are not born with the biases that plague the minds of adults. 
The lot of you ran wild and were known all around the reservation for being thick as thieves. You all did everything together, one person's experience was everyone's experience. The ups and downs of living in a small community, family problems that no children should have to experience, and more. 
Many nights were spent jumping out of your bedroom window and riding your bike to the reservation crashing it in the front yard of whoever house you were spending the night at. Crawling into the dog-pile sleeping arrangements where you always had your best nights of sleep. 
The friendships that you made as a child filled the void of absent family members. You made time for your father but no matter how hard he tried you could never be his top priority, since the town you called home and the surrounding communities relied on him. The pain in his eyes was always present when duty called and he had to leave you, but you knew that he felt better when you spent time with your friends, he hated leaving you alone. 
The door crashing open tore you away from the window and brought your attention to the front of the store. The bodies quickly ran into the couple rows of shelves and you knew who it was immediately. 
Not wanting to rain on their parade you acted oblivious, shouting out your usual greeting for customers and rolling your eyes. 
There was some rattling and you heard hushed arguing before four bodies jumped out shouting. Not even caring at your lack of a reaction, all four doubled over in laughter. You could have sworn your eyes were going to roll into the back of your head but you were used to their stupidity by now. 
Slowly they all came out of the laughing fits and came up to the counter, Jacob hopped up on the counter and you gave him a quick shove off, Embry and Quil laughing at your actions. Paul leaned against the counter, opposite of where you stood, with Embry and Jacob mirroring his actions and Quil hopping on the counter this time. And when you didn't march over to push him off Jacob started to bitch, causing you to roll your eyes at him again while Embry was the one to shove him this time. 
“Come on Y/N what are we doing tonight, we were talking about driving into Forks and going to the drive-in?”, Quil said as he absentmindedly organized the postcards in the little display stand. 
“Yeah they are showing Dazed and Confused, way better than that romcom crap that they show all the damn time”, Embry laughed. 
“Why the hell do you even know what a romcom is?”Jacob teased. 
They began to argue and bitch at each other, Quil chiming in when he found it possible. You watched the argument waiting for them to be done when a rough hand tapped yours. 
Paul was still standing on the other side of the counter in front of you, one of his fingers was ever so slightly grazing your own. 
This was normal for both of you. The feelings that you had for him were mutual, though you would never admit it. Terrified at changing the dynamic of the group when you inevitably break up because the fairytale of high-school sweethearts doesn't work out more than it does. And staying friends with him was more important than the love that grew each time you saw him. 
You gazed at him, letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding in. This always happened to him too. Sure you felt safe around any of the boys and trusted them all, but in the past year or so something changed about the way you felt towards Paul. And it wasn't because of your crush, since that had been around well since you entered your teenage years. 
Maybe it was because Paul had been the one tasked with explaining the existence of the shifters since you had accidentally found out when you witnessed Jared and Paul getting into it over something stupid one of them had said to the other one summer evening while you were sitting on the porch at Paul's dad's house. 
This was during the time when your friend group was split. 
Jared and Paul had been cast out, spending more and more time with Sam Uley after they underwent inhumane transformations at record speed. You had hardly recognized Paul when you saw him after a few weeks of not seeing him. His long hair was gone, and his physique was impressive, and a tattoo now decorated his arm. And when you saw Jared a few days later, he was the same. 
They both had given you the cold shoulder at first, but you weren't going to put up with their crap. They could have their little catfight with Quil, Embry, and Jacob but that was none of your business. Something must have happened that you had not been let in on, which pissed you off but you weren't going to lose friends over it. 
So you split your time between the two groups now, seeing them only on separate occasions, never telling the others that you were hanging out with the opposite group. 
So there you sat on Paul’s father's porch, it had been a normal day and then something was said and the day was ruined. 
You had watched in horror as both of their bodies contorted and spun and their human forms were gone and giant wolves appeared in their place. As they snapped and lunged at each other you stood up from the porch and sprinted to your bike. Pedaling as fast as you could all the way out of the reservation and to your house. 
Ignoring calls from both of them for a couple of days until Sam Uley showed up at your house. He held a bag of Harry Clearwater's famous fish fry that he was delivering to your father. No doubt running the errand for the old man to get the opportunity to talk to you. 
You didn't know him the best, only hearing more about him in the recent weeks when Embry was referring to him, Paul, and Jared as hall monitors on steroids. 
So as you tried to stick to your death glare towards him you relinquished after he asked several times for you to come by Emily’s, guilt-tripping you saying that Emily missed seeing you since you had stopped helping her out with working at the market.  
That night Paul had sat you down on the back porch and explained that the legends you had grown up hearing as you crashed the bonfires as children were in fact true. It was a hard pill to swallow but you felt a sense of importance being one of the few interested in the secret. 
Over the next few months, you watched as the rest of your friends went through the transformation as well, being able to comfort them when they wanted nothing to do with the other boys. 
“Y/N please tell Jacob that he's an idiot”, Embry pleaded. 
“Jake, you’re an idiot” 
“What the hell Y/N?”
“And Embry you're an idiot two, the both of you are idiots”, Paul and Quil both let out hoarse chuckles as they tried to stifle their laughter, at the two idiots with their jaws dropped. “And besides I can't do anything tonight, as soon as my shift’s over I’m out of here. My sister got here today. Charlie’s making me be there when he gets home from picking her up”. 
“Ah, that's right Isabella is making her grand return, how long has it been, four, five years?”. Quil wondered. 
“Try seven or eight”, Paul answered before you had the opportunity. You hummed in response and you began your end-of-shift duties, counting the money in the till since you were the closer. Greedy hands tried swiping some money as you counted and placed it all in the envelope. Handing the sealed envelope to the most responsible of the bunch which was Paul after he was given the strict instructions to hand it directly to Emily you bid your farewells as you hopped in your car and sped off towards town. 
The old wooden clock slowly tickled by as you sat on the worn-down couch waiting to hear the familiar sound of the worn-out brakes of your father's squad car pulling into the driveway. Your phone was lighting up every few seconds indicating new text messages coming in, no doubt from the boys and Leah begging you to meet them at the drive-in. 
There was no use in telling them no, none of them took the answer “no” very well. And even if you wanted to meet them, your dad had asked you to be there when your sister got here, and he hardly asked you to do anything so you felt like you couldn't bail this time. 
Picking at a loose string on the couch you were dozing off when finally the squeaky brakes could be heard signaling a sign of relief. 
Spend a few hours catching up with your sister and then meet the pack at the drive-in and catch whatever movie was playing after Dazed and Confused. 
The door pushed open and you pushed yourself off of the couch, preparing mentally for the awkwardness that was about to ensue. 
The last time that you had talked to your sister was over two years ago. A phone call that had ended sour, led to the two years of radio silence. Neither of you wanted it to go on that long but you both inherited the trait of being stubborn from your mother. 
“Bell’s I’m sure you remember your sister, It's been a while though”, your father laughed with a dry chuckle as he passed by you heading into the kitchen leaving you to stare at your older sister in complete silence, except for the distinct sound of a beer being cracked open. 
“Hey”, you cringed at your own voice, sounding so weak. 
“Hi”, she matched your tone, looking very uncomfortable, more than she usually looked. 
Luckily you were saved by your father who waltzed back into the living room and headed towards the stairs, calling out for Bella to follow him. He motioned for her to head up the stairs while he looked back at you, eyes pleading for you to follow them. It was awkward for all parties involved. Groaning you grabbed the handrail to head up, his hand patting your shoulder in thanks. 
A few weeks had passed since your sister had arrived in town, and luckily she had found a few friends in Forks to occupy her time, but most days you were still forced to spend some time with her and show her around at your father's request. 
She wasn't the biggest fan of the reservation, since she felt uncomfortable. However, it wasn't often that she joined you when you went since a particular pale boy took up most of her time. 
To say that you weren't Edward Cullen's biggest fan was an understatement. 
He was awkward and gave you the creeps. The way that he stared at you was like he knew something about you that you didn't even know yourself. Plus you found it slightly concerning that Bella was spending so much time with someone that she hadn't even known for a couple months. 
Plus whenever you brought up the reservation he instantly became rude and annoyed, even though he too had not been living in Forks long enough to truly have an opinion. 
Bella had dropped you off at Emily’s house since your car had puttered out on route 110 when you were driving to Port Angeles to pick up some groceries you couldn't get in Forks or on the rez. 
Being at Emily’s house was your own personal heaven. Everything there seemed perfect even when it wasn't. The smell of baked goods met your nose every time you pushed the door open and within seconds Emily would pull you into a bone-crushing hug. Many days were spent sitting at the old creaky dining room table. The grooves and scratches that decorated it and showed the years of wear were familiar under your fingertips. You could trace one line and know where the pattern was going to lead. 
Today was no exception, you were sitting at the table grazing on some of the goodies that Emily had been working on, talking about nonsense and listening to the soft melody that was floating out of the old radio that rested on one of the many cluttered shelves. 
None of the pack was in, Sam had sent them on various missions and errands to keep them busy and out of trouble, so it was one of the rare moments where it was almost silent. 
That was until a familiar orange truck came to a screeching halt outside. As soon as you caught a glimpse of it your anxiety spiked, your sister had no reason to be here. Emily shared a similar look of concern as she set down the bowl of muffins that she was mixing and came around to meet you at the table. 
Glancing out the window you saw your sister stumble out of the truck after Embry and Jared, looking like she had just seen a ghost, or maybe a werewolf. 
The boys ran into the house as if nothing was wrong, crashing into the table and snatching some goodies for themselves. Bella slowly made her way up the stairs. 
She had dropped you off and picked you up a few times, but she never left the driver's seat of her Chevy. 
“Who’s this?”, Emily asked in an attempt to break the ice since the two had never formally met. 
“Bella Swan, who else?”Jared mused smirking at you knowing that this whole situation had your skin crawling. 
Bella knew about vampires, you were sure of it. 
The amount of time that she was spending with Edward was inevitable. But you were trying your hardest to make sure she didn't find out about the wolves. She didn't need to be involved in both supernatural worlds. 
Vampires were not something that you knew much about, the basics were necessary since the legends of the tribe reference them. The questions that you had were extensive but you always played it smart and refrained from asking them since any mention of the leeches got the pack all worked up. 
But now you knew your weeks of trying to keep her in the shadows were for nothing. As you learned that your sister had stormed into the Black’s house demanding to see Jacob. 
He was trying to distance himself as well since Bella was getting more comfortable in Washington and was beginning to ask questions that Jacob couldn't answer due to Sam’s gag order and the looming threat that you placed…answers equal his murder. 
Bella had gotten pissed since one of her only friends was ignoring her and decided to find out why for herself after Jacob completely stopped returning her calls. 
This led to her finding Jake outside talking to the pack, and Bella inserted herself into the conversation and argued with Paul before punching him in the face. That led to Paul phasing and then Jacob phasing to protect her.
Bella had been traumatized, rightfully so but now you were in a predicament because she knew, and you were going to have to admit that you had been hiding something this big from her. 
Your sister moved closer towards you, standing next to your chair, taking the muffin that you were extending towards her. No words were exchanged between the two of you as Jared and Embry continued to spill the secrets of the Quileute tribe. 
You were so caught up in the bickering boys that you hadn't noticed Sam waltz in until he was all over Emily. The sight of true love made your heart swell. 
The sweet moment was quickly ruined by two pairs of feet stomping up the steps of Emily’s front porch, the two tanned boys shoving each other and pushing through the open front door. Paul strutted towards his usual seat at the worn table, right next to you. 
He looked past you and towards your sister, uttering a quick sorry. The tone of smugness made you want to gag at how idiotic he was and you could have sworn you heard Sam whisper a quick “oh my god”. 
Jacob was grinning as well, that was until he spotted Bella. You could have sworn your heart was going to pound out of your chest. The awkward tension in the air felt like it was going to strangle you. You didn't dare to look at your sister, even though you could feel her eyes staring at the back of your head. 
Luckily you were saved by the man of the hour after he motioned for Bella to follow him. As she pushed herself off the counter her hand found its way to your shoulder, and the look of anger and disappointment on her face affected you more than it should have.
She disappeared back the way she came and you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Your head was now resting against your folded hand, trying to calm yourself down. A hand was immediately on your back, rubbing small circles. 
The electricity that you felt let you know immediately who it was. Paul was now standing behind you, even though you didn't even remember him standing from his seat next to you. You couldn't see it because of your closed eyes but no one else dared to speak in the room because of the anger that was displayed across Paul's face. 
“What the hell are you saying?”. 
“Bella, will you just shut your mouth, you are throwing a fit for absolutely no reason. Last time I checked the world did not revolve around you”. 
“It's called common sense Y/N, you knew this secret about people that we grew up with”.
That was it. 
That comment was what had caused you to start charging across the front yard towards her. And if you hadn't been at Emily’s and the pack wasn't standing by you would have given her the punch to the face that was so deserved. 
But you hadn't been so lucky since the minute you took off charging Paul's arms slung around your waist and pulled you in tight. 
Jacob had moved Bella to the side, but it was for nothing since you quickly relented and held up your palms signaling that you were calm. Although you had calmed down, you weren't done laying into your sister. 
“Bella as much as I’d love to come over there and beat the shit out of you for thinking the world revolves around you I won't. You had no right to know, it not only puts you in danger but it puts the pack in danger as well. And also you didn't grow up here so you can shut your mouth with that nonsense”. 
It was silent for a second except for the soft sounds of the forest that blanketed Emily’s house. That was until Jared's voice broke through the air. 
Bella was at a loss for words, for once. Instead of bickering back with you she huffed and puffed for a second before saying something to Jacob. She hadn't whispered it but she was far enough away that you could only make out a few words, most of which were not in favor of you. 
But you didn't care, Bella meant nothing to you. You had found your own family and she had found hers. 
 Since Bella found out about the pack the two of you had been at each other's throats. 
At home, when the two of you were together it was only a matter of time before you began bickering. Charlie had picked up on it and asked you both what everything was about. But it wasn't like you could explain to your father that you were arguing because she had a supernatural boyfriend and you had a supernatural best friend of a different species and they happened to be mortal enemies. 
You know the usual teenage sister drama. 
More and more of your time was spent on the reservation. It got to the point where you were spending days on end at Emily’s or one of the boys not even going home to get more clothes. 
Quil’s grandma had offered for you to move in with them years ago and these days you were truly wondering if the offer stood. 
Because even though Emily offered you the guest room every night you were starting to feel bad, like you were a barnacle stuck to the side of a boat. 
“Do you want any help Em?”. Soft music was playing on the radio in the corner of the kitchen, the house decorated with beautiful flower arrangements that Emily had put together the night before. All of them had bloomed in her garden which she had been buzzing about since she planted them a couple months ago. 
“If you could make the salad that would be amazing my darling Y/N ''. There was a hint of teasing in her voice. Something that the two of you had picked up on, seeing how it amused the pack to see the two of you interact as a fake couple. 
Sam had been annoyed at first but Emily had straightened him out, lecturing him on how she knew he was strong enough in his masculinity for Emily to have fun and joke around with her friends. 
She made Sam apologize to you which was a sight that the entire pack was cruising around to see their leader do what his girlfriend said to do. 
“Of course dear, I will be right on it”, you replied giggling. 
Emily and you spent the next couple hours enjoying the silence before the pack burst through the door ready to eat the dinner that Emily had so graciously prepared. 
After the meal everyone migrated out back, most of the boys opting to play an impromptu game of soccer. 
Sam and Emily were snuggled together underneath a blanket on the old outdoor couch that sat on Emily’s porch. You sat on the porch swing, using your left left to slowly rock yourself back and forth as you watched the game. 
Unintentionally you found a thread sticking out of the cushion on the swing and started to absentmindedly pick at it. You were so caught up in it that you didn't notice the dip on the other side of the porch swing until an unnaturally hot arm was placed around your shoulder, 
“Destroying Em’s property over there are you?”Paul's tone was teasing and if that wasn't clear enough the smirk on his face spelled it out clearly. 
“Keep your voice down, you're gonna work Sam up”, your tone matched his. Both of you peering over at the happy couple lost in their own romance, they looked like a pair of high school kids, sneaking kisses and sharing giggles. 
Slowly you laid on Paul's bare chest and snuggled against him, gladly accepting his radiating body heat. 
This wasn't abnormal for the two of you, sharing such a vulnerable position. 
Sure, you snuggled against the other boys when you were cold, but never like this, never so intimate. 
With Paul, it was different, the connection that you felt with him allowed you to be so vulnerable and comfortable with him. It was an unspoken connection, neither of you acknowledging the sparks that you felt. No doubt the other boys had teased him about how soft he was when it came to you. 
Months had gone by. 
Bella was practically living at the Cullens. 
And you were couch-surfing on the reservation. 
Charlie was dealing with his own mess at the department and you didn't want to risk running into your sister at the house for the sake of your own sanity. 
It was summer time so neither of you ever being home was a red flag to him, but you knew that you were going to have to come up with some excuse once the leaves started to change. 
It was a particularly hot day when you had drug out the kiddy pool from the back of your car. It had been stashed there all summer, something you impulsively bought on a trip to Port Angeles. Never really intended to use it, that was until temperatures soared into the hundreds. 
Emily’s house was kind of the home base for the pack and had become your home base too. That's why you didn't feel weird about dragging the inflatable pool to the backyard and setting up camp for the day, even if Emily was out of town visiting family for the weekend. 
The pack was all supposed to be doing jobs around the reservation, helping make sure everyone stayed cool, so you figured no one would bother you and you would be able to have an afternoon of peace. 
Which worked out for a couple hours where you were able to just float and relax in the tiny pool. 
That was until you got drenched by someone splashing you. 
Aggravated you tore your sunglasses off ready to tear someone a new one, stopping when you realized who it was. 
“You're lucky it's you Lahote”. 
“Yeah…yeah make some room”. Paul didn't wait for you to even react and start to scoot over, instead taking matters into his own hands, pushing you gently to the side so he could recline to the best of his ability in the tight space. 
“Your damn body heat is gonna turn this into a hot tub”. 
“There is literally no need to be so dramatic”. 
You were facing each other, his feat extended past the side of your body while yours was pulled towards your chest. It was a defense mechanism, you were fine being in close proximity with Paul. But for some reason being in the kiddy pool suddenly had you the most self-conscious you had ever been around him. 
And if it wasn't like he had not seen you in a swimsuit before, I mean at this point with your relationship with the pack all the guys including Paul had “accidently” walked in on you changing. 
This felt different. 
The tension was building between the two of you. 
Maybe it was because it was so hot outside or because of the difficult year you had experienced but you felt as if your judgment was a bit clouded. 
Because as Paul scooted closer you matched his actions. 
Suddenly the two of you were face to face. 
You were frozen, not sure of the next move. 
You wanted to kiss him, you really did. But you weren't sure of his feelings towards you. 
That was until he finally made the next move and his lips found yours. 
The rush of euphoria was instant, there was something so satisfying about the kiss. It was like the electric sparks that you had been feeling for the past year were now met with a constant electric current. 
You were the one to break the kiss, instantly hiding your face to conceal the blush that had spread across it. 
Paul stayed still. 
You gave him a few seconds waiting for him to say something…but he didn't. 
And when you moved your face to get a good look at him your heart sank. 
He looked angry. 
And he didn't just look at it, he was all worked up, trying to control his breathing, his shoulders moving up and down at a rapid pace. 
He was gonna transform. 
“Y/N get out of the pool”. 
You were frozen with fear, his tone was so icy. He never spoke to you like this.
“Y/N get out of the pool now”, he practically growled the words. 
It was as if some invisible force flung you backward, you couldn't even process what you were doing. 
One minute you were sitting staring at the man you were in love with and the next you were stepping backwards in horror as you watched his clothes shred and his tanned skin be replaced by silver fur and then he was gone. 
Leaving you all alone, destroyed. 
It had been five weeks since you had seen or talked to Paul. 
It was as if he completely disappeared, just vanished off the face of the earth. 
Although you knew this wasn't the case because none of the pack members seemed too concerned, dodging all your questions when you brought him up. 
It was unbearable, to spend any amount of time with any of them. 
You knew it was because they all had some big secret that they wanted to tell you, but couldn't. 
And frankly, it was just making you mad at this point. It's why you never wanted to get romantically involved with any of them, because of this. 
One day you had reached your breaking point though. 
It was early one weekend morning, one where you had actually slept at Charlie's for the night since you had been feeling awkward on the rez. And you had sent a text to Quil asking if he wanted to get breakfast at your shared favorite spot on the reservation. 
His text back simply contained one word; “Can’t”. 
And when you texted Jared and Embry you were met with the same response. 
So you did the unthinkable. 
Pulling your clothes on and making yourself look more presentable than normal you put your car in gear and drove to an unfamiliar house. 
The only reason you knew where to go was because you had been with your father once when he needed to stop by it really quickly. 
You had intended for the drive over to be a time to think about what you were going to say without having to say that all your friends were being assholes and you just don't want to be alone for the day. 
But instead, you cried when a song came on the radio that reminded you of your said asshole-ish friends. 
So now here you were fixing your makeup that had run down your face giving yourself a monitor pep talk to prepare yourself to be the bigger person. 
Finally getting out of the car and walking to the front door you reluctantly knocked.
Within a flash a ghostly person was standing in front of the glass door, looking at you at first with curiosity and then pity. 
Luckily you didn't have to say your friends sucked, he just knew. 
The Cullens had welcomed you into their home with open arms. 
Something you never would have suspected considering if they only had one hater in the world it was you and if there were no haters in the world then you must be dead. 
But that was before, you had put most of it behind you. 
Choosing to see their positive qualities and attributes and not focusing on the negative. 
Being in their home was such a stark contrast from being at Emily’s 
The atmosphere and the way everyone interacted, which was one of the downsides to the Cullens house, felt so formal compared to Emily’s and you felt so out of place. 
But regardless you made yourself as comfortable as possible, attempting to repair your relationship with your sister. 
On this day in particular most of you were upstairs, lounging in the living room, light conversations taking place, nothing too heavy to disrupt the calm environment. 
Until Edward shot up from his place next to Bella on the loveseat. His brothers followed immediately, his sisters following just moments later. Bella and you remained seated, unsure of what to do. 
She opened her mouth and started to speak but a loud snarl caught both of you off guard. Bella looked perplexed but you knew right away who it could belong to. Jumping off the couch you 
The Cullen-Hale siblings were crowded around their front porch, blocking your direct vision but it didn't matter you knew who it was. 
sprinted downstairs. 
“She doesn't want to see you”
“You need to leave” 
“Get off our territory mutt”
Pushing past the stone-cold bodies shielding your view felt like a mistake. Because there he was. You could see some of the anger leave his face the moment he saw you but it returned as soon as Emmett's hand found its way to your shoulder. 
“Get your hands off her”
“Not happening, you need to leave”
“I’m giving you three seconds” 
“He’s not gonna listen to you mutt” 
“Take your hands off my imprint right now or I am not going to have a care about whatever the treaty says” 
Time stopped still. 
Have you heard him correctly? 
Did he just call you his imprint, I mean there was no way. He had to have been lying. You had been around Paul practically every day since his genes kicked in, minus all the times you had been arguing. 
And not once did he tell you anything about you being his imprint, in fact, he got off the topic every time you brought it up. 
No one dared to move, besides Paul who was heaving his shoulders up and down, trying to fight off the impending shift. 
Carlisle moved to say something to Emmet, something you couldn't hear but whatever it was it made his hand swiftly retract from your shoulder. 
This time Carlise came up next to you whispering, “You better go with him Y/N”. 
How you wished to be a fly on the wall. You wished you could see what was going on right now in Emily’s backyard. 
Paul and you had decided it was neutral ground, and that way if Paul got worked up the pack could hopefully talk him off the ledge. They were all inside, on Sam’s order but you had no doubt that they were listening to every single word that was being said, or better yet the words that weren't being said. 
You had sat down on the porch swing almost five minutes ago, Paul leaning against the railing opposite of you. He had opened his mouth as if to speak within the first ten seconds of being outside but no sound came out. 
“Paul, are you going to say anything?” 
He fiddled with a loose piece of wood sticking out the front of the porch railing, clearly embarrassed by the whole situation. 
It was something new. 
All of your years of knowing Paul you had never seen him like this. Embarrassment actually looked good on him, it was such a stark contrast from his confident cocky self, this whole thing was truly a humbling experience for him. One that you no doubt would be teasing him for once you moved past this awkwardness. 
“I wanna start with I’m sorry” 
“Why did you do it?”, your tone was accusing. 
“Do what?” 
“Paul don't act stupid” 
“Y/N please this is what I didn't want. I didn't want you to find out and then everything we had…our friendship would be ruined”. 
“Is it because you don't like me like that, like the way that imprinters like their imprints?”. 
Your eyes fought to see him, but he refused to look at you. And with the slight nod of his head, you felt your heart shatter. 
Slowly you started to push off the swing, ready to collect your bag from inside, but you didn't make it off the chair. His hand was clamped around your wrist, stopping you. 
His other hand found its way to your cheek, guiding you to look at him, wiping the loose tears away. 
“No, no baby, I mean Y/N I didn't mean it like that”. The hand felt surprisingly soft on your cheek, giving you instant relief. Looking up at him all you saw was fireworks. 
Your childhood crush, the man that you have loved since you were a child, was meant to be yours. Even the universe agreed. 
“Y/N I have been in love with you since we were fourteen years old, but I never said anything because I didn't want to hurt you. I don't know how to be in a relationship. My mom left when I was a kid, you know that whole story. And I don't have a good track record with relationships so far. I messed all of them up, and I would never forgive myself if I messed this one up too. I don't know if I could physically take it”. 
He was crying now. 
They were soft tears, slowly sliding down his tanned skin. He was pouring his heart out to you, and you had never felt so special. Everything in your life had been leading up to this moment. The moment when the universe aligns for you. 
“We can go at your pace, you don't need to commit to anything you don't want. I will do anything and everything for you, I will move heaven and earth for you, I will walk to the East Coast and back to pick you up if you ask”. 
Now he was rambling. 
“Paul I love you too”.
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Five
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: Curse words (idk about you, but I swear like a sailer - so I apologize in advance bc it’ll be a recurring item)
Notes: The last half of this chapter was one of the first scenes I wrote when I played around with writing this series, these random snippets inspired this whole thing. I’m so glad everyone is enjoying my work!
Word Count: 1930
Series Masterlist
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• March 4th, 2005 • Forks HS Cafeteria •
It’s raining outside again for the umpteenth time this week, forcing myself and my preferred Cullen sibling to sit apart at our respective tables inside as our usual table outside collects rain. I glance at the table the Cullen’s claimed and spot Jasper already watching me so I wave shyly. He returns it with a grin only to receive a shove from Emmett as he no doubt teases Jasper for the action.
“Hey - La Push baby, you and Y/n in?” Eric asks Bella as she drops her bag into the chair next to mine.
“Should I know what that means?” She questions back before I could voice the same inquiry.
“La Push Beach down at the Quileute Rez, we’re all going tomorrow.” Mike explains.
“Yeah, there’s a big swell coming in.” Jessica adds.
Eric pops up from his seat, splaying his hands out like he’s already riding a wave “And I don’t just surf the internet!”
“Eric, you stood up once and it was a foam board.” Jess teases him as Mike mirrors his goofy stance, earning a smack from Tyler at the goofy display.
“But there’s whale-watching too, come with us.” Angela prods us gently with her kind eyes.
“La Push baby, it’s La Push.” Eric tries to make the words sound cooler than they are and I can help but hide a chuckle behind my hands.
“Okay,” glancing at me before I give her a nod, “we’ll go if you stop saying that, okay?” Bella concedes before leaving our table to grab a school lunch, I catch Edward standing from his seat to follow her.
“Seriously dude, it’s creepy man.” Mike teases Eric. Their conversation fades into the background as I lean back and open my book while I munch on my carrots.
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• March 5th, 2005 • La Push Beach, Quileute Reservation •
“I don’t know if it’s worth it anymore.” Eric says worriedly as he, Mike, and Jessica finish pulling on their wetsuits.
“We drove all the way out here, I’m at least paddling out.” Jess tells the boys. She’s stronger than I am, because there isn’t any chance I’d subject myself to the freezing water willingly.
“So,” Angela starts, “I keep thinking that Eric’s going to ask me to the prom. And he just… doesn’t.”
“You should ask him, take control. You’re a strong, independent woman.” Bella affirms our friend.
“I am?” Angela responds, unsure.
“Yes.” Blunt and to the point, Bella nods at her.
“Absolutely Ang, he’s just a boy and he would be stupid to turn you down.” I add, confident Eric would be over the moon to go to prom with someone as smart and amazing as her.
“Hey, will you do me up?” Jessica asks me, spinning around in front of me where I lean against the open passenger door next to Angela’s perch on the seat.
“Of course.” I oblige her as she moves her hair to the side.
“Bella!” Turning towards the voice, three tall guys from the reservation walk towards our van.
“Hi, Jacob.” Bella greets the one leading the small group, “Guys, this is Jacob.” She tells us and he gives the rest of us a nod and a wave before sitting next to Bella in the open side door. “What are you, like, stalking me?” I hear Bella tease Jacob.
“You're on my rez, remember?” Jacob chuckles, “Are you surfing?”
“Definitely not.” It’s my turn to chuckle as I catch the scoff and completely serious look on her face.
“You guys should keep them company.” Jess encourages the new group of guys, “Um, Bella’s date bailed.”
“What date?!” Eric panics and pauses like a deer in headlights.
“She invited Edward.” Jessica answers, but Bella jumps to defend her crush.
“To be polite, that's it.”
“I was going to invite Jasper, but since Edward didn’t want to come…” I trail off awkwardly.
“I think it's nice they invited them, nobody ever does.” Trying to come to our rescue, Angela adds.
“Yeah, 'cause the Cullen's are freaks.” Mike’s jealousy showing clear.
“You got that right!” The slightly taller Quileute guy to my right agrees and I’m immediately annoyed.
“You guys know them?” Bella ignores their comments and tries to latch on to any spec of information she can. I also turn to the guys, curious about anything I might learn of the Cullen family.
“The Cullens don't come here.” The other one says ominously, silencing the group.
What an odd thing to say… I mean, is the family not allowed? Did something happen? I have so many questions, but I also know it’ll be incredibly awkward to press them for answers after only just meeting.
After munching on a Twizzler, Jacob stands and turns to my friend. “Wanna go walk the beach while your friends jump in the water?”
“Sure.” Bella rises and pauses in front of Angela and I, “you guys good?”
“Absolutely - yeah!” We nod and smile, both of us content to watch the surf and huddle under our blankets as everyone sets off for the shore.
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Jumping in Bella’s truck once everyone’s had their fill of the freezing waves, I lean over and crank the heat dial while she starts the ancient vehicle.
Rubbing my thighs to warm my hands and legs, I ask, “So was that weird, or just me? The comments about the Cullen’s not coming to the Rez?”
“Definitely not just you, I asked Jake on our walk what they meant.” Coaxing the truck onto the road towards Forks, she continues. “He started talking about Quileute legends and old tales.”
“What does that have to do with the Cullen’s?” I press.
“He said they’re supposedly descendants from an enemy clan and they were found hunting on their land.” She glances at me before continuing, “So they made some kind of treaty I guess, to stay off their land and they wouldn’t expose them.”
“Expose them for what?”
“I don’t know, he didn’t say.” She huffs, annoyed. “Do you-do you want to come over for a little bit? I was thinking about doing some research on this stuff.”
“Oh hell yes, count me in!” I turn to look out the window with a grin, I might be closer to actually getting answers now than if I were to solve this on my own.
The rest of the evening was spent huddled around Bella’s computer. We searched Quileute legends on google and ended up coming across tales of ‘Cold Ones’ intertwined in the tribe’s history. An odd sensation came over me when it described their qualities, almost like a foreboding feeling - but I shrugged it off. After a few more clicks, we found a book that could help dive more in-depth on the legends.
“There!” I point at the screen, seeing the availability of it at a store close to our location.
“One is in stock at Thunderbird & Whale Book Store in Port Angeles.” Bella reads as she pulls up a map, scribbling the address on a sticky note. “Wanna come with me after school Tuesday?” She turns to ask as I munch on some chips, taking a seat at the end of her bed.
“There’s no point in asking anymore, we’re in this together. I’m just as invested in finding out more about Jasper as you are about Edward.”
“Fair.” She cracks a sideways grin as she flops on her bed next to me.
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• March 7th, 2005 • Forks HS •
Rushing through the clouded hallway before first period to avoid Tyler Crowley and his gaggle of friends, I spot Jasper loitering with his sister Rose near the end of the corridor. I practically ran in his direction-pushing him by the chest into a secluded alcove by the stairs, an apologetic wince of a smile thrown in Rosalie’s direction that was immediately met with understanding as her eyes located the entourage hot on my heels.
“Sorry,” I whisper to his shocked form, “if they find me, you give a very distinct ‘fuck off’ vibe they can’t ignore.”
His eyes were wide as he looked down at me - I think I rendered him speechless with my forward actions, commandeering his body for personal use against other boys. Come to think about it, what was I thinking? This is Jasper Hale, why would he-
“Glad to be of service. Even though this might be a little bit of a strange request.” He whispered right back, the space small enough that he didn’t need to talk too loud over the din of the hallway and with how close we were standing - there wasn’t much space between us.
God, what the fuck am I doing?
Without even thinking, I lean my head forward to settle on the center of his chest, closing my eyes in embarrassment, arms clutching my notebooks to my chest. Before I could think about what I just initiated, one of his large hands came to settle on my back, immediately soothing the worries that began to swim that I was being too forward.
“Are you alright?” He murmured into my hair.
“That’s a loaded question.” I mumbled into his shirt, squeezing my eyes shut even tighter. How could he read me so well?
The longer we stood here, the more I began to realize his chest wasn’t moving. Is he holding his breath? Oh shit, do I-
“Oh, uhh, my bad! I-I’ll see you around Y/n.” I heard Tyler stutter, I turned my head to see him glancing between Jasper and I. Perfection, my plan a success as the gaggle of boys turned tail and hurried away.
I glance upwards to Jasper’s stoic face, “Thank you for your flawless execution.” Complimenting his quick compliance in my hasty plan before running off to my next class of the day.
“Anytime, doll.” He replied with that southern accent and signature half-smirk.
Damn him for being so attractive and for using that nickname.
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I remained standing here a few more moments, not entirely sure what just transpired between Y/n and I. Her scent lingering in this alcove she accosted me into, lavender and fresh linen invaded my senses as those all-too-familiar flames of devastating hunger take up residence in my throat again.
I know I’ll hear it about this little stunt the moment I’m home this afternoon, Rosalie no doubt currently informing Emmett and Alice of what transpired.
I exhaled a sigh and let my head thump against the wall behind me, eyes slipping closed. I swear I can still feel her forehead pressed against my chest. I forced myself to stop breathing then in the moment, the desire for unsavory things it caused to swirl in my chest needed to be suffocated. I could feel the tension emanating from her then and I had to stamp that out if I ever hoped she’d continue to be comfortable with me, my own bloodthirsty desire be damned. I could still feel the warmth from where her body touched mine.
This gorgeous human girl has me wrapped around her tiny little finger and I’m not even sure she’d give me the time of day.
Once I manage to peel myself away from the wall, Alice rushes up to me with worry saturating her emotions.
“I’ve been looking for you! We need to leave, the sun will be out by lunch.” She tells me in a rush.
What I wouldn’t give to not have a life dictated by the weather. With a sigh, I follow my sister to the student parking lot.
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parksphotography · 7 months
Olympic National Park, WA (Aug 2023)
First Beach, on the Quileute Reservation
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since02fanficrecs · 5 months
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A monter lives here
Grace Alo is exiled to Forks, Washington after being kicked out of high school right before senior year. The recent passing of her father mixed with moving into a shared bedroom with her cousin was enough to shake up any teenager’s life. But upon her return, an inevitable meeting forces her to confront who she’s destined to become to protect the home and people she loves.
Timeline: This story begins in New Moon and carries through the rest of the series and beyond.
Pairings: Original Quileute Female Character x Paul Lahote (Angst), Original Quileute Female Character x Jacob Black
Warnings/Tags: Sexual Content, Sexual Frustration, Angst, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, Supernatural Elements
Status: Temporary Hiatus
Find me here too: Ao3; Fanfiction.net
Dream Catcher
Push and Pull
Alpha's Orders
The Beach
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s0urw00lf · 6 months
All the wrong things - pt 4
Summary: y/n gets the story on the cullens from Jacob and finally has a well needed weird conversation with Edward
FIC type: fluff/angst
Pairing: Edward Cullen x reader
Word count: 2.9k
Warning: cursing maybe?
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Y/n sat silently in the back door of the van eating Twizzlers and listening to her friends talk to each other as they put on their wet suits. Angela sat beside her, “I keep thinking Eric’s going to ask me to prom and then he just doesn’t,” She said, defeat laced in her tone. Y/n shrugged her shoulders “Why don’t you ask him? I mean you're a strong independent woman, take control.” She said turning to face her friend. Angela leaned her head to the side, letting a bashful expression cross her features“I am?” She asked. y/n nodded “yes.” She said immediately, nodding her head.
Jessica came up to Angela asking her to zip her suit, making y/n avert her gaze elsewhere and making eye contact with Jacob black, who had two others behind him. “Y/n,” he said smiling as he stopped in front of her. y/n smiled “Hey Jacob. Guys this is Jacob.” She introduced. “Hey, guys. How are you doing?” He asked Jessica and Angela in his usual bubbly tone. Both girls replied with ‘hi’ and Jacob took a seat next to y/n. “So are you like, stalking me now?” She teased. “You're on my rez, remember?” He clapped back, causing y/n to roll her eyes. Jacob took a quick look around at her friends “Are you surfing?” He asked. Y/n laughed at the question “Absolutely not” she said, offering him a Twizzler which he accepted and thanked her for.
Jessica spoke up from beside Angela “You guys should keep y/n company. Her date bailed.” She said. Y/n rolled her eyes discreetly, “what date?” Eric asked from the other side of the van, where he and Mike were zipping up their suits. Jessica laughs “She invited Edward,” she said. “It wasn’t a date, I was just trying to be polite.” Y/n said in a mocking ‘duh’ tone. “I think it's nice she invited him. Nobody ever does.” Angela said sweetly, “Yeah ‘cause Cullens’ a freak,” Mike said and Jacob’s friends agreed with him. “You guys know him?” Y/n asked curiously. “The Cullens don’t come here,” Jacob’s friend said, causing a silence. Y/n looked over to Jacob who shook his head and took a bite out of the twizzler.
Y/n and Jacob walked along the beach of “la Push” in silence before Y/n spoke up. “What did your friends mean by “the Cullens don’t come here”?” She asked curious. Jacob scoffed lightheartedly “You caught that huh? I’m not supposed to say anything about it,” he said contemplating. Y/n nodded “Well I’m not gonna force it out of you… how about a pinky swear?” Y/n said no longer walking but holding up her pinky with a smile. Jacob chuckled stopping as well as he turned to her “Pinky swear?” He teased. Y/n laughed as well dropping her arm “What? Don’t tell me I have to teach you about pinky swear” she teased back. Jacob laughed and finally held up his pinky which y/n linked with her own. When both their hands dropped Jacob began. “It’s just like an old scary story” he said, as they began walking again. “I won’t get scared, I promise,” she said jokingly, making Jacob smile before it quickly dropped.
“Okay, did you know Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?” He asked, y/n’s eyebrows shot up in surprise “Wolves? Like real wolves?” She asked, making sure she heard him correctly. He nodded “Yeah, that’s the legend of our tribe.” Jacob said. Y/n nodded “So what’s the story about the Cullens?” She asked. “Well, they’re supposedly descended from this like, enemy clan. My great-grandfather, the chief, found them hunting on our land. But they claimed to be something different so, we made a treaty with them.” He said. Yn took in the information as Jacob continued talking. “If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, then we wouldn’t expose what they were to the pale faces,” he said finishing his story with a smile. “I thought they just moved here,” Y/n said. “Or just moved back,” he said chuckling. Y/n laughed along with him, playing it off but internally she was even more intrigued than before. Both y/n and Jacob were startled by a scream coming from Angela who ran by being chased by Eric with a snake.
(I decided to end the scene here because I hated the way Bella kept pressing about the Cullens story and because I actually love Jacob)
When y/n returned home Charlie wasn’t home from work yet, so she decided to just go to her room and find something to do. She somehow found herself at her computer searching ‘Quileute legends’. She quickly found a bookstore that was in Forks Washington and wrote down the address.
The next morning when y/n woke up she was pleased to see that the sun was making itself known. She quickly got ready for school and made sure to grab her ripped piece of paper with the address scribbled on it. At school she discretely (or so she thought) looked around in search of a specific person. “He’s not here,” Jessica said from beside y/n. Jessica was sitting on the table leaning back on her elbows sunbathing. “What?” Y/n asked confused. “ whenever the weather's nice the Cullen’s disappear.” Yn nodded slightly embarrassed at being caught “So what do they just ditch or something?” Y/n asked. “No, Dr. And Mrs.Cullen pull them out for like camping and stuff. Tried that with my parents… not a chance” Jessica said as Angela sat down next to y/n “Guys, I’m going to prom with Eric. I just asked him, I took control.” she said excitedly. Y/n cheered “See I told you,” she said hugging her. “Are you sure you have to go out of town?” Angela asked. “Oh yeah it’s kind of a family thing, can’t miss it” y/n replied. “Okay, we should go shopping before all the good dresses get cleaned out,” Jessica said before the bell rang. “At Port Angeles? Mind if I come?” She asked biting her lip in curiosity. “Uh yeah I need your opinion,” Angela said in a ‘duh’ tone.
Y/n sat doodling, barely paying attention as both girls tried on different dresses. They had both come out at the same time Angela in a teal blue almost and Jessica with a pinkish purple one with white gloves, as they rambled about the qualities the dresses bought out. Out of nowhere a group of guys walked passed knocking on the window and catcalling them, at that moment y/n had been so glad she’d decided against going to prom. She rolled her eyes and gave the guys a disgusted look “That’s disgusting” she said lowly looking back to her journal just as Jessica asked, “y/n, what do you think?” At this y/n looked back up. “You guys look great,” she said and both girls' shoulders slumped “You’ve said that about the last five dresses though,” Jessica said looking back to the mirror “I thought they were all pretty good” y/n sassed back. “You’re not really into all this are you?” Angela asked, y/n sighed feeling a little guilty “I just really want to go to this bookstore, I’ll meet you guys at the restaurant, ok?” She asked to shock the girls agreed.
It didn’t take y/n long to find the bookstore. The sun was setting fast causing an unsettling sensation to linger in her stomach. She found her book and paid for it before making an exit and starting back towards the restaurant where she was supposed to meet Jess and Angela. By now the sun was completely dark, and y/n had lost her way getting confused about which turn to take. As she passed an alley that looked familiar she began to walk down it but quickly changed her mind when the men from earlier today started walking toward her. She turned around and started walking back, as the men followed her. When she exited the alley she noticed more men walking toward her from that way as well. She was surrounded. Shed tried to move past them but they blocked her way “Woah woah woah, where you going pretty girl?” “Come drink with us” “Yeah you should come hang out with us” All the voices piled on top of each other and their breaths reeked of alcohol. Her breath began to pick up as her heart raced, “let me go” she threatened in a weak voice, but it became more firm as one of the guys laid their hands very low on her back “Don’t touch me!” She said as she kicked her guy in his area, just as a familiar car pulled into her sight stopping just before hitting the guys as they scattered around like rats.
“Get in the car” Edward demanded. Y/n was quick to follow his orders, feeling better about getting in a car with someone from school than staying out there. From what she could see, Edward had given them a threatening glare, she didn’t see his mouth moving so that’s all she could come up with. He got into the car and pulled forward again stopping maybe an inch from the guys before speeding out of the lot and back to the main road. “I should go back there and rip those guys’ heads off.” Edward threatened through clenched teeth. Y/n’s brows raised in shock “Uh no you really shouldn’t, that would classify as murder.” She rambled, as she grabbed the door handle in fear because of the speed he was doing in the car. “You don’t know the vile and repulsive things they were thinking” he argued mindlessly. Y/n looked over at him in confusion “And you do?” She asked. He hesitated for a second before saying “It’s not hard to guess.”. Y/n stared at him in silence for a second “Can you talk about something else? Distract me so I won’t turn around.” He said. Y/n racked her mind for something to say before settling with “Driving without a seatbelt is dangerous, you should buckle up” she said rambling again, he laughed “You should put your seatbelt on” he said. Y/n stared at him in shock at his mood swing but decided against saying anything
Y/n walked up to the restaurant where she was supposed to meet Angela and Jessica, only to find them walking out. “Hey, guys I'm sorry I-“ y/n started but was cut off by Angela’s worried tone “Where were you? We left you messages” Angela said, “yeah we waited, but we were like starving, so we..” Jessica trailed off as she saw Edward approaching. “I’m sorry I kept y/n from dinner< we just ran into each other and got talking,” he said flashing his not-seen-very-often smile, to anyone who knew y/n his statement would have been unbelievable but the two girls in front of her (one more than the other) were just happy to have Edward speak to them. Both girls were speechless at his comment “No, we understand I mean, it happens right?” Jess stuttered out smiling, “Um, we were- yeah we were just leaving so um, y/n if you wanna” Jessica pointed to the car they drove her in asking if she was coming with. “I think I should make sure y/n gets something to eat. If you’d like. I’ll drive you home myself” Edward asked looking right at y/n. She listened to the two girls on each side of her send ‘That’s so thoughtful’ and ‘yeah’s back and forth. “Yeah, yeah I should eat,” Y/n said. “Okay, we’ll see you tomorrow then.” They said. Y/n nodded as they turned around and walked up to the restaurant.
“Alright one mushroom ravioli,” the waiter said as she placed y/n plate down in front of her. “Thank you,” y/n said politely and sent the woman a tight-lipped smile, “yeah no problem,” she said before turning to Edward “So are you sure there’s not anything I can get you?” she asked him with a slight flirt in her tone. Edward glanced at her before settling his eyes back on y/n “No, no thank you” he said with a small smile. “Well let me know,” the woman said as she walked away. Y/n stared at him in wonder, “Are you not gonna eat? I mean I feel kind of weird eating in your face like this.” She said.
Edward huffed out a laugh before replying “No I’m on a um, special diet”. Y/n sighed looking down at her plate of food then back up at him “You gotta give me some answer” she said. “Yes, no, to get to the other side, 1.77245-“ “I don’t wanna know what the square root of pi is,” she said rolling her eyes. “You knew that?” He asked cheekily, y/n squinted her eyes at him. “you knew where I was, how?” She demanded. “I didn’t” he denied. Y/n nodded and began getting up “Alright-“ she said, and for once another emotion what looked to be panic crossed his face “Don’t leave. I-“ he said cutting himself off and letting out a sigh. Y/n sat back down, “were you following me? Did you see me out or something? I need answers,” she said, almost begging him to explain himself, immediately after she asked he spoke “I feel very protective of you,” he said. “So you followed me?” She asked looking away from him for a second before returning his gaze. “I was trying to keep a safe distance in case you needed my help and then I heard what those lowlives were thinking,” he said huffing out a laugh. “Hold on slow down, you heard what they were thinking?” She asked “So you read minds.” She confirmed.
He again huffed out a laugh and began looking around the restaurant “I can read every mind in this room, apart from yours” he said, the last part didn’t come as much of a surprise as the first part, she’d always been told she was hard to read even when her emotions were being laid out on a silver platter for everyone to see. He began looking around the room and saying what everyone was thinking. Until he got to her “And then you, nothing. It’s very frustrating” He said. Y/n nodded taking in the information, “I’ve always been told I’m hard to read, never thought anyone would mean it literally” Y/n said sheepishly. Edward laughed “I just told you I can read minds and that’s what you say?” He asked. “Oddly enough it doesn’t scare me. It’s familiar, I don’t know why” she said softly looking down at her untouched food but Edward heard her. He sighed making her look back up at him “What?” She asked. “I don’t have the strength to stay away from you anymore,” he said, staring into her eyes with an intensity she’d never seen before. “Then don’t” she replied recuperating his stare.
Driving back home was awkward, y/n felt the tension layered on thick. “I think I’m warm enough now,” she said and reached to turn off the heat, coming in contact with his hand who reached to do the same. His hand was cold, and y/n looked at him in wonder as he tensed“you could leave it on if you're still cold?” She suggested, at this, he visibly relaxed letting out a breath. He shook his head “no I’ll be fine it’s just nerves” he said. Y/n nodded not pushing him further as he reached to turn off the heat this time.
“Charlie’s still there can you pull in?” Y/n quietly asked him watching as the flashing lights of police cars passed them and surrounded the police station. “That’s my father’s car on the end,” Edward said softly. He said as he pulled into the parking lot and parked. “What is he doing here?” He asked face etched with confusion as they exited the car. “Carlisle, what’s going on?” He asked his father. “Waylon Forge was found in a boat out near his place. I just examined the body” Carlisle said. “He’s dead?” Y/n asked in shock. The doctor nodded “How?” She asked. The doctor shared a look with Edward “Animal attack” he said. “The same one that got the security guard down in Mason?” She asked. “Most likely” he answered. “It getting closer to town” “Y/n you should go inside, Waylon was a friend of Charlie’s,” he said. Y/n nodded and turned to Edward, “thanks for dinner and the ride, I’ll see you later” she said and walked into the station.
“Hey,” she greeted Charlie. “Hey,” he replied. After a couple of seconds of silence y/n spoke again. “I’m sorry for your loss,” she said sitting down beside him. “I’ve known him going on 30 years,” he said sadly. Not knowing what to say Y/n placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he placed his over hers. Suddenly he started looking around “Don’t worry about it we’re gonna catch this thing. In the meantime I want you to carry this with you” he said pulling out a green bottle of pepper spray. Y/n grimaced “I’m not sure you-“ “It’ll give me some peace of mind” he cut her off before she could disagree. She took the bottle “Okay” she said. “Let’s go home,” he said.
@davinashifts333 @lilithskywalker @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads
Okay Ik it took forever for me to upload this but writing for twilight is hard when I’m trying to change up the perspective from Bella and Edward’s dynamic and morph it into my own kind of so let’s not say…
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Next to me(Emmett Cullen)
Chapter 15: the cold ass Beach
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The beach was freezing today but Mike and Jessica were suiting up to go surfing. Me, Emmett, and Angela were all snuggled up in blankets and hoodies in Tyler's van. Bella on the other hand was setting up in the driver's seat of the van reading a book and tuning everyone out.
“So I keep thinking Eric's going to ask me to prom, but then he just doesn't,” Angela told me and Emmett. I looked over at her with a smile.. “You should ask him”
Angela got flustered as I continued to talk. “Take control, you're a strong independent woman” I said.
“Yeah, guys dig chicks that take control,” Emmett added.
“I am?” she asked us. Me and Emmett both nodded. It went silent for a while but then Jacob and Paul came over with Sam. They both had big smiles as they said hi to me and my cousin. Jacob smiled and nodded towards Emmett but Paul just ignored his presents
“Hey, n/n” Paul smiled, coming over to sit next to me in the van.
“What's up kid?" Sam said, leaning on the van.
“Not much” I smiled as I pulled my blanket around me tighter and rested my head on Emmett's shoulder.
“Hay Bella” Jacob smiled as my younger cousin crawled out from the front seat to see her friend.
“You surfin'?” Jacob asked us. I shook my head like he was crazy. “Definitely not, too cold”
“You're cold and yet you're cuddling a leach” Paul mumbled. I threw my empty Coke can at the back of his head as I glared at him.
Angela waved at the boys while Eric looked at them with a questioning look. I sighed and pointed the the boys.
“Guys this is my other cousin Sam and our buddies Paul and Jacob” I smiled and introduced the boys to my other friends.
“Keep Bella company, her date bailed on her" Jessica teased. “to be nice” Bella said but I ignored her.
“What dates?” Eric asked. “Bella invited Edward,” Jessica said to Eric.
“We tried to invite Emmett's siblings but they weren't up for it,” Angela said softly.
“Public gatherings aren't my family's thing,” Emmett said.
“well I'm glad you came, '' Angela said. Everyones looked at me kinda shocked but at the same time they all looked happy.
“Wait what?” Bella asked bitterly but she was ignored again. “I think it's nice they invited them, no one ever does” Tyler said softly.
“Because the Cullens are freaks,” Mike joked, totally forgetting Emmett was right there. Eric pushed his shoulder. “shut up, man”
I snapped my head towards the blond trying to fight the urge not to rip him to shreds
“sorry about him” Angela said to Emmett just brushed it off.
I looked over to Jacob and Sam and they both just shook their heads with a frown.
“You know them?” Bella asked the boys.
“The cullens don't come here… Well they're not supposed to, " Paul said bitterly.
Jacob just looked at him with a wary look. I looked up at Emmett as he shook his head.
--------( ....... )--------
"What did your friends mean by the Cullens don't come here?" Bella asked Jacob as we walked around the beach. Bella and Jacob were a couple of feet behind me, Emmett, and Paul. Me and Emmett walked hand in hand trying to ignore Paul's heated stair.
“Oops. you caught that huh?” Jacob asked. I chuckled. “Dude everyone did,” I said, moving closer to him with Emmett behind.
“But why doesn't your family come here?” Bella asked Emmett. Him not knowing what to say shrugged. Bella then turned to Jacob as he sighed and lowered his voice.
“I'm not supposed to say anything,” he told Bella. “me either” Emmett added.
“I can keep a secret,” Bella smiled. Jacob nervously chuckled and shrugged at her eagerness.
“It's just an old scary story” I said before Jake or Paul could let out any information Bella shouldn't know. Bella looked back at Jake and nodded for him to continue . He sighed but still had a slight smile showing he wasn't annoyed with her. Jake looked at me wanting me to continue. He knew I had the story down and knew it better than him.
“Okay, did you know the Quileutes are supposedly descended from wolves?” I asked. Bella nodded her head.
“Wait wolves?" Bella asked, moving closer to Jacob. “So what's your res's beef with the Cullens?" Bella asked Emmett and Jacob. Jacob sighed as their thoughts flooded my head.
'Jake and his big mouth,' Paul thought.
'It's just a story right? It's no big deal they know' Jacob thought.
“Well the Cullens are supposedly descended from this,” Jacob said in a spooky voice trying to scare bella. I Chuckled and playfully elbowed him. “They're supposedly from an enemy clan but they claimed to be different, so we made a treaty with them”
“Didn't you just move here?" Bella asked Emmett. He nodded. “yes we did”
Paul was quick to but in. “Or they just moved back,”
Emmett shot him a glare as Bella looked even more confused. “They just moved her from Alaska, back off,” I said
“So what is the treaty?” Bella asked.
“If they promised to stay off Quileute lands, we wouldn't expose what they really were” Jacob paused as Bella shivered. He was about to tell us but Angula and Eric raced past us screaming.
“Let's get out of here,” I mumbled to Emmett. I pulled him away but Bella stopped Jacob when he tried to follow.
“Wait...what were they really?” Bella asked. Emmett just shook his head. “Bella, it's just a story about our ancestors… Nothing more” Emmett stated as he started to get annoyed.
Bella looked at me with slight fear almost , maybe disturbed. I only nodded telling her it's okay. Something I haven't done in a long time.
<Next chapter>
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mychemicalimagines · 1 year
Everything Changed-Embry Call-Chapter 8
Summary: A couple months before her junior year in high school finishes, something happened to the once normal Hayley Uley. Myth turns into reality. Not just for her, but for her older brother, Sam, as well. They have to drop everything they once knew for something they thought was only in bed time stories. Will things finally start looking up for once after this ‘blessing-in-disguise’?
Warnings: Cussing, Paranormal, Supernatural, Angst, Love, Bella-Bashing, Possible Smut (Please read Authors Note in Chapter 1 for Age Explanation)
Words: 5,738
A/N: Here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy! To Be Tagged: Message Me, Submit an Ask, Comment or Tag Yourself in My Bio!!
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Third Person POV
Later that night, besides Jake, everyone is eating the food the girls made, sitting around a growing fire that Sam started an hour or so beforehand. Billy sits in his wheelchair with the forest to his back, starting the large circle. Old Quil sits on one side of him while Sue sits on the other side. The eldest three council leaders.
When Harry passed away, Sue joined the council, keeping the Clearwater name in the leading circle. Beside Old Quil is his grandson and the newest, fellow pack member, Quil. Jared, Kim and Paul sitting next to him, almost rough housing as usual, the female just laughing along. Beside Paul is Emily leaning against Sam, slightly cuddling. 
Hayley and Embry are next, with the female allowing her boyfriend to eat off her plate.They saved a spot for Jake, knowing that Bella would be showing up with him. Closing up the circle next to his mother is Seth, who is practically bouncing in his seat with all the excitement building in his stomach. 
They hear a car pull into the parking lot of the beach before Bella’s voice is heard to all the shifters.
“You sure this is okay?” She asks. “I really hate being a party crasher.”
“Technically, you’re a council meeting crasher.” Jake chuckles, trying to ease her anxiety a little. “See. The council leaders, Sam, Dad, Quil’s grandpa and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died.”
“Okay, I should not be here.” She says, turning slightly but Jake stops her. 
“You’re okay. We…they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories.” He corrects himself. 
“The histories?” Her eyes widen. “The tribe's histories? Aren’t they secret?”
“We all got a role to play. And you’re a part of this. I mean, it’s the first time Seth and Quil are hearing them, too. But you’re the first outsider. Ever.”
“If I had known that, I wouldn’t believe you.” She looks up at him. “And would’ve dressed better.” 
“Jake!” They hear, causing them to face forward. 
Seth runs up toward them, almost like a puppy, a large smile on his face. 
“Hey, it’s about time you got here! Paul’s been hovering the grub. But, I saved you some burgers!” He continues.
“Good looking out, bro.” Jake smiles before looking at the female next to him. “Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Sue’s son. One of the newest members of the pack.”
“Newest, bestest, brightest.” He grins.
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“And slowest!”
Jake grabs the young boy in a headlock, both tumbling to the sand, laughing. Hayley smiles to herself, happy to see Seth being a kid, despite all the future pressure he’ll, no doubt, have on his shoulders. Sam whistles loudly, stopping the two shifters, knowing Billy wants to start. 
“Come on.” Seth grins. “Your dad’s about to start.”
The trio walk over to the fire, sitting down in their respective spots with Bella next to Seth. Billy looks around, mentally counting to make sure everyone is there before he begins. Everyone’s attention wholly on him, his voice commanding.
“The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning but we’ve always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature…” He says, looking around at everyone. 
To Bella, it’s as if the story was playing in the fire in the middle of the pack. She can picture every word he’s saying as if it were a movie playing right in front of her. 
“It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice…Our warriors’ sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone…And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki’s Third Wife could see that he would lose. The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers…but one. Courage.” He says, looking in the direction of each of the three imprinted couples.
The pack knew exactly who the Third Wife was. She was Taha Aki’s imprint. That’s what makes her so special, besides the lesson he is currently giving. Embry kisses his own imprint’s head before she nuzzles her face into his neck.
“The Third Wife’s sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains…The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us.” Billy finishes, glancing toward Bella.
She has slight guilt in her stomach after hearing the story. Knowing that packs ancestors were killed by Cold Ones when she wants to be one herself. She knows this hasn’t changed her mind but it does give her some insight into her best friend’s history.
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Another week has passed with no signs of the red-head or the random vampire that Jake and Hayley smelled in Bella’s bedroom. When the wolves and vampires have to switch out for their patrol outside her outside, there is no talking until the others have left. They have a truce but it is so tense, they swear they can cut it with a knife. 
That is what happened earlier when Hayley and Paul switched with Emmett and Alice. The two vampires stared at them before rushing toward their home. Emmett’s lucky that the truce was in place as well as Sam’s words of ‘wait till their feet touch the grass’. Hayley rolls her eyes and walks in her wolf form toward the front of Bella’s house. 
Her head snaps up when she hears the wheels screeching of Edward’s Volvo. She raises an eyebrow as the vampire rushes out of his vehicle straight toward Jake’s rabbit as he pulls in. Bella exits the car, holding her hand close to her body as if she hurt herself. 
“Not here, Edward. Please.” She begs her boyfriend. 
“If you ever touch her against her will again.” Edward snarls at her pack member. 
Hayley immediately phases back into her human form before getting dressed. What the fuck happened?
“Don’t do this!” Bella continues, trying to put herself between them. 
“She’s not sure what she wants.” Jake growls at the leech.
“Well, let me give you a clue.” Edward snaps at him. 
“Wait for her to say the words.”
Hayley rushes from the trees, gently moving Bella from between them. The human sighs in relief at the sight of the Beta.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you.” She growls, pushing between them. 
“Fine. And she will!” Edward glares, ignoring the female shifter.
She pushes them apart, deja-vu hitting her hard. “Just shut up! What happened?”
Jacob finally looks away from the leech as he licks his bottom lip. 
“I kissed Bella…And she broke her hand…punching my face.”
“What the fuck, Jake?” Hayley snaps, her voice rising slightly. “You know she’s in a relationship with this asshole. You can’t do that!”
“I wanted to prove…”
“I don’t care what you wanted to do! You don’t do shit like that!” She pushes his chest again. “Get your ass in your car and go to my house. Tell Sam what you did. He’ll deal with your punishment.”
“No, Jacob. Go, now!” She growls, glaring at him. 
He shakes his head before turning around, stomping toward his car. No one says anything as he speeds away from the house. Edward finally speaks up when the car is away from view. Despite her calling him an asshole, he’s glad she was there.
“Thank you, Hayley.”
She rolls her eyes and turns toward Bella. She doesn’t like the girl, but she didn’t deserve that.
“Are you okay?”
“My hand hurts pretty bad.” She admits.
“You did punch a wolf in the face. We’re practically indestructible.” She shakes her head, glancing up at Edward. “Take her back to your house.” She looks back at Bella. “I’ll inform Charlie you broke your hand on the rez.”
“Thanks.” She whispers, following her boyfriend to his precious Volvo.
“I need to start getting paid.” Hayley mumbles to herself as she walks up to Bella’s front door. “It’s like babysitting a bunch of sparkly and fevered toddlers.”
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“Now, welcome to the stage, La Push High’s 2006 Class Salutatorian, Hayley Uley!” The Principal says before stepping back from the microphone. 
The entire gym erupts in applause with the pack, including Jared and Paul who are sitting in their own cap and gowns, being the loudest. Hayley blushes slightly as she walks up to the microphone, her speech in hand. Glancing around the audience, her eyes land on her boyfriend, who is smiling widely, proud of his imprint.
She is always going above and beyond for their tribe. Losing sleep so she can go on patrol and so she can finish her mountains of homework. This woman is the definition of a hard-worker. Embry puts his pinkies in his mouth and whistles loudly, causing her to bite her lip slightly. As the cheers slow down, her eyes meet her brother’s who is beaming with pride. 
He is so proud of his little sister. With everything that has happened in the last year, she stepped up and took her role as Beta seriously as well as made sure her grades were immaculate. She didn’t let their mom leaving them impede her studies and responsibilities. If anything, it made her stronger, more determined, and so full of perseverance, that Sam can’t help but be immensely proud of her.
Hayley fixes the microphone to her height before looking down at the speech she had written the night before.
“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president or in my case, the Queen I know I am.” She grins as the auditorium is filled with laughter for a moment. “When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case - a vet. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: who the hell knows?” 
Loud hoots and hollers from her classmates, Paul being the loudest. 
“This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, it’s the time to do what we want. Find ourselves. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love…” She glances toward Embry who is grinning at her words. “Some of us may go on to college right away, or get our own places, and start our lives. Some of us may continue to live at home - for whatever reason - and annoy the hell out of our parents - or, my older brother, in my case, just as we’ve done for the last 17-18 years. But, at the end of the day. No matter what we do, where we go, it’ll be at our own paces, and what’s best for us in that moment of time. Change your mind. Then change it again, because there’s only two things that’s permanent. That’s family and the friends you met along the way. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be…we won’t have to guess. We’ll know.”
The entire gym erupts in applause once again as her words sink into every single person there, not just her graduating classmates. She grabs her piece of paper and folds it as she walks down to her seat, putting it in her dress pocket. They all listen to the Principal make the same exact speech he’s been making since he started working at the school.
When it’s time for the students to get their diploma, Hayley is one of the first people in line, due to her class title. 
“Hayley Uley.” The Principal repeats, turning slightly to put his hand out.
She takes a few steps toward him and shakes his hand, grabbing the diploma case from his other hand as her brother and Embry, as well as the rest of the pack including the two graduating, stand up and cheer the loudest out of everyone there. 
“That’s my little sister!” “My girlfriend did it! Hell yeah!” “Wooo! Go, Hayley!”
She blushes and walks past the Principal to leave the stage, glancing at the pack as she does. Her heart drops slightly when she sees Billy clapping happily for his Beta…without his son next to him. About ten minutes later, Jared’s name is called, causing Hayley to stand up and whistle about as loud, if not louder than he had for her just minutes earlier. 
He grins and accepts his diploma case in the same manner before throwing up the rock-star sign, causing his friends to laugh. Since Paul’s last name began with L, it takes a little longer to get to him but everyone in the pack cheers as if it’s been five seconds. His classmates were surprised he was able to graduate but not the pack.
With Hayley being there, she was always helping him with his homework and studying, this included when they were on patrol. She quizzed him more often than not, making sure he would be able to walk the stage. He’s thankful for her. Because of her, he proved his father wrong and proved he was able to do it.
Over an hour later, after the tassels have been moved and the caps have been thrown, Hayley rushes toward her brother, squealing as she moves.
“I fuckin’ did it!” She practically screams, jumping into his arms. 
Sam catches her, holding her close to him. “I’m so proud of you, Hay.”
“You’re the one person I want to thank, Sam. Without you, I wouldn’t be here.” She whispers, hugging him tightly. 
“I didn’t do anything. All I did was…” She cuts off her brother by leaning back and looking at him.
“You believed in me from day one. That’s what you did.” She says, tearing up slightly. “Even when mom gave up on me, on us, you never did. Not even for one second.”
Her words cause her brother to tear up a little himself, as he smiles softly before kissing the top of her head.“Congratulations, Beta. You deserve this.” 
Before any more words can be spoken, her imprint walks up and wraps his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck slightly. 
“I’m dating a high school graduate.” He whispers causing her to wipe her tears and giggle. “That’s kinda hot.”
Sam rolls his eyes but jumps when Jared and Paul almost tackle him with their own excitement. Since the whole gym is loud with families and graduates, he didn’t even hear them running toward them. Hayley turns around in her boyfriend's arms and wraps her own around his neck.
“Hot, huh?”
“Hell yeah it is.” He grins, leaning down toward her. “I really got lucky, dating an older woman. All the guys are jealous!”
She laughs slightly and leans up, pressing her own lips to his, sparks flying. He reaches up and cups her cheek, deepening it slightly. Normally the pack would step in to mess it up on purpose but Hayley deserves this. When they pull away for a breath of much needed air, Emily decides to be the one to step in, not wanting anything to happen in public.
“Alright, time for pictures!!”
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Since the pack had the legends bonfire a little over a week before, Paul, Jared and Hayley all wanted to have a nice dinner for their graduation party. Just the pack and them. The only family they would ever need. The three graduates sit next to each other with Embry next to his girlfriend and Sam next to Jared, Paul and Hayley in the middle. 
Kim wasn’t able to be there due to her own family wanting to have a nice dinner as she graduated today as well. She’s gonna be stopping by in a couple of days to spend time with the pack. The pack’s laughing, having the best time of their lives…that is until Jake walks into the room. They all quiet down and look at him, slightly shocked to see he even showed up. 
Sam notices that he wasn’t sitting next to his father in the stands earlier in the night. He’s irritated with his pack member but if he would rather be at Bella’s graduation, hiding, more power to him.
“Hey guys.” He says, putting his hands into his pockets. “Congrats.”
“Thanks.” Hayley says aloud, and very sarcastically, while her two classmates nod at his words, not wanting to speak.
“I, uh, I’m sorry I didn’t go. You know…Bella was graduating too, so.” He mumbles, knowing everyone could hear him. 
“It’s alright. We had the pack.” Jared says, watching him.
“Hell, we had your dad.” Paul shrugs, grabbing another piece of the fantastic dinner Emily created for them.
Jacob nods slightly before speaking reluctantly, knowing he’s going to make someone mad today. 
“I know today is a big one but I wanted to know if Hayley, Embry and Quil were ready…”
“Ready for what?” She raises an eyebrow.
“To go to Bella’s graduation party.”
Embry and Quil growl slightly, pissed at their best friend's words. 
“The fuck, Jacob. You knew since we graduated too we wanted a nice dinner with the pack so why the hell do I have to go?” She asks, throwing her napkin down onto the table.
“Because Sam said I can’t go alone and…”
“You didn’t tell me it was today!” Sam growls. “Can’t my sister have one day without your damn leech problems?” 
“Hay,” He looks at her, begging. “I’ll make it up to you. Please. I need to apologize for what happened a few days ago.”
Hayley shakes her head, glaring at him as she tries to hold back her vibrating body. “Fuck this! Fuck you, Jake! I’m not going. I’m tired of coming second to your little puppy crush on a leech lover. If you want to apologize, you can find a way that doesn’t include me!”
The tension in the room skyrockets and Sam sighs, rubbing his eyes. 
“Fine. Because you’re such a selfish asshole.” He turns to his Beta. “Hayley, will you please go with him and tonight, you and I will watch Harry Potter all night.”
Growling softly, but nodding as she stands up. “Fine.” She looks at Jake, glaring at him. “Just know, I’m done doing anything for you. I’m only going to this cause Sam asked. Next time you need something, why don’t you ask your new leech friends. Cause I’m done.”
“But the pack?” He starts as she walks away.
“No!” She turns, pointing toward him. “No. You do not get to lecture me on the pack! You’ve put me and the pack second to you and your leech loving best friend who’s not even your imprint! If you gave a damn about the pack, you’d have been there today, Jake. You’d have supported us. You’d have chosen your pack before all this. But no. You weren’t. You haven’t. And you didn’t! So, don’t you dare start in with the ‘but the pack’ bullshit! You’re the fuckin’ wolf that cried boy!”
Jake sighs and nods softly. “Fine. But…please?”
Hayley flips him off and growls as she turns away from him to go put her shoes on. Embry shakes his head, anger filling his stomach.
“You’re such a fuckin’ dick, Jake.” He stands up, throwing his own napkin down onto the table. “She got one day this year to do whatever she wanted and you ruined it.”
“I know but…”
“No buts, Jake. The only butt here is you.” He looks at his best friend. “Since the day you phased, she’s done whatever you asked, despite her being the Beta of our pack. A role you tried to take from her. When they wanted you to sniff Bella’s room for a new leech, she was there after getting literally an hour of sleep. When you needed help on homework, she canceled one of our rare dates so you’d get a good grade. She was the one that took every shift outside of Bella’s house she could to make sure that house was safe. If you truly knew how important this day was to her, and even - just slightly - gave a shit about her, you’d have been there for her. You’d have done the one thing that you knew you should’ve, the one thing she shouldn’t even have to ask of you. But you didn’t. You showed her - and everyone else here - just how little she, and the pack, means to you. How little you actually care about her.”
The teenage boy looks down at his shoes, not knowing what to say. Paul glances up slightly.
“He’s right. I didn’t care if you showed up. Jared didn’t either but she was the one to ask you. Personally! Out of all the times you’ve let her down, this has to be the worst. It’s the only thing she’s ever asked of you, and you gave a rat’s ass about it.”
“Forget it, guys.” Hayley speaks up, her heart full of love from her friends. “If he doesn’t care, then why should I? Let’s just go get this over with so I can come back and watch Harry win the Triwizard cup with the people that do actually care.”
She grabs her truck keys and walks out the back door. Embry rushes out after her, gently curling his fingers around her wrist once he’s close enough. He gently tugs, getting her to stop and face him. Leaning up, he kisses her softly, cupping her cheek with his other hand, absentmindedly wiping the tear that falls down her cheek. 
She deepens the kiss slightly, happy she has at least one good thing in her life and that's her imprint. He’s had her back through everything since the day their eyes met in Jake’s garage. When they pull away, he looks deep into her eyes, wanting to show how much she means to him.
“I love you, Hayley.” He whispers. “Even when everyone is shitting on you, I’ll love you until the end of time.”
Another tear falls down her cheek as she takes in a breath, wanting her heart to stop pounding hard at his words. 
“I love you, too, Embry. So much.”
She wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling against him slightly. He holds her as close as he can, wanting her to feel his love.
“No matter how much worse Jake can make tonight, this moment, with you, Em, it’s the best part of my day. Of my life.” She whispers.
“You’re already the best part of my life.” He whispers, kissing her temple before pulling away.
Quil stomps out of the house, rushing straight for his best friends, mumbling about how much an ass Jake is. Jacob walks out slowly, embarrassed about everything Sam, Paul and Embry have said to him. Emily even said something when Hayley rushed out of the house. Their Beta drives them to the Cullen’s house, the disgusting smell of sweet bleach hitting their noses as soon as they pull in. 
Embry and Quil growl, but exit the car, knowing that they better get this over with so they can get home as soon as possible. Hayley turns off her truck and puts the keys in her pocket before looking at Jake.
“We’re going to go in. You’re going to apologize. I’m gonna get some cake then we’re leaving. Understood?”
He nods softly, swallowing the small amount of spit in his mouth. She leaves the car and walks to the two boys who are waiting for her. It doesn’t take long for them to find the entrance after hearing the loud music and teenagers talking from the truck. Despite how tense they are, Embry and Quil flank Hayley while Jacob stands a few feet to the side.
Since he’s in the house of the Cullen Coven, he’s calm and confident, not wanting them to know his pack just ripped him a new one for even wanting to be there. Bella catches sight of the four of them before sighing to herself, maneuvering off the dance floor.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, glancing at the other three.
“You invited me, remember?” He smiles slightly.
“Was my right hook too subtle for you? It was me uninviting you.” She scoffs before gesturing to Hayley. “She has more of a right to be here than you do and she doesn’t even like me.”
The Beta smirks to herself, glancing around the party.
“Look, Bella. I’m sorry…about, you know…The kiss and your hand.” He says, causing the two boys to look at him in confusion. “I’d blame it on the whole inner animal thing, but it was really…just me. Being an ass. I’m really sorry.”
Bella sees how sincere he is with his words before nodding slightly. 
“I brought you something. A graduation present.” He says, pulling something out of his pocket. “I made it myself.”
Embry rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his girlfriend’s back. He didn’t even give his pack members a card for their graduation. Hell! Seth handmade cards for the three graduates. Hay immediately put it on her wall so she can look at it everyday. 
“You made this?” Bella asks, looking at the intricately hand-carved miniature wolf that is attached to a bracelet. “It’s really pretty! Thanks.”
Jacob grins widely and helps her put it on, glad she likes it. Hayley pulls on her boyfriend’s shirt slightly, gesturing to the door. He nods slightly, knowing what she means before turning to Jacob to tell him where they’re going. Before Hay can try to move past a couple of the Forks High graduates, wanting to get some food since Jake rudely interrupted their dinner, a voice captures her attention.
“Hey! It’s Taken!” 
She groans slightly and turns around, mumbling softly. “As if this night couldn’t get any worse.”
Embry raises an eyebrow at her words and turns around, looking to see a blonde pale face, checking out his girlfriend, a slight glare appearing.
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“Mike.” Hayley says, putting her hand on her boyfriend’s arm to calm him down. “What do you want?”
“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” He grins, stepping in front of her. 
“Well, my great friend Bella graduated today so I thought I’d stop by and say hello.” She says, forcing the words out.
“Oh! Well while you’re here we should dance or something.” He checks her out again before looking up at Embry who steps up toward him.
Hayley bites her lip slightly, loving the protective feeling that’s radiating from her imprint. She’s also trying to hold back her laughter at the sight of her 6 foot 4 boyfriend, towering over the barely 5 foot 10 inch tall teenager.
“And you’re who?” Embry narrows his eyes. 
“I’m Mike.” He puts his hand out. “You must be the guy she’s happily and forever taken to?”
“I am.” He says, ignoring his hand shake. “So, you already knew that she’s taken? But you still thought you’d shoot your shot?”
“I, uh…” He stutters slightly. “I thought she was lying…”
“She wasn’t and she still isn’t so why don’t you go and dance with someone else because this beautiful girl is mine.” He wraps his arm around her waist.
“Yeah, uh, sure. Sorry.” Mike gulps before turning around, rushing back toward Jessica who was still on the dance floor.
When he’s out of earshot, Hayley turns to look up at her boyfriend with a smirk.
“And you say I’m the hot one.” She whispers, knowing he can hear her. “I’d have to say, you’re the hot one here.”
He looks down at her, the glare immediately erasing from his face.
“Me?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, it’s still you.”
Before she can reply, the air in the room quickly gets thick, not that any of the humans around would notice. The couple turns around to see Alice near the staircase, frozen in her spot. She’s having a vision.
“Shit.” She whispers before following Bella, Jake and Quil to the know-it-all vampire.
“Alice, what did you see?” Bella whispers, looking at her friend.
“Okay, something is going on. Tell me.” Jake says, looking between them.
“I…need to talk to Jasper.” She says, turning to the side.
The shifter puts his arm against the wall, blocking her from moving.
“Why don’t you tell me?” He growls slightly.
“I suggest you remove your arm…before I do.” Jasper says, appearing almost out of nowhere.
“Nah, how about you back up away from my pack before I remove yours.” Hayley glares at the vampire. 
He turns toward her, his lethal expression falling as he sees she’s flanked by her imprint and best friend. He swallows the venom in his mouth, not wanting to start anything with her.
“The decision has been made.” Alice says, breaking their eye contact.
“What’s going on? You’re not going to Seattle?” Bella asks, looking at her again.
“No…They’re coming here…”
The four pack members follow behind the vampire couple to Carlisle’s office where the rest of them were waiting. Once again Quil and Embry are flanking their Beta while Jake stands near Bella but he’s far enough away from Edward to be happy.
“How long?” Edward asks, looking at his ‘sister’. 
“They’ll be here in four days.” She answers.
The four pack members glance at each other, confused at the conversation that’s going on. 
“This could turn into a bloodbath.” Carlisle says, glancing at his family.
“Who’s behind it?” The mind-reading vampire continues his questioning.
“I didn’t see anyone I recognize. Maybe one.” Alice thinks about her vision.
“I know his face. He’s local, Riley Biers.” He says, glancing at his girlfriend. “He didn’t start this.”
For the last year, her father, the Chief of Police, has been searching for him since he’s been missing. Now she knows what happened.
“Whoever did is staying out of the action.”
“They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision.” Carlisle speaks up again.
“Either way, the army is coming…” Jasper stands straight. “And there aren’t enough of us to protect the town.”
Hayley has had enough. She steps forward, putting her hands out, shaking slightly at the conversation.
“Hold up. What damn army? What are you talking about?”
Carlisle looks toward his ‘youngest son’ who shakes his head. He sighs and looks toward the Beta of the pack.
“Newborns. Our kind.”
“What are they after?” Embry asks, glancing at his imprint.
“They were passing around Bella’s scent. A red blouse.”
“The scent Jake and I smelled. Must be this Riley kid.” Hayley says, glancing at the oldest vampire.
“They’re the ones after Bella?” Embry raises an eyebrow.
“What the hell does this mean?” Jacob speaks up.
“It means an ugly fight. With lives lost.” Carlisle sighs.
A sudden weight falls on Hayley’s shoulders. Lives lost meaning that these newborn vampires can get past the Cullen’s and get to Forks or the tribe, killing everyone. She can’t let that happen. Innocent people can get hurt and she, as a spirit warrior, has sworn to protect every innocent human she possibly could. 
She looks over her right shoulder at Embry who, despite not being a mind reader, knows exactly what she’s thinking. He puts his hand on her lower back, silently informing her ‘whatever you say, I’ll do’. She looks toward Quil who gives her an almost invisible nod, knowing what the risk is. She blows air from her nose before looking at Jake. 
Even after her large speech barely an hour ago, she knew she had to do this.
“Alright…we’re in.” 
“No!” Bella speaks up, shaking her head. “You’ll get yourselves killed. No way.”
“I don’t need your permission, Isabella.” She states before looking toward Carlisle. 
Before she can speak any further, the human looks toward her boyfriend.
“It means more protection for you.” He shrugs, happy that Hayley came to the conclusion she did.
“If I was in Hayley’s position, I’d do the same.” He says, thankful for the Beta of his pack.
Her speech was still lingering on his mind so he knew he couldn’t outwardly ask Hayley to do this…save his love but knowing she was willing to do this…even if it wasn’t for him, it makes him question his intentions with the pack. 
“Do you believe Sam will agree to an understanding?” Carlisle asks, looking at the female pack member.
“Innocent lives are at stake here. Her father. Jake’s father. My tribe.” She says, crossing her arms. “Not just Bella.”
“Jasper.” He says, looking at his ex-war veteran. 
“They’ll give us the numbers. And the newborns won’t know they even exist. That’ll give us an edge.”
“We’ll need to coordinate.” He says, looking toward Hayley once again.
“Carlisle, they’ll get hurt!” Bella speaks up again.
“We’ll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You’re welcome to join us.”
“Name the time and place.” Hayley looks toward Jasper.
“Tonight…Dawn?” Jasper asks, making sure the time was okay with her.
“I’ll talk with Sam.” She says, turning around toward her imprint.
He keeps his hand on her lower back, ushering her out the door, Quil and Jake following her. 
“There goes my damn Harry Potter marathon.” She mumbles, causing Embry to rub her back. 
Before they can fully exit the house, Bella runs up behind the four pack members.
“Hayley, Jake. You don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into!”
The Beta turns around to look at her. 
“Bella, this is what we do.” She shakes her head. “I’m doing this for your father and every other innocent person you’ve dragged into your bullshit.”
“You should be happy.” Jake looks down at his best friend. “Look at us, working together. You’re the one who wanted us to get along, remember?”
Not allowing the human to say anything else, the four pack members quickly leave, getting into Hayley’s truck, ready to go back to her house.
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noaasanctuaries · 9 months
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Congratulations to Courtney Stanford, our 3rd place winner of the Sanctuary Views category of our photo contest! 🌅
This gorgeous viewpoint is located in La Push, Washington. La Push is located adjacent to Olympic Coast National Marine Sanctuary and home of the Quileute Nation. This stunning series of beaches makes for a perfect coastline campsite in Olympic National Park.
Interested in camping here? Plan your camping itinerary:
View all Get Into Your Sanctuary Photo Contest winners:
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foxintheferns · 9 months
Wild Heart - Chapter Four
A Twilight - Paul Lahote Fanfic
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Make sure you’ve read the PREVIOUS CHAPTER
Chapter Four: 
Harley’s POV
I furrowed my brows and shook my head a few times, not comprehending his words and struggling to hear my own thoughts over my anxious heart’s pounding in my ears.
“Wha-” I managed to stutter out before the man’s amused face twisted into even more of a mocking expression, and his rough voice interrupted mine.
“You’re on Quileute land,” his long arms gestured to the dark trees around us pointedly, “AKA, the tribe that my father happens to be Chief of.” His words were cocky, and yet his face was rather serious by the time they’d all fully escaped his mouth. He said it almost as if he was burdened by the fact, and that confused me. I had already known of the territory I was stationed on, and had been advised by my boss of the rules that were in place to ensure the tribe was not disrespected. They were rules I followed naturally in my own personal respect for the land, but I had made an effort to ensure I didn’t leave a trace of my presence outside of my cabin.
I nodded slowly, my eyes still narrowed at him. It didn’t really matter to me who he was, although I was somehow comforted by the mere fact that I’d seen this guy several times now around the town. I’d even met his father, who at the time I’d had no idea was the Quileute Chief. But, at the end of the day, he was still walking through the woods, shirtless and barefoot at that, after dark.
“Well, nice to meet you then, I guess…” I responded cautiously, my left hand still clutching my bear spray. I wondered briefly if I should still be wielding it, my brain trying to decipher if I was actually in danger or not. As though he could hear my inner dialogue, his gaze flickered momentarily to my hand, and a short exhale of amusement left his nose.
“You planning on usin’ that on me?” His voice was thick with mock offense. He crossed his arms, clearly at ease and not at all intimidated by my aerosol weapon. I glanced down at the spray, not lowering my hand just yet, then moved my eyes back up to his.
“Not sure, guess that depends on if you’re a crazy killer or not,” I replied while holding his stare, “You are shirtless in the middle of the woods, you know... in September. Without a light.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes, uncrossing his arms to lift his hands up in a cocky questioning gesture.
“I don’t get cold easily. And I know these woods like the back of my hand. Plus, I was… on my way up to the cliffs. It’s where we have our bonfires and stuff this time of year,” he responded matter of factly and dropped his gaze to the ground briefly before snapping it back up to my face. “And what exactly are you doing out here? Stray hiker? Get lost?” His face was pulled into a slight sneer now.
I stared back at him still, trying my hardest to avoid my voice shaking. I wasn’t exactly terrified of him, but his sheer size and demeanor made him intimidating, to say the least. I lowered the bear spray to my side, still clutching onto it.
“No. I work out here,” I said curtly, wondering if - and hoping that the tribe was notified of the random biologist that would be living on their land for the next year and a half. I felt a brief pang of guilt and sympathy that the tribe probably very often had to deal with the disrespect of ignorant tourists. His features didn’t change all that much in response to my words, only a single eyebrow raising and a slow nod.
“Sure, sure. At the lookout shelter, yeah?” His voice was smooth and clear, and I wondered for a moment how his skin looked so buttery and warm. The cold air was biting into my skin, and I could feel goosebumps hitting me in waves with the sea breeze that came through the trees from the beach. He wasn’t even shivering, wasn’t even moving at all to imply that he was cold or bothered by the frigid night air. I nodded, slightly unsure if him knowing about the shelter was comforting or off-putting. He hadn’t seemed very surprised. Every sign was jumping out at me to say I should be scared; his unusual demeanor, his missing shirt and shoes, the way he seemed to already somehow know the answers to the questions he asked. But still, I was beginning to calm down. His energy was almost that of a child, playful and nonthreatening, despite his enormous frame.
He sighed, shaking his head somberly.
“Yeah, not many of you people last long out there, I gotta tell ya.”
I furrowed my brows, my confusion showing clearly on my face. He leaned towards me and cocked his head to the side, pleased with my reaction.
”Oh, what? They didn’t tell you? Man, that’s kinda messed up.” He chuckled deeply and shook his head again. I stared at him impatiently, crossing my arms and waiting for him to go on.
“The last few of you scientists that were out here had to leave early. Got too scared.”
I almost laughed, my arms dropping to my sides, and my face must’ve shown my immediate lack of belief in his claims, as his impish grin dropped slightly. I managed to sputter out my words.
“That’s funny…I’m used to the people in my field being pretty damn comfortable around wildlife,” I retorted, a giggle trying to push its way out from my throat but being stifled by my still overly-hesitant body. He shrugged and reached a hand out to lean himself casually against the tree next to him.
“There’s some pretty big wolves out here. They’ve killed a few people, over the years. Mountain lions, too,” He said casually, flicking at some loose bark on the tree.
It was possible, I considered; I’d read some random articles about people going missing in the general area pretty frequently, but that happened in rural places like this, didn’t it? Too many inexperienced hikers, traveling too deep into the backcountry and getting injured or lost.
It was my turn to ask the questions now.
“Then why are you out here by yourself? Not scared of these big bad wolves?” I asked mockingly. I was relaxing a bit, my body and mind apparently sensing that this large man was not as scary as he initially seemed. His hand stayed on the tree, but his eyes flickered up to mine.
“My tribe respects wolves like family, actually. It’s against tribal law for us to kill them. Pretty sure the wolves respect us, too. It’s like a…you know, silent agreement that we don’t fuck with each other,” He replied, a smile twitching on his lips now. I felt relief wash over me as the joking atmosphere caused the thick tension to simmer down almost immediately, and a slight smile crept onto my own lips. I shifted onto my other hip, my body starting to ache slightly from holding its stiff position for too long. The beam of light encircling us bounced off the trees and his body briefly as I moved my wrist around in response to the tension in it from holding the heavy flashlight.
“Ah, gotcha. So they just intentionally target the random scientist living out in the woods,” I responded sarcastically, my voice now almost as smooth as his.
He nodded, his smile stretching into a grin at my returned playfulness.
“Exactly, now you’re getting it.” He laughed as he spoke, and his own body language seemed to relax with the physical release of the sound from deep in his chest. His expression was more calm as well, his dark eyes not as sharp and accusatory, face less drawn and intense. He was actually quite good looking, his cheekbones prominent under his richly tanned skin. He cleared his throat, glancing at his feet briefly before he looked back up to me.
“So, uh, you aren’t like, actually lost, right? You know how to get back to your…shack?” He scratched the back of his neck, humor on his face as he knowingly insulted my current home. I snorted, rolling my eyes in response.
“No, I’m not lost. Just didn’t bring my usual nighttime gear. Wasn’t expecting to be coming back this late,”
He nodded knowingly, standing again and pulling himself upright so that he was no longer leaning on the tree.
“Sure, sure, so, uh… don’t need me to walk you there?” He asked, an eyebrow raising again and the flicker of humor still in his eyes. I considered for a moment, the idea of this strange, intriguing man walking me home peaking my interest but being quickly waved away by my own logic.
“Kinda weird that you know where I live,” I muttered, glancing over my shoulder down the narrow path I stood on. He chuckled, a sympathetic smile reaching his eyes.
“The whole tribe knows where you live, sweetheart.” Was that supposed to be as comforting as my brain perceived it to be? I couldn’t quite place the cause of the feeling, but this massive young man felt so uniquely serene to me. He gave off a warm energy, one that felt strangely safe. Maybe I was truly going insane, a week in the wilderness being all my anxious brain needed to finally snap. At least my hallucinations were pleasant… and muscular. A part of me flickered, a dark little corner deep inside that had cobwebs and dust across every square inch, and I realized I hadn’t felt attraction for anyone in quite a while. And, while I wasn’t necessarily attracted to this stranger, he was physically impressive, and my brain was noticing it. That was something my brain hadn’t done in a long time. Numbness will do that to a girl, I supposed.
“Well that’s…” I trailed off, not really knowing at all how I felt or how to respond, and I narrowed my eyes as I shuffled onto my other foot and glanced to the ground. I heard another deep chuckle from him and looked up. His lips were pulled together in a line; he was trying hard not to laugh.
“What’s your name, anyway?” The question left my mouth before I was aware I was asking it. He seemed just as surprised as I was at my interest. I realized it was probably occurring to both of us right then that we were still very much strangers to each other.
He put both of his hands in his pockets, his shoulders squaring out.
“Jacob Black,” he answered, “yours?”
That sounded right, I thought to myself. If my memory served me correctly, the man at the grocery store who was apparently his father was called Billy Black. I felt myself relax more as his story was proving itself to be solid.
“Harley,” I replied, feeling comfortable enough now to reach back with my left hand and shove the bear spray into the pocket of my backpack. His face responded by appearing surprised, then confused, then slightly amused.
“Like the motorcycles?” Jacob chuckled, a grin returning to his mouth. I resisted the eye roll. Every teenaged boy in my childhood had mocked my name. I’d grown to love it, eventually, appreciating that it was part of who I was.
“My Dad was a big fan of riding when he was younger,” I mumbled, shrugging and turning my body back towards the trail that led home. I peered at him from the corner of my eye, and he was still staring at me, smiling widely.
“Pretty cool.” His voice was soft and gentle. I hadn’t heard that kind of tone of voice from him yet, and it caused me to turn to look at him fully. I smiled back when I saw the glint of genuine interest in his eyes. He wasn’t mocking me.
“Thanks,” I replied, then awkwardly pointed my flashlight to direct the light across the trail, “I should be getting back. Need to get my wood stove going and…stuff.” I started to move forward again, my body angling down the path.
Jacob nodded, his smile not leaving.
“You got a last name?”
The question caught me off guard, and I turned back to narrow my eyes at him. It seemed like every word out of this guy’s mouth took me by surprise.
“Why? Gonna stalk me now?” I quipped. He snorted again, running a hand through his thick hair. It was shaggy, with choppy layers that looked homemade.
“Naw, too busy for that. Just wanna know your whole name,” he replied, his eyes crinkling with a gentle grin.
“Sullivan,” I responded as I started to turn away again, moving my feet down the trail to continue my walk home now that the adrenaline was exiting my body and leaving behind exhaustion in its place.
“Well it was nice to meet you, Harley Sullivan. I’ll see you around…try not to let the bears getchya,” I heard his voice resound after me through the trees as he turned away as well, continuing his odd barefoot trek.
I grinned, now that I was facing down the trail and knew he wouldn’t be able to see it.
“Nice to meet you too, Jacob Black. And I’ll try my best,” I called, knowing that he could probably hear my grin in my voice regardless, and tilted my head to project my words back towards him as I kept my legs moving, eager to slide into a warm bed.
After loading the wood stove up with logs and happily snacking on one of the cookies Sue had slipped into my pack, I made sure the door was locked and the blinds were down, and slipped under my blankets. It didn’t take long before I was falling down into sweet sleep, the mental image of a large grey wolf yet again the last thing I saw.
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The next day played out rather similarly to the days that had come before it, and I found myself enjoying the comfort of routine. My life had been a series of uncertain and difficult days following one after the other before I had moved, and the serenity of being truly alone was surely reaping its benefits. I felt more comfortable within my self. I started to become more tuned in to my body’s messages and signs, the ways that I worked best when challenged. The harsh wilderness of Washington definitely threw curveballs straight towards me, and I became more confident in my own abilities to deal with them on my own. As I set up multiple temporary camps a day to sit and study the birds, I found my mind flickering to the mysterious Jacob Black more and more frequently. Our conversation played in my mind more times than I wanted to admit.
‘The last few of you scientists that were out here had to leave early…’
Why had he said that? Did the guy just have a weird sense of humor, or was he trying to scare me? I understood the possibility of an animosity towards outsiders, but something about Jacob Black was warm and inviting rather than the cold front he clearly tried to display.
I wanted to head down to the beach again a few days later, and was glad I did. The weather was nice, not as windy as it had been and the sun was making her appearance. The amount of Puffins out on the rocks was impressive, and I was able to get some solid data down in my journal. My favorite member of the flock, Frank, even made his way onto the beach. I watched and laughed as he desperately tried to impress the females, grunting and showing off his exquisite nest building skills.
The sun began to set around 7:00pm, and I didn’t feel too anxious to rush home. I’d brought my whistle, my headlamp, trekking poles, bear spray, stun gun, and more snacks this time. The trail from the beach to my cabin was one of the shorter hikes I’d come to familiarize myself with, and I felt confident in my knowledge of the quickest way back at this point. I now spent my days in their entirety walking these woods, and the land was beginning to feel comforting & familiar. I unzipped my backpack, searching through its contents. I pulled out the bag of chips I’d brought, cracking them open and beginning to munch them as I watched the puffins settle into their burrows for the night along the rocky faces adjacent the beach. The sun was beginning to glow a staggering fiery orange behind the sea, and I sighed heavily as I took in the sight. I felt lucky to be living in such a breathtaking place, so connected to nature. I didn’t realize how much I had felt like a zombie before, back in Maine, trudging numbly and blindly through my days as I succumbed to whatever life had thrown at me. Not even pretending to be shocked whenever Zack had lied or cheated or called me ‘too sensitive’. Acting as though I couldn’t see the look of concern and pity on my best friend Naomi’s face when she asked if I was truly, honestly happy. I hadn’t been happy, not even close, but I’d somehow convinced myself that I didn’t deserve trying to be. How did I let that happen? I’d spent far too long somewhere else, anywhere else but my own mind. A defense mechanism? I didn’t know. But I wanted to make a promise to myself that I’d never again deny myself an opportunity, a chance at happiness. This was going to be the start of keeping that promise. I already felt lighter; I felt giddy, almost. I felt like I’d accomplished years of self discovery in the two weeks I’d been in La Push. I continued chowing down on my chips, deep in introspection, and watched the sun glimmer and lower herself down into the dark ocean waves miles away. A familiar, deep voice pulled me abruptly from my mind’s quiet ramblings.
“Well, well, well…If it isn’t the bird girl.”
My head snapped to the direction of the clear sound, my mouth halting in its chewing motion. My eyes landed on four tall male frames strolling down the sand towards me. I swallowed my current mouthful of chips and placed the bag down next to me, wiping my salty hands off on my green pants. Jacob’s wide shoulders and lean frame were immediately recognizable, and a smirk crept up onto his face as our eyes met. I quickly took in the other three faces, and was unsurprised to see they were just as impressive looking as Jacob. They had to be the others from outside the restaurant that night.
“Well, if it isn’t the shirtless stalker,” I jived back, crossing my arms loosely and letting my elbows rest on my knees that were pulled up to my chest. He grinned, and I noted to myself that his friends were definitely less intense than him, their features less sharp and perpetually defensive. They stopped when they made it a few feet away from where I was seated along the sand, and Jacob gestured down to the huge driftwood log that was laid on its side to my right.
“Mind if we join you?” His voice was as playful as I remembered it. And just as confusingly soothing, too.
I shrugged.
“Sure, if you wanna hang out with the bird girl,” I replied, throwing a grin at his friends as they seemingly waited for me to grant them the permission to sit down. One particular member of the group, slightly more slender and boyish looking than the rest, grinned back eagerly. His expression was kind and genuine, and it warmed me immediately. The boys sat, and Jacob put his hands down on either side of his thighs as he studied me closely.
“So,” he cocked his head to the side and glanced down at my journal in the sand, “what is it exactly that you…do? Do you just,” he pointed at the Puffins grouping together several yards away along the rocks, “watch those guys do their thing?”
I laughed, his expression so clearly displaying his sincere attempt to not be too mean or sarcastic.
“Honestly, that’s essentially exactly what I do,” I replied with a grin. He beamed back, and I wondered where the harshness had gone that he’d first greeted me with the other night in the woods. I glanced pointedly over to the three men sitting alongside him on the twisted driftwood, and he followed my gaze.
“Oh, uh, Harley, this is Embry, Seth, and Jared,”he mumbled, pointing at each boy as he said their name, “Guys, this is Harley… Sullivan.” He added my last name like an afterthought, with a glance and a wink back at me. My face flushed with warmth, and I ripped my attention away from Jacob to look at each of the other mens’ faces. I noticed as Jacob pointed them out that the one with the sweet boyish face was Seth, and I offered him another smile. He returned it, and his gentle voice was musical in his greeting.
“Nice to meet you! Jacob’s been talkin’ about you nonstop, I was wondering when he’d finally-” Seth’s words were immediately cut off when Jacob’s long arm reached over & behind Embry to smack the back of Seth’s head. His smile didn’t falter, though he rubbed the back of his head and his eyes squinted slightly as he recoiled away from Jacob on the makeshift bench. Soft laughter filled the air as everyone reacted to Jacob’s obvious embarrassment. I stifled my own laugh, only to let it flow freely with the others when I saw that Seth wasn’t at all phased by Jacob’s smack.
“Nice to meet you guys too,” I replied softly, trying to meet all of their eyes and ignore the instinctual intimidation factor caused by their immense sizes, “Do you all live on the reservation?”
Each of them nodded, and Seth eagerly replied, “Yeah, my mom actually runs the restaurant down the road. Think we saw you there the other night. You probably met her.”
My brain immediately made the connections, and I suddenly understood why I felt so warm in his presence…like mother, like son.
“Oh, wow, yeah - your Mom is amazing! I’m sure you know that… she gave me free cookies and everything. And she talked about you and your sister a lot. She, like really loves you guys,” I said excitedly, remembering the kind way that Sue had handled me the other day, the motherly atmosphere she had created so effortlessly. Jacob interjected into our conversation then, his voice louder than Seth’s and overpowering. “Yeah, Sue’s an angel. Basically like a stand-in Mom for whoever needs one. Which is practically all of us,” he added the last part with a slightly somber laugh.
I spent the next two hours on the beach with the four boys, Jacob and Embry building a small driftwood fire in the sand as the orange sun set behind the dark ocean. I learned more about each of them, though Jacob was the most reserved when it came to information. We laughed as we passed around two extra large cans of Twisted Tea that Jared had brought in his small backpack. I took it slow, knowing the large boys could probably handle a significantly higher amount of alcohol than I could. It didn’t take long for them to no longer feel like strangers to me. There was something so welcoming about each of them, something so safe.
I shivered and grabbed my grey hoodie from out of my pack as the sun completely dissapeared. The fire crackled loudly in the center of our small group, and Jacob had eventually made his way to sit down on the sand next to me.
“Cold?” He questioned as I pulled the hoodie over my head, one of his brows arched. I shivered and chattered my teeth for extra drama, flashing a grin at him.
“Sorry I’m not a weirdo who can just be shirtless all the time and not be affected by how legitimately freezing it is,” I replied, my elbow coming out to gently jab him in the ribs. He feigned offense, gripping his side as though I’d stabbed him, though the corners of his lips tugged up into a smile.
“Hey now, I’m wearing a shirt today!” His fingers tugged at the shoulders of his black garment, a tank top that had clearly once been a tshirt, its sleeves cropped off bluntly. The edges of the fabric were frayed, and I noticed a stray thread hanging down over the top of his bicep. I unthinkingly reached out to pull the loose thread off, swiping my pointer finger and thumb together to brush the thread off of them once it was removed from his shirt. I glanced up and felt warmth rush to my face. His dark eyes were piercing into mine, his gaze now serious and calm. I quickly turned my eyes back to the fire, making an effort to pay attention to the conversation being had between the other boys.
“Yeah, and I mean that’s like the top cliff. That’s like 50 feet or something. I’m thinking I’ll try that one tomorrow.”
“Psh, that one’s pretty mild honestly.”
“Mild? Yeah, okay Jared. You’re starting to sound like Paul.”
I glanced up to the three of them as they spoke, my interest peaked at the boyish pissing contest they were apparently having over…?
“Cliffs?” My voice broke through their bickering, and all three pairs of eyes were on me. I saw Jacob glance over as well from the corner of my eye.
Jared was the first to answer now, his soft brown eyes seeming to flicker at both the subject matter and my sudden interest.
“Oh, yeah, we go cliff jumping. Pretty often, actually. It’s a total blast.” I cocked my head attentively, finding his blatant excitement for the activity to be a contagiously joyous thing to witness. I’d been cliff jumping before, though only at the small lakes around Maine, and definitely not anything close to the 50 foot heights Jared was referring to. Well, I was making new friends, discovering this new version of myself here in La Push, why not take some new risks?
“That sounds pretty fun. Can I come?” I responded eagerly, flashing a grin at him. He raised his eyebrows, and all three of the other boys seemed to follow his lead, Embry even throwing a surprised glance to Seth before looking back at me.
“Yeah right,” Jacob grunted, a disbelieving smile on his face as he shook his head. I looked over my right shoulder at him, a half serious scowl on my face. His gaze flickered up to mine, and his mischievous eyes widened.
“You’re serious?” His tone was skeptical, his face more critical now. I slowly nodded with an expression of confusion in response to his disbelief. Suddenly, his features sharpened and his eyes were no longer playful. He scoffed under his breath.
“Definitely not. You can forget about that.”
I crossed my arms, my scowl deepening momentarily before a smirk pulled itself up onto my mouth.
“Is it cuz I’m the weird bird girl? Not allowed to hang with the cool kids, huh?” My question caught Jacob off guard, his jaw and brows slacking and his eyes quickly flitting over to my face.
“What? No, I-,” he started, before he saw the look on my face and quickly realized I was joking. He snorted and shook his head.
“The cliffs we go on are definitely not beginner friendly. The waters cold, it’s crazy choppy if it’s windy. Plus you’re too…I mean, I don’t know...”
I feigned deep offense, scoffing and letting my mouth drop open in disbelief, my hand coming to rest on my chest as if he’d wounded me.
A slew of comical, suspense filled “oooh”s sounded out from the other boys.
“Too what?”
“You’d get hurt, kid.” I shook my head in more dramatized shock as Jacob nonchalantly barely met my accusatory gaze.
“Yeah, aren’t you like, what, 18?” My face drew together in a tangled reaction to his words. I pursed my lips, biting at the bottom one for a thoughtful moment before remembering from my childhood that obnoxious boys are only snuffed out by the refusal to add fuel to their fire. I dismissively turned my attention back to the one person I had a feeling would back me up. I met Seth’s kind eyes, and his smile was expectant.
“So, tomorrow. What time and where?” I asked him casually, completely ignoring the look of utter surprise that I was receiving from a baffled and slightly irritated Jacob at my side. Seth glanced warily at him, before his shoulders slumped.
“Aw c’mon, Jake. She can do the lower ones, can’t she?” Seth whined.
“I can do whatever I want!” I griped, shooting Jacob an icy look.
Jacob shrugged and broke a small twig from beside him into smaller pieces before throwing them all into the flames.
“Technically, since she’s 18, she can do whatever she wants,” Jacob’s low voice muttered out.
I tried to stifle my laugh, but it broke through my lips that I had tried flattening into a line to hold back the release of air.
As the giggle fell from my mouth, Jacob’s eyes flashed from the fire to my face, a smile breaking across his features, one that made his eyes crinkle up. Once my giggling subsided, I turned to him with a sudden and very forced serious expression.
“How old are you, anyway?” My voice was accusatory, though Jacob did look older than me, I had to admit. All of the boys did, what with their impressively large bodies and suspiciously wise eyes.
“I’m 25,” He mumbled, his warm eyes moving calmly back to the bright flames of the bonfire.
“See? We’re almost the same age,” I scoffed, shaking my head in disapproval.
A chuckle rumbled from Jake’s chest, and a smirk lifted his mouth ever so slightly.
“Yeah, sure, kid.”
I grumbled and pointedly got up, moving to sit next to Seth on the other side of the fire, childishly making an emphasized show of my mock offense. Jake shot me a dramatically heartbroken look. The boys laughed, and Seth nudged my arm softly, that kind smile of his resting on his cheeks.
“Hey, you’re older than me, at least! I’m 22.”
The rest of the time on the beach passed quickly, banter and laughter weaving through our conversations. Jacob seemed almost…on edge, still, despite the playful demeanor with which he interacted with the group. I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but I felt sure that I could be totally wrong about something bothering him; I hadn’t known him for long, what if this was just the way he was? The rest of the boys regarded him with such a high respect that was evident even through their boyish insulting of one another. It was clear he was the leader of their small group, whatever that might entail.
Embry asked me about my family at one point, if anyone had been upset that I had wanted to move out here alone. It was clear that imperfect parental relations were a common theme in our little group, as all four boys nodded empathetically at my brief mention of the death of my mother and the even more brief explanation of my lack of a father figure.
“My best friend Naomi is the one person back in Maine who I almost stayed there for. But she would never let me do that,” I’d said, a reminiscent smile on my face when I thought of the ginger-haired, vibrant woman who loved me fiercely.
“Well, we’re glad she didn’t,” Seth had responded gently. I couldn’t ignore the odd look Jake had thrown at Seth, his eyes holding an expression I didn’t understand. It seemed, oddly to me, like a look of warning.
We unanimously decided that the boys would arrive to my cabin around 10am the next day so that we could go to the cliffs together. I’d gotten a good amount of data logged after my day at the beach, and I knew a day or two off was well deserved, if not needed at this point. They were going to bring me to a section of cliffs that was not their usual, ‘advanced’ spot, as far as Jacob was concerned.
After a while, our places around the fire shifted again, and Seth and Embry went home around eleven o’clock, quite unenthusiastically. Apparently, their moms wanted them home by 10:30 and they ‘were already going to have to deal with the trouble of breaking curfew’. Jared lingered for a while longer, but after yawning an excessive amount of times within a five minute period, he gave into his exhaustion and admitted he wanted to head to bed. They each gave me hugs before they left, and I was giddy with the idea that I’d seemed to make some real friends. Ones that would take me cliff diving on a whim.
“Well, you should be calling it a night, Harley. Gotta get that beauty sleep if you’re gonna be a pro diver tomorrow,” Jacob remarked at around 11:30, once it was just the two of us chatting as we sat on the sand. I had been actively shivering for the past twenty minutes, so I nodded in agreement, the idea of a warm house sounding like heaven.
“Yeah, you’re probably right.”
Though, the night had been so fun, the social interactions a stark contrast from my last few weeks of solitude, I was rather reluctant to end it. Plus, it would take a bit to get the house warmed up again; the fire in the wood burning stove was likely cold ash by now, I’d added logs to it early that morning before I left. I threw my head back and let out a tired groan at the dreadful thought of having to carry the cold wood in from the stack outside and get the fire going.
Jake shot me a mildly concerned look, his eyebrows raised. I blushed slightly when I saw his expression. I was still getting used to being around other humans and not expressing my every thought and emotion outwardly like I did when I was alone.
“Ergh, I’m gonna have to get my stove going back at the house. Just a nuisance, ya know? I wanna climb into bed and just pass out,” I grumbled. Jacob chuckled and shook his head.
“I’ll help you. You saw how fast we got this one crankin’?” He spoke with pride, gesturing toward the small bonfire. I smiled, watching the warm orange light flicker off his features, his tan skin giving off a striking ember tone, and the shadows under his cheekbones and nose making him look even more statuesque.
“I’ll gladly take that offer,” I replied, starting to stretch my legs and pull myself up off the ground. Jake put the fire out, snuffing it as much as possible with sand and then gesturing for me to handle over my large water bottle before he poured it over the flaming embers.
The short hike through the dark woods was filled with giggles and hushed whispers as Jake taunted me about bears and wolves, even scaring me with a shout at one point from behind after a brief lull of silence fell between us. Once we ‘d reached my front porch, the glow of my solar string lights I’d hung up guiding us trough the final few dozen yards towards it, Jacob gestured to the large woodpile stacked on the side of the cabin.
“You’re gonna need some more before winter,” he mumbled as he strode over to the pile, effortlessly picking up eight of the large logs. My mouth gaped as I watched his massive arms throw the logs up into the crook of his elbow, not even a sound of effort or strain coming from his mouth. He turned back toward the porch once his arms were full, and froze when he saw my face. As he took in my expression, a slight, impish grin tugged at the corner of his mouth.
“What?” He asked, though my reaction was obviously one of astonishment at his sheer strength. I shook my head in response, rolling my eyes and shooting a returning grin before I gingerly walked up the wooden steps, unlocking the front door and holding it open for him. He ducked his head slightly as he walked under the door frame, and headed for the wood stove in the corner of the living room. He immediately got to work, using the handheld ax I had resting on the stove to break the logs up into slightly smaller pieces. I watched him, sitting on the couch and shivering, rubbing my hands together and eventually wrapping my large fleece green blanket around my body.
“Not very spacious in here, huh?” He didn’t look at me while he spoke as he focused, carefully laying logs in perfect position in the stove, breaking up the newspaper and twigs stacked next to it to use as kindling. I shrugged.
“Heats up fast at least.”
He nodded, tilting his head to the side in thoughtful agreement as he grabbed the long lighter from the coffee table.
After Jake got the fire roaring with an ease that I didn’t want to admit, he stood up, brushing his pant legs off and sighing contently.
“Well, there ya go. Now you can be toasty warm all night.”
I beamed at him, standing up off the couch with the blanket still fully wrapped around me.
“Thanks, Jake. Very impressive fire-building skills,” I joked.
He met my eyes as he looked away from his crackling, blazing masterpiece, and immediately chuckled. I furrowed my brow.
“What’s funny?” I asked incredulously. He put his fist over his mouth and bent slightly forward at the hips, his laugh rolling deeply through his chest. He took a deep breath once he was done laughing at me and sighed heavily, pointing at my blanketed body.
“You look like a burrito.”
I rolled my eyes, pulling the blanket more tightly around me and wiggling my body around, a laugh hitting me as well as I imagined what I likely looked like. After we calmed down from the wave of breathless laughter that came over us, his features became faintly softer. He looked into my eyes, smiling warmly.
“I’m glad you were down at the beach today….We’ll be here tomorrow morning, yeah?” He confirmed, stuffing his hands into his pockets. I nodded, my cheeks warming and my expression mirroring his.
“Yeah, I’ll be here,” I sighed, “I don’t travel very far, easy to find me,” I joked with a shrug of my blanket, earning another soft chortle from Jacob. I got more serious, and nodded again, my smile softening.
“And, uh, yeah… I’m glad I was on the beach today too,” I added, glancing at the floor, kicking myself internally for being awkward. Before I knew it, Jake’s arms were around me, enveloping me in a musky, woody smell. Once I realized he was hugging me, I smiled against his broad chest, and noted to myself how insanely warm his skin felt, burning through the fabric of his shirt. I figured it must be from him sitting so close to the hot fire as he’d built it minutes prior. I wrapped my own arms around his waist as much as I could, my arms restricted by the blanket, and Jake’s long arms trapping my shoulders slightly. He held on for only a moment, long enough for my arms to linger for a second, before he pulled away and grinned at me goofily.
“See ya in the morning, kid,” He teased, backing away coolly and wrapping his hand around the doorknob of the front door, shooting me a wink and pulling it open. Before I could respond with anything more than what felt like my hundredth eye roll of the night, he was out the door. The silence of the house was suddenly quite jarring after his distinctive voice had been filling it only moments before. I went over to the door, locking the bolt behind him. It almost would have felt like he hadn’t been there, but his scent lingered. The crisp, musky arborous smell from his skin floated still in the warm air. I now noticed there was also a hint of gasoline or oil to it, like a mechanic’s garage. The smell was nice. I took in a sharp breath, smiling to myself as I thought back on the events of the night. I clambered over to my bedroom, keeping myself swaddled in my apparent burrito, and threw myself down on the bed, sighing loudly. After several minutes of overthinking about the commitment I’d made the next morning - what was I thinking? Cliff diving in September in Washington? - I eventually dosed off, oddly familiar images enveloping me into deep sleep.
A/N: yes, I promise this is still a Paul fic. In fact, I’m currently writing his big sexy entrance into the story right now. Very pumped. Obnoxiously, I’m again tagging everyone that read up to chapter 3, cuz I feel like you guys deserve to know what happened after that cliffhanger considering it’s been like two fricken weeks or something!! Life got rly busy crazy but writing always makes me so happy and zen so I’m glad I’m getting this posted now. Im feelin rly excited about it so hopefully the next FEW chapters will be posted this week! Purrrr! If you want me to stop tagging u pls let me know LOL. So thankful for you guys reading along, this story has been in my mind for a while and I’m having so much fun bringing my daydream to life! And it’s so ridiculously cool that other people also enjoy the magical world of fanfic as much as I do, it’s like a little private secret bestie club I LOVE IT. Also, pls let me know if you guys have any fluffy/smutty imagines you’d like, I love love love taking requests! Enjoy <3 :-)
@carrrieeexu @living-that-best-life @hotheadwolf @avis15 @gugi7171773 @neo-grey @bbywonu @wilmasvensson @lostwandererkat @littlep2014
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neechees · 8 months
I remember one time I said I was annoyed that Twilight fans will go to La Push for like tourism bc Twilight (because the beach is sacred to the Quileute & Twilight fans have been known to get rowdy & disrespectful to the Quileute land) & @talesofmetalandmagic said "they should come to Italy instead" & they've never been more correct
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since0202 · 2 years
Taking Time—Fifty-Two
Not that easy
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Word count: 11,599 (oops)
There have only been a handful of times where I’ve woken up with a true hangover. Most were spent with Becks and Keye in our high school days after staying out a tad too late at a local house party and drinking the latest concoction of Quileute kid punch. One was after a truly raucous night at Sam and Emily’s a few months after meeting the pack for the first time and Paul opted for us to just sleep at their place rather than drag me home. The only other time I can remember before that though, was the day after the imprint. I had felt groggy, lightheaded, and like I was going to pass out all day. There was never a point where I didn’t feel actively nauseous and at the time, it felt like a warning. Now I know exactly what it was: the universe shifting and locking into place. Destiny taking hold with her vice grip and squeezing me clean of my senses. 
Maya woke up with a splitting headache and nearly naked in her soft bed. She hadn’t bothered to change into proper pajamas, and had unceremoniously stripped off her dress and thrown on a Columbia university t-shirt as she listened to each voicemail from home like they were episodes of a riveting podcast. 
Becks was indeed pregnant again and had called Maya back at the end of April to let her know through a wet, wonderful, tearful voicemail:
“Listen, Maya. Something amazing has happened and I know you’re busy and all, but I just wanted to tell you that…that I’m pregnant again. God….” There was a long pause as Maya heard her sniffling and trying to get her tears under control, “I know it seems like a lot. I mean Ephy isn’t even one yet, but I’m so happy and I just….I just wish you were here. And I get it, I really do. You had to do what you needed to to be happy, just like I did what I did to be happy. But, My…I just…Nevermind… I just love you and I wish you were here, you know? Ugh, sorry it’s probably the hormones.” A deep, sounding voice called out to Becks from way off. Probably Jacob coming home. “I gotta go, but I love you and I hope you’re okay. And I hope…I hope I can see you soon.”
Maya had listened to that one a couple of times, tearing up herself. She had missed so much. Her phone was filled with messages and photos from her family: 
Ephriam’s first birthday. Seth and Sadie’s wedding. Kim’s baby shower and delivery announcement. A bonfire night at Sam and Emily’s. The first Christmas at Jacob and Becks’ with the whole pack crammed into the wide open living room surrounded by piles of gifts. Maya noticed Paul was nowhere in sight in any of the photos and wondered if he had been the one to take them instead or if he was absent altogether. 
Keye was also noticeably absent from most of the photos, save for Seth and Sadie’s wedding. There was a beautiful one of her clutching a champagne glass and smiling to somewhere far off. Maya had opened the last and only text she had received from her when she had first skipped town. If anyone could keep quiet about her reaching out, it would be Keye, Maya thought. So she typed out a message in the early morning as the sun was beginning to break over the New York City skyline that simply said: 
“I miss you.” 
Now, as Maya rubbed her face and glanced toward the long, floor to ceiling windows that spanned an entire wall of her room, looking out over the street below, she considered if last night had been some strange dream. 
Late morning light poured through the windows and she groaned trying to clear her head, but the ache and pounding wouldn’t subside. She felt terrible, wrecked, as hungover as her first time drinking Quileute kid punch at Tommy Sutherland’s 16th birthday party on the beach. 
Maya threw the covers over her head, trying to get a grip. She felt awful. A soft buzzing to her right let her know that her phone was nearby. Maya groaned and slung an arm over her eyes as she pawed for her phone with the other. She had forgotten to plug it in last night and it was currently sitting around 20% battery as a result. Great. Maya squinted at her phone beneath the covers 
5 new messages from Arden
“Fuck,” Maya sighed as a fresh wave of nausea rolled through her body. Her teaching assistant orientation was today anyway, so she knew she’d probably catch him on campus. Dealing with it now via text felt like too much. So, she quickly opened the text thread, glanced at the last two messages that read: I just want to know that you’re alright. He looked like that guy from the art gallery, do you know him?
She shot off a quick “Hey! I’m so, so sorry about last night. I’ll explain everything when I see you today. I’m okay” and closed her phone again with a groan. 
Last night had most assuredly not been a dream. Her muscles felt tight and sore from the sheer tension between the two of them. Her lips felt like they had done battle. But the pain…aside from this cracking headache and the rolling wave of nausea, Maya had no signature hollow ache that she had lived with for the past year. 
When Paul had dropped her off last night with a soft kiss and his gentle goodbye, Maya felt like she had been slammed into a brick wall. She was so sure he would claim her last night and there would be nothing really she would have done to stop it. She had wanted him and the imprint had thrown her into such a state of disorientation that he could have probably gotten her all the way to the airport and on a plane before she would have realized what was happening. 
But he didn’t. 
For all the rage and upset that she knew was boiling inside of him, he had brought her back to her home, kissed her goodnight, and left her on the doorstep. Maya rubbed her forehead and cast the covers off of her before sitting up slowly. She ran a hand across her stomach as if to test for the ache that had accompanied her and sometimes crippled her, but none came. 
Maya glanced at her phone again and then dragged herself out of bed and toward the shower. Despite Paul tentatively re-entering her life, he had not reached out and the space felt monumental between them. Maya couldn’t figure out if that was a good thing or not just yet considering everything. Was this just the calm before the inevitable storm that was Paul Lahote? Or was it something different? 
Whatever it was, Maya knew she’d have to be careful and avoid slipping into the familiar rhythm of the imprint that would lull her right back into her old problems. 
Maya quickened her pace across campus as her navy blue floral mini dress fluttered out around her upper thighs. The thin material clung to her hips and she had thrown on a light wash jean jacket over the delicately tied shoulder straps to prepare for the likely chill of the over air conditioned lecture hall. She had pulled her hair half up and tied a ribbon matching the color of her dress through it and it fluttered gently in the breeze past her shoulder-cropped hair. With the last sweltering days of summer clinging to New York, the less clothes the better, she thought. 
Maya readjusted her leather tote on her shoulder ladened down with notebooks and her laptop. She planned on getting some pre-semester work done after the orientation if she could. Her junior year was vitally important to the networking stage of her degree. She’d be busier than ever attending events and gladhanding. Luckily, she had Arden and now Dr. Bronnard in her corner singing her praises, but still, the thought of securing a high-value internship this year sent a nervous thrill through her. 
“Maya!” a familiar voice shouted across the quad. Maya slowed and turned to see Arden in a light t-shirt and some slacks. The heat was really getting to everyone. She paused and smiled waiting for him to jog up to her. “I thought that was you,” he said a little breathless, “Are you alright?” he readjusted his bag on his shoulder and reached out to gently graze her arm with his other hand. 
“I’m fine,” Maya shook her head, slightly embarrassed and looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry I disappeared on you last night, I—” she looked up to see Arden shaking his head gently. 
“You don’t have to apologize, it’s alright,” he said almost knowingly. Maya heaved a sigh of relief. 
“Really,” his smile was warm and kind as he brought his hand up to cup her cheek. 
And again, Maya wondered how no one had fallen in love with it yet. But maybe that was it, maybe someone had.
“I told you, I see you. I get it,” he promised. Maya nodded and couldn’t help leaning into his hand. “Are you ready?” he nodded over her shoulder toward the lecture hall letting his hand drop. 
Maya looked up at the double doors and then eagerly back toward him with a wide smile, “Absolutely.” Arden nodded his assent and wound his hand down her back and gripped her hip as they walked toward the front doors. He grabbed the door and held it open for her as she slipped through. 
The TA’ship was completely informal. Only Maya and two other undergrads were selected by professors to shadow their grad courses and grade papers. They wouldn’t be teaching anything, but it was a special opportunity to get a head start on some upper level material, work closer with grad students who were starting their research and even have the opportunity to work with their professors on their research. 
Arden of course had selected Maya for the position and she was thrilled to be sandwiched between two studious looking grad students in the lecture hall as head of the TA program droned on about expectations. Being Arden’s unofficial TA meant that she would most likely be spending more time in his office again with him. The thought made her chew her lip in worry and excitement. Without the dull ache present in her belly, Maya was able to consider a life of possibilities without the imprint tugging her attention away. 
But still, she was worried. If the ache was gone, that had to mean that Paul was nearby. But so far, he was keeping his distance. 
After the orientation, Maya laughed as Arden led her down the staircase from the front doors, regaling her with yet another story about a mishap that happened in his lab prep last week that had resulted in several thousands of dollars worth of regent test strips getting ruined. 
Maya leaned into Arden’s side as she held her stomach in laughter, her jean jacket hanging loosely from her hand as the sun washed over the bare skin of her shoulders and neck. As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Maya lifted her head and wiped a stray tear that had escaped her eye from laughing so hard and was halted to a stop. 
Arden looked down at her, his hand resting on her lower back confused at her sudden stop and lifted his eyes to where she was staring. 
Standing off to the side against the brick wall of the adjacent building was Paul. His massive arms were folded across his chest clad in a black t-shirt. His face was pulled into a grimace as he watched Maya sway uncertainly. He didn’t move though. 
Maya looked up at Arden, her eyes swimming with confusion and a plea of understanding. He glanced at Paul and then smiled comfortingly down at Maya. “You going to be okay? Or should I wait for you?” 
Maya let out a solid breath and let a small smile break over her face. “Thank you,” she said softly, “I’ll be fine. I’m just going to see what he wants,” Maya said, her voice only slightly wavering. Arden watched her for a moment, not sure about leaving her but ultimately, after another glance in Paul’s direction he conceded and gave a brief nod. He squeezed her arm gently and said “I’ll be in my office. Text me if you need me,” before heading off across the quad toward the science building. 
Maya didn’t move for a moment, her eyes glued to Paul’s across the way. He looked furious, as he most often did now with each of their meetings, but Maya’s lips tingled with the remembrance of his mouth on hers last night. Resolved to not lose her way this time, she swallowed hard and walked purposefully toward Paul. His eyes watched her every movement: the soft sway of her hips, the soft fleshy tremble of her upper thighs that peaked out of from under the flimsy fabric of her dress as she walked, the subtle bounce of her breasts, the swing of her arms, and the curl of her fingers into gently fists. 
What he wouldn’t give to rip that dress off of her and remind her of who he was. 
Maya stopped a few paces away from him, her brain already fogging from his heady scent. She fought the urge to cross her arms over her chest, mirroring his position. 
“Hi,” she said gently, the wind blowing her hair across her shoulders. Paul’s intense gaze held her and he just gave her that wicked smile, one that promised he’d wreak havoc on her heart if she let him. When he didn’t say anything, she rolled her eyes and swore she heard a soft growl come from him in response, “What are you doing here?” she said with more impatience. 
Paul pushed off of the wall and walked a little closer to her. Maya stiffened. 
“I was going to take you to lunch,” he said, his voice a rumble of pure temptation, “If you were hungry.” Maya stayed stock still, worried that any movement would draw that lustful gaze and set her on fire. “Unless, you were busy with…something else,” he said the last part through gritted teeth as he glared pure malice over her shoulder where Arden had disappeared into the science building. 
She didn’t have plans…but, “Just lunch?” she asked tentatively. She desperately wanted her voice to come out stronger and not with that tinny undercurrent of need currently coating it. Paul’s eyes snapped back to her and he fought back a scowl at the distrust he found on her face. 
He gave her one solid nod and Maya relaxed, taking a deep breath. “Fine,” she said. “But I need to be back here by 2:30 for a meeting,” she lied. There was no meeting but at least it gave her a deadlined to adhere to. She worried if she didn’t set an end time for herself, she’d never leave his side with the imprint itching at her brain like this. 
He held out his hand to her in agreement and Maya hesitated only slightly before slipping her hand into his. His warm, reassuring palm sent an electric shock through her and she swallowed the gasp that fought up her throat. They started down the quad together and Paul reached around her to grab the bag off of her shoulder so he could carry it. Thankful for the lack of weight, she stepped closer to him, pressing her side against his arm as they walked toward one of the campus parking lots. 
Though they walked in silence, the tension buzzed through Maya’s body, tightening her nipples into hard peaks and swirled in agonizing lightning between her legs. When they reached the sleek black Mercedes, Maya hesitated again. He opened the passenger door for her and quickly walked around to the drivers side, depositing her bag into the backseat first. Maya bit her lip and hesitated at the open car door. 
“Paul,” she said quickly. He looked at her, that fire still brimming in his eyes. If looks could kill… “Just lunch, right?” she heard herself nearly beg. Paul openly scowled now and rolled his head back. 
“Maya, I’m not going to fucking kidnap you. Just get in the car,” he said harshly. Maya frowned. It was not outside of the realm of possibilities that he would placate her and then steal her away—he’d done it before. When she didn’t move, he placed both of his arms on the top of the car and leaned forward, “You already ran away once, what would be the point of me dragging you back to the rez if I know you’re just going to run from me again the first chance you get?” His voice dripped with anger but there was also regret. Maya pursed her lips and then nodded getting into the car without further protest and quickly snapped on her seatbelt. 
Paul sank into the driver’s seat and when he shut his door, Maya’s senses were once again flooded with the intoxicating scent of him. Immediately, she felt that ache thrum between her thighs and had to stifle a gasp. This was ridiculous—if she was going to have this reaction every time she was close to him, she didn’t stand a chance of maintaining control. When he turned on the car, she rolled down the window and ignored his look of curiosity as he navigated them toward their unknown lunch destination. 
They drove in comfortable silence. Maya leaned on her arm toward the window and tried not to react when she felt Paul’s hand rest gently on her upper thigh. His thumb stroked lazy circles on her skin and Maya ignored that heat that pooled between her legs quickly in response.
After about ten minutes of pure silence, Paul slid the car up to a valet who opened the door for Maya and helped her out. Paul was quick to come around and place his hand gently on her lower back, his fingertips just grazing her hip. The searing heat of his hand seemed to burn through the thin fabric of her dress as he led the way to the elevator. Maya shivered in the air conditioned hotel and slotted her body next to Paul’s to absorb some of his warmth. Paul’s hand slid to her hip and squeezed and Maya couldn’t help but look at their reflection in the mirrored elevator doors as they slid closed in front of them.
Paul was looking down at her as she stared straight ahead. When she leaned her head against his shoulder, he gently kissed the top of her head for a half second before straightening as the doors opened. A gleaming hostess stand stood just outside of the elevator. In a gruff tone, he checked them in for their reservation as if perturbed by their sudden lack of aloneness.
Maya smirked and let him lead her out onto the rooftop, following the hostess. He pulled out her chair and she sank down into it with a soft ‘thank you’. 
When he settled across from her, she trained her eyes on him and with humor said, “So, you were just so sure I would accept your invitation that you made a reservation, huh?” 
Paul raised an eyebrow at her and shook his head with a chuckle as he looked out over the glass partition that gave them a spectacular view of the upper east side. 
“I hoped,” he said before he looked back at her, “I didn’t know if you would accept, but I did hope.” 
“Mmm,” Maya hummed as she sipped some water. After a beat of silence where he just stared at her, she let out a huff and asked teasingly, “Sooo, how are things?”
The side of his mouth quirked up into a heartbreaking grin. His tight, trimmed beard covered that signature dimple she would so often press whenever she had made him laugh particularly hard. But she liked this look on Paul, albeit a bit darker, and more sinister. Before he could respond, the waitress came over and took their drink orders. Maya ordered a white wine to which Paul raised an eyebrow. 
“You sure you don’t want the lavender gin and tonic?” he asked curiously. Maya gave him a tight smile and shook her head, reaffirming to the halted waitress that she’d have the white wine. When she nodded and parted, Maya turned back to Paul and sank back into her chair. 
“You don’t know everything about me anymore,” she shot back quietly. Paul’s jaw ticked tightly and he looked off into the distance again. His knuckles were white as he gripped the arms of his chair and tried to calm himself. “So?” Maya prompted again. Paul let out a frustrated breath and looked back at her before shrugging. 
“Everything is fine. Business is good. I’ve expanded my client base out here and my work has gone over well.” He said everything so matter-of-factly, as if it didn’t please him to have been so successful. His body language was tight and his shoulders visibly tensed. Maya tilted her head to the side as she observed him. 
He was already irritated, maybe not with her, but just in general—she could see it coloring his face. The waitress dropped their drinks off and asked if they’d like to order lunch. Maya opened her mouth to order the seared scallops and risotto but Paul beat her to it. 
“She’ll have the scallops and risotto, side salad with arugula instead of spinach and the raspberry vinaigrette. I’ll take the steak salad,” he smiled at the waitress who glanced at Maya. Maya just nodded and she took off quickly. 
When she turned to level Paul with a look of incredulity, she was met with a teasing smile. One that begged her to say something. 
“Tell me again how I don’t know anything about you anymore?” he prompted after a short beat of silence. Maya brought the wine glass to her lips and took a soft sip, shaking her head and stifling a giggle. His eyes sparkled with amusement and she momentarily lost her breath. There was the Paul she knew, not this angry, sharp version he had been presenting thus far. She decided to take a chance with her next question seeing as she had successfully put him into better spirits. 
“So, how far along is Becks?” she said quickly, holding onto her wine glass. Paul’s face fell back into a grimace and he scoffed angrily. 
“You could just call and ask her, you know,” he said around his whiskey glass. 
“You don’t have to be a dick about it,” Maya shot back, her voice slightly rising. 
“And you don’t have to be this stubborn. For fuck’s sake, Maya. That’s your family, they just want to hear from you,” he kept his voice low but the rage coating his tongue was spitting fire in Maya’s direction.
“You know what,” Maya said abruptly as she set her wine glass down with a little too much force, sloshing wine over the edge, “I don’t have to listen to this,” she pushed away from the table, but Paul rose at the same time to meet her. 
“Wait,” he said, grabbing her arm harshly. Maya looked down at his hand squeezing her arm and frowned. 
“Let go of me,” she said as she tugged, but he wouldn’t. 
“I’m sorry,” he said between gritted teeth, “Please sit down.” Maya glared at him and shook him loose before sitting back down in her chair. 
Paul ran a hand through his black hair that had grown out long enough to curl a little at the ends by his ears. Before he sat back down, he clenched and unclenched his hands into fists a few times. 
“She’s about five months, give or take,” Paul finally said, his voice barely hiding the anger, “She’s doing well. No complications so far and Jacob has chilled out considerably since it’s their second and he feels more prepared.” 
Maya fought back the well of emotion gathering in her throat. She swallowed thickly and followed it with a strong gulp of wine before she said, “Hard to imagine Jacob being chill about anything, let alone his pregnant wife.” 
“How did you know they got married?” Paul asked innocently, genuine confusion on his face. Maya’s mouth suddenly dropped open and the sting of sadness poked at her belly. 
“Wha—” Maya began. 
“Seared scallops and risotto,” The waitress interrupted, “And a steak salad. Anything else I can get for you at the moment?” 
Maya was speechless, tears clearly pricking at the corner of her eyes now. Paul thanked the waitress and dismissed her politely as he leaned forward across the table to take Maya’s hand. Maya pulled in a sharp breath, fighting to steady the sob trying to claw its way out of her throat. 
“Hey, hey,” Paul said gently as he held onto her limp hand on the table. His thumb stroked the back of her hand softly as he said, “It’s okay. No one knew for a while and no one else was there. They just sort of…did it on a whim,” he soothed. Maya looked out over the skyline and nodded. 
“I shouldn’t be upset, I know,” she admitted, surprising herself. Paul shook his head. 
“That’s not…” Paul sighed and let Maya’s hand drop as he leaned back in his chair. “Maya, you can’t expect life on the rez to stop just because you left.” He didn’t mean it as an insult, but it shot Maya right through the heart to hear it. 
“I know that!” she snapped as she turned toward him, “Don’t you think I know that?” The tears were flowing freely now and she hated again how she had dissolved into a teary mess in front of him for the second time. She wiped at her cheeks angrily and took another drink of wine. 
“Let’s talk about something else,” he said firmly as he leaned forward to dig into his salad, “Tell me about your internship.” 
Maya sniffled and nodded, picking up her fork and taking a deep breath. She could talk about that. Anything to get her mind off of what she was missing, what she was sacrificing for a different kind of happiness she was chasing out here. 
For the next two hours, Maya and Paul talked about anything and everything as long as it didn’t touch on home. She forgot how easy it was to be around him, to hear the occasional chuckle (he refused to allow himself to laugh) and feel that warmth spread from her belly to every inch of her. She had missed him. Plain and simple. 
After lunch, he led her to the elevator and when the doors dinged shut, he turned toward her, pulling on her hip to set her flush against him as he leaned down, cradling the side of her neck with his other hand and bringing his lips down softly onto hers. Maya let out a soft whimper at the contact as a sizzling sensation burned pleasantly from her lips and down her spine. She opened her mouth to him and he greedily entered, letting his tongue swipe along her lower lip and into her mouth. 
Maya clutched at his bent shoulders, tugging him down more to bring him impossibly closer as the heat swirled and sank in her belly to her core. His hand moved from the bruising hold on her hip to knead the flesh of ass, slipping under her dress. He groaned into her mouth and when Maya took it as an invitation to bite gently down on his lip, she received a harsh slap to her ass cheek that made her yelp and dampen. 
She was hungry for more, but all too soon, he wrenched his hold off of her just as the elevator doors dinged open into the lobby of the hotel again. Maya was panting, her cheeks flush with heat as she allowed Paul to ferry her to the valet. He gave her ass one more pleasing squeeze before she sank into the passenger seat. 
Maya tucked some hair behind her ear and tried to quell her furiously thumping heart. She couldn’t concentrate on anything else on the car ride back and was thankful for Paul’s silence as she tried to get herself under control. 
When he dropped her off at the main entrance to campus, Maya hastily exited the Mercedes with a quick goodbye. But he rolled down the window and called out to her and she couldn’t bring it in herself to resist. 
She leaned down through the open passenger window, breathless and still flush with desire. 
“Yes?” she breathed. He gave her that teasing smile again before he said gently. 
“Can I see you again?” So innocently, as if she even had a choice. But she appreciated the request, nonetheless. 
“When?” Maya asked, trying to sound cool. Paul grinned and looked away and for a brief moment, she thought he might be onto her. 
“There’s this event I need to go to on Thursday at the Met. A bunch of artists will be there, but it’s mostly a chance to network. These things are usually pretty boring, but the Met is cool and it would probably be more fun if you were there.” He said it all so nonchalantly. Maya rolled her eyes affectionately and echoed:
“Probably,” before nodding and saying with genuine excitement, “I’d love to.” 
“Great, then I’ll see you Thursday,” his voice wavered slightly and Maya wasn’t sure what to make of it. 
“See you Thursday,” she said softly as she backed away from the car and turned on her heel to jog toward the science building. She could still hear the soft rumble of his Mercedes even though she was a bit of distance away, so she called out over her shoulder, “Stop staring at my ass!” 
She heard that achingly wonderful laughter bubble out of him from far off and it made her heart thump wildly in her chest. 
Whatever this was that they were doing at the moment, she had to admit, she really liked it. 
Maya checked her outfit in the golden arched filigree mirror that towered over her in her room. Rosalie was lounging on her bed, flipping through a mechanics magazine with a bored look on her face. 
“I don’t know why you don’t just wear the vintage Valentino. It’s classic Met,” Rosalie said for the umpteenth time. 
Maya smiled and readjusted the thin straps of her deep magenta halter. The material was well made and tailored exactly to her curves. The top acted almost as a bustier and pushed her cleavage up spectacularly. The matching magenta wide-legged, pleated pants billowed out around her legs, giving the look an airy, elegant feel. Maya leaned down to adjust the strap of her strappy black heels. 
“I’m going for a different look. There’s going to be some artist-types there and I don’t want to look too stuffy,” Maya said as she crossed the room to don her gold bangle bracelets from Jeremy. 
“At least wear my teardrop diamond earrings. They’ll class up the place a bit,” she set down her magazine and gracefully slid out of the room before Maya could even protest. 
She fluffed at her black tousled hair that ended just above her shoulders. Maya swallowed hard to help quell that giddy feeling tumbling in her stomach. It felt like a first date with Paul all over again. The uncertainty, the thrill, the hope for his touch. Still, Maya would need to be careful to not let herself get too caught up too quickly in him. With the pull of the imprint, it was easier to get lost in chasing down your feelings and letting it all consume you. This time, Maya would have more going into it and she would try her best to actively manage those feelings so that everything felt like a choice, rather than a reflex. 
About fifteen minutes later, as Maya put on the finishing touches to her look (dark ruby red lipstick, her ring and woven bracelet from Paul, and the diamond earrings Rosalie insisted on), Emmett appeared in her doorway with his hands in his pockets. 
“Someone’s here for you,” he said gently with a teasing smile. Maya felt a rush of butterflies and her heart fluttered unexpectedly. 
She hurried past Emmett and down the darkened hallway to the front door. She grabbed her black leather clutch off the table and pulled open the door to echoes of laughter and “Have fun!” from down the hall. 
When she shut the door behind her, she was more readily able to focus her gaze on the man below. He leaned against the passenger door of the black Mercedes, one leg crossed in front of the other with his hands buried in his pockets. Maya let her eyes slowly take him in: he was dressed in an all black suit, with black leather shoes that shone in the overhead lamplight. His dark black jacket offset the cloth with black silk lapels that glinted subtly in the evening light. Maya finally let her gaze fall on his face. His dark, tight trimmed beard accentuated his sharp jaw and his hair was swept back effortlessly as if he had just run his hand through it. 
Maya hesitated at the top of the steps, stunned into actual silence as she felt the imprint pull at her to close the distance. Paul must have felt it too because he shifted his stance and stood taller, looking up at her and giving her a gentle smile. Maya returned it and slowly descended the stairs, reminding herself of her promise to herself. 
When she landed just in front of him, his warm citrus and spice scent washed over her and she fought to simply keep her balance. Even in her heels, she barely reached his chin, and she gazed up at him with a soft smile. 
“Hi,” she said gently. He let out a small chuckle as he replied, 
“Hi,” and brought his hand up softly to cup her cheek. His eyes were filled with warmth, but Maya could tell he was holding some emotion back, maybe also trying to temper the pull of the imprint to give him the space to just feel what he needed to. 
The hand that cupped her cheek fell away and he tugged lightly at the ends of her hair, “This is shorter,” he said in a gravelly tone. 
Maya shot him a teasing grimace, “I needed a change.”
“A lot of change, apparently,” he said in an even tone, his eyes still lovingly roving her face. 
“What? You don’t like it?” Maya shook her head playfully. 
“I didn’t say that,” he said gently, taking a step toward her. Maya shuffled back a bit and he took it as an opportunity to open the passenger door for her. “Come on, we’re going to be late.”
Maya had been to the Met a few times during her time at Columbia. Sometimes with friends and once for a civil engineering class where they got to tour some of the preservation rooms. But, she had never been here at night for an event of any kind, and the Met at night was something special. 
Maya took Paul’s hand as they ascended the staircase to the grand entrance. Once inside, the air was buzzing with the hushed and hurried voices of artists and socialites alike. Paul didn’t let go of her hand as he pulled her through the crowd, deeper into the museum as if he was in search of something. 
There were new, temporary exhibits erected throughout the main hall and Maya couldn’t help but gawk at the sheer beauty of some of the sculptures. Paul ferried her through them though, not pausing to let her look properly as he nodded to some people he knew. 
“Paul. Where are we going?” Maya said breathlessly as the crowd seemed to thicken. Paul was looking for someone and if Maya was being honest, she didn’t really care who it was as he continued tugging her mercilessly through the crowd. She just wanted to pause and take it all in for a second.
Just as Maya was about to tug her arm back, Paul halted and Maya nearly crashed into him. She steadied herself and glared up at him, but he hardly noticed as he said to the person in front of him. 
“I’m here, showing my face. Happy?” his tone was only somewhat annoyed with the fact that he needed to check in with someone at all. Maya let her gaze sweep down to the culprit and swallowed roughly, suddenly feeling like someone had dumped a bucket of sand down her throat. 
“Thank you, Paul. I never doubted you for a second,” Rachel Black raised her champagne glass in salute, surrounded by elaborately dressed people and then her gaze glanced next to him. Unexpectedly, her jaw went slack and her eyes lit up with shock and amusement, “Maya?!” she nearly screeched. 
“Uuuh,” Maya stuttered out, still clutching Paul’s hand. But a moment later, Rachel had flung her body toward hers in a bone crushing hug. 
“Oh my goodness, it’s so good to see you!” she said, truly elated. Maya let out a small laugh and hugged her back before letting Rachel pull her to arms length to get a good look at her. “My god, you look amazing! How is Columbia? How are things?” 
“Things are..things are…” she glanced up at Paul but he was a stone wall. Very helpful, “Things are good,” she breathed out and Rachel just kept smiling. 
“Good! Well you know this one, so tight lipped. I thought you had fallen off the face of the earth with how secret he was keeping you. We miss you around Seattle!” It didn’t seem like Rachel knew what had happened between them. Was that Paul’s doing? Maya played along, grabbing the champagne glass that Rachel plucked from a passing waiter and handed to her. “But, I mean of course, New York is just such a great transition for Paul’s work. Plus you’re here!” Rachel continued rambling and Maya sipped slowly. Paul had let go of her hand to shake someone else’s hand who had walked up to him. He was now in casual conversation, his hands shoved deep into his pockets and Maya tried her hardest to play it cool. 
Rachel talked Paul up for about ten minutes before he snaked his arm around Maya’s waist and tugged her away, stating that he needed to introduce some people to Maya. Rachel gave her a kiss on the cheek and promised to call her to get together for lunch soon. 
When Maya was whisked away, her head felt like it was spinning. She looked up at Paul, but he still maintained that determined, quiet demeanor that gave nothing away. Maya fought back an eye roll and he squeezed her hip in response as if answering some silent question she had posed to him. 
True to his word, Paul introduced her to some of his artist friends—sculptors, painters, and metalsmiths alike—all of whom were very much a part of the New York City art scene but still managed to be decently down to Earth. They were  polite and asked her thoughtful questions about her degree. One of the painters even wanted her insight on some common bi-products in industrial bioengineering that could be recycled into reusable materials for a piece she was working on. 
Maya was bubbling with excitement as she spoke about her life, her research, everything; but out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Paul had moved away from her and was talking to another group of people in another corner of the room after awhile. 
Strange—the feeling of him not being glued to her side. It was all at once liberating and cold. She craved his warmth, but appreciated the space. Maya carried on talking, nodding, and smiling, trying to parse through the actions of this new Paul. 
Maya was so caught up in conversation as the evening carried on, that she startled when she felt his warm hand press to her lower back and slot back into her side. 
“Do you mind if I take her back? I want her to meet some people,” Paul announced. They all cheers’ed Maya before letting her be steered away by Paul toward another waiting group. 
Maya smiled up at Paul and wrapped her arm around his back as he led her into one of the smaller rooms of the museum, scattered with sculptures. They approached a group of important looking people and before she could even open her mouth to say hello, Paul introduced her: 
“This is Maya,” he paused and glanced down at her uncertainly before carrying on, “She’s my…uh, friend…studying bioengineering at Columbia.” 
Maya internally cringed and felt her arm slip from around his back and hang loosely at her side. They all greeted her happily, and Maya smiled back after a bit of a delay and tried to stay present in the conversation as Paul’s hand sat loosely on her waist as he carried on talking. 
She was introduced to a few more groups as Paul continued to make his rounds and each time, he seemed to hesitate in how to describe her. It bristled her, made her feel something deep in the pit of her belly that reminded her oddly of jealousy. But there was no one to be jealous of. Paul was standing at her side, hand wound around her as his thumb stroked lazily on her hip. 
Yet, here she was simmering with a subtle anger that pulsated with annoying precision in her belly at being called friend.
At a lull in the conversation, Maya excused herself to go to the bathroom to try and get a hold of herself. Her mind was still spinning at the fact that she was here with Paul, but now that he had seemingly distanced himself from her with the moniker of friend, her entire world felt a little upended. And the worst part was, she could hardly blame him. She had shamelessly flirted and kissed Arden while they were apart. Being called his friend was generous considering they’d had almost no contact for the past year. 
So why did Maya’s neck feel ungodly hot as she leaned over the sink and pressed a cold paper towel to her chest to cool down? 
After a few minutes of deep breathing in the bathroom and telling herself to get a grip in the mirror, Maya re-entered the main area. But instead of returning to Paul’s side, she wandered off up the grand staircase and leaned against the marble railing of one of the balconies that jutted out, overlooking the main area below. Maya leaned down and rested her forearms on the wide, cold stone railing and let her eyes sweep across the crowded floor. 
She didn’t know how long she stayed up there, watching and letting the voices rise up to echo around her, but it seemed no time had really passed at all before she felt familiar warmth next to her. Paul handed her a glass of champagne and leaned his back against the railing, looking in the opposite direction as he said, 
“Having any fun?” his tone was neutral, unreadable. She wasn’t sure if it was a genuine question or one that poked at her obvious distraction. Still, Maya couldn’t seem to burst that bubble of anger bouncing around inside of her. She shrugged and took a long sip from her champagne glass before standing upright. 
“Are you asking me as a friend or…?” She gave him an icy sidelong look. His eyebrows knit together in confusion for a moment before realization dawned on him. 
He chuckled looking down at his shoes as he nodded his head momentarily before saying, “So are we not friends?” 
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” Maya said sharply back while begging herself to calm down. Why was she so upset? Paul stood straighter, squaring his shoulders and facing her with his hands in his pockets. If he was anyone else she might be a bit intimidated, but this was Paul. Nothing about him could scare her at this point. 
“Did that bother you? Me introducing you as just my friend?” Paul asked in a gentler tone. Maya took another sip from her champagne and kept her eyes glued to the throng of people below, unable to answer. Paul looked off to the side for a minute, his jaw ticking tightly as if he was considering something and then he said, “I’m just trying to give you some space. Without pressure. You’ve proven yourself a flight risk and I don’t want to push it.” 
Maya swallowed, still unable to meet his eyes as she said, “I know what I did hurt you. But I did it for me and I don’t regret it. I am sorry that I did hurt you, though. So if all you want to be is my friend from now on then that’s fine, but don’t kiss me in dark alleyways and make me think differently then. That’s not very just-friends-behavior of you.” 
She chanced a glance at him and saw the clear anger wash over his face before she looked away. Was she being silly? Maybe. But the fire erupting in her from the imprint felt oddly like rejection she had never known and it was making her dizzy and impulsive. There was a too long pause from Paul before she turned toward him and he shot back: 
“Last I checked, you had a couple of friends that you didn’t mind hanging on and fucking around with.” 
“Excuse me?” Maya shot back quickly, setting her champagne glass down with too much force. 
“Oh, or is that different? Tell me Maya, what is acceptable friend behavior to you? Because I’m lost,” he was leaning forward with clear aggression on his face and Maya grit her teeth in response. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she said through her teeth. Paul popped his eyes open a little wider. 
“What about whatever the fuck his name is….Arden? Everytime I find you, his fucking hands are all over you. All over what’s mine. So excuse me if I was just treating you with the normal friend behavior I’ve seen other people use with you.” 
“Fuck you,” Maya said loud enough that it echoed quickly around them. She swung around to stomp off but he lunged and grabbed her upper arm, whirling her around and leaning down so his face was level with hers. The fire in her met the fire in him. 
“Try again,” he growled, his hand squeezing her upper arm lightly. Maya recovered quickly from being pulled around and narrowed her gaze to meet his before repeating with the full weight of her anger reddening her cheeks: 
“Fuck….you,” she seethed enunciating each word with venom. A sick smile pulled across Paul’s face for a moment before he yanked her forward and let his lips crash down upon hers, sweeping the breath from her lungs. Maya let out a startled moan, her hands clenched into tight fists as she tried to pull back away from him for a moment. 
But he snaked his arm around her waist and lifted her slightly, moving her across the floor until her back met with a cold marble pillar. Her mouth opened to his as if on instinct and she quickly dissolved into the mind numbing pleasure of his mouth moving across hers, his tongue pressing and tangling with hers. 
Paul’s hand dropped to her ass and squeezed harshly, causing another moan to escape Maya’s throat. He pressed her harder into the pillar, grinding his hips against hers as their kiss deepened and pulled Maya further under in the haze of her imprint’s dominating presence. He caged her in against the wall, but there was nowhere Maya wanted to run to. Her hands loosened from fists into soft open-faced palms that roved around his chest, his shoulders, his waist. She wanted to feel all of him around her. 
His steady, hot heat enveloped her senses, making her body hum with excitement. And her erratic heartbeat matched the excited shuddering of his body. There was nothing else but him in that moment and Maya let herself be momentarily swept away. 
When he tugged her body away from his and held the back of her neck tight in his grip, she almost whimpered at the absence of his mouth on hers. She was deranged, off the rails with desire and she knew there was only one way to wipe her mind clean of it. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he breathed, his voice husky and dark as his eyes held her gaze. Maya nodded without even realizing it and no sooner had she agreed than he was whisking her off down the stairs, tugging her along on the edge of the crowd and making as minimal eye contact as possible so they wouldn't be held up. 
The most excruciating wait was for the valet to bring Paul’s car around. Maya clenched her thighs together and silently willed him to look at her so she could capture his mouth again, but he kept his gaze hard and focused out on the road, his arm tightly gripped around her waist, his own pulse racing wildly. 
When the valet finally arrived with his Mercedes, Paul yanked the passenger door open and Maya climbed inside, suddenly realizing in the quiet of the car that she was still breathing hard. Once in, Paul quickly navigated them with unnerving precision onto the road and raced as reasonably as traffic allowed further down into Manhattan. 
The car ride back was silent, the air between them electrified with tension and the only sound that Maya could hear was her own heartbeat drumming in her ears. Paul kept his eyes on the road, his hands gripping the wheel dangerously tight. 
When Paul whipped the car into the drop off valet of a very fancy hotel, Maya’s eyes widened. She didn’t know exactly where he was taking her, but home was a pretty safe bet. Now she realized the error of her assumption. Before she could say anything, Paul had exited the car and handed the keys to the valet who nodded as if he recognized him. Shortly after, Maya’s door was opened and Paul was taking her hand and gently tugging her from the car. 
There was no conversation between them, and Maya was thankful for it. Conversation would have distracted her from the thrumming between her legs that she was keenly hoping he would take care of once they were locked away behind his hotel door. 
He steered her to the elevator and when the golden doors shut with a pleasing ping, Paul’s mouth found her neck. Maya instantly leaned her body into his, placing her hand on his chest as she leaned her head to the side to provide him more access. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as he worked at that familiar spot he knew so well in the crook of her neck and Maya gasped as she felt his fingers ghost beneath her breasts. 
The door pinged open a second later and Maya opened her eyes, clouded with lust. He didn’t meet her gaze before he pulled her along down the hall toward his room. He fished in his pocket for a half second before tapping the card against the reader and the soft beep was like music to Maya’s ears. 
The room within was dark and Maya followed closely behind Paul as he lightly gripped her hand now. The door clicked shut behind them and Maya’s heart raced. The soft intimacy of a darkened room was all at once overwhelming. Maya’s breath shuddered and the haze began to lift as she realized where she was. What she was about to do. Paul turned after a second as if steeling himself to stay in control. 
Maya’s pulse quickened as his gaze landed on her and she shifted in her heels. He took a solid step toward her and she fought back a tremble. His hands raised to rest on either side of her face and pressed his body softly against hers. Maya could feel his hardening excitement pressed against her stomach and she tried to quell the fluttering that responded in her belly. 
He leaned down gently and kissed her gently, once, before leaning back just far enough to make eye contact as he said, “The only thing I need is you.” 
Maya’s breath caught in her throat and in the next second, his mouth was on hers again, feverish and hurried, as his hands settled around the base of her throat and walked her back toward the bed. 
Paul’s hands slipped down again, working quickly to slip the straps off her shoulders and unhooking the magenta, boned, bodice from her body. He groaned as he pulled the top away to reveal her naked underneath and cupped the mounds of her breasts in his hands. 
A sharp gasp spilled from her mouth as he squeezed gently, moving his mouth down her neck, before kissing down her body and dropping to his knees. Maya rested her hands on top of his shoulders and looked down at him. He kissed between her breasts and unfastened her pants, pulling them down her hips and sighing in pure happiness. She couldn’t help but giggle softly as his kisses traced further down her stomach and he hooked his fingers beneath the flimsy white lace of her thong, before tugging them down her body. She stepped out and let him revel in her nakedness in the dark. 
Her breathing came fast and deep as the realization of being touched like this for the first time in a year dawned on her. He gripped her hip and grabbed underneath her left knee, placing it over his shoulder, exalting in the way she dripped for him. Steadying her between both his hands, Paul squeezed the soft curve of her hips before dipping down and licking one long strip along her seam. Maya threw her head back and let her jaw go slack as a moan burst forth from her throat. Paul groaned deeply as he descended upon her like a man starved, lapping at every inch between her thighs. Maya held on for dear life as she rocked her hips forward to meet his mouth and when he sucked her sensitive nub into his mouth, she held back a delighted scream. 
She was over the edge embarrassingly too soon, white pops of light bursting behind her closed eyes as she let herself go in a rush. Paul was eager to drink her down, dipping his tongue into her opening and feeling her pulse into his mouth. When her knees shook violently enough to lose her balance, Paul pushed gently against her hips and she fell back onto the bed with a soft thump. 
Maya focused on finding her breath again as she brought a hand up to her forehead. He’d made her come undone in mere minutes—and now she was terrified of how he’d make her feel once he got inside of her. Maya opened her eyes and leaned up slightly to watch as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt and shrugged it off onto the chair. Maya squirmed impatiently on the bed and bit her lip when he smirked at her, taking his time. 
She was fit to explode again and here he was, unbuckling his belt slowly, the soft clink of the metal sending shockwaves through every nerve ending in her body. When he finally shed his pants and briefs, Maya could finally see just how hard he was for her. Her mouth watered and acting on instinct, she lifted herself up onto her knees and shuffled across the bed. Reaching her hands out, she grabbed him by the hips and tugged him closer before dipping her head without hesitation and taking his tip into her mouth, spreading the warm bead of precum across her tongue before hollowing her cheeks and urging him further into her mouth. 
Paul let out a warning growl above her and placed his hand on the back of her head as he pushed his hips forward with controlled care, fucking into her mouth. Maya was lost in the sensations flooding her body, feeling him heavy and warm on her tongue, gliding past her lips as she tried to reach his base. There was no way she could manage all of him, but she tried, swallowing him down enough that his hand tightened into a fist in her hair and his moans blessed her ears with increased frequency. 
The warm, velvety taste of him thrummed a terrifyingly pleasant response in her brain, throwing her into a plane of neediness that had her legs shaking. She squeaked out a small moan around his cock and Paul’s eyes widened as if hearing the answer to a question he’d been asking all his life. 
Paul pulled Maya off of his cock in one swift movement and she gasped, looking up at him in heady confusion. He held her in place for just a moment, staring down at her in awe before leaning down, circling his hand around her waist and tugging her body across the bed quickly. 
Maya yelped in surprise as her head hit the pillow and the controlled weight of Paul sunk onto her and pressed against her form for a moment. His skin sliding across hers felt like reigniting a brand of belonging between them and Paul lowered his face to kiss her with a need she echoed, arching her body between them. 
Paul slid his thick thigh between her legs, urging her apart before sliding his hand down and letting his thumb tease her clit. Maya’s head flew back deeper into the pillow as she let out a whine and Paul took the opportunity to press soft bites and kisses to her neck. 
She was still a wanting, gushing mess for him and heat flamed into her face once more as she rolled her hips against his thumb, grinding down, desperate for more. 
“Paul!” she gasped as he touched just the right tempo against her, causing her to crest again. Paul groaned and bit down against her shoulder. Maya, in the waves of another orgasm, pressed against his shoulders, in an attempt to release the tension in her body that the heat of his body were exacerbating. With his other hand, Paul grabbed both of Maya’s wrists and slammed them down on the bed above her head as she keened and cried out again, her orgasm rinsing through her. 
Just as her release was washing through her, Paul lined himself up to her opening and pushed in swiftly. Her eyes shot wide in surprise and a visceral pulse rocketed through her body, ending in a scream of relief. 
Paul let out a feral groan that sent chills down Maya’s spine and she watched as his face melted into pure bliss as he slid to the hilt. The scream now spent, Maya’s mouth hung open as her breath came out in sharp bursts. Paul’s gaze finally lowered to meet hers and she felt every nerve ending buzz as he grinned that wolfish, possessive smile down at her. 
“You okay?” he whispered breathlessly. Maya felt a quick tear rush down into her hair as she nodded, her mouth still open in shock and relief. Paul stayed buried in her and looked down at the space between them where they connected, letting out another moan that set Maya on edge. She’d never been this wound up before, as if she’d snap and dissolve right into the mattress at any moment. 
Paul still gripped her wrists tightly above her head, keeping her place and Maya was thankful for the anchor. He used his other hand to grab her thigh and pull it up to wrap around his back. Then, with one last dark grin, Paul slid out to the tip and in one long languid stroke, he rushed back into her. Maya arched up in response as he dipped his head low to take her taut nipple into his mouth. 
Every place his mouth touched was like an explosion of firework-like sensation, burning through her and causing her to spiral. He began to pump into her at a quick pace, blinding her with pleasure and squeezing her hip, her ass, her breast. Maya couldn’t move from his ironclad grip if she tried, but it didn’t matter. Every one of her senses was lost in him. Each guttural groan, the slap of his hips against hers, the huff of hard breath across her face as he worked in her sent Maya higher and higher. 
And then, he shifted his angle, brushing against that spot within her that made her arch and whine with a sound she’d never heard come from her lips before. She clamped her lips shut around the sound of relief that erupted out of her throat as she felt her walls clamp down around him and try to pull him in deeper. 
“That’s my girl,” Paul moaned, his eyes glued to where they met, watching as he disappeared into her again and again. “Give me another, baby.” His voice was warm, but commanding. Maya felt another scream come clawing out of her throat as his mouth bit gently around her breasts and he hammered into that sweet, sensitive spot in her again and again. 
She’d die like this, happily. But it was almost too much, the pain of him stretching her open after a year apart without pause and the sweet coaxing of his hand, mouth, and hips pulling sounds and feelings that Maya didn’t think she was capable of. 
His hand slid underneath her waist and lifted her hips up as he sank deeper into her. His thrusts were controlled, precise, and Maya was simply a mess. She rolled her head from side to side, her cheeks bright and flush with warmth as she teetered. Her nipples were hard and sore from Paul’s mouth tugging and nibbling at them, and a thin sheen of sweat covered her whole body making it easier for him to slide her body against him any way he pleased. 
There was nothing Maya could do except take what he was giving her and give what she could back to him. She was babbling at this point: his name, curse words, promises, pleadings. All of it brought her crashing down again, her walls fluttering around him. He groaned in appreciation, kissing up her neck and across her face to her lips as she shuddered with release, her thighs a slick, sticky example of her uncontrollable lust for this man. 
Paul's thrusts began to falter in their control as he slammed into her faster, deeper, angling her for his needs. Neither of them were in control and it didn’t matter anymore. 
Maya’s hands had gone numb as he held her wrists tightly to the bed, but the tingling in her fingertips was nothing compared to the overwhelming drag of him sliding in and out of her at a brutal, finishing pace. 
He leaned his head up to look into her eyes, letting out another moan of pure exaltation as he said in a low voice: “You’re still on birth control, right?” The slapping sounds of his hips almost drowned out the question. 
Maya, lost in her glow, let out a soft laugh that made Paul grunt as she squeezed him. “Like you care,” she got out around a breath. Paul shook his head, letting a laugh roll from him now too as he looked between them again. 
“You’re right. I don’t,” he admitted casually, before wrenching Maya’s body up and spinning her around so she laid on her stomach. He let go of her wrists and Maya felt the soft rush of blood return to her hands. Instead he pulled her hips up and slid into her fast from behind without bothering to spread her. Maya let out a low moan into the pillow and felt his hand land firmly on her shoulder, holding her in place against the mattress. 
His thrusts found every soft, sensitive spot within her and the white lights that burst behind Maya’s eyes as her brain buzzed pleasantly, wiping all thoughts from her head except the feeling of him between her legs, was all that was keeping her present. His hips stuttered again, getting sloppier as he lost control and Maya reveled in the thought that it was her that caused him to lose it like this.
Another few hard pumps and he let out a loud moan, her name on the tail end of it, as he splashed inside of her. Maya screamed into the pillow as she felt him cum, her senses heightened by the shuddering tension wracking his body. 
His grunts became more deliberate as he continued to pump into her after he was spent, slowing down only after his body sank over the top of hers. 
“Fuck,” he breathed out as he pressed a line of kisses across her shoulder blades. Maya couldn’t open her eyes, exhaustion set deep within her, and the relief of her release pulling her under. She was circling the drain of her own contentment. Paul’s searing hot body sandwiched her gently into the mattress and nothing could have felt better in that moment. 
She felt him slowly slide off of her to the side as he pulled out. Immediate warmth pooled between her legs as his load spilled out of her. Maya didn’t care—she couldn’t move, her entire body humming with electricity as if a switch in her had been turned on again after being out for far too long. Paul gently caressed her naked back, leaning to kiss the bite marks against her shoulder and neck he had left in his need to reclaim her. He swept her hair off of her shoulder and massaged the back of her neck tenderly. 
It was all Maya remembered before she was pulled under into blissful darkness. 
Maya woke to sunlight filtering softly through the window. She blinked blearily, her brain not quite catching up with her body just yet as she tried to remember how it was she got home. If she was home, then last night must have been a tortuously delightful dream. Maya rubbed her eyes and leaned up onto her forearms, but a sharp pain pulsed through her, fading into a dull ache. Not a dream. 
A soft shuffling next to her alerted her to the fact that she wasn’t alone. Maya turned her head over on the pillow and found Paul, fully dressed with his oversized leather weekender bag on the bed by Maya’s feet. 
“Good morning,” he said softly, his low voice music to her ears. Maya hummed in acknowledgement as she took in her surroundings. She was still in his hotel room, and she was most definitely naked. Maya sat up no, wincing at the soreness in her lower body. She yawned and saw Paul chuckle. 
“Where are you going?” Maya finally managed, her voice hoarse. “Jesus,” she whispered, holding the soft white linen sheet against her breasts. Paul looked up at her as he packed his iPad and chargers into his bag. 
“I have to head back to La Push today,” he said it as if they did this song and dance all the time—as if she should know where he was headed. Maya blinked a few times, clearing the rest of the sleep from her brain. 
“O-oh,” she stuttered. 
“I arranged a late check out already, so feel free to hang out as long as you need,” he zipped up his bag and the sound of it seemed to ricochet loudly across the room. 
“Okay,” Maya tried to hide the disappointment in her voice. Paul slung his bag over his shoulder and leaned on the bed to kiss her softly. Maya tentatively placed her hand on his jaw, feeling the soft bristle of his beard against her fingertips. When he pulled away, Maya felt the imprint in her wilt with disappointment. 
“I’ll be back in the city in a few weeks,” he said softly, letting his eyes search hers for a moment. But Maya didn’t know what he was looking for in her. After another beat, he stood up abruptly and walked toward the door without another word. “Thanks again for coming with me last night,” he said mischievously as he turned around to look at her, “And for attending the event last night.” He winked at her before pulling open the door. 
Maya heard the soft click of the hotel door close as her mouth hung open in shock. 
“Bye?” she said aloud to no one. Maya placed a hand to her head to steady the dizzying effect of the emotional whiplash she just encountered. 
What the fuck was that? 
Next > >
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nacricissa · 7 months
9 people you want to know better
Huge thanks to @squarebracket-trick for tagging me with only small amounts of sarcasm per my request to be included in the fun!
Currently Reading: The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing and the Future of the Human Race, by Walter Isaacson. I think this is the same book I was reading the last time I was tagged in this game. I read nonfiction slowly.
Last song I listened to: Spotify seems to believe it was The Chain by Fleetwood Mac and I have no evidence to contradict that.
Currently Watching: I am on Season 8 of Smallville, which I have been thoroughly enjoying. It is very strange to watch TV from that era though, because the way computers are treated is truly hilariously wrong.
Current Fic I'm reading: I love that this implies I could stop reading in the middle of a fic. I woke up at 1:30 pm today because last night I finished reading Light As A Feather (Heavy As The Burden I Carry) by @havenoffandoms and @creativwit. It's heavy reading (ED TW), but masterfully done.
Current Obsession: I have made an infinite mana deck in standard (uh I play Magic: The Gathering, if you don't, apologies for the seemingly random set of words I'm about to spew). It's an Agatha's Soul Cauldron deck (Sleep-cursed faerie+ Kami of Whispered Hopes) though it's easier to assemble the win using Patchwork Crawler, even though it's more mana intensive because then you can search all the parts with Fauna Shaman. The win is with Triskadecaphile, either on board drawing to the alternate win con, or if you have an untappable Fauna Shaman, you can search for Ulvenwald Oddity with the first creature you draw, then transform it to give everything haste and win with combat damage on the spot. The interaction package is mostly creatures because Fauna Shaman, Malevolent Hermit, Tishana's Tidebinder and Colossal Skyturtle. Tishana's is especially useful when trying to win when an opponent has Sheoldred on board, you can Fauna Shaman it up if you draw a creature before you run out of life.
Favourite Colour: Lavender and Indigo. Really, the colour scheme of my pfp is my favourite colours, I had it comissioned for a reason.
Spicy, Sweet, Savory or Salty: Big fan of the savory.
Relationship Status: Not really looking for romance, in QPR with best friend.
Last thing I googled: Well now it's the fic I read last night cause I wanted to find the link, uh before that? I was trying to find this post, as if search is an effective way to locate things you're looking for on Tumblr.
Song stuck in my head: Well now it's Mr Blue Sky by Electric Light Orchestra because while looking for the post to link for the last question I saw a post that contained the lyrics... Before that probably John Williams is the Man.
Favourite Food: It's a one-pan thing with chicken, broccoli, red peppers, minute rice and a sauce made of brocoli cheese soup and chicken broth. It takes maybe fifteen minutes to cook after you've cut everything up, it's good hot or cold, it reheats well, truly a masterful thing and I only have to wash one pan when I'm done!
Dream Trip: I intend to tour Cascadia with my best friend. We might even go to visit the Quileute reserve (that beach looks great) give them the tourism bucks they deserve for having their legends taxidermized like that.
Tagging @magic-is-something-we-create, @lesorciercanadien, @neural-cactus-is-lonely, @bargainbincheese, @wonder-stuck, @chauceryfairytales, @a-had-matter, @threebooksoneplot and @mk-writes-stuff if you'd care to answer some or all of these questions about your fine selves.
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