#quite a few could be combined for fics too but I struggle with making an overarching story to fit them within
raycatz · 4 months
WIP ask game, artist edition! (writing welcome too)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
It's been really fun reading about what everyone's working on! Let's get the artists involved, too! I want to see everyone's aaa.fileextention and aaaa.fileextention pieces hehe.
I have so many LU comic ideas! For most of them I have the dialogue, visuals, and acting written out. Some have art! Everything from initial concepts to multi-chapter fic.
Here's the .csp wips I have atm! Some of them are tied to comic ideas and some are stand alone.
haha tanlines
apple tree
om nom
full sprint
huhwha & hhhwa
Non LU writing & art wips
sleepy ocs
Moe the Moblin (the idea lives on the LU ideas google doc but it's gen loz. could be LU if you wanted it to be, though! Open to interpretation.)
SSBU Links - Chateau Romani
SSBU Links - Get Out Of The Water!
Mina's Linkverse - Goat Plushie
Team Ico AU
Major & Minor Beats & Shot Types: Dragon Tower
While tagging as many people as I have wips might be possible, maybe, it would definitely be excessive! I'm tagging: @zolanort, @liccy, @luwyv, @mizaruwu, @theegh0st,
@bluevaractyl, @grenapple0547, @starrysorry, @twilight-linkess, @genderfluid-puddle-of-soup,
@awkwardpossum0, @ghostlykidplaidbanana, @jellydragons, @off-mozzarella, @kikker-oma (Oma, do you have any projects outside of Fan Joy July you want to share? :D ) and anyone who wants to play!
(also feel free to ignore the @. This is for fun and only if you want to!)
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storm-angel989 · 3 months
How would Valentine and the other vees react to his daughter attempting to take her own life? Sorry if its too dark u don't have to answer the request.
It’s never too dark of a request. I hope by writing this fic someone, somewhere who might be struggling sees that their life has irreplaceable value.  I’ve been in that headspace, held that belief that the world would be better off without me. It’s a dark space, but I can promise you it gets better- I can’t say it enough. 
It gets better.
For anyone who is going through this- I’ve been there. I promise you, it gets better. <3 My DM’s are open for anyone who ever needs to chat. 
Even if it feels like no one else in the world cares, I PROMISE I do. 
<3 Mandy
Valentino treated overdoses like it was his job. 
In a way, it was. You don’t gain the titles he had without learning a thing or two along the way. When you deal with drugs, afterall, you deal with the unfortunate side effects that came along with them. It was simply good business to have the basic medical skills, enough to keep the user alive long enough to get them to someone who can bring them back the rest of the way. 
After all, dead addicts don’t pay. 
Another late night. There seemed to be quite a few of them lately, not that Valentino minded. Surrounded by his models, beautiful demons who brought out every aspect of the word lust. The music in the club hit perfectly, and his salesdemons were making bank tonight. At that moment, it felt like nothing in the world could go wrong. 
The shrill shriek of his phone interrupted his blissful buzz. Glancing at the caller ID he did a double take.
“Vox? I’m at work. This better be an emergency.” He answered sharply. “You know I don’t like to be…” 
“Valentino, you need to come home. Now.” Vox’s sharp voice interrupted him. “It’s Reader. Something’s wrong.”
Valentino was on his feet and out the door without a second thought. Shoving demons aside, he jumped in the limo. The ride home took less than two minutes, but it felt like an eternity. 
He shoved open the door to her bedroom, and the sight that greeted him felt like he had been punched in the gut. His daughter laid on her side, a blanket draped over her shaking body. 
“What happened? Is she sick?” Valentino demanded as he knelt down next to her. “Why didn’t you bring her downstairs?”
“Val, I just found her. She’s awake, she’s breathing, she has a pulse, she’s just..silent,” Vox replied. “And look…” 
Vox held up her arm and Valentino visibly winced at the sight. Cuts covered her wrist, up as far as he could see. From just below the vein, bright red blood dripped. Silently, Velvette handed him an empty bottle. He looked down at his daughter and gritted his teeth. 
“Bebita, what did you do?” He muttered as he glanced at the label. “You found this empty, Vel?”
Valentino cursed. No wonder she was still awake, but she wouldn’t be for long. “Vox, page downstairs and tell them to have the on-call doctor and have him meet us there. Both of you, with me, now.”
He carefully lifted up his daughter and, without waiting for the elevator, hurried her down the stairs, Vox and Velvette behind him. He looked down at her as dark blue foam began to drip from the corners of her mouth. In his arms, she curled and heaved into him. Valentino glanced down as warm blue liquid stained his jacket. 
“Get up,” Valentino barked at the on duty nurse. He rattled off a list of things he would need as he laid his daughter on her side. From the cupboards, he tossed supplies on the counter. 
“Put an ng tube in,” he growled to the nurse as he handed her a bottle of dark black liquid. “Get this entire bottle down her throat and then take it out. Vox, where the fuck is the doctor?” 
Without waiting for an answer, Valentino stepped back and continued to yank open the cupboards, frantically searching until he found the right combination to counteract the pills she took. Without another thought, he slid the needle into her vein with a practiced hand. 
“Come on, mi amore, don’t you dare,” he growled as his daughter closed her eyes. “Don’t you fucking dare.” He pressed his hand against her chest, desperate to feel the beating of her heart. 
A faint thud beneath his palm. A whimper of pain.
The doctor walked in seconds later and with orders from Valentino, whisked her away to the back. Fury raced over Valentino’s expression and he turned to Vox and Velvette.
“What the fuck happened to my daughter?”
Velvette looked up from her phone and quietly handed it to Valentino. “ I don’t know how else to say it, but…Val, she made a post and…well, it looks like she tried to commit suicide.”
Valentino felt himself pale as he stared down at the screen. “No, she wouldn’t. My little girl? Why would…”
“I don’t know, Val,” Vox said sharply. “But I do know we fucking missed a hell of a lot of signs based on the amount of damage she did to her body already.” 
Valentino sank onto one of the empty beds and stared across the room. His little girl was in so much fucking pain she felt the world better off without her in it? His little girl hurt so badly, she needed to hurt herself? He buried his face in his hands. Had he gotten to her in time? Would she even survive this attempt? Why the fuck hadn’t he seen the signs? 
He felt a hand on his shoulder and weight shift on either side of him. He tried to hold back the tears of sadness, of guilt. The tears that came with the adrenaline rush he didn’t normally feel. 
“Val, we’ll get her through this,” Vox said softly. “I think we found her in time.”
Valentino tried to swallow back his sadness, but his voice still shook as he spoke. 
“What..what cued you in? What made you check on her?”
“Her blood pressure tanked, and I got the alert on my phone. As soon as I saw her, I called you. Couldn’t have been more than…”
“It takes seven minutes for her vital signs to be affected,” Valentino said bitterly. “Blue foam on the mouth and vomiting occur at fifteen. Her heart stops at twenty five. She’s lucky you found her when you did. Lucky I had the drugs I needed on hand, lucky that I knew what to fucking do otherwise…just a few more minutes…she still might not…”
“No, she will. And she will get through this. We will get her the help she needs, Val. Whatever she needs.” Velvette said sharply.
“You wouldn’t walk on a broken leg, depression, anxiety, mental illnesses, they’re no different. They need to be treated, just like any other disease,” Vox added. “We know this, Val. We’ll get her the treatment she needs to fight this.” 
“Mr. Valentino?” the doctor's voice broke through their conversation. 
Valentino stood up. Vox and Velvette joined him.
“She’s in recovery. We pumped her stomach and are running a few tests, but thanks to your quick actions,  it looks like she’ll be just fine. I don’t think she’ll suffer any long term effects,” the doctor told them. “She’s awake. You can go in and see her. I would like to suggest an adolescent psychiatrist…”
“Yes, absolutely. Get her over here as soon as possible. Whatever my daughter needs,” Valentino said quickly as he made his way down the hall. 
The sight of his daughter laying in her hospital bed made him stop in his tracks. He swallowed back the fear and sadness that crept up his throat. She looked too small to be lying there, too frail to be anywhere but safe in her own bed. Her arms wrapped up tightly in white bandages, the monitors that showed her heart rate on a screen. In that moment, he wanted nothing more than to lift her up and sprint her back to the safety of their home, keep her in the safety of his arms. 
But he knew, somewhere deep inside, that that wasn’t what was best for her. 
“Daddy? Are you mad at me?” 
Her soft voice broke through the quietness of the hospital room. 
“No, babygirl, no,” he replied quickly as he made his way across the room. He sat down next to her and smoothed back her hair. “I’m just…I’m glad you’re okay.”
She stared at him with exhausted eyes. “I ruined your good jacket,” she said after a few moments of silence. “I’m sorry…I’ll…”
“Fuck the jacket,” he replied quickly as he pulled off the vomit stained cloak. He tossed it into the corner of the room. “Bebita, I can replace that. There is only one of you, and you my love…oh honey…why didn’t you come tell me what was going on?”
She shrugged and looked down. He took a deep breath and in one swift movement, laid down next to her and pulled her body against his. 
“We can figure that out later,” he said quietly as he held her. “Not now. Right now, Daddy is here.” 
“Are you…are you going to send me away?” she whispered. 
Valentino swallowed. “Send you away? No. Never. You’re my little girl.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “If you need the extra support, an inpatient stay, we’ll give it to you. But I would never, ever send you awake. We’ll do whatever it is we need to do to get you better. Life doesn’t need to be this hard, mi amore. It gets better. I promise.” 
“I’m not crazy,” she sniffled. “Daddy, please..” “No one said you were,” he said soothingly. “My ninita.” He pressed his lips to her forehead. “I promise you, it gets better. And Daddy and Uncle Vox and Auntie Vel? We love you more than all the rings of hell. We’ll be by your side to support you- no matter what.” He held her ever so slightly tighter, “I love you, reader. We will get through this. I promise.”
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hisonlyreid-er · 1 year
Always and Forever ~Derek Morgan
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A/N: I've been utterly shocked by the little number of Derek fics out there so I'm coming to the rescue.
Derek Morgan x fem!reader
Summary: Derek is very adamant that you care for yourself and goes to extreme lengths to ensure it.
Warning: slight mentions of seasonal depression
“You should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.”
Every case was celebrated by Derek's return to your shared apartment. His return usually meant cuddles and kisses the last the whole duration of the next two cases combined. It was the time you always looked forward to. Derek knew that, so when he opened the front door it shocked him. Usually your waiting for him in the living room, jumping at him the moment he's though the door. The lights were all off aside from the light slipping out from under the bedroom door. A quick glance into the kitchen confirmed his suspicions. There were plates stacked in the sink, takeout boxes abandoned on the kitchen table. The signs were screaming at him.
This time of year you struggled, Derek knew that and always helped but with his job it was quite difficult to support you as much as he wanted to. He walked towards the closed door and gently push it open. One glance at you and his gaze softened. You were wrapped up in a blanket, lying on the bed. Derek neared you, slowly lower himself to crouch in front of you. His hand reached up and caressed your cheek. It was clear to him that you hadn't showered for a few days and he didn't even need to ask if you'd drank any water recently. The worry was evident on his face as you tried to muster a smile at his sudden appearance.
"Baby girl, are you ok?" His worried tone made your sadness even heavier on your chest. You gently sat up on the bed, crossing your legs beneath you while Derek stayed in his spot on the floor.
"Yeah, Derek I'm fine. I didn't realise you were coming back." A slightly forced smile gracing your appearance. You knew that Derek had a hard case and didn't want him to worry about you.
In your state, your silly little brain just thought it could successfully lie to your profiler boyfriend. It was very clear he didn't believe you. " Are you having a bad week?" You knew what he meant by that and knew that it'd be better if you came clean with him. Nodding your head slightly, you opened your arms to beacon Derek to hug you. He gladly followed the silent request and engulfed your blanketed form. The embrace itself fixed a part of your heart that had been broken the whole 12 days he was away.
Derek pulled away from the hug and looked you in the eyes with pure adoration. " Honey, I don't mean anything bad by this but, when was the last time you showered?" He asked with no hint of malice or disgust, purely caring.
"I'm not too sure, I'm sorry." Your apology cause him to frown slightly. He didn't want to to feel like you needed to apologies because you didn't need to. He knew that if you struggled then it wasn't your fault and he wanted you to know that he was there for you.
" Well, I think you smell delightful and you look like a freaking angel. However, I think a nice shower will cheer you up a little bit." Derek's little comment made you chuckle slightly as he gave you compliments when your sure you smell like a rotting corpse but he could always make you smile.
Derek felt happier as he watched the weight lift from you in mere seconds. In that moment he knew what he had to do.
He stood up slowly as you watched him puzzled. "I think it's time for a shower baby." The mischief glinted in his eyes and you began to have a suspicion of what he was about to do.
Suddenly he grabbed you, throwing you over his shoulder. You shrieked and hit his back playfully but you truly didn't mind the view of his magnificent butt. Derek began walking towards the bathroom as you both laughed at the current situation. Your laughter stopped as a little smack sounded out.
"Derek Morgan. Did you just slap my ass?" You didn't need to ask because you clearly felt it but his laugh was incriminating enough. "Yes. Yes I did, pretty girl." Any hint of your sadness was washed away as you loved the way Derek knew how to cheer you up.
The sound of the shower filled your ears and realised the second part of his masterplan. He put you down under the flow of water causing you to gasp as your clothes became drenched in seconds. Water ran down your face as you glared at Derek who stood just out of the water. Your hand flew forward and grabbed the front of his black t-shirt, pulling him under the shower with you. Now it was your turn to laugh as his t-shirt began to cling to his muscle. He leaned down and connected your lips, kissing you in a loving way. Your hands began tracing the tattoos he was inked with.
The warmth in your chest was the fire of the love you held for the man in front of you. He was the one who held the lighter to ignite your happiness. Every second with him was pure joy and it was so clear why. Derek Morgan was the only one who could make you happy on a bad day, keep you warm in the snow, wipe your tears during sad movies. He was the man who stole your heart.
Derek Morgan was your soulmate and always would be. Forever.
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Daddy!January: Day 9
First Time w Daddy! Bang Chan
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Content Includes: Dom! Bang Chan x sub fem! Reader, reader is shy about her inexperience, reader loses virginity to Chan, praise, nipple-sucking, oral (fem receiving), body worship, consent and words of reassurance, lots of foreplay, fingering, this is just a fluffball of smut and I fkn loved writing this. 
Word Count: 2.4 K 
(I always make my fics longer with ‘first time’ to include more foreplay and reassurance)
‘Are you sure you're okay with this? With calling me Daddy?’ 
It was an accident at the very least, he was telling you off something and the words:
‘Okay, Daddy’ 
You responded in a teasing manner. 
But the reaction is what got you, seeing Chan’s cheeks blushed red and his eyes widened was all the reaction you needed. 
Days later, you initiated the conversation about it. 
‘Have you had others call you Daddy?’ you asked shyly, you were wondering if you ever wanted to hear the answer. 
Chan squirmed and cleared his throat, you could see the hesitation in his face. 
‘Yeah, they have. But not like this, it would be different with you.’ 
You raised an eyebrow at the response as confusion settled upon your face. 
‘Why would it be different? 
Chan looked at you with kind eyes, his hands reaching for yours and you let him, his thumb stroking your knuckles. 
‘Because whenever you're ready for us to have sex, if you called me Daddy, it would more…’ he paused and you could see the thought pattern in his face. 
‘It would help me become more soft and gentle, I think you know I struggle with self-control and…Idk how to explain it, the word just keeps me grounded.’
You nodded and gave him a soft smile of reassurance, holding his hands just a little more tightly. 
'I get it, it's nurturing, it doesn't surprise me at all honestly.’
The shock on Chan’s face was comical.
You chuckled, 
‘No’ as you playfully swiped at his arm. 
‘It suits you’. 
A few days later, Chan had been more affectionate with you. 
The gentle brushes, the soft smiles, the warm glances. 
It felt like Chan could be himself more, he's revealed something that was quite vulnerable to him and it only made you trust each other more. 
And so here you are days later, straddling Chan’s lap as he kissed you passionately, his hands rubbing up and down your sides and your fingers interlaced in his hair. 
‘Are you sure? Are you sure you're okay with calling me that?’ He asked between kisses, pleading at you with his eyes, and wanting to show you how safe you were with him. 
You pulled back and looked down at him with a loving smile, gently rubbing the side of his face. 
'I'm sure, I want to. I want to do it with you’. 
A flicker of courage set through as you leaned down to whisper in his ear. 
‘Please, Daddy. Please make love to me’. 
The staggered moan that left Chan’s mouth and how his skin rippled under your hands, you smirked silently in his neck. 
It felt fucking amazing to see how such a simple word could make him tremble and shiver under you. 
Maybe you didn't have to be so nervous about this being your first time after all. 
The feeling of Chan’s pulling you lightly so you could see his face, his pupils blown out and his skin warm. 
'Don't call me that too early babygirl, I might not be able to control myself’ 
And that made you shiver, goosebumps prickling your skin in anticipation of how the day will end. 
‘I want to do whatever you want, I just’ you breathed out nervously ‘not too rough okay?’ 
Chan as he stroked the sides of cheekbones, ‘I promise, I'm going to take such goooood care of you' he emphasised, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist and pulling you to him. 
‘And roll over' he laughed out, both of you giggling as he gently moved so you were lying under him, staring at each other as the tension built, knowing that soon, he'll be in the same position but naked and inside of you. 
And your chest tightened and heat stirred from the combined anticipation and nervous tension. 
'I'm going to be slow okay’ Chan tucked a strand of hair behind your ear, his eyes soft and loving. 
A few chaste kisses were pressed to your mouth before he started kissing the side of your face, muttering sweet nothings such as:
'You’re pretty, you’re so soft, you smell so nice’
His hands pulled lightly at the ends of the shirt, looking up with a ‘are you sure look?’ and you nodded silently in response, helping him push the shirt up and over your head. 
Since the conversation, you knew this moment was coming and you thanked yourself silently that you wore one of your prettier bras, the lace bringing out the curves of your breasts. 
‘Wow’ Chan compliment looking starstruck as he ran his hands slowly up your naval, 
‘And all of this for me?’ 
His fingers traced the seam of your bra, admiring how the material looked on you. 
‘What a beautiful girl, Daddy’s beautiful girl’ the emphasised ‘Daddy’ had left you breathless and your hips slightly twitching. 
Chan noticed but he wasn't going to tell you, the fact you were so sensitive to his touch and words had made him want to tease and prod at all of your sensitive areas. 
But it wasn't about him, it was about you. 
‘Can Daddy take off your bra babygirl? Let me show you how gorgeous you are?’
‘Yes’ you pointed out, almost automatically and Chan chuffed at the enthusiasm as he watced you reach under your back to pull at the strap, leaving it on your chest unclipped as Chan moved to hover over you. 
You were expecting him to go slow but he quickly tugged the bra down and away, throwing it haphazardly off the bed. 
You didn’t have to feel nervous as he pressed his face into your sternum, his curly, dark hair brushing your skin. 
‘Such beautiful tits’ He murmured to himself, reaching his hands up to fondle them and you keened lightly. 
‘Oh Daddy’s babygirl is sensitive here’ He mused to himself, licking his tongue up the underside of your left nipple because eagerly sucking it into his mouth, his moans reverberating across your body as your breath raced, your hands squirming against the sheets. 
‘You like me sucking your tits babe?’ He teased before eagerly sucking the right one in his mouth, watching you moan and squirm when he kneaded your right nipple, pulling away with a loud ‘Pop!’
You were sure your undies were soaked right now, every touch felt like an electric jolt to your touch-starved body from his care and you weren't going to last long from the foreplay even. 
‘Please, I need it. Need you' you whined out, squirming your hips as a hint. 
‘Need?’ Chan asked, his eyes dark from seeing you so pliant and needy for him. 
‘What do you need from Daddy, mmmh?’ 
Your cheeks reddened from having to be obvious, knowing Chan probably was loving how desperate you were from soft touches and pretty words. 
‘Your tongue. Fingers. Anything, it hurts.’
The pressure on your core was building and it was heavy, your hands almost white from how quickly you were clutching the bed. 
‘Okay baby’ Chan reassured you as he planted wet open-mouth kisses down your naval, removing your bottoms and panties in one clean stroke. 
'I’ll get you moaning for me'
When Chan pressed a wet and open mouthed kiss to your clit, it almost felt too good and you whined lightly. 
‘You taste so good, so wet, so sweet’ Chan breathed against your clit before he began to eat you out like it was the best meal of his life. 
He was skilled with his tongue, moving from small circles to rapidly licking the underside of your clit. 
And he watched you writhe and squirm as your arm was strewn across your eyes from the pleasure, it was so good, it fucking hurt, like small jolts being felt from head to toe. 
A loud whine left your mouth as you finished with Chan's two fingers inside of you and his tongue softly nibbling your clit, mouth pursed in an 'O' from the pleasure.
‘Such a good girl’ you felt his words and kisses against your inner thigh ‘you're Daddy’s pretty girl, such a sweet cunt for my sweet girl'. 
When you were stable again, you found Chan was shirtless and wearing just his briefs, his hardness evident with his thick bulge behind the fabric. 
‘Um’ you spoke as you supported yourself on your elbows ‘Do you want me..’ as you stared at your crotch. 
‘No babygirl’ He told you as he slowly pulled down his briefs. 
‘Tonight is about you and only you’. 
The sight of his cock caused your throat to tighten, it was thicker than you expected and you were a bit hesitant about whether it would fit. 
Chan could see your hesitation, as he looked down at his cock and then back up at you, already putting two and two together. 
‘It’ll fit baby and if not, we can stop if you want too’. 
You laid back down on the flat, breathing deep to center yourself as Chan applied the condom, giving it a few strokes before he crawled back over the bed to hover over you. 
‘You okay? Do you still want to do this?’ Chan gave you one last way out, he was too wound up and hard for him to stop mid-session and tonight he was entirely focused on making sure you felt safe and good. 
‘I want too’ You spoke as you wrapped your arms around Chan’s neck, giving him a chaste kiss. 
‘I’ve been wanting this for long, I couldn’t imagine doing this with any other person but you’ 
Chan’s eyes misted from the compliment, the fact you were just as eager for him made his heart warm. 
‘I’ll be gentle okay but you need to relax for me, it will better if you do’. 
Chan breathed in deeply, watching you breathe with him and when you both breathed out, that’s when he put the tip in, slowly pushing forward. 
A silent cry left your mouth as your eyes bulged from the pressure, clutching onto his shoulders as Chan pushed in a little more. 
‘Mmmm’ you whined out in pain, your eyebrows furrowing as you could feel yourself stretch in a way that was foreign to you. 
‘I’m sorry’ Chan whispered, his voice breaking because he knew how uncomfortable this would be for you right now. 
Chan pressed kisses over your face to distract you, reaching up to gently stroke your hair. 
‘It will feel better soon’, although he was doubting himself as the resistance was so strong, your tightness was concerning him because he knew you were in pain. 
But fuck, it felt so warm and tight that he couldn’t even think straight. 
‘Will it? Your voice was shaky as your thighs were quaking around his back, your body trembling underneath his. 
‘It will, I promise’ Chan leaned forward to press a soft kiss to your forehead, being unable to move from the vice grip you had on his cock right now. 
‘Daddy promised to make you feel good, didn’t I? That you would always feel safe around Daddy?’ He panted out, his body trembling above you as he tried so desperately to remain still and not slam like he wanted too. 
‘Here’ He grabbed your hand and placed it on your mound, 
‘Touch your clit for me okay? It will help you feel better, make it less painful’ 
You followed his advice and when you did, a sigh left your mouth at the slight pressure easing away, your eyes closing in pleasure as Chan’s confidence rose again. 
‘That’s it babygirl, keep touching yourself for Daddy, you’re doing such a great job’. 
Chan let out a deep, choked out groan as the pressure eased, his hips began to move in a rocking motion, his hands caging your face. 
‘It’s starting to feel better’ You pointed out, removing your fingers from your clit as sighs and whimpers left your mouth from how full Chan’s cock felt inside of you. 
‘Good baby, you're taking me so well'.
He kissed you more, his groans entering your mouth as he rocked a little more, pulling his cock out a little further before pushing back in. 
Tears were starting to swell up in your eyes from how emotional this moment was for you, here was a man you loved for a long time, taking his time to give you pleasure as the pain started to dwindle and now you were just consumed with Chan and much he loved and desires you.
‘Thank you’ You gasped, reaching up to slide your fingers under Chan’s hand, him quickly grabbing onto your hand and interlocking fingers as he rocked into you further, his gaze not leaving yours.
‘I’m so glad I’m with you, thank you, I’m so grateful I’m yours’ Your voice was breaking as you spoke, Chan’s breath coming out in hitched gasps so you know your words were affecting him.
‘You’re so precious and sweet, you’re MY girl, you’ll always be my girl’ He kissed you after that, his hips always staying at a moderate pace but his hand firmly interlocked with yours, pressing down with each roll of his hips. 
‘I’m always going to look after you, I'll protect you, try my best to make you happy'.
His forehead touched yours as his hips stilled and you felt the warmth of his release, despite the barrier between you. 
You couldn’t bask in the moment of having just lost your virginity because immediately afterwards Chan’s fingers were circling your clit, ensuring that you came around his cock, just like he wanted. 
‘Cum for Daddy babygirl and then I’ll clean you up okay?’
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Thank you @gyuhanniescarat for the request!!
If you would like to be included in the taglist, comment down below. 
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @kodzukein @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpackpack @thirstybchanstan @necessiteez 
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Sebastian Sallow x m!reader
Summary - Request from anon for "i saw you’re taking prompts! could i request an NSFW fic with seb x any gender? whatever you feel like writing- i’m actually genderfluid so i have no preference LMAO- although there is quite a lack of male!reader fics. either way, absolutely anything would be wonderful, perhaps some jealous sebastian for the soul?"
Word Count - 1,447
Warnings - 18+, more dominant Sebastian, characters presumed to be aged up
Sebastian was pacing around the dorm, furious that you had blown him off to go out to Hogsmeade with Poppy. He figured you would be back anytime now since it was nearing time to be in the dorms for tonight. It's not like he was the one out with you getting you up to trouble.
He was mad at you and mad at himself for feeling so jealous. He hadn't told you how he felt, but he should have. Now what if it was too late? What if you didn't feel the same.
He huffed loudly as you came walking into the shared room.
"Well, it's about time you got back," he spat, catching you off guard. You stood before him with a bag in your hands, shrugging your cloak off to hang up.
"Excuse me? What bee is in your bonnet, Sebastian?" You took a seat on your bed that was just across from his, now thinking it wasn't the best time to give him the gift you looked all over for.
"You were supposed to come back here and help me study!" He looked exasperated and you crossed your arms, giving him a funny look.
"And that's suddenly a travesty for you not to study? Since when is that something you're looking forward to?"
Sebastian looked away from you for a moment, a blush spreading on his cheeks as he mumbled, "It is when it's with you. And you just abandoned me."
You look up at him with a little bit of surprise, you stand up move in front of him to where there is a only a small amount of space between you.
"So you missed me?"
You're caught off guard by strong hands holding you in place and a forceful mouth on yours. Once your brain catches up you close the rest of the gap, pulling his hips into yours which makes you both moan.
Sebastian backs you up until your up against the bed and he pushes you forward, falling down softly while he stares down at you.
You wonder how forceful he can get with you, so you continue to be cheeky with him, "It took you long enough to kiss me. Do I have to wait a few more weeks for what's next?"
He smirked at you before crawling between your legs, guiding you to the center of the mattress. His hands cage you in as he starts to place heated kisses on your neck, "I've been thinking about this all day. Could've been doing it much earlier if you stayed here with me."
He used his knee to firmly press up against the erection that felt smothered by your pants. You used that opportunity to take a tight grip of his biceps, rutting helplessly against him.
"Are you needy?" He murmured, before suckling hard enough on your neck that you would have to hide it later.
He sat up on his knees and you watched in a trance as his jacket came off, follow by his tie. You watched his thick fingers undo the buttons of his blouse painfully slow. This combined with the hungry look on his face made you whimper.
Your eyes trailed down his freckled chest, over the fine red hairs that made a delicious path down his stomach and into his trousers. You could tell he was big as he strained against the fabric.
"Don't just stare, why don't you tell me what you want?" He pushed his shirt from his shoulders, popping the button at the top of his pants before hovering over you once more.
He kept his eyes on yours as he untucked your shirt, palming your cock through your pants. He could see the rise and fall of your chest quickening as you struggled for words.
"I want you Sebastian. Not bloody Poppy or Garreth or anybody else. I want you to ruin."
"Ruin?" He asked, fingers running over the sensitive skin of your abdomen, ghosting up to your nipples.
"I think you should be careful what you ask for."
Unable to play his game any longer he makes quick work of your pants, tossing your shoes to the side as he drags them past your ankles, underwear and all.
Your dripping cock fully exposed, twitching from the proximity. His hot breath was so close you felt like you could die on the spot. He nestled himself between your legs, holding your thighs up as he licked a stripe from your sensitive taint, up your contracting balls and circling all around your cock.
You moaned at the sight of his spit strung between you and his lips. He shifted an arm to lick his fingers and rub gentle circles around your hole while leaning into you to take more of your cock.
"Shit, Sebastian..." you whined and felt his arms tense up while he held you in place. He slurped hungrily at your length and you couldn't keep your hips from bucking to meet his mouth. It was so warm and soft, but still you wanted more.
You reached your hand down to his head, tugging lightly on his hair. It elicited a moan that sent vibrations through you, making you tilt your head back and struggle for words.
You pulled harder on his hair, urging him back off of you, "Sebastian, want you to fuck me, please?"
He was looking up at you, an absolute mess with a sly grin on his face.
"You're not going anywhere until I do, I just want to make sure your ready."
Instead of going back for your cock, he dips his head lower and pulls your hips forward and starts circling your asshole aggressively with his tongue. He teases you dipping inside and out, letting his spit dribble out to help loosen you up.
He props his head up, making you jump as he rubs pre-cum from your cock onto his fingers before plunging one finger inside of you.
He chuckles darkly at your reaction, "If this is too much, I'm not sure you can handle me," he muses, pumping his finger in and out slowly.
He uses a wandless incantation to add more lubricant into the mix, teasing you with 2 fingers pressed against your tight hole before going back in and stretching you out.
You squirm against him, your cock red and swollen and making a huge mess at this point. As you beg him for release he decides your finally read and shifts himself up to pull his own trousers.
You gulped when you saw his cock for the first time, it was definitely thicker than anything you'd used before. You craved him inside of you so badly that you lifted your own legs for him, holding them up while you waited on him to position himself and come to your aid.
"You're such an eager little boy for me aren't you?" He lined himself up with your hole, applying a teasing pressure that was driving you both crazy.
He pushed himself in slowly, clutching your thighs in a grip that would surely leave bruises. You panted at the ache it was sending through you, forcing yourself against him until you had all of it in your tight ass.
"Fuckin' hell I can't believe you're taking it all," he muttered before he started to lose himself in the feeling and thrusting in and out of you. He started slow, but as he got more aggressive and you could feel him hitting your most sensitive spot you begged him for more.
He obliged, fucking you had and fast. You and Sebastian both a mess of sweat, grunting and searching for words as you rode through the ecstasy. His balls slapped noisily against your ass and you felt yourself about to cum.
"S-Sebastian, I- I'm going to-," your words fueled him to the point where he refused to even let you finished the sentence.
"That's right cum for me, cum when I'm not even touching your dirty cock," like that you ground your teeth together and your eyes rolled back into your head as hot spurts came out and landed on your own chest.
Sebastian was unrelenting in chasing his own orgasm as well, making you feel light headed as he pounded into you. With a loud grunt he slammed into you, rotating his hips as he leaned down for a sloppy kiss while he came inside of you.
He went limp against your chest, breathing heavily with you as you stuck together. He looked up at you, face flushed as he ran a hand through your hear.
"See, this could already be round 2 or 3 if you stayed home today."
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rriavian · 7 months
Do you consider Morpheus' Corinthian and Daniel's Corinthian two different persons ( i mean nightmares ha ha) playing the same role? To be more clear- do you consider them like Andrew Garfield's Peter Parker and Tom Holland's Peter Parker?Or do you consider them as the uprated version of same software? Like Corinthian 1 is Windows 10 and Corinthian 2 is Windows 11?
I am asking about your interpretation. Not necessarily it has to be based on canon.
PS. Not sure if I should write my own interpretation here. But anyway, I am gonna write it.
For me, Morpheus and Daniel are completely different personifications. Like- yes they are both doctors/pilots/teachers/bankers-whatever really. But they are different persons. Doing the same job doesn’t make them the same person.
On the other hand, My understanding of Corinthian is completely opposite of "Dream 1 and Dream 2". No matter how different Corinthian and Remade Corinthian are- they are the " same personification" to me. It's like same person getting a second chance to life after coming back from coma state. I am personally not too eager to use "Cori 1 Cori 2". For me, they are both the same " Cori".
Sorry for my English if it's too incoherent.
Oh you love to make me think don’t you! I think my interpretation is still in flux; I’ve not read the comics, or seen a lot of super spoiler-y panels bar a few of the big ones, and the show is also still quite far off this storyline. 
I suppose the truth is that the existence of the second Corinthian is a narrative element I struggle with, because to me it’s not very satisfying. I enjoyed how the show handled Dream making Gault a dream, because it was very clearly a cosmetic change, but with the Corinthian it feels like it would be a lot more. The idea of recreating isn’t an easy one (doesn’t feel like a great match for the themes of the story either), as it just seems like a very simplistic way to get a character to change without them actually growing. And this change is entirely against the characters will/doesn’t even involve the Corinthian doing anything at all.
Which is quite chilling given how his rebellion was very much a quest for agency.
The idea of the Corinthian rebelling, spending 100 years sticking to his choices, and then being unmade only to be recreated with everything suddenly being fine, with all the reasons he had to do what he did seemingly gone/resolved, just doesn’t feel very satisfying to me. 
I’m still holding off on a full judgement until I’ve reached that point in the narrative, but there has to be some trajectory for me to really get on board. What did Dream alter in that moment of recreation? If it’s a new character with the old one’s face/name/memories but apparently none of their motivations then why should I care? And if there was a reason for not just making a completely new character as Dream’s second attempt at a masterpiece then what was that reason because I’d love to know what that is!
It’s probably because I’m not there yet in the story, but right now I don’t see it, and so I’m not sold on it.
Perhaps everything was somehow resolved while the Corinthian was unmade. Perhaps all he needed was a really good nap. Perhaps he got therapy while chilling as a skull. Joking aside—and finally looping round to actually answering your question—I think there has to be continuity between the first and second Corinthian because, unlike Dream, he’s not really the combination of two distinct identities. Well, in a way he could be, Dream not so much remaking him as giving him something more, not cutting out but adding a balancing factor. Upgrading the software to use your turn of phrase :) 
I think that’s the interpretation I go with in Transmutation, and that fic was essentially me exploring what the complexity of identity could mean. It’s the interpretation I go to for Dream as well. Also—just to reference a spoiler I have seen from the comics—the panel of the second Corinthian choking Loki out when looking for Daniel?
Listen: that’s the same nightmare for sure.
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addcests · 6 months
Tumblr media
deflection :: ao3 mirror
pairing the addcest is there if you believe
words 3619
rating [G]
summary deflection (verb) to cause a piece to move to a less suitable square. typically used in the context of a combination or attack, where the deflected piece is critical to the defense.
note: this fic was literally made out of madness thanks to a tiktok video: https://www.tiktok.com/@julianphilosophy/video/7349654120619330847 (around 1:03 but the whole video in general is good) me at 3am seeing this vid again later: me: yeah so what if dom said this to om and that's it that's how the fic was made! but when i started it i thought also "let's add in chess" because why not that's fun right and then instead of finishing it in one day like i meant to, i went "well what if i Actually map out a legit chess game/tactic for them and use it in the fic" and then that's how this became a chess fic with a chess tag (???) anyway i just wanted to make dom knock om down a peg just a smidge 🤏🏽 this isn't quite the dom bullying om i have in mind usually but after turning into a small character study for me, it sure itched that scratched for me :3c hope ya'll enjoy it too
Overmind was an… adjustment, for lack of better words.
Dominator’s other long-time roommates had had their opinions after a few exchanges with the younger man. 
Paradox claimed he found him amusing for numerous reasons; reasons that he apparently didn’t feel privy to share, so as always it was an enigma with that one. Though he feigned his disinterest, he could see Paradox’s droopy eyes stalking Overmind’s excessive yet eloquent chattering through the halls as if he could learn everything he needed to know about the doctor just by picking at each and every word that was constructed. (And maybe he could; Paradox was uncannily precise about his observations when he bothered to be.)
And then there was Doom Bringer. Doom Bringer, too, kept to himself about his opinions, like Paradox initially but that in itself was much unlike the forthcoming man. The brawler was quiet and didn’t offer much when asked, only hummed low to himself. Eventually, though, he caved and mumbled, “... well, don’t be mad,” which was followed up by, “you want my honest thoughts? He’s like your mirror, or somethin’.” But Dominator knew better. Knew that Psyker knew him better (and best, he thought rather smugly), so of course he didn’t need to be mad. Not when he knew Doom Bringer had more to say as he pressed on to add, “Like a mirror… but something is off, ya know?” Doom Bringer hummed to himself. “And of course, I don’t mean it physically. Obviously not. But you have to admit it’s there right? But,” Again, Doom Bringer struggled but finally found just the words he needed, “something is awfully manufactured about him.”
They all had their own ways about interacting with the new addition to their household and he settled in rather well despite initial sentiments, being quite amicable and doing his best to get along and to get on everyone’s best side. He’d made some sort of bargain with Psyker about studying alongside him, in return he got to use him as literal data. Meanwhile, Paradox had sunk his claws into Overmind, shadowing him and poking and prodding at the man but Overmind took it with great stride and soon found himself a semi-permanent resident in his own quarters. (“He insists it is most comfortable in my bed,” Overmind had said, smiling through it with a helpless shrug of his shoulder.) It was almost a seamless transition, as if he had been here all along.
So that was how he often found himself, along with a chessboard, and Overmind regarding him with a kind smile on the opposing side as if they’d done so each day, like years old friends.
“I do so enjoy a small game of intellect to stimulate the mind and gaze into one’s daily motivations. What better way than this to understand one another?” 
Dominator could not agree more.
“I must admit,” Dominator began, returning Overmind’s smile as he set up the board, “I fear I may be slightly rusty. After all, it’s rather hard to wrangle Paradox into a game from start to finish and Psyker would sooner do his silly little training or workouts instead.”
“Ah, I understand. Though, perhaps we could change their minds? With my eloquent words, and you by my side, our combined might will be more than enough to convince them ” He chuckled at his own playful suggestion, eyes following the scientist’s careful and methodical movements as he finished setting up his side of the board, holding the black pieces. “Besides that, there’s no need for fear. After all, this is just a simple, ah… friendly game between housemates.”
“... of course,” Dominator replied rather slowly, starting on his marble white pieces. “And, there. We are all set.” Suddenly, a hand was thrust into his field of view and he followed the motion up to find Overmind holding his hand out—a handshake. For but a split second, Dominator only regarded his hand without doing anything, but in good nature, took his hand in his and shook it. 
“Best of luck,” Overmind mused while shaking his hand still. Before Dominator could reply, he hurriedly added, “If it’s not too presumptuous of me, I feel it fair that the first move be yours, Dominator.” When Dominator did not reply, the doctor continued, “ah, due to your fear of… being rusty was it?” And then, he smiled a little too kindly, lips curled in telling amusement that Dominator knew wasn't from the kindness of his heart.
Inwardly, the scientist scoffed at this roundabout way to downplay his skills.
Still, he was rather tickled by the offer as Dominator’s gloved hand muted back his own laugh, a fist to his mouth. He was not one to turn down a leg up on an opponent, friendly or not. “How generous,” he cooed, as he started his opening move. Standard pawn placement. “I shall make the best of it then.”
They exchanged a few turns, settling into the game as they set up their pawns’ planned placements. Eventually, they fell into a steady rhythm and found that they were going through the motions of playing rather naturally, so much so that they ended up playing more than just the one game. By game three, each had snagged a victory from the other. Currently, it was anyone’s game, however Dominator noticed that Overmind took to… being quite talkative throughout his matches while nudging pieces to their doomsday, sacrificing pieces left and right as long as it netted him the win or a good exchange. 
“Have you had much of a run-in with Ciel—ah, I mean Abysser by any chance? I, too, played a friendly game with him and it cost the butler his beloved daggers.” Overmind’s ever stretched smile remained on his face, though the kindness there seemed to disappear as he recounted this tale. “He may have had a knack for games and the like, but there’s nothing that can quite trump efficient strategy and planning.”
Dominator regarded Overmind then turned his attention back to the game, noticing that again, Overmind was sacrificing pawns. If he did not want to use them to make more powerful pieces towards the endgame, then who was he to complain? The scientist added yet another of the black pawns to his capture. “I don’t imagine he’d let that slide so easily.”
“Of course not, but he’d lost.” Overmind practically bragged, then reeled back in his composure as he assessed the playing field and took Dominator’s bishop. With his index and thumb, he lifted the defeated piece from the board into the air, dangling it like some play thing. “But in lieu of his daggers, well, let’s just say he would rather owe me a favor now instead.” Pure delight burst across Overmind’s face as he laughed. Most likely at his own cunningness and triumphing over the lord demon butler. 
They’d moved onto yet another game. (Dominator was starting to lose count.) Dominator was backed into a corner but he took it with great stride.
But of course Overmind had a spiel he just couldn’t go without saying. “My, Dominator, I think you do yourself a great disservice. After all… I’d say you were more competent than that butler… vastly so, one might even say.”
Was that supposed to be a compliment? If it weren’t for that smile that was grating the scientist’s nerves, he’d almost believe his counterpart. 
(Was this how Psyker felt when Dominator tried to compliment him, always complaining about his delivery? He’d need to sorely rectify that.)
The flow of the games continued, despite Dominator slowly coming to realize that Overmind’s welcoming appearance was all but a lie, disserviced due to the underhanded observations and backhanded prods at his expense, he was still enjoying himself. It’s not that Psyker or Paradox couldn’t go head to head with him, but it was rare to get more than two games out of either pair. He just wished Overmind did not… run that mouth of his so much.
(Was this also what Psyker felt like when Dominator accidentally slipped into one of his many monologues? At least his tone didn’t make him want to snap back at him!)
Their conversation landed on many topics, this time though, Dominator led the topic as Overmind was too busy trying to run himself out of an unfavored position. “I heard you study with Psyker sometimes, perhaps we could collaborate too? Though my work lies mostly in my automations and devices, I think there could be a great benefit for us both.” Again, Overmind claimed victory, putting him in the lead with wins, securing four victories to Dominator’s three. They agreed to one more final game.
And though they were near equals in the game, the upturned chin and cocky way Overmind sat, knees wide apart, one hand poised carefully on his armrest while the other toyed with one of the many pieces he had captured from the end of their game, a white queen. “Truly?” The way Overmind had asked was not one of sincerity, not to mention the way he’d not respectfully hold eye contact with Dominator any longer but instead directed all his attention to the dangling, helpless, captured queen between his fingers just proved that the doctor’s true colors were finally revealing itself. “I think not. Not to decline such a… gift, I find your method a little lacking for my tastes.” Finally, he turned his gaze back to Dominator, “Machines can be wonderful tools, you see. However, they’re limited, much like these pawns here.” And Overmind made a grand gesture to the board that’d been refreshed for their final showdown. “They serve their purpose and then beyond that there’s nothing else to them.” Overmind opened, moving first, he set his black pawn two spaces to f3. 
Despite the obvious figurative slap to the face, Dominator still said nothing other than, “Well, that makes sense, I suppose. The way you recklessly sacrifice your pawns.”
“Is it reckless or just using the weak to serve my purpose for something better, for something stronger?” 
Dominator nudged his white pawn one space out, unlike Overmind, to e5. “I think that your tools are what you make of them and that is their limit, much like the pawn who has very little to offer at first glance but can be a critical piece to defend, capture, or force the hand of your opponent.” 
Overmind insisted on shoving his pawns into the field, opening a possible slot for his black bishop to move. His just moved pawn now sits at g4. He also insisted, with an incessant bite to it, “There are better tools at your disposal, Dominator. Be serious now.” 
The scientist saw the opening and sighed, not at Overmind, but to himself. Despite the matches being Overmind taking jabs at him through carefully layered words with his intent hidden, Dominator understood now, and smiled rather fondly. 
“What are you smiling at?”
“I’m rather happy we got to play as we did; you were right, this is a great game to reveal things about oneself. You see, I’ve learned a great deal and,” and Dominator moved his queen to h4, effectively shutting down any further plays for Overmind. It was over. “Checkmate, or as they say, Fool’s Mate.” 
“It—you!?” He snapped forward, fist slamming on his armrest as he leaned over the board to see indeed that his king was trapped by the very same pawns he’d mocked earlier as well as the bishop he so favored to move prior to his defeat. “In four turns?!” Overmind was clearly fuming to be bested in such an embarrassingly short amount of turns. Then, it was as if he suddenly remembered himself, he composed himself, reigning those nasty emotions and his outbursts, that mask sliding over the clear cut irritation that flashed in eyes mere seconds ago like a perfectly fit glove. “... I must say. I’m quite hurt, Dominator. You lied to me. You were not rusty at all, were you?” 
“And what of your constant lies to me throughout the game as well as all the backhanded remarks on my behalf and otherwise, hmm? All those pretty words, all those carefully constructed reflections, all that fluff just for your ego, hmm?”
“I—have no idea what you mean, Dominator, if I offended then I—”
Whatever else Overmind had planned to say, Dominator was no longer interested in those lips wagging any more bold faced lies so plainly to his face. So he sought to correct that. Reaching out, he yanked Overmind over the table by the end of his tie; it wasn’t a rough gesture. Just enough to jostle the younger man forward enough so they could meet face to face without that obvious attempt to deflect any longer. And the action had Dominator’s desired reaction: he now had Overmind’s full attention. (And if Overmind’s face was a little more tinged with color than a few seconds ago, well, he wouldn’t tell anyone.) 
“Much like your pawns that fell prey to my deflects, you are in quite the critical position with no defense in sight. And much like your king, you are right where I want you. So, I think you will listen to what I have to say now. As the Overmind a few seconds ago, not the doctor so insistent on hiding behind fluffy words to protect himself so desperately.”
To that, Overmind for once had nothing to say, still straining over the board as Dominator held his tie.
Satisfied with his control and demands being met willingly or not, Dominator allowed his lips to quirk up into the tiniest of smiles. He then released Overmind to retreat as he may, or stay hovering close; it bothered the scientist not.
With gentle care that contrasted his actions mere seconds ago, Dominator turned his gaze back to the board, where only four pieces were out of position for an early checkmate. He began to slowly reposition each piece back to its original base. When his hand brushed across his black pawns, the one further out on the board, he offered his thoughts to Overmind finally, “You called the pawns weak, if my humble memory serves me right.” Unlike Overmind, Dominator picked up the pawn in a tentative manner, not dangling it by its head like some bored child. He held it in his palm at its base, eyes focused on the black chess piece. “And yet, it was because you were so intent on throwing away the pawns, so quick to dismiss something because it seems weak that this line of thinking ultimately led to your downfall.”
He continued, “Perhaps my little trinkets and toys are just that, and yet I dominate them with a sheer willpower unlike anything you’ve seen. They are, by extension, a part of me as much as I am them. If something is weak, then I will expand upon it, make it better, make the best use of it. It is only as weak as I allow it to be. And even something as weak as a tiny an insignificant drone has its uses that you’d be remiss to overlook. Each cog has its proper place in a well-oiled machine.” He closed his fist over the pawn, obscuring it from sight. “Just because it is weak, Overmind, does not mean we can simply deem it worthless. Calling your tools weak and weeding out that which does not serve you is not true strength.”
Without waiting for any response from the doctor, Dominator reached over, rolling his eyes playfully at the other flinching, and grabbed a similar gloved hand and opened it. Then, he placed the object into Overmind’s hand.
No longer flinching, Overmind opened his eyes to see Dominator’s gloved hand covering his own closed fist. Once he retracted it, warily, he eyed the scientist then his hand and opened his palm to reveal two pawns, a black and white one. 
“If you keep discarding things that do not benefit you on the surface level, you will find that you’re the one that is weak.” Dominator stood up leisurely, moving from his side to stand beside the still seated Overmind, watching as he followed his eyes movements. “The idea that strength is dominating others is a weak man’s idea of strength. True strength is when you can dominate yourself—authority is always silent. Authority is always composed.” And with the conviction behind his words, with all the determination he could command, he locked gazes with Overmind’s eyes, able to see a flicker of his true self deep down, past the facade and performance he played for him today. 
Still, Dominator continued, “If you truly are as powerful and as strong as you say, why must you make such noise about it? You fussed endlessly,  as if you seem a little insecure and unsure but needed to flaunt this anyway to me.” Too kindly, Dominator smiled as if he understood everything about Overmind, “Do you wish for my validation that badly?”
“You—!” Overmind finally had enough as he abruptly stood up, fists clenched, chair screeching back a horrid noise but doing little else. 
Unlike Overmind’s belittling chuckles, Dominator just laughed with an unfounded fondness that bewildered the doctor, face taking on many expressions as if he was unsure to settle on which. “Apologies, I felt that I was allowed a little monologue of my own while being frank as well after what I had endured in those many games.” He nodded his head towards Overmind, then looked him over, noticing his tense stance. “Anyway, my offer still stands.”
At that, the longer hair male paused, as if he was even more confused by the abrupt change in topics once more. His posture relaxed but not out of calmness, but rather being dumbfounded. Dominator could literally see the question marks floating above his head, Overmind clearly flabbergasted.
“I mean, if you would like, my lab will be open to you.”
“I—you are so!” Overmind tsked to himself and then balled his fists by his side, the color back on his cheeks. “The nerve!” Without another word, he stalked off, leaving Dominator and the chessboard behind.
“Eh, so that’s how it went, huh?”
“Perhaps, I was a little too harsh on him.”
“Iunno, I wasn’t there,” Doom Bringer yawned rather loudly through the earpiece Dominator was currently wearing. “But, he's fine. Just give him time t’ cool off, ya?”
Disgusted by his blatant rudeness, the scientist had been about to reprimand the brawler for his gross lack of etiquette when he received a notification via Apocalypse of one of their housemates wandering into his lab, having just gone through the entryway. “Hmm?”
“Visitor, eh?” After hearing the alert himself, Doom Bringer asked a little too knowingly, as he could see his other half was distracted and soon enough would have his hands full. “I’ll let you get that then,” and the brawler promptly ended the call.
Dominator swore he heard a muffled snicker before the line dropped.
And all too quickly, he understood why Psyker rushed off the call. Though, he was of the opinion that he needn’t hang up. After all, he had nothing to hide unlike the one that was approaching him now. “Overmind,” the scientist greeted cordially, whirling his seat around to face this visitor. “To what do I owe the pleasure?” 
At first, it seemed like the doctor was hesitant to talk. That bafflingly performative smile nowhere to be seen. Without the glory of his acting and the yapping to go with it, Overmind seemed naked without it. Or, perhaps, that’s simply what Dominator was assuming as it looked as if the younger man was just uncomfortable by standing here at all. But despite Overmind’s possible inner turmoil unknown to Dominator, the good doctor found his wits and began, “Your chess pieces, I… seem to have mistakenly taken them last we spoke.” And he rushed close to deposit them quickly into Dominator’s hands and stepped back, like he was doing his best to avoid the other, touch and all. “My apologies.”
“None needed.”
A silence stretched between them that Dominator allowed because besides just these mere chess pieces, there was more to this than that. He just needed to wait.
And soon he was rewarded, “Before I go…” Again, the hesitancy was unlike Overmind, but he composed himself to stare down Dominator with determination. And maybe the scientist was being a bit egotistic himself, but he was sure he saw a hint of admiration even. “About what you asked me earlier as well...”
“Refresh my memory?”
“Do not be so obtuse!”
“Only if you remain like this instead. I much prefer you this way,” Dominator snarked, no remorse in sight.
Overmind willed away any  heat from his cheeks and sighed to himself, pinching the bridge of nose, resigned to the fate that his housemate (and possibly the others) were immune to his grand acting. But, perhaps, this was for the best after all. There was something refreshing about not needing to follow a script unwillingly to please someone. No longer resigned but accepting, he nodded and stepped forward, taking back one pawn—the black one, his color. Dominator seemed confused until Overmind finally spoke up, “I meant, about the collaboration. I assume that wasn’t just you feeding me lies?”
Finally, Dominator smiled. “Not at all, I have some time in a few hours.”
“Excellent, then I shall see you then.” With that finally settled, Overmind felt lighter and offered his older counterpart a genuine smirk, not his plastic thin smile. “Oh, and Dominator?”
Overmind pointed his pawn aggressively at Dominator. “Be ready for a rematch as well.”
“Of course, doctor. I look forward to it.”
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antspaul · 4 months
How to motivate yourself to writing? Do you have any tips? Because I know what I want to write, I have ideas and anything, but I don't know, problem starts when I must open docs and start writing. Maybe because I'm not native English speaker and writing in English is much, much, worse for me, because I need to check translation words what I want to use, and ughhh
I'm not sure I'm the perfect person to answer this ask, honestly. My writing output is nowhere near where it used to be and I'm quite a slow writer. Also I'm not ESL so I'm not sure I have much to offer there.
That being said, since I do struggle with motivation and spent several years tutoring students in writing, here is some general advice (adapted from this ask which asked about how to deal with low creativity/writers block):
talk through the scene/story with a friend (BEST advice i could give, more helpful than everything else on this list combined)
take a break from the computer and write it out by hand, or at least sketch out some of the dialogue
do a little research (INCREDIBLY dangerous if you are me, and are susceptible to the Research Vortex and tend to waste entire nights fixating on say, where the england nt was staying during the september 2003 intl break in manchester - but can be useful if you’re struggling to visualize a scene’s setting or feel otherwise ill prepared to write a scene requiring a degree of specialist knowledge)
write something kind of shitty anyways and then revisit it a bit later with the idea that you can just delete it if you don’t like it. but even a small start can usually help give you an idea of where you want to take a scene/project
For YEARS I published almost NO fic at all because of a mix of exhaustion + no time + unmedicated adhd. Medication helped a LOT but it's not accessible to or needed by everyone. anyways it isn't the only way to help motivate yourself if executive dysfunction in general is a problem.
If you have ideas, want to write them, and are able to actually sit down and open a blank document but the only problem is that you can't make yourself put words on the paper, external sources of motivation might prove useful.
Here are a few tools I've used or recommended to students:
if you're on discord, joining a writing server can be quite useful for motivation, talking through ideas if you're stuck, etc. some of them also have writing sprint bots, where you and other writers can spend periods of time working on your WIPs together. in 2021, my insane year of writing productivity, practically all i wrote happened in a sprint. if you don't know of any writing servers and would like to join one, you can DM me, anon.
not sure the psychology of this one but writing by hand feels totally different than typing! it's really, really useful for me, even if i change a lot of what i've written by hand by the time i transcribe it into a doc.
Write Or Die is a tool I've been using since I was spending most of my time writing essays in school. My brain needs a deadline or I just don't write! It basically asks you to keep adding writing to the page, and if you stop typing for too long, there's some sort of consequence - at its harshest mode, the program will start deleting vowels from your words LOL. i've basically never used that mode, though; mostly i have it set up so that a horrible screeching noise sounds when i stop writing for too long.
there's the two minute method, in which you set a timer for two minutes and commit to a single task only for those two minutes. if by the end of those two minutes, you still are struggling to do it, you can stop! but oftentimes starting is the hardest part.
i hope some of this advice was useful, anon! writing is difficult for even the most prolific writers so don't be too hard on yourself <3
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evelhak · 1 year
In regards to your ‘writer research’ post - do you think it’s possible to overdo it? How do you personally know when to stop, and consider the topic familiar enough to write?
I sometimes struggle if the activity takes place irl and not fantasy. I need to know locations, travel options and times between them, their overall background, vibe, etc. And in the end it’s like I’m planning my own trip down there :D I did get a few nice feedback words like ‘how did you describe it so well if you never been there’ but it can be overwhelming, and I had a few times that stories ended in that research phase because the scope of knowledge I deemed necessary became paralyzing.
I don't know if I will be much help for you in this, because my approach seems somewhat different. I don't think I've ever experienced the problem you mention, because I stay the hell away from anything that would require me to follow exact details as you mention. Timetables, distances, locations and means of travel all frankly make me want to put my head through a wall. I couldn't care less what those kinds of "hard facts" about reality are like, I write around them at all costs because they are not important to my stories. (If it is too important to leave vague, I will not be writing that story, for the most part.)
My style has always been to bend reality, which is why I pretty much always gravitate towards speculative fiction in writing. Apart from one realistic fiction book that I mildly detested writing, my fics are the next most reality bound thing I have written, and it's not really reality bound, because the source material is fantastical enough to allow some reality bending: things that wouldn't work as absolutely and consistently in reality have that power in the story's world. And I write it in a way that actively ignores factual details: technically my story is set in 2009-2011 so far but that's just a loose point of reference as long as it works for me. If I for example want a character to read a book that hadn't come out at the time, I just decide that in this version of reality it came out earlier, because why not? It's not like the background fabric of the story will ever be so detailed that it would tear from a book changing release date. You're not supposed to see the whole world outside the story's focus in such detail that something like that would affect the story.
So, my research is not about factual details, it's about principles. I basically just need to understand how the abstract rules behind things work, to be able to produce something. I don't care about replicating how any individual place on earth looks, I just care that I have seen enough places to be able to abstract the principles of how they might look similar and how they might look different, how the internal logic of their formation works, to then be able to create a new place from that foundation. When it comes to places, a quite loose understanding is often enough for me because it's just the stage for me, and I will bend it to whatever the story needs, I don't actually care about the place for its own sake. If it becomes dear to me it's because a character looked from this balcony over that forest when they discovered something about themselves, or something like that.
The principle is the same when I create characters, it's just that I require a much deeper understanding of how people work, because that's what all my stories are focused on. I want psychological realism on a much higher level. I don't need to understand sewer systems to write a story and only a really huge drive to tell a story about a character who lives in the sewer system could persuade me to research them.
Anyway, I understand enough about human psychology to be able to combine traits creatively and in a way that feels like more than a sum of its parts because I understand the principles behind them in a flexible way.
So when I'm doing research into any topic I need in the story, that's what I'm primarily looking for: a theoretical understanding, a foundation from which I can then create anything I need because I understand the rules, how they can be combined and where they can be broken as well. And I usually do read some actual theory other people have written, but a lot of the times I focus on reading people's experiences, talking to people with relevant experiences, and just observing people from the outside too, and then I abstract the theory that I need from that "database" of experiences that I've collected.
So I might read an actual parenting book if my character was going to have kids, but I would still focus on my own observations and talks with people who do have kids. The more complex the topic the more likely I would want scientific theory to contrast my observations with. But I wouldn't want to write it in a way that is supposed to represent a particular experience, I would want to create a unique experience that is nobody's experience, just like any individual person is, just fictional. It wouldn't represent how I would parent my kids, and it wouldn't represent how someone I know parents their kids, and it wouldn't represent millennial experience of parenting, or anything like that. It might have seeds of those things, and some people might relate to it and feel like it represents them, but that would be a by-product.
I don't think I've ever felt like I'm overdoing research, because the process happens so naturally to me. I dive into a topic, I gather my data from different sources and once my brain has reached the overall understanding it requires to match the level of detail that I'm going to want to be writing in, it just begins to create on its own. It's very intuitive for me. I seek to understand the "essence" of things, and then my brain just starts generating stuff from that understanding.
(Personally I think it's important that both abstract and concrete, real and fictional information goes into a writer's brain... It's just the same as an artist. You can generally tell when someone has only practised drawing from other drawings and not real life, and the same goes for practicing writing from other stories versus real life, but, I digress.)
However, I absolutely think it is possible to overdo research because everything is possible to overdo. In general I think if you feel like you can't tell what level of detail of understanding is enough, then you should probably take a good break from that project, because it sounds like you're losing perspective.
Not that I never lose perspective... Of course I have looked at a story of mine and realized it needs more or less detail about a certain topic. I guess I just don't "feel" it when I'm writing, or before it, because the level of detail I need to know is determined by the point of understanding where my brain starts creating. Sometimes I do have to tell my brain to slow down, that we should go back to do some more research before we write this particular thing... Usually my brain listens, haha.
In the end it's about balance. I sort of see it like photography: sometimes the background can be really blurry when it's a portrait, sometimes you have macro pictures of a raindrop, and sometimes a general view of a town where you can still see a lot of details is what you need.
Maybe if the problem is that you're not sure what level of detail of knowledge you need because you're losing sight of what the story is about, it could help going back to your title and premise. Is the knowledge of which olive oil this particular village in Italy uses on their famous Carbonara, a necessary level of knowledge in this story about a young lawyer falling in love on his vacation? Maybe, if the olive oil turns out to be a detail he uses to win a case later? What about if it's not plot relevant, even if the person he falls in love with is a cook? Probably not necessary, unless the characterization is somehow built around the person's taste in olive oil. It really just depends on the combination of functionality and your artistic vision what level of detail is enough.
Then there's also the option that you're right, maybe the story actually does need more detailed knowledge to work than is possible to require without first hand experience. If that's the case, then it has to do with what angle your story is written from. You can write a story that is set in a village in Italy without going to Italy, if the setting isn't the focus of the story. If you want to write a story about what life is really like in a village in Italy then I'd say you would have to have first hand experience. That's just a rule of thumb, though. If you were inspired by watching movies and documentaries of a certain place and wanted to write about it despite of not having been there, I'd say do it regardless if you want to. It might still turn out great or it might not... Regardless of that, the value could be in the experience too.
That's a lot of rambling... Don't know if any of that was helpful or just missed the mark completely. It's such a complex topic. And if you happen to be the kind of writer whose inspiration is driven by a detailed factual knowledge or with a desire to replicate things from real life, for example to give the reader a feeling as if they can really go to Venice through your book, or feel like they are sky-diving, or to go back to their childhood because you recreated the decade so accurately... then I am not the right person to help, because I don't have that talent. (Mine is completely based on making shit up.)
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whimsofavim · 10 months
Hi! Firstly I want to say I’ve binged DFYC over the last 24 hours and I’m obsessed! Slow burns kill me but it’s really nice to see a take where Haymitch still struggles with Alcoholism but it doesn’t destroy him in the same way because he has a support system. I don’t think I worded that well but I hope you get what I mean. Secondly, I think you said in one of the Authors notes you have a playlist you listen to when writing? Could you link it if comfortable I’m creating a Hayffie playlist at the moment and need some inspo.
Hello!! 💗
Thank you! If it makes you feel any better writing the slow burn kills me too 😂
That was one of the first thoughts I had while DFYCW was just a concept in my head, there’s no way if he had someone older there to constantly support him he would sink into the depths of his depression quite as much as he does in canon! He’d definitely struggle (wouldn’t we all after what he goes through) but he’d have someone there to help!
I do! It’s a bit scatty, out of order, and still under construction a little (I’m planning to fix it and put it in a proper order once I’m finished writing), but some bits are for Hayffie, some for Lucy Gray, some for each different combination of the trio, and a few are for the general vibe of the fic or certain parts within it!
🎶Here is the link! (I hope)
A few of the songs are for specific scenes/chapters a couple of which haven’t quite come up yet but I’ve imagined certain scenes as I’ve listened to them so they’ve been added to the list!
Sledgehammer - Fifth Harmony, is for THAT scene in the middle of chapter 35
Rest of Us - The Tide, is for the scene at the bar onwards in chapter 41
The Leaver - Belles, is the vibe for Effie at the beginning of the 63rd Games, not to the letter but the general feel
Anyway! You don’t need a full breakdown of the list I just got waaaaaayyyyy to excited 😅 but if there are any that you’re curious about feel free to drop me a message and ask!
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factorialsfandoms · 2 years
Whumptober Day 8 - Back from the Dead. Also combining with BthB ‘dying in their arms’ and Hurt/Comfort Bingo ‘explosions’. Another variation on a theme I’ve seen at least one other person do this whumptober, but fuck it. I want all of the cake.
It... may or may not have a follow up where they discuss what the fuck happened, we’ll see how much I actually get written as I’m writing this before the fic (editing this later - I’ll try follow it up another time I’m not much in the mood for dialogue it turns out someone remind me). Given I’m drafting straight into tumblr because I live not quite as dangerously as straight to ao3 but still dangerously.
And... Maybe a few months ago I’d write Legend holding it together better, but after recent bits of Sunset? Ohhhhhh boy
Characters: Legend (PoV), Hyrule, various other chain members.
Warnings: graphic description, serious injury, major (temporary) character death, nobody is fucking okay
A fairy - their last - whizzed around Legend’s thigh. The fight thus far had been grim, and followed straight on the hells on another. A portal that had seemed an escape from an impossible situation only ended up making things worse as they had been thrust, exhausted, into a fight with fresh monsters.
It was that that Legend was blaming for being so careless as to let the axe cut into his leg and severing his femoral artery. Thankfully Wild, with the last of their fairies, had been close enough to throw the bottled creature. She had been indignant about her treatment until seeing the blood spurting rapidly, at which point she quickly got to work.
No longer dying, Legend was still dizzy and faint, the blood loss getting to him. It was /unlikely/ he would pass out, so long as the fight ended soon and he did not take another hit, but he was definitely struggling to defend himself. He had switched to his fire rod, keeping the enemies further from him as he stumbled in the direction of Wild and Hyrule. There were only a few monsters left, but always better to be armed than not. Wild had spotted his efforts - likely still watching him to make sure the fairy had done her job - and was picking off occasional monsters with his bow.
Covering fire for Legend’s retreat.
It would be shameful if he did not know just quite how many resources the Chain had worked through already, and just how many of them had had to regroup to tend injuries or just catch their breath. That Legend had not yet was more impressive than that he had.
His retreat left Legend in the perfect position to see what happened next.
Another monster appeared from the treeline, carrying an already lit bomb - maybe from one of the others, maybe of its own design, Legend frankly did not care. What he did care about was that it was too far away for him to hit, and it was clearly taking aim towards Wild.
Legend screamed for the Champion to watch out; Wild turned, looking for the threat but remained too slow. Seeing he could not escape Wild threw himself to the floor, shielding his head and surely praying the bomb would explode high enough that he only had burns and its casing to worry about, not splintered rock.
The bomb flew through the air, heading towards its mark. Legend raised his arms to protect his face, and continued hurrying forwards.
The sound of the explosion was neither that of a bomb in the air or a bomb on the ground, but one exploding against flesh.
He pulled his arms from his eyes, begging that he was mistaken, that Wild had not been hit, that the monster had forgotten to throw or something instead.
On one of those accounts he was correct, and he desperately wished he was wrong.
Hyrule lay unmoving between the monster and Wild. For a moment Legend hoped he had cast shield first but, no, that was distinctly the sound of burning Hylian flesh in the air. 
Legend did not even bother yelling Hyrule’s name, instead screaming for a fairy as he sprinted forward. Wild had made it to his knees before freezing up, surely as not trapped in a memory. With an almost flippant gesture Legend /incinerated/ the monster that had thrown the bomb, ignoring Wild as he dropped at Hyrule’s side.
One frantic eye made contact with Legend’s own, the other hidden beneath blood and burning and splattered gore. Realising that his friend was somehow still conscious, Legend swallowed a gag nothing to do with his own blood loss or the nausea running through him.
How... How could anyone be so injured and still conscious? He must have been in agony, was if the eye was anything to go by.
The entire front-lower portion of Hyrule’s ribs had been blown away, along with a large part of his belly, surely forming the majority of the gore all around. Bits of organ were strewn in with the mix, too fragmented to tell what was what, but there was certainly intestine and liver and lung tissue - Legend did not even know what other organs resided in the damaged area, but he could see how the ruined remains of Hyrule’s lungs - ripped open and to the air - were fruitlessly trying to suck in air. If any of his diaphragm remained to control it seemed unlikely, but the tatters of the muscle were spasming as though to try.
That was the focal point of the injury, almost as though Hyrule had partly wrapped himself /around/ the bomb, though damage radiated out. It was hard - impossible - to tell was was wounds and what was splattered gore.
He shuddered as he leant down, cradling Hyrule’s face as the other teenager struggled to breathe, looking up but not processing anything he saw as he screamed once more for a fairy.
A splash of bright pink caught his eye - Time’s strange mask, the one that attracted the creatures - and a thundering of boots bought Warriors to Hyrule’s other side.
The hands of their most knowledgeable medic shook, taking one of Hyrule’s gory - and ruined, now it was being moved - hands, turning back over his shoulder to yell something to Time.
Legend heard neither the yell nor response, too focused on Hyrule’s face in his hands.
He tried to reassure him, but how could he do it? They all knew that they had no fairies left, and even Time was clearly struggling to find one. This was nothing that a potion or medicine could fix, and... And...
“Hyrule,” he begged between sobs he did not have the strength to fight. “Rulie? Heal yourself - please, please, heal yourself. You can do it, I know you can, please, please Rulie, I can’t lose you, not as well.”
Between the sobs flickered up images of his uncle, also dying bloodied and beneath his hands - and somehow infinitely more kindly than this. Of friends and colleagues lost, of Marin but a dream consumed by the sea. He couldn’t lose anyone else; call him weak, call him damned, Legend did not care, he could not lose anyone else.
Hyrule tried, he tried to cast - Legend could tell. There was a vague flicker of magic before it died, falling as limp as the fingers it had been glowing around.
Hyrule’s lips moved, as though he were trying to speak. Beneath the blood and the viscera, dizzy and panicked both, Legend could read none of them.
“Okay,” Legend ran a thumb under Hyrule’s eye. “Just hang on, then. Time... Time will find a fairy, he always does - please, please just hang on? For me? Just a little longer?”
Even if he wanted to, it was impossible. That Hyrule had lasted these few, long seconds was testament to everything he was; he could not breathe, not with the lower parts of his lungs blown away, and he simply did not have enough blood left to survive, even accounting for all of that.
His only hope had been a fairy, a fairy like the one used to save Legend after his stupid mistake, and there were none left now.
Hyrule had already been limp, but a few moments later it was clear that his eyes glazed over, too. Legend looked desperately to Warriors, for anything he could do, begging him to save Hyrule.
Warriors was still for a long moment, before he shook his head, and folded Hyrule’s arm over his desecrated chest.
The arm on which the Captain had been measuring the Traveller’s pulse, even as the boy died in their arms.
Legend’s gore-coated hands raised to his face, dragging through his hair was he screamed. Screamed at the monsters, at the goddesses, at the mere unfairness of the world. He shrieked and he screamed and sobbed, tears pouring down his face. Someone took his hands, trying to move him away from Hyrule’s cor- from Hyrule. Despite his own weakness Legend threw them off, only for someone else - someone stronger - to repeat the same. He could feel his arms being wrapped around someone’s neck, and a supporting hand both against his back and beneath his butt. He did not hear any of the conversation around him, could hear nothing over the thunder of his screams and the lightning of his agony.
Hyrule was dead, Hyrule was dead, Hyrule was dead.
And if Legend had just been a little more careful, Wild would have still had a fairy to save him.
At some point there was a sensation of movement, causing Legend’s stomach to turn and him to throw up on the someone’s shoulder. He could not care as his face was nudged to rest against the other, his mind only consumed by the horror he had witnessed. The only thing he noticed was the place where Hyrule had lain go up in smoke, torched as they left it behind.
He stared at the smoke and the fire as his screams faded into just sobs, and his sobs too faded out. Still he shook both with horror and the cold, the arms he was in clutching him somehow tighter. In a daze he was aware of little as they walked, but for Time’s hysterical laughter as some fairies were finally found - far, far, far too late.
There was nothing but the steps trying to lull him to sleep - sleep he refused to take while Hyrule’s gore-covered form haunted his mind.
There... There was still Hyrule’s blood on his hands.
There was still bits of Hyrule’s /organs/ on his hands.
But Legend was too far gone to panic further, only to sob at the realisation.
A face pressed into his hair, and the hands clutched him tighter. Who or what Legend neither knew or cared, oblivious to all but his grief and the memory.
He remained in that haze until something ran up his spine - a thunderous /crack/ of magic imperceptible to most - perceptible only to /him/ now that Hyrule was dead. It was, however, accompanied by a sudden yelp.
Terrified, Legend snapped his head around, already looking for the threat. Everything else was forced from his mind as he checked everyone over, trying to find it - the Champion blank in the Rancher’s arms, the Captain bloody but upright and pushing the Sailor and Smithy onwards from the front, Skyloft’s Knight making a confused squeak as Legend shifted in his arms, the Old Man staring in horror at the Traveller on the floor.
The traveller on his hands and knees, body heaving as he vomited blood and chunks of raw flesh onto the floor.
W-What the fuck?
Ignoring anyone’s shouts, any warning that it had to be a ghost or a possession, Legend tore himself from Sky’s arms. He made the few unsteady steps to Hyrule’s side, dropping to his knees - his feet splayed outwards - hard enough to bruise as he ducked, trying to get a look at the Traveller.
His clothing was still utterly and completely ruined, but his skin?
His skin was healed over.
And not even the scar from being stabbed by his double was still there.
“Rulie?” Legend whispered, dizzy from the exertion and confusion and the flickering spark of potential relief. “R-Rulie? Is that you?”
Hyrule turned his head slightly - the same eye as before making contact with Legend’s. He knew that eye so well now, so perfectly, even with the pain that was in it. Hyrule gave a bloody smile, shakily raising one hand to give an even less stable thumbs up, before slamming back to his previous position as he began heaving once again.
Not just vomiting - choking too. Both mixed into one. And, looking at what was coming from his mouth?
It was an exact match for the gore on Legend’s hands.
The shaky movement seemed to have startled most of the others out of their respective trances. Time and Warriors were both appearing at Hyrule’s sides, Warriors even kneeling in the bloody viscera puddle to do so. Some of the fairies Time had found too late fluttered down from his shoulders, swirling around Hyrule. With their magic they somehow stopped the vomiting, only for the teen to immediately pitch over. Legend grabbed him, pulling him into his lap and hurriedly checking pulse and breathing.
Both pained and a little slow, but... But present. Not fluttering or indicating anything worse than pain and exhaustion and sleep.
As Warriors hurriedly did the same, Legend lent over Hyrule, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. The Traveller’s head flopped against Legend’s, and so he nudged it gently to rest against his neck, holding him tight and protecting him from more harm.
“He’s okay,” one of the fairies hovered near Legend’s face, reaching out to brush his tears - somehow more tears - away. “We don’t understand it either, but he’s him. And the throwing up was just... It looked like new organs formed around where the old ones were, trapping it inside? But we magicked all of that away, so he should be okay now. And we healed the damage from getting dropped.”
Her voice chimed softly, most more softly than the one chewing Time out - perhaps giving him a report, but she seemed very hung up on the getting dropped thing - being ever so gentle with Legend.
Somehow, that gentleness only made him cry harder.
Behind him, Sky shuffled closer, leaning down to wrap his arms around Legend. He shivered at the touch, the dizziness and headache and weakness returning with vengeance. Still he clung to Hyrule, unwilling to lose the feel of his breath on his neck, unable to let him go.
Letting him go... Letting him go felt far too much like losing him again.
“Link, can you let go for me?” Sky whispered, and how bad did he have to look that the default was to call him Link? “Please?”
No matter what the words, Legend could not agreed - he shook his head, nearly blacking out at the motion, and clung tighter still.
Nearby the other five chain members had gathered around, clearly discussing what had just happened; Warriors’ hands moved from Hyrule’s wrists to Legend’s.
“Did you do this?” the question was not accusation, but it was sharp.
Legend rapidly shook his head, this time slumping slightly as his head swooned. Sky held on tighter.
“Then, what the fuck?” he asked. The last three words were echoed by a screeching Wind in the other group, causing Hyrule to even flinch while unconscious.
Legend shook his head, more gently this time, trying desperately to express his equal confusion. He slumped further. Sky held him tighter.
“Veteran, what’s wrong?” Sky’s voice held clearly swallowed panic.
What wasn’t wrong? Still... “Headache.”
“You called for a fairy before Hyrule... needed one,” Warriors spoke much more calmly, even as his hands checked Legend over. “Are you still hurt.”
“Wild had one then,” he said, frowning as his words felt wrong for no apparent reason. “... Bled a lot.”
“Blood loss,” Sky breathed out, even as Warriors fished out his water bottle.
The order did not require letting Hyrule go, and so Legend did as he was told. He drank until Warriors seemed satisfied, before curling back over Hyrule, protecting him with his body. There... There probably were not any threats, but he could not risk it. Could never risk it, but especially not now.
Not when he’s lost him, and nobody understood how they hadn’t - not even /Time/.
Just as Legend grasped tighter to Hyrule, Sky held him tighter too.
Meaning that, when Legend also passed out moments later, someone was already there to catch him.
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otp-holic · 2 years
What a year
This is one of those post I write for my future self, so feel free to skip it if you want.
But it's been a year since I started writing what would become I was alone, I took a ride (I didn't know what I would find there)
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A year ago, I was embarked on my unofficial Nano Goal of writing 1ks a day trying to recover the love of writing after a pretty lousy experience while writing my 6ks of Fic Exchange fic.
I had three different projects going on, and for the first few days of November I was more focused on one shots and another idea for a long one.
And, I don't exactly know why, on November 5th my head took a turn, and decided to start putting words on an idea I had thought about for ages but that had always looked too big and too difficult to attempts.
I love reading movie AUs but when trying to write them, I always struggle with the "ingredients" (too close to the source material, does the character make sense in this universe, how many call backs are too many...), so I had never dared. It looked like an impossible task.
But I did started, shyly at first, and combining it with the other projects... until a couple weeks later this was all I could think about.
I had all the fun in the world with those first drafts where I mixed English and Spanish, jumped from one scene to another... a month that turned into three months, that left me with around 60ks worth of words that I thought made up the whole story. Very roughly written, and in need of SO MUCH work, but a story.
I wasn't gonna publish it, ever. Just left it as it was for me to enjoy, but thanks to some people, but especially @thewinterwelded I decided to take the leap. I would have never ever keep on writing if I hadn't.
A year later, I'm here (not using Writing Analytics anymore, so i just went back to my excel), and those 60ks have taken a life of its own:
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It's quite a lot, if you think about it, not only in wordcount (i write mostly in dialogued scenes, so it's always long), but in achievements.
I've been brave enough to take the leap and publish it with it many mistakes, I've kept on with it even when I was down, I've learned how to manage expectations, to write for my shake.
I'm almost done writing (this time for real), editing the final act to publish, and even though it's far from perfect, that impossible task is close to being possible.
I will probably reflect much more about it when I finish publishing (hopefully before the year is over), but I wanted to have this post because I love anniversaries, and I really want to have the reminder for those rainy days.
Thank you so much to everyone who is being a part of this ride (pun intended), because you definitely make me feel less alone and not giving up despite its many imperfections.
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mitsuki-komori · 10 days
Your Arms’ Warmth (And The Way You Warm My Heart)
Here’s a fluffy Asta x Leo fic :)
The hammer… Ah, there it is! Leo reached over to the hammer and secured his tent into the ground. He repeated the process an extra three times before rising up and admiring the tent he had finished putting up.
“Leo! I see you’ve finished! Cool tent. But I finished first.” Asta says with a smile.
Leo looked over at Asta and his previous exhaustion immediately left his body. “What? No! I totally finished my tent first!”
Asta shook his head. “No, I—“
“Can you two be quiet? You’ll give me a headache.” A voice interrupted. The two boys looked over at Noelle who wore her usual scowl.
Mimosa and Yuno were standing a few feet behind her, staring at the two with a similar look. It seemed that their tents were almost finished.
When they had been planning their weekend camping trip, Noelle and Mimosa had decided that they might as well share so that they’d carry less. It was a rather good call.
The walk there took a while, and it was uphill too: an extra tent would’ve definitely made it more difficult. Though Asta probably would’ve taken it if Noelle or Mimosa were struggling with their bags.
One of the many things Leo could really appreciate about Asta. He bets that all of their bags combined had nothing on Asta. He’s seen Asta carry the heaviest things and not break sweat.
“Sorry.” Asta replied.
Leo looked into his tent. Yup… It was a tent. He picked up his bags and set his things up. It was kinda hot, but nothing that would be too bothersome… not to Leo at least. He can already hear Noelle complaining about both the heat and the bugs.
Leo climbs out of his tent and zips it up.
He glanced over at Asta’s tent and took a few steps towards it, peeking inside. “Hey, are you almost finished in here?“
Asta’s head perked up and he offered a kind smile. “Yeah! Almost done.”
“Cool! I was thinking about heading to the lake.” Leo said. Asta stood up and he looked more excited than before.
“The lake? That sounds fun! Let me put on my swimsuit.” Asta started to take off his shirt and get into his bag. Leo’s cheeks heat up a little bit and he couldn’t help but avert his eyes. He’s seen him shirtless before, but this just gave Leo a different feeling… One he couldn’t quite explain. He knew why, but not how…
“Okay… I’ll go tell everyone else then.” Leo muttered as he closed Asta’s tent. He let o it a long sigh and composed himself once again. Noelle and Mimosa were setting up chairs around the fire pit while Yuno was out of sight. He seemed to be in his tent.
“Hey, we’re about to head out to the lake if you guys wanna come!” Leo announced as he made his way to his own tent. Mimosa and Noelle looked up at him, then at each other.
“Oh, okay! We’ll get changed!” Mimosa replied.
Everyone emerged from their tents after getting into their swimsuits, Mimosa held the bag of towels.
“Yuno? Where’s your swimsuit?” Asta asked.
Leo tilted his head and followed Asta’s gaze to notice that Yuno, indeed, was not wearing a swimsuit.
“I’m good. I’ll stay here and make a fire.” He answered.
Asta shrugged. “Alright, suit yourself! C’mon, Leo!” Asta casually placed his hand on Leo’s shoulder, beginning to walk towards the lake. Leo felt as if Asta’s hand was melting into his skin… though he was unsure if it was something he felt or just wanted to feel…
Asta removed it after walking for a few minutes, and Leo immediately yearned for it back.
Everyone happily chatted down to the lake, Leo made sure to chime in every few minutes. Though if he was being quite honest, the conversation didn’t interest him much. He was more focused on trying to subtly move closer to Asta as they walked.
Leo is very aware of the fact he has a huge crush on Asta… maybe even too aware. It wouldn’t hurt to think about it less often… Not that he wants to think about Asta less. Something he’d never admit is the fact that he falls asleep easier when he thinks of him.
Being around Asta doesn’t bother Leo though! He’s quite proud of the way he’s so well composed around him.
As they approached the lake, Asta put his arm around Leo. A clear friendly gesture, but one that makes his heart skip.
“We’re here! Huh? Leo, are you alright? Your face is super red.”
Leo tries to offer a response, but the only thing that comes out is a voice crack. His entire body was tense. He was already beginning to feel dizzy.
He was snapped out of his frozen state when he heard Mimosa giggle a little bit behind them.
“I’m fine… Yes, I’m great!” Leo took a step back and kept his eyes everywhere else but on Asta.
“Oh, okay. I was just making sure.” Leo couldn’t help but feel like Asta didn’t believe him. It was strange because if that were true, it’d be completely out of character from Asta… Unless Asta was paying close attention to him or something.
Was he?
Leo fiddled with his fingers.
Why would Asta be paying attention to Leo specifically though? It’s not as if he likes him or anything…
No, he doesn’t.
Leo shrugs it off and begins a quick sprint to the water. “I’ll race you!”
Asta gasped and followed after him almost immediately. “Hey! That’s not fair, you got a head start!”
Although Leo was ahead of him, his legs carried him right to the water just as Leo made it. “I WIN!!” Asta yelled proudly.
Leo didn’t seem to agree. “No, I made it before you!” He put on a fake angry face.
“It seemed like a tie to me.” Mimosa said from behind them.
“I wasn’t paying attention.” Noelle flipped her hair.
Leo sank down. “A tie, huh…?”
Asta watched as Leo sank lower and raised an eyebrow. Until Leo splashed water in Asta’s direction, causing a gasp to escape him.
Asta smirked and retaliated immediately, throwing water back in Leo’s direction.
Leo laughed and the two began a treacherous battle of the lake, the water their weapon.
Noelle looked into their bag, probably searching for sunscreen. “Not even a full minute and they’re already going at it…”
Mimosa laughed a little. “Yeah… it doesn’t really surprise me anymore though.”
Asta dived underwater. Leo stopped for a moment, confused as he scanned the water. However, by the time he spotted Asta, he was pulled under.
They both came back up, Asta sat on his knees to get a breath. After rubbing his eyes, he opened them and saw Leo sitting just below him. Leo was doing the same, though he had a small smirk on his face as he looked up at Asta.
Asta coughed awkwardly and smiled. “Guess that’s a win for me!”
Leo sighed. “Man… I guess so. Next time! I’ll win next time.”
Asta offered his hand and helped Leo up.
They spent the next two hours enjoying their time by the lake. By the time they were finished, it was much cooler than it had been before.
Leo looked up at the sky on their way back. It was pretty cloudy… and they seemed darker than usual.
“It looks like it might rain, doesn’t it?” Asta said. Leo turned his head towards Asta. He must’ve noticed Leo staring at the sky. Asta spoke in a quiet voice, keeping the conversation between only the two of them.
“Yeah… it might get cold tonight.” Leo let out a small yawn.
Asta nods his head in agreement. “If it gets too cold, you could come to my tent.”
Leo found himself blushing yet again. He didn’t give an audible reply… just a small nod.
It was starting to get dark. Yuno already had a fire going. They sat around the fire and took turns telling numerous stories.
Leopold paid attention to most of the stories… except for the ones Asta told. It wasn’t as if he did it on purpose or anything. But listening to Asta tell a story was a whole excuse to stare at him for a while. This wasn’t something Leo did often, but sitting so close to him… being able to smell his scent made it rather difficult to focus on almost anything else.
During one of Asta’s last stories, he must’ve noticed Leo spacing out because he had tapped Leo’s back to snap him out of it. He felt a bit embarrassed… but it must’ve been a story Asta wanted Leo to hear which made him wonder if Asta knew he was tuning him out the entire time. Or… is Asta truly that oblivious that he just so happens to always do the right thing?
Because once Leo could finally pay attention, he laughed a lot… because the story Asta told was hilarious. Funniest one of the night.
It wasn’t long until everyone headed back to their tents to sleep for the night. So Leo did the same, saying goodnight to Asta.
Once he was in his tent, he got into some comfortable clothes and crawled into his makeshift bed. It was warm enough. Leo stared up for a while before turning his lanturn off and drifting off to sleep.
When Leo opened his eyes, it was definitely not morning. Not only that, but he was freezing. And wet… It took only an instant before he realized that it was raining. And that the rain had soaked through his tent a bit… his blankets were a little wet and so was his hair.
Compared to the hot weather during the day, he felt like he was in the middle of a snowstorm with his teeth chattering and his body trembling. He rubbed his eyes and turned on his lantern. Almost all of his things were wet…
He sighs.
He rose up and put on his now squishy shoes. They were far from comfortable. He peeks out of his tent with his lantern. It seems that his tent was the only one who couldn’t handle the rain… Guess that was his fault for getting a cheap one. He didn’t think it would make THIS much of a difference!
A wave of cold air washed over him and he shivered. He felt slightly embarrassed having to do this… but he didn’t seem to have any other choice.
Leo slowly walked over to Asta’s tent. The rain fell onto him which made him hurry over. He unzipped Asta’s tent and crawled in, closing the tent behind him. He set his lantern aside and sighed again.
He heard Asta’s gentle breaths… saw the rising and falling of his chest. Leo frowned as he realized he’d have to wake Asta up if he wanted to be warm tonight…
Leo crawls over next to Asta’s sleeping back and reaches his hand forward, gently poking him.
Asta mumbled something, but didn’t wake up.
Leo reached his other hand forward and shook Asta slightly. Asta started to stir and rolled over.
“Asta…” Leo whispered.
Asta yawned loudly and sat up. He stares at Leo for a moment.
“Leo…? What are you doing here?” Asta muttered. Leo hung his head.
“The water got into my tent… and it was really cold, so…”
Asta seemed more awake now. “You’re wet…” he said in a concerned tone.
“Huh? Oh, I guess… I’m fine though.”
Asta shook his head. “No, you’ve gotta be freezing…” Asta looked around for a moment and grabbed his nearby towel, carefully wrapping it around Leo’s shoulders. “There you go…”
Leo gazed up at Asta. “Thank you…”
Asta pulled Leo closer immediately. “You can stay with me tonight if you want.” Leo knew his face was red. He could feel it. He was so close to him…
“Are you sure?”
Asta nods confidently. “Yeah! C’mon, we can share my sleeping bag.”
Leo froze in his spot. “Share… your sleeping bag? Together?”
Asta nodded again. “Mhm. Come on.” Asta opened his sleeping bag and slowly took the towel off of Leo. Leopold wanted to argue simply because this had been so sudden, but… Seeing Asta just waiting there for Leo to… sleep with him… literally! Sleep with him LITERALLY! Not in any other way! Leo crawled into the sleeping bag with Asta, a flustered expression on his face.
Asta zipped it up and they laid there… against each other. “Sorry… I didn’t bring another pillow.”
Leo gave him a small smile. “It’s okay! This is enough.”
Asta frowned. “I don’t want you to be uncomfortable though… Would you be okay with using my chest as a pillow?”
Leo almost gasped, his lips pressed against each other tightly as if trying to prevent him from even attempting to speak.
“We could do it the other way around if you want—“ Asta is quickly cut off.
“No, it’s fine!” Leo sinks lower into the sleeping bag and rests his head on Asta’s chest. It was softer than he thought it’d be. It was nice. He listened to the soothing rhythm of Asta’s heartbeat.
He felt Asta’s arms wrap around him almost in a possessive manner. Leo almost wanted to question him, but he chose not to. Instead, he did the same by putting his arms around Asta.
It’s at the point where they’re completely cuddling… All snuggled up together sharing warmth.
Sharing Asta’s warmth.
He feels like he loves the feeling of cuddling with Asta a little too much. The stress of waking up in a wet tent where all his things were soaked was stripped away… Listening to Asta’s heartbeat soothed him.
Being coddled in Asta’s tight embrace had him feeling completely calm. If he was being honest… he was in complete bliss. He hasn’t felt this peaceful for so long. He couldn’t help but cuddle up against Asta more. Once he realized he had done it, he was overwhelmed with embarrassment.
“A-Asta…! I… I, uhm…”
Asta chuckled gently and patted Leo’s head. “Don’t worry, it’s okay.”
Leo felt Asta rubbing circles into his back. It felt oddly intimate. A little too intimate.
“Goodnight, Leo.” Asta whispered, planting a kiss on the top of Leo’s head before he turned the lantern off.
This time, Leo let out a small gasp. Asta kissed him.
Asta actually kissed him. What did that even mean?! Thousands of thoughts went through Leo’s head. He had no clue what to say. He could hear Asta laugh again under his breath, holding Leo close.
Leo took a few breaths and listened to Asta’s heartbeat again. Maybe he didn’t have to say anything right now… Asta didn’t seem to be expecting it from him anyway. Maybe they could just enjoy each other’s company for a while…
With a bit more confidence, Leo snuggled closer to Asta with a long sigh of content.
Leo fell asleep soon afterwards, relaxing in Asta’s comforting arms.
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WIP Fics Masterlist
95 & 96 (ao3) - Buckysprostate michael/calum, calum/ofc M, 14k (WIP)
Summary: Norwest christian college has one thing going for it, as stated in the schools name, It is a christian school. So all of the team mates and coaches would not find it very nice to find out the secret that Clifford and Hood are hiding.
Or Michael is gay and the rest of the team hates him for it until Calum realizes he might have something in common.
A Feeling That I Can’t Fight (ao3) - lilacpages, shutupluke michael/ashton, michael/calum/ashton, michael/luke/ashton E, 8k (WIP)
Summary: Michael and Ashton have an unmistakable allure to them and a routine that dates back centuries. Calum’s just a simple bartender who’s heard a few things about vampires.
Or, Calum lets a stranger with a boyfriend buy him drinks, and eventually all three of them get more than they bargained for.
A Mild Disaster (ao3) - alseeptoday Calum/Ashton E, 7k (WIP)
Summary: Calum and Ashton have very drunken spur of the moment sex and Calum can’t quite figure out why he liked it so much…
Calum tried to remember what had led up to this but the alcohol was severely clouding his memory. That and the mouth on his neck was sending distracting shivers down his spine.
Baby, This is All I Could Be (ao3) - orphan_account luke/ashton, michael/calum N/R, 7k
Summary: The trust Luke places in him breaks Ashton’s heart because he’s crushed Luke, and maybe they’re both too far gone to be saved. In all honesty, Ashton doesn’t even remember hitting Luke, he almost never does. But he knows. He knows he’s angry when he’s drunk just like his mum is, and he knows that he probably hits hard, he hits things for a living, after all. Knowing all of this, Ashton is just astounded by the strength his boy carries on his frail shoulders. Luke carries his whole world, and Ashton repays him with a broken heart and a bruised face.
Or, part two of Promising Everything I Do Not Mean, the morning after
Breakage (ao3) - orphan_account michael/calum, michael/luke E, 20k (WIP)
Summary: “What happened to him?” “He’s crazy, Luke. Really, we all are. Some are just crazier than the rest.”
OR- the one where Luke ends up in an asylum and Michael just happens to be the most damaged one there.
Cherry Cola Fantasies (ao3) - twinkylukey luke/ashton, michael/calum, luke/omc E, 5k (WIP)
Summary: The year is 1973, Luke Hemmings is a free soul who wonders the beaches of the Pacific. A runaway, the blonde boy strums his guitar at different stores to make a few dollars. Ashton is a loner, riding the open road. Both boys happen to stop at the same gas station just on the outskirts of Las Vegas. Their paths crossing could change them forever.
Coffee & Mixtapes (ao3) - antisocialhood luke/calum N/R, 7k (WIP)
Summary: Luke didn’t realise what he was getting himself into when he told Calum he would tutor him.
First there was coffee.
Then there were mixtapes.
And suddenly, there were friends with benefits
Fire, Fangs and Forever Love (ao3) - Diaryofanarcissisticgayman luke/ashton/calum E, 8k (WIP)
Summary: Calum quits his job as a magical journalist to chase after a dream. Unfortunately, he has no idea what he’s doing. Luckily for him, he meets two people who can help him figure it out.
Jellyfish (ao3) - TheLarryDiaries michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 22k (WIP)
Summary: “Hi, guys! Mikey and I have decided to create a combined channel specifically for us and even Luke and Ashton! The link’s in the bio, and Michael and I will see you in a bit. Bye!”
And that’s how Calum Hood introduced his and Michael’s new channel, Jellyfish.
lights will guide you home (ao3) - prettyluke (parting_ways) luke/ashton M, 48k (WIP)
Summary: After a night blurred by blood and fear, Luke struggles to rebuild his life, and his search for the light leads him right to Ashton.
Lust (ao3) - K_CALM_N luke/ashton E, 37k (WIP)
Summary: Ashton wants to take away Luke’s innocence and practically jumps at the chance to get his hands on him.
My Cobain Shirt (ao3) - unconditionalcalum michael/calum, luke/ashton T, 14k (WIP)
Summary: Michael’s heart skipped a beat. Did he, Calum fucking Hood, just talk to him, Michael? Michael managed to smile at him quickly before the tanned boy walked away, already talking to someone else. It never happened before. Until this moment, Michael wasn’t even sure Calum knew he existed. But apparently, he did.
Or: the one where the shy boy with the bright hair (Michael) has a hopeless crush on the popular soccer-player-with-a-scholarship (Calum).
Off The Field (ao3) - crikeymatee michael/calum, luke/ashton E, 110k (WIP)
Summary: “Neither one of you are playing until you learn to get along. You’re both benched for the remaining games unless you learn to get along with each other.” Coach said.
“WHAT?!”, they screamed in unison.
“How am I supposed to get along with this, t-this fag?!”
“Oh fuck you, you self-centered little bitch.”
Popstar (ao3) - L4sht0n luke/ashton, michael/calum T, 54k (WIP)
Summary: Luke didn’t need a fake boyfriend. He had some problems, every celebrity had some problems. Drug, sex and alcohol was Luke’s getaway, but there was nothing wrong with it. A bit problematic yes, but he did nothing wrong. Luke was losing fans because of his bad behaviour, and he was kind of an asshole. Luke could admit this. But he didn’t need a fake boyfriend. He didn’t need Ashton Irwin to play his fake boyfriend and clean up his mess. If Luke’s management wanted to clean up Luke so badly they should just hire a cleaning lady. Luke didn’t need a fake boyfriend, didn’t want it. Then why did the fake relationship feel so real?
Take On Me (ao3) - DracosPubicHair michael/luke, calum/ashton E, 14k (WIP)
Summary: “He didn’t know why he was taking all those photos of him, he didn’t even know his name. But the way he looked over the crowd, the way his lips pressed against the mic, the way his fingers danced along the fretboard, and the way the lights hit his face with a mesmerizing glow—a whole new world opened up for Luke, and he found a new art to capture.”
Luke is a photographer that thinks only scenery is what’s worth capturing, but a struggling musician changes that, and Luke can’t stop looking at his picture.
Tinder Boy (ao3) - boomercal luke/calum N/R, 10k
Summary: After a few fateful swipes Luke and Calum ended up hooking up from Tinder, then they went their separate ways… at least they tried to.
We All Just Wanna Be Big Rockstars (ao3) - queenssmoaks michael/luke, calum/ashton T, 11k (WIP)
Summary: AU: Luke is a huge fan of Michael’s band, Bromance.
What It Takes (ao3) - mukeclemmings luke/calum M, 8k (WIP)
Summary: “Wait, wait, wait. You don’t like sex? How can you not like sex?”
And, it’s not that Calum doesn’t like sex, Calum is very sure that he would like sex in the right situation. It’s just, Calum doesn’t like intimacy with just anyone, and he definitely doesn’t like intimacy with the douchebag fratboy that broke his best friend’s heart.
Or, so he thought.
You Ain’t No Friend Of Mine (ao3) - CliffordAffliction michael/luke E, 50k (WIP)
Summary: Luke hates Michael and Michael hates Luke ever since they started playing on rival teams but it turns out that they don’t hate each other as much as everyone thinks
You Had Me at Hello. (ao3) - Cashton4506 Calum/Ashton N/R, 10k (WIP)
Summary: Ashton goes on a family vacation on a cruise ship for 4 weeks. Will he begin to enjoy himself when he meets the boy on the floor above?
0 notes
rollforjackass · 1 year
i'm gonna go ahead and answer all the questions from this fic writer ask game here, because. why not! i'm bored and i'm not used to talking about my own writing. gotta cut the cord on that shame game sometime.
(and if y'all wanna answer some yourself, the post is linked above! absolute guarantee i will send some if you do bc i'm nosy like that)
💘 - Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
oh god yes, a lot of them. i've got chronic perfectionism.
if i were to be kind to myself and narrow it down to one, my poor little Person of Interest fic deadman's switch was my first venture into the fandom i would come to adore, and it could definitely do with some tuning up. with a few rare exceptions, i've never liked post-episode fics that just recap the events of the episode with a few extra sentences of meta thrown in the mix, and unfortunately, i think that's exactly what i did with this fic. i don't think it deserves a complete do-over, but a re-work with a new direction and a concrete destination would do it good.
💫 - what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
any and every, but the ones where people share their favorite quotes and tell me what it made them think of and expound on their personal theories and thoughts, AGH!!!! i adore those!!!! go off about all the things you love about the characters and your scenarios for missing scenes, i promise you i am enjoying it immensely!!!!!
🌈 - is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
i mean, by default i feel like i'm a bit of a tryhard with my writing and i feel like that's fairly obvious a lot of the time (for better or for worse 😬). but i guess the one that's outwardly the most relaxed bit of writing and was actually really difficult was the burning question, because. how the hell am i supposed to translate a groupchat format into a fic and keep all the nuances of technology, i.e. nickname changes & people sending walls of text, that are meant to be funny??????
it took me Forever to settle on formatting that i felt maintained the spirit of the jokes, and there's so many folks that think groupchat fics are cringe that i don't think anyone would consider how much effort i had to put into it for a now quite outdated joke lmao. i love groupchat fics myself, though, so i am content with the cringe.
🦋 - what are you most insecure about when you post a fic?
always always ALWAYS characterization. i have the fandom attention span of a mayfly and the combination pizza hut/taco bell that is ADHD/autism to boot, so i pick up strong attachments to characters/media quickly and write my feelings almost as fast as i feel them. which means lots of one-offs that are barely two seasons into a series/one movie into a trilogy. i'm always worried that i'm missing the mark by a mile because i was too impatient to reach a Big Backstory Reveal, or that i've latched onto a single trait not indicative of the whole.
🌻 - what makes you want to give up on writing? what makes you keep going?
what makes me want to give up: the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known. i used to be super confident in putting myself out there, but i haven't always had support for my special interests and i've rarely had anyone willing to read my writing when asked. makes it hard to enjoy what i'm doing when i've got that annoying little earworm asking me what people would think if they ever eventually read it, even when it's a self-indulgent little thing that i don't plan on posting.
what makes me keep going: i love writing, plain and simple. i love to borrow people's habits, their thoughts, their dreams and hopes and fears and nightmares; i love to see the world from new perspectives. and the idea that what i have to say might connect with people, that people might recognize parts of the characters and stories that they care for in my writing, is pretty damn intoxicating, too.
🌿 - how does creating make you feel?
there's a book series i loved as a kid called The Secrets of Droon, which is about three kids who discover a staircase to another world in their basement, and writing has always felt like that to me. i open the door, and i am somewhere else. these other worlds don't need me to be there for events to unfold, but i can still try to change the things that i don't like if i wanted to. and nobody needs to know that i've been to these worlds, but if i mentioned 'hey i've been to another world', someone somewhere might be interested in what i saw.
idk if that makes sense shdjk but i just!! i like writing. i like seeing what would happen if i changed something. and it feels amazing when something i care about deeply connects with people i don't even know, and who don't know me. it's scary to venture into other worlds, but there's always the chance of finding yourself - and finding new friends - down that magic staircase!!
🍉 - in what ways has writing helped you process trauma and/or navigate through your own life?
whoof, i mean. how hasn't it.
i had a very difficult upbringing that left me absurdly angry with the world and only able to conceive of living as fighting for survival. i wrote stories where i could escape and be free, and i wrote stories where the fight was all there was so i could feel less alone. hell, my first favorite character on tumblr was gabriel from supernatural, running away from his family and still loving them even when it hurt, and writing stories where he was happy or angry or sad felt like validating those feelings in myself. i could fix his problems, even if mine weren't that easy.
these days i struggle with a lot that's out of my control, like PTSD with a very hard-to-avoid trigger. but writing is something that i can curate, that i can tailor to a situation. it's completely in my hands. so when i'm going through something, i can always pick up a pen and scribble out the strong feelings in a way that makes sense to me, if not to anyone else, and then i can close that book or tear the page out or burn it, whatever i want to do with it. i can shuffle through the life of a fictional character and find the times when they felt the way i did, and wonder how they got through it, and sometimes in doing so, i find ways that i can, too.
it certainly helps that i've found myself a good number of favorite characters who go through a lot but still remain hopeful. ones who make a place for themselves in the world that is safe and good, who manage to find the best in people even when being shown their worse.
🎀 - give yourself a compliment about your own writing
i like that i'm willing to try my hand at pretty much anything and give it every ounce of passion i've got, no matter how short a time i may have been in a fandom or how different a character might be from the ones i'm used to writing. tech geek with conflicting superiority/inferiority complexes? sure thing. prim and proper angel who's secretly a bitch? give it a whirl. chain-smoking self-sabotaging magician who's a time capsule of the 80s? devoted dad with apeshit anxiety? codependent gay cannibals? fuck it, we ball.
🎈 - describe your style as a writer; is it fixed? does it change?
mmmm depends on how you define style. i want to say that it's generally all the same, but i do think i change tone A Lot, based on who i'm writing about. partially because i bounce between a lot of british and american shows and i tend to try to adopt the vernacular of the culture the media is based in to make the story more immersive, but also based on the tone and overall themes of the piece, i.e. who's hurt and who's comforting and what their relationship looks like, if one's more comedic or they both are or neither of them are.
i'm a bit of a metaphor & simile hound, for sure, that part's pretty fixed. i tend to like comparing simple things to grandiose ones, if only because i write 90% hurt/comfort and the things i always remember most about times when i've been hurting are the gestures that the comforter doesn't even remember making later on. i think i have consistent struggles in certain areas and consistent strengths in others. but i almost never want the version of me who wrote for, say, Good Omens, writing for Mission Impossible, because to me those are two wildly different atmospheres with wildly different stakes and baseline truths. if that makes sense? so i do try to switch up my style when i feel like it's appropriate.
🎉 - how often do you celebrate completing & posting a work? how often do you give yourself the credit/validation that you seek from others when you post? (if you don't, you should!)
i don't think i celebrate much at all, per se. it's always more of a relief that i've gotten all of the most pressing ideas out of my head for the moment than it is an accomplishment, i guess? i'll probably start trying to celebrate now, though.
as for credit/validation, i don't really know how to measure that. i'm able to acknowledge that i've sent something out into the world to bear scrutiny, and i'm usually able to like what i've written once it's out there, so i guess i give myself credit that way??
💞 - what's the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
characters. always the characters. sometimes to the detriment of the rest of the story.
idk, i tend to start stories because something about a character's reactions/choices grabbed my attention, and flesh out a scenario around how those reactions/choices would be seen by others vs how the character would see it themselves, so the character is always at the heart of my storytelling. i'm always thinking about the faces we put on for different people vs the ones we wear when we're alone. i usually find that as long as i follow a character's patterns of behavior, priorities, and methods of self-expression, the story writes itself.
💝 - what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
i don't really have expectations when i post, but the outpouring of love i received for Red Witness was definitely a shocker!! i mean, i'd never even heard of The Mentalist while it was airing from 2008-2015, so i was definitely a latecomer to the fandom, but apparently a lot of folks either rewatched it when the pandemic started or remembered it fondly enough to be excited about me writing for it, so that was a lovely surprise!!
🤍 - what's one fic of yours you think people didn't "get"?
i mean, one of the things i love about writing for fandom is all the variation in opinions and the different takes on what parts of canon are rock-solid vs which should be different, so i don't think it's possible for people to not "get" a fic. it's just one lens through which a set of events and people can be viewed.
that said, i suppose waiting for the hammer to fall didn't land the way i'd hoped it would, as far as my investment in the ideas i was trying to convey vs audience engagement goes, but i can definitely see why it wasn't "gotten". i spent a lot more time trying to mimic the style and feel of Good Omens and relying on that style to convey my ideas for me than i did figuring out how to explain what, exactly, those ideas were.
my intention was to explore "how does someone as buttoned-up as aziraphale, who has lived millennia in peaceful denial, come to terms with an impending confrontation that he absolutely can't avoid or weasel out of?", and that's still something that is very enticing to me, but the fact that he had been in denial his whole existence wasn't something that aziraphale would have been able to recognize on his own. so the execution fell far short of the mark, and i ended up with a few snippets of passable wit and imitative texture that couldn't have connected with a reader even with an operator on the line.
so, as far as the message of the fic goes, i suppose people didn't "get" that one, but it takes reliable postage to deliver a message and i left off all the stamps. (do we think there's been enough methods-of-communication metaphors for one day? everyone's knees sufficiently slapped?)
🕯️ - was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
come together (over me) was a BRUTAL undertaking for a number of reasons, which is also why it hasn't been updated in two fucking years, for all my vain intent to finish it.
not only was it my first ever attempt at a multi-chapter fic, but it was also a long and involved discussion of the many different ways that grief can affect people that i started writing less than a year after losing a friend of mine to a tragic accident (which was also the way the mighty nein lost mollymauk). i started writing it in the first place in an attempt to comfort my partner at the time, for whom molly was an all-time favorite, so i was pushing myself obsessively to meet the perfect balance of canon-accurate and partner-approved characterizations, and giving myself a lot of grief about it.
at the same time, the outpouring of shock and despair from the Critical Role fandom was like nothing i had ever experienced before. this was the first PC death of their 2nd campaign, under circumstances that meant it would be a permanent one, and on top of that, mollymauk was - at the time - the only openly queer character in the party. people had become understandably attached.
unfortunately, though, IMO, this meant a large portion of the fandom deified him to unrecognizable extremes. to a lot of new enthusiasts, he became a saintly sacrificial lamb unjustly slaughtered, or worse, "bury your gays" in action (it was a random encounter at a time when the party cleric was away giving birth. just saying). people who disagreed or people who didn't like him all that much were met with outrage. wars of righteous indignation were waged. lines in the sand were drawn. it was a mess.
all this to say, a fledgling fan trying to be as canon-accurate as possible in my characterizations of people who'd known mollymauk, and of mollymauk himself, for this fic centered around what was now the most controversial fandom event i'd ever seen firsthand, had a higher-than-usual chance of getting me absolutely obliterated on the internet. the horror.
so overall, while i did get a lovely response from what i did end up posting, the circumstances of writing it were unexpectedly exhausting. i had a lot of great ideas, still have a solid outline for the rest of it, and i like what i managed to get done, but just thinking about continuing it (especially so long after it was relevant and after so much has been revealed in canon since) is. haunting
💥 - find your least kudos'd fic - say something wonderful about it.
oh Time Doesn't Stop. (but it should), we're really in it now.
my dear, sweet, first ever foray into posting on ao3, i'm still quite proud of you. it's one of the few times i've felt like i could say more with absence than with explanation. it's a time capsule of confidence in myself and in my skills, and i think i did a pretty good job depicting the ways that constantine both self-destructs and lashes out when faced with a situation that he can't worm his way out of. i like the fact that i let each section in the 5+1 format have room to breathe, rather than trying to blend them together into a seamless narrative; it feels more authentic to me, like time has actually been passing.
🍭 - why did you start writing?
re: writing in general, i genuinely can't remember. i've been writing stories since i was old enough to read them. maybe i've always wanted to create something that thinks the same way i do?
re: fanfiction, because i was an insatiable bookworm as a kid and there were never enough stories about the characters and settings i loved to satisfy me, so i decided to start making them up myself. it ain't a party until obi-wan kenobi is helping a larvitar set up a picnic for every legendary pokemon plus dustfinger from Inkheart.
💎 - why is writing important to you?
i don't really have a good answer for this, because i can't think of a reason it wouldn't be, honestly. i guess the closest thing would be: it's important because i've never been good at speaking my thoughts and feelings out loud, but on paper i can say exactly what i mean and have a better chance of being understood. no need for facial expressions that might be misconstrued, no way for anyone to misread my tone of voice, just uncomplicated self-expression.
it also means that i get to share my passions with folks who are just as passionate as i am, and that i have a less awkward social avenue for expressing my appreciation of their candor. integrating and crediting headcanons you adored into your personal interpretation of canon, writing something inspired by a one-off post because it made you feel something...there can be such confounding social rules around complimenting people when you do it verbally or in person, it's nice to be able to say "thank you for caring as much as you do!" by just. applying your craft.
📡 - why is writing and sharing your writing important for fandom?
because of what i said for the last question, it's all a way of sharing how you feel!!! people write because they feel strongly about a subject, whether they love canon or despise it, whether they want to refute a popular characterization they disagree with or expand on an AU that's been making the rounds. not to quote spongebob, but there's love in every stitch, whether you love the way you think about a character/a story or you love the way somebody else does.
it's also a way of preserving fandom over time, as well as the present moment! fan fiction started because of Star Trek fans in the 70s and they're still making trek shows today, the critical receptions of which are strongly influenced by fan interpretations so time-honored as to become gospel!! (snw you know what you did.) writing fics and sharing them with each other is a tradition of story-telling that will outlast us by centuries, and it is damned wonderful to know that what we leave behind are affirmations of love and dedication.
🪄 - what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
my aftercare is closing out the tab and running away from my computer sdhjk. i'm always very anxious about posting my work, and that's before sharing links or putting it anywhere else, so i usually post any writing i've gotten done right before i go to bed, and then in the morning i can read it with fresh eyes and a calmer brain and pat myself on the back for getting it done. that's a celebration in its way. other than that, drinking water is probably what i do the most after completing something.
🎙️ - which one of your fics would you like someone to make a pod-fic of?
actually, somebody already MADE a podfic of my groupchat fic the burning question, which would have been my answer!!!! the wonderful frecklebomb absolutely made my life when they put that together with their friends, i've never felt anything less than absolute joy remembering it.
🤲 - what do YOU get out of writing?
catharsis, baby! i write a lot of hurt/comfort to fill in gaps that i find myself thinking about between episodes/movies/chapters, and it often ends up being very therapeutic. i get the double pleasure of comforting someone and imagining being comforted, with the cherry on top that is narrative completion (at least by my standards).
💋 - when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
i wouldn't call it a priority when i'm leaving those comments, but it's always lovely when they do reply. i'm a collector of joy, knowing with certainty that i've "repaid" someone for their labor of love is never a bad thing, but i definitely don't expect or seek it. hoard all those compliments for a rainy day, y'all deserve them!!
☯️ - how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you're not a social person/experience social anxiety?
"healthy" really comes down to your point of view in fandom, but i do think that multi-platform engagement for fic authors lets you exercise a level of boundary-setting on social media relationships that the rise of tiktok has sort of blown out of the water.
i'm very tired so i'm not sure i could explain my thought process properly if i tried, but basically, going from an author's works on ao3 to their tumblr/twitter often feels like a delightful sneak peek into the mind behind the magic, while going from an author's tumblr/twitter to their works on ao3 can be like walking into a neighbor's studio and realizing they're michelangelo reincarnated. either way, multi-form engagement makes you value them as a person as much as you value the fruits of their labors.
on a less labyrinthine note, getting a message or comment from someone who read your stuff and loved it can be really comforting! someone who liked your work is among the followers who see your fandom theories and wildly thirsty tags. no matter how self-conscious you may get about Being Perceived, you now have at least one person who liked what they perceived.
that's what comforts me, anyway, as someone who is frequently anxious about making bad impressions and bothering people. it also encourages me to send off that complimentary message i've been thinking about sending for ages, even if i only do it anonymously. if i think i would appreciate getting a message like that, then it's worth doing.
🧿 - what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
i really can't stress enough how much i write and post for myself more than for a potential audience. i tell the story that i want to read, not the one i've seen people wishing for. if the two end up being one and the same, that's the best feeling in the world, but it's not the motivating factor behind me writing/posting/sharing.
sometimes i do get less engagement on a fic than i thought i might and it makes me worry that i misread a character, or i write something that i find really funny that never gets commented on, but then i have to remind myself that i only post in the first place when i like it enough to post. if it's up, i've decided i liked it. i didn't decide it was perfect, and i didn't mind-read the fandom to figure out what they're looking for in a fic, and i don't need to as long as it's good enough for me. that's really the only step i take, i guess.
💌 - share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
rubbing my grubby little paws together because OH BOY, i have a Mission Impossible benji & ilsa hurt/comfort dawning-friendship fic coming down the pipes that is very soft and sweet to me, and involves benji braiding ilsa's hair because she's failed miserably at doing it on her own and she's never had anyone to do it for her. it's my sweet angel baby right now, at least until good omens comes out in 24 hours and my synapses misfire to permanently sear the word 'GAY' behind my eyes.
0 notes
genshinluvr · 2 years
By the Seashore
Pairings: Various Genshin Men x Isekai'd!Reader
Summary: The heatwave in Teyvat is making you and the twenty-one (yes, twenty-one) men suffer. In order to not suffer from the intense heatwave in Teyvat and the abode, the twenty-two of you decided to take a trip down to the seashore of Yaoguang Shaol and visit the heart-shaped island.
Note: Since I have gotten about 5 requests (two coming from one person) about the Genshin men going to the beach with Isekai'd!Reader, I have decided to combine these requests and make them into one story instead of making five fics about going to the beach with the Genshin men. Yes, some of these have the word "beach" highlighted because I had to search for them through almost 180 messages in the inbox 💀 Man, this fic has caused me so many distresses; I wanted to give up so many times. For those who are new and those who are returning readers, I post on AO3 as well, so if you have an AO3 and see a work similar to this, it's me (Aaliah_exo on AO3). I don't post anywhere else but on Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and on AO3 (Aaliah_exo).
Warnings: The reader is female-bodied but still goes by gender-neutral pronouns! The reader's bathing suit reference is right [here]! Itto wears a revealing bathing suit that caught everyone off guard; the men are touchy, but is that a bad thing? (I mean, unless it's from weirdos, then yes), mentions of sexual innuendos.
Word Count: 10k words
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Everyone was scattered around the living room in the estate, sweating from the intense summer heat in Teyvat. While the abode usually has a neutral temperature, it has been unusually hot these past few weeks. Not even the air conditioner in the estate can cool your overheating body down from the sweltering hot temperature. You’ve chugged cups of cold water, but it didn’t do much to help you cool down. You even tried snuggling up to the nearest cryo vision wielder, but he was just as sweaty as you were, and cuddling up to someone in this type of heat isn’t the best feeling in the world.
“Ah! It’s so hot that I’m sticking to Kaeya.” You whined, struggling to unlatch yourself from Kaeya’s body. 
You unstuck your cheek from Kaeya’s boob window while Kaeya chuckles at your little discomfort. Hey, it’s not his fault that you assumed that a cryo vision holder like himself would be just as cold as his vision. 
“Why are you cuddling with someone in the first place during a heatwave like this?” Diluc asks from his spot, fanning himself with the handheld fan that was gifted to you from a merchant in Liyue.
“I would assume that a cryo vision holder would be able to cool me off during a time like this.” You grumbled, grabbing the hem of your shirt and wiping your sweat-slicked skin with a look of grimace on your face. “Man, I can’t stand the heat!” You whined, getting up from the couch and beginning to pace back and forth around the living area of the mansion.
“What’s a good way for us not to deal with the intense heat in Teyvat?” Gorou asks, slumping against the wall while pressing a cold bottled water up against his face. His face was flushed from the heat, and quite frankly, so was everyone else’s face.
“Let’s go to Dragonspine.” You stated, pulling your shirt from your sweaty body. This heat was making you feel like the layers of sweat was your second skin, only it was even more uncomfortable. 
“And what? Freeze to death!?” Scaramouche exclaims; you nod your head. 
You would preferably freeze in the cold than die from the immense heat you and everyone else have been feeling for the last couple of weeks. You’ve never been a fan of summer; it’s too hot, the bugs are out biting and invading homes, the feeling of sweat sticking to you like a second skin. You hate it all! Not to mention, the heat makes it even harder for you to sleep because how can you sleep in bed peacefully without feeling like you’ve completely soaked your bed with sweat. Oh, and who could forget about waking up from your sleep drenched in your bodily fluids?
“While I wouldn’t mind going to Dragonspine, maybe it’s best not to go anywhere that has a sheer cold,” Thoma suggested.
“Looks like all of you will hate Snezhnaya if you can’t handle the weather conditions in Dragonspine,” Childe commented, taking his shirt off and tossing it over to the corner of the room.
“Is Snezhnaya just as bad as Dragonspine?” Itto asks, sprawled out on the wooden floor of the estate, his chest slowly rising in falling with each breath he takes. Childe makes an indescribable facial expression in response to Itto’s question. Maybe Snezhnaya is worse than Dragonspine! After all, it is a region that is ruled by the cryo archon herself, and it’s probably teeming with Fatui Harbingers and dangerous animals that inhabit the cold weather.
“I wouldn’t mind visiting Snezhnaya one day, and it’s better than Dragonspine, where there’s hardly any human life there. Aside from the Fatui Skirmishers lurking around.” You said, wiping your sweaty forehead with the back of your hand.
“Then how else are we going to deal with the heat?” Kazuha sighs.
You perked up, “Oooh, I have an idea how we can deal with the heat!” You said, plopping back down on the couch beside Kaeya while lightly bouncing in your spot excitedly.
“Oh? And what is that idea of yours?” Kaeya asks, gazing at you curiously with his head leaning on the back of the couch, revealing his tanned collarbones. Man, if it weren’t so hot right now, you wouldn’t mind latching yourself onto Kaeya.
“[Y/N]? You there?” Venti asks, waving his hand in front of your face, pulling you out of your thoughts. 
“Oh! Right, sorry, I was caught up in my daydream.” You laugh sheepishly, hoping that the men will assume that the cause of your face being red was from the heat and not from your thoughts of attaching yourself to Kaeya.
“You were staring at Kaeya for quite a while,” Albedo says, raising an eyebrow at you. A smirk ghosted over Albedo’s face when your eyes widened at Albedo’s comment.
“The heat was making me delirious!” You sputtered, ignoring the looks the men were giving you. “A-Anyway! I think we should all go to the beach to beat the heat!” You spoke up, clapping your hands together.
“Oh, the beach, you say?” Heizou’s head perks up at your suggestion, and the look of mischievous appears on his face along with a tiny smirk.
“What’s on your mind, Heizou?” Aether asks, narrowing his eyes at the detective skeptically. 
“I believe that Heizou is looking forward to going to the beach! After all, we’ve never visited the seashore before!” Said Baizhu, lightly patting his damp forehead with the back of his hand while Changsheng rested around Baizhu’s shoulders.
“If we were to visit the seashore, where would we go? The coast of Liyue, the coast of Mondstadt, or the coast of Inazuma?” Ayato questions, taking his coat off and hanging it on the back of the cushioned chair.
“Would the location of the seashore matter?” Xiao sighs, running his hands through his dampened hair.
“The location doesn’t matter, but perhaps the scenery matters to some people,” Zhongli says, rolling up the sleeves of his white button-up shirt. You stared at Zhongli’s arms, eyes almost the size of dinner plates. Not only was his tailcoat off and the sleeve of his shirt rolled up to his elbows, but he also didn’t have his gloves on at all. Now, you’re not one to have a hand kink, but the veins on Zhongli’s arms and the way his hands are so pretty made you second guess yourself for a moment there. Shit, maybe you do have a thing for hands. You slowly raised your hand up and slapped yourself in the face.
“[Y/N]! Why did you slap yourself!?” Dainsleif looks at you with wide eyes, his cape hung on the other unoccupied cushioned chair, and the sleeve of his shirt also rolled up to his elbows. Man, if you’re going to act like this when the men’s shirt sleeves are rolled up to their elbows, how are you going to react when the men are all shirtless and in swim trunks?
“I… was trying to think of a region to go to!” You said slowly before making a face at your own poor excuse.
“Well, do you have a region in mind, little one?” Pierro asks, cocking an eyebrow at you as he stares you down. You feel your breath getting caught in your throat when you see that Pierro has his sleeves folded up to his elbows as well, but a couple of buttons on his white button-up t-shirt were also unbuttoned. You couldn’t help but have an inkling feeling that they may or may not have done this on purpose.
“Why are you so flustered, [Y/N]?” Pantalone chuckles, giving you a sweet yet devious smile. Pantalone knew what was going on in your mind, and you didn’t like it one bit because you knew that he would use it to his advantage and make you even more flustered than you already were.
“It’s hot in the estate! People tend to become flushed when it’s hot, you know.” You retort, looking away from the men with a slight pout on your face while grumbling under your breath. Damn them and their way of making you flustered, and it’s not fair at all! How come there isn’t a time where you made them flustered instead of the other way around? 
“Kitten, why are you so snappy? Is the heat getting to you, sweet thing?” Dottore coos, approaching you before snaking his arms around your shoulder to pull you up against his chest. You grumbled against Dottore’s chest, but your grumble was silenced by the sound of growling. You blinked and looked around the mansion at everyone’s faces. 
“Since when was there a rabid dog in the estate?” Capitano asks, adjusting the mask over his head. Even though you couldn’t tell what expression he had under his mask, you knew that he was eyeing some of the non-Harbinger men in the living area. You didn’t know who was growling, but it seemed to be coming from almost all of the men aside from the four Harbingers that had just recently moved into the abode.
“If we’re still taking suggestions on where we should go, I recommend the Yaoguang Shoal!” Venti says, popping up between you and Dottore, forcing both you and Dottore to step away from each other. Venti had a cheeky smile on his face before throwing an arm around your shoulder.
“Why the Yaoguang Shoal?” Diluc asks, taking his gloves off before wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead.
“Yeah, I’m surprised that you didn’t suggest going to the Falcon Coast in Mondstadt,” Kaeya says, leaning back against the couch with his legs spread out. It was as if Kaeya was trying to lure you to sit on his lap. I mean, you would, but since it’s so hot, you don’t think you’d want to deal with any cuddling or skin-to-skin type of contact until this heatwave was over.
“I believe that we all should go to the Yaoguang Shoal because there is this small island that is off the coast of Yaoguang Shoal that is heart-shaped! We should all go there with [Y/N] and take pictures there!” Venti bounces on the tip of his toes happily.
“Oooh! I’ve always wanted to go there ever since I discovered it!” You gasped excitedly, lightly patting Venti’s arms with elation.
“You discovered it?” Capitano asks, tilting his head to the side.
“Yes, before I was thrown into your guys’ world.” You said, nodding your head. “There’s a hidden chest there too, but I never unlocked it because no one went there with me.” You shrugged your shoulders.
“You need to be accompanied by someone to be able to find this hidden chest?” Dainsleif raised an eyebrow at your explanation.
You sighed dramatically and bobbed your head to Dainsleif’s question. You’ve tried to find solutions to uncover this hidden chest, but all of these “solutions” did not work out at all. You’ve tried putting up both of Zhongli’s pillars as Zhongli, but it didn’t work. You’ve even tried to do it as the geo traveler, but did it work? No, the chest is still hidden from plain sight.
“So, is the journey to the beach for some chest, or are we going to be relaxing there?” Ayato sighs dramatically, fanning his face with his sister’s folding fan (that he totally did not steal from his sister at all).
“Well, Ayato, we’ll be relaxing there, of course! But it’d be nice to visit the heartshaped island outside of Yoaguang Shaol and take some pictures there with all of you!” You reply, giving the men puppy dog eyes.
“Aw, snookums! Not the puppy dog eyes.” Childe coos, jogging over to where you stood before bringing you into a tight hug.
“When should we go then? It’s only eleven in the morning, almost twelve in the afternoon.” Scaramouche says, running his hands through his hair.
“Oh, we’re going today?” Aether asks, looking around at everyone’s face to get a confirmation of some sort.
“Yes, let’s go today because it’s so hot, and I just want to dip my feet into the cold ocean water.” You said; realization then hits you. “Wait, do you guys own swimsuits?” You pointed at everyone around the living area.
“Of course we do! How else are we dudes going to have some bonding time in the bathhouse?” Itto asks, crossing his arms over his sweat-slicked chest. You blinked at Itto and then looked up at Childe, who looked down at you.
“People are usually naked in bathhouses, aren’t they?” Albedo raised an eyebrow at Itto.
“Yes, people are usually naked in bathhouses. Although, there are some people that choose to wear coverings in bathhouses.” Gorou explains; Albedo slowly nods his head while stroking his chin with his gloveless hand. 
“Well then, let us prepare for the beach and dress accordingly.” Zhongli states.
“How does one dress accordingly, Mister Zhongli?” Pantalone asks, giving Zhongli a cat-like smile as he looks at the ex-archon curiously.
“He means to get into your swimsuits; let’s get ready, or else the sun will start to set, and it’ll be too late for us to go to the beach,” Xiao says gruffly, glaring over at the black-haired Harbinger before disappearing into black and green mist.
“My, it seems like the little Yaksha isn’t too fond of us.” Dottore chuckles.
“Xiao does have a point, so let’s get ready for the beach and meet back here once we’re all dressed for the beach,” Baizhu says, adjusting the glasses on the bridge of his nose.
One by one, people went to their bedrooms to get ready for the beach. As for the four Fauti Harbingers, they have their own mansions in the abode. You didn’t mind them staying at the current estate, but your seventeen other boyfriends insisted that the other four Fatui Harbingers have their own mansion to stay at. Therefore, the four Fatui Harbinger’s estate (it was more of a house since there were only four people staying there, unlike the main estate itself where there are eighteen people residing) has their own living space on the other side of the abode.
You walked into your bedroom and began to search for your newest bathing suit that you had bought while in Mondstadt. Technically the bathing suit is custom made tailored to your body; it was expensive, but you desperately needed the bathing suit because the color looks fantastic against your skin tone, and it hugs every curve of your body perfectly. You grabbed the bathing suit, the thigh garter that goes with the bathing suit, and shoes that match the one-piece bathing suit before walking to your bathroom to change into your bathing suit set. You stripped off your clothes before switching over to your bathing suit and zipped it up from behind before reaching over to the garter that goes with your custom-made one-piece bathing suit. You grabbed the shoes and put them on your feet, and checked yourself in the mirror.
“Cute!” You smiled, grabbing a hairbrush and beach towel from underneath the sink before heading out of the bathroom. You walk over to your wooden dresser and pull out an oversized t-shirt that you stole from Thoma (it still smells like him too). You slipped it over your body to cover up your swimsuit before exiting your bedroom. You paused in your step and slowly turned to look around your room to check if you were missing anything. Does sunscreen exist in Teyvat? You wouldn’t know because you hardly leave the abode, and if you were to leave the teapot, you wouldn’t be out in the sun all day long. How are you going to shield yourself from the scorching hot sun when hats technically don’t exist in Teyvat? Shrugging your shoulders, you walk out of your bedroom and downstairs to the living room, where everyone is waiting for you.
“Wow, you guys changed pretty fast.” You said, clutching onto your beach towel and hairbrush.
Kazuha’s eyes land on your hairbrush before pointing at it, “Why are you bringing a hairbrush with you?” He looks at you with a questioning gaze.
“Once we’re all done swimming in the ocean, your hairs are going to feel rough and very dry after. I think bringing a hairbrush would do something, but now that I think about it, I don’t think it will….” You trailed off, staring down at your lavender hairbrush. 
“Is that my shirt?” Thoma points at the oversized t-shirt that was covering your bathing suit-clad body.
“Yes, it’s your shirt that I totally did not steal from your closet while you were away.” You said, smiling at Thoma innocently.
“You seem to like to steal other people’s clothes, don’t you?” Heizou asks, leaning up against you with an eyebrow raised and the corner of his lips quirking up, forming a tiny smirk on his face. You pursed your lips and nodded your head in response to Heizou’s question.
“Next thing you all know, each of you will be missing a shirt or two from your closet and dresser!” You said, giving the men a cheeky grin.
“You’re going to trespass into a man’s bedroom to steal an article of clothing from his closet and dresser?” Pierro asks, walking up to where you stood before staring you down. You stared at Pierro with wide eyes, unsure of how else to respond to his question. Of course, you’re going to go to the men’s bedroom and steal a shirt or two from their closet and dressers! One will be a t-shirt, and the other will be a button-up shirt! Simple!
“Yes, yes, I will! What are you going to do about it? Spank me for it? Punish me for taking a shirt or two from your closets and dressers? Pfft!” You scoffed, rolling your eyes sarcastically. Pierro places a heavy hand on your shoulders, shutting you up. Pierro leans down and looks at you right in the eyes, his eyes scanning your facial features closely.
“Do you want me to spank you? I can do that if you would like for me to spank you.” Pierro smirks. Your eyes widened, and you looked at the other men behind Pierro by peeking from the side.
“Let’s go to the beach now, shall we? We’re wasting precious time.” Diluc says, popping up beside you to your left with Kaeya standing at your right. Diluc and Kaeya nod at one another before grabbing hold of your hand, giving Pierro a glare before pulling you out of the estate.
“Pierro, you disgusting old man!” Scaramouche scowls, glaring over at the first Fatui Harbinger, electricity crackling loudly in his clenched fist.
Childe scoffs loudly, crossing his arms over his chest with a smirk of his belief, “As if [Y/N] would go for someone that’s older than their parents!” 
“My dude, my bro! Did you forget about Zhongli, Xiao, Dainsleif, and Venti? Pretty sure that they’re older than Teyvat and Parakeet alone!” Itto interjects, tossing his arm over Childe’s shoulders.
“Parakeet?” Gorou squeaked, stifling his laughter behind his hands while looking away from the four Fatui Harbingers in front of him. Gorou couldn’t tell whether Itto calling Pierro “Parakeet” was a mistake or if he was doing it on purpose.
“That’s true, but they all look youthful! Pierro, on the other hand….” Ayato trails off, making a face at the first Fatui Harbinger, who glares at him in return.
“Old and wrinkly like a raisin.” Heizou coughs into his fist. Aether nudges Heizou with his elbows, shooting a glare in Heizou’s direction.
“While I agree with you, just don’t say that to the strongest Harbinger’s face!” Aether hissed under his breath, loud enough for Heizou to hear him while giving Heizou a threatening look.
“As the red-headed boy said, we should go to the beach now! We’re losing precious time.” Pantalone says.
The men grumbled in response before walking out of the mansion. You, Diluc, and Kaeya were waiting for them at the waypoint. Diluc didn’t look too pleased after what had happened inside of the main estate; the thought of Pierro putting his disgusting hands in you made Diluc want to rip the first Harbinger’s white hair out of his head.
“How bold for someone as old as he is, wanting to place his hands on someone that is precious to us,” Kaeya says, draping his arms around your shoulders.
“Would it be bad if I said that I liked it?” You blurted out, causing Diluc and Kaeya’s heads to snap in your direction, their eyes wide in disbelief from the words that had come out of your mouth. “Shit, did I say that out loud?” You whispered, feeling yourself becoming flustered.
“Are we ready to go to the beach at Yaoguang Shoal?” Zhongli asks; everyone murmurs a “yes” and a “we’re ready” to Zhongli’s question.
“Then let’s teleport to the nearest waypoint in Yaoguang Shaol and perhaps visit the heartshaped island that [Y/N] really wants to visit,” Xiao says.
Upon your and twenty-one others’ arrival to Yaoguang Shaol, you were all immediately attacked by hilichurls and one ruin guard. Since you don’t have a weapon or wield a vision, you were stuck by Thoma and Zhongli’s side the entire time because they had shields and could protect you from the arrows and missiles that were flying at twenty-two of you.
“You know, when taking a trip to the seashore, you would’ve thought that we wouldn’t have to deal with any hilichurls or ruin guards. But it turns out we were wrong.” Thoma panted, his polearm disappearing in thin air before reaching down to the hem of his shirt to wipe the sweat from his forehead.
“I forgot that there are hilichurls and ruin guards and hunters around this area.” You said, shielding your eyes from the glaring sun. You’re just glad that your cute bathing suit set came with matching shoes, or else you would’ve burned your feet on the scorching hot sand of Yaoguang Shoal. The twenty-two of you walked to the nearest shade on the beach before setting down your items in the shade. Once the beach towels were placed down on the sand in the shade, everyone started stripping their clothes off. You looked away from the men awkwardly, feeling your face becoming hot. 
“[Y/N]....” Kazuha calls over to you, grabbing your attention from wherever you were looking (and it wasn’t at them).
“Are you not going to change out of your clothes?” Albedo asks, tossing his shirt on his beach towel. 
“Or are you planning on swimming in the cold ocean water in Thoma’s shirt?” Baizhu asks, pointing down at the shirt that you currently have on.
“Or maybe [Y/N] wants to swim in the ocean naked! If they do, it’s their choice! No need to be so judgemental about it!” Dottore interjects. 
You scoffed at Dottore’s comment and slowly walked over to where the men stood with your arms over your chest. Even though you have on a custom-made bathing suit that is catered to you, you couldn’t help but feel a tad bit self-conscious about revealing your swimsuit to the men.
“Don’t be a creep, Dottore.” Capitano smacks Dottore upside of his head, making the icy blue-haired man scowl at the masked man.
“Oh, come on, [Y/N]! We’re all in our swimsuits! You’ll be fine!” Itto says, strutting up to where you stood. Your eyes nearly popped out of their socket when you saw what Itto was wearing. The other men's eyes widened, speechless from what they were seeing. How bold do you have to be to be able to wear something like that in public!? 
“Itto, what in the Teyvat are you wearing?!” Scaramouche screeches, looking away from Itto with a bright red face.
“It’s my swimsuit, Scaramouche! What else do you think it is?” Itto flexes his biceps before doing poses.
“Itto, that is not a swimsuit; your ass is literally hanging out of that thing!” Childe exclaims, shaking his head in disbelief.
“I can’t believe that mankinis exist in Teyvat.” You whisper to yourself, doubling over, trying to get ahold of yourself. 
“How are you not sweating in that shirt?” Dainsleif asks, leaning up against the rock that was sitting behind him, running his hands through his blond hair while his eyes are glued onto the shirt that you were wearing. You knew that Dainsleif is a very handsome man, but seeing him shirtless, in swim trunks, with his hair slicked back, does something to you.
“Oh, I am! It’s really hot, and I am suffering.” You gave Dainsleif a pained smile and a weak thumbs up.
“Then take your shirt off! Unless you want me to do it.” Dottore says, pinning you up against the rock behind you while his hands make their way up your thighs and to the hem of Thoma’s shirt. Childe gives Dottore a fake smile before grabbing him by the shoulders and yanking him back, causing the icy blue-haired male to stumble back, shooting the ginger-haired Harbinger a death glare.
“Can’t we all just go one day without wanting to kill each other?” Heizou rolls his eyes, sitting down on the rock near your feet. You muttered a “no kidding” under your breath in response to Heizou’s question with an eye roll before letting out a loud sigh to grab the other’s attention. It looks like now is the time to reveal the custom-made bathing suit that you got for yourself. You never knew the day would come so by fast because you didn’t really think that you’d be swimming in Teyvat so soon. 
“I’ll take Thoma’s shirt off, but all of you will need to turn around and not take a peek!” You said, grabbing the edge of Thoma’s shirt. 
The men grumbled at your command before turning around with their bare backs facing your direction. Heizou sighs dramatically before getting up from where he sat and walking over to where the men stood, his back facing you while facing the rock in front of him. You couldn’t help but stare at each men’s bare back. Some are adorned with old and fresh scars and bruises. You bit your lip and brought yourself out of your little daydream before taking off Thoma’s shirt. 
After you took Thoma’s shirt off, you were hesitant to let the men turn back around. Your bathing suit was on the more sheer side, but it does cover up some areas that need to be covered. It’s thin but not too see-through to the point where people would see everything. If people were to look very closely, they would’ve been able to see your belly button, that is, if they squint their eyes and stare very hard.
“Are you done?” Venti asks, his eyes covered by his hands. You didn’t know why he was covering his eyes with his hands when his back was facing your direction. Maybe it’s to stop himself from taking a peek?
Thoma begins to bounce in the spot where he was standing, “Can we turn around now?” Trying to fight the urge to turn around to see what type of bathing suit you were wearing to the beach.
“Yes, you may all turn around now.” You said, folding up Thoma’s shirt while the men turned to face where you stood. You walked over to your towel and placed it on your beach towel.
“Alright! Shall we finally swim… now…?” You trailed off, blinking at the way the men were staring at you.
“Archons.” Kazuha whispers, his pupils blown wide at the sight of you in your bathing suit. Kazuha covers the bottom part of his face while he examines you from head to toe. You knew that the bathing suit was on the sheer side, but to the men, it’s very transparent. But are they complaining about it? Hell no, they’re not going to complain about it! 
“What are you guys staring at?” You ask, swaying on your feet while waiting for the men to reply to your question.
“Look at you, sweet thing! You’re looking quite delicious right now.” Kaeya purrs, approaching you with a sultry look in his eyes while licking his lips, ready to devour you.
“I’m sorry for staring, but I have to admire my breathtaking significant other looking so good in their swimsuit!” Childe says, walking beside Kaeya with the corners of his lips pulled up in a smirk.
“Gotta say, [Y/N] does look good in that swimsuit of theirs,” Ayato murmurs to Zhongli and Diluc, who nod their heads.
“Truly a work of art.” Zhongli clears his throat, lightly scratching his reddened cheeks to get his mind off of the fact that you were wearing a bathing suit that is quite revealing. Was he complaining about it? Kind of, because other men are ogling you, and he can’t have you for himself.
“Since when did [Y/N] have a custom bathing suit? This is news to me!” Diluc says, pulling his thick, fluffy red hair up into a high ponytail before letting his hands fall to his side.
“I can’t help but admire how their bathing suit cups the globes of their ass, making it look even more round than it already is,” Dainsleif mutters, causing the other men to turn their heads in Dainsleif’s direction slowly.
“[Y/N] has a perky ass; I’m really tempted to slap it just to watch them bounce,” Aether says, stroking his chin while his eyes were zeroed in on the globes of your ass.
“You can watch [Y/N]’s ass bounce when they’re riding me,” Pierro casually says while his eyes are scanning your body from afar, biting on his bottom lip. The men around him choke on air and saliva, giving the first Harbinger a heated glare, the one that was drilling holes into Pierro with their glare was Scaramouche. Scaramouche looked both horrified and very disgusted with what Pierro had said and implied.
“We didn’t need to hear that, Pierro.” Baizhu huffs, crossing his arms over his chest while looking away from the first Harbinger. While some men can discreetly agree that they’d like to see your ass bounce, they didn’t need a description or visual of your ass bouncing while— you know what, not even going to finish that sentence. 
“The comment was uncalled for,” Albedo mutters, his face pinching up with disgust. Why did Pierro have to say that? The only person Albedo is okay with you riding was him and no one else! Well, as long as they’re not those four Harbingers.
“Can’t we just go and swim already? It’s really hot, and I am dying to feel the cool ocean water on my heated skin!” Gorou says loudly to grab everyone’s attention. You looked over at where Gorou stood while cornered to a giant rock by Kaeya and Childe. 
“We’re wasting time here,” Xiao grumbles, rolling his eyes while standing close to Zhongli in the shade.
You nodded your head, “Yeah! What Gorou and Xiao said!” You squeaked, feeling yourself becoming flustered and shy while Kaeya and Childe’s hands were roaming around your body. “We should all go and swim in the waters! It’s hot, and the heat is making some of us, and by some of us, I mean me, delirious!” You gulped.
“Anything for you, gorgeous,” Pantalone says, reaching down to grab your hand and pressing a kiss on your knuckles. The two of you made eye contact; he gave you a flirtatious smile before sending a wink your way.
“Now, now, don’t fluster them any further, or else they’ll faint.” Capitano clicks his tongue in disapproval. Capitano walks over to where you were cornered before snatching you away from Kaeya, Childe, and Pantalone.
“Hey! You just can’t take [Y/N] from us!” Aether exclaims, running after Capitano with Heizou, Xiao, Gorou, Kazuha, Albedo, and Scaramouche following after him. Capitano tosses you over his shoulders, making you yelp and stare at the men with wide eyes. You opened your mouth to say something, only to be cut off by a sharp sting on your asscheeks.
“Ow!” You whined, going limp on Capitano’s shoulders while lifting your right hand up to rub the area where Capitano had slapped you.
“Did he just….” Dainsleif’s eyes widen.
“He certainly did,” Zhongli confirms, his hands tightening into fists while clenching his jaws when he heard a sharp slap echoing on the empty beach with your surprising yelp following after the smack.
“I’m going to kill him.” Diluc growls, chasing after Capitano.
“Not if I do it first, dear brother of mine!” Kaeya exclaims, running after Capitano with his sword materializing in his hands.
“Shall we start swimming now? Everyone is running to the ocean.” Baizhu says. The men left behind nod their heads before following after Baizhu toward the ocean. Capitano was about to drop you into the sea, but you quickly protested while squirming out of his hands.
“Don’t drop me in the water yet! I still want to get pictures of all twenty-two of us at the heart-shaped island!” You exclaimed, holding onto Capitano’s arms tight, hoping that he wouldn’t drop you into the cold ocean water.
“Oh, right! The island! How could we forget about that island so quickly?” Pantalone spoke up, approaching where you and Capitano were standing. 
“Hand [Y/N] back to us right now, and no one gets hurt,” Xiao demanded. Capitano and Pantalone turn around, with you still in Capitano’s arm. Well, you were on his shoulders, so your ass was facing the men’s direction.
“Dear archons! How hard did you spank [Y/N]!? Their cheeks are red!” Gorou exclaims, his eyes widening in shock before glaring at Capitano, a low growl rumbling in his chest.
“If any of you step any closer, I will drop [Y/N] into the ocean,” Capitano says, pulling you off his shoulders before holding you in the air, preparing to drop you into the water.
“Wow, using me as bait, how original.” You grumbled. “But really, though, can we go to the heart-shaped island before you dunk me into the cold seawater?” You sighed, crossing your arms over your chest with a small scowl on your face.
“Alright, alright, it looks like Capitano won’t be dropping your cute ass into the water.” Dottore sighs dramatically, gesturing Capitano to put you down. Capitano walks over to the shore and places you down on the sand.
“Thank you.” You grumbled, looking around the beach for the lucky clover pinwheel that can take you to the heart island you’ve been dying to visit. 
“What are you looking for?” Kazuha asks, his head tilting to the side as he gazes at you with curiosity.
“This one lucky clover spinning pinwheel thing that anemo vision holders can glide after triggering the pinwheel.” You said, rubbing your eyes. 
“Isn’t there one on this island where the geo hypostasis is located?” Venti asks; you gave Venti a sad and pained smile while slowly nodding your head. You plopped onto the hot sand before laying down. 
“Why are you laying on the sand? Wouldn’t it be better to lay on the beach towels instead?” Heizou asks, nudging your side gently with his barefoot.
“Leave me alone to die.” You sighed dramatically, rolling over to your side before grabbing a handful of sand and letting them fall beside your head. “There’s no way I’ll ever go to that island without having to teleport to another one.” You grumbled.
“Do not fret, little one. We’ll make the trip short and sweet.” Pierro says, pulling you up from the ground before carrying you bridal style and heading over to the waypoint.
“Hey! You’re not allowed to leave without us!” Thoma exclaims, running after the first Harbinger with the other men following close behind. After what felt like forever, you and the other twenty-one men have arrived at the heart island, finally. 
You walked over to the heart and pointed at it, “Who wants to stand in this heart with me? Maybe a chest will pop up.” You step into the heart before facing everyone else with an expectant look on your face. You knew that it wasn’t a good idea to ask who was going to stand in the heart with you because you knew the men were going to fight over that spot on the heart. If they were to fight or argue over who gets to stand in the heart with you, they wouldn’t need to quarrel over it.
“I volunteer to stand in the heart with you, dearest!” Ayato says, walking over to you with a smug smile on his face.
Scaramouche rolls his eyes and grabs onto the Kamisato heir by the biceps before pulling him back with a glare. Ayato stares down at Scaramouche; an eyebrow cocked up with a questioning look on his face. As if you couldn’t sense it already, there was tension arising between the twenty-one men.
“If you want to be the first one to get into that heart with [Y/N], you might as well do it over my dead body.” Scaramouche declares.
“Ohoho! Death, you say?” Childe pops up between Ayato and Scaramouche, wearing a cocky smirk on his face.
“Guys, please, let’s not fight. I just want to take pictures and take a swim in the ocean.” You said, shoulders sagging dramatically before sitting down in the heart.
“Fine, anything for you.” Dottore coos, pinching your cheeks with an endearing smile on his face. 
You smiled at Dottore shyly and grabbed onto the hand that was pinching your cheeks. The men behind Dottore all collectively scoffed in disgust and jealousy. Albedo pulls out the kamera and kamera stand, setting it three feet from where the heart was located. After placing the kamera on the stand, the men began to argue over who gets to take a picture with you first.
“I want to take a picture with [Y/N] first!”
“What! No, it should go in alphabetical order instead!”
“Alphabetical order?! What are we in elementary school or something?!”
“I believe that we should go in the order of who has met [Y/N] first when they’ve arrived at Teyvat.” 
“Uh, Zhongli, that won’t be fair at all because some of us met [Y/N] later than others!”
“Then how about we go in the order of who started courting [Y/N] first.” 
“Dainsleif, I get it that you’re almost as old as Zhongli, but that is the oldest thing I have ever heard.”
“That doesn’t make sense at all!” Aether nudges Heizou while giving Heizou a look.
“I mean, Aether and Dainsleif are friends, so maybe they’re both as ancient as Zhongli.”
You don’t know how many times you’ve sighed dramatically today, but you did it again anyway because these men stress you out without even trying. Perhaps taking pictures with the men by height would be best given that there are tall men and slightly shorter men. 
“You know, let's start with height instead because I do not want to get any heatstrokes at all.” You said, wiping the sheen of sweat from your forehead.
“Wait, but that wouldn’t be as fair at all!” Kazuha says, looking over at the tall men with a look of displeasure on his face.
“It’ll be a group photo! Plus, after that, we can all take pictures together!” You said, smiling with satisfaction.
“But what if we want to take a picture with you individually to keep in our bedrooms for memories sake?” Kaeya asks, raising his eyebrows at you with his arms over his bare tanned chest. Archons, what a beautiful man.
“Kaeya has a point,” Xiao mutters, earning a smile from the calvary captain, who places his arm over Xiao��s head. Xiao rolls his eyes and pushes Kaeya’s arm off his head with a grumble. Kaeya laughs under his breath before crossing his arms over his bare tanned chest.
“If we all want individual memories with [Y/N], then we mustn’t fight over who gets to take a picture with [Y/N] first. It’ll take up our time at the beach, and I’m sure we all want to swim in the ocean right now because it’s quite hot outside.” Diluc says.
“Then let’s take the pictures right now before the sun starts setting,” Baizhu suggested.
You, and everyone else, thought that it taking pictures on the kamera would be pretty easy, but you were all wrong. The group photos went smoothly, surprisingly, but the individual ones of you and a certain man? That didn’t go too well. Kaeya and Diluc ended up having a small argument over who gets to take a picture with you first and said the oldest out of the two should be the ones to take a photo with you first, etc. The best part of the entire thing was when certain men wanted to do certain poses with you in the picture. You will be keeping the group photos while the men will keep their images of you and them (Zhongli will save an image of you and him, Kaeya will save the picture of you and him together, Venti will have the photograph of you and him together, etc.).
Running your hands through your hair, you ask, “You want to give me a piggyback ride in the picture?” 
Thoma smiles and nods his head happily, “That’s correct! I think it’d be a cute pose for the picture.” Thoma says happily. You shrugged your shoulders and climbed onto his back with your arms over his shoulders and your legs wrapped around his waist while he grabbed onto the fat of your thighs. Albedo leans towards the kamera and looks into the lens, preparing to snap a photo of you and Thoma together. Right when Albedo was about to press the button, you leaned down and pressed a kiss on his cheeks. Thoma’s eyes widen in shock when he feels your lips pressing up against his cheeks, his face turning almost as red as the vision around his waist.
The kamera clicks, and a flash of light almost blinds Thoma. You pulled away from Thoma and got off his back before skipping over to where Albedo stood while Thoma continued to stand in the heart, his hand placed over the area where you had kissed him.
“A kiss on the cheek? How unexpected.” Pierro says, leaning up against the broken tower on the island.
Albedo hands the photo over to you; you happily grab the picture from Albedo’s grasp. “I think a little kiss makes the photo even cuter!” You said happily. You turned to Thoma and handed him the picture happily.
Albedo looks at you curiously while walking over to you from behind the camera. “I didn’t know that kissing is part of the pose options,” Albedo says softly, wrapping his arms around your waist.
“I mean, it can be!” You said, twirling your hair around your fingers while smiling at Albedo innocently. Albedo looks over at one of the men, then at the kamera. Thoma jogs over to the kamera before adjusting the height and position of it, making sure to get the perfect angle of you and Albedo inside the heart.
“Try not to get too touchy with my lover,” Pantalone says, giving Albedo a fake smile.
“Your lover? Oh please, they’re our lover! Don’t be selfish now, Pantalone,” Capitano scoffs, rolling his eyes underneath his mask. 
Itto and Aether eyed Capitano for a moment, their heads simultaneously tilted to the side with their eyes squinting. Itto had his chin resting on his hand while Aether had both of his hands propped up at the side of his hips. It was hot outside at Yaoguang Shaol, and yet Capitano did not take his helmet off (then again, the other Harbingers still have their masks on as well, except for Pantalone, Childe, and Scaramouche). Was it even a helmet? It’s certainly not a mask like the ones Pierro, Dottore, and Childe wears.
“What are you two staring at?” Capitano’s voice pulls Aether and Itto out from their thoughts, only to see the Harbinger looking directly at the two. Well, technically, they couldn’t exactly tell if Capitano was looking directly at them or not, so they’re just going to assume that he was looking at them.
“How are you not sweating underneath that thing?” Itto asks, gesturing to Capitano’s mask while looking at the Harbinger with interest and curiosity. Capitano scoffs softly to himself before diverting his attention elsewhere, making Itto and Aether scrunch their faces up with judgment.
“I knew that he’s intimidating and doesn’t interact with those that are considered to be “weaker” than him, but who knew that he has a stick up his ass.” Aether whispers to Itto.
“Eh, that’s just how he is.” Childe pops up between Aether and Itto with his arms thrown over both of their shoulders.
“It’s true. Not even Capitano would look in Childe’s direction when Childe admires him.” Scaramouche says, walking towards the trio with his arms tucked in the pockets of his swim trunks. 
Heizou interjects, “So what I’m hearing is that he will ignore everyone that isn’t at his level or above him.” Running his hands through his auburn-magenta hair with his right hand before shielding his eyes with the same hand.
“Oh, gossiping about [Y/N]’s other significant other, are we?” Dottore chuckles. Childe, Scaramouche, Itto, Aether, and Heizou grumbled in response. Dottore snickers before walking back over to where Capitano stood.
“That’s the pose we’ll be doing!” You clapped your hands; Albedo nodded before standing in the middle of the heart with you standing in front of him. 
Albedo wraps his arms around your waist and dips you down, your right arm holding onto his shoulder while your left arm is around his mid-torso. Albedo leans down and brushes the tip of his nose against yours; one hand reaches up and caresses your face in that hand. You and Albedo stared deep into one another’s eyes, your gaze falling down to Albedo’s lips before looking back up at his eyes. Albedo was staring at you intently, a faint blush coloring his cheeks. He gives you a small smile before pressing his lips against your cheeks, his lips trailing down to your jaws and to your neck. You squeaked and snorted out a laugh, your hand flying to your mouth.
“Albedo! I’m ticklish!” You whined, your face scrunching up while refraining yourself from squirming out of his grasp. 
Albedo smiles against your neck before burying his face into your neck, causing you to let out a loud squeal before you break out in a laughing fit. The two of you were so caught up with one another that you and Albedo failed to hear the kamera click, nor did the both of you notice the light flashing coming from the kamera. Thoma plucks the image from the kamera and gazes at it; a small smile appears on Thoma’s face. The picture of you and Albedo is adorable. It looks candid, and the both of you didn’t seem to remember that you two were having your photographs taken. Just in your own little world, as if the both of you were the only people in Teyvat, basking in each other’s companies. Thoma walks over to you and Albedo with the picture in his hands before clearing his throat softly to grab your and Albedo’s attention. You and Albedo broke your gazes from one another before looking over at Thoma, who gave you two a stiff smile. Even though Thoma is also dating you, he couldn’t help but feel a slight sting of jealousy nipping at him. Oh, if only he could have you for himself and only himself. It wasn’t fair that he had to share you with the others, and Thoma is certain that the others felt the same way about sharing you with other people.
“Here is your picture, Albedo!” Thoma says, handing the photograph over to the chief alchemist. Albedo’s eyes brighten up before reaching over to the picture that Thoma held out for Albedo to take. Albedo slowly releases you from his grasp before looking down at the image in front of him. You peeked from his shoulders, and you couldn’t help but squeal softly.
“Aw! Look how cute we look in the picture, ‘Bedo!” You said, patting on his biceps excitedly. 
“I didn’t even realize that we had our pictures taken.” Albedo chuckles, looking at you over his shoulders with a tiny smile on his face.
“Alright! Since everyone had their photos taken with [Y/N], shall we go back to Yaoguang Shoal to swim?” Baizhu asks, rubbing his hot shoulders. The twenty-two of you have been standing under the sun for so long, that you were sure that the top of your head is sunburnt. You grumbled and rubbed the top of your burning head before pressing the top of your head against someone’s back to prevent your head from burning even further. It was Gorou. Gorou jumps when he feels the top of your head pressing up against his bare back.
“Archons, [Y/N]! Your head is hot!” Gorou exclaims, turning around to look at you. You pouted and rubbed the top of your burning head while mumbling unintelligible words to yourself.
“Come on, dearest. Let’s head back to Yoaguang Shoal, and you can start swimming in the ocean.” Ayato says, wrapping his arms around your shoulders before guiding you away from the other men.
“Unless you prefer to sit in the shade to cool off before dipping your feet into the cold waters,” Zhongli says, rubbing your burning head with his hand. 
“I would like both!” You reply, rubbing the back of your neck with your hand, wincing when you feel sweat gathering in that area. How long have you guys been staying at the beach anyway? It felt like hours because of how hot your head was feeling. 
“Maybe we should have brought water and some snack with us to the beach,” Venti commented, rubbing his chin with his thumb and index finger while his lips were pursed. 
Kazuha smiles, “Well, we can bring the abode with us anywhere we go! I’m sure we can bring the teapot out if some of us need to go on a bathroom break or snack break.” He shrugs his shoulders.
“You know, sometimes I forget that we can take the teapot wherever we go.” You grumbled, leaning up against Ayato. “But I would like to sit in the shade first before dipping my toes in the ocean. My head is burning, and I don’t know how much longer I can go with my head exposed to the heat.” You added, covering the top of your head with both of your hands.
Kaeya places his hand on the top of your head before pulling his hand away from your head quickly, “[Y/N]’s not wrong. Their head is so hot that you can cook an egg on it.” A teasing smile appears on Kaeya’s face. You gaped at Kaeya’s comment before grabbing his hand again and putting it on your head.
“You have a cryo vision! Maybe you should try to cool my head down with your cryo vision!” You suggested, looking at Kaeya expectantly.
“I don’t think that’s going to work, and he might end up freezing you entirely,” Diluc says, raising an eyebrow at you.
“You know, ‘Luc.” You said slowly, turning towards your redheaded boyfriend. “I would much prefer that than feel the heat cling to my body like a second skin.” You said, shuddering while feeling your sweaty arms. Maybe being closer to the ocean water could help you cool down. But for now, you just need to take shelter in the shade, or else your head is going to be burnt. Back at the main point of Yaoguang Shaol, you sat in the shade with Ayato and Zhongli while the other men were splashing around in the cold ocean waters. You lay on your towel and close your eyes, feeling yourself beginning to drift off to sleep while the cool and salty ocean breeze cools you down. 
“You’re not going to go swim?” Dainsleif asks, sitting down in front of your feet. You cracked your eyes open and slowly sat up, stretched your arms in the air, and yawned. You plopped back down onto your towel and rubbed your eyes with the heel of your hands, mumbling something the trio couldn’t understand.
“I want to, but suddenly I don’t have any energy left in me to go and swim in the waters.” You sighed dramatically before letting out another yawn.
“Perhaps you need a little push or a guidance of some sort,” Pantalone spoke up, walking over to where you lay. You looked over at Pantalone, and you felt your breath getting caught in your throat at the sight of Pantalone. Shirtless, wearing swim trunks, seawater dripping from his hair and body. He smiles at you and combs his hair back with his hands.
“A little push and guidance?” Diluc asks, walking towards Pantalone with his arms over his chest. Diluc was also dripping from head to toe because Kaeya had dunked him into the ocean. Diluc will get his revenge soon, but not now, of course. Diluc needed to find the perfect time to get back at Kaeya for pulling that stunt.
“Yes, a little push and guidance. Show them what you mean, Pantalone.” Pierro says, walking up to your little shade area on the beach. Pantalone grabs you by the waist and tosses you over his shoulders. You squealed loudly and looked at Zhongli, Ayato, Dainsleif, Diluc, and Pierro with wide eyes.
“Pantalone! Put me down! I want to take a nap on the beach!” You said, lightly punching his bare muscular back. Pantalone smirks and walks to the ocean, his feet touching the wet sand. While you were complaining about not being able to take a nap, Pantalone proceeded to walk to the sea until he was waist-deep in the water. He stopped in his tracks and turned to look at the shore, only to see twenty other men staring back at him.
“Pantalone, what are you up to?” Xiao demanded, walking away from the small group of men huddling ten feet away from where you were laying.
“Pantalone, don’t you dare!” You said while he adjusted you into his arms, cradling you in his arms. 
Pantalone looks down at you with an innocent smile on his face. Oh, archons, that smile of his is dangerous. Not only did he look good, but that smile of his was a little bit unsettling. Pantalone was up to something, especially with the way he was holding you. He reaches down and caresses your cheek before brushing the apples of your cheeks with the pad of his thumbs. Before you could open your mouth to say something, Pantalone suddenly releases you from his grasp, sending you straight to the cold waters. 
“[Y/N]!” The seventeen men gasped, rushing into the waters to where you were dropped in. You emerged from the water, wiping the salty water from your face, and pushed your hair away from your face before shooting the look of betrayal over in Pantalone’s direction. The men froze in their spot, looking at you with their mouths agape. You didn’t notice the way all of the men froze and stared at you like a fish out of water.
“Pantalone, you ass!” You scowled, swatting at his biceps. “Out of twenty-one of you, I don’t think I can trust you again after the stunt you just pulled!” You said, wringing the water out of your hair while walking back to shore.
“Aw, come on, muffin! Don’t be mad at daddy, now!” Pantalone chuckles, following after you.
“What the fuck did he just call himself?” Childe whispers to Scaramouche, and the two trade looks of horror with one another before their faces scrunch up in disgust.
“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear Pantalone call himself ‘daddy.’” Scaramouche’s face scrunches up in disgust, holding himself back from gagging.
“I think that’s what Parakeet wants [Y/N] to call him,” Itto whispers loudly, looking mildly disturbed and traumatized.
“I believe that calling Pierro ‘grandpa’ will suit him more than ‘daddy,’” Aether whispers, covering his mouth with his hands while trying to act casual.
“Right because the first Harbinger is too old to be called daddy.” Heizou snorts.
“Mayhaps calling him ‘ancestor’ suits him more than ‘grandpa’ and ‘daddy.’” Thoma mused, stroking his chin. 
Ayato runs up to you and wraps your towel around your body, and shoots a glare at the others who wouldn’t stop ogling you. Zhongli rushed you to the shade and made sure that you didn’t hurt yourself or accidentally ingest the ocean water.
Dottore walks up to you, Ayato, and Zhongli with a teasing smile on his face. “Why are you covering [Y/N] so suddenly? Surely, they must’ve liked the cool temperature of the ocean water!” He quirks up an eyebrow at the three of you.
“Their swimsuit was see-through.” Ayato hisses, tightening his grip on the towel that was wrapped around your shivering body.
“Wasn’t it already see-through?” Pierro asks, standing in front of you, Dottore, Ayato, and Zhongli. The way he towers over the four of you was intimidating, and the way he was looking at you sent chills down your spine.
“The swimsuit was slightly transparent until [Y/N] was dropped into the ocean.” Zhongli glares at Pierro, standing close behind you with both of his hands on your shoulders. Venti stands in between you and Pierro, giving the first Harbinger a wary look, his eyebrows narrowing. Venti reaches behind him and grabs onto your cold hands. You couldn’t tell if it was you that was shaking or if it was Venti that was shaking.
Venti turns to you and gives you a gentle smile, “Let’s go to the shade and have you warm up. I bet you’re freezing.” Venti brushes your rough hair to the side. You nod your head and let Ayato, Venti, and Zhongli escort you to where you were previously lying before Pantalone came along to snatch you up and drop you into the cold waters.
“Venti,” You spoke up softly; Venti turned to look at you with a cute smile. Ah, so you weren’t hallucinating at all. There was a strange mark on Venti’s face, along with the other shorter men whom you’re dating.
“Yes, Windblume?” He coos softly, squeezing your hands lightly while guiding you to your designated area under the shades.
“Why do you, Xiao, Albedo, Kazuha, Scaramouche, Gorou, Aether, and Heizou have that mark on your faces?” You poked his left cheek while staring at the said mark.
“The eight of them were having a little competition to see who, out of the eight of them, would survive in the wilderness,” Zhongli spoke up.
“Who’s winning so far?” You ask Venti.
“Me, of course!” Venti boasts.
“Well, that’s a load of boar shit.” Xiao blurts out, rolling his eyes. You snorted and covered your mouth with your unoccupied hand. Hearing those words coming out of Xiao’s mouth completely blindsided you, but it was one of the funniest things you’ve heard him say out loud.
“We haven’t gotten far in our competition because of that Harbinger that has dropped you into the ocean,” Kazuha says, pressing his warm hands up against your cold cheeks.
“But if we’re being honest, I’m winning the competition so far,” Gorou interjects, his ears twitching with happiness and pride. You smile at Gorou and reach up to scratch behind his ears, making him perk up and lean into your touch while smiling in ecstasy. Perhaps after today, you’ll choose to find a swimsuit that won’t rile the other men up too much, but you’re not sure if you’d be allowed to go to the beach again after this, especially if the other four Harbingers are tagging along.
Note: Huhuhu not my best work, that's for sure 😭 This story has caused me so much distress; I'm not even kidding. It's not like I hate the request; I made it hard for myself 💀 You all may view the fic differently from how I view it, but it's not my best work, in my most honest opinion. But anyway, solo character fic is coming out next week! It's a fic that I have been trying to make and post since March 2022, but I never got to type it down! ;v; For those who are new or returning readers, but please keep in mind that I ONLY post on my Tumblr (Genshinluvr) and my AO3 (Aaliah_exo)! Nowhere else except Tumblr and AO3!
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