#quote is from episode 02x19
stewolf7 · 1 year
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The day Harry and Jessy lost her mother...
When your mother died, Something inside me broke. I couldn't protect her... And I swore, I swore on her grave, No less, That I would protect you.
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samclownchester · 4 years
Supernatural Rewatch 02x19
Folsom Prison Blues
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I think it’s interesting because the police sub plot is pretty prevalent in this season, but I can’t really think of a time it comes up again until season 12 when they “attempt to assassinate the president”
Ok, so this is a pretty Dean centered episode, the whole time Sam just really wants to get out of prison, and Sam is a little judgmental of prison inmates, while Dean kinda vibes with them
DEAN: It's 100 percent sure. I wouldn't have gone if it wasn't. I mean, come on, man, this place has all the signs of a haunting. Innocent people are dead. Four so far.
SAM: Yeah, innocent.
DEAN: You from Texas all of a sudden? Just because these people are in jail, doesn't mean they deserve to die. If we don't stop this thing, people are going to continue to die. We do this job wherever it takes us.
At first, I felt like this was a little out of character. Dean is usually the judgmental one while Sam is usually more compassionate, but actually, it’s perfectly in line with the earlier quote from 2x03 “
DEAN If it's supernatural, we kill it, end of story. That's our job.
SAM No, Dean, that is not our job. Our job is hunting evil.
Sam sees their job as hunting evil. He doesn’t see a moral difference between a regular murderer and a supernatural one. For Dean, supernatural things are evil, it’s in their nature to kill and hurt, whereas human criminals are people who had messed up lived, who live on the outskirts of acceptable society. Although he certainly knows that humans can do abominable things, he doesn’t categorize them in the same group as the monsters they hunt. And he has always felt like an outcast from ordinary people, so it’s not hard for him to feel like he fits better with a group of outcasts.
We are introduced to Deacon, who is apparently someone the boys know pretty well, but I don’t think we ever hear about him again.
That was one heck of a plot twist though, I did not remember the guard was Deacon. I was convinced that Sam and Dean were about to get beat up in prison and I was very concerned.
What I don’t understand is Dean’s obsessive commitment to getting this job done. Sam wanted to get out of prison, which is understandable, but Dean was insistent on seeing it through with a passion I didn’t understand.
Does it have to do with John? Because it was a friend of John’s who asked them?
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