atsvensson · 3 months
Rött mot grönt i klimatkampen?
Gröning: Vi klarar inte miljömålen för klimatet. Det är allvar nu! Klimatet går bärsärk med allt fler megakatastrofer, bränder, översvämningar, värmerekord och glaciärsmältningar världen över. Alla partier måste enas i denna ödesfråga för jorden, naturen och mänskligheten. Vi måste agera alla tillsammans här och nu! Röding: Men det är ju den nuvarande härskande, nyliberala, västerländska,…
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garagedansdisco · 3 months
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Joakim Thåström receiving a gift from a concerned member of the audience during one of Imperiet's three shows in Managua, Nicaragua (1986). The concerts were held in a big cirkus tent called Carpa Nacional. The story as told by Turid Lilleng for the norwegian magazine Beat:
"The most delightful unexpected element, was provided by a resourceful little guy called Hector.
It was after Thåström had brought out his bluest basement voice for Blue Heaven Blues. He had lured such screams from the guitar and sent the images of the moonshine café of the fables to the darkest corners of the cirkus. With his eyes open wide under his cap, he had convincingly conveyed the bar where Venus sits looking like she's had enough. Thåström had used all of himself in a sincere, convincing thåströmian manner, bit himself on the arm and curled himself up on the stage.
At that point came Hector, four years old, with a piece of cake [a sandwich some sources say] in his fist. Resolute and matter-of-fact, you're welcome. And the sweaty singer seemed surprised by such a gesture. Greater than the rising applauses. The swede looked starved, Hector might have thought.
Afterwards the boy became the owner of nicaragua's only top fashion bolo tie. Thåström's. Did you say proud?"
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copias-juicebox · 4 months
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Happy Birthday Thea!! ♡
It's @thespiritofvexation's birthday and joakim and i wish you the bestest of days!!
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iridescent-glitch · 2 years
Jag ber någon hålla mig i handen nu händer det så mycket
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gustfs · 8 months
Jag vill så gärna se Ett hjärta är alltid rött men den visas inte där jag bor
Förbaskade biografer!!
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digitalfashionmuseum · 7 months
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Gold lamé dress, 1920-1929, Swedish.
Worn by Irma von Geijer.
Hallwylska museet.
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the-words-we-sung · 9 months
The songs of Young Royals - S1E2 & E3
And I'm back with another song analysis article ^^ You can find the first one (in which I covered the songs from S1E1) here. I'm gonna do 2 episodes in this post because there are not many songs in episodes 2 and 3!
No tomorrow, Ty Frankett, Stephane Lo Jacomo and Myariag Summers
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I'll be in my feels They know I'm the truth When I'm pullin' up I'm bulletproof I don't really care 'bout the rules The most cool Wilhelm has ever looked ^^ He was all blushing and stressed during lunch about what almost happened with Simon, but here he's collected, alone but looking like he doesn't care and just plays it cool. He's the Prince so I guess it's true that the "rules" don't really apply to him but is he "bulletproof"? Unfortunately the whole debacle that is gonna happen with the sex video will prove that statement wrong... (We also know that most of the students at Hillerska don't care that much about the rules, and August says it himself: they could "murder someone and nobody would say a word")
ALPHA, Yung Titties
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ABC I'm the alpha bitch If you wanna know who runs this shit ABC I'm the alpha bitch When I'm in a car, I'm driving When I'm on a date, I'm buying Yes girls!! They run this shit ^^ I like that they choose this song when we see the 4 girls hanging out together. I do like them (Felice, Stella, Frederika and Madison) (putting Sara on the side because *complicated feelings*) They're far from perfect but compared to most of the guys in the school, they're pretty cool. I love Felice and how smart/nice/strong she is, and I love her friendship with Wilhelm later on. I hope she'll become even more badass in season 3!! And Madison is the best (and one of the few people in this school who is not terrible to Simon). The song stops as soon as August arrives and takes a chair to sit next to Wilhelm: because yeah, he's not an "alpha". I like that Madison and Felice don't take shit from August: when he starts mocking Simon and Sara (after Felice invites them to the movie night), they immediately tell him off. Then we see Vincent and Nils join August and start bothering the girls (throwing gums/candies at them) and they're not impressed: it's a very short scene but it highlights the fact that they're not interested in their stupid behavior. It's also the episode in which we see the difference between the girls and the boys when it comes to their relationships: we learn at the beginning that Madison and Nils hooked up during the party, but also that Nils was bragging about it and giving the experience a 9/10 while Madison admits doing it mostly because she was bored and not being at all into Nils. We also see August pursuing Felice who is not interested at all. Who run the world? Girls!!
Äter upp dig, Maxida Märak
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Nu ska vi leka hela världen är våran Huh inga hinder är för svåra Flyger över alla jag är lätt som en fjäder Strike like a pro BDSM läder Good boys gone bad Alla ser rött King Kong gone mad Jag är blöt du är naken Okay so it's a bit hard to do this one because it's in Swedish and I'm definitely not there yet with this language ^^' From what I understand with the translated lyrics, it's quite a "sexy" song (with some violent undertones: being a wolf, being naked, being wet, good boys gone bad, etc.). The first sentences are about playing and how they have the whole world, which is interesting because it's the parents day at Hillerska and we are introduced to a lot of upper class people, people who have a lot of money and power. In this sense, they are the people who can use the world as a playground: they have the means for that. They're rich and powerful, they're above. The lyrics are also about getting angry though, "seeing red, King Kong gone mad": a little nod to Simon and Sara being pebbles that are gonna throw the whole machinery off? During the lunch, Sara is going to mess up Felice's family with the riding issue (and they're the richest family apparently!). Wilhelm is also gonna upset the order by not sitting at August's table but choosing instead the one table with a family that doesn't belong to Hillerska's upper class environment. So I guess yeah, things aren't going to go that well. And to top it off, August is gonna learn that his family is in fact broke! Oh, how the rich and mighty have fallen...
Hillerska Song
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Hope and faith wherever we roam As we make our way back home Oh, we meet with open hearts Another one in Swedish but with the English subtitles directly in the show so it makes it easier to understand ^^ Simon and Wilhelm look SO happy and smiling and smitten in this scene 💜 I like the idea of making their "way back home" because they're not there yet, but they're getting there: being a safe space, being home for each other. And yeah in this scene they still have "open hearts", because Erik has not died yet, because the sex tape hasn't been made/released yet, because none of the awful stuff that is going to make them close in on themselves has happened yet. And Wilhelm is so cute and happy (and it's gonna become very rare to see him like that afterward) that this song deserves another picture ^^
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The songs of Young Royals - part 1
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simonsapelsin · 7 months
New dumb theory. Simon doesn't sing the song Red Light, he sings a song called Rött Ljus. The single will have two versions, Swedish and English.
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thespiritofvexation · 7 months
Some more Thåström-recommendations for @glorious-blackout (and anyone else who might be curious about what my problem is) Sorry, I got carried away!
Ebba Grön - Die Mauer (1982)
I feel I need to explain what I meant when I said Die Polizei reminded me of Die Mauer (apart for the obvious similarities in the titles!) I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you know what Die Polizei is about! Die Mauer is about a man who is separated from his love by the Berlin wall, he is overcome by longing and anger and decides to do whatever it takes to reunite with her. The sound of gunshots at the end of the studio version implies that he failed, hence the "Die Mauer but with a happy ending"-comment. Musically Thåström's solo-rendition of the song is more like Die Polizei than the original though (this one for example)
Imperiet - Alltid rött alltid rätt (1983)
Title means "always red always right", basically a raging against the machine socialist anthem (live video for maximum intensity!)(I promise he is perfectly sane)
Imperiet - Märk hur vår skugga (1985)
A cover of a song originally written in 1790! The band felt they were becoming to commercial and wanted to do something "avant-garde" and the record company was not happy. To everyone's surprise it became their biggest hit! (The song may not be very Kaizer but the video sure has Kaizer-vibes!)
Imperiet - Österns röda ros (1986)
"Red rose of the east" (meaning Palestine) You might know this one already if you've seen my pinned post. Including it anyway since it sadly still is relevant and because I think I might like this 2015 version best
Thåström - Djävulen o jag (1989)
I made a whole post about the various live versions of this song and the studio-version is also a favourite! But I feel like especially this version only needs a couple of oil barrels and it would fit right into a Kaizer concert
Thåström - Radio Thåström (1991)
This list got a bit heavy so have a silly nonsense song with a silly nonsense video!
Peace Love & Pitbulls - A. Psycho (1992)
In the early 90's Thåström said fuck this, eloped to Amsterdam and started a industrial- rock- techno- metal- band, or as a swedish journalist put it "went to Amsterdam and drilled into a mountain wall for 5 years". I'm glad he did, and so was Marilyn Manson who cited PLP as an inspiration (Just so that no one gets the wrong idea, PLP came first!)
Thåström - Vacker död stad (1999)
Then he got tired of playing with the sampling-machine and replaced it with "a fuckton of guitars". All of sweden celebrated the return of the king except for little me who did not get the appeal of this terrifying angry hobo (or "waldschrat" as @copias-juicebox would say!)
Thåström - Kärlek är för dom (2009)
Thought this one has a vibe that might be up your alley. Bit of Öppet hav-feel? (Live video just because Thåström stage-antics)
Thåström f. Titiyo - Papperstunna väggar (2021)
Probably my favourite from his latest album to finnish off this list! Titiyo has a beautiful voice♡ (First time I watched this live video I thought 'dude are you ok?' but now I know this is perfectly normal Thåström- behaviour! (Rip tumblr you would have loved to diagnose him)
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svenskjavel · 1 year
🏳️‍⚧️ Trans: Dieter och vanor som hjälper med testosteron eller östrogen 🏳️‍⚧️
⚠️ Jag vill inleda med att jag inte är medicinskt utbildad. Detta är information jag samlat ihop från lite olika källor under en relativt kort tid. Ta det med en nypa salt, kolla upp riskerna själv och var rädd om dig!
⚠️ Varning för könat språk i många av källorna!
Kost: ”Vissa livsmedel innehåller naturligt östrogen eller fytoöstrogener, som kan hjälpa till att öka östrogennivåerna hos kvinnor. Livsmedel som tofu, sojabönor, linser, linfrön, persilja och rödklöver kan innehålla höga halter av fytoöstrogener.” Källa.
Det finns också studier som pekar på att lakritsrot ska öka mängden östrogen i kroppen. Källa. Källa. Källa. En metod som ska ha använts av Skyterna runt 700 år före Kristus. Observera att lakritsrot kan påverka andra receptbelagda mediciner.
En hög östrogen nivå associeras med en hög SHBG nivå. Källa. Träning, koffein och alkohol spekuleras kunna höja nivån. Källa. Kostfiber sägs också ha den effekten. Källa. Kostfiber finns i t.ex. grovt bröd.
Öl höjer östrogen nivåerna i kroppen. Källa. Även de flesta andra alkoholdrycker som finns ska höja östrogenet. Källa. Ville nämna det men rekommenderar inte. Skillnaden är liten och överdriven konsumtion riskfylld.
Kost: En låg nivå av SHBG ökar mängden av den sortens testosteron som påverkar sekundära könskaraktäristiska drag. Minskad SHBG nivå går att uppnå genom en proteinbaserad diet. Även rött vin (ej vitt) ska minska nivån. Källa. Källa.
Protein, zink, magnesium, B-vitamin (B3 främst) och Omega-3 ska höja testosteronnivån. Därmed mat som ägg, mandel och pumpafrön, spenat, lax, makrill och bönor. Örter som indisk ginseng/vinterkörsbär/ashwagandha och triggarnöt/tribulus rekommenderas också. Källa.
Nötter och frön generellt, avokado, kokosolja, oliver och olivolja rekommenderas av följande källa. Källa.
Styrketräning, hälsosam mängd sömn och vitamin D hjälper till att både bibehålla nuvarande samt öka testosteronet. Källa.
Kronisk stress innebär lägre testosteron nivåer. Källa.
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oldsardens · 6 months
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Torsten Renqvist - Rött och svart landskap
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garagedansdisco · 4 months
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Blue Heaven Blues in Managua, Nicaragua (1986)
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Hur många löv behöver blöda rött innan man får tillåtelse att sjunga luciasånger? Frågar åt en vän.
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f-rg-tmigej · 7 months
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🖤 Besök hos veterinären. Hennes ena öra är lite rött och varmt. Ingen bakterie eller parasit hittad, så vi (vet) behandlar det vidare som en öroninflammation. Så får vi se om rodnaden och kliandet ger med sig efter en kortison-kur. Uppdatering kommer. Hon mår jättebra i övrigt och är frisk och pigg.
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tinkerreise · 1 year
>Making Rödfärg (Red-paint)
My captioning/translation of a video by Skansen, a museum in Stockholm. Thought it was a shame that it had no captions at all, since it's a cute little paint cooking video about the most important paint in Sweden - röfärg, Falu-rött, etc.
Translation (long):
We usually associate red cabins with the Swedish countryside, but only a few hundred years ago all houses were unpainted and grey. Here on Skansen, you can see how even bigger homesteads were without paint, like Bollnässtugan and Älvhusgården. In the middle of the 17th century timbered buildings started to be painted in red, such as the wings of Skogaholms Herrgård, built in the late 18th century. The red colour was intended to resemble bricks, which was rare and expensive to build with. During the 17th century, it was decreed that all houses facing the streets were to be painted red. Dalsbogården from Hellsingland represents a well-to-do farmstead that was painted red at some point during the midpoint of the 19th century. The paint was a way to show one's prosperity. But in the 20th century, even simple cabins, such as this one from Sörmland, were painted red. At Skansen, there are many examples of how red-paint was combined with other colours, such as green and ochre. We’ll pay a visit to Skansens paint-master Björn Andersson, and he’ll teach us how to make and paint with red-paint.
«Hello, my name is Björn Andersson, and I am the paint-master at Skansen. Today we’ll be making some red emulsion paint, or rödfärg (red-paint), as it’s commonly known as. It’s one of the most common paints, in use since the late 17th century, and we use the same recipe then as now. One point differs though: while we use wheat flour to make the paint nowadays, rödfärg used to be made with rye flour. Today we’ll be using rye.
But first we’ll add the iron vitriol, now that the water has begun boiling. The iron vitriol is vaguely light-green in colour, and it’s this the addition of iron vitriol that preserves the painted wood. One thing that you ought to think about when boiling paint like this, is to watch out for the fumes that the iron vitriol gives off. If you stand over the pot with your mouth open, it’ll turn your teeth black! Many people want to brush iron vitriol on their houses directly. You brush it on like water, and with time, it’ll turn grey, and end up looking like our houses here that are unpainted and untreated. I recommend iron vitriol to timbered houses, but not for thin wooden panels - the iron vitriol may cause the wood to dry itself apart. When you’ve added the vitriol to the boiling water, it’ll take about fifteen minutes for it to dissolve in the water before you can add the flour. Now when the vitriol has dissolved in the water, it’s time to add the flour. I’ve stirred it out in some water to prevent clumping, just like when you’re making sauces at home. When you’ve added the flour, the paint must not be allowed to boil. If it does, it might boil over for one; but flour is the thickening agent, and if you boil it, the paint will end up being thinner. Let’s add the flour mixture to the paint… It tends to stick to the bottom of the pan and burn if you don’t stir it well. After a while, the paint will thicken. When it has, we’ll add the pigment.
As you can see, the paint has started to thicken, and it’s now time to add the red pigment. When we here at Skansen make paint, and school classes come and catch a whiff of this smell, they tend to say things like.. “Wow, this smells just like macaroni!” That’s due to the wheat flour, but now we’re making paint with rye flour, so it smells more like some kind of rye porridge or rye dough… This is really just like cooking. Now when the flour has thickened the paint, it’s time to add the pigment. This is rödfärg from Falu copper mine. Today we’re making the brighter version of the paint, which also is older. The pigment comes from the slag piles. You bring the slag in, wash it, grind it up, and burn it in large ovens to bring out the red colour. In the first stage of the process, the pigment turns yellow-ochre. Burn the pigment more and it turns bright red. Even more, and it turns dark red. Finally, burn it for long enough and it’ll turn black. The pigment is, after all, iron oxide.
As you see, the pigment turns the mixture red right away. It’ll take a little while for it to dissolve into the mixture. It’s important to stir the paint after you add the pigment, since it’s so heavy that it tends to settle at the bottom of the pot. This brighter shade of red was standard before the 1950s, but since then, the darker variant beat out the brighter one almost entirely. Here at Skansen, we started making rödfärg towards the end of the 1980s, and by that point we actually had to do special orders for the brighter red pigment. Ever since we started painting our houses with this shade of red, it became more and more popular, and nowadays you can actually buy this bright red rödfärg in stores. And here in the pot, it’s really starting to look like proper rödfärg, and at this point it does not smell like macaroni or dough.
When you’re painting houses with rödfärg, you need to brush off the old paint. While modern, water-based paints are brushed on in one thick layer, emulsion paints (slamfärger) such as rödfärg need to be worked into the wood. If you don’t brush the old paint off, the paint will crack and fall off. When brushing off the old paint, it’s important to wear a mask. The pain dust contains some unhealthy stuff, so it’s best not to breathe it in. I’ll skip the mask since I’m only brushing a tiny patch on this wall, but if you’re brushing a whole house, you should definitely wear a mask. You can use a coarse brush such as this one, but brass brushes are very effective. Steel brushes may damage the wood.
You’ll want the surface to be about this clean for the new paint to stick well. Now it’s just to work the paint into the wood. At this point, the paint is without linseed oil. Linseed oil is added to all the rödfärg paints you buy in stores. It’s important that it’s 8% boiled linseed oil or less. If it’s above 8%, it’s an oil paint, and not an emulsion paint. After that, you add a bit of såpa (liquid soap). I’ll add the oil to the paint tomorrow, once it has had time to cool down. If you add the soap to the paint after it has cooled down, you might be able to avoid those black specks that tend to be in rödfärg nowadays. Let’s paint. This is the typical brush for rödfärg, but I prefer brushes with longer bristles, since they hold more paint. Saturate the brush, then it’s just to work the paint into the wood. We’ll paint two layers of paint on this house. The first time around, we’ll dilute the paint with about 10% water. Work the paint into all the little crevices like this… and as you can see, it really stands out against the old paint, which has darkened a bit. But this new paint will darken a bit too once it dries.»
50 litres of water
2 kilos of iron vitriol
2.5 to 3kg of fine rye or wheat flour
8kg of (Falu) red pigment at most 8% boiled linseed oil + liquid soap (såpa)
The end!
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ljussangen · 11 months
Ta hit ett släp så ska jag visa vad jag kan Bor vart fan jag vill har tagit morsans gamla husvagn Måndag Tisdag Lill-lördag Torsdag Fredag aldrig mera ÄÄH Glöm vad fan jag sa Det är ju helg idag Högst upp i bastun, slutar aldrig kasta på hejdå Ser du tycker det är varmt så du kan gå Häng med mig på logen Gena genom skogen Vi delar väl på slatten Hooja hela natten
Vi kan ju konstatera att jag levererar När jag är på dansgolvet jag attackerar Klyver ved med en hand sätter hjärtan i brand Ta hit ett släp så ska jag visa vad jag kan
Känner en kille i byn han är ganska fin Säljer top-of-the-line Brännvin! Boxerkort hans arctic cat går ruskigt fort Tömmer hela baren på dricka Fyllehicka Discoljus och tomma blickar Tycker Jäger äger, får cykla hem Blåste rött i drägern
Häng med mig på logen Gena genom skogen Vi delar väl på slatten Hooja hela natten
Vi kan ju konstatera att jag levererar När jag är på dansgolvet jag attackerar Klyver ved med en hand sätter hjärtan i brand Ta hit ett släp så ska jag visa vad jag kan
Tiltar skopan upp och ner *Vilken G, vilken G* Hjälper Moffa hugga ved *Hugga ved, hugga ved*
Häng med mig på logen Gena genom skogen Vi delar väl på slatten Hooja hela natten
Vi kan ju konstatera att jag levererar När jag är på dansgolvet jag attackerar Vi kan ju konstatera att jag levererar När jag är på dansgolvet jag attackerar Klyver ved med en hand sätter hjärtan i brand Ta hit ett släp så ska jag visa vad jag kan
Vad jag kan ooooh Ta hit ett släp så ska jag visa vad jag kan Satan vad grym jag är på att sjunga hooja
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