raeathnos · 1 year
#I’m realizing in hindsight that my k/anohi + k/rana + k/raata are also missing#I don’t care about the latter but the former is a bit upsetting#I thankfully didn’t have that many so it’s not a big loss#but I did have a vahi which I’m sure has shot up in price :/#guess I’m gonna try one last time to see if I can find the stuff#there are still four sets missing too#while that’s not terrible and it’s way less than than I originally thought it’s still kind of a bummer#but since we’re pushing househunting back it’ll at least be easy to use the little bit of spending I give myself each paycheck to get it bag#I never did have a lot of masks and I always planned on finishing that#ah well#technically I have plenty of time- most of this is gonna wait till after vacation#but I told my husband about it so on Saturday we’re going to two local bazaars that have Lego stands to see if I can replace any#one has a ton of bionicle and the other I know has lego so#hopefully I find some stuff and it’s not as much as what it is online#mad about the whole thing still kinda#said something to my parents about it and my dad made a funny face and he has a terrible poker face#knowing him he probably saw the stuff and thought I forgot it and stuck it in the bin of stuff I sold#thinking it was also stuff to be sold when it was not#why do they always have to touch my shit 🙃#alternatively the good news is I did find that special mask holder they gave out at toys r us when bionicle first released#just I didn’t have them in there- I had them in better storage so they wouldn’t break#welp it all kinda sucks but I’m still glad I discovered this now#because im poor but I do have spending money#vs after buying a house when money will really be tight#husband is excited to go to the bazaars cause he collects power rangers stuff and he’s found stuff at these places before so I mean#so here’s hoping both of us find what we’re looking for
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444namesplus · 1 month
Aacao Aca Acai Ada Adaelaola Adaifaxa Ae Afa Afaota Agaiyaa Ahaioca Aisa Aiu Aja Alau Ama Amaana Amai Ana Anai Ara Aracao Asa Ata Ataoraora Ava Axao Ayatae Baa Bada Baena Bafacauka Bahaaetaa Baie Baisaraara Baitadadaanau Baitara Bala Balaa Bama Bamae Bana Baona Baoora Baoyaama Barava Batae Baufa Bausae Bawau Caa Caaha Caai Cacapa Cada Cadana Caeda Caega Caei Caelamao Caetaza Caevai Caevala Cafa Cafae Cafasata Cagaorae Cahao Cahaula Cai Cairawa Caiupao Caiwana Caixa Cakao Camava Canapai Canata Caopae Caoza Casa Casaowa Catafa Catanacae Cauyae Cava Da Daa Daakae Daasarai Daawasa Daba Daca Dacaraa Daecaewaa Daejaeja Daerafa Daeta Daetafa Daewau Dafau Daga Daijaoyauyaa Dainalaeba Daitahaka Daivagau Daka Dalae Dalatae Dalaua Danaa Danakaiha Danautata Daopaii Daora Daqae Dataeradara Datavaiudai Dausaotae Dawa Daxaraa Daxasa Daza Dazaa Ea Ecaola Edai Ee Efaa Efaraae Ega Eha Ehaasarahau Ehalaudaxaa Ehama Ei Eiyaola Ela Ena Enaisalatae Epa Era Eraoyaega Esa Esabaza Esaoyao Eta Etahaa Etau Euada Eukabapa Exa Eza Fa Faa Faaha Faakaaa Faanaa Faasa Faata Faataeo Facau Faecaujaatara Faewa Fafa Fagaka Fai Faibaaqa Faii Faja Falawa Famae Fanaa Faohae Faohau Faoii Faova Faqa Farau Fau Fauca Fauqaqa Favau Fawakao Gaa Gaae Gaagacafaeha Gaao Gaaoda Gaapa Gacai Gacasafa Gae Gaeha Gaenaoae Gagava Gahaga Gai Gaiwa Gakao Galaa Galaca Gana Gao Gaosaja Gaouetaomai Garaonaa Gasaebana Gau Gauga Gaunaha Gavaagadaosa Gawairauranai Gazafahau Haaetata Haafa Haafaiya Haajauqau Haaraada Haata Haba Habae Haca Hadai Hae Haeda Haelaiora Haesauzae Haewatanai Haeza Hafa Hagaifafaa Haha Hahaa Hahamao Hai Haicasa Haidau Haihanao Haizasa Hajae Hala Hama Hamao Hanaa Hanabasaha Hao Haofaeza Haomai Haoo Haoya Hapai Haqaacabai Harayaoya Hasa Hasaeqa Hasalaadai Hasau Hata Hataafaa Hatacaopai Hatae Hatahaakasai Hatamae Hau Haua Hauya Havavahai Hawaenai Hawaewamae Icaawaata Icasazaue Icau Idaa Ie Ieca Ifa Ifana Igao Ihadaoo Ihao Ihasausa Ika Ikauoxa Ila Ilaxa Inae Inai Inao Io Ipa Ira Isaawaohae Itaodahai Iwa Iwao Iza
Jaacao Jaaxaa Jaca Jae Jaehae Jafa Jahalau Jaida Jaiha Jaihaka Jaimau Jaka Janai Jaocaabao Japao Jaupao Java Jawaoafao Kaa Kaedasa Kaesaa Kaexa Kaha Kaifaga Kaiwae Kalanamaisa Kaohae Kaqacakata Karau Kasao Katawasaba Kau Kauhaeyacaizao Kayaaqa Laabanao Laahadaenai Laarawa Laasapae Laba Lacanaunarao Ladaana Lae Laefa Laena Laepaa Laesaja Laeta Laeu Lafa Lafaelau Laha Lahasa Lahasai Lai Laita Laiyai Laka Lala Lalao Lanaalaai Laola Laorajae Laou Lapaa Laqa Lara Laraofasa Lasa Lata Laubae Laucahaa Lauwae Lauxaetaya Laxaa Layaa Layae Lazaa Lazao Maadahaa Maaha Maarao Maca Macahafaa Macaiqa Macanamao Madau Mae Maeca Maee Maesaha Maeta Mafa Mafanaraa Maha Maieu Maijanasae Maiva Makaihairafa Malau Mama Mana Maoga Maolae Maonaiha Mapaafa Masa Masau Matau Mau Mauhasamae Mauna Maupajadasa Mausanaeca Mautada Maya Mayahajafa Naacaxa Naafataazara Naai Naata Naatai Naataqa Naausa Nacaumada Nadana Nadao Nadausae Naeca Naeha Naejabai Naelao Naeo Naetaazahaa Nafaca Nafaena Naha Nai Naia Naigao Naiha Naihara Nainaha Najafa Najai Naka Nala Nalao Nalataotaesa Nama Namamaatatai Nana Nanaiqala Nanauka Naohae Naolajasaafa Naolawaaha Napa Napaa Napaoooa Napasa Naqai Nasaa Nasae Nata Nataoca Naudayada Nauhae Naunaca Naupa Nauraoo Nausae Nawaiha Nawatae Nawaya Nayao Oata Obaa Obao Ocasai Oe Oeca Ogau Oja Olalasau Onae Onaotaogai Onau Ooama Oolahau Opa Opai Oraa Ota Otau Ou Paagau Paai Pacao Padaja Paehara Pafaosa Pagairanau Paha Paiqaena Paira Paitasau Palaa Pamaidao Panaba Panaisahaocaa Paojai Pataeha Paudaa Pawa Paxao Payaxaa Qaaca Qaanai Qaara Qaatada Qacaaga Qacacara Qae Qaecara Qaehabapau Qaeyataa Qahaacae Qairaasa Qarao Qasahauo Qasasaa Qata Qauha Qaunaeraehaha Qavaena Raa Raaidapai Raarafanahae Raatae Raaubai Raawawaukaura Raazai Raba Rabafada Raca Racahahaa Racataa Radaevajaja Radaya Rae Raeasaisae Raeda Raefarapa Raeta Raga Ragahanau Ragawa Rahaagacaufae Rahayacaona Raima Rairaetama Rairaranaidaa Raka Rakai Rakaio Rala Rana Ranaa Ranahao Ranao Ranau Rao Raoau Raolafae Raolalasaa Raoma Raona Raoraeyaa Raorai Raosa Raosaecata Raotaaae Raotarala Rapaea Rapataowa Rara Rasaraca Rasau Rau Rauca Rauwabai Rauxa Rauxara Saaca Saafaa Saajanairao Saamaa Saataabaiejau Saataimao Saavaja Saayatao Sabao Saca Sacaa Sada Sadaa Sadadaha Sae Saenaeca Saenaosao Saeta Saewa Saexae Saeyamai Saha Sahaa Sai Saifa Saizai Saja Saka Sala Sama Samaotai Samasara Sao Sara Sarae Sarai Sasabaana Sasaesa Satau Sauita Saumaa Saupa Sava Savaira Saya Taadai Taaraaqa Taasahau Taata Taavaotabasai Taba Taca Tacainao Tadaefasaojai Taea Taeja Taeo Taeoyaetao Taetaomaa Tafa Tafaraoyara Taga Tagaa Tagata Tagatapawao Tagauta Taha Tahaaya Tahae Taie Taiidaha Tairai Taisao Taitaqara Takae Talao Talava Tamarao Tamatao Tana Tanae Tanao Taoma Taoo Taota Taowau Tapa Tapairausa Taqa Taqaa Taqatau Tasa Tasagaa Tata Tatacaaa Tatagau Tatai Tatao Tatara Tatasao Tauda Taugao Taukana Tauotaoi Tauradaraaca Tavadaora Tawa Taya Tayata Taza Ubarae Uda Ueqae Ufaonao Uha Uhae Uhao Uhau Uiibai Una Unamaabao Uqaapasa Uqao Uraa Uraacaevaira Urau Uta Utasa Uwai Uwaira Va Vaafa Vaapafara Vabao Vaca Vadaxaonaa Vaesaa Vagai Vaiaganae Vama Vanaeenaotau Vaqa Vasaija Vataawa Vaumaama Vaumataica Vayaxaoha Vazawatai Waa Waai Waasa Waca Wada Waelala Waerae Waewaa Wagau Waha Waiba Waizai Waka Wakaeorai Wakao Wala Walaohau Wama Wamapao Waosa Waozai Wara Wasaitai Wataota Wau Waumanae Wauna Wauwana Waxae Waya Waza Wazau Xaasanao Xaayafaota Xaba Xadapazaca Xae Xaehau Xaesa Xaeva Xao Xaolau Xaraanaenai Xasa Xataenaragaa Xaucala Xava Xayasae Yaa Yaadaca Yaafa Yaafaamaepa Yaawacaukau Yabaonau Yadaawasacaa Yaejanai Yaelae Yaemaaka Yaepawawana Yainajaia Yainaya Yaipa Yaisao Yalahatapa Yamaramai Yanadada Yananama Yananata Yaowau Yapafara Yaqa Yasa Yasaara Yausauwaeu Yauwaahaiga Yava Yazai Yazaopa Zaaga Zacana Zahao Zahaxae Zamaxa Zaohai Zapa Zara Zaraiusau Zaudae
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al3x-y · 6 months
Fala p mim oq vc é🤬 eu sou uma rata senhoraa🤧🤧 e sabe oq a rata vai fazer agr?😈 oq senhora?😭😭 vai me carregar😜😜
Fala pra mim oq vc éééé😩😩 eu sou uuma raata senhoooora😔e sabe oq q a rarafa vai fazer agooraaa? 🤭 ûkí senhooraa?🥺 vai me carregaaaaaarr🥰sua raataaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa😂
(Versão gospel pq ss
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desirockproduction · 10 months
Audio Streaming Platforms For  Success
Audio Streaming Platforms For  Success Song : https://bfan.link/success-7
Success (Full Video) | KD DESIROCK | New Latest Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2023 | HHH - Hip Hop Haryana Desi Rock Presenting Success (Full Video) By "KD DESIROCK" a New Latest Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2023. Sung, Lyrics & Composed By "KD DESIROCK" and Music given By Ghanu Music. Music Label by Desi Rock. Enjoy and Stay Tuned! Song:
Success (Full Video) EP: HHH - Hip Hop Haryana
Composed By: KD DESIROCK
INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/kd.desirock/
FB - https://www.facebook.com/desirockkd
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/kddesirock
MANAGEMENT- +91 - 8607152001
Music : Ghanu Music
Mix Master : D Chandu
Director : Raw Eye Bunty
Manager : Ajay Lonia
Design : Pratyush Grewal & Vishal Gupta
Producer : Ram Godikan and Kanhhaiya Verma
Label/Copyright : Desi Rock
#Success #KDDESIROCK #MotivationalSong
Lyrics -
Wo Neele Chatri aala r Kholega aape Taala rr Tu karam kare ja Sharam na kar Na Bhitar Rakhe kaala rr Jaagte pe puch liyo Puch liyo suute pe Hona success khud ke Hi Bal Buute pe Kaache Hain kaatne r Talwe nahi Chaatne Pheriyo na jeeb kise Saale ke jute pe Jaagte pe puch liyo Puch liyo suute pe Jinne kamyaab hona wo aaram koni karda Kise ne Blame Badnaam koni Karda Mehnat ka time pe paat ja s titar r Pher nyu kehve ki Gela Kaam Koni Karda Maan liya Jaameya tu maade halata mein Ke fayada je aache Haalat na Banave Maara Garebi ne aur Badnaseebi ne Chod de yeh bahane Baat na Banave Hausle je dekhne toh dekh jaake border pe Baithi s Maut mhare Shera k Shoulder pe Ho ja r Panga Chum k Trianga Tan ja Jawana ki Chati ya Order pe Fojiyaan ki Topa mein gole bhare Jyukar badala ki chati mein Ole bahre Je bharna s bhitar mein bhar lu junoon Koi kaam ke nahi sola inch Dole Bhare Wo Neele Chatri aala r Kholega aape Taala rr Tu karam kare ja Sharam na kar Na Bhitar Rakhe kaala rr Taine bera toh Hain Bete r Tere bhitar kitni hain Taine bera toh Hain Bete r Tere sapna ki k Kimat hain Taine bera toh Hain Ghor andheri Raat ke baad Savera Hain Taine bera toh Hain Bawali buch Kya ki tension le rahya hain Taine bera toh Hain Sab baata ka Tere maade se Hallata ka Teri punji ka tere Khata ka Tere saare Chakar vaata ka Teri feel tere Jazbaata ka Tere Rishte ka tere Naata ka Tere Baapu ka Teri Maata ka Jo Sapna Aadhi Raata Ka Wo mehnat gelya Pura Karna Naksha dekhe haatha ka Bhul jaa Hatheliyaan ki saari Ye Lakeere Bhai Aape hain banai Taine Teri Taqdeer bhai Tukke Nahi Chalane r Chalane taine teer Bhai Kaam gelya bairiyaan ke Kalje ne cheer bhai Wo Neele Chatri aala r Kholega aape Taala rr Tu karam kare ja Sharam na kar Na Bhitar Rakhe kaala rr
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Thanks, Everyone for Watching Our New Latest Most Popular Music Video 2023. If you like This Song then SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel With Press Bell Icon to get New Latest Most Popular Superhit Songs in 2023. Success (Full Video) | KD Desi Rock | New Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2022 | HHH - Hip Hop Haryana | Haryanvi Gane Video | Haryanvi Latest Song | Haraynvi Latest Songs 2023 | Haryanvi Motivational Songs Haryanavi | Haryanvi Motivational Songs | Kd Rap Song | Latest Haryanvi Songs | Popular Haryanvi Song | Trending Haryanvi Song 2023 | Kd New Songs 2023 | Haryanvi Songs | Haryanvi Gane | Haryanvi Gaane | Latest Haryanvi Gane | New Haryanvi Gaane | Haryanvi New Song | Haryanvi New Songs | Haryanvi New Song 2023 | Haryanvi New Songs 2023 | New Haryanvi | Latest Haryanvi | Kd Rap | Kd Song | Kd New Rap Song | Kd New Rap Songs | Kd All Rap Song | Haryanvi Rap song | Haryanvi Latest Rap Song | Haryanvi New Rap Song | Haryanvi New Rap Song 2023
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lyrics2world · 2 years
Todh Lyrics - Prince Narula | Munawar
Todh Lyrics – Prince Narula | Munawar
Todh Lyrics by Prince Narula, Munawar is the latest Punjabsi song with music also given by Rony Ajnali, Gill Machhrai.Todh song lyrics written by Rony Ajnali, Gill Machhrai. Todh Song Details Song: Todh Singer: Prince Narula, Munawar Lyrics: Rony Ajnali, Gill Machhrai Music: Jaymeet Todh Lyrics Kaaliya raata nu jadon chann chamke Gaani teri de ni jadon chubde ne manke Mera mere utte ohdo…
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telopath · 3 years
Much ✊🏿 for the invite @o2udor and the love @gyldas @yandollar @masteryen_ and most importantly 🙏🏿 Mis Shiloh Grace for recovering today and @junglejezus1 for the 🎥 footage and support! . . . #telos🌎 #telopathtv #realyaadmantv #reggae #hiphop #fusion #raata #rebel #myjamaicansoul #nowornever #timeisnow #explorepage✨ (at Gees 4400 Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRdgGFLBIkZ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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metal-patches-vinyl · 4 years
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ALBUMS OF THE WEEK! These are the albums that got the most plays out of me during the last seven days. The winner here was Transilvania’s The Night of Nights. This is Austrian blackened heavy metal. This thing has so many great memorable moments and riffs. I just want to play it repeatedly when I’m in the mood for this kind of music. This pairs well with bands like Cloak, All Hell, Slaegt, and Tribulation. Other notable entries include some albums that I ordered at various times in 2020 from Europe, all of which happened to show up at once this week (the COVID delays are insane!): Malokarpatan, Olhava, and Ettinskjalf. Additionally, I can’t stop blasting Spectral Wound since I recently discovered it, and I’m for sure hopping on the preorder for the new album that is going live on Monday morning. Don’t miss it, but kindly wait until I’ve ordered the most limited edition before placing your order.😉 Finally, some old staples reemerged for some well deserved love and attention: Minenwerfer, Cannabis Corpse, and Raate. 
 1. Transilvania - The Night of Nights
 2. Minenwerfer - Verloben Erinnerung
 3. Transilvania - Of Sleep and Death (2021)
 4. Ettinskjalf - Intramental
 5. Spectral Wound - Infernal Decedance
 6. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland
 7. Cannabis Corpse - From Wisdom to Baked
 8. Olhava - Ladoga
 9. Raate - Menetyksen Tie
 What was on your list this week?
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raatainstitute-blog · 5 years
Become a Cabin Crew and earn Big for next 20 years with ‘Guaranteed Placements’
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The idea of flying across the world every next day or month and getting paid for the same is enough to choose a cabin crew career. Traveling the world has always been a dream for many youngsters nowadays and guess what; unlike before we have courses and a professional job which helps you get paid for that. Cabin Crew is one of them, it is not only a happening job but also let you explore in so many segments and streams in its own way. International travels have been a dream to explore for each person and when you get to travel and work both at the same time; isn’t that the best?   
 Back in the days:
 Previously, CA, CS, Doctor, MBA, etc were the only options but now students get opportunities to work on their passion and make that as a full-time job which they can enjoy. Jobs in Aviation Industry have been on a peak for a while now because this is the industry that is definitely going to run for a long time. People are definitely going to travel either for work or vacations whole their life, so isn’t this the best field if you have the interest already! There are so many airlines that keep on hiring candidates for the cabin crew with the increasing number of flights to be it domestic or international.
 Life of an Air hostess or cabin crew is not that easy as they have to be always alert and be ready for the call. Grooming plays a very important and major role in their work lives. One cannot just wake up, wear formals or casuals and leave for the work as they do incorporate or any other sector. E­­ach and every airline has its own uniforms and a few etiquettes that the employees need to follow.
Not only the uniforms but also the makeup brand is very specific for grooming in terms of the cabin crew. Each and every crew member should have a similar tone of makeup and hairstyle. Flights could be of any time during the day or night and a cabin crew is supposed to be in the same condition during the whole flight. Jet lags are a major issue which a lot of them face during international flights but as they say, each job has its own part and parcel.
 There are certain eligibility criteria like the girls and boys should be below 25 years if they want to be a part of the cabin crew industry. Though, it depends on airlines to airlines for the criteria again. Height should be minimum 5’5 for girls and 5’9 for boys and the weight should be proportionate to the height. The eyesight of a person should be 20/30 minimum for a better vision. Usually, airlines avoid opting for candidates with contact lenses. Education is quite basic like and HSC or diploma graduate can get through it easily but again it depends on airlines to airlines.
 Communication is the key:
 Communication skills and personality plays a very important role because that is what it's all about. Knowing different country languages is always a plus and chances of getting into international flights become higher. Coming to the salary package; the range and average usually depend on your skills and experience. For a fresher, the average salary is up to Rs.75000 per month which has other perks,financial and meal benefits as well. Highest among all the airlines, Emirates is the dream company for everyone which is very well known for its luxury and the benefits they give to their employees are something which anyone would fall for.
 Let us discuss the best aviation courses in Mumbai which has a major focus on cabin crew courses. RAATA is very well known for the best training institute and the only one which gives a 100% job guarantee to all of their students. They also provide International internship with Emirates, isn’t that happening?
  RAATA has been one of the topmost cabin crew training institute based out in Kurla as their headquarters and Andheri being the branch of the same. Job guarantee in the Aviation Industry is not always confirmed but here at the Royal Air Aviation Training Academy, you get it assured. You learn and explore so that you land up in the best dream job that you desired right!
Courses available:
 Similarly, not only the Cabin crew, but RAATA also provides courses for Hospitality, Ground Handling, and Travel Management as well. It provides exclusive cabin crew training to candidates for the most glamorous profession in the aviation industry. Mumbai is a city of dreams and there are many students who come to Mumbai just for education and work. RAATA is one of the top air hostess training institutes in Mumbai and provides the best courses with a reasonable fee structure.
 Job Assistance:
 Royal Air aims to provide quality training, timely assistance, and guidance to the students thereby ensuring a bright future ahead. Innovation is the key to excel in each sector and RAATA based in Mumbai makes sure that the teaching factors and mentors are the best to guide each student. They are associated with topmost brands in the aviation and hotel industry which are ibis, go air, indigo, Oman Air, JW Marriott, The Lalit, Vistara, Spice Jet, Air India and many more. So that the students get the best placement and packages once they are trained. Also, makes them super ready to fly to pursue their dream career.
As said each stream comes with its own pros and cons so cabin crew has its own. The initial glamour and happiness might wear off soon once it becomes hectic for you. The work is not easy as it seems because you have to be on your feet all the while and mentally stable and patient for the same. You might have to give up on the social life because of the workdays and timings but guess what in the end it is all worth it. But you do not need to worry as RAATA will train you for the best and worst!
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mann-ki-baat · 7 years
aaj unhi ke raaston se guzra, paththar ke saath sath unke hazaro joothe vaadhe bikhre pade the.
tuta dil 💔
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djsongsdotorg · 4 years
Tere Karke Raata Nu Ringtone Song Download Mp3 Music
Tere Karke Raata Nu Ringtone Song Download Mp3 Music
DJSONGS DOWNLOAD Download Now Google Tags :Tere Karke Raata Nu Ringtone Song Download Mp3 Music
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diluk sakoon kati chum roumut?
so omeed, beyi dilchaspi kati chum roumut?
shayad yi sorui temsund dean osum
su mae dildar kati chum roumut?
osus yemis seeth wuchan nab raatas
tarkan manz chus cxandan kati chum roumut
zindagi hend khawab wuchan osus temiseeth
so ruz ne zindagi manz, chus bette roumut
lekhan chus hang te mang umeed saan so yi wapas
koota leekhe, chum aechan hund gaash taam roumut
- a
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aadyeah · 4 years
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desirockproduction · 10 months
Success (Full Video) | KD DESIROCK
Success (Full Video) | KD DESIROCK | New Latest Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2023 | HHH - Hip Hop Haryana Desi Rock Presenting Success (Full Video) By "KD DESIROCK a New Latest Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2023. Sung, Lyrics & Composed By "KD DESIROCK" and Music given By Ghanu Music. Music Label by Desi Rock. Enjoy and Stay Tuned! Song: Success (Full Video) EP: HHH - Hip Hop Haryana Singer: KD DESIROCK Lyrics: KD DESIROCK Rapper: KD DESIROCK Composed By: KD DESIROCK INSTA - https://www.instagram.com/kd.desirock/ FB - https://www.facebook.com/desirockkd TWITTER - https://twitter.com/kddesirock MANAGEMENT- +91 - 8607152001 Music : Ghanu Music Mix Master : D Chandu Director : Raw Eye Bunty Manager : Ajay Lonia Design : Pratyush Grewal & Vishal Gupta Online/Digital Promotion : Navi Baadliwal Producer : Ram Godikan and Kanhhaiya Verma Label/Copyright : Desi Rock #Success #KDDESIROCK #MotivationalSong Lyrics - Wo Neele Chatri aala r Kholega aape Taala rr Tu karam kare ja Sharam na kar Na Bhitar Rakhe kaala rr Jaagte pe puch liyo Puch liyo suute pe Hona success khud ke Hi Bal Buute pe Kaache Hain kaatne r Talwe nahi Chaatne Pheriyo na jeeb kise Saale ke jute pe Jaagte pe puch liyo Puch liyo suute pe Jinne kamyaab hona wo aaram koni karda Kise ne Blame Badnaam koni Karda Mehnat ka time pe paat ja s titar r Pher nyu kehve ki Gela Kaam Koni Karda Maan liya Jaameya tu maade halata mein Ke fayada je aache Haalat na Banave Maara Garebi ne aur Badnaseebi ne Chod de yeh bahane Baat na Banave Hausle je dekhne toh dekh jaake border pe Baithi s Maut mhare Shera k Shoulder pe Ho ja r Panga Chum k Trianga Tan ja Jawana ki Chati ya Order pe Fojiyaan ki Topa mein gole bhare Jyukar badala ki chati mein Ole bahre Je bharna s bhitar mein bhar lu junoon Koi kaam ke nahi sola inch Dole Bhare Wo Neele Chatri aala r Kholega aape Taala rr Tu karam kare ja Sharam na kar Na Bhitar Rakhe kaala rr Taine bera toh Hain Bete r Tere bhitar kitni hain Taine bera toh Hain Bete r Tere sapna ki k Kimat hain Taine bera toh Hain Ghor andheri Raat ke baad Savera Hain Taine bera toh Hain Bawali buch Kya ki tension le rahya hain Taine bera toh Hain Sab baata ka Tere maade se Hallata ka Teri punji ka tere Khata ka Tere saare Chakar vaata ka Teri feel tere Jazbaata ka Tere Rishte ka tere Naata ka Tere Baapu ka Teri Maata ka Jo Sapna Aadhi Raata Ka Wo mehnat gelya Pura Karna Naksha dekhe haatha ka Bhul jaa Hatheliyaan ki saari Ye Lakeere Bhai Aape hain banai Taine Teri Taqdeer bhai Tukke Nahi Chalane r Chalane taine teer Bhai Kaam gelya bairiyaan ke Kalje ne cheer bhai Wo Neele Chatri aala r Kholega aape Taala rr Tu karam kare ja Sharam na kar Na Bhitar Rakhe kaala rr Enjoy & stay connected with us! ► Subscribe to Our Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/DesiRock ► Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/DesiRockOfficial/ ► Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/desirockmusic ► Visit our Website http://desirockmusic.com ► Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/desirockofficial/ Thanks, Everyone for Watching Our New Latest Most Popular Music Video 2023. If you like This Song then SUBSCRIBE to Our Channel With Press Bell Icon to get New Latest Most Popular Superhit Songs in 2023. Success (Full Video) | KD Desi Rock | New Haryanvi Songs Haryanavi 2022 | HHH - Hip Hop Haryana | Haryanvi Gane Video | Haryanvi Latest Song | Haraynvi Latest Songs 2023 | Haryanvi Motivational Songs Haryanavi | Haryanvi Motivational Songs | Kd Rap Song | Latest Haryanvi Songs | Popular Haryanvi Song | Trending Haryanvi Song 2023 | Kd New Songs 2023 | Haryanvi Songs | Haryanvi Gane | Haryanvi Gaane | Latest Haryanvi Gane | New Haryanvi Gaane | Haryanvi New Song | Haryanvi New Songs | Haryanvi New Song 2023 | Haryanvi New Songs 2023 | New Haryanvi | Latest Haryanvi | Kd Rap | Kd Song | Kd New Rap Song | Kd New Rap Songs | Kd All Rap Song | Haryanvi Rap song | Haryanvi Latest Rap Song | Haryanvi New Rap Song | Haryanvi New Rap Song 2023
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gharingurbani-blog · 6 years
GURU'S HUKAMNAMA 9th January 2019
The Hukamnama is in Ghar 1 because Guru Sahib has mentioned Ghar 1 on the preceding sabad at SGGS 595. 
As per concept of Ghar 1, each sentence (tuk) shall contain three or more ghars. 
Let's find the ghars and read the hukamnama in accordance with concept of Ghar.
The ghars in tuks have been earmarked by commas as under;
ਸੋਰਠਿ ਮਃ ੧ ਚਉਤੁਕੇ ॥ (ਅੰਗ ੫੯੬)
ਮਾਇ ਬਾਪ ਕੋ, ਬੇਟਾ ਨੀਕਾ, ਸਸੁਰੈ, ਚਤੁਰੁ ਜਵਾਈ ॥
Maae Baap Ko Baettaa Neekaa Sasurai Chathur Javaaee ||
The son is dear to his mother and father; he is the wise son-in-law to his father-in-law.
ਬਾਲ ਕੰਨਿਆ ਕੌ, ਬਾਪੁ ਪਿਆਰਾ, ਭਾਈ ਕੌ, ਅਤਿ ਭਾਈ ॥
Baal Kanniaa Ka Baap Piaaraa Bhaaee Ka Ath Bhaaee ||
The father is dear to his son and daughter, and the brother is very dear to his brother.
ਹੁਕਮੁ ਭਇਆ, ਬਾਹਰੁ ਘਰੁ ਛੋਡਿਆ, ਖਿਨ ਮਹਿ ਭਈ ਪਰਾਈ ॥
Hukam Bhaeiaa Baahar Ghar Shhoddiaa Khin Mehi Bhee Paraaee ||
By the Order of the Lord's Command, he leaves his house and goes outside, and in an instant, everything becomes alien to him.
ਨਾਮੁ ਦਾਨੁ ਇਸਨਾਨੁ ਨ, ਮਨਮੁਖਿ, ਤਿਤੁ ਤਨਿ ਧੂੜਿ ਧੁਮਾਈ ॥੧॥
Naam Dhaan Eisanaan N Manamukh Thith Than Dhhoorr Dhhumaaee ||1||
The self-willed manmukh does not remember the Name of the Lord, does not give in charity, and does not cleanse his consciousness; his body rolls in the dust. ||1||
As per concept of Ghar, the Rahao pada is not in the Ghar of that of all other padas of the Sabad. Accordingly, the Rahao pada of this sabad is in Ghar 2, wherein, there are two ghars in each tuk of Rahao pada as under;
ਮਨੁ ਮਾਨਿਆ, ਨਾਮੁ ਸਖਾਈ ॥
Man Maaniaa Naam Sakhaaee ||
The mind is comforted by the Comforter of the Naam.
Raag Sorath Guru Nanak Dev
ਪਾਇ ਪਰਉ ਗੁਰ ਕੈ ਬਲਿਹਾਰੈ, ਜਿਨਿ ਸਾਚੀ ਬੂਝ ਬੁਝਾਈ ॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥
Paae Paro Gur Kai Balihaarai Jin Saachee Boojh Bujhaaee || Rahao ||
I surrender my thoughts before the Guru by whom I am swayed, and who has shown me the path of righteousness. ||Rahao||
Other than Rahao pada, all other padas are in Ghar 1, thus contain three ghars as under;
ਜਗ ਸਿਉ ਝੂਠ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ, ਮਨੁ ਬੇਧਿਆ, ਜਨ ਸਿਉ ਵਾਦੁ ਰਚਾਈ ॥
Jag Sio Jhooth Preeth Man Baedhhiaa Jan Sio Vaadh Rachaaee ||
The mind is impressed with the false love of the world; he quarrels with the Lord's humble servant.
ਮਾਇਆ ਮਗਨੁ ਅਹਿਨਿਸਿ ਮਗੁ ਜੋਹੈ, ਨਾਮੁ ਨ ਲੇਵੈ, ਮਰੈ ਬਿਖੁ ਖਾਈ ॥
Maaeiaa Magan Ahinis Mag Johai Naam N Laevai Marai Bikh Khaaee ||
Infatuated with worldly attractions, day and night, he sees only the worldly path; he does not meditate, poisoned by worldly sins, he is rendered dead, spiritually.
ਗੰਧਣ ਵੈਣਿ ਰਤਾ, ਹਿਤਕਾਰੀ, ਸਬਦੈ ਸੁਰਤਿ ਨ ਆਈ ॥
Gandhhan Vain Rathaa Hithakaaree Sabadhai Surath N Aaee ||
He is imbued in vicious talking, and vicious thoughts is what he likes. He is least aware of the Sabad.
ਰੰਗਿ ਨ ਰਾਤਾ, ਰਸਿ ਨਹੀ ਬੇਧਿਆ, ਮਨਮੁਖਿ, ਪਤਿ ਗਵਾਈ ॥੨॥
Rang N Raata Ras Nehee Baedhhiaa Manamukh Patt Gavaaee ||2||
He is not imbued with the Lord's Love, and he has not tasted the nectar of Sabad; remaining self-willed, he loses his honor. ||2||
ਸਾਧ ਸਭਾ ਮਹਿ, ਸਹਜੁ ਨ ਚਾਖਿਆ, ਜਿਹਬਾ ਰਸੁ ਨਹੀ ਰਾਈ ॥
Saadhh Sabhaa Mehi Sehaj N Chaakhiaa Jihabaa Ras Nehee Raaee ||
He has never enjoyed the celestial peace, that in the Company of the Holy sadh sangat, and there is not a bit of sweetness on his tongue.
ਮਨੁ ਤਨੁ ਧਨੁ, ਅਪੁਨਾ ਕਰਿ ਜਾਨਿਆ, ਦਰ ਕੀ ਖਬਰਿ ਨ ਪਾਈ ॥
Man Than Dhhan Apunaa Kar Jaaniaa Dhar Kee Khabar N Paaee ||
The mind, the body and the wealth, he assumed to own; he did not get acquainted with the Court of Lord.
ਅਖੀ ਮੀਟਿ, ਚਲਿਆ ਅੰਧਿਆਰਾ, ਘਰੁ ਦਰੁ ਦਿਸੈ ਨ ਭਾਈ ॥
Akhee Meett Chaliaa Andhhiaaraa Ghar Dhar Dhisai N Bhaaee ||
Consequent to his closing his eyes, darkness is abound around him, rendering him unable to locate his door to home, O Siblings of Destiny.
ਜਮ ਦਰਿ ਬਾਧਾ, ਠਉਰ ਨ ਪਾਵੈ, ਅਪੁਨਾ ਕੀਆ ਕਮਾਈ ॥੩॥
Jam Dhar Baadhhaa Thour N Paavai Apunaa Keeaa Kamaaee ||3||
Finally caught by death, he finds no solace. He, thence begets what he deserved . ||3||
ਨਦਰਿ ਕਰੇ ਤਾ ਅਖੀ ਵੇਖਾ, ਕਹਣਾ, ਕਥਨੁ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥
Nadhar Karae Thaa Akhee Vaekhaa Kehanaa Kathhan N Jaaee ||
If the Lord casts His Glance of Grace, then I shall see Him myself. And if I have to describe Him (without actually seeing Him), He is indescribable.
ਕੰਨੀ ਸੁਣਿ ਸੁਣਿ, ਸਬਦਿ ਸਲਾਹੀ, ਅੰਮ੍ਰਿਤੁ ਰਿਦੈ ਵਸਾਈ ॥
Kannee Sun Sun Sabadh Salaahee Anmrith Ridhai Vasaaee ||
I can endeavor to praise him, whence I continue to hear His praises, while I shall retain His Ambrosial nectar in my heart.
ਨਿਰਭਉ, ਨਿਰੰਕਾਰੁ, ਨਿਰਵੈਰੁ, ਪੂਰਨ ਜੋਤਿ ਸਮਾਈ ॥
Nirabho Nirankaar Niravair Pooran Joth Samaaee ||
He is Fearless, Formless and absolutely without vengeance; I am absorbed in His Perfect Light.
ਨਾਨਕ, ਗੁਰ ਵਿਣੁ ਭਰਮੁ ਨ ਭਾਗੈ, ਸਚਿ ਨਾਮਿ ਵਡਿਆਈ ॥੪॥੩॥
Naanak Gur Vin Bharam N Bhaagai Sach Naam Vaddiaaee ||4||3||
O Nanak, without the Guru, doubt is not dispelled; and by submerging in ever existent Name, one is blessed with glorification. ||4||3||
Although there are three (or more) ghars in each tuk of the above sabad, yet, being in Ghar 1, each tuk be read as one with equal (and minimal) pauses among ghars in tuks to keep the Gurmat message of Ghar 1 intact.
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deinheilpraktiker · 2 years
#raata lamiya lambiya#jubinnautiyal #Abs dance and fitness#music #
#raata lamiya lambiya#jubinnautiyal #Abs dance and fitness#music #
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