rabioa · 1 month
What do you think Vox would smell like?
I need to know for research(writing) purposes.
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yume-fanfare · 2 months
but i wanted a fine event sooooonnnnnnnn wahhhhhh
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lycanthian · 1 year
you know i made this at least a month ago and completely forgot to post it here. crazy b edit be upon ye
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mechanicalanakal · 10 months
Okay, I have this thing with your works, both written and drawn, that are SUPER relaxing for me
I don't self-harm, I wasn't a victim of any type of violence or anything, but I find angst fics in general relaxing
Idk It's this weird thing that's relaxing and intriguing to me the ability you have to leave me with goosebumps with a few sentences
I'm literally a rabid dog while I write because I don't know how to express my weird0 a$s well
one doesn't have to be a survivor of anything traumatic to find comfort in artwork. i'm happy to hear my work makes you feel that way. thank you. :'D
don't worry, i have a hard time expressing myself as well. <:3 it's taken me years just to get to this point. don't lose hope! create whatever however you want, do what makes you happy. i promise, you will get there.
thank you so much for sending this ask! i hope you have a wonderful day, anon <3
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klug · 11 months
sometimes. being cringe is good.
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i feel like this has officially become a jujutsu kaisen blog.
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neolxzr · 2 years
i lov playing sunlit smile bc its aira and nazuna on my yellow team and they just look like theyre having so much fun up there
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aureiki · 1 year
I should definitely post more bread pudding stuff (<- aiki is their number one fan) (probably not) (let me live)
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dumbsack · 2 years
Warning: I like to doodle on my phone even though I'm not really good at it. Also, this post is gonna be about some dumb Rabite OC, so... Uh... Yeah.
It's almost been a year since I (well, pop, too) made up some ridiculously adorable Rabite OC for Duran and Angela to share as a pet/son and kickstart their """""secret""""" relationship. It was a rough month, so writing about an adorable little critter (and writing my otp doing cute autumn things and making out in a pile of leaves) helped things feel a little better.
so, here are some misc doodles from the past year or so I did while me and pop shaped this little sweer potato into... Something. A character?
Cider was kind of an accident. While writing Fall I was like "oh heck, pop, dude, I want something to interrupt them when they're making out, otherwise I'm gonna have to write smut and I'm not ready for that level of commitment yet".
Pop, he's my man, my dawg, my ace in the hole, my sigma reader, a genius! (It's why I steal his ideas for stories, bahaha). He says, "Why not have the Rabite that pops out of the pile of leaves and spooks Angela earlier interrupt them?"
Boom. And then I thought about the little Rabite following them back to Valsena and then...
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Oogh. This is rough, but it's one of the first doodles I did, trying to figure out how to like... Draw the characters...
Man, Cider is HUGE! that was before...
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... In Spring Forward I had Duran compare Cider's previous size/shape to a sweet potato because I didn't really know what else to use (and sweet potato is a fun word) so, retroactively, baby Cider is the size of a sweet potato. Cider picked up some bad habits from his parents, it seems. He's supposed to be roughly 3 months old when they find him (the actual first time they find him, though, he's like, two weeks old, tops).
sweer potato
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This doodle long existed before the Kirby crossover fic. Oh, poor Duran. He really wanted those bladed shoes.
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R. Cider likes to snooze in his papa's hair.
One of my favorite traits about Cider is, even though he's domesticated, he still has a little tiny Rabite pea brain, so sometimes he doesn't quite comprehend things. Like, Rabite Slippers, or plushies.
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Actually, in the final version of Spring Forward, I took out the fat descriptor for Cider when he boomfs into a Silktail. I forget why. Pop thought it was funny. Some of the doodles we traded at that time were FAT Cider. It was a good time. I think this is when we started giving him a bowtie, too.
Warm weather = bowties
Cold weather = scarf
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the after effects of getting swallowed and spit out by a world-destroying god and eating Super spicy curry can be pretty devastating. That Kirby crossover was a fun fic to write. I reeeally wanted Duran and Angela to avoid meeting Kirby directly.
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I wasn't kidding when I said I was in tears writing the (temporary) departure. Heck, dude. I draw/imagine Cherry a little more close to what Rabites are supposed to look like... or, I try to. Cider has big, floppy ears, while she has the more traditional triangular ones. (Cider's weirdass family is probably going to have to be a separate post because I hit image limit and there's too much to explain)
Anyway, I love Rabites. Why do we have to fight them? It's not right, man. How can I, or anyone, in good conscience, fight something that is JUST TRYING TO SLEEP AND HAS THE CUTEST LITTLE SNORES AND HOPS AROUND AND WIGGLES ITS EARS LIKE IT'S DANCING
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outlandishscenarios · 5 months
Okay I'm been afraid to ask this but I'm going to be honest I have no idea what I'm doing and looking online for tutorials and how tos have only lead me to overwhelm and stress myself out on this over the amount of information they give or hardly give that im left with more questions and concerns.
Does any one know how to set up a Kofi shop and what needs to be done to start one?
I'm new to this and have hardly anyone who knows how or experiences outside of gifting coffees or answers to what I'm asking questions about.
I figured the best way was asking here and seeing if anyone knows or had a guide or tips on how to make a proper shop and so forth.
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rabioa · 1 month
Red overlord drool?
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So i noticed that the overlords get this really weird drool when they're on a power trip?? Or at least I think it's during power trip moments.
For Alastor it's right after he beats Vox in their sing off in "Stayed Gone". For Vox its right before "Stayed Gone" when he was about to taunt Alastor. For Valentino it's when he was threatening Angel Dust after he stood up to him for Nifty. My theory is that it happens when a powerful sinner gets a power trip moment or something. Its just something interesting I saw throughout the series.
There is also Lucifer during "Hell's Greatest Dad" drools gold. He brags about his heavenly powers and mentions "Who just happens to also be [Charlie's] blood!" and we can see what we can presume to be ichor/blood of Lucifer. I think this still falls under the powertrip category since the entire song is about Alastor and Lucifer fighting about their bond with Charlie.
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I'd love to hear anyone's theory on this since there are so many possibilities. My current theory is that its blood that powerful sinners get when they get worked up?
Idk i'm just rambling at this point. I did little to no research beyond the Hazbin Hotel Wiki so maybe there is already an explanation?
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yume-fanfare · 11 months
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sooooo close to all-yellow fine.........
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mist-mistletoe · 1 year
OK so we have like 2 plushies that we adore. But one, the elephant from Winnie-the-Pooh, is the one we have an emotional attachment to as a human. My shift? My shifts favorite is a green bunny with long ears.
Idk why it's different for human brain and mutt brain but we thought we would share.
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axl-ul · 2 years
I talk and walk,
empty words, just random phrases going through my head
until the train comes by like a bullet.
No destination for me, just a seat, then the walk again,
I go, I travel, I don't know where.
Cigaret's in my mouth, the rain comes down,
the city's alive and it guides me.
The lights, the cars, the midnight bim-bam and tick-tack,
the clock's ticking, the stranger's phone ringing,
the cat's catching the rat and I look around to see nothing but meet everything.
Grey, black and white mixed with a red accent of the stoplight.
Midnight's approaching,
I'm waiting for the bus,
the puddle's spilling,
I'm tired but strangely alive,
They say the city's a cheap trap.
Where else should I go, though?
It's nice and warm, cosy and busy,
weird and freaky,
I like it, I call it a home.
It's a hellhole for some,
those who say it's too noisy, too dirty.
I don't care, I hang around with no goal, no destination,
headphones in my ears, shimmering from cold,
my hoodie soaked wet, the music's playing as I watch the lamps,
the nostalgia burning my lungs like that paper roll on my lip.
The wind's biting through my clothes, yet I feel safe and warm
in the arms of the neon lights, grey buildings, street cats and dogs,
of the place where everyone feels like their own planet...
Feels like home, all those years back then,
everything's simple.
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klug · 2 years
Thinking of playing engstars again just for the bogie time tour since I Like tour events. And I love ibahaji and Ibara having to get out of his comfort zone LOL
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offorestsongs · 1 month
About rook because im interested to see how you'd write him! What are little things people wouldn't normally take notice of but to him only make him love Lys more? Sorry if this doesn't make sense lol i just want to know more details about lysander acts :3
no no it makes perfect sense it's fine!!! this is actually such a fun question omg
i think i've said once that i compare Lysander to a rabbit a lot but Rook sees him more as a hare and !! what i meant by that is that people tend to think that rabbits/wild rabits and hares are basically the same thing while they're actually completely separate species and in the same way people tend to misunderstand Lysander a lot and take his intentions completely backwards
a lot of the students at NRC tend to think that because Lysander is generally kind and nice and always tries to see the best in people, he's naive or stupid while for him, all of that is a choice. he knows people can be cruel and unfair, but he chooses to see the good in them anyways because he sees that as his best way of survival - he can't be cold and calculating, but he can be kind and sometimes, that helps too. and i think that's something that Rook very much sees!! i like to think he's very drawn to other people's kindness, if Neige is anything to go off, so this is actually one of the things Rook likes about Lysander the most and one of the things that caught Rook's attention at first (and also!!! i feel like Rook is also very much choosing to see the best in everyone so that's something they have in common too!!!)
this is not maybe necessarily exactly what you're talking about BUT it is something that Rook very much notices while others tend to miss — Lysander doesn't like talking. he tends to ramble when he's stressed or embarrassed but he generally just doesn't like speaking if he doesn't have something to Actually say. people often think it's because he's shy and try to make him "open up" which he HATES because he's really not shy (he grew up pretty much isolated from his peers so he's unused to social interactions but once he gains more confidence a lot of his anxiety goes away), he's just quiet and he generally gets tired easily when talking (trying to follow all the social rules of conversation can be a lot for him). Rook very much Gets That and doesn't try to make Lysander talk; they balance eachother in this because Rook on the other hand can go on and on about certain topics and Lysander LOVES listening to him <3
you said little things and here i am talking about some pretty central parts of Lysander’s character LMAO what can i say, man of little words and straightforward answers i am certainly not!
but for some ACTUAL little things/mannerisms that Rook thinks about a lot: if Lysander is buying clothes/fabric/yarn, he always has to touch them to see if he likes the texture and doesn't ever buy anything that makes him wince. due to some specifics of Lysander’s upbringing, he knows a surprising lot about home repairs and Rook is always kind of fascinated by that. Lysander tends to walk around with the sleeves of his sweater pulled over his hands. the first thing Lysander talks about after returning from a new place is the food there and how he could recreate it (sometimes its the only thing he talks about). Lysander is a very good listener!!! he always asks questions about whatever Rook is talking about, even if it's clear he has no idea what Rook is on!! (it's cute and Rook appreciates the effort)
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