#raccoons like bones
maxbruiser · 11 months
(⁠ʃ⁠ƪ⁠^⁠3⁠^⁠)love ur art! very smooth! can see more?
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Sorry it took a while, but this is the last thing I’ve drawn that’s not a sketch or a WIP.
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starbellbunny · 1 year
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-> New chapter!!
Horror knows whats up, and i really just wanna smooch him already. Enjoy!! :3
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imtrashraccoon · 3 months
I want to post more headcanons and just stuff in general, so here are my headcanons for Dream and Nightmare as well as their backstory for The Nightmare of Apathy.
Dreamtale belongs to jokublog. I just really like these characters and wanted to do something unique for them.
The Guardian of Feelings
Once there was a goddess of all the feelings in existence. She was called Nim and her role was to safe guard the emotions of mortals. Despite being a vital player in the multiverse, very few mortals knew or even cared about her existence. She was desperately lonely and longed for the company of someone who could understand her ways as a god.
This led her to create two new guardians, which she named Dream and Nightmare. Unfortunately, the process of creating and finding appropriately shaped vessels to contain their magic took a lot of Nim's own energy. So, as her last act as The Guardian of Feelings, she created a special tree and entered into it to rest. This tree became the Tree of Feelings and the twins home for the next few years.
The Tree of Feelings
With the last of Nim's energy, the tree began to bear fruit in the form of magical apples. These apples represented both positive and negative emotions, meaning for the first time, emotions were divided into two types.
The golden yellow apples represented positivity and Dream was tasked with keeping them. They had the capacity to rapidly heal injuries at the risk of side effects later on and provided instant relief for any overwhelming negative emotions. Eating even one bite would flood the consumer's mind and soul with positive emotions, however if too much is eaten at once, it can become dangerous.
The black iridescent apples represented negativity and Nightmare was tasked with keeping them. They had the capacity to heal injuries at a slower but more effective rate and provided instant relief for any overwhelming positive emotions. Eating even one bite would flood the consumer's mind and soul with negative emotions, eating too much at once is also dangerous.
Still, the key was balance and the twin guardians were tasked to distribute the apples among anyone in need as they saw fit. For the first few years, this was no issue as not many mortals knew about the Tree of Feelings, but eventually a village was established nearby.
The Twins
While the twins were sort of like blank slates at first, the more they interacted with mortals, the more they began to develop into their own individuals.
Dream became bubbly and enthusiastic over the smallest things. He dressed in bright colours and did his best to endear himself to the villagers. He easily made friends and quickly became the favourite guardian, especially because the golden apples were more pleasant to consume.
Nightmare became more reserved and almost shy around large crowds of people. He dressed in more muted colours and while he tried to make friends with the villagers, they hated him and the black apples because of how awful they felt when eating them.
The End
As the years passed, discontentment began to take root in many of the villager's souls. They began to believe that only positive emotions should exist since what use did negativity have? The twin guardians were pretty much inseparable from each other and took their duties to guard the tree seriously.
However, one day, Dream was lured away and tricked to eat a golden apple. The resulting surge of positive emotions and power was thrilling for the young guardian. Some of the villagers began encouraging him to consume more of them since it seemed to benefit him and they secretly wanted him to become more powerful than his brother.
At first, Dream resisted and didn't eat any more apples, since he knew they were dangerous to consume in large amounts. Besides, Nim would've wanted them to be given to those who needed it, not kept to himself.
Eventually, he began to eat more since the extra power felt good and his body began to change with each apple he ate. (He was probably pressured into it by the villagers as well.) His pale eyelights turned bright yellow and his bones began to almost glow gold. He even started to get gold markings along his ribs and limbs.
Nightmare knew something was wrong when Dream began acting more distant and spending a lot more time with the villagers. He also grew concerned when the golden apples began to grow more numerous compared to the black ones and that his brother's appearance had changed.
He confronted his brother but Dream had become drunk on power and brushed him off. With Dream distracted, some of the villagers attacked Nightmare and nearly killed him. In desperation, Nightmare ate some of the black apples and gained enough power to defend himself from them.
The negative emotions from the black apples quickly overwhelmed him and he began to eat more, spiralling further. Every negative emotion he'd been holding in from his interactions with the villagers spilled out and he turned his attention to the village itself.
Dream was horrified when his brother began attacking and killing people with little regard. He tried to get him to stop but soon had to step in physically. The twins fought but it quickly became apparent that Nightmare had the upper hand.
Before Nightmare could kill his own brother, Nim managed to freeze the skeleton in stone to protect him. Nightmare continued his rampage until the Tree of Feelings was felled by a villager who had hoped it would bring the violence to an end.
When Nightmare came to his senses, he realized that everyone was dead. His brother was frozen in stone, possibly dead, and his mother the tree was dead too. He didn't know what to do and he stayed in the area for a while to grieve. He eventually left and began to travel the multiverse. He was barely twelve at the time.
Eternal Darkness: Minor Spoilers for TNA!
At some point, years later, Nightmare discovered a particular universe. The people were simple and they seemed to think that he was a god. Nightmare decided to have a new start. If people saw him as a deity, who was he to disappoint them? He couldn't be a benevolent ruler, even if he had wanted to.
Nightmare laid waste to the world. He destroyed villages, infrastructure, and livelihoods. He killed close to half the population and by the time he was done, the world was steeped in negativity.
His overwhelming negative aura had an effect on the environment and Nightmare purposely extinguished the sun. The moon and stars became the only light for the remaining denizens. The flora and fauna adapted and changed to suit the new darkness.
Nightmare went out of his way to destroy anything that referenced the sun and set himself up as reigning Lord over everyone. He had a castle constructed and demanded taxes from the remaining population. He ruled through fear for the next five hundred or so years, until Dream broke out of the stone.
Dream looked for his brother but couldn't find him in the remnants of their old world, so he turned his attention to the multiverse. For a little while, the former guardians were able to coexist without running into the other. Dream grew up quickly due to the golden apples' lingering power but his mental and emotional state was still stunted.
Dream began to help people and made several friends like Blue and Ink. This helped him mature some but Nightmare still had much more world experience over him.
Eventually, they met each other and while both were shocked to see the other alive, they weren't happy to see the other either. Nightmare was hit with a wave of emotions he had long since buried and was hesitant to fight. Although, the memories were still fresh in Dream's mind, he immediately tried to attack Nightmare, forcing him to defend himself.
The brothers had several more conflicts for the next couple of years. They never did sit down and try to properly discuss things, as both were too angry and proud. Until, Dream finally got fed up and recruited some friends to attempt to finish Nightmare once and for all. In doing so, both brothers were seriously wounded but managed to survive. Nightmare retreated back to his world to recover and a month later, met Aylin for the first time.
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bonefall · 10 months
Random assorted thoughts apropos of very little;
I found out that Milkweed actually COULD be ecologically valid, but not the way you think. It's another name for Pretty Spurge, so called because it has a milky-white sap.
So I won't need to totally change Milkweed's name when I come around to her
Going to be trying to use orvet to refer to slowworms, a French term that makes a really nice warrior prefix (thanks @graphi-horse-time)
On the subject of the Ivypool super edition, if the awful place with "strange creatures" that the patrol visits ends up being a zoo, I will not stand for zoo slander. I highly doubt that The Erinzzz have targeted critique on the lack of inspectors to uphold the animal welfare guidelines of the Zoo Licensing Act of 1981.
Maybe they'll surprise me.
If not, I'll either change the setting entirely, or portray the welfare of 99% of the animals as superb except for the magic, talking things the Clan cats are trying to bust out.
I could easily make it not a zoo and just an animal center if I have to, a place that keeps domesticated animals. Just have like, James and Jane Smithton accidentally capture two demigods because they caught them rooting around in the bins lmao
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jabberwockprince · 2 months
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have you guys tried this OCxOC shit with friends? this shit's banging, revolutionary even, wow!!!!
skin & bones sweep!!!! venison (mine) and sirnyk (@aa-archer42)
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you ruined me. michael.
you did this to me
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nicollekidman · 1 year
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so true s&b social media manager! now put his resurrected corpse back on my screen!!!! 
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Some concept art of Rocket’s anatomy
fuck i hate how his bones work
Like it’s driving me completely up the wall
i don’t even watch MCU movies why am i obsessed with this
Like i heard of Rocket Raccoon 2 years ago but was completely impassive and then i saw that one clip of him yelling drunk and just fucking became obsessed with him
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Normal day at work
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*le sigh* Everything reminds me of him 😔
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starbellbunny · 1 year
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-> Miau heres the first chapter of my fanfiction, Raccoons Like Bones!!
Enjoy! ;D
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r0ad-kiill · 5 months
I saw a raccoon in the road on my way to school today
And I don’t know if I’m vulnerable
just vulnerable and sick
But it’s frozen eyes made me more sad than usual
Today I drove to the park
And dig a hole off the path
A trowel in the wet dirt
I’ll retrieve him from the gutter tonight
Maybe tomorrow
And lay him to rest in the hole
Wrapped in a plastic bag
and hidden by wet soil
Under the hazelnut tree
I’ll pray for him
To gods I might not believe in
Because at least then he’ll be at rest.
Or I’ll feel better.
Either way,
May Pan and Faunus accept his sacrifice.
I don’t know when “it” became “he” to me
But even if I don’t retrieve his bones
I’ll be happy to know
He’s at rest among the trees
In this suburban hellscape
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aplpaca · 1 year
apparently average field tech does not actually consistently find bones and may not even find them occasionally and I might be Animal Bones Georg who finds 8 skulls and a turtle shell in a month without actively searching
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blujayonthewing · 2 years
couldn't remember whether raccoon bacula were supposedly good luck charms or folk magic love charms (or both) so I went to look it up and I
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erythristicbones · 1 year
i don't need another original story universe, but like. what if i was just super self-indulgent again and wrote something literally only for me
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mostlyboneid · 1 year
ah yes, city nature challenge, or as i like to call it "misidentified bones bonanza" because the computervision model cannot accurately identify 99.99% of bones and a lot of people just go "yeah that seems about right"
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