jencala · 7 years
Sirius sending Remus an anonymous valentine, because he’s too scared to expose his feelings but knows Remus deserves love on this holiday. Remus can tell it’s from Sirius by his handwriting (or some other clue!) Thanks darling!
I love this and I hope you like what I did with your prompt.  Thanks for sending it in!
Valentine’s Day at Hogwarts was always a sight to behold; whether or not you cared for it was a different story. 
The entire castle had been decorated with a red and pink heart motif and the Great Hall looked as if a Cupid himself had decorated it, complete with tiny cherubs floating in the air above the high rafters, occasionally shooting down arrows that would explode in glittering confetti before they reached the students. The confetti, however, covered all of the tables and most of the students.  
It made Remus feel nauseated.
“Ugh this is a bit too much, don’t you think?”
Remus turned to Lily who had sat down next to him at the Gryffindor table.  “You mean you don’t buy into all of this love nonsense?”
Lily shrugged. “Love is all well and good, but these decorations are a bit over the top, don't you think?”
“Well it would be nice not to have to pick the glitter out of my porridge.”
“I think it’s sweet!”  Dorcas supplied, sitting down across from Lily, Marlene sliding in next to her.
“You would, you big sap.” Marlene smiled, grabbing the platter of eggs from in front of Remus and serving both Dorcas and herself.  
Lily smirked. “I heard you both this morning exchanging gifts so I don't think you should mock Dor for being the only sap.”
Marlene rolled her eyes as Dorcas grinned, giving her girlfriend a kiss on the cheek.
“Did someone say something about gifts?”
Remus looked up to see James standing behind Lily, a huge smile on his face as he looked adoringly at his girlfriend of three months.  He presented her with a huge bouquet of flowers he had been hiding behind his back.
“Lilies for my Lily-flower.”
“Oh James, they’re beautiful!”  Lily pressed a chaste kiss to his lips and sat back down making room for him on her other side. “There’s so many different lilies here!”
James grinned. “Ah, but only one Lily is the most beautiful and special. You.”
Even Remus had to smile at that line.  Even though he didn’t enjoy this holiday, he was happy his mate had finally gotten the girl he’d been pining after for over six years.  He watched smiling as Lily blushed and kissed James again, exclaiming that he was too extravagant when he slipped a gold bracelet over her wrist.  
“Ah, young love! How sweet it is!”
Remus looked over at Sirius who had sat down across from him and was making exaggerated gagging motions over James and Lily’s display of affection.
Remus kicked him lightly in the shin. “Let Prongs have his moment, you cynical twat.”
Sirius flashed him a wry grin. “I am not cynical, my dear Moonbeam.  I just think this holiday is a bit overrated, don’t you think?”
Remus shrugged, his stomach clenching as Sirius’ stormy grey eyes met his.  “I guess it’s alright if you’ve got a partner, but I could do without all this confetti raining down.”
“Ah, but maybe Cupid will work his magic on you today, Moony!” Sirius winked. “You never know.”
Remus snorted. “Fat chance.”
He watched Sirius serve himself some breakfast and couldn’t help but fantasize that Sirius’ words would come true, though he was sure they wouldn’t.  Cupid would never be able to give him what his heart really wanted.  Sirius.  
Just then, the post owls swooped in delivering packages, letters and cards all over the Great Hall.  He was surprised when a large barn owl left three cards in front of him.  
“Blimey, Padfoot!  That’s an even bigger haul than last year!”
At Peter’s exclamation, Remus looked across at Sirius and the veritabel mountain of cards and packages owls had dropped in front of him.  Sirius was red-faced at the attention and shrugged it off.
“Just silly birds, you know how it is.” Sirius muttered.  He kept eating his breakfast and didn’t so much as look through his gifts.
Remus raised an eyebrow, perplexed at Sirius’ attitude when last year he had been gloating over all of the cards and love notes.  He’d been on a different date almost every night for the few weeks after Valentine’s that year.  Thinking back though, Remus couldn't even remember the last time Sirius had mentioned going out with a girl in the last few months.  
“Everything alright, Padfoot?” Remus asked softly.
Sirius looked up, his expression guarded. “S’fine.  Just too much nonsense, is all.  But hey, look at you, Moony, you got some admirers too!”  
Remus blushed as their other friends looked over at his cards and teased him to start opening them.  He rolled his eyes, but obliged, tearing open the envelope of the first card.
He blushed as he read the first one and James snatched it out of his hand to read aloud. “Roses are red, violets are blue, I think you’re clever, and sexy too.  Moony, who is Calista Hutchins?”  
His friends laughed and Remus could feel his face get even redder. “She’s a Ravenclaw girl I tutored last semester.”  
He opened the second card and before he could even read it, Peter grabbed it and read the equally silly poem aloud. “Moony, this one’s from that Hufflepuff girl in your Runes class, isn’t it?”
Remus nodded, his cheeks burning from the attention and grabbed the third envelope before his friends could.  He opened it and took out a piece of parchment, turning so he could read it away from his friend’s prying eyes.
“I don’t love you as if you were a rose of salt, topaz,   or arrow of carnations that propagate fire:   I love you as one loves certain obscure things,   secretly, between the shadow and the soul.I love you as the plant that doesn’t bloom but carries   the light of those flowers, hidden, within itself,   and thanks to your love the tight aroma that arose   from the earth lives dimly in my body.I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where,   I love you directly without problems or pride:I love you like this because I don’t know any other way to love,except in this form in which I am not nor are you,   so close that your hand upon my chest is mine,   so close that your eyes close with my dreams.
Remus -  I want you to know that you are loved, today and every day, for who you truly are.”
Remus stared at the slip of parchment for several moments, awestruck, before he realized James was calling his name.  
“Remus, mate!  What’s that one say?” James prodded.
Remus cleared his throat. “More of the same, yeah, just another poem.”
Lily eyed him suspiciously and before Remus could react, she had snatched the parchment from his hand and begun to read it silently.  
“Lily, no!”  Remus tried to grab the poem back, but Lily stood and moved out of his reach still reading silently.  
When she finished reading she turned to Remus, her eyes bright and a soft smile on her face. “Oh Remus...this is beautiful.”
Remus flushed and took the parchment back. “It is and I can’t believe you took it from me.”
Lily placed her hand on his arm. “I’m sorry for that, I thought it was another silly poem, but that’s not silly at all, is it?”
Remus shook his head, not trusting himself to speak.  
“Oi, what’s so special about Remus’ Valentine?” Marlene called out.
“Well, for one, it’s a real love poem and more importantly, someone who knows Pablo Neruda.” Lily explained.
“Who?” James asked, his face twisted in confusion,
“He’s a Chilean poet.” Sirius offered.
They all turned to look at Sirius whose eyes widened at the scrutiny. “What?  I do read, you know?”
Remus sat back down and listened to his friends teasing and joking comments half-heartedly, but his focus was drawn to Sirius. He studied him as covertly as he could manage and was surprised to see how nervous his friend appeared.
Sirius’ cheeks were a bit flushed and he kept biting his lip.  He was engaged in conversation with Marlene and Dorcas, but he kept stealing glances at Remus when he thought he wasn’t looking.  He noticed how fidgety he seemed, his hands constantly moving, his foot tapping against the stone floor.  What clinched it for Remus was the way Sirius’ eyes kept straying to the parchment next to Remus’ plate.
If it hadn’t been for all of the little things leading up to it, Remus may have dismissed it as a prank or even a sweet, but misguided, gesture so Remus wouldn’t feel left out on Valentine’s Day.  However, If he started to add up all the seemingly innocent occurrences that had been niggling the back of his mind for the last two months though - well maybe there was more to it than that.
Remus had harbored a crush on Sirius for well over a year now and had done everything he could to keep it to himself; he knew there was no way Sirius could ever feel the same way.  His friendship was too important for Remus to risk losing, so Remus tried to act as if the mere sight of his best mate didn't set his heart racing.
Over the last couple of months though, Sirius had become more attentive and Remus had to constantly remind himself that he was surely imagining things and reading into his actions more because of his own misguided feelings.  
He tried to tell himself that the lingering touches, the soft smiles, and the way Sirius seemed to be constantly everywhere he was was just his imagination wishing for what he couldn’t have. 
But this was just too much of a coincidence for him to ignore.
He recalled the night a month before when Sirius had plopped himself down on Remus’ bed next to him, complaining he was bored and for Remus to stop reading.  He had asked what was so interesting in his book and Remus had told him he was reading a volume of Pablo Neruda’s poetry. Sirius had scoffed at the thought of poetry and Remus had rolled his eyes and said that maybe one day he would really want to woo a girl and Neruda’s beautiful poetry could help. 
Sirius had rolled his eyes, but maybe - the thought alone had the butterflies in Remus’ stomach dancing.  
It was too great a coincidence though.  He knew there was only one way to find out.
Remus took a deep breath. “Hey Padfoot, want to go back to the tower and drop your haul off before we head to class?”
Sirius met his unwavering gaze and swallowed hard. “Sure, let’s go.”
Remus stood, grabbing his things and nodded to their friends before walking out of the Great Hall, Sirius right behind him.   The hallways were fairly empty as they made their way to Gryffindor tower and Remus decided to show some of the bravery his house was known for.
“You got quite the Valentine haul this year.”
Sirius nudged his arm. “You didn’t do so badly yourself.”
“Yeah, but you never even looked at anything you got.  Why is that?”
“It’s just the same thing every year, so why bother?”
Remus laughed softly. “Tired of all the attention the girls always shower you with?”
“Something like that.” Sirius mumbled.
“You know what’s funny though?” Remus asked. “You and I were just talking about Pablo Neruda last month and now today I get a love letter with some of his poetry in it.  Funny, isn’t it?”
He turned his head slightly and saw Sirius’ eyes widen momentarily. “Yeah, wow, what a coincidence, huh?”
Remus nodded. “They say there’s very few real coincidences in life.”
“Well, this must be one of those!  I mean, who knows how many people in Hogwarts are into Neruda’s sonnets, right?”
Remus stopped and grabbed Sirius’s arm. “Padfoot, you didn’t look at my letter and I never told you it was a sonnet.”
Sirius bit his lip, one eyebrow quirked. “Lucky guess?”
Remus let his arm go and sighed. “You sent me the letter, didn’t you?”
Sirius closed his eyes and ran his hands through his hair.  “Remus, I’m sorry, I -”
Remus cut him off, hurt that the man he was in love with could have so little regard for his feelings. “Did you think it was a good joke?”
“Joke?” Sirius’ face twisted in confusion. “What are you talking about?”
Remus shook his head sadly. “Did you think I was so pathetic you had to send me a Valentine as a joke?  Or was it an ego boost so I would think someone actually cared about me?”
Sirius grabbed Remus by the shoulders and met his sorrowful gaze. “Remus, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but that letter wasn’t a joke.  Yeah, I-I wrote it.  But it wasn’t a prank and it wasn’t an ego boost.”
Remus just stared at him, not willing to let himself believe what he so desperately wanted to be true. “I don’t understand.”
Sirius closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, his fingers digging into Remus’ shoulders. “I wrote the letter because I couldn’t tell you how I felt otherwise.  I didn’t want to ruin our friendship if you didn’t feel the same way, but I had to try.  You can tell me to bugger off, you can tell me I’m a ridiculous twat, but I just...I knew you would figure it out with the poem.  I needed to see if there was even the smallest chance -”
Remus cut him off again, this time by pressing his lips to Sirius’.
Sirius responded immediately, his mouth slanting over Remus’, one hand moving from his shoulder to tangle in his tawny curls.  
The kiss was brief, but it was enough to make Remus’ head spin.  He pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against Sirius’.  “You are a ridiculous twat, Padfoot.”
Sirius huffed a laugh. “I am, aren't I?”
Remus pressed his lips to Sirius’ once more and pulled back to smile into the dazed grey eyes. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
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asktheboywholived · 7 years
Are those hearts on your transfiguration notes surrounding Lily’s name???
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🌈 getting my hair done!
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
a fsh
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rachelletwin2 replied to your post “Monsterblog Guide: Think.”
What’s your name on AO3?
Not something that I feel particularly open to just straight up sharing on the blog? Sorry. It is possible to find my personal blog from this one - I did that on purpose, but its not immediately obvious - and from there to find my fic, and it’s even easier from @hapennydreams after I did that Draco-in-Gryffindor fic, but well...
I left a distance between my personal blog and this one for a reason. I like my privacy, I like having space from fandom and to be able to interact with fandom to the degree I prefer and in ways that I prefer. I like having a connection to this blog that’s there if you care to find it, but if not, isn’t in your face and isn’t going to matter or bother you. Further, my personal blog is not pure HP, it has a bunch of other fandoms (mostly MCU at present but a scatter of others as well) and weird shit and dead shit and my own (largely non-HP) fanfic. Yeah, those 230+ fics? Most of them aren’t HP.
If you’re still ok with that and still want to see what I’ve written, however, you can find a way to my personal via the About page, and from my personal blog its much easier to find my AO3. 
This said, please don’t follow my personal just because it’s the blog of this blog’s mod - only follow if it does actually interest you. Likewise, please don’t go sharing it here there and everywhere. As I said, I left distance between my personal stuff and my big fandom blog for a reason, and I’d appreciate that being respected.
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gingertodgers · 7 years
Hello! I don’t know if your secret Santa is still open but could I request Fred/Hermione and for inspiration could it include a product from Wheezes, George conspiring to get them together, hot chocolate, first snow. Hope that is enough ideas 😊 and this is for my friend @darventravos Thanks so much! I just recently found you and I’m really enjoying your writing!
Hermione Granger/Fred Weasley - 20th December in the HP Secret Santa(Thank you so much for your kind words and for giving me the chance to write one of the Weasley twins! Hope you like @darventravos and Happy Holidays to you both
“I am so very sorry about this. Beyond sorry, I am sorrow itself. I am awash with regret. Beset by shame. Rueful, is what I am.” With a pitiful sigh that was only a little bit gleeful, Fred cast another spell at the snowbank growing rapidly around their feet. “Self-reproach, thy name is Fred Weasley,” he continued. “The shame, the honest to Merlin shame is-”
“Do me a favour Fred?” Hermione attempted to lift a foot out of the snow, only for the snowbank to wrap even tighter around her ankles.
“Yes Hermione?”
“If you could just stop talking for a while, just a for a little bit, that would be marvellous.”
“Of course, of course!” Fred mimed zipping his mouth shut. They were standing very close together, Hermione’s right side pressing a line of warmth against Fred’s chest.
The light above the door of Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes made her glow and sent spirals of gold through her cloud of hair. Then she shivered and Fred parked all thoughts of snow-spun angels in favour of shrugging off his hoodie in the most dashing way possible.
“Why isn’t anyone else getting stuck?” Hermione asked, indicating the busy shoppers squeezing past and even walking straight over the snow without becoming trapped.
“Interesting question, young Granger. The portable Winter Wonderland is part of our Weasley’s Wonderful Wooing range and, it, ah, well yes, quite interesting how that came about. You see it turns out that back in the 1400’s a young chap by the name of Fillius Flobber had the bright idea to-”
“Put a sock in it,” George interrupted, appearing with three mugs of hot chocolate a rueful smile. “Really sorry about this Hermione. I’ve been going over the spell work and it turns out-”
“That the spell has evolved to only trap people who want to be trapped together?” This time Hermione interrupted, raising an eyebrow as she sipped her hot chocolate.
George barked out a laugh and began retreating towards the shop as Fred gaped down at her.
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oxfordelise · 6 years
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Chapter One: Quidditch
| FFN | AO3 |
“Are you absolutely sure you want this? You can’t get revenge and keep your spotless reputation,” he reminded.
The look on her face was set, her eyes shone with a rage not directed at him.
“Sometimes revenge is a choice you’ve got to make.”
Fueled by the pain of watching Ron snog Lavender Brown, Hermione seeks the help of Draco Malfoy in order to get revenge. 6th year, Dramione.
Here is my very first FanFiction story! I have the first seventeen chapters written, so I will regularly be posting on Friday afternoons. Many, many thanks to my wonderful Beta, @rachelletwin2 for helping me along the way! 
Please read and review!
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asktheboywholived · 7 years
Re! Help me out, Marlene and I have a bet going that you have never kissed a boy before. I say you have and she says you haven’t. I’ve got galleons on this please don’t disappoint me!
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Dorcas: ... Are you telling me you have?
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Are you still in school or do you have a job that relates to writing? (❤️your blog!)
I’m in school! I do student teaching in the fall and then graduate. I don’t have a job in writing though haha, that’d be great
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