#radblr let me know
normalfem · 6 months
About to ask you ladies something controversial..
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hadesoftheladies · 5 months
here are two child stars abused by the system: one made a cringe song and the other just had several court cases where they pleaded guilty to sexually grooming children. quick! which of the two have been bullied and shamed ceaselessly and which one has millions of views on their new mediocre music video as well as millions of sympathy comments and solidarity posts?
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aaafeminist · 1 year
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mire-7viii · 5 months
This is what's happening in the Netherlands.
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Municipalities see illegal sex work hundreds of times a year.
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Mattress on the floor.
The working conditions are very variable. "From workspaces that are very professionally and neatly furnished to spaces where there is only a mattress on the floor in a polluted room," says the municipality of Sittard-Geleen.
Examples of workplaces that the municipality of Tilburg found during inspections: (see pictures above.
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Many sex workers move around and camp somewhere else every week. "They often come from abroad and live out of a suitcase," notes the municipality of Dordrecht.
The origins of the sex workers (usually women) are extremely diverse, but most come from South America, Eastern Europe or the Netherlands itself.
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Chances of being caught are small.
Amsterdam has the feeling that the illegal circuit is growing. "A conservative estimate is that approximately 6,000 sex workers were active on regular sex advertising websites in Amsterdam last year, the vast majority of which involved illegal prostitution. During inspections we regularly find abuses and exploitation."
Due to a lack of supervision, many municipalities see illegal prostitution as a risk. "The earnings are high, the chance of being caught is small and there is no prospect of voluntariness or [whether the sex workers are underage or not]," according to the municipality of Almelo.
Enforcement officers regularly wonder whether prostitution is forced. For example, Amersfoort came across a Romanian sex worker without papers and a tattoo with the name of a suspected pimp. Sometimes someone other than the sex worker speaks, which municipalities find suspicious.
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Different perspective.
It rarely happens that someone admits to working under duress. "There are often suspicions of a network, but not much information emerges in conversations or interrogations," says the municipality of Assen. "It also plays a role that sex workers sometimes have a different perspective on exploitation," says the municipality of Hilversum. Female sex workers often come from abroad to earn money for their families. "They have more income here than in their home country, even if they have to [pay a part of what they earn.]"
When municipalities discover illegal prostitution, they often choose to warn sex workers and possibly offer help. They can also close properties or impose a so-called cease and desist order on the owners.
Link to the full article below. It's in Dutch, but it isn't long so an online translator will go a long way for you to get the gist of it:
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menalez · 2 months
oh my god so the new lie is that i doxxed women on here? im done with radblr lmao no way u fucking freaks have been sending me anons with my real name the past week and even posted my full name on here not long ago and pics of my mom u found through facebook and many other things since i joined radblr but now u decided to pretend i doxxed any of u?
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rad-claid-plaid · 2 years
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Feminist Killjoys, from Sarah Ahmed's The Promise of Happiness.
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tervencherries · 9 months
was asked by someone on instagram to compare violent crime rates between “cisgender” women and trans-identified individuals. here was my response:
“the Office for National Statistics states that from 2013-2023, there were so few violent crimes against transgender people that there is no possible way to have statistics on it. they also state that there are statistics only available when there are more than 3 violent crimes in a time period. however, according to the UK Parliament, trans-identified males are found to be over 6 times more likely to be convicted of an offense than female counterparts, and 18 times more likely to be convicted of a violent offense. the rates between trans-identified males and other males were found to be the same.
according to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence (NCADV), 33% of women have experienced some physical form of intimate partner violence (IPV). 14% of women been injured by an intimate partner. 10% of women have been raped by an intimate partner (however, according to Spectator News, 97% of women have been sexually assaulted). 14% of women have been stalked by an intimate partner in their lifetime. i attempted looking for transgender rates of stalking, but multiple sources (Columbia University, The 19th News, Florida Institute of Technology) only talked about LGB men and women—there was no mention of transgender individuals anywhere.
according to UN Women, 133 women and girls are murdered by someone in their family every day. however, in 2022, (according to the Human Rights Campaign) a total of 41 transgender individuals were murdered across the world. only ten of these individuals were murdered by an intimate partner, a friend, or a family member.”
i’ve linked my sources in each citation. go ham.
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toddstool · 2 years
im like if hugh dancy and jack nicholson combined to make a 20 year old malnourished, depressed femcel
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nix-that-rad-lass · 1 month
I gotta be real, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, but I think trans men are the most valid men.
Women just do it better 🤷‍♀️
Plus since female is default I guess you could consider that FTM is much more of a biological capability than MTF.
Not to say you can change sex, but rather, I think that trans men are much better able to transition and pass, and having been raised and treated as women, tend to be more capable of empathy.
This is not to excuse the rampant issues of gender ideology or the medical mistreatment and abuse of dysphoric women and girls.
#I must admit I have had some slight changes of opinion of genderists and trans people the last few months#I’ve befriended multiple trans people and I have also realized#that at one point I was actually kinda transphobic and I was certainly too prejudiced and judgmental#the last few months I’ve actually realized this and consciously worked on fixing it#and it started when I made some friends at college who I genuinely didn’t notice nor care were trans#and they have been perfectly civil and kind even when discussing potentially controversial or unpopular topics#most of my years here on radblr I was disconnected and isolated and without realizing it i was actually internalizing many negative beliefs#and I’ve kinda had to confront that in myself the last few months. I’m happy about it though. I enjoy challenging myself to be better#idk this is just kinda a ramble#kinda a shitpost kinda an anecdote kinda a ramble idk#I’m just realizing that I thought I was above becoming prejudiced or narrow minded and I still had empathy#but it wasn’t till I was confronted with a situation in real life that I realized that wasn’t true#I’ve also realized my radfem beliefs are well founded enough to coexist with these changes of opinion and expansions of empathy#and I do believe more rads will benefit from similar experiences#I know many rads have had these experiences working w women irl but many rads especially the younger or newer ones may not have yet#and I think it’s important for rads to be honest and open about these things and also to let new rads know it’s ok to change#also important to new and young rads to hear these experiences so they can also seek them out and improve themselves and their beliefs#idk I’m just realizing that going to college and meeting so many new people has REALLY helped me so much with my ability to empathize-#and understand people I previously held certain opinions of#I DID kinda internalize beliefs about transmen all being either victims of lesbophobia or internal misogyny or being fetishistic#and I had to meet people and make friends to really realize I thought that#and thus had to confront myself on those thoughts
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theeconstantcompanion · 7 months
I've seen multiple comments on tiktok about Israel/Palestine where people make allusions to people being put into ovens, reported them, and tiktok just does Not care.
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Not even in a "taking sides" way (although at this point...) but when is making comments alluding to gas ovens ever okay, in any situation, directed at ANYONE?
And this is the app banning people for misgendering? For claiming bio sex is real or that gender dysphoria is in the DSM? Not that these issues are related at all, but what kind of hate are we even calling hate. For what purpose. For whose feelings?
Jokes about the holocaust are fine but a man's feelings get hurt and you're deplatformed.
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llegah · 7 months
Don't know how it is elsewhere, but Americans really devalue mothers. Like, healthcare and capitalism aside, just culturally speaking mothers don't get any damn credit. It roils in my head every time I see a mother with children, especially in a conservative area, that she is much braver and stronger than her gun-toting man. Men with guns looooove to propagate their myth of family protection and how they're gonna put their life on the line. Yeah, maybe, bullshit.
Virtually none of these dudes have ever risked their life, for any reason, much less for the fraction of their life they've been a father. Meanwhile, SHE has risked her life and stared mortality in the face each time she carried a pregnancy, and split herself in two to give birth. What the fuck does she owe you? She's already risked her life for you and the child. Now you wanna play soldier, like you would ever return the favor. There's this casual, patriarchal attitude towards the risks of pregnancy and birth that they dismiss the danger of it, that men would ever owe women for risks instead of just gifts.
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assigned-emo · 1 year
sorry for the spam but tbh as a lesbian who used to ID as bi for most of my teen years, i always thought that biphobia and lesbophobia existed in the same axis. neither of them are 'real' systematic forms of oppression, they're just shorthands for the specific ways that homophobia and misogyny can take form depending on your own internal sexuality and what sexuality people perceive you as. on one hand, seeing people try to talk about either of them like they're Real Systematic -Phobias makes me wince because it literally ALWAYS delves into oppression olympic territories. on the other hand, people who feel the need to outright silence the existence of those terms always read like they have intense personal issues with women of that sexuality..
Hey sorry this took me literally forever to answer but I think I'd generally agree with this, at least on biphobia being a shorthand for a specific form of homophobia and not it being it's own axis of oppression. I can't speak on lesbophobia since it's not something I've experienced because I'm not a lesbian, but your idea makes sense to me.
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pronounpinbadge · 1 year
Yo idk if we're missing something but this person is a T3RF. They call themselves a febfem in their bio and just answered an ask saying "I would never out a crypto." The meme you reblogged also uses "TRAs" which is like. somethin TERFs only use.
IS IT?!?!?! immediately deleting that and blocking the person i rbd from holy shit
i dont know what tra means i just saw conservative and hit reblog 😭 i know tif/tim are terf buzzwords
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hadesoftheladies · 2 months
This might be one of the most important posts I've ever made. (Please Read)
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@bakerstreetdocter per this post where i responded to the sports poll i made
on the poll for why folks in radblr didn't watch women's sports, the overwhelming majority of you said it was because you just weren't interested. i needed to make a whole post to respond to this because let me tell y'all something:
Let me tell you why.
#1. Sports and Male Hegemony
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Do you know what keeps patriarchy so strong? Male camaraderie. The reason rapists and paedophiles don't go to jail, the reason men are paid more, the reason patriarchy even fucking exists is because men invest primarily in men. Sports doesn't just reflect this, it PERPETUATES it more efficiently than most other institutions (like it's right up there with religion and porn). I'm not kidding. Male sports is where men go to bond over everything. They bond over beating up their wives (I've seen it in real time), they gather to celebrate male strength and achievement, and elevate male dominance. The reason sports is so important to the patriarchy is not just because it perpetuates, centralizes and publicizes male excellence, but because it nurtures male camaraderie. It gives them space to be openly "manly," because it is really a festival for male dominance in every way.
Not only that, but it RADICALIZES boys and men in male supremacist ideology. If male peerage is where boys and men slowly corrupt each other with misogyny, men's sports is where that sort of thing is concentrated to the MAX. I'm talking MASSES of men and boys. Uncles and fathers taking their sons to bond over men they believe represent them and their perceived superiority. This has also had consequences for women and girls. Domestic violence rates shoot up during different (men's) sports seasons. The demeaning and brutalization of women is common in these environments.
If you think porn is a huge industry that radicalizes boys and men into becoming rancid misogynists, sports is the next big thing you should worry about, because however effective porn is for dehumanizing women, men's sports is the one most effective for popularizing male dominance and supremacy on a global and generational scale. Forget music and movies, THIS is something feminists should be fucking worried about.
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(Read more of this article here.)
#2. Women's Representation, Power & Social Influence
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Compared to the crumbs of proper representation we have for women in music, movies and mainstream literature, women's sports centres and normalizes every kind of woman you can think of. Big women, small women, muscular women, single women, masculine women, feminine women, women with wives and husbands, mothers, tall women, unattractive women, cocky women, etc . . .
I have never encountered a visual franchise that humanizes women more than women's televised sports. Never. Not in movies, not on the internet, not in shows. The raw humanity and personhood of women is given centre stage in every angle. We see women sweat, we see women bleed, we see women bump each other in the chest, we see them fight and scrap, flaunt, beg, roar . . .
This humanization has affected not only women who finally feel represented by other women to the world, but even men. Many men and boys who watch sports have far more positive outlooks on women than their counterparts. They are forced to appreciate the skills, strength, intelligence, and personhood of women.
In sports psychology, there's the topic of how people tend to form identities around the athletes or teams they admire. They perceive themselves as an extension of those teams/athletes. This is a very powerful social phenomena, because it strengthens intra-community investment by giving the individual a personal stake and sense of belonging.
It is powerful when men view male athletes and men's teams as an extension of themselves. When mothers take their children to these games and kids identify with the male athletes on the pitch. It is very effective in re-enforcing male-as-default for everyone.
But it is also powerful when this happens for women. When men, women, children begin seeing female athletes and teams as extensions of themselves, it strengthens the perception of kinship with women of all kinds. It humanizes women in an intimate way. Where it's no longer about the "women's team" but about "US." When men and little boys identify with female athletes, point and say "US" instead of "THEM" it lays crucial ground for male allyship.
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This is partly why many women's leagues across multiple sports got banned historically. It was because they completely overhauled the idea of women as other and that was a threat to the status quo, because if men started identifying themselves with women, started seeing women's victories as theirs, started seeing women as their heroes, it made male dominance unnecessary and obsolete. It made women heroes for men, women, boys and girls to believe in. It made them leaders and icons. Champions. It destroyed all the lies patriarchy lived off of.
#3. Female Centricity, Community and Consciousness-Raising
I've talked about what this does for men, but I want to zero in on what this does for women.
Right now, in society, men have multiple institutions and industries to boost their camaraderie and male supremacy, whether that be sports, religion, gaming or pornography.
Now, can one of you name a single institution or industry that brings women together to bond over womanhood? Can you name a bonding ritual for women that doesn't include femininity? Most of you will probably only have entities like certain female musicians (taylor swift, blackpink, etc) rather than industries. Currently, the biggest industry that women bond over (and even then, it's not really a social event) is make-up. We're mostly broken up into different fandoms, or maybe we find each other studying certain women-dominated degrees. In most other cases, we're with each other doing something domestic (baby showers, cooking/planning during family get-togethers, etc). (though based on trends, university campuses may soon become women-dominated spaces in totality XD). The domestic sphere is perhaps where most of the consciousness raising has occurred historically.
Unfortunately, the biggest contributor to women's consciousness raising with the most global reach is our shared trauma. That is the one thing that unilaterally unifies women and girls everywhere, and even then, not totally.
While our shared suffering has been a great tool in radicalizing us for change (though it's already an L that we're suffering in the first place), it isn't something that actually empowers the community of women. Radicalization does not equal empowerment. And women need hope and joy to have strength to fight. They need to identify with each other, not simply with each other's suffering. If anything, women are in desperate need of an industry/institution that isn't crippling them with enforced femininity and isn't centred on their misery, but rather, celebrates their womanhood and the joys of being a woman. Centres womanhood. Something that gives them space to celebrate themselves.
The things that do that are the ones fiercely under attack, e.g. women's sports, lesbian festivals, etc. You need to have a hard think at why that is to realize how vitally important things like this are. The difference between something like women's sports and lesbian festivals that gives women's sports an advantage in being the most socially influential, is that women's sports encourages the participation of everyone and posits itself as relevant to all people within the geographic location it is a part of. So it gets more eyes and has more sway.
I have been brought to tears seeing crowds of thousands scream to a deafening degree over a young woman scoring a goal. I'm talking men, women, children losing their fucking minds. Chanting a woman's name from the stands. Rushing to take pictures with her. Cheering for her to break another record. Women need to know there are alternatives to being hated by men. You guys need to know what it feels like to see entire cities show up and show out for women. Where women are glorified, practically worshipped, not for being sexually attractive, not for being the epitome of beauty, but for being skilled, for being amazing women. You need to see women horsing around, unrestrained and free to talk shit. You need to see them acting goofy, without makeup. You need to see them surrounded by love and support no matter who they are. You need to see them having the time of their lives with each other. Real women, doing real things. You need to know what it's like to see a woman do incredible physical feats. You need to see how powerful the female body is. You need to see this day in and day out. You need to know it like you know your name.
Because that's what men have every day. And when I tasted it, I couldn't get enough.
The next generation of girls and women need this so fucking bad. Now more than ever.
#4. The Destruction of Gender
(Portia Woodman-Wickliffe, rugby player for New Zealand)
Which leads me to my next and pretty much final point as to the necessity of women's support of women's sports. Whether or not you're willing to admit it, most of you aren't interested in women's sports because of your gendered socialization.
This could be subconscious resistance (e.g. you're so used to it being mocked you can't fathom getting into it), or it could be simply because of your upbringing and current social environment. I've noticed, that most people engage with sports based on a pre-existing culture concerning sports. Most sons are introduced to men's sports by their fathers, and, as established earlier, it becomes a bonding ritual. Many of us didn't have those experiences as girls, so we never saw the value.
But I think this is also a part of enforced femininity. Right now, some parents don't want their girls watching women's sports because of how unfeminine the women are (and this usually goes hand in hand with homophobia, since a fair share of athletes are lesbian/bi). We're taught to be ladylike. To be demure. Female athletes can rarely afford to be. Even if they wear lashes to the court XD. They have to body their way through. They have to work and scrap and fight for their victories.
It's even more sad to me, since I'm now a very active watcher of women's sports (which I decided to get into on a whim one night, no lie, like I didn't feel like it I just decided to Google random stuff and look at highlights and then I got invested) how crippling that feminine socialization has been to me. How much I've missed. Not only has watching women's sports increased my own pride and confidence in my body, given me a space to experience joy in being a woman (outside of femininity), but it has also made me feel far more connected to women in a predominantly positive way (rather than trauma-bonding). It has humanized women for me, too. Even as a feminist. It's really kicked the shit out of what internalized misogyny I had left.
This is the primary reason women's sports has been so vilified, as I have pointed out in my other post on this topic: it is the loudest anti-gender campaign in society. It destroys patriarchal myths about womanhood and makes femininity and masculinity obsolete. This is why its still resisted today, and this is why it's integral to the feminist fight. Not only does it empower the fight for women's liberation, but it also bolsters movements for things like LGB rights, another movement that seeks to demolish the institution of gender in society.
Conclusion: This Is Urgent
While women's sports is on the up-and-up, female athletes NEED predominantly female audiences to ensure the integrity of their leagues and to minimize exploitation. If men remain the predominant stakeholders in women's sports, they get to demean, belittle, objectify, starve, sabotage and command the female athletes. They get to use women's sports to perpetuate misogyny and the dehumanization of women. At a time where women's liberation is gaining global traction and is heading to a potential climax with patriarchal society, this is something that is vital to our fight. I'm dead fucking serious. It stands to be one of our best assets in the global fight to humanize women. It is one of the best anti-patriarchal propaganda machines we have. We must protect it via our support both financially and with our time. We cannot let men take control of one of the biggest weapons we have. Girls need this. Boys need this. Society needs this.
WE need this.
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i have left
hey everyone this will probably be the last thing i post on this blog albeit im keeping it up for resources.
im eternally grateful for how this community has helped me through prostitution and everything, i have amazing mutuals and i have learned so much 💜
but it has become toxic. many of yall cant handle disagreement and default to being as condescending and obnoxious as possible. one of us calling out a post is not enough, we have to dog pile everyone with a slightly shitty opinion. some of yall have severely lost the plot if you ever had it in the first place. not everything is that serious, especially when it comes to online drama.
im sick of it. so many engage in the same bullshit we accuse online trans activists of. this is an echo chamber. so many just mindlessly parrot slogans and arguments. what im very sick of is seeing single tweets or posts by a nobody, usually anonymous, being spread as receipts and shit. you know how annoying it is when everything a self proclaimed terf somewhere on social media says is taken by trans activists at face value and representative of the community when theyre not even radical feminist, just transphobic? yeah. yet a lot of yall do the same by saving and sharing „receipts“ where some random person who claims theyre trans (or not even) says some fucked up or out of pocket shit. you will always find people like that online, from any politicial „camp“ or ideological alignment!
a lot of yall seem to think that debate is about winning and not like, having an exchange of arguments and let the audience come to their own conclusion
and i just dont hate trans people. in fact i feel kinship to any female or homosexual trans person, anyone except heterosexual males. many of yall dont even realise how male centered you are when you more or less equal the trans community to heterosexual men who have a fetish for humiliation and forced feminisation or whatever. who exist and are an issue and i do wish the trans community at large would distance themselves from those men, but its not all there is to it. yes i agree that we need to protect vulnerable young people, girls and especially lesbians and gay boys, from being pushed into transitioning, i think the age of consent should be put at 21 or something, but we have to acknowledge and consider that there are people who have already transitioned and will transition in the future and i just dont understand how you cant have any empathy for them. no matter what you think about transition, many trans people ARE vulnerable and marginalised. plus consider how many detransitioned women are in this community yet yall talk about trans people as mutilated and shit its gross. in the end we can only try to establish structures that keep people from self harming, but an adult of sound mind has the right to do so anyways, including plastic surgery and trans surgeries. and i want to keep my arms open to them; but a lot of rhetoric around it spread on here will only alienate them further.
right now im saving all my essays in notes so its out of my mind. i have missed the community a lot so maybe i will return at some point but i have also been feeling better since i stopped being on radblr. i miss the rare valuable input and thoughts by other women but overall i have felt unaligned with how things have been handled on here. it has been mostly negative instead of constructive and pragmatic. ive had the impression some of yall enjoy the „being in the in-group“ community aspect more than actually being here for feminist exchange. lack of nuance, lack of empathy, lack of reason. it pains me but i have more and more come to understand why people just block us without engaging on general suspicion because ive also come to be annoyed with some of yall engaging with posts - and im on „your side“.
anyways im doing okay, im going to drug counselling regularly now and am trying to establish a stable life for those of you who inquired, and i hope anyone reading this is self reflected enough to know whether this applies to her or not. bye
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theradfemprincess · 13 days
You know how many times I’ve been told that I must be a man, even before I made this controversial blog?
And no, I wasn’t being crazy on my other blogs, I was just genuinely posting sfw radfem opinions. Opinions that people didn’t like, opinions that made radfems call me a man.
It feels good, doesn’t it? It feels like an instant win. Well, I’m a woman, so I’m the good guy, and there’s this other person I don’t like… but if THEY’RE a man, aka Bad Guy, then I win!
I mean, it’s not like I can prove I’m NOT a man. So it’s your conclusions vs my testimony. But once you’ve said I’m a man, you’ve already won. No matter what I say in response, your radfem buddies don’t even want to think about agreeing with someone slightly alleged to be a man.
Even though you pulled it out of your ass. But okay.
Obviously I’m doing things much more egregious than you all are used to but my point is that this is a problem spread to even the tiniest radfem disagreements. Who can be the first to call the other the man, let’s race!
Not to mention the fatphobia.
You say “it’s okay to be fatphobic to men”, but I know I’m not a man. I know that for a fact, even if you don’t believe me, because I have XX chromosomes. but even if you don’t believe me, what happened to the “if you’re racist to men, you’re racist to women” rhetoric that’s constantly spread around radblr? Does it no longer apply when it’s fat people? Pancake tits, obese, ugly? There’s a million biological women that look just like me (I am one but what can I do to make you believe me). Even if I was a man, or if I stole that picture from the internet, you are insulting women who look that way. You are insulting fat people. That includes fat women.
I have been sent gore. I have never blocked in my life, but I had to for this because I felt unsafe.
All because someone assumed I was a man. Therefore, it’s okay.
Meanwhile people have been arguing with me that women can rape men. You hate men SO much that you can be fatphobic to them with no problem and send them gore, but you love them enough that you will defend them from women online who think women can’t rape them? I’m just looking for some consistency here. Either males are subhuman or they’re not. Choose one.
Anyway, radblr, you got some problems. You’re a couple of entitled women who can sit back unharmed in your beds while you harass people online as you please in a pretend daydream of faux rightousness. At least I know I’m the bad guy sometimes. Y’all seem incapable of doing the same self reflection, judging from my about a year of different accounts on radblr
This might be up for a while or might be deleted soon idk. But I’ll be back soon with a new acc and you won’t know a thing. I’ve blended in before. I’ve actually rounded up quite a following before. At the end of the day, I am an actual radfem.
Women can be fucked up creatures too, yall. You complain about tumblr virgins but I think you’re the naive ones if you don’t even know the kinda stuff women get up to on here. We can’t ALL be roleplaying tims. There’s absolutely some freaky ones amongst your beloved angel sex. Sorry you had to find out this way.
Tldr… fatphobia ain’t cool, so either start being freely racist to brown men too or suck it up and don’t be fatphobic to ANYONE, man or not. Stick to your own damn self-imposed rules
(not to mention I’ve been telling y’all to reverse image search that picture and none of you bothered! Lmfao)
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