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radiomogai · 2 years
quick boundary-setting
it’s starting to look like that ask was a copypasta, so we’re going to go ahead and set a boundary. don’t send us things like that. whether they’re copypastas or they’re genuine, don’t send us that sort of thing. this isn’t the first time we’ve been sent a cryptic and concerning anon ask before, either. those asks fuck with our mental health and we genuinely don’t know what we’re expected to do with them. we’re just a MOGAI archival blog, we can’t be responsible for anyone’s mental health but our own, and in the interest of protecting our own mental health, any asks like that sent to us in the future will result in the sender being blocked
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petrichorvoices · 26 days
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en8y · 4 days
what does being pale mean? i saw ur post and am confused :0 /genuine - @buntress
pale as in having a light skin tone! there have been an influx of presentation terms that specifically mention that the user of it would have light skin, which is uh. not fantastic
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rabidbatboy · 3 months
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TRANNYBOY: a flag for the term trannyboy, those who reclaim the word tranny and are boys
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TRANNYLOSER: a flag for the term trannyloser, those who reclaim the word tranny and are losers (loser = monachoric individual, equivalent of man/woman)
TAGGING: @radiomogai @losergendered (I feel like you’d mess w trannyloser)
(sidenote: I made a matching girl version when I was making these but was uncertain about posting but if enough tfems ask for it I will post it for you ❤️)
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mogaiers · 6 months
about time i coin this considering i’ve used it for so long personally!
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A role which pretains to an alter who is perpetually aware of front/the body, they do not necessarily have to perpetually be in front (though they can be!!), but they are actively aware of what is going on around the body at the present moment.
Colors are based off The Eye from The Magnus Archives!
tagging; @pluralitywords @pluralterms @radiomogai @system-term-archive @plurchive
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intervex · 16 days
Intersex Liberation Flag
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This version of the intersex liberation (interliberationist) flag, made as an SVG by yours truly, is available for free to use as public domain. The SVG file is on Wikimedia Commons. 💜
It's been frustrating that the most common version of the intersex liberation flag I have seen used has a copyright claim to it. Said flag was released by the NNID Foundation, and per the copyright info on their website, they claim copyright protection on the design, and that reproduction should only be done with their permission.
I don't know if the copyright claim would actually hold up in Dutch (or international) law, but the very fact that they're even trying means that the NNID intersex liberation flag is off-limits for uploading to places like Wikimedia Commons.
Personally, I think claiming copyright over power fist imagery goes against the very spirit of the symbols. 🧐
I intentionally designed my version to be in the style of transfeminist symbolism. It is intentionally different from the NNID design: the power fist is placed entirely within the centre ring of the flag. (The NNID version has the fist coming out of the bottom of the canvas, aligning the lower fingers with the ring.)
You are free to use, share, remix, and do whatever you want with my version. No credit is needed. I'm pretty sure the idea of a power fist combined with the intersex flag predates the NNID flag, so if anybody has leads on older uses/designs I'd love to know about that history! 💜
Tagging @intersexflags @varsex-pride @radiomogai for archival 💜
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isobug · 14 days
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General Aplatonic / Apl symbols
Made for fun, in no way am I claiming this is "official" or that anyone has to use it or anything. I just had a lot of fun making my Poison Apl symbol and I wanted to do something else with the format!
Anyone on the Aplatonic spectrum / who is Aplspec in any way can use ( and is included ) in these!
These incorporate multiple Aplatonic / Apl symbols! Bees, blue roses, and apples. The color of the apples / rose are the colors of this Apl flag, while the bee is the colors of the second Apl flag here. I wanted to represent both color schemes because I personally use both flags, and I wanted it to be inclusive of all Apls regardless of flag preference.
I gave the blue rose thorns, as a way of reclaiming stereotypes about Apls being "distant" ( a rose creates distance between itself and others with it's thorns ) because of their Aplatonicism ( especially Nonfriending and Nonpartnering Apls ) or "thorny/mean" for not wanting casual friendships / being friendship repulsed / to randomly be called "friend" / any friendships or friends / not wanting or experiencing "love" in general, especially "platonic love"
I know some prefer yellow apples while others prefer a green apples ( especially aplaros / aroapls ) so I made two versions! Use whichever you want, or use both at the same time!
Here's the Apl bee by itself because it's cute:
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Free to be used anywhere by anyone as always! If there are any typos or discrepancies please kindly let me know ( I'm editing this on low sleep, sorry! )
Taglist - @radiomogai, @daybreakthing, @aroapl
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neopronouns · 3 months
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flag id: two images of the same flag with a dark silver background. in the center of the flag are 6 slightly wavy stripes, which dip down near their left edges and go up near their left edges, forming the shape of a waving flag within the flag itself. they are medium light purple, light turquoise, very light yellow-green, cream, soft golden yellow, and tan. in the center of the left flag is a simple, stylized, dark silver symbol of a pencil, which is angled to the right, writing on a piece of paper with its edges rolled like a scroll. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.’ in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
comuniterm: a neogender umbrella for terms conceptually related to participating in mogai/liom community
[pt: comuniterm: a neogender umbrella for terms conceptually related to participating in mogai/liom community. end pt]
concepts included under comuniterm:
coining terms
creating flags
archiving terms
requesting terms
collecting/hoarding terms
using neopronouns, identifying as neolabels, etc.
making edits of flags, masterlists of terms/pronouns, etc. (basically any other types of mogai/liom posts not listed above)
helping others find terms that fit them, either through locating existing terms or coining new ones
knowledge and preservation of liom/mogai history
neolabel, subtliden, and liom inclusionism
running mogai/liom blogs
feeling connection with other members of the community
the joy, community, and creativity found in mogai/liom spaces
and more!
derived terms:
niol: a comuniterm person. plural is niolae.
comut: a comuniterm gender. plural is comuts.
ctin: comuniterm-in-nature (ex: ctingender)
cotermine: having comuniterm qualities. noun form is coterminity.
transcotermine: transitioning towards coterminity/a comuniterm identity. can be shortened to transcoter.
termaic: gender alignment to comuniterm/coterminity.
comu, comut, muni, munit, iterm, term, coter: optional/potential prefixes and suffixes for comuniterm genders.
the term is 'comunité' (old french for 'community') + 'term'! most of the derived terms are just various permutations of 'comuniterm', but 'niol' comes from 'neolabel' and 'liom'!
i've been thinking recently about just how the liomogai community has affected my identity over the years and how those effects feel like aspects of my gender in themselves, so... here's a neogender umbrella!
i took inspiration from the coinergender, requestgender, archivigender, and flagmakergender flags, so i went with cool colors, warm light neutrals, and golden yellow. the flag is meant to look like a flag in an editing software, post editor (as a new post or reblog), or other site/software (ex: being put into a rentry or carrd)!
here's the template if anyone wants to coin comuts!
the symbol is a pencil and paper, inspired by both the flag creation and writing (definitions, tags, lists, etc.) aspects of the community! i made the pencil myself and the paper is edited from scroll (2) in this folder. here's the symbol by itself:
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[image id: a simple, stylized, dark silver symbol of a pencil, which is angled to the right, writing on a piece of paper with its edges rolled like a scroll. a blank image is next to the image so that it doesn't take up the whole width of the post. end id.]
tags: @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @macchiane, @genderstarbucks, @sugar-and-vice-mogai
tags cont: @freezingnarc, @skrimbliest, @seraphtrix, @en8y, @spadescrewcoining
tags cont: @mogai-sunflowers
dni link
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satyrradio · 27 days
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Black Dog
Someone whose presentation is depression. Decisions one makes about their body, such as hair or outfits, are more linked to depression than they are to presenting masculine or feminine.
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King Cheetah
Someone whose presentation is anxiety. Decisions one makes about their body, such as hair or outfits, are more linked to anxiety than they are to presenting masculine or feminine.
Requested on Discord
@radiomogai @presentationflag-archive
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revenant-coining · 3 months
Holy Dagger | Unholy Chalice
(pt: Holy Dagger | Unholy Chalice /end pt)
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Holy/Divine Dagger (link); a queer person who’s presentation is stereotypically considered unholy/sacrilege in nature, but the user sees it as holy/divine.
Unholy/Sacrilege Chalice (link); a queer person who’s presentation is stereotypically considered holy/divine in nature, but the user sees it as unholy/sacrilege.
we feel like these experiences could be described by chalice & dagger, but we wanted a term that was more “upfront” about it ^u^ (smiling emoticon).
holy/divine dagger for cam!
tagging; @radiomogai
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the-silent-fellowship · 4 months
[PT: Spitetive]
Spitetive, a introject source out of spite of something. This can be simply about their existence, spite towards certain groups/things, or a personification of spite.
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[ID: In ALT text]
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[Tags] @system-term-archive, @pluralitywords, @pluralterms, @radiomogai
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givemecoins · 4 months
Unit AplAro
[pt: Unit AplAro/end pt]
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Unit AplAro (Aplatonic Aromantic): Someone who views their aplatonicism and their aromanticism as a single unit.
I was thinking about unit aroace and thinking about my own experience (as an aplaro), so I decided it would be cool to coin a term for aplaros who does not see their aplatonic and aromantic identities as being split. The color of the first stripe was taken from the aromantic flag and the color of the last stripe was taken from the aplatonic flag. The lighter shades of green and blue were chosen to offer a good contrast, and the middle stripe is an intermediate color between the darker green and the darker blue, chosen to represent a blend between aromantic and aplatonic identities. The arrowed apple symbol was chosen because the arrow is one of the aro symbols and because the apple is one of the aplatonic symbols.
(Note: this term totally includes mesi aplaros)
T: @radiomogai
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petrichorvoices · 1 year
i dont know whats going on so sorry if this is irrelevant . but i think ur very cool and contribute lots to the mogai community . ive gone in a gender collecting daze and immediately went to ur account, and have found so many of my old terms on there as well itsgenuinely very uselful
thank you <3 <3 <3 we're glad our archive helps people, our archive is our world
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mogai-sunflowers · 1 year
[PT ID: bold lowercase text reading “boyfemme”. End PT ID.]
a term for those who are femmes, but in an inherently boy way- whose boyness is femme or whose femmeness is boy or both, who are femme boys or want their queer boyhood inherently connected with being femme, like they’re only a boy through the lens of being femme! this term is just about embracing connection between being a boy and a femme, being both- a boyfemme!
this term is fully inclusive of, but not exclusive to, femme lesbians!
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[Image ID: A flag with eight equally-sized horizontal stripes. From top to bottom, the colors are medium purple, medium magenta, hot pink, pastel red-pink, pastel orange, pale pink, turquoise, and indigo. In the center of the flag, there is a symbol of a deep magenta flower shape. In the middle, an area the shape of a complete ring filled in partially by a crescent moon, has been erased/hollowed. End ID.]
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[Image ID: A large black-and-white version of the symbol from the flag above. End ID.]
term and flag by me! tagging @radiomogai​ @neopronouns​ @beyond-mogai-pride-flags​ @epikulupu​ @noxwithoutstars​ @dreamythism​ @lovesse​ @puriette​ 
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rabidbatboy · 7 days
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DESTIEL GAY: a flag for gays who feel connected to destiel, the pairing between dean and castiel from supernatural
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DESTIEL LESBIAN: a flag for lesbians who feel connected to destiel, the pairing between dean and castiel from supernatural
TAGGING: @flageditsarchive @orientation-archive @radiomogai
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
I accidentally posted the request without doing anything so I apologize I’ll do it this way!
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Cogsagacity Attraction
[PT: Cogsagacity Attraction]
Cogsagacity Attraction, a tertiary attraction(link) related to being confused and/or violent due to a lack of understanding or doubt about your attraction because of neurodivergence, personality disorders, behavioral disorders, traumas, etc.
Exclusive to those who are neurodivergent
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[ID: in Alt text]
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[Tag] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @imoga-pride , @tertiary-attraction-archive
DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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