#rae’s dark academia arc
gothark · 29 days
Review of The Resurrectionist by A. Rae Dunlap
I received access to an ARC in exchange for a review
5 Stars
First of I really love the premise of this book. Like 19th century dark academia, body snatching and the corruption of a good boy through love and the thirst for knowledge? So up my alley. And I was not disappointed! Right from the beginning the mood is dark and a little detached in an almost medical kind of way. It frames how posh and proper James is in juxtaposition to the other people he meets right of the bat. And I really like the slightly surreal undertones that follow right after when James meets his first fellow Students and they are poking a severed ear with a fork at their table in a pub.
And once James meets Aneurin his inhibitions get slowly picked at by his unwavering hunger for knowledge. He wants to understand, to take apart, first of all bodies to understand anatomy, then Aneurin to look under his mask, to understand why he fascinates him so and why he makes him feel this way he does not want to recognize. Which is wonderfully mirrored by Aneurin being sure in himself and his morals, knowing exactly what he wants and not being afraid to go for it.
I'm also very happy about how delightfully fun the author manages to bring across the process of body snatching. The switching between tense and fun felt effortless and if they weren't... you know. Stealing corpses. I would be awfully tempted to join the fun.
And the relationship between James and Aneurin might be my favorite part. They tease, they bicker but it's all build on a solid foundation of affection, respect and trust. I think my favorite Scene is when Aneurin shows James his rooms for the first time. The easy affectionate intimacy of them makes my heart ache in the best way.
The plot really picks up steam towards the end and some parts left me genuinly astonished and emotionally destroyed. I did not expect some of the twist and the way they rip you out of the lighter tones we had in the middle of the book is so well done. Emotional whiplash in the best and worst way at the same time.
Overall I really loved this book, the characters are charming, the setting is super interesting and plot kept me in it's grip the whole way through. If you like questions about morality, a good mystery or a well done romance, you should read this book! I highly recommend.
Favorite Quote: "I crave no absolution but yours."
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tommysparker · 3 years
“Ours Poetica” Poems
this is a master list of all the poems used and referenced in “Ours Poetica” by zeeskeit on A03
Chapter 1: “where beauty stands and waits"
Constantly Risking Absurdity by Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Chapter 2: "The nows of summer glitter in a ring; These are cities where I had hoped to live"
Triolet for Late July by Peter Kline
Chapter 3: “and my nights, and my doubts, and my friends/my beautiful, credible friends.”
All My Friends Are Finding New Beliefs by Christian Winan
Chapter 4: "I do the very thing I hate...I do not do/the good I want.
Eating Dust by Joyce S. Brown
Birthday by Richie Hofmann
Chapter 5: "my darling turns to poetry at night"
My Darling Turns To Poetry At Night by Anthony Lawrence
Chapter 6: “I gave/shape to my fears and made excuses. I varied my/velocities, watched myselves sleep.”
Birds Hover the Trampled Field by Richard Silken
Chapter 7: “And I learned after:/everything that opens is a mouth./Every mouth will spit you right out.”
Plastic Bag from Corner Store Laments the Self by Aliyah Cotton
Pristine by Hilda Raz
Chapter 8: “the only way to run through the neighborhood/was to run through it together,”
Teenage Riot by Matthew Dickman
Chapter 9: “This is an ancient practice: predicting the future/in another’s prone body”
Haruspex by Teresa Pham-Carsillo
Chapter 10: “you hurt because there are things/you’ve never been taught to do”
failed avoidance of "the body" in a poem by Destiny O. Birdsong
Cento Between the Ending and the End by Cameron Awkward-Rich
Chapter 11: “We are the sons of flint and pitch”
I see the boys of summer by Dylan Thomas
Chapter 12: “I don’t remember/what it was like when my lungs/arrived under water[…]I just/know what it feels like to be a new/parent.”
A Doctor Tells Us It’s Not a Life or Death Situation by Marcus Amaker
Hope is the thing with feathers by Emily Dickinson
*this will be updated as chapters are posted*
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raeynbowboi · 6 years
The Other Ships in My Fleet
So, I’ve already made a post talking about how I feel about certain ships in My Hero Academia, and another post about some of my other fandoms. Both posts got a lot of likes and reblogs, so I figured I’d talk about my ships from other fandoms. If this post also gets a lot of positive feedback, I’ll consider starting a second page to post my fan content for all of my fandoms, while still maintaining this one almost exclusively for My Hero Academia and Kiribaku specifically.
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Klance (Keith x Lance) Voltron: Legendary Defender
I’m fully aware that this ship is probably not going to happen, but it’s really the only ship in the series that speaks to me. I will not lie, I am a big fan of dark and moody dating happy-go-lucky, and the rivals to friends to lovers element is just icing on the cake. It’s only further helped by Lance being Keith’s second-in-command. They help each other grow, and the trust that forms between them is cute and endearing. They also shared a major element to their characters. Both of them feel out of place, Keith because of his Galra heritage, and Lance because he doesn’t have a niche role.
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Rabies/Rae x BB (Raven x Beast Boy) Teen Titans (2003)
While there wasn’t a lot of shipping fodder for these two in the 2003 iteration, the two are a canon couple in most versions of the teen titans, having been married in the comics (more than once, I think) so this is sort of a unique ship in that I ship it across every version of the two characters. Sporting a snarky moody goth and a lovable goofball, their dynamic was like that of an old married couple, or a moody teenager and her annoying little brother. Still, the two were good friends, and even though their personalities were polar opposites of each other, they had a lot of quiet, emotional moments together in the series. Whether you want to read them as friends or potential lovers, I think it’s hard to deny that there was a genuinely nice bond between the pair.
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Garnet/Rupphire (Ruby x Sapphire) Steven Universe
As the show’s literal physical manifestation of love and a perfect relationship, it’s hard not to like the relationship between these two adorable lesbians. With the show sometimes being edited to remove the queer elements, it’s absolutely hysterical that they had the two get married in an episode very important to the plot, and put Ruby in the dress so that absolutely nobody could misinterpret her as a male. Editing it would only confuse viewers as to why everybody is in wedding attire, thus taking a very satisfying stance against censors and bigotry. Garnet also marks a first in children’s programming as the first same-sex wedding in a children’s animated show, at least as far as I’m aware.
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Pearl x Mystery Girl Steven Unieverse
Although only featured in a single episode and having no dialogue, Mystery Girl (possibly named Sabina) is a very important element to Pearl’s character, being her first step toward moving on from Rose Quartz. There were fans that hoped that Mystery Girl would come back, but even if she doesn’t, she’s still important to Pearl’s character development.
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Amedot (Amethyst x Peridot) Steven Universe
I know a lot of people prefer Lapidot, but frankly I find Lapis too selfish and cold-hearted to be ready for a relationship as she currently stands. I find Amethyst to be a better fit for Peridot, since they both share issues with their height. That, and the way the show frames them has romantic comedy tropes interwoven into their scenes. But even if they’re just friends, Amethyst’s approval means so much to Peridot.
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Stevonnie (Steven Universe x Connie Maheswaren) Steven Universe
I’m not usually a fan of lead boy dates lead girl ships, as they tend to be very poorly done, and many feel forced, or are just boring and predictable. However, the bond between these two feels very genuine. They don’t feel like a lead boy and lead girl forced into a relationship at all. They come together very naturally, and the show takes its time to build their friendship up slowly. The show remembers that they’re kids first, friends second, jam buds third, and love interests last.
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Tomstar (Tom Lucitor x Star Butterfly) Star Vs the Forces of Evil
Considering the show’s themes of monsters, racism, and not judging evil at face value, this ship serves as the most thematically poignant to the narrative that the show is setting up. It also makes Star a stronger parallel to her “evil” great great something grandmother, Eclipsa. Both are monster sympathizers with monster boyfriends. While the blood moon bonds complicate things, I see this ship as the most relevant to the themes and messages the show seems to want to send.
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Tomco (Tom Lucitor x Marco Diaz) Star Vs the Forces of Evil
More of a joke/crack ship, I know it’s unlikely, but the entire episode of Friendenemies had romantic comedy written all over it. Between the literal in-universe break-up song to the show’s promotional art being inspired by dime store pulp romance novels fuel the fire that keeps this ship afloat.
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Bumblebee/Bumbleby (Blake Belladonna x Yang Xiao Long) RWBY
Partners, teammates, and close friends, the ship really took off starting in season 2 during the episode “Burning the Candle”, as Blake spiraled into self-destructive habits due to obsessing over her problems. Nobody is able to get through to her until Yang comes in to talk to her. She doesn’t lecture her or beg her to stop. She instead forms a bridge of trust by first opening up about a similar situation she’s been in, and how she knows first hand that this sort of spiraling can only have negative impacts. They are shown to be parallels, as both girls are negatively effected by a loved one no longer in their life, and the trust issues that spring from that loved one’s actions. Yang was abandoned by her mother, a problem which she mentions Blake repeated. For Blake, it was the uncertainty of trusting someone’s character, and being afraid of someone slowly turning into someone else. She explicitly states in season 3 that her ex started off a nice guy, like Yang. The first time he hurt someone, there was a reason. There was always an excuse. Until eventually, she became the pardoner. The one excusing his actions. And, she expresses the fear that Yang could be following a similar path. Both girls have been hurt by someone in the past, and both girls are afraid of being hurt the same way again, and inadvertently hurt each other the same way as someone else has. It’s also known that RWBY characters tend to represent or be based on fairy tale characters. Yang is Goldilocks, and Blake is Beauty from Beauty and the Beast. However, based on the lyrics from Red Like Roses “Black the Beast descends from shadows, Yellow Beauty burns gold”, there seems to be an implication that Yang is the Beauty to Blake’s Beast. This is interestingly supported by Blake’s name. Blake is a Celtic name meaning both Black and White, and Belladonna literally means Beautiful Woman in Italian, but is also the name of a very poisonous plant often mistaken for the harmless blueberry. The duality of her name could be pointing to how she plays the dual role of both Beauty and Beast.
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Seamonkeys (Sun Wukong x Neptune Vasilias) RWBY
A bit more of a crack ship, these two lovable idiots are far less likely to be canon, but since Sun is Yang’s main competition for Blake’s heart, I have no problem shipping him off elsewhere with his goofy best friend. Although they act more like usual best friends in the canon show, their relationship does have a much gayer tone in the less canon comedy show RWBY Chibi, where Neptune almost seems to act like a jealous clingy girlfriend a lot of the times. I doubt the ship would ever sail, but I mostly ship it because they’re cute together. Although, with season 6 just starting, I got the vibe that Sun was stepping aside to let Bumblebee sail uninhibited. Sun doesn’t really have a third popular ship, it’s just Black Sun and Seamonkeys, so this ship may be gaining validity in the future.
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Gumlee (Marshall Lee x Prince Gumball) Adventure Time with Fiona and Cake
The male counterpart to Bubbline (Princess Bubblegum x Marceline), there’s no real difference between the two pairs other than their genders, and Gumball preferring baking while Bubblegum prefers science. Because they are effectively just gender-swapped clones of the canon ship, anything canonical between the girls is also technically canon with these two. It’s not that I don’t like Bubbline, but when given the choice between gay or lesbian versions of a couple, I’m going to be naturally inclined to lean toward the gay version.
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Sasunaru/Narusasu (Sasuke Uchiha x Naruto Uzumaki) Naruto
Maybe there’s a cultural aspect I’m unaware of, but it’s a bit of a running gag in the Naruto fanbase at this point that Naruto is obsessed with Sasuke. So much so that he seems to care about him way beyond normal friendship. With how much these two obsess over one another, it’s no surprise why this became such a popular pairing. Their dynamic even dwarfed Hinata’s heartfelt confession of her love during the Pain Invasion Arc, because as soon as that ended, did Naruto go talk to Hinata? No, he immediately started thinking about Sasuke. Hinata definitely got the shaft in part II, which is a shame because I really loved her character.
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Bob and Linda Belcher Bob’s Burgers
More of an honorable mention than a full on ship, I wanted to highlight them as one of adult animation’s only married couples that actually still like each other. In the wake of the popularity of the Simpsons, and the cementing of the genre with Family Guy, the stock dynamic of idiot husband and enraged but supportive wife became a recurring trope. Before long, every single animated sitcom-esque family fell into this very annoying cliche. So, finding a couple in adult animation that are not only married but still manage to show they love each other is amazing. Their marriage isn’t on the rocks, they find time to at least try and be romantic, and even when they have bets or are on opposing sides of something, the show never forgets that these two love each other at the end of the day.
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Captain Swan (Killian “Hook” Jones x Emma Swan) Once Upon A Time
This relationship between Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming might sound odd on paper, but this couple is by far one of the healthiest relationships in the series. Both Hook and Emma come from broken lives, and together build themselves up to something stronger. In a melodrama surrounding fairy tales, both characters are surprisingly grounded, realistic, and skeptical cynics, a very stark contrast from the usual wide-eyed lovey-dovey couples Disney is known for. Emma’s tendency to put up walls and Killian’s tendency to always put himself first are both slowly broken down over time as Killian tries to tear down Emma’s walls and get to know her while she works on building a foundation of trust between them. The pairing feels very organic, and they definitely feel like the most realistic couple in the series as they both take turns stumbling and working toward being good for each other.
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Rumbelle (Rumplestiltskin x Belle) Once Upon A Time
In the early seasons, this couple was beautiful to watch. I truly loved their chemistry and dynamic, as both of them were given such strong characteristics without simplifying either of them. However, as the show went on, it started to lose that power. The couple started to feel toxic as Belle kept waiting for Rumple to change, and he kept on lying and lying. It even reached a stopping point. A perfect one. Rumple was redeemed. He was a good man again. He could be the man Belle deserved. But instead, he slipped right back into his old ways. It was then that I fell off the band wagon for this ship. I loved it once, until I got sick of watching him hurt her over and over.
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Daenerys Targaryen x Khal Drogo Game of Thrones
Although together only for a short while, this power couple won audiences over very quickly, as Drogo’s gruff but passionate affection mixed with Danny’s growing confidence and rise to power made these two iconic.
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Renly Baratheon x Ser Loras Tyrell Game of Thrones
Another short-lived relationship, the remarkable thing is that Renly was literally the only character vying for the throne with fully good intentions for the realm. He was concerned with the needs of the people, and was the only morally good candidate in the War of Five Kings. Sadly, the ydidn’t get much screen time, but they were still a strong couple.
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Peraltiago (Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago) Brooklyn 99
A rare exception to the don’t force the leads to date rule, the show let them form a bond over time that went from a friendly childish rivalry to a friendly dating rivalry. While each character experiences change and growth, it is not at the expense of their personalities, and the progression feels like it was meant to happen.
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