#rafalle fen rafalle
aurorarose2112 · 1 year
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
So, in episode 18, we saw this scene:
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Which happened right after he touched her cheek (and we all saw how Challe reacted to that 😏).
But then this happened in episode 20:
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And I was immediately reminded of the previous screenshot. It is like, an ominous imitation of when he kissed Anne’s hair, and no doubt Challe was reminded of it as well.
It wasn’t just Rafael’s words, but also his actions and the memory of that happening, that totally triggered Challe into action.
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ayesah2000 · 1 year
Sugar Apple Fairy Tale LIGHT NOVELS
Hello beautiful people! I'm wondering if anyone can procure me with the digital copies of the light novel raws of Sugar Apple Fairy Tale? Translations for the series seem to have been dying out a bit recently (unless anyone can point me out an active translator out there, that'd be fantastic!), and I'm having a hard time finding the raws online. Thanks!
Lots of love,
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Sugar Apple Fairy Tale - Rafal Fen Rafal
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sagegarnish · 10 months
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Lafalle has finally captured Challe, but what will he do now? 👀 From a series called "Sugar Apple Fairy Tale"
Not sure of ship name... ラフシャル ? Lafachalle?
Anyways, if you like weird obsessive brocon hero/villain pairings, this is the ship for you.
ラフォール x シャル
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ianime0 · 1 year
Ginzatoushi to Kuro no Yousei Part 2 | Ep8 | You are interrupting my meal.
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adribelladonna · 10 months
The fairy biology post reminded me of some questions I have had:
If fairies can be drunk and they can be poisoned (apparently), then, presumably, anesthesia and aderall should work
Since it seems the detached wing remains somewhat alive, how improbable would it be to eventualy invent a way to reattach it with surgery and magic and loads of painkillers.
If fairies cannot taste, it means they may have even less way of telling if they were poisoned or drugged than humans (who can sometimes smell or taste something off) until it is too late
How important is quality of food to fairies and does the food need to actually be fresh. Did Shall starve a lot? Can someone put some meat on his bones?
How long will a fairy survive if their remaining wing is not torn off but rather has a tear? Can any damage to wings ever recover?
If a fairy's durability is defined by the qualities of the origin material, couldn't the Fairy king found some... less brittle stones for his kids to be born from? The only one who rolled something more or less decent in terms of durability is the babiest brother. Or is that durability isn't as directly influenced by the origin material as we think? Or maybe the Fairy King simply thought that whatever other traits the opal and the obsidian could offer were worth the trade-offs (makes me think, if he anticipated that the opal fairy would come out as potentially very cunning and crafty and obsidian fairy as rather stoical and pragmatic for example, do not know enough about the diamond fairy).
While fairy names are just names and all, the consistency of Fen seems to indicate that sibling fairies at least may share a naming pattern. Do these patterns differ between different sets of siblings or not.
Did Rafalle try to deliberately teach his diamond baby brother things before he was born by constantly talking to his "unhatched" stone, I need to know this. Just how much knowledge do fairies retain from their origin and why if Lusul knew nothing, she could still talk dammit. Are they suggesting the entirety of nature is actually capable of thought and speech and it is just that no living creature is able to normally hear that.
I'll try to answer those with to the best of my ability (and my knowledge) from the various novel titbits that I've gathered!
1. Probably? It would make sense I guess, but then again, no one's seemed to bother to try to give meds to fairies. We know that aphrodisiacs would work on them (it was explicidly mentioned by Mythrill. The best wingman out there was trying to drug Challe with "special tea" at one point. I swear Mythrill is unhinged. If you see him -- run!)
2. It is unclear if the detached wing is still alive or not. It loses it's warmth and colour so it's safe to assume that it's a dead limb... but twisting it still brings pain to the fairy and tearing it still kills them so... not so dead???
3. Haha I was thinking about it for a lot for various reasons. They can still smell things, but what if a poison is colourless and odourless?
4. And can they "eat" something that is not food? Questions without answers maaaan
4.1 I swear both Challe and Anne need to put some meat on their bones. Have you seen them? They both look like twigs, pls.
5. It seems they just can't. If a wing is torn the fairy dies. Don't tear your wings, kids, it might be lethal (probably it IS).
6. The Fairy King was a Ruby, we do know that. He didn't need a weapon since he could just make one like Challe and Lafalle (and Ellile, the diamond fairy for that matter) can. He's crafted a sword for himself specifically so that he could encrust it with an opal, an obsidian and a diamond. Why he'd go with these three stones in particular is a mystery.
7. I've said it before and I'll repeat my joke again:
"We fairies do not have last names," -- said Challe Fen Challe, the brother of Lafaell Fen Lafaell and Elille Fen Elille.
The other sibling-fairies that we know of are Daan and Hala and, unfortunately, I believe that it's their human names, so we don't know their original names.
8. Elille was born from Lafalle's gaze. He was a little cocomelon ever since his birth damn it. For now we only know that Elille is incredivally attached to Lafalle and that is all. It's a mystery how much of Lafalle's "teachings" he retained after his birth. And I don't really think it matters all that much since Lafalle was there with his diamond baby brother from the very beginning. He'd get tainted by Lafalle's ideas either way.
As for the whole "just how much knowledge do fairies retain after their birth" thing, I think it's just an author's tool to use at her own convinience. Magical realism bullshit at play. Of course fairies are born knowing how to speak, no one has time to teach them that, it's not relevant to the plot. What if I tell you Challe was born already knowing some basic sewing skills? What are you gonna do about it? Flip out just like I did? Honestly, good. Glad to know we're both sane.
(I kid you not when I'm saying this btw, the first thing he did after he was born was (aside from scoffing at Liz) pilfering clothes from baby Liz, making a whole scene about how human clothes constrict his wings and how uncomfy it is, pilfering a sewing kit from Liz and resewing shirts to better fit him. I kid you not. I could not make this up. Just... Mikawa-sensei, why?)
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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Matthew J. Smith, Ph.D. Smith se Konferansye Senior nan Depatman Istwa ak Akeyoloji nan University of the West Indies nan Mona, Jamayik. Li se otè Red and Black in Haiti: Radicalism, Conflict, and Political Change, 1934-1957 (2009). " Nan plizyè fason, Ayiti te antre nan epòk politik modèn li a ak Revolisyon 1946 la. Konfli koulè ak klas nan peyi a te vin pi apwofondi anba lidèchip Elie Lescot, ki te pran plas Prezidan Sténio Vincent an 1941. Lescot te dirije ak yon men fèm e tankou Vincent te konte anpil. Garde d'Haïti (ansyen jandamri a) pou l te kenbe dominasyon l, men li pa t kapab kenbe enpilsyon radikal yo te deklannche nan viktwa fòs alye yo an 1945. Jèn maksis ann Ayiti te enspirasyon anpil nan Revolisyon Ris la, Gè Sivil Panyòl, maksis fransè yo, André Breton ak mouvman sirealis la ak jenerasyon kominis ayisyen anvan yo, sitou powèt maksis la selebre Jacques Roumain, ki gen renome ak lejand te grandi apre lanmò toudenkou li an 1944.
Defi revolisyonè nan pwennvi yo, etidyan maksis sa yo, ki gen ladann ekriven don Jacques Stephen Alexis, René Depestre, ak Gérald Bloncourt, te non sèlman ajite pa elit abi pouvwa politik, men tou, entèferans nan peyi Etazini nan politik ak ekonomi Ayiti. pandan GMII. Nan edisyon Nouvèl Ane 1946 nan ògàn yo La Ruche, yo te mande pou yon reoryantasyon dramatik nan politik ayisyen an ak yon fen nan diktati an Ayiti. Fèmti fòse Lescot nan laprès te pouse yon pwotestasyon etidyan an mas ki te dirije pa manm kolektif La Ruche. Nan kèk jou, manifestasyon etidyan an te vin tounen yon gwo grèv nan tout peyi a. Yon Lescot dekouraje te oblije demisyone.
Apre "Revolisyon 1946" Ayiti te fè eksperyans yon peryòd gwo aktivite radikal. Pou la pwemye fwa nan listwa peyi a, te gen yon rafal jounal radikal ak plizyè douzèn pati politik ki te fòme, ki gen ladan plizyè enpòtan pati gòch. Pami yo te gen yon Parti Communiste Haïtien (PCH) ak Parti Socialiste Populaire (PSP) ki te reviv. PSP a te dirije pa ansyen alye Roumain e li te gen pi fò koneksyon ak gwoup maksis nan Kiba, Repiblik Dominikèn, ak Etazini.
Men, se gwoup noiriste yo ki te gen pi gwo enfliyans an 1946. Radikalis noiriste te dwe anpil nan ekspansyon konsyans nwa nan ane karant yo ak devlopman an reta nan yon mouvman travayè an 1946. Figi dirijan nan mouvman travayè a ak nan mouvman travayè a. epòk pre-Duvalier te san dout Daniel Fignolé. Fignolé se te yon jèn pwofesè matematik ak ekriven ki te soti nan yon orijin riral pòv, li te yon oratè ki te gen yon don ekstraòdinè ak yon apeti fenomenn nan mitan majorite vil yo nan Pòtoprens. Aparisyon Fignolé sou sèn politik la an 1946 te atribiye a abilite inik li pou pwofite enkyetid majorite ayisyen yo nan diskou dramatik ki te bay an kreyòl.
Ekriven Noiriste yo te konsidere Fignolé kòm yon egzanp sou espwa yo ak gwo swiv li te wè l kòm yon sovè anba dominasyon politik boujwazi a. Pati Fignolé a, Mouvement Ouvrier et Paysan (MOP) te fòme an 1946 e li te vin pi gwo òganizasyon travayè nan listwa Ayiti. Malgre mayetis Fignolé a, ak ajanda radikal maksis yo, Etazini ak Garde d'Haïti, te rete pi gwo pouvwa an 1946. Sou direksyon Garde yo te òganize eleksyon 16 out e sa te lakòz viktwa. Dumarsais Estimé, yon depite nan Verettes ak senpati noiriste. Administrasyon katran Estimé a te pwouve se youn nan pi pwogresis nan ventyèm syèk la." " Gérald Bloncourt, Jacques Stephen Alexis, ak René Depestre, ak zanmi. Nan Unité, vol. 2, no 9" Sous : http://islandluminous.fiu.edu/part09-slide14.html http://www.dloc.com/UF00072338/00011
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sagegarnish · 10 months
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I couldn't stop thinking about these two villainous brocons hanging out in a bar, bonding over their problems...
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