Word Count: 3.9K
Pairing(s): Ward x Reader, Sarah x Reader, Rafe x protective!reader
Warnings: Flirting, Violence, Gun Violence, Home Invasion, SMUT MDNI 18+
Summary: Fem!reader has been hired by Ward to protect his children when a business arrangement takes a turn for the worse and he discovers that a reward has been offered for their capture.
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Part 1
Today marked the day when I was employed by Ward Cameron to ensure the safety of his children. I received an invitation to my boss's office, where I had the opportunity to meet Ward and discuss the specifics of my new role.
He extended his hand for a handshake and proceeded to explain his situation, suggesting that a young woman would seamlessly fit into his family and serve as an ideal undercover bodyguard. My boss then handed me three files containing the names of each child: Wheezie Cameron, Sarah Cameron, and Rafe Cameron.
After the meeting, we all stood up, and Ward returned to shake my hand once more. "Remember, no one can discover the existence of this arrangement," he emphasized, and I nodded in agreement. The reward for this assignment was set at $1 million per child or $4 million for all three. I was entrusted with their protection at any cost. 
Ward Cameron had been a highly respected figure in the Outer Banks until this deal went awry. I was uncertain whether the children were aware of his business, but it was my responsibility to investigate and ensure their safety from any potential threats.
That evening, I dove into each of the files, beginning with Sarah Cameron:
Age: 16 Description: Blonde hair Height: 150cm Noteworthy details: Friends with the Pogues, straddles the line between being a Kook and classifying as a Pogue. She's exceptionally bright with outstanding grades and seems to have a close bond with her father.
These were the key highlights from her file.
Moving on to Wheezie Cameron:
She didn't appear to be of much concern, as she mostly stayed at home with Rose.
Rafe Cameron's file, on the other hand, contained the most substantial information:
Age: 20 Description: Dirty blonde hair, deep blue eyes Height: 188cm Notable details: He's a typical frat boy, the eldest child, known as the Kook Prince, has issues with anger, and appears to be somewhat spoiled.
Rafe's file was particularly intriguing because it reminded me of my own past less than two years ago.
The following day marked my first day on the job. I pulled up at Tanny Hill in my sleek Matt Black Maserati dressed in a cute beach outfit.
As I arrived, I encountered Ward, who was coming out of the house with Rose. He introduced me to Rose as one of his clients' daughters and explained that I would be staying with them for a while.
Ward kindly assisted me with my luggage and guided me indoors to meet the rest of the family. Upon entering the kitchen, I was greeted by two lovely young girls.
"Sarah, Wheezie, meet Y/N," Ward announced as he circled the island counter.
"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I greeted them warmly, offering a friendly smile.
"Sarah, could you please show Y/N to her bedroom?" Ward requested, and she readily agreed. She picked up one of my suitcases and led me upstairs to the third floor. There were only two bedrooms on this level.
"This is your room, and your ensuite is through there," she indicated the closed door in the corner of the room.
"I'm having a few friends over tonight, and you're welcome to join us if you'd like," she added as she placed my suitcase on the bed.
"Yeah, I'd be delighted to join," I responded as I began unpacking my belongings.
"Great. I'm just going to change; if you need me, I'll be on the second floor, first door on the right," Sarah informed me, to which I nodded in acknowledgment.
After she left the room, I proceeded to set up all my security and surveillance equipment. Around 6 in the evening, I could hear her friends arriving, prompting me to decide to head downstairs and introduce myself.
Sarah introduced me to Kiara, Pope, JJ, and her boyfriend John B, a detail I hadn't come across in the files. We all made our way to the fire pit and gathered around, discussing how they had all met Sarah.
To be honest, they weren't my usual crowd; they were sitting there, casually smoking weed. But in the end, I reminded myself that my primary responsibility was to protect Sarah.
As the evening progressed and the temperature dropped, JJ suggested that we all get into the spa to warm up. Everyone agreed and hopped in. Since I had my bikini on underneath my clothes, there was no need for me to change. The spa, while not large, had enough room for all of us. 
We stayed in for a while, engaging in a conversation about life. Eventually, Pope, JJ, and Kiara had to leave, and I got out as well to grab a drink from inside the house.
Upon reentering the house, I encountered someone who I presumed to be the eldest son, Rafe. Viewed from behind, his muscular physique was absolutely striking.
He turned around, revealing his sun-kissed, well-toned abs, which sent shivers through my body. He was undoubtedly the most handsome and attractive man I had ever seen. He was shirtless, and his pronounced V-line left little to the imagination, knowing that he’s big.
"You must be Y/N, my father mentioned you'd be staying with us," he remarked, eyeing me up and down. Closing the distance, he positioned himself a few feet away.
"Yes, I am, and you must be Rafe," I replied, playfully pointing my finger back at him with a smirk. He nodded and let out a small laugh.
"To be completely honest, when I heard one of my client's daughters was coming to stay, I wasn't thrilled. But now that I see what a beautiful girl you are, I think I've changed my mind," he confessed, brushing a strand of hair behind my ear and running his index finger along my jawline to my chin.
His touch made my cheeks flush with warmth. I took a step back and moved around him, heading for the sink to pour a glass of water. "Is that what you say to all the girls?" I quipped, looking back at him with a mischievous grin.
He chuckled and shook his head, walking over to me. I turned back around as he placed his hands on either side of my body, effectively trapping me.
"Feel like something a bit stronger than that, sweetheart?" he murmured, leaning in closer. I could feel his arousal pressing against my clothed pussy, causing me to grow increasingly aroused by the second.
"Only if you're on the menu," I flirted back, leaning in as I trailed my fingertips along his arm and up to his shoulder. "You should come join us in the spa, and then I won't be the only one that's wet," I whispered into his ear, teasingly. With that, I pushed past him and returned outside to the spa.
As we continued our time in the spa, Sarah and John B suggested playing truth or dare. It happened to be Sarah's turn to do a dare. "Sarah............I dare you to make out with Y/N," John B declared, his eyes fixed on Sarah.
Just as Sarah settled down beside me, Rafe emerged from the house and made his way over to the spa. He gracefully entered and took a seat next to me, resting his arms on the edge, with his fingertips gently brushing against my shoulder.
"Rafe, you've arrived just in time. I dared Sarah to kiss Y/N," John B announced with a grin, causing Rafe's gaze to quickly return to me.
Sarah leaned and I tilted my head, our lips connected and her hand came to my waist. My hand rested in her neck and then she slipped her tongue in.
The kiss lasted about 6 seconds and when I returned to my seat the boy's faces were red hot. I could see Rafe fixing the bulge in his pants and shifting closer to me. 
Sarah took her turn and directed her gaze at her brother. "Rafe, I dare you to suck any part of Y/N's body from the neck down for 10 seconds," she challenged, a mischievous glint in her eyes.
Rafe smiles and turns to me, he gestures for me to sit on the edge of the pool and he kneels down and opens my legs. He brings his head down and sucks on my inner thigh.
His nose brushes my clothed clit and moan leaves my lips. My cheeks went bright pink, but it felt so good. He knew what he was doing. 
After the 10 seconds had passed, Rafe grabbed my hand and gently pulled me back into the water. We continued to enjoy our time in the spa for a few more minutes.
Eventually, Ward called out, signaling that it was time to head back inside. Reluctantly, we all made our way back to the house. John B left, and Rafe retreated to his room.
One Week Later,
Since that night in the spa, Sarah and I had become close friends. We spent most of our time by the pool or out on their jetty. She would share stories about John B and how she envisioned a future with him, along with all the typical topics that teenagers discuss.
As we strolled along the jetty, Ward approached us with an announcement. He explained that they were going to visit their grandparents for the night and would return around lunchtime the next day.
Ward instructed Sarah to pack her belongings for the overnight stay and join them in the car. After Sarah departed to prepare, he confided in me that Rafe would be staying behind while the rest of us were leaving.
"Please keep a close eye on my son," he requested. "Sometimes when we're away, he can get a bit lonely." I nodded in understanding as they drove off.
With their departure, Rafe remained in his room. He had spent the previous night at a friend's house and was nursing a hangover. 
I had turned off all the lights, preparing to start watching a movie when I suddenly heard a noise outside. Although the house was securely locked up, that didn't guarantee someone couldn't find a way inside.
I cautiously approached the window and pulled back the curtain slightly to peer outside. What I saw sent a shiver down my spine: a man with a gun and a knife tucked into his back pocket.
In a rush of panic, I quickly and quietly made my way upstairs to retrieve my own gun, concealing it in my pants. My next destination was Rafe's bedroom, which fortunately was right next to mine.
Just as I was about to knock on Rafe's door, I heard the sound of glass shattering, confirming my fears that the intruder was now inside the house. My heart pounding, I moved towards the staircase and glanced over the railing, where I saw him roaming around, gun in hand, scanning for his next move.
I quietly retreated to Rafe's door, not bothering to knock. He was lying face down, wearing gray track pants. Carefully, I approached him to ensure he was still alive. Placing two fingers below his jaw, I felt for a heartbeat. His head shifted slightly as my cold fingers made contact with his skin.
He turned over, "About time -" He was cut off by my hand swiftly covering his mouth as I sat down on his bed. I sensed a smirk beneath my hand and signalled for him to remain silent. With a gentle retreat, I removed my hand.
"Shhhhhhh, don't panic. There's someone in the house, and he's armed!" I whispered urgently. Rafe attempted to rise, but I firmly pushed him back onto the bed. He sat there, trying to pull me closer, but I shook my head and went to lock the door.
Just as I was about to return to him, I heard footsteps just outside the door, followed by the intruder's phone ringing. Rafe shifted to the other side of the bed, trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.
The intruder answered his phone with an unsettling message:
"Hey, I'm in. I don't think anyone's home... I'll check all the rooms before I leave... I'll see you in 20." After ending the call, he proceeded further into my room.
I hastily returned to Rafe, grasping his arm and pulling him into the ensuite. We both entered the shower and shut the door, our hearts pounding. Moments later, we heard the intruder forcefully open the door to Rafe's room.
I paced nervously around the shower, and then Rafe's phone rang, a mistake on our part as we had left it behind when we hid.
"I know someone is here, you left your phone behind!" the intruder yelled. He continued to approach the bathroom door, and I could feel Rafe's heart racing.
I turned to him, placing my hand over his heart, and slowly retrieved my gun, aiming it towards the man. Rafe's arms enveloped me, his shock evident upon discovering the weapon in my possession.
The intruder cornered us in the bathroom, spotting both of us, and demanded that I put the gun down. However, I held my ground. "You put yours down first!" I yelled back at him.
As he stepped closer, I sensed Rafe stepping out from behind me and pushing the intruder against the wall. Rafe started throwing punches at the intruder's abdomen, but the intruder retaliated by striking Rafe over the head with the gun, causing him to collapse to the floor.
Turning back to me, the intruder saw me placing the gun into my pants and decided to challenge me directly. I signaled for him to come at me, and he lunged.
He threw punches and tried his best moves, but I managed to evade each of his attacks. When he was finally down, I used my handcuffs to secure him to the heater near the window.
I rushed back over to Rafe, who was holding his head, and the area around it had started to bleed. I helped him up and sat him on the edge of the bed. Turning away from the intruder, I knelt down to inspect Rafe's wounds. That was my second mistake. 
The intruder had managed to cut himself free with his knife and sneaked up behind me, holding the knife to my throat. Rafe tried to assist, but he was in too much pain.
I shifted my body to the side, stepped on the intruder's foot, threw my head back, and thrusted my elbow into his chest, causing him to release me. He grabbed his gun and regained control of the situation.
“Bitch………I’ll kill you for that, or better yet I’ll kill him and I don’t care about the reward. Your reward enough!” The intruder's threat was chilling as he pointed the gun directly at my head, then turning to point it at Rafe.
Time seemed to slow as I considered my options and the gravity of the situation. Every move had to be calculated and precise to ensure his safety.
As the intruder menacingly questioned me with the gun pointed at his head, I could feel the tension in the room escalating. The air seemed heavy with anticipation as he asked, "Any last words, Mr. Cameron?" His finger hovered over the trigger, and the threat was imminent.
In a split-second decision to defend Rafe, I managed to wrestle the gun from his grasp and fired a shot that struck him in the chest. He stumbled backward and collapsed to the floor, but he was still alive.
I hovered over him, the gun aimed at him once more, and asked firmly, "Who do you work for?" 
Bending down, I awaited his response, determined to uncover the truth behind this intrusion.
In a final act of defiance, the intruder defiantly spat out blood and threatened, "You'll die for this!"
I responded resolutely, "No, you will if you don't tell me who you work for."
With a bitter grin, he retorted, "Kill me then, they already know who shot me, see this…" He pointed to his jacket pocket. "You're on camera, bitch."
Determined to eliminate any evidence, I promptly shot his camera and then him, ending the immediate threat. Now, the challenge was to uncover the larger conspiracy that had brought him here and potentially placed us all in danger.
I turned back to where Rafe was sitting, his eyes wide with a mix of shock and admiration. He grabbed my hand and pulled me onto him, straddling my legs comfortably on his lap.
With a deft motion, he took the gun from me and tossed it behind him on the bed. The intense moment we had just experienced lingered in the air between us. “That was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen”. His hands coming to squeeze my butt. 
"Are you okay?" I asked him, my hands gently resting on his shoulders as I glanced at his deep cut. He nodded in response, and then he leaned in, pressing a soft kiss to my lips.
I moved closer to him, my hands snaking around his neck, and we deepened the kiss, finding comfort and solace in each other's embrace amidst the tension and danger that had just unfolded.
I pulled back from our passionate moment and glanced toward the intruder's lifeless body, then back at Rafe. "As much as I want feel you inside me, we have to clean this mess up" I said with a playful smile. Rafe agreed, and he lifted me back up.
I instructed him to go grab an old blanket, and he left to do so. Meanwhile, I began searching the intruder's body for any signs of identification, hoping to uncover some answers to the dangerous situation we had just faced.
I gathered all the personal belongings from the intruder and placed them on the bed. When Rafe returned with an extra-large blanket, I instructed him to turn the intruder on his side so we could slip the blanket underneath him.
Once that was done, he rolled the intruder back over, and I wrapped him up securely. Rafe then carried the bundled intruder downstairs.
As we descended, I asked Rafe, "Do you have any weights and rope?" He nodded and quickly fetched the necessary items from the garage, understanding the need to ensure the intruder remained concealed and secure.
We carried the intruder to the end of the jetty and placed him in the small boat. Driving the boat out into the marsh, we ensured his body was weighted down, ensuring it would sink. It was a somber and grim task that needed to be done.
Returning to the dock, it was already around 1 in the morning. We docked the boat and made our way back to the house. Heading up to Rafe's room, we set about cleaning up the blood, using bleach to remove any traces of the ordeal.
By the time we finished, both of us had blood and chemicals on our shirts.
After cleaning, Rafe turned on the shower. He removed his shirt, walked over to me, and placed a hand around my waist, tugging at my pants.
He leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips, followed by a couple on my neck. With a swift motion, he lifted my top above my head and tossed it onto the floor, igniting a passionate moment between us.
SMUT BELOW......18+
After that, he led me into the bathroom and took off his pants, showing me his rock-hard dick and the well-defined vein lines that ran down to his tip.
I licked my base lip and hauled my fingers down his toned body. He unclipped my bra with one hand while lowering my shorts and panties. He wrapped his arms around me as he led me back to the warm shower.
As I slowly moved my hand down his side to reach his big cock, I pushed my boobs against his chest. A groan left his lips and he kissed me more profound.
I slowly started to fall to my knees and moved my hand faster around his cock. I looked up at him through my lashes and opened my mouth and took his cock into my mouth and started working on him.
He assembled my hair in his grasp and began face fucking me. Hot cum ropes hit my throat as I felt his cock twitch in my mouth. I carried him through his high and swallowed his seed. 
He pulled me back up and kissed my lips tasting himself on me. He massaged my boobs and sucked on my left breast using his other hand to play with my other nibble. Moans left my lips uncontrollably, I threaded my fingers through his hair.
His hand left my breast and trailed down my front coming to toy with my clit. His fingers teased my entrance and inserted one finger in, pumping it in and out. As he moved quickly my fingers dug into his shoulder.
A knot started to form in my stomach, 'I was getting close. He pulled out just as I was a about to cum. “I want you to cum on my face” He said as he made his way down my throbbing pussy.
He hoisted my leg up onto his shoulder and brushed his nose against my clit making me grind my body into his face. He dove his tongue into my wet pussy and began to eat me out.
His tongue made circles and that feeling was coming up again. “Rafe….gonna…..cum” I screamed as I felt myself squirt all over his face. He licked up all my juices and rubbed at my clit again.
The feeling was so intense, I felt my legs slowly start to give way, but he held me up with his strong muscles. He stood back up and stroked himself a few times before inserting himself into me.
He lifted my leg up again to get a better angle. He stretched me out with his huge size. He started slow and then sped up his movements. Pounding into me, all that could be heard was skin slapping and our moans. 
He pressed my back against the wall and lifted me up to hit me at a new and deeper angle. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rolled my body on his. He then let go and turned my body around. He lined himself back up and thrusted into me from behind.
My hands came to land on the shower screen, while his hand started rubbing circles on my clit. My legs started to shake again as I felt my orgasm approaching. He wrapped his strong arm around me and I arched my back and dropped my head back onto his shoulder.
I felt my walls start to clench around is cock and he quickened his pace, leaving me a moaning mess. The shower was hot and steamy and I felt him spill into me, he rode me through my high and then pulled out.
Turning me around he sat down on the bench in the shower, pulling me onto his lap straddling him and I lined myself up with him. 
I rode him like my life depended on it. My boobs bounced out of control and he held on to me to for intense pleasure. I could feel the wetness in-between us starting to leak out. He thrusted up while I sunk back down, he was making me feel so full. “I think this is the best sex I’ve ever had” he said as he kissed me deeper and more passionately. 
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echobx · 5 months
Barry leaves, asking Rafe to watch his sister, who overhears and objects. Despite her attempts to seduce Rafe, He declines. That night after Barry goes to sleep he confesses his love to her and they have passionate slow sex
Rafe Cameron × Barry's little sister!reader
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warnings: p in v (protected), fingering, light oral (fem receiving)
word count: 2.2k
author's note: I hope what I did here is not dissapointing you bestie 💕and if I'ma 100% honest with you, my brain never comes up with anything for Rafe so this is a blessing because I need to write him more (accidentally wanted to write "need to ride him" there lol)
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You're standing in the kitchen of your trailer, your big brother and his friend Rafe are sitting on the couch just a few feet away from you. You never intend to eavesdrop on them, especially because you really don't want to know about all the illegal shit your brother gets up to. You've learned to keep out of Barry's business and only ever do something when he specifically asks you to. Like the one time he needed you to smuggle something over the border, so you packed your suitcase, and your innocent best friend, and had a girl's trip. No one would suspect a cute and innocent looking girl like you to be the sister of one of the biggest fish in the OBX. 
“I need you to stay here, make sure no one comes around and tries anything while I go pick up the new shit,” Barry says in a low voice, not wanting you to listen of course.  “Isn't she old enough, though?” Rafe asks and you smile into yourself a little. You like that he trusts you more than your brother does, but then again it's the simple brotherly instinct to want to have you taken care of. And who better to do that then his best friend. Of course.  “Just keep an eye on her,” Barry sighs.  “I don't need a babysitter,” you speak up and turn around to look at them both.  “Who said anything about babysitting?” Rafe cocks his eyebrow up, trying his best to seem innocent.  “Exactly,” Barry hesitates. “Rafe will just wait for me here until I get back. No babysitting. Just waiting and you're here too, sis.”  “Ugh, you guys are the worst,” you groan and walk back into your room. 
You decide to go through your closet, putting on a pair of dungarees over a simple red top first and walking back into the living area. Barry had left already, and you decided to play a little game with Rafe, unbeknownst to him.  “What do you think?” you ask and twirl around, and he lifts his head to look at you.  “Cute,” he notes and dips his head again, looking back to his phone.  You go and try on something else. A mini skirt and loop top, showing off your belly button piercing.  “How about this?” you ask him again and this time his eyes linger for a little longer, but he just shrugs.  “Looks good to me.”  You groan and stomp back into your room. Picking out a shirt that is basically see-through and a pair of hot pants that really should probably not count as pants, but panties.  You step back out and walk straight over to him, placing yourself in front of him and twirling your hair.  Rafe's eyes get stuck on your tits before he looks up at you and gulps. “That's something,” he rasps and lifts his hips in his seat, but he doesn't go further. 
Not only are you frustrated because none of your attempts have shown any real effect, but also because all you want is for him to just fuck you. It's not really that easy to find a guy when you have a brother who threatens anyone you even think about bringing home. But Rafe's at your place basically every single day. Barry finds him trustworthy enough to stay with you while he's out. And on top of that, you know of the rumors. You know of Rafe's reputation. He takes what he wants, and he doesn't leave until he's satisfied. That's what you wanted for yourself. Especially for your first time.  Which is why it also doesn't make sense to you that he hasn't made a move on you yet, especially considering how you always flirt with him as soon as Barry leaves the room. 
You decide to let it go, instead only putting on an oversized shirt, no bra and a pair of shorts. Your usual look, basically.  When you come back out, Rafe's already looking at you, he's smiling.  “I like that one too,” he says, and you roll your eyes.  “Whatever.”  “Since when do you have a piercing?” Rafe asks and watches you sit down on the other end of the couch.  “Few months ago. Thought if I hide it long enough, my brother can't tell me off about it anymore,” you shrug, bored out of your mind really. And you don't realize that Rafe keeps talking to you about you, and not just about random shit like usually. He asks about your favorite things, and he doesn't even make fun of you for how polar opposite it all is to how people perceive you.  No one would expect a trailer park chick to be a math nerd, or like classical music the same amount as rap. But Rafe finds it fascinating. He's practically enamored by you, but you're too stuck in your head to even really notice it. 
“This is prolly the best shit I had in months,” Barry grins while walking in, taking a small bag of shit out of his backpack and throwing it towards Rafe. “Think we can at least triple that,” he says, and goes to stash the rest.  Rafe is dipping his pinky into the powder and rubs it on his gums. “Oh, that's good,” he nods and leans back.  They spend the rest of the night talking about how much they can take for it and the usual split. And you just sit there, watching and listening and zoning out and thinking about more fun things, like, what if Rafe didn't just see Barry's little sister in you.
The night progresses and you go to your room, telling them you're tired, when you really are just not in the mood to listen to them any longer.  That's how you found yourself, two hours later, lying in your bed, body turned away from the door but still wide awake when the door opens and closes with a soft creak.  “Y/n?” Rafe asks and you pretend to be asleep. “Are you awake?”  You keep your eyes closed in case he walks around your bed to check on it, but he doesn't, instead he just sits down next to you and sighs.  “I don't know how to keep doing this, to keep pretending like I don't care,” he whispers, and your heart starts beating a little faster. “But I can't do what I want to either. I'm not supposed to- Fuck, y/n, I wish I could tell you how much I love you,” he sighs, and you rip your eyes open. 
“You what?” You flip around and stare at him.  Rafe looks at you, completely flabbergasted, he really didn't expect you to hear him. But now it's too late, and he can't take it back anymore. “I'm in love with you,” he whispers, and you sit up. “And I don't- I can't keep going like this, not when you do shit like today and all I can think of is bending you over and fucking you until you beg me to stop.”  “Then do it,” you whisper.  “What?”  “Fuck me.” You look at him and he shakes his head.  “Barry would kill me.”  “I don't care about my brother. I don't want my brother. I want you,” you tell him and lean in to kiss him. 
It's a gentle peck that you place on his soft lips. Rafe takes his hands up to hold onto your neck as he reciprocates the kiss, harshly and with a demanding manner that makes you feel like putty in his hands.  You try to stay quiet, but the way his tongue presses against yours makes you want to moan louder than you ever anticipated from a simple kiss. But Rafe knows what he wants, and now that he's had a taste, he's not stopping.  His hands find your waist, running up and taking your shirt off you. Rafe stops kissing you to admire your body, hands groping at the flesh of your tits, and you have to bite your lip to not moan.  “Take off your shirt,” you whisper, and he follows suit, throwing it somewhere on the floor before starting to kiss down your body. Lips trailing down your neck to the valley of your breasts, then farther down, sucking your piercing between his teeth before kissing your clothed clit.  “You smell so good, baby,” he moans against your cunt, before slapping against your thigh, and you instinctively lift your hips and let him take off your slip. 
“If that's not the prettiest pussy I've seen in my life,” Rafe hums before licking a stride up your slick folds and closing his lips around your sensitive bud. Shallow moans and quiet gasps leave you as you grasp into his hair, trying to hold onto anything you can get your hands on while he edges you on.  “More, please, Rafe,” you beg and he looks up with a smirk.  “Want me to fuck you, baby?”  “Yes, please, please.”  Rafe thrusts his fingers into your tight hole and your back arches up. His fingers curl up and prod against your walls, making you squirm under him.  “God, you're tight, it's almost like-” he stops and looks at you. “Have you never had sex?”  You feel ashamed at first, but you can't lie, you know he's gonna find out eventually. So you shake your head and hope he doesn't mind.  “Jesus, baby, you should've said something. I would've come over and fucked you way earlier if that's all you wanted this whole time,” he whispers and kisses you, his hand still working on your pussy until you feel like you're about to explode.  “Cum for me, baby, I know you want to. Soak my fingers,” he growls into your ear, and you let go. Your moans are swallowed by his lips on yours and his fingers fuck you through your high until you lie there, panting and happier than ever. 
“Need more,” you rasp and pull on his shorts, trying to open the button.  “Really needy, aren't you,” Rafe chuckles and gets up to take off his shorts and boxers. Your eyes go wide when you see how big he is. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to pick Rafe of all people for your first time, but there’s no going back now. You watch him pump his dick a few times before rolling on a condom and coming back to kneel between your legs.  “You have to tell me if it hurts. I don't wanna hurt you,” he says, and you nod, biting your lips in anticipation.  His tip nudges your hole, and you take a deep breath as he starts pushing into you. Forgetting that he wanted to go slow, Rafe bottoms out, and you feel like you're being split in two.  “Shit, are you okay?” he asks, and you nod, trying to not cry from the stinging feeling.  “Go slow, please,” you whisper, and he kisses you, distracting you from the pain between your legs.  He pulls out slowly and pushes back into you, groaning quietly against the skin on your neck. Your hands are clasping his shoulders and your legs are wrapped around his middle, letting him hit even deeper inside you with his shallow thrusts. 
“You feel so good, baby. This pussy is made for me,” Rafe muses, kissing your neck and sucking on the soft skin, leaving marks for days. Your mind is dazed. The pain you had felt just minutes before is replaced with pure pleasure and the way he longingly stares into your eyes.  You didn't expect him to be so gentle with you, but now that you have it, you want nothing more than to do it over and over again.  “Fuck, you're so tight,” Rafe grunts, gradually fasting his pace. He pulls out almost completely, leaving you empty and babbling for more until he slams back in, holding onto the headboard of your bed so it doesn't hit against the wall.  “You're mine. My girl,” Rafe grunts and rams into you another time.  “Yours,” you moan softly, still trying to keep quiet and not wake your brother next door. But Rafe seems to have forgotten about it.  His right hand comes down to hold onto your neck, and he starts pounding into you harsher and faster than you thought possible. Maybe he really wants to try to impale you with his cock, and you know you'd let him. It's overwhelming, and you feel the band inside you go tighter with each heavy thrust.  “Let go, baby, I got you,” Rafe looks down at you and smiles, you can feel it inside of you, the warmth, and then you're lost. It feels like you're falling and when he pushes into you deeper and halts, you're caught again. 
Your poor cunt won't stop clenching even after he had pulled out and disposed of the condom. You're hot and cold at the same time, like a storm had just washed over you and left you speechless.  “Next time we do this, you can be as loud as you want to, baby,” Rafe whispers and kisses your neck, holding you tightly in his arms before you both drift into a deep slumber. 
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart
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rafedaddy01 · 23 days
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Summary: you show rafe the little surprise you got just for him, and he can’t get over it
Warnings: smut! smut! smut!
“Rafey.. I have a surprise for you” you whisper into your boyfriend’s ear as he sleeps soundly in your shared bed. “Wake up”
“Mmm, baby? You finally home”
You’re a little tipsy from the night out you had with your girls. “Look, I got this just for you”
Rafes eyes suddenly pop open, wide awake from his sound slumber, “holy shit-“ he groans as he stares at your perfectly supple breasts and down the middle you have his initial R with a heart next to it. His dick immediately standing at attention.
“Do you.. do you like it?” Your suddenly nervous as his expression gives no hope of him liking it but rather of shock. “It was stupid, I- I was a little drunk, and-“
He cuts you off with a kiss, sloppy and filled with utter lust as his tongue speaks to you the words he isn’t able to communicate. “This is the hottest thing you could do. Marking your body as my territory, all mine”
He lifts you onto his lap as his lips attack yours once again, his big hands fall to your hips as he grinds your body’s together. Your tight little club dress riding up your thighs and exposing your pantyless crotch against his hard cock.
You moan into his mouth and he devours it.
Both of you are animalistic as you kiss like your starved. Like you can’t get enough air, mouths open wide and tongues fighting for dominance.
You can’t even pull away as your hands work down his boxers and you grip his cock, rubbing his angry mushroom tip against your sore and needy clit. You whine as you feel an electric shock of pleasure shoot up your spine.
Rafes lips move down your neck and chest, when he gets to the tattoo he kisses it softly and it makes your insides melt. When his lips latch onto your right nipple you push down on his cock and both of you groan from the stretch.
You give yourself a minute before you start rocking, feeling how good he stretches you open the more you push down on him. He continues to suck on your sensitive nipple before moving to the left one and sucking harsher.
You’re bouncing ferociously at this point. The slapping sound of skin filling your room, the slick of both your juices (mostly yours) slipping down your thighs and onto rafe and the bed as it acts as lube.
“Close” you whimper as your legs shake and tremble with pleasure. Rafe grips onto your hips and your palms smack flat against his chest for stability.
He starts thrusting up into you and taking over as you fall against his rock hard body, nuzzling your face into his neck and kissing.
He’s pounding so hard below you that the bed moves and squeaks and the headboard bangs repeatedly against the wall.
All that’s heard is your moans and small squeaks of Rafes and yes’s before you have the most mind blowing orgasm ever.
He doesn’t stop thrusting up into you until his own release hits him and he lets a strings of groans and I love yous fall out into the air.
You feel the warmth immediately, his cum painting your insides white and making you feel warm and fuzzy and safe.
His thrusts slow as he keeps his cock in you and the cum drips out of you and all over him and the bed, but none of you care as both of you doze off into the night. 
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart @wearemadeofstardust0 @theoraekenslover
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cameronsprincess · 10 months
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— summary: you and rafe get into a heated argument when you let it slip that you’d fallen in love with him.
— pairing: rafe cameron x maybank!reader
— warnings: mentions of sex but nothing in detail, angst?, rafe is a dick, a love confession, language.
— note: this idea sparked when i saw this prompt list. angry confessions, dialogue prompt #15 😚 (also, i made reader jj’s sister, idk it just seemed to fit with the “we won’t work” shit.🤷🏻‍♀️)
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❥ hate that i love you — r.c
“Rafe stop! Please just stop!”
Rafe stops in his tracks, his shoulders tense as he balls his fists up at his sides. The two of you had been arguing for a few days now, something that happened quite often but today it was due to the fact that you’d accidentally let the three forbidden words slip from your mouth.
You hadn’t meant for them to come out, but you had let these feelings bubble up inside of you for some time now. You had felt so close to Rafe, so safe, and the way he had been sensually thrusting into you made tears well up in your eyes, making the words fall from your lips before you could even comprehend what you’d said.
“What? I can’t- I can’t fucking do this with you. You knew the rules when we fucking started this, and now? Now you want to say you love me? You can’t love me! No one can love me, i’m unlovable Maybank, okay? You and I?” He gestures his hands back and forth between the two of you. “We won’t work! You’re just a good lay”
His words stabbed at your heart like a knife. You knew Rafe had only wanted sex from you, along with the fact that he knew it would piss your brother off more than anything if he found out. To him, you were a game, a means to an end. So why did you fall in love with him?
Your eyes fill with tears, the lump in your throat burning as you tried to swallow down the hurtful words Rafe had just thrown your way.
“You- You don’t mean that. You- You always treat me so well, Rafe. You make me feel loved and safe.. You can’t mean what you just said, you can’t!”
Rafe scoffs, letting out a dark laugh. “I do mean it, you mean absolutely nothing to me”
Tears begin to stream down your face, the realization that Rafe would never love you, and that the two of you definitely would never work finally hitting you like a ton of bricks. You felt your lungs constricting, all the air feeling like it was being sucked from you, pushing you into a full blown panic attack.
You press your palm firmly against your chest, trying to calm your breathing as the man you’d thought you knew stood in front of you, his cold, blue eyes filled with nothing but anger and hatred.
“Stop being so dramatic, it’s not that serious, you don’t actually fucking love me, you just think you do”
You suck in a shaky breath, shaking your head furiously as more tears fell down your cheeks.
“I fucking love you, okay?! I don’t want to, but I do!”
Rafe takes a step toward you, placing his hands firmly on each of your shoulders as his eyes scanned your face. “Well learn to stop loving me. It’s a waste of your time”
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RAFE TAGLIST: @whore-4-drewstarkey @ivy-34 @aemonddtargaryen @f4ll-for-you @drewstarkeyslut @lorelai-lilith @lizcameron @m-1234 @dilvcv @thewitchesofart @rafesgfxo @unsaidjaelinrose @itsmytimetoodream @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @r1vrsefx @alexisbaumann2004 @yourfavborderhopper @moremaybank @mel119g @rafetopia @rafemotherfuckingcameron @jjmaybankisbae @fayerite @exhaustedbutelated @lyndys @urmyslxt @presleyanswrites @sierraluvz @carma-fanficaddict @madzzz0797 @slytherhoes @jscameron
rafe masterlist | taglist form
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runningfrom2am · 11 months
𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐞'𝐬 𝟏𝐤 𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 !
immediately i want to start this by saying a massive, massive thank you to everyone who has followed me or even read my fics, you guys are all so special and you motivate me to keep writing :). i never thought i would reach 1000 people and it just makes me so happy i could cry :’). it means so much to me. seriously, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
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if we haven’t met before, hi! i’m raye :) thank you for stopping in! you can find my nav here, which has all my masterlists, my rules, and a bit about me!!
navigation, requests/asks
starts: november 5th, 2023
ends: november 15th, 2023 (now closed)
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𝐰𝐡𝐨 𝐢 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫: rafe cameron, jj maybank, drew starkey, john b routledge, pope heyward, sarah cameron, zach maclaren
note!! pls keep everything in the asks sfw :) this is a family friendly blog y'all !!
𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐮𝐬: send me a song or a concept and a character and I'll write a little thing based on it :))
𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐬: pick a character and something from this prompt list- i’ll take care of the rest.
𝐣𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫: getting to know me seems important since there’s ONE THOUSAND OF YOU omg- so send me a word or a photo or anything and I'll tell you something ab myself based on it
𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐲: give me a number between 1-193 and i will show you an edit from my tiktok collection hehe
𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧: send me your thoughts or headcanons on any of my characters or about any of my fics or yours and i'll let you know my own thoughts on it! (big time bonus points if you have anything at all to say about the sea around us that fic is my pride and joy and labour of love so pls talk to me about it thank you) (inspired by @katsu28's celly event and stolen directly from @winterrrnight oops-)
𝐩𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐨: send me a character and a concept/trope and I'll make you a little moodboard and mini playlist!!
𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐡: let’s come back down to earth- ask me any question from this list here or this one here ! and pls include your own answer if you’re comfortable! we’re getting to know each other here :))
send me everything here and i’ll get to it as soon as i can!! i'm looking forward to doing this with you guys :)
edit: thanks so much to anyone who sent something in! check out the tag "1k celebration !!" to see everything I've posted for this!
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go follow my loves <3 (mutuals) : @madelynie, @whore-4-drewstarkey, @slut4drudy, @winterrrnight, @keziahcore, @totalswag, @sadfury @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron, @peachprairie, @chenslucy
taglist: @outerbankszn, @wh0reforbucknasty, @enamoredofbella, @maybankspov, @always-reading, @casualsludgeshoetoad, @sagcas-latte, @taurusvic, @madelynie, @whore-4-drewstarkey, @slut4drudy, @winterrrnight, @totalswag, @sadfury, @peachprairie, @dilvcv, @justtrying2getby-blog, @maybaenk, @chenslucy, @hxnnah-397, @s-we-e-t-t-ea, @saccharinesammie, @ietss @maybankslover, @redhead1180, @lovelyxtommy, @thelomlisrafecameron, @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles, @flonkertn, @r1vrsefx, @urmooniee, @bookishbabyyy @fullfledgedemo @rafemotherfuckingcameron, @urfaveluvr,  @tahliac11, @suzyheartsrafe, @wpdailyminimeta, @aegons-bitch, @rafegirly, @whtvrrafe, @sandyworms, @frxcless, @ari-nicole
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rafecameronzwhore · 8 months
Diya's FanFic Prompts
After long and careful consideration.
Here are some prompts to choose from:
1 ~ "stop laughing at me”
2 ~ “welcome home”
3 ~ “this is for you”
4 ~ “let’s get you fixed up”
5 ~ “I appreciate your concern”
6 ~ “I’m alright”
7 ~ “I messed up”
8 ~ “You’re hurt, aren’t you?”
9 ~ “You don’t always have to suffer in silence, you know?” ✅️
10 ~ "I like the way your hand fits in mine"
11 ~ "Is that my hoodie?"
12 ~ "Is that my shirt?"
13 ~ "Your mine, and I don't share"
14 ~ "Stop biting your damn lip" ✅️
15 ~ "Someone might see us-"
16 ~ "{Name} What if we get caught"
17 ~ "You threw up 3 times! Your not fine" ✅️
18 ~ "Your hair is so soft"
19 ~ "Its too cold! Come back"
20 ~ "I'm not going to stop poking you until you give me attention"
{P.s i didnt make these tags, some are from a person i asked, some i made and others are from google, pintrests and tumblr}
Rules for prompts:
1. send me a character, prompt & genre
2. i wont be writing sucide, SH etc
3. I'm not a fast writer and I apologize for that
4. don't rush me, you will be blocked.
5. Link of characters I will write for
6. After a prompt is done ill highlight and link it
7. Don't mock my Character list. you will be blocked.
Tagging some of my followers: @drewstarkey1bae @rafecameronsslutt @taytay-10 @zazabookie @ceceswrldd @friendslovers15 @bellereadstories @elizzzzz143 @drewstarkeyslut @f4ll-for-you @katslayer @fiction-is-life @rafemotherfuckingcameron @drewmoi
{ok I'm getting lazy now and my flat ass hurts from sitting on this chair for so long [#Justicefordiyahsflatass], no one tole me sm people follow me?? anyways thats all the tags}
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rafecameronsgirfriend · 6 months
IM CURRENTLY READING MY WAY THROUGH @rafemotherfuckingcameron & @rafedaddy01
Out of 10 what would you give these bloggers for creativeness?
Me: 10/10 for both. WOW xx
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Word Count: 3.1k
Pairing(s): Rafe x protective!reader, Sarah x Reader, Ward x Reader
Warnings: Fingering, Make out, Unprotected Sex, Mentions of violence
Summary: Fem!reader has been hired by Ward to protect his children when a deal goes south and he sees a bounty has been placed on their heads.
Part 1 Part 2
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The following morning, I awoke in Rafe's bed, where he held me in an embrace with his arms around my waist, and his head nestled on my chest. Given the eventful night we had shared, it wasn't surprising that he was still sound asleep.
On the contrary, I've grown accustomed to experiences that involve people pointing guns at me and dealing with the aftermath of such situations. This has become rather commonplace for me.
We lingered together for some time, and I gently ran my fingers through his hair. Sensing a subtle shift in his position, he adjusted himself to be on top of me. He raised his head, gazing at me, and his hands gracefully traced a path up my thighs. I responded with a smile, and with a gentle touch, I brushed his bangs away from his eyes and smoothed them back through his hair.
Rafe started leaving soft kisses along the outside of my legs, slowly opening my knees, he pulled my panties down. Spreading my legs for him, Rafe dragged his hands down the inside of my thighs, pressing his thumb into my clit, rubbing at a teasing pace.
Lifting my hips to get more friction, he pushed me back down “So needy,..……..I love it” he said before attaching his lips to my clit. Loud moans left my mouth, he started licking stripes up and down.
Grabbing onto his hair I pushed his head deeper into me. He lift one leg up and held it out. “Rafe gonna cum” I moaned out. “Let go f’me, cum on my face” that's all that was needed for me to snap. I felt my orgasm tighten in stomach than let go, he rubbed my clit through my high.
“Fuck that was HOT!!!” He said coming back up to kiss my lips, I could taste myself on him. “What?” I questioned “you squirted and it was fucking hot, …………………. I have never been able to get someone to squirt” he smirked down at me, capturing my lips in another passionate kiss.
Upon hearing the front door slam and Sarah's audible complaints, I swiftly left his bed, hastily putting on my bra and panties, while scanning the room for the rest of my clothes. He draped a sheet around his waist and offered me his shirt.
When I reached out to take it, he playfully pulled it away, suggesting, "Shirt for a kiss?" Leaning in, I eagerly accepted the offer, capturing his lips and drawing him closer, my hands tracing the contours of his well-defined physique. He wrapped his arm around my waist and lifted me slightly, causing me to rise on my tiptoes.
After breaking away from the kiss, I gently retrieved the shirt from his hand and draped it over my form. Sneaking out of his room and returning to mine, I proceeded to the bathroom for a refreshing shower.
After hearing all the stories from their night out, Sarah approached her father with a request for a birthday party, questioning, "Dad, why can't I have a party for my 17th? Rafe had one." She patiently awaited his response.
"I'm sorry, darling, not this year," he replied, firmly closing down the conversation.
"Fine, can I go on a shopping spree with Kie and Y/n then?" she proposed, looking at him and receiving a discreet nod from me.
"Okay, just make sure you're back that night for the birthday dinner," he consented, and Sarah hugged him.
"Thanks, Dad, love you." She hurried back upstairs and called Kie. As everyone dispersed to their rooms, Ward approached me.
"Y/n, could I have a moment of your time, please?" he requested, leading me to his office. 
"Anything happen last night, anything to report?" he inquired, as though sensing that something had occurred.
"Yes, we had a guy break in, but the situation has been resolved," I answered.
"What do you mean, who was it?"
"He broke in and confronted us, but I managed to defuse the situation."
"Us? Did Rafe witness this?"
"Yes, he was caught up in it. The intruder held a gun to his head and almost pulled the trigger, but I intervened. He won't be a problem again."
Ward paced the room, absorbing the information. "What happened to him, where is he now?" he inquired.
"I'm sorry, Ward, but I can't disclose that information," I replied, showing some understanding of the situation. He nodded in acknowledgment.
"How is Rafe? I should go talk to him. Yes, I'm going to tell him the truth about this whole thing," he decided, then opened the door and walked upstairs to have a conversation with Rafe.
Ward returned to the ground floor and walked over to where I was seated. "How did it go?" I inquired.
"I told him everything about my business deal and how it went awry, about everything you're involved in, the bounty on their heads. I asked him about last night, but he didn't offer much," he replied in a hushed tone.
“It’s not uncommon in these situations," I reassured him, trying to provide some comfort.
"Could you please talk to him? You're the only one who knows what he's going through," he implored, sounding desperate.
"Of course," I agreed, before making my way upstairs toward Rafe's room. After knocking on his door, he responded with a "come in."
Upon entering, I found him sitting on the edge of his bed. Closing the distance between us, I gently approached him.
"Hey, are you okay?" I inquired, but he remained silent. "I understand you might be angry with me for not telling you, but your father asked me not to say anything," I explained.
He rose from his seat and faced me. "I'm not mad at you; I'm upset with my father for keeping me in the dark about the bounty on my head. I deserve to be aware if I'm in danger," he expressed his frustration.
"I could never be angry with the girl who saved my life," he whispered softly, gently holding my face in his hand.
"But with everything that's happening, are you comfortable being here now, in both senses of the word?" I inquired, curious about his response.
“Definitely, do you know how hot I thought you were when you were pointing that gun at him, protecting me” he grunted and peppered my neck with kisses.
"We must keep this between us, or I'll risk losing my job," he acknowledged, then returned to seal the agreement with a kiss.
*DING* A message came through from Sarah.
S:Hey, come to my room. We need to discuss outfits for our shopping trip tomorrow.
Gazing up at Rafe, I sighed and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Sorry," I whispered. He took a deep breath and responded with an understanding "It's okay."
Leaving his room and entering Sarah's, I found her with multiple outfits spread out on the bed.
"I don't know what to wear tomorrow," she confessed, throwing tops in all directions. She hurried around the room, gathering different shoes for the various outfits.
"Here, try this one on," I suggested, handing her the pink body-con dress.
"OMG, Y/n, this one's perfect!" she exclaimed, coming over to hug me. After trying on the outfits, she began putting the clothes back into her wardrobe but left one dress out.
She handed it to me, saying, "I picked this one for you."
"Sarah, I can't pull off that dress, and aren't we just going shopping?" I asked, handing it back to her.
"One, you can definitely pull this off; you've got the body for it. Two, yes, we are just going shopping, but I've booked us a table at the Ocean Baths Restaurant, and we have to be over 18 to get in. Hence the dresses and heels," she explained, handing the dress back to me. I took it and decided to try it on. I couldn't deny that it looked stunning, and I knew a particular someone would appreciate it.
Stepping out of the bathroom, I turned to face Sarah.
"OMG, I told you, you look fantastic, girl!" she exclaimed, motioning for me to do a quick spin.
"This is the dress, now take it off so no one sees," she instructed, unzipping me and gently pushing me back into the bathroom.
The following day, Sarah woke me up early as we were determined to kick off her birthday celebrations. We both got ready and made our way downstairs.
Rafe had already started preparing a breakfast smoothie. We joined him in the kitchen to grab a quick bite before heading out to pick up Kie.
When Rafe turned around from the fridge, I could have sworn his eyes widened, and I noticed him adjusting his pants discreetly.
"Okay, just called Kie and told her we're about to leave after I use the bathroom," Sarah announced hurriedly, leaving us in the kitchen.
Rafe sneaked up behind me, whispering, "It's taking a lot for me not to rip that dress off you right now," pulling me closer to him, feeling his excitement pressing against me. I turned around, stood on my tiptoes, and planted a kiss on his lips. 
I attempted to pull away, but he held me in, kissing me with an intensity that made it clear he didn't want to let go. I ran my hands up his biceps and clung to him.
His hands left my waist and ventured under my dress, his fingers teasing my sensitive areas.
"Rafe," I moaned into the kiss. He continued to kiss along my jawline and to my neck, but we were abruptly interrupted by the bathroom door closing. Disentangling from the moment, Rafe headed upstairs to address his situation, and I left with Sarah.
Going from shop to shop was quite exhausting; I couldn't recall the last time I embarked on a full day shopping spree. Sarah and Kie were occupied trying on new bikinis, while I wandered around, searching for the right sizes.
Kie was taking her time with outfits, so I informed Sarah that I was going to buy her a birthday gift and would return shortly. While roaming the shopping mall, I unexpectedly stumbled upon the YSL jewellery shop.
Enthralled by the white YSL clutch bags, I began searching for the most expensive one to buy for Sarah. As I walked to the counter to make the purchase, my peripheral vision caught sight of a Gold Chain that had just been shipped in from Dubai.
Seeing it displayed within its lavish case, I thought it would be a fantastic gift for Rafe since it was also his birthday. I inquired about the price with the saleswoman.
"This one just arrived today, and it's priced at $3K,” she informed me.
"I'll take it, and this handbag too!" I declared, handing them to her.
Once I had reconnected with Sarah and Kie, we waited in line at the Ocean Baths Restaurant. We had no trouble securing a table with a scenic view of the water.
We chatted for a while before the gift-giving part of the celebration. Kie presented her gift first.
"OMG Kie, I've been wanting this for ages. How did you manage to get it? Usually, you need to be over 18 to buy this special type of Tequila," Sarah inquired.
"I have my ways," Kie replied with a sly grin.
Then it was my turn. I handed Sarah her gift, and she screamed so loudly that it caught the attention of a few onlookers. "OMG Y/N, I LOVE IT!" she exclaimed, rushing over to hug me. 
As we sat back down, she inquired if anyone wanted drinks, and the waiter came over to check everyone's IDs. Margaritas were served. I had about three, but the others consumed around six.
I used ‘being a lightweight’ as an excuse, but the truth was I needed to stay sober for my job. Eventually, I suggested we return home for the family dinner.
We dropped Kie off at her home, and Sarah thanked her for celebrating with her. Upon our return home, I helped Sarah upstairs to her room to sober up before her father, Ward, saw her.
That evening, we descended the stairs and entered the dining room, where the table was set with an extravagant arrangement.
I was seated next to Rafe, and his hand discreetly rested on my thigh. Waitresses brought out the drinks, and champagne was served for the occasion, even for the younger guests. The entrees and mains followed, featuring medium-rare steaks and chicken schnitzels. 
After dinner, a shared birthday cake was presented—a triple chocolate mud cake adorned with strawberries. They sang "Happy Birthday," and the tradition was invoked:
"Sarah, you and Rafe touched the bottom, so you have to kiss the closest boy or girl," Wheezie said, giggling. Sarah kissed her father on the cheek, and I happened to be the closest to Rafe. He glanced at me and gave a swift kiss on the cheek.
After the dinner, everyone went their separate ways. I went to my room to retrieve Rafe's gift and then walked next door to his room. I knocked on the door before entering, finding him lying on his bed, engrossed in a movie.
"Hey," he greeted, getting up from the bed to give me a kiss and wrapping his arms around my waist. After breaking away from the kiss, he noticed the box in my hand.
"What do you have there?" he inquired, looking back at me.
"This is for you; it's your birthday too, you know," I responded with a smile. I handed him the box, and we sat down on the bed together.
He unwrapped the box and unclasped the lock for safety.
"You might not know this, but I've always wanted this exact Gold Chain from YSL, and the fact that you got it makes it even more special," he expressed, kissing me passionately. Smiling into the kiss, I pulled away, saying,
"Let me help you put it on." I took the necklace out of the glass box and carefully fastened it around his neck.
After placing it on I started placing small kisses down his neck and onto his shoulders, I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling slightly causing a moan to escape from his lips. I moved around and sat on his lap.
I dragged my hands down his chest and pulled at the hem of his top, signally him to take it off which he did. He started to kiss my neck and I felt his fingers already trying to enter me. I grabbed his hand and pulled it back out.
Raising his eyebrows he looked me questioning.
“It’s your birthday, I’m going to make you feel really good tonight” I said before pulling my top off, revealing my perky tits. I kissed down his jaw and leading down his abs. Pushing his back down to meet the bed, I cup his clothed cock in my hand moving it teasingly slowly. 
He grabs my hand it holds it, before pulling his pants and boxers down, letting his hard shaft spring up. He lets go and my hand resumes its position. Taking his long and veiny cock into my hand, I grip him tightly and start to move my hand faster making him moan out my name.
Seeing the pre-cum seeping out I bring my lips down and over his tip licking over the head and swallowing him whole. 
Bobbing my head up and down for several minutes I finally had him where I wanted him, cumming down my throat with hot thick ropes. He pulled me up and tasted himself on me, he flipped me over and pulled my shorts and panties down, diving straight into me.
His tongue swirled around and his lips attached to my clit, sucking on it turning it red. My stomach started to tighten and I felt my release wash over me, he rode me through my high and then started kissing back up my chest.
His hand grabbed onto my breast and suck on it while toying with the other one. Swapping between them both I grinned my cunt against his dick, causing some friction and pre cum spilling out again.
Releasing my breasts from my mouth he slid his two fingers down and through my folds inserting them both and sucking big purple marks on my neck.
Thrusting his fingers in and out I clamped down on him, but before I could cum he removed his fingers “your cumming on my cock baby” he said before inserting himself into me and placing his thumb on my clit rubbing circles to get me closer. God I love the nickname.
His thrusts got faster and harder, my legs wrapped around his waist pulling him deeper into me. “Fuck Rafe” I screamed out, louder than I was expecting.
“Shhhhh baby, don’t want me dad to hear us” he said coming down to its me to silence my moans. 
“Taking me so well baby, I’m close” he said, slightly slowly but still as forceful. “Rafe gonna cum!”
I said before I completely let go all over him and down my thighs. Rafe followed right after, riding us both through our highs, feeling his thick cum ropes paint my walls. 
He collapsed next to me, his face turning towards mine.
"I love you, Y/N," he said, touching my cheek and kissing me. I was taken aback, and he noticed my surprise, but it didn't stop me from saying it back. I knew it was wrong to fall in love with my client's son, but I had never felt this way about anyone before. I loved him.
In the following week, Rafe and I continued to secretly date. We had a date the day after his birthday on the mainland where we had some alone time. However, there were new updates the danger had shifted, focusing solely on Rafe.
This meant I was the only one he could see, no friends, no more going out without me.
That night, I received a message from my cycle tracker indicating that I was 8 days late. I checked the app to see when my last period was – 38 days ago. Not good.
I left the house that night and went to the drugstore to purchase three pregnancy tests. I know, it might seem excessive. Returning to my ensuite, I took the tests and anxiously waited for 9 minutes for all three to provide results. When the timer went off, my heart raced as I turned them over.
"They're positive!"
"Damn it, I'm pregnant."
🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏 🛍️💦🌅💏
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echobx · 2 months
reader is invited on the My Druthers boat by ward, but Sarah and her have a fight and is forced to switch rooms with wheezie, making her share the bed with rafe. End up making out and cuddling!!
author's note: I might've gone a tiny bit off-road on this lol but I think it's still pretty good.
warnings: making out, edging
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"Why did you even invite me then!" you yell at Sarah and slam the door shut behind you, your bag hanging over your shoulders and tears brimming in your eyes. You prod upstairs, deciding that you could just sleep on the couch until you got home the next day. What you hadn't expected was a half naked Rafe walking in just moments later and giving you a rather perplexed look. "What she do?" is all he says and you huff, falling down on the couch behind you. "You wouldn't want to know or understand it." "I asked, didn't I?" he says and walks over to you, holding out a small bottle of water. You take it with a small thanks and drink it all in a matter of seconds. You hadn't really had any time to think about how hot it would be up here, with most of the AC only going for the bedrooms during the night. "I told her that it's stupid to trust her new Pogue boyfriend," you shake your head. "Yeah, never trust a Pogue," Rafe nods. "Exactly!" you exclaim, happy that he gets you. "You could sleep in my room. I'll tell Wheezie to go sleep with Sarah." Rafe's proposal seems too good to be true, especially with his bare chest and grey sweats... "Y/n?" Rafe asks, his eyebrows cocked up and you feel caught when you look up into his blue eyes. "Yes, sorry. That would be very nice of you. But I should just sleep up here," you politely decline. If just seeing him was making your head spin you could only imagine what sleeping in his bed would do to you. "Nonsense," Rafe proclaimes and take his bag with you, not accepting a different answer.
You lie next to him, a few pillows in the middle that he put there for your comfort. "It would've been unbearably hot up there. Trust me," he sighs and you can only think about how unbearably hot you felt right now too. Lying next to him in your tiny PJ's and your mind running wild with all the things that could happen. "Thank you. It's really kind," you reply, trying to keep your voice steady. You focus on the soft humming of the AC and the steady breathes that Rafe lets out. Yet it's all too overwhelming to you, but when you start to hum, he removes the pillow that keeps his face hidden from you. "Do I make you uncomfortable? I can sleep on the floor, if you want." "No, I'm just- It's confusing," you whisper. "What?" Rafe smirks, he doesn't need to pretend that he hasn't noticed how you look at him while doing your very best to keep a distance. "You being nice to me. I mean, you never talk to me," you say and he breathes a chuckle. "Sarah told me to stay away, and for once I agreed that it'd be better." "Why?" you turn around to face him, placing your hands under your cheek while gazing at him. "I'd ruin you," he shrugs as if it's the most normal thing to say to you. "What if I don't care?" you whisper and he laughs. "I was afraid of that."
Maybe you wouldn't have done it if his laugh hadn't taunted you this badly, but as soon as the pillows hit the floor you found yourself in his arms. His lips were softer than you had imagined and his hands groped at your hips. Sharing breath and spit as his tongue danced with yours and made your closed eyes roll back. "Need more," you breathe against him as his lips travel over your neck, sucking right at your sweet spot and eliciting a moan from you that sounds almost pornographic. "Fuck, baby, you gotta keep quiet," Rafe muses and kisses you into your diligent nod. His hand slips down in between your body, under your shorts where he starts to run his fingers over your drenched slip. "You're so wet f'me." He rasps and you whimper. "Please, I need you, Rafe." "Gonna fuck you good, but not now, baby," he hushes against your lips and pulls away completely, leaving you needy and on edge. "What are you doing?" you complain. "Making sure you're for real, and not just using me to get back at my sis," he says and gets up. He places his pillow on the rug and lies down. "Goodnight, y/n," he sighs and you listen to him fall asleep, incapable of relieving yourself of the need he had brought up in you.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimozart @hoe4sunarin @m2m2m2 @mochimms @itsme-again
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echobx · 2 months
Rafe and reader sharing the bed for the first time 😉🍆😘
author's note: I'm so sorry that it took me so long to write this. I hope you like it. (roughly edited only)
word count: 1k
warnings: Ward being a shit father (that's just canon tho), light trauma talk, smut, p in v (unprotected), pull out method
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"Will you let me in?" The text Rafe sends you wakes you from the light slumber you fell into just moments before. It was long past midnight but you got up anyway, tying the satin belt of your robe around your middle while making the way downstairs to meet him at the back door. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?" you ask him in a hushed voice. "Had another fight with Ward," he replies just as quietly. Rafe never calls his dad what he is, at least not to you. Maybe he's more comfortable to show his true feelings around you, because he knows you wouldn't judge him. "Can I come in now?" he asks and you nod, stepping to the side and closing the door behind him. "You still know where the guest room is, right?" you whisper and he stops to look at you for a moment. "I'd rather not be alone right now." His adam’s apple bops as he looks at you, as if he's close to tears and you nod. "That's okay. Then we'll sleep in my room."
Rafe has been in your room about a million times, and not once has it felt as special as that night. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" you ask while sitting down on your bed, cross-legged and prettier than he could remember. "Just didn't do exactly what he wanted and he flipped. The usual," Rafe shrugs and looks at his feet. "You wanna go and get cleaned up?" you smile and he actually thinks he doesn't deserve you being so gentle with him; never judging or hurtful or anything bad he can think of. You're purely sweet and nice and nothing like what he would ever be able to deserve in a billion years. The hot shower washes away most of his pain, at least the one that sits in his muscles, leaving behind what his father had made of him ever since he was a child. "When you're done you can wear this. I'll put it on the chair," you tell him while putting one of your brother's sweatpants down. Usually when Rafe stayed over your parents were aware of it, he rarely showed up as late as he did just now. You were truly concerned about it though, because the time spans in between these incidents are growing slimmer. You can only imagine what it must be like for him, never having had any real issues with your parents. But not everyone is blessed with a loving family, which is why you try your best to emulate it for Rafe. Give him a place to stay, a shoulder to cry on, basically anything he can ask for and you'd see to it. “You're really okay with me sleeping here?” Rafe asks, walking out of your en-suite; hair still wet and dripping and his abs on full display. You gulped and gave him another smile, “one hundred percent.” “Thanks.”
“You know I don't deserve this, right?” Rafe whispers while lying by your side and you turn around to face him. “Who said that?” “I do. He does. Everyone knows it, your parents too. I don't deserve you, not as a best friend, not at all. You're too good to me. And I'm scared I might ruin you.” He voices his fears quietly, almost inaudible with the soft humming of the a/c. “I don't care what they think. You deserve to be treated good, because you are good, Rafe,” you assure him but he doesn't believe it. “You don't know everything. The things I did- You wouldn't like me if you knew,” he shakes his head and you take your hand up and cup his cheek. “How can you know that for sure if you haven't told me? And maybe if you think I would leave once I know, then we have a lot more to work on.” You never intended to play therapist for your best friend, but he needs someone he can trust, and you know he won't trust a professional. But when he tells you about the things he did, what his father made him do at times but more so what he did for his dad to gain any type of gratitude from the man; your heart nearly stops. “He used you. He still does,” you whisper, scooching closer to Rafe and putting your arms around his waist while placing your head on his chest. “He's the one that doesn't deserve you.” Rafe knew he was in love before, but the way you accept him even after he told you all is the nail in his coffin. He will never want anyone the same way he wants you, but he's sure that acting on it would lead to worse things. “Do you really think so?” he asks slowly and you nod against his body. “I know it for a fact. You shouldn't do anything for him any more. Not when he tells you and especially not when he expects it but doesn't say so, because then when it goes badly he'll blame it all on you.” You sound more furious than you intend to, but Rafe is completely enamored by you.
“I really want to kiss you right now,” he whispers as you lean your head back into your neck to look up at him. “Why would you want that?” You don't understand it, not because he isn't handsome and literally everything you could dream of. No, you don't get it because he could have anyone, so why would he want you. “Can we make a pact?” Rafe asks with a smile and you nod. “Good. You teach me how to be normal, and I teach you that you are the most desirable woman in the whole world, because I am right,” he speaks softly, his voice laced with desire. “Maybe I can do a deal like that,” you giggle but before you can actually make fun of the idea, your lips are engulfed by his. Soft and warm and strong as he presses himself against you, turning you around to lie under him. “Do you want me to stop?” Rafe asks and you shake your head. He looks even prettier like that. On top of you with a primal desire in his eyes and a loving smile on his lips. Your hands run over his abs and soon after his body is lying on top of you, fully pressing you into the mattress with all of his weight. His hips slowly roll into yours as he tries to pace himself to not hurt you or make too much noise. “So deep,” you moan against his hand that is placed on your mouth. “You're doing so good for me, baby,” Rafe praises you, pulling your legs up to close behind his back so he can hit even deeper, which you hadn't even thought possible. “Gonna cum,” you threaten and he smirks, bringing a hand down to your clit and rubbing harsh circles until you clamp down around his cock. “That's it, baby. Soak me, pretty,” he pants and as soon as you finish he pulls out and cums all over your stomach. “Guess we have to take another shower now,” you giggle and he pulls you into another kiss, toe curling and maybe you can accept that you aren't that bad. Maybe he was right, after all he had chosen you and not anybody else, and you would keep choosing him too if he let you.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @redhead1180 @spideysimpossiblegirl @drwstarkeyy @princessmaybank @ijustwantttoread @kys4-20 @immyowndefender @julczimozart @m2m2m2 @mochimms @itsme-again @hoe4sunarin
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echobx · 4 months
Rafe x reader request:
In episode "Parcel 9," the group plans to cut off a house's power, but they accidentally alert the elderly resident, who defends her home with gunfire. Reader gets injured, and despite objections, they're forced to leave her behind. Later, Rafe overhears their conversation, outraged by their abandonment. Determined to make things right, he enlists Barry to rescue Reader. Rafe finds Reader injured but alive, becoming her unexpected hero, and they bond through the ordeal.
Sorry it’s so long Xx
The Cellar - Rafe Cameron × fem!reader
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summary: see ask
warnings: mention of reader's leg being injured, other than that none
word count: 1k
author's note: idk why it took me so long to finish this 😭 and now the formatting is (imo) bad bc I don't have my laptop here with me but I wanted to post this anyway. it's roughly edited but not much.
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“We don't have a choice,” John B yells and pulls Sarah with him, leaving you stuck under the wooden pillar.
“Sarah!” you cry out but her boyfriend has already pulled her away, out of the cellar and away from you.
You do your best to contain your sobs and cries of pain, not wanting to alert the old lady again. Time passes slowly and you feel yourself growing weaker.
Unbeknownst to you Rafe has his ears perked, listening to John B promise Sarah to go back later that night to get you, but he doesn't sound convincing. Rafe quickly pulls out his phone and texts Barry to meet him at the Crain house.
When they get there it's already getting darker, and they have to use their flashlights to see around the garden and find their way into the cellar.
“John B? JJ?” you whisper as you hear someone enter the cellar, but the voice that answers is not one you are familiar with.
“You really think those two are gonna come back to get you?” Barry laughs quietly before you can see him.
“How'd this happen?” Rafe asks, reaching over to brush over your cheek, removing your tears.
“The old witch shot at us and then this thing fell on my leg and-” You stop before you start crying again and Rafe nods.
“Gonna get you out of here, love,” he promises and turns to Barry. They lift the pillar and you manage to scoot out from under it.
Rafe picks you up and carries you out and towards his car. He saved your life and you don't even know how he knew where to find you. But most of all you wonder why he cares enough to do it.
The ride is quiet, apart from his rather aggressive taps against the steering wheel, or the fact that he's 10 mph over the speed limit.
“Why did you come and get me?” you ask quietly after he puts you down on the couch in his home.
“Because you deserve better to be left alone and all,” Rafe runs his hand over the back of his neck. You have never seen him nervous. As a matter of fact, you have never seen much of him at all, especially not on your own. But now that he's standing in front of you, you get a clear look at him; furrowed brows, lips pressed to a thin line, his hair hanging into his face.
“The doctor will be here in a bit to check on you,” Rafe pulls your attention back to the present.
“Oh, I'm fine, really,” you lie and try to get up, but he catches you just as your legs start to give out from under you.
“I can see that,” he huffs and puts you back down on the sofa.
The doctor comes and leaves rather quickly, only prescribing bed rest and a special ointment for the bruises on your leg, as well as pain medication.
“Maybe I should get you cleaned up before we start the bed rest part of this,” Rafe mumbles and picks you up to go upstairs without you being allowed to say anything about it. It's like he has taken over and you're unsure if you really want to complain about it, about giving parts of your freedom away to him.
He helps you undress with his eyes closed. It's a funny game because he really doesn't want to cross a boundary with you, but he also can't see which makes you giggle when he accidentally grabs your boob instead of your arm and then he jumps back and nearly falls over all by himself.
“I didn't mean to do that,” he apologizes but you keep laughing.
“It's okay.”
His eyes are still closed when he helps you in the bathtub, only opening them after you have confirmed that your bubble bath is covering you completely.
“You can open your eyes again,” you giggle, and he peeks one eye open before looking at you fully. “Didn't think you'd be so weird about potentially seeing some boobs.”
“I'm trying this new thing called, being respectful. Apparently, girls are into that kinda shit,” Rafe says and flashes his eyebrows at you while pulling a small stool over to sit down next to the tub.
“Is it?” you ask and he nods, gnawing at his bottom lip.
“No way!” you fake a gasp and he smiles.
“Yeah, you would be surprised how well it's working.”
“Can I be honest with you?” you ask and he nods. “I always thought you were worse. I mean, you're not the best, still-”
“Not my fault you hang out with assholes,” he shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“I hang out with Sarah, and Sarah has friends who are not always as bad as you think. I know JJ would've come back to get me,” you argue.
“Did he, though?” Rafe remarks snidely.
“Eventually they would’ve.” You are sure of it, your friends had never left you behind before, surely it had been a mistake.
“I can bring you back there if you're so sure,” Rafe suggests and you shudder.
“No, thank you. The old witch had a fucking rifle.”
“See,” Rafe chuckles softly and you can't help but gaze at him, at how pretty he looks.
You keep talking, getting to know him better, really. You learn that he, just like you, doesn't have the best relationship with his dad, always trying to get approval from the parent. And you learn that he likes bikes, and only golfs to annoy the old fuckers on the course.
And after you're done bathing he gives you some clothes he found in Sarah's room and you lie down on his bed, eating pizza and watching a movie.
“It's the best because they are both doing the same thing and in the end, all their efforts go out of the window because they realize they belong together,” you sigh happily as the movie starts playing. Rafe pulls you into his side, and you let him. And although he's not a fan of rom-coms, he sits with you, more focused on your reactions to the film than the actual screen.
And while he's watching you, he can't help but thank your dumb Pogue friends for leaving you behind and giving him a chance to win you over.
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part 2
please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @notdxbya
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echobx · 4 months
Cellar part 2 - Rafe Cameron × fem!reader
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summary: small continuation of this prompt.
warnings: none.
word count: 500
author's note: ppl were asking for this so I quickly whipped up something, and I hope you like this blurb. it's not edited.
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“So… how'd you get out, because when we came back you were gone,” John B asks as you stand, leaning back against the wall. Your friends had gathered on the porch for a “talk.”
“Rafe-” you didn't even get to finish your sentence before JJ snorted.
“Sure, yeah, the same asshole that tried to kill us multiple times.”
“He's not that bad,” you argue subdued.
“Sure he's not,” JJ mocked you, shaking his head.
“You left me! I would've never been in this fucked up situation if you hadn't left me!” you scream at him but it falls on deaf ears as they all start to pretend like you're not even there. You felt alienated by the people you had nearly called your family just days before.
They don't even notice you leave, and you can barely take note of your own feet carrying you up Tannyhill and towards the Cameron’s house.
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” Rafe asks, putting his helmet back down onto the seat of his bike.
“This is your fault. You had to come save me and now they hate me! They hate me because you saved me!” you yell at him but he seems rather unfazed about it and just pulls you into a hug.
“They don't fucking deserve you, y/n,” he mumbles into your hair while your arms close around his middle, hands grasping his shirt in the back.
“I don't know what to do,” you whisper against his chest, breathing in his scent, the mix of musky cologne and Rafe. It was something you had craved to smell ever since you had woken up in his arms and left him without waking him or anyone else in the house.
“You can just stay here, with me,” Rafe suggests and you dip your head back to look up at him.
“Why?” you ask, shyly.
“Because you're special, and I really like you,” he whispers, bringing a soft blush to your cheeks.
From that day on you spend most days in Tannyhill, apart from the days when you have to work. It's comfortable, and for some unknown reason, his parents don't have any problems with you sleeping in his room instead of one of the guest rooms.
The Rafe you knew before, the Rafe your friends know, is a polar opposite to how he is to you. There's no roughness or anger, he's just gentle and he loves to joke around a little. And there's no pressure like you had assumed at first.
Your first kiss happens after you stubbed your toe and he is desperately trying to get your mind off the pain and focus on something else. And sure enough, it works and from that point on you can't stop kissing him, only managing to keep yourself together when you are around other people.
Being with Rafe is everything you ever wanted in a relationship, just that you had never thought it to be him who gives it to you.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @rafemotherfuckingcameron
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rafedaddy01 · 3 months
Baby Mama
Holy shit. That’s all that’s on Rafes mind as you stare at him with those eyes and your lips move with the question he never thought he’d hear. He liked the idea, he’s pissed at himself for not thinking of it, it’s perfect.
“Don’t worry Rafey, your wife will never know. We’ll just tell her we did it at the doctors, like she wanted” you convince him with your sweet words and hands that can’t get enough of Rafes body. This was your plan all along. From the moment you saw the ad for a surrogate. You’ve been eyeing rafe for a while now. He’s rich, good looking, and everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Who cares if he has a wife, that could easily be solved, and this was the answer to all your prayers.
You’re on all fours as Rafes hips move back and forth, eliciting all sorts of sounds from you. Your eyes roll back as he grunts with the force of his thrust, giving you everything he can. “Fuck. You dirty little slut, wanting me to cum inside you so you can give me a baby. Bad girl” he smacks your ass hard as you jolt forward from the pain but your mouth gives you away as you moan. “M’sorry daddy, just wanted to feel your cock inside me” he grunts from your foul words and continues his monstrous torture on your pussy.
“I’m gonna fuck a baby into you and then you’re gonna be all mine. Mine to use whenever I want, mine to kiss whenever I want, and mine to fuck whenever I want” his hips speed up if it’s even humanly possible, your nails digging into the mattress and your sure their tearing it to shreds, but you don’t care. It feels too good, you don’t want it to ever stop and the idea of being his makes your insides tingle.
It’s too bad rafe doesn’t know your on birth control, after all it was your plan all along. No way you’d actually want to get fat and bloated just to give him and his snotty wife a baby. This was simply for your own pleasure. And you got what you wanted as rafe groaned behind you, his hips slowing as you felt your pussy fill with his white substance and your legs shook with the force of your own orgasm. He pulled your head back by your hair, turning your face towards his and kissing your lips hard. “I really hope it didn’t work so we get to do that again”
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart
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rafedaddy01 · 5 months
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Summary: Rafes ex walks in on you riding him
Warnings: mentions of sex, riding, semi public sex, being watched, getting caught
A/N: his hands ^^^ 🤤
Your startled as the door swings open, met with Rafes crazy ex girlfriend.
“Do you care to explain why your fucking my boyfriend?” She shouts
You fake a gasp as you turn your head to face him, his dick throbbing inside you, he grips your arms and pins them behind your back. “Rafe! How could you!”
He scrunches his eyebrows at you in confusion and you wink, turning your head back to his ex.
“Are you just gonna stand there and watch, or did you want to join?” You joke and she turns bright red.
Rafe bursts out in laughter, “I fucking love you, princess”
His eyes darken as he turns back to his ex, you slam down harder onto to him and try to calm him down.
“Get the fuck out of my house. I have more important things to do. Can’t leave my girl unsatisfied. Close the door on your way out” he doesn’t even look at her as he speaks, to caught up on the prize in front of him.
You take one last look at her. Her cheeks flushed red, clearly embarrassed, as she walks out of the room slamming the door behind her.
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rafedaddy01 · 2 months
Can I request:
Being rafes nanny and having s x with him in the shower
His wife walks in and starts talking to him not knowing you are in there
You whisper in rafes ear:" if you stop f ing me I am gonna start to loudly moan"
He f your harder and faster
C ming inside of you while his wife is on the other side of the door complaining that your are late
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Summary: being Rafes nanny comes with extra benefits
You’re breasts are pressed up against the cold shower wall in your bosses bathroom as he fucks into you from behind, his hand wrapped around your mouth to keep you quiet.
Your hands lay flat against the cold stone, holding you up as Rafes cock goes in and out at a perfect tempo.
Pleasure skyrockets up your spine and your eyes roll back.
“That’s it, little slut. Take it” Rafe whispers against your ear as the sound of water drowns out his grunts and moans.
Your moans are muffled against his palm.
You’re too lost in the sensation of how he feels inside you that you don’t hear his wife come inside the bathroom until you see her shadow through the shower door.
Rafes hand tightens around your mouth but his cock doesn’t stop pushing into you.
You try to free yourself from his grasp and stop him but he holds you down, fucking into you harder and making your whole body shake in arousal.
You’re on the verge of tears, from fear of being caught and all the pressure on your pussy becoming too much to handle.
You shut your eyes and try to focus on something else besides his wife’s voice.
Your heart beats at a fast pace, your thighs shake and you’re both excited at the thought of being caught and frightened at the same time.
Then you hear your name and your eyes shoot open, your mind coming back to reality.
You turn to look rafe in the eyes as his wife continues to speak and his cock repeatedly hits your g-spot, “if she isn’t here in the next 15 minutes we’re gonna be late!” You hear her leave the bathroom and suddenly your body’s flipped around as your legs wrap around Rafes body and he fucks into you faster and harder chasing his release.
“Fuck, that was a close one princess” his hands go to your ass as he holsters you up.
“Better hurry up, I got 15 minutes” you grin at him as you start bouncing on his cock the best you can.
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rafedaddy01 · 4 months
Summary: You’re bent on all fours as rafe eats you out from behind
Warnings: oral, possessive rafe, male masturbation
A/n: guys don’t be scared to send in requests, I really need some fresh ideas.
“Get up on all fours. Spread your thighs wide open for me. Show me what’s fucking mine”
You submit to his order, your obidence making rafe grow harder.
He leans over you, holding your back to his chest, as he buries his nose in your hair, inhaling your intoxicating scent.
His tongue runs down the side of your neck.
He moves your head back towards him, kissing your cheek and looking deep into your eyes, seeing them begging for relief.
He moves down your parted thighs.
You gasp as he roughly pulls them apart and pushes his tongue deep into your slit.
He starts lapping and tasting your juices.
You squirm under his muscle, gripping the sheets as moans fall from your lips.
To rafe your sounds are the sexiest thing he’s ever heard, and they ignite something inside of him, he wants to make you his in anyway he can.
Just as your about to reach your peak, rafe pulls back, ignoring your poor whimpers of denial.
“Please, rafe. I need to cum. Please”
Instead of giving you what you crave, rafe nips at the tender skin of your inner thighs.
He ignores your swollen pussy and moves back up your body. His lips kiss your shoulder, his tongue running down your back and towards your perfect ass.
He parts your folds and runs his tongue from your ass all the way down before enclosing his mouth over your lips and tugging at them.
He moves to feast on your clit, devouring you relentlessly until your a panting mess.
“Cum on my tongue” he grits out
Your pushed over the edge as you scream your release.
Rafe doesn’t let up, even as you try to push him away from your bundle of sensitive nerves.
His grip tightens on you as he continues sucking and licking.
You feel the familiar feeling building inside you again
Your second orgasm more intense than the first, hitting you harder.
You fall to the sheets, panting. Rafe kneels beside you and takes in the way you glisten with sweat.
Your unique scent mixed with the fragrance of sex invades his nostrils.
He kneels above you and fists his cock, pumping it while he savers the taste of you on his tongue. 
He can’t hold back any more and shoots his hot cum all over your tits, wringing every last bit out on your perfect body.
“My cum marking your skin makes you mine” rafe growls out “your tits, your pussy, your whole fucking body, is mine”
Your eyes look up at him with hunger.
Rafe bends down and takes your lips, “your mine, y/n”
@f4ll-for-you @rafeysworldim19 @baby19sthings @sevenwivesofrafecameron @rxfecameronsslut @findapenny @r1vrsefx @spencerreidsrealgf @rafescokenostril @thievin-stealing @rafemotherfuckingcameron @dilvcv @starkeysheart
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