#raging against 6A canon
adrianfridge · 5 months
I’m sorry but I cannot forgive the show writers for making Stiles into Malia’s anchor in a season where they’re trying to convince me that Stydia is soul mates. First it’s Stiles implicating he’s only ever loved Lydia even while he was dating Malia, and now it’s Malia going through a whole ass romance trope only for Stiles to end up with someone else. They’re doing Malia so dirty.
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1/3 Scott/Posey Stans also claim that “rejecting rage, overcoming fear and prejudice, learning from his mistakes, acknowledging his capacity for failure, embracing compassion, and fighting for principle is exactly what made Scott the True Alpha” and that Scott is totes a kind, virtuous, compassionate, principled hero who lives in shades of gray and is against killing,
2/3 even though Canon Scott McCall is a true bigoted, hypocritical coward with a black and white mentality who’s more than willing to kill innocent victims and commit premeditated murder behind everyone’s back – as long as it benefits him & only him and he doesn’t get his own hands dirty and lose his precious ‘true alpha’ title in the process, that is.
3/3 Scott Stans seem to forget that Scott spent Teen Wolf Season 6A&B running around like a headless chicken and begging others to do the killing for him (even Deucalion called him out on it.) But sure. “Scott’s first choice is not to kill”, lol.
Still haven't rewatched s6 lmao
Oh, but he doesn't, and it's not. And that makes it so much worse :D
Scott very much lives in shades of grey, he just doesn't see it that way. Murder is Bad, unless it's for his benefit. Violating someone is Horrible, unless it's him saving someone else. Everyone else needs to conform to his ideas of right or wrong, while he can do whatever he wants because he's the Twue Alpha and can do no real wrong.
Scott's first choice is avoidance (Allison, school, lacrosse), his second is denial/maybe they're totally the good guys, and then we're starting with the premeditated murder.
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fictionforstydia · 8 years
Return of Evil
Request: Lydia gets really hurt and Stiles tries to help her.
Rating: M
Genre: Hurt, Angst, Canon Divergence
Timeline: Post 6A
Warning: Torture
There’s nothing like thinking the person you love is going to die. 
It was supposed to be a light run, he thought. They were supposed to be okay. For the first time since Scott was bitten, there was peace and quiet and Beacon Hills and the baton’s been passed onto the younger generation. They were supposed to let go, to be free.
Just to have the two months of happiness bite them back in the ass. 
One weekend. That’s how long the McCall pack were supposed to spend in Beacon Hills, just to catch up before they all go to college, now that Malia’s passed summer school. It was supposed to be fun and entertaining and lighthearted, not like this.
Not with Lydia spending her last breaths pleading for their lives, ignoring her own.
He didn’t know how it happened; he hadn’t a faintest clue.
They were in the Jeep, having just picked up Scott. The werewolf was in the back and the girl in the front, with three of them throwing around light banter with no worry in sight. 
“How are the girls?” asked Scott.
Stiles laughed at the question. He didn’t have to look at Lydia to know she rolled her eyes. “Mine’s fine, thank you.”
Lydia playfully slapped his hand, both of them laughing. 
It was nice. Their situation was somewhat different to most couples’ -- in their case, there was never much smooching and constant touching and obsession he’d seen so many people go through. It was more of feeling like they’d just decided that they could kiss and openly express their emotions, but not much other things changed.
It was perfect. They still had their problems, occasional arguments and situations in which things would feel bad, but they’ve been through enough to make them realize it could’ve been worse. 
Stiles brushed Lydia’s hand lightly. Soft smile appeared on his lips; this kind of ending was all he ever asked for. 
“Can’t believe the day’s come when I’m disgusted by Stiles Stilinski and Lydia Martin.”
And the moment was gone, with the trio busting out laughing at Scott’s tone. 
When they finally arrived at Malia’s place, the three of them practically crashed on her couch. Most of Saturday was spent going around the town, visiting places and people they were going to miss the most. 
It was the visit to the Dunbars’ after which everything fell in water.
“Hey, Liam!” Scott said affectionately at the sight of the new pack leader.
The subtly-hidden distress on the latter’s face was the first sign of something being wrong, but he didn’t show it. Even when Hayden and Mason came to the doorstep looking less collected than Liam, Stiles subconsciously chose to ignore it.
He’d spent two months trying to not worry over his town every other minute. It was in good hands. 
“What’s up?” asked Mason, once they were all seated on the couch in the living room. “How come you guys are here?”
“We’re sort-of on a goodbye tour,” explained Malia. “You guys are the last stop.”
“Oh. Well, that’s cool.”
Tension that filled the room, the feel of something bad waiting to happen, should’ve been the second sign for the original pack. They all felt it yet they all thought something else of it. 
Scott’s hand brushed Stiles’s when he got up to get himself a glass of water. He got the memo; not even half a minute later, the boy in a plaid shirt excused himself to go to the toilet. 
His best friend waited for him in the kitchen, drinking water. 
The look on his face, Stiles was sure, mirrored his own.
“Something’s wrong,” Scott whispered. “Liam’s worried about something.”
“I noticed, too.” Stiles agreed with a sigh. Leaning against the counter was the only support he could seem to get; his eyes were fixed on Liam and Lydia talking in the living room, watching them from the crack of the open door. “They’re all worried.”
“We should do something. Help them, somehow.” Scott looked at Stiles; they both knew the idea was going to mess with their plans. “You know they won’t ask us for help.”
“We need to be back by Monday, Scott.”
“They need us.”
Stiles bit his lip; this was wrong, they weren’t supposed to be doing this. They were done saving the day, done risking their asses because they were the only ones who could. 
He glanced at Lydia, catching her eye. 
Somehow, he knew she agreed with Scott.
That’s how things went south. That’s why Lydia ended up on the other side of the cage, chained and bloodied and he couldn’t do shit about it. 
His fingers itched from the amount of force he used to push the bars away, to no avail. When his cries stopped feeling like a part of himself and became a sound he could ignore; when her pleads were all he could hear, apart from his own.
He was begging for her life and she was beginning for theirs. Not even Scott could fix this with his true alpha powers, or Liam with his rage or Hayden or Corey or Mason with the abilities they had.
And him?
He was aching for the power he had when he was possessed, knowing it would’ve gotten them out. He was desperate enough to know he’d let him in again, lose everything he was, if it meant stopping this charade.
All because they wanted to play heroes one last time. 
They were dealing with entities far beyond anything they were experienced for. There was no name, no lore, no anything to help them. The younger pack was running blind and time was running out. 
“You should’ve called us,” Lydia had told them. “We could’ve helped.”
It was true; if they’d known the pack and their hometown was in danger, there was no doubts all four of them would leave everything and come as soon as possible. Stiles knew that, Lydia knew that and everyone knew that.
Liam scratched his cheek, shaking his head. “We thought we could handle it on our own.”
“But you couldn’t,” Malia said. “You couldn’t handle it and now we’re in this mess.”
The silence that fell was awful because her words were true. 
They could’ve helped. Now, with the monsters -- whatever they were -- coming back for the whole pack in less than forty minutes, there was almost nothing they could do but wait.
Even then, when they surrounded the entire house with mountain ash, armed themselves with every kind of druid weaponry Scott managed to sneak out from the animal clinic, they knew there was little it would help. 
But they weren’t going to leave the resident pack on their own.
“I’m scared,” Lydia admitted to Stiles; quietly, voice quivering. 
Stiles grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to him, into a tight embrace. Her warmth was the only soothing thing right now; she could barely talk because she’d caught a nasty cold few days before so her banshee abilities were out of the question. 
She never said it, but he knew she felt guilty about it. 
“We’re going to be all right.”
Stiles lied, Lydia nodded, Hayden screamed and the entities -- all too much resembling the nasty druid they’d dealt with back in junior year -- stepped over the mountain ash as if it were nothing.
Last thing he could remember was holding Lydia close but behind him, ushering her away. He placed his body before hers, shielding her as much as he could. 
It wasn’t enough.
“Stiles, come back,” he heard Scott calling for him.
They were all mourning her already; her and themselves at the same time. The druids wanted her because of her power and they were going to harvest them for theirs. Mason had a bit of the Beast left and Stiles had the Nogitsune, but not enough to summon it back.
They were torturing her and she was still pleading with them. 
“Lydia!” he screamed.
Her eyes flickered towards his and she tried to flash a smile. It was a toothy grin, filled with blood and devoured in pain. Needles were stabbed through several places on her body, each bigger than the previous. 
She was not more than a lab rat to them.
“Stiles, come back!”
At last, Scott pulled him away from the bars. His fingers hurt and bled and he continued to scream her name in agony; this wasn’t how their story was supposed to end.
“We need to help her, Scott,” he stammered. “She needs our help.”
But his friend looked broken and hopeless and Stiles didn’t know what hurt more. He said nothing; the hug spoke more words than either of them could.
“I’m making a run for it.”
There was no time for Stiles to prepare. All of a sudden his arms were empty and his best friend was headed for the bars, roaring and growling like never before. He clawed against the cage until his claws broke and fingers began to bleed; until he fell to his knees, powerless.
It couldn’t have lasted for more than two minutes. The bars were filled with an amount of wolfsbane that irradiated everything around them. 
Scott’s growls were reduced to quiet sobbing. Stiles walked to his side, saying nothing.
Lydia was still out there, screaming with a broken voice, getting weaker by the minute. He couldn’t watch it anymore yet he felt like the moment he’d take his eyes off of her, it would be over. 
A whisper; that was all she could muster.
Her hand reached for the cage, so distant and not on this world anymore. He could see her skin getting paler, her body losing strength. Even her screams sounded tired.
“Lydia,” he whispered back, “don’t leave me.”
After a thousand years and all at once, it was over. 
Lydia’s hand fell limp and they threw her body to the cage, treating her as nothing more than a bag of wasted food. 
The scream that left Stiles’s lungs wasn’t agony; it was a whimper of the universe falling apart. 
Her fingers were cold and eyes were closed. He thought she was gone in every way, but when he saw her chest moving; faintly, so faintly he wasn’t even sure what he was seeing.
He held onto her until it was him they wanted, when he began to scream and fight and everything he could to stay with her, to help her get through it. She wasn’t going to make it if he wasn’t there to keep telling her to stay awake and he wasn’t going to make it if she wasn’t there to tell him she’s alive.
Stiles looked at the druid that held him; still, and dead in the eye. And he felt it, like a bug crawling up his lungs; like poison and venom at once spreading his veins, one at a time. 
The smug smirk at his face when it reached the tips of his fingers, the back of his neck and the metallic taste in his tongue; the darkness in his heart. 
The Nogitsune was back.
He found himself standing at the edge of a cliff, holding Lydia’s limp body in his arms. Scott was standing close to him, panting with a hand over his chest, supported by Malia who had blood all over herself. On his right were Liam and Corey supporting Mason, with Hayden looking at them but seeing nothing at all.
He didn’t know what happened, but he could still feel the evil inside him -- only it was now retreating back to the single place in his soul where he couldn’t wash it away. 
It was over. 
They’d won.
But what was the cost?
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phoenixfive · 8 years
Let me get this straight. The owner of canarygifs will create or reblog gifs of:
1. Sara being bounced off a dumpster and cracking her head open and bleeding out onto the pavement next to bags of literal garbage
2. Sara standing frozen in fear while her ex initiates a non-consensual kiss at knifepoint -- usually presented as romantic!
3. Sara trying to commit suicide in order to escape the torment inflicted on her by her ex -- also usually presented as romantic!
4. Sara receiving death threats from a love interest (who the owner ships her with and whose abusive actions the owner has excused) -- about half the time presented as romantic!
5. Sara being on the receiving end of in-canon sexism and biphobia that's played for laughs, even in instances where she's visibly upset by it -- a lot of which the owner has written long missives excusing
6. Sara's corpse being desecrated, her body taken without her consent and turned into a rage monster that hurts young women, while her soul cries out from a hell prison
6a. Feral Sara being chained up like an animal in a dark, cold basement, rocking back and forth
7. Her sister hallucinating Sara as someone violent and hateful and a user of language the real Sara canonically found abhorrent, and later a hallucination of Sara being used as a mouthpiece for the fandom outcry against her death as a way for the show to mock it just before having Sara's former biggest fan declare Sara was devoid of any good in an attempt to boost the straight sister Sara was killed off for
...All without even including trigger warnings on the posts.
But she won't gif anything even surrounding Sara's latest temporary death, despite it being very different from the above in two key ways: the perpetrator in this case was actually presented as doing something wrong, and the story was ultimately about (1) Sara, and how important it is that she live to inspire people around her, not die or be subjugated for them, and (2) a young man who loves her very much trying desperately to save her and stepping up in her absence as another leader in the making, which Sara recognizes and is trying to encourage.
Could the blog owner be any more transparent?
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