grumpyoldninja · 1 year
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Mads MamaBear's RainbowBrite Lantern Chibis - 10 > PARALLAX
This is Collab 10 With MamaBearArtDoll As she had an Inspired Idea some time ago, but it's taken forever to finally get going on it. I'm happy that time is finally here 😁
That idea was The #RainbowBriteLanternCorps which you can see right here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-XyTNr7Gw/ & she has let me chibi them as she draws them normal size :-D I love this idea so much I'm gonna keep going with these come back and chibi the others after Mads is finished.
Here's #Chibi #Wisp #RainbowbriteWisp #Parallax #GreenLantern #HalJordan
MamaBearDoll #GrumpyOldNinja #RainbowBrite #80sCartoons
BlackestNight #BrightestDay #DC #DCComics MashUp #CrossOver
DANG IT! I FORGOT THE SPRITES! I added Wisp's to her, but I'll et the others in next time around when Mads finishes.
Please join me on my Youtube channel as I am Live streaming the rest of them from No.09 on as well as future projects rght here: 👇🏾 (Or pop by and check out some of the streams…the more recent ones after I got a mic LoL) https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCQ_Uu2Ii_xo0IMLL2vTrGNw
Thank you & Muchas Gracias for coming by LIVE or REPLAYsquad :-) Be GREAT & WIN!
Keep a close eye on MamaBearDoll's Instagram to see who she will choose for each lantern as she goes through them all 😁 The order I've used is based on her 1st one, Canary Yellow so: 01st > FEAR / Yellow Power Ring / Canary Yellow / Sinestro 02nd > GREED / Orange Power Ring / Lala Orange / Larfleeze 03rd > RAGE / Red Power Ring / Red Butler / Razor 04th > LOVE / Pink Power Ring / Shy Violet / Carol Ferris 05th > COMPASSION / Purple Power Ring / Indigo / Indigo-1 06th > HOPE / Blue Power Ring / Buddy Blue & Luna / Saint Walker 07th > WILL / Green Power Ring / Patty O'Green / Hal Jordan 08th > DEATH / Black Power Ring / Murky Dismal & Lurky 09th > LIFE / White Power Ring / Stormy, Moonglow & Krys 10th > PARALLAX / Rainbow Power Ring / Wisp with Sprite
You can see them here - https://www.instagram.com/grumpyoldninja/
Mads is still working on these and much more on her YouTube Channel so tune in & say hi in the chat 😀
I put lil' Blue & Green Auras Around my "Tag" bcs those are my favorite 2 Lanterns, WILL & HOPE! Armed with those two you're pretty much unstoppable 😉
SUBSCRIBE TO / FOLLOW @mamabeardoll HERE 🔥👇🏾 https://www.youtube.com/c/MadsMamaBear https://www.instagram.com/mamabeardoll/ https://twitter.com/MadsMamaBear
She's got great Art, Poetry, Cooking Videos & delightful posts so Go Click on That SUBSCRBE/FOLLOW!
IAmHere: 👇🏾
Want to watch some Rainbowbrite Episodes? GO HERE: @RainbowBriteEpisodes https://www.youtube.com/@RainbowBriteEpisodes
アナログ #PhotoShop #2D #Wacom #DigitalColor
FanArt #TraditionalArt #Kawaii
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
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#RainbowBrite Screencap ID game! Answer from previous slide: #ChasingRainbows Stormy and Skydancer just before the end credits. Congratulations Instagram users @sera_myu7783 @shewilbeloved31 Taking some time to plan more games! Hope to be back soon! Leave me a comment if you liked this one! Thank you for playing! . . . . #rainbowbritescreencap #RainbowBright #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #RegnbueRita #レインボーブライト #rainbowbriteco #Regnbågsbarnet https://www.instagram.com/p/Bygq6EsARWT/?igshid=19kbyqr4sd5uf
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Ah, the 1980s.  When stuff like a man/woman-sized Rainbow Brite and equally-man/woman-sized characters running around a zoo as camera crews filmed the action were not for social media and YouTube.
I mean, you find that stuff on YouTube these days, but in the 1980s, legitimate home video companies released these films onto a paying public.
Last week, I talked about the history of Vestron Video, and its children/family sub-label, Children’s Video Library.  The label was responsible for, among other franchises, the home video releases of everything related to Rainbow Brite.  From the thirteen episode television series, as well as both live action “human-sized Rainbow Brite with a non-moving mouth and giant head” specials.  In fact, the only part of the franchise they didn’t have a hand in was Rainbow’s 1985 feature film, Rainbow Brite and the Star Stealer.  One of the live action specials was the nightmarish It’s Your Birthday! (I covered that on my previous blog in October 2014), and the other was an equally nightmarish trip to the San Diego Zoo.
Now, you’re probably thinking “Rainbow Brite at the zoo?  Sounds great!”
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Well, if people in costumes parading around a zoo, little kids imitating animals, and a random animal fact narrator hijacking the “plot” every so often sound great to you, then…perhaps you should keep your excitement in check.
Because the two kids in the movie simply cannot.
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Just Another Day At the Zoo…Or Is It?
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Image: Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Rainbow Brite’s San Diego Zoo Adventure is a 1986 direct-to-video special featuring that human-sized Rainbow Brite costume that showed up in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parades for a few years in the 1980s.  You know the one – dead eyes, barely moving mouth, same yarn hair my Rainbow Brite doll has.  Her and her equally ginormous sprite, Twink, arrive at the Zoo at the insistence of two children, Pete and Tracy, as they realize the zoo’s animals are losing their colors.
Guess who is making that happen?
Yup, Murky Dismal (“The Despicable Desperado from the Depths of Gloom Land”) and his sidekick, Snuffalupugus – er, I mean – Lurky.  Unlike Rainbow Brite, whose mouth just barely moves, Murky and Lurky’s mouths don’t move at all.  But that doesn’t matter – Murky’s got a “gousaphone” that will turn the San Diego zoo’s animals gray…and a plan to trap Rainbow Brite and steal her Color Belt.
Pete and Tracy happen to be close, personal friends of Rainbow Brite, so as soon as they realize something is up, they work hard to summon Rainbow Brite to the zoo.  Except it plays out like Benny Hill.
I wish I were kidding.
Upload via RainbowBriteCo (I queued the video to the start of that moment)
Murky and Lurky arrive at the zoo, and bicker as they always do.
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They disguise themselves at tourists at the zoo (super convincingly, of course) and discuss their plan to remove the animals’ color and bring them to Murky’s planned un-amusement park…after they capture Rainbow Brite, of course.
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There’s singing, there’s dancing, there’s portions of this video devoid of color, and there’s animals!
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Can Rainbow Brite save the day, rid the San Diego Zoo of Murky and Lurky, and restore all the color?  Will she need some help?
I mean, you have watched the cartoon before, right?  Rainbow Brite always saves the day, even if she needs a little help!
In a subplot of the video, ZooNooz facts are interspersed throughout the adventure to provide facts on different animals.  The narration, provided by voice actress Lucille Bliss, screams of fake enthusiasm.  I mean, she probably was enthusiastic, but the narration just feels…forced.
So, what is this “ZooNooz” thing?
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Ah yes, the seemingly unrelated ZooNooz segments.
So, these segments were part of San Diego Zoo’s official publication, ZooNooz.  Several segments pop up during the course of the adventure to give facts about the animals.  The segments explain how flamingos get their color, why polar bears have hair on their feet, how koalas aren’t actually bears, and animal camouflage.  The segments break in during the course of the adventure, and while it initially detracts from the story, seemingly bringing it to a screeching halt, they are important after the adventure, in a six-minute recap of the “educational portion” of Rainbow Brite.
Any time a ZooNooz segment starts, the super cool 1980s chyron pops up on the screen.
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The actual story portion of the video runs 35 minutes, with the ZooNooz recap and pop quiz on the animals featured in the video comprising the last six minutes of the video.  Might as well stick around for the education part, you got this far!
My Take On Rainbow Brite’s San Diego Zoo Adventure
I know I’m throwing around a lot of adult crankiness with this.  I needed to remind myself that while 37-year-old Allison loves Rainbow Brite, but finds this little tidbit of nostalgia bizarre, four-year-old Allison loved Rainbow Brite AND would have gone nuts just seeing a giant Rainbow Brite walking around a zoo!
As a four-year-old, this would have excited me – seeing Rainbow Brite wandering around a really nice zoo and throwing star sprinkles everywhere.  The music would have gotten my attention too, since I wasn’t always an adult cynic questioning my rose-colored glasses-clad childhood memories.
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After all, I did dress up like Rainbow Brite for Halloween.  So my heart must still be the tiniest bit soft.
In actuality, I can see the appeal with San Diego Zoo Adventure – it is fun to watch.  Is it slightly over-the-top and cheesy?  Yes, absolutely!  Isn’t everything of this type in retrospect?  Yes!  However, where the Birthday video is just terrifyingly bad, this actually was fun to watch.  I laughed a little too hard at the acting efforts of the kids playing Pete and Tracy, but that’s expected when you’re an adult revisiting your childhood.  No four-year-old notices acting skills (or lack thereof), adults do (ok, cynical adults who actually care do!).  The only real annoyance for me was the narration – it just was not necessary.  I mean sure, the ZooNooz segments required explanation, since there were facts being discussed, but the action in the video pretty much speaks for itself.  That was truly the one thing that bothered me about this.
Incredible.  Of everything that I believe could have been flawed with this whole thing, narration put me off.
Of course, I always go back to the costumes.  Clearly, these costumes were put to good use when they weren’t part of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade (which Rainbow was part of in 1984 and 1985), but they’re kind of nightmare fuel.  The actual movements of the eyes and mouth are minimal (the eyes blink, and the mouth just barely moves), but the head is just…so big.  It is huge!
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The Murky and Lurky costumes, as well as Twink, are even more minimal.  There is no movement.  Eyes, mouth, nothing.  No movement.
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And I totally forgot what Twink sounded like, but I didn’t think it was the voice version of a deflating balloon.  Honestly, I kept expecting Twink’s voice actor to start choking.
In all, Rainbow Brite’s San Diego Zoo Adventure is a nice diversion.  Considering the state of everything right now, a little diversion, especially when it is the childhood nostalgia kind, is never a bad thing.  If you’ve got, at a minimum, 36 minutes to spare today (I did in the name of “research,” so you can too), why not enjoy a little childhood diversion.
And if you can spare the extra 5-6 minutes, stick around for the ZooNooz segment at the end.
Upload via Rainbow Brite Episodes
So, all this “rescuing the zoo” stuff was fun, but where exactly did Murky and Lurky wind up as a result?
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Why do I feel like this is what happened to the costumes after the Rainbow Brite excitement died down?
Have a magical day…at the zoo!
  Exloring The San Diego Zoo...With Rainbow Brite! - Giant costumed character with barely-moving mouths invade the San Diego Zoo, while a drowsy-sounding narrator tells the tale! The 1980s were, in fact, magical. Ah, the 1980s.  When stuff like a man/woman-sized Rainbow Brite and equally-man/woman-sized characters running around a zoo as camera crews filmed the action were not for social media and YouTube.
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tzoor · 4 years
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Rainbow Brite 2.5 hourse sketch with colours pen "ענן הקשת" לפני ואחרי" 28 שנים בשתי דוגמאות של סוס הפרא הדוהר באוויר על הקשת של ארץ קשת בענן. הוא לא רק אצילי אלא בזכות חכמתו, טוב ליבו, עצמתו ואהבת חינם הוא עוזר לחברתו הטובה, הנמצאת תמיד רכובה על כתפיו לאלן הזקוקים לעזרה. . https://youtu.be/HMaNfAOMHTw קישור לפרק הראשון של הסדרה המצוירת, חלק א'. 🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🦄🎨 רוצים גם ליצור קומיקס מקורי משלכם? לפרטים לקבלת שיעור פרטי: השאירו פרטים בלינק הבא ותקבלו עוד היום הנחה עד 20%. https://lp.vp4.me/kn17 ��הנחיה: צוּר עֵיטָם עַמִּיחַי דוא"ל: [email protected] סלולרי: 054-6342027 . Do you want an original comics of your own? Apply now: https://lp.vp4.me/kn17 @tzoor1eitam [email protected] Phone: +972-54634-2027 . RAINBOW BRITE is a magnificent horce of knowledge, powerfulness, blessing, nobility and kindness whose galloper over the rainbow of Rainbow Land with his best freinf on his sholders. With his Kindess and courageous self he is my one and only horse I've evere loved. . I picked for you here the two examples of my drawing from 1st grade and yesterday. Find the differencees.. ©Original Artwork: @tzoor1eitam . A.c.t (art, creativity and technology) is the main term as an art teacher working at משרד החינוך. #dndcharacter #artvibes #artteachersofinstagram #artteacher #artsandcraftsstyle #artwithmeaning #artist #youngartist #newmediaart #newmedia #firstdayatschool #firstday #artexperience #artwithlove #animations #animation #artexperience #learning #english @disneyanimation @rainbowbritefanart @rainbowbritenet @rainbowbriteco (at Herzliya, Israel) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAM7FILgLoJ/?igshid=16epeat33ia60
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southbostonbitch · 8 years
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@Regrann from @rainbowbriteco - #RainbowBrite's facebook page has shared some beautiful concepts of Rainbow Brite and all the color kids! These are the first images by GG Santiago from 1983. Meet Rainbow Brite, Scarlett Rose, Lala Orange, Canary Yellow , Patty O'Green, Blue Moon, Indigo, and Shy Violet. You can see these and more on Facebook.com/RainbowBrite - #regrann
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grumpyoldninja · 1 year
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Mads MamaBear's RainbowBrite Lantern Chibis - 09 > #LIFE
This is Collab 09 With #MamaBearArtDoll As she had an Inspired Idea some time ago, but it's taken forever to finally get going on it. I'm happy that time is finally here 😁
That idea was The #RainbowBriteLanternCorps which you can see right here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-XyTNr7Gw/ & she has let me chibi them :-D
Here's #Chibi #Stormy #Neon #Krys
#Moonglow #WhiteLantern #GreenLantern
#MamaBearDoll #GrumpyOldNinja #RainbowBrite #80sCartoons
BlackestNight #BrightestDay #DC #DCComics #MashUp #CrossOver
Mads will be doing ALL of the Rings on her Insta & I'll chibi them as she completes them, but I love this idea of her's so much I'm gonna keep going with these come back and chibi her's after she's finished.
Keep a close eye on MamaBearDoll's Instagram to see who she will choose for each lantern as she goes through them all 😁
Mads is still working on these and much more On Her Saturday Morning Cartoons Stream 10:30 AM EST Saturdays On Her Channel so Tune In & say hi in the chat 😀
Also, I put lil' Blue & Green Auras Around my "Tag" bcs those are my favorite 2 Lanterns, WILL & HOPE! Armed with those two you're pretty much unstoppable 😉
SUBSCRIBE TO / FOLLOW @mamabeardoll HERE 🔥👇🏾 https://www.youtube.com/c/MadsMamaBear https://www.instagram.com/mamabeardoll/ https://twitter.com/MadsMamaBear
She's got great Art, Poetry, Cooking Videos & delightful posts so Go Click on That SUBSCRBE/FOLLOW!
IAmHere: 👇🏾
アナログ #PhotoShop #2D #Wacom #DigitalColor
Cartoon #FanArt #TraditionalArt #DigitalPaint
Digitalpainting #ArtIsAwesome #Pretty #Cute #Kawaii
ArtistOntumblr #ArtistsOntumblr
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grumpyoldninja · 2 years
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Mads MamaBear's RainbowBrite Lantern Chibis - 08 > #DEATH #Murky #Lurky #CSFNation #TheCSFNation
This is Collab 08 With #MamaBearArtDoll As she had an Inspired Idea some time ago, but it's taken forever to finally get going on it. I'm happy that time is finally here 😁
That idea was The #RainbowBriteLanternCorps which you can see right here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-XyTNr7Gw/ & she has let me chibi them :-D
Here's #Chibi #MurkyDismal / #BlackLantern #GreenLantern
#MamaBearDoll #GrumpyOldNinja #RainbowBrite #80sCartoons #BlackestNight #DC #DCComics #MashUp #CrossOver
Mads will be doing ALL of the Rings on her Insta & I'll chibi them as she completes them, but I love this idea of her's so much I'm gonna keep going with these come back and chibi her's after she's finished.
Keep a close eye on MamaBearDoll's Instagram to see who she will choose for each lantern as she goes through them all 😁
Mads is still working on these and much more On Her Saturday Morning Cartoons Stream 10:30 AM EST Saturdays On Her Channel so Tune In & say hi in the chat 😀
Also, I put lil' Blue & Green Auras Around my "Tag" bcs those are my favorite 2 Lanterns, WILL & HOPE! Armed with those two you're pretty much unstoppable 😉
SUBSCRIBE TO / FOLLOW @mamabeardoll HERE 🔥👇🏾 https://www.youtube.com/c/MadsMamaBear https://www.instagram.com/mamabeardoll/ https://twitter.com/MadsMamaBear
She's got great Art, Poetry, Cooking Videos & delightful posts so Go Click on That SUBSCRBE/FOLLOW!
I'M HERE: 👇🏾 https://linktr.ee/GrumpyOldNinja
@rainbowbriteco #GreenLanternCorps #アナログ #PhotoShop #2D #Wacom #DigitalColor #Cartoon #FanArt #TraditionalArt #DigitalPaint #Digitalpainting #ArtIsAwesome #Pretty #Cute #Kawaii #ArtistOntumblr #ArtistsOntumblr #ArtistOnArtStation #ArtistsOnArtStation #ArtStyle
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
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#RainbowBrite Screencap ID game! Answer from previous slide: #QueenoftheSprites Twink riding a sprite car to the Color Caves to check on the Mine. Congratulations Instagram users @sera_myu7783 Next game: swipe to the next slide! Best of luck! . . . #rainbowbritescreencap #RainbowBright #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #RegnbueRita #レインボーブライト #rainbowbriteco #Regnbågsbarnet #stormy #skydancer #StormyandSkydancer https://www.instagram.com/p/BydfFgkgtX8/?igshid=18sfrruxveb0p
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
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#RainbowBrite Screencap ID game!
Answer from previous slide: #MOM This is from the scene before Murky and Lurky bring Murky’s mom to Rainbow Land posing as its ruler. Shy Violet and Moonglow appear to have a chat while Buddy Blue orders from the cafe.
Congratulations Instagram users @lavenderranger @sera_myu7783 @keegram_
and Facebook user: Shawn Moody
Next game: swipe to the next slide!
Best of luck! . . . . #rainbowbritescreencap #RainbowBright #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #RegnbueRita #レインボーブライト #rainbowbriteco #Regnbågsbarnet #Twink #PtitMalin #Gaspard #Weißwirbel #follettobianco https://www.instagram.com/p/BybF6GNgMmf/?igshid=dgaryllouznr
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
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Screencap ID game! Answer from previous slide: #AHorseofaDifferentColor This is the scene from the Sprite Fair where the Color Kids Patty OGreen, Buddy Blue and Sprites ride a roller coaster! Congratulations Instagram users @vera_lovelystamps_de @sera_myu7783 @keegram_ Next game: swipe to the next slide! Best of luck! . . . . #rainbowbritescreencap #RainbowBright #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #RegnbueRita #レインボーブライト #rainbowbriteco #Regnbågsbarnet #bluebuddy #BeauBleu #BubiBlauschuh #ChicoAzu #BuddyBlu #Moonglow #Clairlune #RayondeLune #Mânestrâle #SandraSilbermond #ChiardeLuna #RaggiodiLuna #shyviolet #ViolaVeilchenscheu #Violetta #Violeta https://www.instagram.com/p/ByYdNNIggYB/?igshid=tsflmnea99i3
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
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Screencap ID game! Answer from previous slide: The #MightyMonstromurkMenace Part 1 This is from the scene where Murky and Lurky go to Rainbow Land to get back Monstromurk bouncing bottle! Next game: swipe to the next slide! Best of luck! . . . . #rainbowbritescreencap #RainbowBright #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #RegnbueRita #レインボーブライト #rainbowbriteco #Regnbågsbarnet #bluebuddy #BeauBleu #BubiBlauschuh #ChicoAzu #BuddyBlu #pattyogreen #Mentoline #Verdarine #KatrinKleeblatt #VerdeEsmeralda https://www.instagram.com/p/ByWk0Z8gwUw/?igshid=jjvtlyxbpp14
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
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Screencap ID game! *see details below* . . . . I wanted to think of a fun interactive activity to play with fans. Its taking a screencap (screen capture) of a scene from an episode/special/advertisement of #RainbowBrite and ask if you can identify what it is from. I don't have any physical prizes to give, but I can give shout outs or if you can think of something, let me know! Overall let's have some fun! #RainbowBriteScreenCap #RainbowBright #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #RegnbueRita #レインボーブライト #Regnbågsbarnet #rainbowbriteco https://www.instagram.com/p/ByTTMmqgmGU/?igshid=l8knr1pwoq3q
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
Sharing more animation by Craig Clark of #RainbowBrite #tickledpink And #Moonglow Music Credit: Katy Cartee Haile Rainbow Brite Theme remix @rainbowbritenet #Repost @roktoonz ・・・ Rainbow Brite turnarounds for reboot 2013 #craigclarkanim #cartoons #animation #rainbowbrite #rainbowbriteco #rainbowbritenet #RainbowBright #animation #effects #effectstest #testingeffects #fxtest #testfx #Hallmark #spiritclips #specialeffects #animationeffects #effectsanimation #digitalart #digitalanimation #cartooneffect #cartooneffects #cartoonanimation #cartoonfx #Starlite https://www.instagram.com/p/By0nbkNAMfG/?igshid=1aefs8gxax9mq
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
Tickled Pink looks adorable in another test animation from Craig Clark. #Repost @roktoonz ・・・ Rainbow Brite’s friend Twilight test animation #craigclarkanim #cartoons animation #rainbowbrite #rainbowbriteco #rainbowbritenet #animation #effects #effectstest #testingeffects #fxtest #testfx #Hallmark #spiritclips #specialeffects #animationeffects #effectsanimation #digitalart #digitalanimation #cartooneffect #cartooneffects #cartoonanimation #cartoonfx #RainbowBright #tickledpink #colorkids https://www.instagram.com/p/BygEZFAgFf7/?igshid=1a7n5kta8oxzu
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
More animations from Craig Clark. This is some effects tests of Rainbow Brite making a rainbow with her color belt. #Repost @roktoonz ・・・ Rainbow Brite FX test #craigclarkanim #cartoons #rainbowbrite #rainbowbriteco #rainbowbritenet #colorbelt #animation #rainbows #effects #effectstest #testingeffects #fxtest #testfx #Hallmark #spiritclips #specialeffects #animationeffects #effectsanimation #digitalart #digitalanimation #cartooneffect #cartooneffects #cartoonanimation #cartoonfx #RainbowBright https://www.instagram.com/p/BygDC-nghRL/?igshid=hrdxemtwp4gy
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rainbowbriteco · 5 years
Craig Clark assisted in bringing #RainbowBrite to the attention of @hallmarkmoviesnow (formerly known as SpiritClips/Feeln). He is an animator who believes in the classic appeal of the brand! Here is a clip he posted of art he did for the reboot. #Repost @roktoonz ・・・ My Rainbow Brite reboot animation for Hallmark 2013. #craigclarkanim #cartoons #animation #rainbowbrite #rainbowbritenet #rainbowbriteco #RainbowBright. #iridella #reginaregenbogen #blondinearcenciel #Azurine #aricoiris #Rubita #レインボーブライト #Regnbågsbarnet https://www.instagram.com/p/ByY7tiCgCFt/?igshid=ahrmccxccnx9
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