#raleigh wedge pack
5, 7, and 14 :)
for the writeblr ask game !
5. COSTUME - How much research have you done for your WIP?
PROBABLY NOT ENOUGH!!! i keep meaning to do more, i have a list of things i still need to solidify. like i need to research norwegian folklore to see if i can wedge my werewolves somewhere in there (thts where the pedersen ~*family*~ or pack or whatever are from they're fucking ancient, too) + then, like, follow those naming conventions for my mythical werewolf-killing super predators. i've already got my western werewolf Lore DOWN i did a paper on it in college + i'm doing my own shit anyway lmfao now i just need everything else. and i need to triple-check that raleigh's mother's name is alright bc i can't do anything without worrying about it for ten years, and even though everyone lives in the usa i feel like i still need to know more about laos and vietnam like, culturally to build raleigh's childhood and home life that we Barely see but the prospect is supes intimidating for that worrying about it for ten years thing that i mentioned. also i keep needing to figure out what parts of trailers are called, technically, and i don't know how to drive but the book is at least 40% people driving. n that's just wolf's tooth. god knows what else i have going on
7. CREATION - What was your first WIP?
i have foggy memories of starting to write my own warrior cats oc story in middle school, shoving it into one of the drawers in my dresser, and forgetting it there forever.
14. EARTH - What inspires you most?
this is sort of terrible but when i find a piece of media that has a stellar concept but the execution is absolute ass i feel the strongest creative urges of my life. obviously i don't want to nab the entire base concept, but i can take my own 'this would've made more sense'/'this would've been more compelling'/'this character should've been written like this' to tailor pieces to my own tastes. i can't think of anything i've gotten serious about w/ this, beyond the first brainstorming phase that happens in a complete trance, but there's nothing like that rush. so i guess maybe horror movies.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: 12 True Sex Stories You Have to Read to Believe
“WHEN HARRY MET SALLY” - COLUMBIA PICTURES   You’re out to brunch with your girlfriends, how long does it take for the conversation to turn to sex? Not long, amiright? It’s not just the ladies on “Sex and The City” who love to talk about sex—it’s most of us. We talk about it with our friends, our partners, and depending on how self-conscious you may feel, complete strangers. We talk about our true sex stories wether it be the amazing sex we’ve had, the comical, the sometimes strange and unusual, and even the not-so-great sex.  For many of us, we learned more about sex from our friends than we did from our parents or sex education class. It’s fun to share our sex stories—if it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be live storytelling shows, podcasts, books, TV shows, or movies. Fantasy has its place, but the stories that resonate the most with us are the true stories, those that actually happened. I AM & CO put the word out that we were looking for true sex stories and we received a very diverse response; stories from various sexual preferences, practices, and levels of sexual experience. All of these true sex stories are ones you have to read to believe. 12 True Sex Stories Guaranteed to Raise Eyebrows “Not Friends, No Benefit” Comedian Shalewa Sharpe, creator of  "So You Just Out Here?" I ran into my one-night-stand guy at the club. Now, some people might call that a “friend with benefits” but that term suggests that the two parties are friendly enough to schedule a benefit. This guy and I were not friends. Our benefits only happened if we ran into each other at the club. So, we made out for a minute, then he suggested we take this party to my car. This was how I ended up parked behind a grocery store, attempting to have sex with this guy in my 1988 Honda Prelude—a sports coupe, with bucket seats. Have you had sex in bucket seats? If so, a follow-up question: are you double jointed? The guy and I struggled for a bit, then his face fell. “Oh, this sucks,” he moaned. “It’s because my dick’s too small.” I had to console this guy while also keeping an eye out for the cops. If you find yourself in this predicament, don’t end up saying what I said: “Hey man, we’re in bucket seats—this ain’t gonna be easy.” A real mood-killer. We threw in the towel, I dropped him off back at the club and went home. Later that night, my roommate, who was the club’s doorperson, mentioned that she saw the guy with a weeping woman at the end of the night—they were walking in circles around the parking lot, then they hopped on his motorcycle and split. The next day, as I was furiously scrubbing and vacuuming my car, I found a driver’s license for a young woman wedged between the front passenger seat and the middle console. I guess it fell out of one-night-stand guy’s pocket during the, uh, festivities. I scratched out the ID’s info, punched a hole in it, and hung it on my rearview mirror as a cautionary tale. “It’s Part Of It” Jason, Columbus, Ohio We were both in college and had been dating for a while when she decided to take it to the next level. “Tie me up,” she demanded. “Okay, um, I’m going to tie you up now,” I said and went to get some scarves that were conveniently strewn about and set to work. “No!” “Oh, my God! I’m so sorry! I thought that…” and I began to loosen the bonds.  “No, it’s part of what makes it so hot.” “Oh, right,” I said and went back to doing Boy Scout knots such as the square knot and the sheepshank. I wondered if I should go with the trucker’s hitch? Nah. Too much.  “I’m going to f*ck you now,” I said getting into it. “Let me go!” I immediately stop what I’m doing. “Oh my God, I am an idiot. I am so sorry. I didn’t understand. You see, when you said you wanted, what I thought was, but in reality, I see… Oh no, I’m so sorry.” I quickly start to untie all the knots.  “No, it’s part of it.”  “What Goes Around, Comes Around” Ashley, Raleigh, North Carolina I paid my boyfriend for sex the first summer we were together…11 years later, he’s paying me for sex. “The Hook-Up Room”  Comedian Anita Flores, host of I'm Listening: A Frasier Podcast with Anita Flores. I’m at my first high- school party, and it’s not going well. Between my social anxiety and the fact that I only know the host, all I can think about is how I’m going to escape. I can’t actually leave, or else I’ll seem “uncool.” Fortunately, I come up with the next best solution. After making some light small talk with the host (Cassie) about her impressive selection of snacks, I ask, “Is there anywhere I can take a nap?” At the time, this seemed like a normal way to still be at the party without having to speak to anyone. I can’t say that Cassie agreed. After a long pause, she replied, “Uh, I guess in my attic.” I gleefully head to the attic. All the lights are off and it’s strangely warm, but it beats talking to people. I feel around and discover a futon I can pretend to sleep on. There I am lying down when something round and muscular attacks my face. It’s a butt, and it's smothering me! Ever want to suffocate someone, but don’t have a pillow? Just wear thick, non-breathable polyester pants. I hear a low voice. It’s a boy butt. He hears my muffled cries, gets up and exclaims, “Whoa, sorry dude!”  Now there’s giggling. He’s with a girl. Suddenly, I hear what sounds like a lot of teens slurping soup. There are more people in this room than I realized. Cassie sent me to take a nap in “the hook-up room!” Picture “Eyes Wide Shut: The Early Years.” Before the masks, there were braces. By this time, the boy butt and his lady friend have taken the futon from me. I'm standing there feeling left out because no one has asked me to join in. I can’t run away, otherwise, everyone will think I’m a prude! So, I find an empty loveseat, plop down, and close my eyes. Because there’s nothing cooler than ignoring sex. I’ll make sure to tell my future teen daughter that, too.  “There Are Rules” Michael, Portland, Oregon I was sessioning with a dominatrix named Vixen when her friend Wendy came over. Vixen blindfolded me and put me in the corner, which I was more than okay with. The minute Vixen’s back was turned, I took off the blindfold, even though I knew (and hoped,) I’d be punished. Vixen took out a strap on from her toy-cupboard and proceeded to f*ck Wendy with it. It was quite a show and later,  I was punished severely for watching—it was well worth the tribute that I paid Vixen. “Don’t Stop Under Any Circumstances!” Carrie, Chicago, Illinois My boyfriend and I were having sex one night on my old as hell bed. He was an ex-professional football player and I’m a big girl, so it shouldn’t have been surprising that right when things were getting super intense, the bed broke. He stopped what he was doing, so I yelled, “Don’t stop! I’m so close!” Without moving from the now broken bed, we get back at it and this time we don’t stop until we both cum. If there had been an earthquake or a tornado, I would have made him keep going then, too. “Side Effects Can Be Embarrassing” Krysta, Orlando, Florida  I've never been really big into taking birth control, but a coworker of mine mentioned that she was on a pill where she only had a period every three months... I wanted in on that! So, I went to my doctor and got on birth control. I started dating this new guy, who was literally the sexiest human-created. Around him, I tried to be Miss Perfection. Meanwhile, I'm on these new birth control pills and the doctor forgot to mention that they had lactose in them. I'm extremely lactose intolerant, even the smallest bit gives me major gas.  The first time the perfect guy and I had sex was a disaster. Every thrust he made inside of me made me pass gas. It was so embarrassing. We literally had to stop and go to Walgreens to get me some type of gas pills because he and I both couldn't take the noise, let alone the smell.  Let's just say, I stopped taking those pills immediately.  “Sex On The Deserted Beach” Beverly, New York City My partner and I were having a romantic vacation for my birthday in Newport, Rhode Island, and decided to spice things up by making love on a (deserted) beach in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, this beach was not quite as deserted or private as we had initially anticipated. All of a sudden we saw flashes of bright light, immediately stopped, and became alarmed.  A police officer arrived, trying to hold back a grin, and asked us if we'd seen some "kids swimming" after hours. We said no, he left, and we quickly packed up our things to make a quick exit. We drove home laughing not quite knowing what to make of the experience, but it certainly was a bonding one. It's definitely an evening and birthday I won't soon forget. “Don’t Disturb Grandpa” Spencer, Phoenix I hooked-up once with this guy who was taking care of his grandpa. It was around 10:00 p.m. by the time I got to his house. Whispering, he asked me to follow him and to not make any noise, his grandpa was watching TV in the living room. The guy sneaked me into a bedroom, but I guess that wasn’t soundproof enough, so we went into the closet and had very cramped and uncomfortable sex in there. I don’t think his grandpa had any idea about what was going on. “Male High Club” Reynaldo, San Diego, California I was taking a night flight home from Hawaii, as I was sitting down, I turned to see a guy who was so handsome I was stunned. Like a lot of us, he wore shorts and Aloha shirts, but he was well-built and looked more like he’d be a lead on one of those Hawaii detective shows. There was an empty seat near me on the aisle, and the guy asked if he could sit there to stretch out his legs. Other than nodding yes, we didn’t talk. The man grazed my knee with his leg, and all the hairs on my leg stood on end. And he didn’t pull away right away, just gradually. He got up to get a blanket from the overhead compartment which he placed over his legs. With no talking at all, he made the slightest gesture to offer me some of the blanket. Before you know it, the blanket was spread over both our legs. Then, our hands somehow started to find each other. And for a long time on the flight, that was it…just our hands grasping together, coming loose, rejoining, stroking fingers. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I was rock hard. And gradually, very gradually, all without talking and with this stud of a guy who I did not know at all, our hands gradually started to stroke each other’s thighs, mirroring each other.  And eventually, very discreetly to not get attention or show movement above the blanket, we each found our erections extending out through the bottom of our shorts, and we grabbed each other. Eventually, some napkins or handkerchiefs were brought below, and without making any sound, we both came, and it was pretty simultaneous.  “Kung Fu Fighting” Carol Gee, Author, “Random Notes ( About Life. "Stuff"And Finally Learning To Exhale)” A romantic, I fantasized about what it would be like to have sex on satin sheets. My fantasy materialized when my husband and I, two young Air Force sergeants returning from living in the Far East, stopped to visit another Air Force friend and his lady in San Francisco. Invited to spend the night, the lady made the guest room bed up with a brand new pair of red satin sheets. How did she know my fantasy? I couldn’t wait to get my husband in bed to enjoy sex so good that the neighbors in the apartment next door would have needed a cigarette.  I took a shower, smoothed on scented body lotion and got into bed. My husband was already in it waiting for me. On those satin sheets, our lovemaking suddenly morphed into Kung Fu fighting. Taking me into his arms I accidentally poked him in the ribs. Oof! Climbing on top of him I kneed in the thigh. Ouch! Attempting to kiss him I missed his mouth and ended up rubbing noses with him. Then his pillow slid off the bed, mine quickly followed. Instead of holding onto him, I held tightly to the bedsheets trying not to slide off, taking him with me. Not only was the whole thing a disaster, but we also got very little sleep that night for trying to stay in the middle of the bed. Frankly, I'm glad those sheets weren’t mine as they would most likely have ended up as pretty red curtains.  “Girl/Girl Love Lesson” Sensual Massage Therapist, Jazmin Light The streets of Zurich were empty as I headed toward their place. The gentleman on the phone had asked me if I would "be" with his girlfriend—while he watched. He said she wanted a woman to show him "what women like." The World Cup soccer games were on, and that night, Switzerland was playing. The air bristled with excitement. All anyone talked about was "Fussball." Everyone's windows were wide open due to the summer heat.  A classy-looking man in his mid-fifties opened the door to a modern loft apartment. Surprised, I wondered, “Shouldn't he know what women like by now?” Behind him, pouring champagne at the high-top table, stood Nadia, perhaps thirty years his junior. In her red La Perla lingerie and matching stilettos. She handed me a glass and kissed me on the mouth. We made a toast. I took a sip, then lifted Nadia's silky blonde hair and kissed her neck. I let my lips and teeth linger, then gave her a soft bite. She gasped. Suddenly, a roar of voices sailed in through our window and engulfed us. "YAAAAAY!!!” The cheering came from next door, from above us, below us, and from outside. “GOAL!” We laughed as the ruckus died down. I stroked Nadia's hair, neck, and torso. "There are endless ways to please a woman, Manfred," I said, twirling my fingers on her lacy bra cups. Manfred plopped down on the bed and stared at us, his mouth open.  I unsnapped her bra, returning his gaze. "There's much more to women then nipples and—" I slid my hand to her panties, "pearls." Nadia inhaled sharply. "So slow down, savor, discover, and—play!" Nadia groaned, Manfred grinned. New shrieks and cheers exploded throughout the neighborhood. *** When you share a sex story, it can help you to connect with other people, learn about yourself and others, and it can inspire you to try new things. As humans, we’re always growing and that includes our sexuality.  Sex is part of the human experience and it’s always fun to hear someone else’s stories of incredible sex, confusing sex, or way-out-there sex. #Sex #Relationships
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Arplis - News source https://arplis.com/blogs/news/12-true-sex-stories-you-have-to-read-to-believe
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livingwellpage · 7 years
The Best Healthy Amazon Prime Day Deals
Although a few select deals were announced earlier on Monday, the third annual Amazon Prime Day officially kicks off on Monday night—and the discounts are almost too good to be true. Starting at 6PM PT/9 PM ET on July 10, Amazon Prime members will be able to score huge savings on everything from fitness trackers to kitchen necessities, with new deals rolling out every five minutes for 30 hours. Not a Prime subscriber? New customers who sign up for the service on or before July 11 are eligible for Prime Day deals.
Ready to shop? We’ve rounded up the best healthy discounts the sale has to offer. 
Prices are subject to change.
Workout gear
Get 25% off select CAP Barbell products
Save $60 on select Fitbit Blaze
Get 20% off select Bowflex products
Get 20% off select Reebok exercise products
Get 20% off Adidas flat training benches
Save big on a NordicTrack C 1650
Save 20% on select Tumbl Trak products
Get 20% off a Nautilus T614 Treadmill
Save big on McDavid HEX products
Save 20% on Champion products
Get 20% off a Tone Fitness dumbbell set with rack
Sporting gear
Save 20% on Easton softball bats
Save 20% on select Adidas soccer balls and shin guards
Save 25% on select SKLZ products
Save 25% on select Wilson products
Save 20% on Raleigh bikes
Get 30% off a Sportstuff Adventure Paddleboard (with accessories), only $222
Save 20% on select Rawlings products
Save 20% on select Jarden sports products
Save 20% on Easton protective gear
Get 30% off select Cleveland golf wedges
Home and electronics
Get $4 off an Amazon Dash button, only $1
Save 38% on Amazon Fire 55-Inch Ultra HD Smart TV, only $400
Get $30 off the Fire HD 8, only $50
Get the Echo Dot for only $35
Get $80 off the Amazon Echo, for only $90
Save up to 50% on Seen on Screen audiobooks
Save 20% on nursery essentials
Save 20% on summer infant travel gear
Save 30% on select nursery furniture and strollers
Get $20 off the Fire 7 tablet, only $30
Get $5 off Fire 7 tablet cases, only $20
Get $5 off Fire 7 kid-proof cases, only $20
Get $5 off Fire HD 8 kid-proof cases, only $25
Get $40 off Fire HD 8'' Kids Edition tablet, only $90
Get $25 off Fire 7 Essential bundle, only $48
Get $35 off Fire HD 8'' bundle, only $73
Get $50 off Kindle Paperwhite bundle
Get $75 off Kindle Voyage bundle
Get $70 off Kindle Paperwhite travel bundle, only $200
Get $100 off Kindle Voyage travel bundle, only $275
Save up to 30% on health and supplement essentials
Save 20% on OXO Barista Brain coffee maker
Save 20% on Rachael Ray items
Save 20% on Cook's utensils & gadgets
Save 30% on SharkNinja
Save big on Calphalon cookware
Save 20% on Zak! Designs insulated tumblers
Save big on Rubbermaid Food Storage
Save 26% on Gotham steel cookware
Save big on a SodaStream Fizzi Sparkling Water Maker
Save 20% on select Cuisinart products
Save big on a Mercer Renaissance knife set with a glass block
Save big on a Kyocera 3-piece ceramic knife set
Save 20% on PackIt freezable lunch bags
Save 20% on Lenox dinnerware
Save 40% on Keurig K55 brewer & 40ct K-Cup variety pack, only $70 
Save 25% on Green Life ceramic cookware set
Save 25% on a Brita pitcher with filter and water dispenser
Beauty and fashion
Save 30% on select luxury beauty items
Save 40% on select William Painter and Nicole Richie's exclusive sunglasses
Save up to 40% on select Fossil watches
Add these items to your shopping cart and take advantage of these prices before they’re gone!
The Best Healthy Amazon Prime Day Deals published first on your-t1-blog-url
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aureliasaid · 7 years
Rebel Red Carpet Vandy vs Ole Miss
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October 13-15, 2017
Our bright-eyed and bushy-tailed 7am American Flight to Charlotte and onto to Memphis for an 10:30am arrival turned into bleary-eyed and draggin ass daymare when American canceled our flight and basically almost canceled our trip. But we endured a 4 hr drive to Charlotte, two failed stand-bys, inept and rude American Airlines employees to finally arrive in Memphis at 8:30pm central time.  Rental car and a dark road to Oxford landed us at our final destination around 9:45pm, almost 12 hours later than we were originally to have arrived. A martini was more than in order…in fact bring on a shot…or two.
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Arrived at The Shanty, a cute shabby-modern chic house that our friends and hosts John and Pam Coffman arranged many months before. We went directly to The Square which was in FULL swing, with people in the streets and hanging from the outdoor balconies, police on bike and horseback, lines at every bar, cars cruisin the Square, and bands blaring inside. It was a sight to behold. Dawn Lassiter nailed it when she said it looks like a movie set and it does…as if it was one big fake facade with lots of hired extras. Surreal, mind blowing and fun…lots of fun.  And we had not even had a drink yet!
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Met with other NC friends and their children, and headed in Boure and imbibed in their specialty Bedrock before claiming a spot on the balcony simply to watch. Popped in the Round Table (the jr and sr bar) where a friend’s son is a bartender. Got hot beers and ventured forth from the shabby dive front room to go into multiple rooms and levels with bands and outdoor space before heading to the even bigger multi-spaced spot called The Library.  Parents and students co-mingled as the HYDR attitude effused from every crevice.  Quite the homogenous Southern scene that made you think you knew everybody there somehow and if you tried hard enough, probably had 6 degrees of separation with each person. But 22 hours and the bar closing time sent us packing for 1015 S. 11th street.
Saturday morning and a walk was in order.  Down University Ave and through campus, The Grove was already in tailgate order with every inch covered with a Rebel tent, perfectly aligned in symmetry and flush with the next one. Truly an amazing sight. The campus itself is beautiful with a mix of old buildings, magnolias and new structures blending in well. The fraternity and sorority houses are massive and seem to be quite nice with upwards of 300 members or more in each.
The town is so walkable and renting houses is a mainstay for accommodations, though there are some nice hotels if you can get a room. (One friend was staying with friends in a rented house, another was staying in the refurbished Greyhound bus station that rents out, others had bought condos when their children decided to be Rebels and still others had gotten a hotel room at the Hampton Inn for $500 pn!)
John arranged for a tuk to take us, sort of a golf cart type thing a la Bangkok, as walking in your finery and heels can be bad for your health.  Dropped at the edge of campus, the police don’t question contents as long as it is in a cup. We made our way in the maze to the Raleigh Rebels tent, a group of semi-converted Heels who’s money now goes with their children to Ole Miss. The entire thing is quite the setup - you engage a person who is your tailgate manager…at 6pm the day before a game, the Grove opens, and it transforms by way of the hired tailgate pros. They set it up, store your coolers and tables and guard it so no one moves it. Cold beers, Red Roosters and an array of food welcomed us despite our Gold and Black garb (which was very scarce in the sea of red and blue.)
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This is Southern and actually Deep South at its finest. Women and co-eds were decked in various definitions of red, THE EVERPRESENT ROMPER and stacked heel boots and wedges. Even the now required clear handbag ruled was dolled to perfection. New frat pledges had on their required ties and blue blazers. Fortunately, our experienced hosts and friends anticipated the 90 degree 100% humidity even in October and had snagged Rebel Club seats, meaning AC, treats, and a stocked liquor locker for those with friends in high places.
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The game was a surprising rout and we opted out early choosing a cold beverage and tour by tuk of a bit of Oxford, including Rowen Oaks, home of William Faulkner.  Bus Depot people watching was a pre-cursor to dinner at the Memphis-born Mesquite Chop House just off the Square with the Coffmans, Angel McKenzie and Barbara Dominick, both sans spouse this go round. It was perfect and home by 10pm. No studying at The Library tonight.
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We walked for our breakfast, but crowds and hour waits already formed at Big Bad Breakfast and Fillup at Billups, so we opted as maybe we should have from the get-go for homemade biscuits at the Chevron convenience store, famous for its food. Its cousin on the other side of the Square ain’t bad either with its famous (fried) chicken on a stick, which we partook of on Saturday. Alas, time to head back to Memphis, but it was a time and place to remember. American once again wreaked havoc on us with late planes and missed connections - something to remember…avoid American at all costs if possible. But one’s thing for sure, we liked putting our Anchor in Oxford especially as the Coffmans truly rolled out the Rebel Red Carpet for us!
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