#rally portugal 2024
p1darren · 5 months
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Both Kalle and Oliver rolled out 😔
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sectoralchromatics · 4 months
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Fabrizia Pons co-driving for Adrien Fourmaux in an M-Sport Ford, Rally Portugal 2024 shakedown
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spectrav10 · 5 months
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Two rallies in two weeks!
The first one I finished so late was the Rally Islas Canarias for the 2024 ERC season here, with the Bastos sponsored Peugeot 206 WRC taking part!
And the second one is the rally in my home-country, Portugal. The Rally of Portugal began to kick-off, with the drawing of the Peugeot 206 WRC that finished 3rd in the 2001 event, and also taking part in the Ponte de Lima South in rain.
Forgot to mention that the number 16 is actually Gilles Panizzi's number, not Grönholm's.
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saraw4ters · 10 months
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automundoarg · 3 months
Sébastien Ogier y su navegante hospitalizados tras un accidente en un reconocimiento
Ocurrió en la previa del Rally de Portugal, que se disputa este fin de semana.
El mundo del rally se ha visto sacudido por un inesperado incidente que involucró al francés Sébastien Ogier, figura icónica de la disciplina, y su copiloto Vincent Landais. Ambos fueron hospitalizados luego de un serio accidente durante el reconocimiento de tramos para el próximo Rally de Polonia, según informaron fuentes policiales y el equipo Toyota GAZOO Racing. El accidente tuvo lugar…
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adrl-pt · 2 months
Boycotts of Putin's Inauguration and Victory Parade. How Did Victory Fanaticism Appear? Screening of the Film "The Hardest Hour."
You are watching news from the weekly rally at the Russian Embassy in Lisbon. Today is May 11, 2:30 PM.
The ambassadors of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, and many other countries did not participate in the inauguration of Vladimir Putin on May 7. https://apnews.com/article/russia-putin-president-inauguration-ukraine-355bd36a2e833800187af848dc24a7dc
On that day, Yuri Ushakov, an assistant to the Russian President, remarked that the ambassadors from Western countries who did not attend the ceremony had forgotten whom they were accredited to and why they are in Moscow. https://www.vedomosti.ru/politics/articles/2024/05/07/1036019-posli-chetireh-stran-bili
On May 9, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square. Standing with Putin on the podium were the heads of nine countries: Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Cuba, Guinea-Bissau, and Laos. https://www.interfax.ru/moscow/959674
The number of guests at the parade has dwindled over the years. In 1995, representatives from over 50 foreign countries attended the celebrations. By 2005, for the 60th anniversary of the end of the war, representatives from about 30 countries and international organizations were present. https://rtvi.com/news/glavnokomanduyushchiy-i-gosti-kto-nablyudal-za-p0aradami-pobedy-v-noveyshey-istorii-rossii/
In his speech on May 9, Vladimir Putin called Victory Day the most important holiday in Russia. https://www.mk.ru/politics/2024/05/09/putin-nazval-den-pobedy-samym-glavnym-rossiyskim-prazdnikom.html
Previously, this holiday was celebrated "with tears in our eyes," remembering the fallen and wishing for peace.
On May 8, on "The Breakfast Show," anthropologist Alexandra Arkhipova discussed how the "Immortal Regiment" movement has made people romanticize war and how the phrase "Never Again" has turned into a form of victory fanaticism. She explained, "They constantly tell you that somewhere in the West, they don't believe in our victory. So we must increasingly demonstrate our pride together. By portraying soldiers with our bodies, we feel proud… The result is that we are proud of the war." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jI5ukZnNMA
On Thursday, May 23, at 7 PM, in Lisbon at the Sputnik bar on Rua Andrade 41A, there will be a charity screening of the documentary film "The Hardest Hour." This film, created by Ukrainian director and screenwriter Alan Badoev with the 1+1 Ukraine channel, is based on videos sent by 12,000 Ukrainians from their phones and DVRs. https://maps.app.goo.gl/uQseM5w78gyvvvoF7
Journalist Dmitry Gordon, in an interview with Alan Badoev released on March 7, described the film as "very dynamic, very accurate… You made the audience, me in particular, empathize." Alan also shared in the same interview how the screening of this film at NATO went: "I always know what this film does to people because it is honest… They told us, 'You don’t understand what you did—people here are all cynical, they are engaged in war.' And they hugged and asked, 'How do heroes do?'" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6a9DQj1_yuM&t=6591s
I watched this film with friends two weeks ago, and I believe that Russians definitely need to see it. This film is not so much about war, but about life—life as it was before February 24, 2022, and what it became for tens of millions of people. We think we see this war every day, but to truly understand how Ukrainians experience it, you need to communicate with them or see it through their eyes in this film. It even includes scenes from Portugal. Be sure to come. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TJN1XLz2Ypo
Proofs and links are in the description. Subscribe and help.
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motorsportverso · 5 months
Programação dias 18-21\04\2024
06:47-WRC-Croacia-SS4-Sportv4 Portugal
09:45-WRC-Croacia-SS5-Sportv4 Portugal
10:58-WRC-Croacia-SS6-Sportv4 Portugal
12:00-WRC-Croacia-SS7-Sportv4 Portugal
13:00-WRC-Croacia-SS8-Sportv4 Portugal
20:40-IMSA-Long Beach-Qualyfing-IMSA.TV
03:30-GTWC Asia-Sepang-Race 1\corrida 1-Youtube
03:30-FIA TCR Word Tour-Vallelunga-Qualyfing-Youtube
06:00-Fia WEC-Imola-FP3-Youtube
06:40-Supercars Australia-Race 1-Nova Zelândia-Sportv4 Portugal
09:00-GT CUP UK-Domington Park-Etapa 1-race 1-Youtube
09:20-Fia TCR Word Tour-Vallelunga-Race 1\corrida 1-Youtube
09:31-WRC-Croacia-SS13 & SS14-Sportv4 Portugal
09:35-Fia WEC-Imola-Qualyfing-Youtube
12:00-WRC-Croacia-SS15-Sportv 4 Portugal
12:15-Lamborghini Super Trofeu Europe-Imola-Race 1-Youtube
13:00-WRC-Croacia-SS16-Sportv 4 Portugal
17:00-Stadium Super Trucks-Long Beach-race 1-Youtube
17:30-IMSA-Long Beach-Youtube\IMSA.TV
20:30-GT America-Long Beach-race 1-Youtube
Brasileiros na pista:
IMSA: Pipo Derani(Cadillac V Series #31), Felipe Nasr(Porsche 963)
Fia WEC: Nicolas Costa(Mclaren 720s GT3 #59), Augusto Farfus(BMW M4 GT3 #31)
Indycar:Pietro Fittipaldi
WRC:Gabriel Morales(Ford Fiesta Rally 3) (navegador)
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renaultportugal · 10 months
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Quarenta anos depois da estreia oficial, a Renault Portugal está de regresso ao automobilismo nacional, com a organização de um competitivo e acessível troféu de ralis para 2024: o Clio Trophy Portugal. Uma competição disputada em pisos de asfalto e de terra, vocacionada para os muitos jovens pilotos que querem fazer carreira nos ralis e que vai ter como base o modelo Clio desenvolvido de acordo com os regulamentos técnicos da categoria Rally5.Um competitivo e fiável carro de ralis, com 180 cavalos de potência, equipado com caixa de velocidades sequencial, diferencial autoblocante e com um custo de aquisição sensivelmente um terço abaixo do de outras propostas do mesmo âmbito.
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Em 1984, a Renault Portugal fazia a estreia oficial na competição e, nos ralis, em particular. A aposta recaía num Renault 5 Turbo e na dupla Joaquim Moutinho/Edgar Fortes.
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Na época, muitas foram as vozes céticas que se fizeram ouvir. A equipa não tinha experiência, a equipa Diabolique Motorsport e os Escort “passeavam” a sua superioridade e o 5 Turbo parecia apenas talhado para ralis de asfalto.
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Mas a Renault rapidamente contrariou as previsões. O “amarelinho” só não foi campeão nacional no ano de estreia, por ter sido vítima de uma armadilha – no sentido estrito do termo! – na última prova do calendário, naquele que foi (talvez) o maior escândalo da história do desporto automóvel nacional. No entanto, nos dois anos seguintes, nada nem ninguém impediu a equipa de se sagrar bicampeã nacional de ralis.
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Em 1987, o modelo 11 Turbo permitiu à Renault (com a dupla Inverno Amaral/Joaquim Neto) sagrar-se tricampeã nacional de ralis, enquanto na década de 90 e, até 2006, a marca foi uma das que mais apostou no automobilismo nacional, com diferentes versões do Clio e do Mégane a somarem sucessos e a proporcionarem momentos de emoção e de espetáculo, tanto em ralis como em circuitos.
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Curiosamente, 40 anos depois da estreia e 18 anos depois do último projeto oficial, a Renault Portugal está de regresso à competição, com o Clio Trophy Portugal.
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Um competitivo e acessível troféu de ralis vocacionado para jovens pilotos e uma iniciativa inédita para a Renault Portugal. É que apesar do histórico de organizações de troféus monomarca, fundamentalmente com o modelo Clio e sempre na velocidade, esta vai ser a primeira vez que a filial da marca vai promover um troféu de ralis.
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Para jovens valores
Uma proposta única no contexto nacional, já que com o Clio Trophy Portugal, os pilotos e, sobretudo, os mais jovens têm uma oportunidade extraordinária de competir, em ralis, com um carro competitivo, fiável e… com um preço acessível. É que o custo de aquisição é sensivelmente um terço abaixo do de outras propostas do mesmo âmbito: 48.500€ na versão de asfalto e 52.000€ com o kit de terra. E que dizer dos custos em competição? Apenas entre os 12 a 15€ o quilómetro, enquanto os de um R4 variam entre os 20 e os 25€ e os de um R3 entre os 30 e os 35€ por quilómetro e isto só para falar das três categorias que constituem a base da pirâmide FIA Rally Car.
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Custos que tornam o Clio Trophy Portugal uma proposta única, até pelo facto do Clio Rally5 ser um verdadeiro carro de ralis, beneficiando de uma caixa de velocidades sequencial Sadev, diferencial autoblocante, suspensões e travões específicos e, claro, de todos os equipamentos de segurança exigidos pelos regulamentos internacionais.
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Quanto ao motor, é o conhecido bloco 1.3 TCe comum a tantos modelos da gama Renault e Dacia, como o Clio, Captur, Arkana ou Duster. Mas um motor preparado de acordo com os regulamentos técnicos Rally5, que debita 180 cavalos de potência, para além de 300 Nm de binário, às 6.500 rpm. Sublinhe-se que também o chassis é herdado do modelo de série, enquanto a tração é feita às rodas dianteiras.
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No fundo, um “vulgar” Renault Clio, mas preparado de acordo com o princípio orientador do regulamento Rally5: a simplicidade. E com componentes provenientes das versões de produção, como o motor, travões, etc..
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Os meses de desenvolvimento, mas também os sucessos e os níveis de fiabilidade revelados, nos últimos anos, em diferentes campeonatos e competições nacionais disputados na Europa e fora do “velho continente”, confirmam o Clio Rally5 como a solução perfeita para quem quer dar os primeiros passos no desporto automóvel e com custos verdadeiramente contidos.
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E são os números de produção que (também) o confirmam: a Renault já entregou a unidade 820 da versão de competição do Clio. Um número impressionante, sendo que 25% correm em troféus monomarca disputados na Europa e todos preparados de acordo com os regulamentos R5.
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Um sucesso (também) comercial que pode ser justificado por um argumento extra: uma versatilidade sem paralelo. É que o Clio desenvolvido a pensar na competição pode desdobrar-se em três versões distintas: Clio Rally (para os ralis); Clio RX (para as provas de Off-Road) e Clio Cup (para as provas de pista). As três foram desenvolvidas com recurso a um banco de elementos mecânicos e eletrónicos comuns, mas adaptados, cada um deles, à especificidade de cada categoria. Ou seja, com o mesmo Clio, os pilotos podem trocar de disciplina, graças aos Kits de conversão especialmente desenvolvidos.
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E exemplo de como o Clio desenvolvido para ralis é a solução perfeita para os jovens pilotos iniciarem as suas carreiras, é o de Gonçalo Henriques, o recém-coroado campeão de Portugal de Ralis de 2RM (duas rodas motrizes).
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O jovem piloto de Vila Nova de Poiares cresceu a ver as proezas de Jean Ragnotti, aos comandos dos Clio, no YouTube, mas também a ver o pai, ao volante de um Clio Williams, no Campeonato Regional de Ralis do Centro. Em 2018, nesse mesmo carro, concretizou o sonho de participar num rali. Em 2022, inscreveu-se no FPAK Júnior Team e venceu a iniciativa da Federação Portuguesa de Automobilismo e Karting, lançada para apoiar e incentivar a carreira de jovens pilotos nos ralis.
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Um investimento que se estendeu à presente época, com Gonçalo Henriques a começar o ano com o Clio Rally5, mas a apostar no “upgrade” para o ‘kit’ Rally4, que lhe permitiu a proeza de conquistar o título de campeão do CPR 2RM e logo num campeonato marcado por uma extrema competitividade.
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Os prémios e o calendário do Clio Trophy Portugal vão ser divulgados oportunamente, mas está confirmada a integração em ralis disputados em pisos de asfalto e de terra.
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A Renault Portugal é o promotor do Clio Trophy Portugal, enquanto a Driveland Events, tem a responsabilidade da organização desportiva e de logística da iniciativa. A estrutura espanhola é, desde 2019, a promotora e distribuidora da Alpine Racing, para o Renault Group, em Espanha e Portugal. Atualmente, gere as seguintes competições:
Clio Trophy Spain Asfalto
Clio Trophy Spain Tierra
Clio Trophy Canarias
Clio Trophy Galicia
Clio Cup Spain
Sandero Eco Cup Spain
Sandero Eco Cup Galicia
Sandero Eco Cup Canarias
Alpine Recalvi Rallye Team
Renault Recalvi Rallye Team
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Um ambicioso plano de promoção e comunicação do Clio Trophy Portugal está a ser desenvolvido pela Renault Portugal, já sendo possível acompanhar os desenvolvimentos e as novidades da competição nas seguintes redes sociais:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cliotrophy.pt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/clio_trophy.pt/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ClioTrophyPortugal
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@cliotrophy.pt
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Renault Clio R.S. Line, com arco de segurança integrado
Eixo dianteiro: Pseudo Mc Pherson
Eixo traseiro: em H
Suspensão: Amortecedores Bos não reguláveis
Dimensões e peso
Comprimento / Largura / Altura: 4050 / 1988 / 1400mm
Distância entre eixos: 2579 mm
Via Dianteira/Traseira: 1550 / 1490mm
Depósito de combustível: FT3 homologado FIA
Peso em vazio: 1 080 Kg (homologação FIA)
Tipo: Renault HR13 - 4 Cilindros 1330cc Turbo
Potencia máxima: 180 CV
Binário máximo: 300 Nm
Refrigeração: Derivada de serie
Alimentação: Injeção direta
Regime máximo: 6500 rpm
Eletrónica: ECU Life Racing
Gasolina: SP98
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p1darren · 5 months
hoping for good results for Thierry Neuville (and Oliver Solberg in WRC2)💪💪
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sectoralchromatics · 5 months
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SAMI 😭😭😭
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goodmorningcanada · 15 days
ONTARIO’S ROMANIACS RIDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZc9pL_mBnw ONTARIO'S ROMANIACS RIDE - Gooderham Trail Ride - Greens Mountain Located just off the windy HWY 507, beside the quiet town of #Goderham, Green’s Mountain is one of the most exciting and challenging natural terrain features within a 2-hour drive of Toronto. Music by: The Corporation by Darren-Curtis | https://ift.tt/AF1yG98 Music promoted by https://ift.tt/9nxHyV7 Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://ift.tt/tpnsSWu History Repeats Itself by FSCM Productions | https://ift.tt/9vGEgMo Music promoted by https://ift.tt/9nxHyV7 Creative Commons / Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) https://ift.tt/7SXsAc2 Revolution by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Music promoted by https://ift.tt/9nxHyV7 Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://ift.tt/tpnsSWu Let’s Rock by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Music promoted by https://ift.tt/9nxHyV7 Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://ift.tt/tpnsSWu Yep by Alex-Productions | https://onsound.eu/ Music promoted by https://ift.tt/9nxHyV7 Creative Commons / Attribution 3.0 Unported License (CC BY 3.0) https://ift.tt/tpnsSWu 🔔Ready to kickstart your dirt bike journey? Subscribe to Good Morning Canada for exhilarating rides, pro tips, and awe-inspiring tricks. Let's ride into the wild together! https://www.youtube.com/@goodmorningcanada/?sub_confirmation=1 🔗Stay Connected With Me. 👉Instagram: https://ift.tt/I9ZFKid ✅ For Business Inquiries: [email protected] ============================= ✅ Recommended Playlists 👉 My garage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjLm12PT3J0&list=PLpK1ugdRKLzQ0wmTKKgyZ8b-n7IaR4i8D&pp=iAQB 👉 Enduro/MX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYNhNZ0ZiGU&list=PLpK1ugdRKLzQa9fUxRc9MejtCUumCUmNX&pp=iAQB ✅ Other Videos You Might Be Interested In Watching: 👉 PORTUGAL ENDURO TOURS - GO EXTREME TOURS - DAY 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYNhNZ0ZiGU 👉 The Complete Loop Trail of SCORRA - LAWDEN TRACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHa1TVRATww 👉 Last Adventure of the Season: Greens Mountain Trail in Autumn https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=smvW3pDC6UU 👉 OVR 7: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzthPP1c2uY&ab_channel=GoodMorningCanada 👉 2024 ROCK HOUND RALLY CONNEX - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCHTZuXpzMk&t=859s&ab_channel=GoodMorningCanada ============================= ✅ About Good Morning Canada. Welcome to my channel, which is dedicated to motorsports and dirt bikes! You've come to the right place if you are passionate about adrenaline-pumping adventures on two wheels. Join me as I take you on thrilling rides through rugged terrain, share tips and tricks for maintaining and working on your bike, and showcase some jaw-dropping stunts and tricks. Whether you're a seasoned rider or just starting, there's something for everyone here. For Collaboration and Business inquiries, please use the contact information below: 📩 Email: [email protected] 🔔 Subscribe to Good Morning Canada for exciting motorsports and dirt bike content. Get expert tips and jaw-dropping stunts to fuel your adrenaline! https://www.youtube.com/@goodmorningcanada/?sub_confirmation=1 ================================= ADD HASHTAGS HERE ⚠️Disclaimer: I do not accept any liability for any loss or damage incurred from you acting or not acting as a result of watching any of my publications. You acknowledge that you use the information I provide at your own risk. Do your research. Copyright Notice: This video and my YouTube channel contain dialogue, music, and images that are the property of Good Morning Canada. You are authorized to share the video link and channel and embed this video in your website or others as long as a link back to my YouTube channel is provided. © Good Morning Canada @RBRomaniacs @gasgasmotos @KTM @yamahaglobal #endurolife #trailriders #romaniacs via Good Morning Canada https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj4srgmu49G0wV0h2uNxk6Q September 12, 2024 at 03:27AM
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maximuswolf · 2 months
Well slap my bumper and call me a tow truck! Them Duke boys flyin' across the finish line at Rally Portugal like a couple of overexcited pigeons
Well, slap my bumper and call me a tow truck! Them Duke boys, flyin' across the finish line at Rally Portugal like a couple of overexcited pigeons https://ift.tt/LlqUPKX Submitted August 03, 2024 at 02:09AM by LukaMilic98 https://ift.tt/sBwRP4l via /r/gaming
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shannybasar · 3 months
Euro 2024 stories - first semifinal
Was a bit worried that the first semi-final would be a bit flat, but it turned out to be a fantastic spectacle with a fantastic goal from Yamine Lamal:
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Spain’s arrival in the final - despite the arguable injustice Germany suffered at their hands in the quarters – will be seen by many as a moral success. While teams like England, Portugal, and indeed France have turned enviably talented squads into uniformly languid performances, Spain alone have played fast-flowing, attractive football.
Lovely writing from Jonathan Liew:
Maybe this is how new empires rise. Out of the ruins of the old, with fresh visions and fresh blood, a supremacy that creates its own logic as it goes, until it begins to feel inevitable. Spain have taken the hardest possible road to Berlin, conquered Italy and Croatia and Germany and now France: their longest winning streak since 2010, a first final since 2012, and perhaps the strongest indication yet that this is a team worth remembering. Indeed to anoint Spain as worthy finalists is to damn them with crushingly faint praise. In a way they have made this tournament, perhaps even saved it: shown that amid a fatberg of low blocks and tired, malfunctioning attacks it is possible for football to express as well as extinguish. Their women are already world champions and on Sunday the men have a chance to emulate their model: a little craft, a little graft and just a sprinkling of magic.
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I wanted Spain to win but am gutted for N'Golo Kante:
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And kudos to the French players for taking on the far right:
It is not because Kylian Mbappé spoke out, twice, about the necessity to take a stand against “the extremes” and, more to the point, the National Rally, that he skied a shot that would have brought France level with Spain in their semi-final. But it is because he and others, such as Marcus Thuram and Jules Koundé, did speak out that it will be possible to look back to France’s frustrating Euro 2024 with something like pride. “Never at such a moment, never such a player, never in such a trenchant, brilliant, mastered fashion, never in the history of the French national team, had we witnessed the conjunction of a major moment in French political life, the words of a captain and a great sporting event,” enthused L’Équipe.
Good luck to England tonight against the Netherlands, although we are going to have play a lot better:
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And I hope Saka scores another cracker:
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adrl-pt · 2 months
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Rally Russia without Putin and Putinism
On January 21, a large rally Russia without Putin and Putinism took place in Lisbon. Also, a rally on this topic took place in Porto and another 120 cities around the world.
We call on Russians to actively resist the Putin regime. Many opposition forces have coordinated their efforts to use Putin's upcoming false elections in March 2024 as an opportunity for an active campaign against him, his regime, and the war he continues in Ukraine.
The Anti-Corruption Foundation calls on every active citizen to try to convince 10 people to speak out against Putin. They are conducting a campaign to persuade Russians using technology similar to the election campaigns common in the USA. Join the volunteers engaged in this difficult work and support their activities in other ways. https://neputin.org/
In Lisbon, Marat Gelman and Rostislav Pavlishchev came to support this rally on behalf of the Anti-War Committee with their speeches. https://antiwarcommittee.info/
Representatives of Portugal, Cuba, and Iran spoke, and we read a statement from Venezuela.
We also read a speech from our heroes of the Siberian Battalion to ones who came. https://civiccouncil.info/sibirskij-batalon/
An important part of the campaign against Putin is his delegitimization. Putin, to continue staying in power, has for years prevented real opposition from participating in elections, imprisoned and killed alternative politics, rigged elections, changed the constitution, and conducts elections in the occupied territories of Ukraine. Russian democratic forces demand the implementation of PACE Resolution No. 2519, to recognize Putin as illegitimate at the end of his current term and to cease contact with Russian authorities, except on humanitarian issues and issues related to ending the war in Ukraine. The petition is available in many languages, sign it and help spread it: https://www.change.org/illegitimate
We also call on you to actively resist. Join our activities, choose initiatives you like from our initiative catalog on our website https://adrl.pt, or create your own! Support initiatives friendly to us: Writing letters to political prisoners: https://www.instagram.com/from.portugal.with.hope/ Charity fund: https://helptoukraine.pt/
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motorsportverso · 1 month
Programação dias 23-25\08\2024
Rally Dos Sertões
E1 Series Lake Como-ITA
Road to 1000 Milhas-Velocita
AMG Cup Brasil-Velocita
Porsche Cup Brasil-Interlagos
11:00-E1 Series-Lake Como-Qualyfing-Youtube
15:00-Rally Dos Sertões-Super Prime-Youtube GP\Youtube Sertões\Bandsports\Sportv2
18:30-Rally Dos Sertoes-Largada promocional-Youtube
20:55-GTWC ASIA & JAPAN CUP-Qualyfing-Okayhama
05:30-E1 Series-Lake Como-Semi-finais-Youtube
08:00-Porsche Supercup-Zandvoort-Qualyfing
08:30-Rally Dos Sertões-etapa 1-Youtube-Levanta Poeira Cancelado
10:15-Sulamericano de Kart-Nova Santa Rita-corridas-Youtube
11:00-E1 Series-Lake Como-Finais-Youtube
11:00-Le Mans Cup-SPA-Youtube
14:50-TCR South America-Mercedes-Uruguay-Youtube Bandsports\Youtube High Speed TV
15:00-AMG Cup-Interlagos-Qualyfing-Youtube\CBTV Play
14:00-Rally Dos Sertões-etapa 1-Youtube GP\Youtube Sertões-Baixa Poeira etapa cancelada
15:10-Porsche Cup Brasil-Interlagos-corridas 1-Youtube\Bandsports
15:15-GTWC Europe-Race 1-Magny Cours-Youtube
20:30-Nascar Cup Series-Daytona-Bandsports\Bandplay\Youtube
06:55-Porsche Supercup-Zandvoort-Bandsports\Sportv4 Portugal
08:30-Rally Dos Sertões-etapa 2-levanta poira-Youtube
09:45-GTWC Europe-Race 2-Magny Cours-Youtube
*10:20-AMG Cup Brasil-Velocita-corrida 1-Youtube
10:30-Porsche Sprint Trophy-Velocita-Youtube
*Valé lembrar as categorias CLA e C300 correram provavelmente separadas pela distância da pista.
12:00-Road To 1000 Milhas-Velocita-Youtube
14:00-Rally Dos Sertões-etapa 2-Baixa poira-Youtube
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kp777 · 3 months
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
July 8, 2024
"What do neo-Nazis, fascists, and sycophantic authoritarian bootlickers look like in the European Parliament? This," said one Irish analyst.
Dozens of members of French legislator Marine Le Pen's far-right National Rally—which suffered a crushing defeat at the polls on Sunday—are joining forces with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán to form what will be the third-largest bloc in the European Parliament.
Politico reported Monday that 30 members of Le Pen's National Rally (RN) who belonged to the far-right Identity and Democracy bloc are joining Patriots for Europe, which was formed in June by conservative lawmakers including European Parliament members (MEPs) from Orbán's ruling Fidesz party.
Jordan Bardella—the 28-year-old RN MEP who was widely believed to be the frontrunner for French prime minister before his party's thrashing in a national election on Sunday—will serve as the Patriots for Europe's leader in Strasbourg. Patriots for Europe has 84 MEPs representing 12 European Union member states.
"As patriotic forces, we are going to work together in order to retake our institutions and reorient policies to serve our nations and peoples," Bardella said in a statement Monday.
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As Euronews reported:
Other national [Patriots for Europe] delegations include Austria's Freedom Party (FPÖ), Spain's far-right Vox, and the Dutch nationalist PVV, each contributing six MEPs. The group also includes three lawmakers from Belgium's Flemish nationalist Vlaams Belang, two from Portugal's Chega!, two from Czechia's Oath and Motorists, two from Greece's Voice of Reason, one from Latvia First party, and one from the Danish People's Party.
Renew Europe, a centrist bloc with 76 European Parliament members, reacted to the new far-right alliance in a social media post asserting that "Patriots for Europe are 'patriots' in name only."
"The far right have rebranded. But their mission is the same, to destroy values," Renew Europe added. "Shame on them for supporting the narratives of Europe's enemies."
Commenting on a photo of Patriots for Europe MEPs posted on social media, Irish defense and security analyst Andy Scollick said: "What do neo-Nazis, fascists, and sycophantic authoritarian bootlickers look like in the European Parliament? This."
"Nothing patriotic about them: They would see Europe under the Russian yoke if they got their way," he added. "#PatriotsforEurope = #TraitorsforEurope."
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