#ramble over its a good movie
noirineverysense · 1 year
yes yes gay knights and nimona is trans but the soundtrack fucks thats the important part
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
The scene of Anakin turning back to the Light and saving Luke is such a beautiful scene in so many ways, but especially from a character standpoint.
If you look at Darth Vader just in the movies, he doesn’t do things without a plan. He has a step two. Even if his step two is immensely dumb, he always seems to at least have some form of an idea where he wants to end up; he has a point B he’s trying to reach.
Part of what makes Vader a terrifying villain is that he always seems to anticipate what his opponent will do. He seems to know what they’ll do before they even think about what they’ll do. Very rarely is Darth Vader ever taken by surprise. Darth Vader is the character who proves how scary the Force can be. While Palpatine uses his Force lightning and can predict what his opponents will do, he never quite reaches the level Anakin is on, he never reaches that peak of knowing the next five steps his opponent is going to take, even as those next five steps change.
Palpatine doesn’t see Vader turning on him coming. Palpatine is not a Force user who can see the future, he uses the predictions Darth Plagueis made and he sticks to the outline provided by his former Master. He does everything he does and believes everything will be fine and has complete confidence in himself because Plagueis was just that good at predicting the future.
Darth Vader literally changes the future. He makes those predictions false. Him throwing Palpatine down a reactor shaft wasn’t in the books, him choosing his son wasn’t an option, the idea that a Sith lord as powerful as Darth Vader could turn back from the Dark Side is believed by the Jedi and Sith alike to be impossible. Darth Vader himself doesn’t even believe that he can turn back from the Dark Side. The only character who ever believes that Darth Vader can come back is Luke.
Darth Vader is fifteen steps ahead of his opponents. It’s very rare that he ever gets surprised. He always has a plan.
But when he saves Luke, he isn’t any of that. He leaps in without a plan, without any ideas of where he’s goung. He doesn’t know what will happen except that he’ll probably die. He doesn’t have a way out of this. This is the first time Anakin Skywalker ever does anything without already having a way out or immediately being able to come up with a way out.
Anakin was hotheaded and impulsive, yes, but Anakin from his introduction always has a plan B. And when he doesn’t have a plan B, he makes one. He is by far the most competent character in Star Wars, just from his ability to get himself and others out of trouble.
In the moment of turning back from the Dark, Anakin is listening to the Force. He’s listening to the Force as it tells him to save someone. The universal call to the Jedi, the inexplicable push that all Jedi feel and what ultimately led to the majority of Jedi dying, just because they couldn’t not listen when the Force told them to help. Anakin finally listens to it, finally answers it, he finally acts like a Jedi.
There’s no step two. There’s no way out. Doing this will end in his death. Darth Vader is already injured, and the only one who has the resources to put him back together is Sidious. To save Luke, Vader has to step into the lightning, which he knows all to well will ruin his suit. Choosing to save Luke is tantamount to choosing to die.
And he does it. He hesitates, but ultimately, he sacrifices himself for someone else. He goes in knowing that this won’t end with him being able to get out. He has no way out. There’s no plan B. His suit has gone from keeping him alive to being part of the reason he’s dying. He takes off his helmet accepting that he’ll die and being happy to die because he’s finally at peace, he finally feels the warmth of the Force, he finally sees his son with his own eyes, his son is finally looking at him with nothing but trust and worry for his wellbeing, he’s right where he wants to be.
He went from wanting to posess Luke to just being happy that Luke is there with him. That Luke is the one by his side when he dies, that he’s dying on the same side as Luke — Anakin is fine with this. He’s ready to die. He’s accepted it. He’s just happy that the last thing he’ll see is the product of his and Padme’s love for each other.
The scenes of Anakin in Return of the Jedi are beautiful. The title “Return of the Jedi” is so great for this movie, it’s perfect, okay, you don’t understand. It has so many meanings!! The Jedi returning could be referring to Luke, the main Jedi we follow, returning to the screen, or to Tatooine. It could be referring to the Jedi Order, since Luke takes on Yoda’s request to share his knowledge with others and, with Sidious dead, the Jedi Order has functionally returned, even if it is only one member strong. It could refer to Yoda returning, it could refer to Obi-Wan returning.
Or, Return of the Jedi could be referring to Anakin. Anakin Skywalker, the son of the Force. Anakin Skywalker, the only character powerful enough to change the future itself, the only Sith Lord powerful enough to stop being a Sith Lord. Anakin Skywalker, who has always done impossible things, who has always performed impossible feats, who is himself impossible. And he’s back. He’s returned. The Jedi returned.
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seeing havent seen challengers yet, but seeing ppl talking about it and literally 80% of the time the topic matter is about the music and ppl saying how bomb it is and loving it makes me feel like a proud parent seeing their child win some shitty 5th grade school competition (the child(ren) are trent reznor and atticus ross)
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Continuity errors really are the bane of any long-running tv series huh
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juniperberrypipebomb · 6 months
Decided to log into twitter (hell) and outside of everything going to shit as always i found this piece of shit as my banner
Tumblr media
I dont even remember when i made this but i do remember that i did and i remember how i made it
I saw a picture on twitter w some kind of caption and decided that i could make it look like a banner
i tried to add the fire flaming text that i saw on some reposted to twitter tumblr posts where someome makes a grammatical error and someone corrects them in a form of flaming (sometimes animated) text (never change guys, gals and all of you magnificent pals lol) but at the time i didnt know the website that you all used so i tried to improvise and google
I remember half way thru the making of this text being so upset that it looked like shit but after taking a break for 20 minutes i said "fuck it, it is way funnier this way" and i kinda glad that back then i decided to "fuck it we ball" it
It looks disgusting and i love it
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cjestie · 6 months
the phrase "consuming media" gets a lot of flack on this website and while I Do Get what the ops of those posts are meaning about the like. sterilisation of media to favour mindless overconsumption instead of the creation of art and stories but every time I see those posts it makes me mad because What Else Do You Want Me To Say?
"consuming media" is a sexy two word phrase that tidly makes it so you don't have to say watching/reading/listening/viewing art/music/movies/tv/literature/podcasts/etc and you want to jettison her gift??? you want to make your and your readers lives actively harder?? why????
"call it art! that's what it is!" while yes creative products do all fall under the umbrella term of art there's two issues here. what word am I using in place of consuming. and also. actually there's two subparts to this second part. subpart one is that sometimes what ur consuming isn't necessarily "art". like. yes creative products and pursuits are inherently artistic endeavours but also sometimes its just not art. personally wouldn't call a marvel movie art but that doesn't mean that people don't watch those things
and secondly. "art" has a fairly specific connotation of "visual art" for most people, which means it fails at doing the job that "media" does, right. if I say I'm like. partaking in art. then not only do I sound so fucking pretentious but my words also have a very specific set of connotations for most people and so it's not effective as an umbrella term
so all this to say that while i get the intent behind all those posts. leave my girl alone she's doing her best and you're jettisoning her gifts :(
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gender-ihardlyknower · 2 months
I can't stop thinking about how close The Hunchback of Notre Dame was to being a good movie. It was on the cusp of being a truly transformative work that could have stood the test of time. And I can lament on and on about how well done certain aspects are, especially in regards to the two best songs Disney may have ever produced, "God Help the Outcasts" and "Hellfire"
I can go on and on about its amazing portrayal of the abuse of power, especially for religious figures; I can praise the way it portrays Catholic guilt and lust and manipulation and how those things relate to each other. I can applaud it's darker themes handled in an impactful yet not explicit way, including the ones after mentioned as well as murder and ableism and all other manner of things.
I can do that and I can praise that and those will always have a special place in my heart when I think about that movie, but none of that can change the fact that it completely mishandled the portrayal of Romani people. I would like to emphasize that Romani people have considered the word used throughout the movie as a slur at least 20ish years before that movie came out. It was well known. And yet they included it anyway, gratuitously at that. And even more so than that, because many people excuse that as being "time period accurate" (while I heavily disagree because time period accuracy really shouldn't be applied to slurs in a movie targeted towards children) even if that were an acceptable concession, they completely mishandled the representation of Romani people as a whole.
Esmeralda was "the good one", she was the one that changed the main cast's mind about Romani people as a whole. In theory that wouldn't be an issue if her character was used JUST as a way to expand Quasimodo's worldview. He had never met a romani person before, and his only opinions of that group of people came from count frollo's obviously prejudiced perspective. But they didn't do that. She was the only positively portrayed Romani person in that movie. When they go to the (I shit you fucking not) HIDDEN LAIR of alllll the other romani people, the characters are tied up and paraded around on their way to be murdered. Throughout all of this the Romani people in that place our portrayed as criminals, thieves, bandits, and people who revel in violence, which I don't have to say is pretty fucked up, yeah?? They completely dropped the ball and were very wishy-washy with their portrayal of Romani people, which completely undercut the message of the entire movie.
And I can also take the time to say that it could have been a much better movie if they had just changed a few things. If this movie wasn't targeted towards children, if the writers understood the weight and history behind the word used to refer to Romani people, if they had cut the romance, if they had portrayed Romani people in a better light, this movie COULD have been transcendent, could have been timeless.
But those are all ifs and coulds, and so instead I will mourn the movie for what it was and appreciate the parts of it that are good
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mouseship · 11 months
saw the five nights at fnaf movie 😭😭 what am I supposed to do now
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curiosityjams · 9 months
my future when it comes to still being Active on social media is teebeedee, but my main resolution for 2024 is like...be comfortable w/ being completely offline even if it's just for a day or a week.
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milkbreadtoast · 1 year
I WATCHED NIMONA!!! As someone who read the original nimona webcomic when it was updating (roughly a decade ago??) and was rly impacted by it, I was so excited to watch the film and... they did a really good job!!! it was so beautiful i cried omg... it's def worth a watch!! (long ramble under the cut BWAHA spoiler warning)
...and it was rly completely diff from the original comic but im not complaining?? like its a v loose movie adaptation and the plot/setup was v diff but still v well done... like the comic and movie r both good in their own right... & i laughed and cried a lot... i was surprised at the extent of some of the changes but the emotional parts hit hard(my eyes r swollen from crying) and it was written v well... and visually it's just gorgeous... my jaw kept dropping at the beautiful lighting, and they brought the futuristic medieval setting to life so well i could cry😭
it's funny bc one of the main things i was afraid of was them changing nimona's backstory from the comic, bc even after a decade that's one of the things that stuck w me the most... i love nimona as a chara sm... I was so worried abt them changing it and... they ended up changing it completely... but it was actually really good?! like i cried so hard, it was well done... so I'm glad I didn't have to worry after all jdjfjd🥺 like they Did change it but both ver r good in their own right...
I understand that they had to rewrite the plot completely to fit within the time length of a single movie while still being a contained story, as is always the case w movie adaptations of books, graphic novels, etc which r much longer... Series have a chance to follow the source more closely but that just isnt the case w movies... and as far as movie adaptations go they did an amazing job!! I can rly appreciate both the comic and the movie as their own thing... and I rly liked some parts that were added to the movie, like ballister(blackheart)'s backstory in the beginning, and the addition of gloreth (and her relationship w nimona) was surprisingly compelling... And I really really love that they made Ballister and Goldenloin canon POC 😭😭😭 like that made me so happy!!!❤️‍🔥 When i first saw the casting of riz ahmed and eugene lee i was sooo happy, i was like YAYY IDC IF THEY LOOK WHITE IM GONNA HC THEM AS POC🥰 but the fact that i dont even have to hc bc its canon now... 🥹 SOUTH ASIAN/EAST ASIAN KINGS🛐... and they also didn't hold back with showing them openly as a gay couple... Even tho their dynamic changed a lot from the comic I rly appreciate that...
And there were things that I did miss from the webcomic, like the original setup with goldenloin and blackheart as staged nemesis, them being exes (and some time having passed since their graduation, so they're older, unlike in the movie when it just happened), etc. but the whole setup and plot and everything I completely understand why they had to change it to make it work/fit as a movie, so I get it... so not complaining there tbh bc they did what they had to do... But tbh... TBH... my one(1) complaint(/lh) w the movie... IS I REALLY MISS GOLDENLOIN'S BEAUTIFUL LONG HAIR😭😭😭💔 He would've looked so pretty with long golden locks in the movie artstyle, esp w the gorgeous lighting... glowing gold and flowing in the wind... And I think it would've fit perfectly well with the movie ver of his chara/lore too?? like the new lore of him being a descendant of Gloreth... I could imagine him growing out his hair and bleaching it blonde to fit the image/pressure of being a descendant of gloreth, and to look more flashy and heroic to the public (They did tone down his vanity a lot but im sure he still retains some of it... like he still has that pretty popular celebrity image)... And him having long hair doesnt contradict with him being asian too or the modern setting... modern asian men can and do have pretty long hair😭 Like he couldve still been Asian, just w long blonde hair... It doesn't contradict w his new personality either... And I wish they kept the golden color bc the white/silver makes him look less like a "goldenloin"... (i also love black/gold color combos personally lol)... And i just aldjskd can u imagine movie Ballister stroking Ambrosious's long hair affectionately... pls🥲 WE COULD'VE HAD IT ALL... canon asian madeleine cookie qkjdksdj... I also do miss his original stupid vain arrogant himbo personality from the comic, but I understand why they changed it (for one, charas like that might start out obnoxious but then slowly develop and gain depth over the course of the story, but in a movie's short length, there's less time to slowly grow on ppl so it'd be easier to make them more likeable from the start... so like i get it.) but I think it would've been perfect if they just kept his long hair even w his new personality😭😭 LIKE IT WOULDVE BEEN 100000% PERFECT THEN!!! So that's literally my one lighthearted complaint/dissatisfaction w the movie LMFAO... I'd be happy if ppl draw fanart of movie ambrosious w long hair... TTwTT i miss it sm DKDJZ /end rant OVERALL I HAD A GOOD time ^^ LMFAO
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supermarketcrush · 2 years
girls when they finish watching dead poets society
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Thinking some fandom thoughts and then about ORV's portrayal of an author-character-reader relationship with the story and realising how....lacking at times the whole death of the author perspective on media can be.
(Turned out to be long and rambly so I put it under a cut. If you like death of the author, probably not for your worldview? Also, beware major ORV spoilers if you care about that)
Like, perhaps I'm misinterpreting something here, but in ORV, we had these three characters plus an entire system that gave us a look into the relationship between author/reader/character. And focusing on the Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja, and Yoo Joonghyuk dynamic, I realise that none of them really died. Pushing asides Joonghyuk and Dokja for the moment (as I am talking about death of the author), we have Han Sooyoung whose consciousness faded after finishing Ways of Survival.
However, I don't know if we can really call that death of the author, really. Because Sooyoung's whole purpose in writing ORV, her authorial intention, was to save Kim Dokja's life...which she DID. And even after the story left her hands, her intentions were imprinted into the story itself. Yes, Dokja realised that the system was lenient to him because of (spoiler alert) his status as the OD. But at the same time, I think that Han Sooyoung's authorial intent to keep Dokja alive with WoS can also be taken as a factor in the system's leniency towards our reader.
And just jumping from that back to my original point, while death of the author IS fun and can be awesome for reinterpreting stories that the author may have intended as problematic (to our modern standards, at least), to separate the actual story itself from its creator seems just....a tad disrespectful to the author.
Or maybe disrespectful isn't the right word. Like, say, even if said author is objectively the worst of humans, there remains the fact that the story in essence has part of them embedded into it. It doesn't make sense, at least to me, to only give "morally okay" writers the allowance of people who put a part of themselves in their works. Any writer, even those who are writing for money imo, can't help but put part of their own selves into their story...and to separate the story from the author just because we hate the author or hate their beliefs seems a bit counter-productive. You can't just say, after all, that this author's vulnerability in their writing is okay because it's Correct but this other guy's vulnerability should be ignored because it's chalk full of Problematic Content.
But again, that's not to justify authors you dislike or the deeply wrong messages implied in their works. Especially those that could easily be shooed away by employing death of the author. But I think I'd consider fanfic or analyses that ignore authorial intent and their message to be something...new entirely? (Best way I can say it is something something death of an author employed to help the reader create their own narrative inspired by someone else's story rather than it being used to ignore author intent and claim our interpretation is what canon actually meant).
I think there's a saying in music as well as writing that you could play the same exact score or write the same story, it's just that things will come out different depending on the player or writer. (That's not a perfect comparison because the player/musician who WROTE the score could be considered a reader/author relationship...the point is more that the same thing will look different in the hands of different people. And that just as the reader will interpret something in their own way when reading/re-reading (another ORV reference), the author also has placed in their own interpretation and intent in that own work...which should at worst be respected because they DID make that content (and then we proceed to brutally revise it to make something we like better xD) or at best be taken as "word of god" for lack of a better term)
Not sure if any of this makes sense, and I definitely don't have any factual evidence to back up this opinion, but it was just something I was thinking of.
TL:dR? Death of the author is FUN and actually pretty cool but I think the things coming out of it are new(ish) things/works entirely, and og author's beliefs/intentions are important to consider for that text they wrote in of itself.
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eric-the-bmo · 1 year
hm. Worry Time(tm)
#vent AND a ramble holy shit#bc what if im not attached to leo by the time the game starts yknow?#he's just a Concept i need Time to work and psychoanalyze him#and even then??#like what if i develop him and he falls Flat or becomes so so different Oh No#god bc John was made over the course of a few months#with an Event in my life being the trigger for how he is now#John already has the Idolization/Hiding Bad Things projection#and ive yet to play Apollo so Leo could in fact have the Desperate Stress kinda thing#hmm#so that could be part of the Base for him since he also has the Depersonalization#stress of being a vampire (a corpse) and seeing a lot of visions can do that do a mna#like have yall seen the bandersnath movie on netflix#its very good but i was in a not-very-good mental state when i watched it#so i dissociated like crazy after it was over#anyway tldr im losing track of this#tldr i need time to develop leo and psychoanalyze him#bc i really want him to feel Alive#because if he feels Alive then i can truly enjoy this game and be invested in it#he's got to be Alive i want to enjoy this game its only fair really#since god (/j) is creating this world for us yknow#its only fair#but it takes me a while to figure out my boys#i need to figure out why leo's nose is broken and why he was a ghoul#and why he has bandages on his wrists and why he felt he had to leave his sister#and why he Did That (but tbh maybe he's got some abandoment issues bc of Jeremiah)#GOD OKAY So Leo has the Dissociation the Desperation and man hold on he's got a lot here#the Mixed Emotions and ALSO some of the Religious Issues#and if i add enough layers of fiction to everyhting it'll be fine#Look at John! he's doing great!
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imaybeabear · 2 years
It has been over a week since I learned that actual chronological time period wise Temple of Doom happened before Raiders, and I'm still tripping over it a bit
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xviruserrorx · 4 months
I don't understand why people get frustrated at things they knew were gonna happen because someone else is chronically I'll and it's happened multiple times before so it's not like it's new, like oh yeah sorry for existing like this
#family wanted me to go to this restaurant and to try their shakes and they've talked about it multiple times about going#and they kept mentioning it and just yeah so the said 'were going' and i just shrugged and said okay#we've been to restaurants times before and it goes the same every time with me getting fries or some type of potato or salad#because their safe foods and indont want to be sick and most of the time i cant eat almost all the menu so this isn't new#but they want to eat before we get these shakes (the shakes that are going to inevitably make me very sick) so we order food#surprise enough i order cheese fries that say they just have cheese on them on the menu but of course they lied as always#so the fries have bacon and chives and olives and a bunch of stuff and the cheese isnt even a cheese sauce#but cheese from the store thats been melted in a microwave on the fries and is very very oily and y'know great these are gonna make me sick#i force down the food as fast as i can and act like its fine but of course family gets mad that im doing this#they then ask after me trying to force down this food what flavor of shake i want and im probably gonna end up throwing#up half of the food i just ate and so i say no to the shake which is a gurantee of me being up all night throwing up#they get frustrated because 'we came here for the shakes' and i dont even know im so tired like#i font know what people want me to do i cant exist the way they want me to and eat the food and interact with the world how they want me to#like how do they want me to do thing? i wish people would tell me how they wanted me to do things and then i could do it#and i really can i can play pretend i do it sooo well i can eat the food you want me to and do what you want me to#but we literyjoked how i couldn't eat barely anything on the menu and we still got in the car and left and like#family is a bust my friends are too busy living and being with their other friends who arent sick so thats always hood to think about#literally got told to my face that she made a new friend (which is always good) but that this new friends reminded her exactly of me#and that they talks to them every single day and they've gone to movies and this and that and... i texted her multiple times#and she hasnt texted me back in months... infont think that lerson reminds me of who i AM i think they remind her of who i WAS#when i was sick very sick but still more abled and able to just exist#but yeah so im gonna write some fanfic - im gonna mod for something - then mod for another thing with really sweet mods in it#i wanted to rewatch a spn episode with the angels in it so ill do that and maybe work on a bracelet#and yeah... and then ill do it all over again and eat my safe foods and do the things that make me comfortable because fuck them#virus rambling
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cielospeaks · 5 months
aime tachi plot: everything has to make sense, there are rules for the story even tho its self indulgent, yadda yadda, character development, progression consistency
dreamdom hearts plot: anyways the dream works au versions of fe characters and my oc recruit enjoyable single dw villains to go have slightly creepypasta shenanigans with a presumably dead oc
#honestly i love them both#and yes ive got basically nothing on dreamdom lol#it was like an 'airplane thought' and i didnt realize how small the amt of d w movies im attached to is (or how many things d isney#technically owns)#i think its partly that the d w stuff im way more attached to but theres less of it (shrek my beloved. k f p is absolutely amazing and r ot#g is beautiful. cp un is also just my heckinc childhood even if im not attached as much- more the books lol) but theres just more d stuff t#flesh out teh au#i do think if i am ever assed to it wuld be baller to actually write dreamdom bc its hilarious and weird#and i love the thus spoke rohan/creepy pasta vibes of the tone that i have the idea for#i feel like this quartet does more hecked up stuff. like theyd go into a world doomed to disappear. like a lostbelt or something#they would watch as the universe unravels around them and only realize later they were in a lostbelt.#which would actually be hecking amazing of a crossover if the bois (tm) got to meet sal or pucca#sal bc hes my fave or pucca bc he has the shrek vibes that senpai also has#like imagine them meeting pucca and everyone- every one of them is charmed by this weirdo.#pucca is playing the fool and entertaining the dying faeries. little by little the squad realizes something is off.#then the world just up and starts dissolving but pucca is still trying to joke around and make people laugh#dm like. grabs him by the throat or something. why are you doing this#and then pucca just laughs again and smiles even tho hes crying and looks scared sh-less.#im a fool arent i? im the servant of the greatest fool of all time. if no one remembers me if no one remembers this it doesnt matter.#just that i made people laugh. just that i was able to keep a good. witty. honest fool in this world till the end.#the squad realize the true gravity of the situation and are forced to watch pucca and everyone else just get. yeeted. esp with the knowledg#that their events will get written over by canon and pucca probably wont even exist.#haha little do they know hes alive and well bc he had that strong bond with mashpotato#also <- this entire tag thread is gonna sound rediciouls in like 5 yrs time and cringe af#unless i remember the deets lol#au ramblings
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