#rampant nonsense
cvltofcrows · 11 months
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whispersinthedawn · 4 months
Concealed in the Coriolis Ch 7
“First time I saw you, I thought you were a model,” Percy blurted out. “Models are – supremely attractive individuals people buy pictures of and would follow into danger simply because they crooked a finger.” 
What a convoluted way to admit to attraction – except Percy couldn’t make himself confess to something he’d never entertained. Oh, Apollo had been hot. 
But Annabeth and Rachel were hotter.  
“Sure, waking up from unconsciousness just to see your face would be terrifying, if you threw me on the ground, I’d probably break all the bones in my body, and if you tossed a hairbrush at me, you’d knock a hole in my head,” Percy kept talking and just talking despite the horror filling Coronis’s features.  
“I’ve never seen you fight, and you never stole a toothbrush for me or sent someone to medical with hives so I could go on a quest, but I’m certain you have your talents.”  
What talents did Apollo have again? 
“Like setting fires or speeding up vehicles,” Percy enthused. “Or ensuring that my arrows strike the target. No wait. That was Hera.” 
Or whatever they called her in the city with a name that resembled the Phlegethon that Percy had already forgotten except to note it was one of those self-aggrandizing, egoistic examples of aristocracy that culminated in changing perfectly normal names into some reflection of your own name.  
As if they were so terrified of being forgotten they needed to merge their legends with those of an entire city so that their shadow would endure for eternity. 
A crackling noise from the ceiling drew Percy’s attention upwards. Even as he watched, dust from dried mortar rained down and cracks appeared around a rectangular piece of the roof. Percy peered up at the spot, trying to figure out whether this was an extraordinary circumstance or if the entire roof was about to collapse on his head.  
The wooden tile dangled for a heartbeat, allowing a beam of sunlight to illuminate dust motes dancing in a column just an inch from Percy’s bare foot. Then the aged mortar gave up the fight and the wooden shingle collided with the horizontal rods forming a lattice below the ceiling, before crashing next to Percy’s foot and sending splinters and sunlight everywhere.    
‘Oh, just apologise and say you’ve hit your head and keep spouting the opposite of whatever you mean!’ Coronis pleaded, covering her face with her hands yet peeking out through the gaps between her fingers. 
“I mean,” Percy said hesitantly while staring at the drops of crimson blood beading up on the back of his hand, “You’re a wonderful healer. But is it really healing if you’re the reason the wounds were inflicted in the first place?” 
Another shingle fell to his left. 
“You didn't listen to the whole thing!” Percy tried instead. Apollo was the god of truth, wasn’t he? Perhaps he’d appreciate some unfiltered honesty instead of whatever unhinged narrative had escaped Percy’s mouth while trying to reach a compromise between the inevitability of crafting the future and the unwillingness to participate in that creation. 
“You and I – can create the best child ever!” 
“Wouldn’t it be wonderful?” Percy wheedled. “A child with your hair and my eyes? He’d inherit your skills at healing and be able to cure even death. And he’d inherit ... a love for mortality from me and use those talents to cheat death. And then get murdered in a very messy manner, but until then it would be a land with neither droughts nor floods!” 
‘Why?’ Coronis moaned. ‘Why would you say that?’ 
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A spotify playlist for the whole series
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scoobydoodean · 22 days
Anon I recognize those urls and I can promise you there is nothing worth subjecting yourself to over in that corner of fandom. Those people are the QAnon of spnblr. I am 100% serious. Classism is the least of their issues.
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the lovely taste of words being put into my mouth by annoyances who purposefully misconstrue my point
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triflesandparsnips · 11 months
Welp-- I'm awake and I shouldn't be, and I'll definitely be asleep by the time the season 2 finale of OFMD drops, so-- FUCK IT LET'S DROP SOME PREDICTIONS:
Stede throws some STARK REVELATIONS at someone (preferably Ricky)
Stede and Ed are back together by the end of the ep but our blond blorbo is still not actually, like, okay (gotta save some trauma resolution for season 3 shenanigans)
POSSIBLY they're back together in a relationshippy manner, but the episode ends with them deciding to split up and regroup later for tactical reasons
Ed = Disney's Little Mermaid, now a human girl, good for u babe, love that journey for u
Ed reads one of Stede's bottle letters and it's somehow the Sweet Weirdo He Fell In Love With (and possibly also finally tells his trauma background, because it's easier to write about than say)
Extremely timely seagull attack
Izzy kisses someone (and it's Definitely Queer)
Izzy doesn't die, but he gets seriously wounded and his survival is left as a cliffhanger
Maybe a big damn album-cover shot at the end of our remaining pirate gang: Spanish Jackie, Ed, Stede, Zheng Yi Sao, plus background folk
Episode ends with a threat to Those We Thought Left Safe Behind in season 1 (Ed's mom? Stede's family? Jim's brother? SURE) -- gotta prepare for the upswing of "oh shit" forward plot momentum toward the final season
One last Big Damn Kiss (gotta follow our rule of three vibes, we've only had two, cmon now)
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animazi · 4 months
whoa look at me talking about the acolyte wow... I dislike commenting on currently airing shows largely because there is so much that is still a mystery ooh what could happen next, and this is very true for the murder mystery only the victims aren't who you think show.
this is an upsettingly long post ostensibly about how I think there will be a mae pov flashback, and really about how I think osha's flashback that we have now is not the full story, which is fairly obvious, but I've put way to much thought into getting together what passes for textual evidence for it. read at own peril contains much yapping about e3.
anyway. episode three. time to comment on the currently airing show. beautiful stunning cinematography - different director Kogonada, and yeah. wow. very pretty. a lot more obvious Symbolism shots, which I am a sucker for icl, and in general some very beautiful stuff this is, and I will go to bat for this theory (please please please be right c'mon leslye do this for me) half of the flashbacks, and it is all from osha's point of view. right ok. so. entertain me here. some people on twt have noted how there are some shots in flashback scenes in the trailer that we haven't seen yet, and this + torbin's scar and the one word title (all other episodes have been two words, with each clearly corresponding to mae or osha) + the fact that this episode is so visually distinct and Kogonada is directing e7 too + what I am about to talk about wrt mae and osha all leads me to think 'yeah, this is half of the flashback', and the other half is probably going to be the bit people get antsy about yay.
now! the mae and osha stuff - I think that Destiny (that's the name of this episode btw. I have so many thoughts about the jedi and agency as ever. that is a separate yap though) is going to be the less controversial of the two largely because, bear with me just lining up this wasps nest in my aim, it is 'pro-jedi' so to speak. the jedi are good, not bad. osha restates time and time again her desire to not be a witch, to explore the world, and the jedi are her way of doing this. sol is kind and saves her, and the jedi are nice, if strict. they stop her from having to do the ascension, a ceremony she really didn't want to do, and they saved her. now. for the disclaimer. I don't think the jedi are evil and bad, I think they are flawed as an institution, and that is the angle I am fairly certain the acolyte is going for - they care more about the legality of the situation rather than the 'moral good' of the situation they are in aka mae really does not want to leave, even if osha does - it would surely cause far more harm to take them both as the jedi pretty clearly intend to do. that in mind. I also think everyone is sleeping on how incredibly fun and biased these two (more on this later) flashback episodes will be. hands up if you've seen the last duel, anyone, anyone? well the last duel is a film about uh. the violent sexual assault of a woman in medieval france. and it is framed through three different accounts of the events as told by our three leads: jean (the husband), jacques (the rapist), and marguerite (the victim). marguerite's account is presented by the film as the actually accurate one, it is The Truth, but it is also the last version we see, so for the first two thirds of the film we have watched two clashing narratives, with no clear indication of who is right. the story of the acolyte is one inspired by leslye headland's relationship with her sister (linky link) a relationship where both sisters believe fully that they are in the right - if osha's account is 100% the truth, this really doesn't seem to track and the show looses most of its emotional depth, and while yes, sure, external material doesn't mean that the show will unfold this way, I am willing to bet (please please please please please) that it will. now. onto the actual content of this episode that I think supports my theory - aka osha's (clear) bias.
I am going to start with what I think is the strongest point, and work from there. so. basics. please remember that osha has spent the last 14 years of her life knowing that mae set the fire that killed her parents, the same fire that traumatised osha to the point that she was unable to continue her jedi training and had to take an illegal and dangerous mechanic job, and yet she still clearly loves her sister - I would guess from this information presented in e1&2 that mae and osha had a close bond before, and yet the flashback shows almost the opposite. osha chafes at mae's constant proximity, at the 'born as two but always one' line, they are near constantly fighting, mae seems like an out and out psychopath, freezing a space hummingbird and deliberately setting the fire in an attempt to kill osha (in funny news. the fortress had so many osha violations no wonder she wanted to leave hahaha I am a comedic genius). why does osha miss the shot then, in light of this? well, the thesis of this theory post is that osha is not remembering in full 4k HD honesty - again, she has spent most of her life certain that mae essentially killed her parents and indirectly ruined her dreams of being a jedi, and this lack of clarity about the truth comes through in how she acts towards mae. now. my evidence for this? largely vibes based, and could just be poor writing, but what is star wars (prequels edition esp) if not reading heavily into interesting writing :D largely here my hmmm moments all stemmed from how conflictingly Destiny (the episode) presents mae. she is at once a known freezer of space hummingbirds (but osha doing the exact same just for less time is fine?) and setter of fires while vowing to kill osha to prevent her from leaving, and also osha's clearly loved sister - yes they fight, but again, osha misses the shot that would have brought mae into jedi custody (custody that she fairly explicitly trusts). now, my hypothesis here is that osha looking back on these events as coloured by her knowledge of what mae will do unconsciously is framing mae as more in the wrong, inherently bad etc to make sense of mae's actions. now, additionally supporting evidence I will present to the review group is how vehemently osha (who is saved by and goes on to become a padawan to a jedi) supports the jedi, in a way that seems to have been, to me at least, argued before with mae. the girl has been drawing the jedi logo in her notebook, her love of the jedi is pretty apparent in this episode. and yet the witches pretty clearly fear the jedi and what they bring with them. they disagree with the jedi perception of the force - and this disagreement is not framed as wrong by the narrative thus far, the republic and jedi quite literally have banned them from ensuring the longevity of their coven - so why is osha so firmly convinced that the jedi are good? :warning: violent and unconfirmed theory :warning: through the lens of osha being biased as someone who was saved by the jedi, and clearly wanted more than life in the fortress, osha reframes her 'siding' with the jedi in childhood as a more 'moral' stance; the jedi and good, and mae, who burnt down her life, is bad; a conflict between (understandably) overprotective parents + a clingy sister and osha who wants to be her own person with her own identity (oh look a Theme) gets morphed into a conflict between the jedi (an identity osha later takes on, and still clearly largely adheres too, insert textpost about how despite leaving osha is still bound by core jedi principles e.g. compassion) and the witches (an identity osha never feels connected to and actively tries to leave behind).
I will also say I think you can see all of this in the title of the episode, Destiny. why is this the title? certainly its a break from e1&2 'lost/found' and 'revenge/justice', where they are descriptors of what osha and mae are (either literally as in being found or enacting). destiny does not fit this mould, and I think is a rather interesting framing of all this. it is osha's destiny to become a jedi, but for that to happen, mae seemingly must get cast as the villain, without any room for doubt or her side of the story. also, there is the fact that agency is such a big part of this episode (aww its my reoccurring favourite star wars theme). osha's lack of individuality/separation from mae, the way she feels unable to refuse the ceremony she clearly doesn't want to. the jedi (really just sol. I have so many thoughts about sol) offer osha the choice that she wants, and yet the 'sanctity' of that choice is taken away from her in the violent death of the coven and the burning down of the fortress. sol says if you wish you will train as my padawan, but she can never return to the ruins of the fortress, she must go to coruscant. logically and emotionally yes I understand this, but the show has made a point about how the jedi order does not really give you transferable skills - is the same not true in the other direction? osha has no family now, functionally nowhere to go that isn't the jedi order. the question is will you be my padawan, not will you be a padawan. destiny (or at least the actions of others) has made it so that the agency she just received has been dashed on the rocks. and to refocus on the actual topic of this post, that theft of autonomy was pretty directly down to mae, and so how else to process that other than casting mae as a villain.
now, in the show about troubled sororal relations (I restate my earlier link) there naturally has to be another side to the uh. sororal relations than just osha's. also I bet its going to be called 'choice' or some shit to mirror Destiny and the other episode titles and highlight the differences in worldviews of osha and mae, jedi and witch
this is all, of course, to go without even saying the unclear reasons for why mae set the fire. was she just evil and possessive, or (as the server posited) being controlled or mind tricked or startled or even was there some palpatine level manipulation going on by the master. questions that a mae specific flashback would answer.
anyway. good show I like it when the star wars makes me think about stuff even when it is 2am and I should be sleeping. watch literally none of this be true
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yeehawpurgatory · 1 year
Listen, I know this might sound untrue, but Arthur IS mostly a bad dude—or at least not as good a man as some claim. (I love him still but hear me out)
This is not me arguing “he’s bad so you shouldn’t like/glorify him” at all, I promise—I can’t stand that rhetoric. It’s just that I see a lot of “he’s so kind” “so good at heart” “so hard on himself” and I wonder why folks so often adamantly, un-ironically claim him as a misunderstood gentle giant type.
The fact that he’s mostly nice to those he cares about and is willing to help strangers in need (never mind both of those things are optional anyhow, you can just as easily play him as an asshole who doesn’t come to anyone’s aid—) doesn’t undo the harm he’s responsible for throughout the game. Nor does him being told to do so by an authority or being a victim of circumstance undo it.
His good doesn’t make up for his bad, and I don’t think it actually needs to. His bad certainly doesn’t take away from what makes him compelling and likeable to the audience; but within the context of his world, he’s right to be unhappy with who he is. It’s not a matter of low self esteem or self worth issues, his unhappiness with himself comes from self awareness.
(Saying this with a grain of salt because you know, fictional character with no real agency whose actions are as such for plot reasons), he may have had a shit hand dealt to him, but he’s a person who makes bad choices. He’s charming and relatable (and hot lol) but I’m not sure I understand the whole simplifying his character to “good person stuck in bad situation” thing, when it plainly isn’t the case, no matter how much we like him.
I think the “you’re a good man Arthur” line gets thrown around as proof of him being good at heart; but I think it’s more like, he needed to hear it to act as such. He needed to be told how to be good and pushed into reflection and immediate actions. He needed to be told that he’s a good man by others because he needed permission in a sense to be different than he knows himself to be. (Take a shot every-time I say good)
“The Thomas Downes mission was out of character” it really isn’t. He says what kind of man he is multiple times, he hammers the point home that he’s a bad man. And while there is definitely a bit of self loathing in that sentiment, he’s still speaking his truth. He’s just unhappy with it; he IS the type of man to commit an atrocity like beating a dying man for a few bucks. It goes against the beliefs fans have projected onto him, usually coming from their own moral compass instead of what the character shows his own to be, and that’s why it ‘feels so wrong’ to see him doing something actually despicable.
We arrive at this misunderstanding due to fandom projection, as well as this rampant desire to problem solve by ‘fixing’ the canon material to fit a sort of agenda. Ie, ‘I only like the good attributes in this character’ ‘it’s only acceptable to like this bad dude provided he’s always feeling guilt for his actions’ or ‘he’s not really at fault for them.’
But the thing is, even if Arthur is at conflict with his actions, the guilt he may feel isn’t an indication of anything pure within him. He’s in total control and chooses still to go along with everything. I tend to think an action done in guilt is functionally the same as an action done with enjoyment. Arthur feeling bad at the end of the game for his faults and complicity doesn’t mean he is good. Nor does it mean he ‘was a good the whole time’, nor does it excuse what he’s done.
We don’t have to make him a better person than he is in order to like him, is what I’m trying to say I guess. It’s fine to acknowledge all parts of him, to do otherwise does a disservice to his character as it often flattens them beyond recognition. And it’s also fine to hone in on what you appreciate most and write and draw and celebrate that while functionally ignoring the rest if you so choose—but it’s also fine (and usually important) to acknowledge who the character is without the plethora of projections placed upon them.
Arthur ends the game with a loving act, more or less saving John, saving Abigail, Tilly, paving the way for them to become something better than he was. None of these things are meant to be a great action done to save his soul or redeem him in any eyes, especially not his own. He dies on a good note (and yeah I would say low honour/back for the money is still a ‘good’ choice for a low honour story), and shifts his focus to the last good deed he’s done in his final moment as a way to leave off peacefully despite all his wrongdoings. He doesn’t get redemption really, and he doesn't wholly achieve 'goodness', despite all the potential for growth the audience can see in him, that’s the deliberate tragedy of it all.
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13eyond13 · 1 year
#one of the most surprising things I've found about actually checking out famous classic novels and movies and whatnot for myself#instead of just believing what I hear#is how often they actually are not what I expected at all#I just read Fahrenheit 451 for example and all I knew was it is one of those books that people always mention#as like a good one to assign in school and that it includes book burning#so naturally I assumed it was some serious book about the dangers of rampant censorship of art and literature#nope instead I got some very weird little book where Ray Bradbury is essentially bemoaning television as being a horrible evil#brain-rotting device and people are just burning books because they don't want to read or think about things anymore#and of course it's mostly idiotic housewives who love the TVs and don't understand the superior stuff like poems and the Bible anymore#And then randomly there's this robot dog with 8 legs that runs around euthanizing anybody who it's programmed to smell?#Anyways I just read the whole nonsense with eyebrows raised like wtf this is so dumb hahaha#Also it had some afterword from Ray Bradbury where he's blaming women and racial minorities and queer people for being the enemies of art#And good aesthetics for daring to mention that perhaps they might want to also be represented in stories a tad more too#ANYWAYS all this to say it seems to me that a lot of the stuff that gets held up as important#Is dumb as hell whenever I actually check it out#And same with movies too but we won't get into all that#p
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smol-stardust · 9 months
would be fun if my ocs were brought to life like now there's a clumsy ass goofy dad running a laboratory/company while that there's another me running around with a sword eorigheiogh
Honestly. That sounds amazing. I wanna hang out in a lab and run around with swords too so big slay
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cosmic-gemstone · 1 year
As a side note, a concept for you to think about as I recover;
Galra Empire: Streamer AU.
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thepoisonroom · 2 years
the most deranged thing to me about how socially accepted orientalism is in the states is the fact that you will see people regardless of other political positions uncritically parrot replacement theory horseshit if it's dressed up as concern about "china" on "the global stage"
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gentaroukisaragi · 2 years
reread kamikaze kaitou jeanne because i was reminded of Arina Tanemura's existence and I always forget about the wild theological implications of the lore exposit towards the end
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laufire · 2 years
some stuff crossed my view and I'm suddenly remembering all the ofmd vs. black sails drama, from that time a couple of idiots decided to say with their whole chest that the latter was "bad rep" because it wasn't a gay romcom LMAO, among some other bullshit. and some people replied pointing out they were different genres and "don't pit two bad bitches against each other" which, okay, that's seriously overestimating one of those shows. and also the op with the insanely lesbophobic take was a depp supporter.
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tacit-semantics · 2 years
Ok Im trying to schedule with the counseling center and the difficulty I’m having navigating the website/figuring out what kind of appointment to schedule is like poetry in motion I can’t even be mad I feel like they’re doing a bit it’s ridiculous. Clicking the wrong button for the third time like no you don’t get it it’s satire
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how does one get into fandoms?
do we simply say something into the Voids and pray to the Three that we don't get crucified alongside the Fates?
or do we want to be crucified?
this used to be so much easier when we didn't care.
[ sighs ]
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sashiavi · 6 months
Jealous SDV (hybrid?) boys rutting into you after getting jealous after smelling someone else on you <3
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Ahhh oh goshhhh okay- I need to whip smth up for this
(I got carried away - forgive me? I went for a ramble and it became smth- I wrote enough for warnings 😭)
Warnings : Smut | 18+ | Hybrid Characters | Scenting | implication of ruts and heats | jealousy | thoughts about lactation & pregnancy | Sam Sebastian Alex Sh*ne | not beta read >v>
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PuppyBoy!Sam jumping on you when you finally return home! Hugging you, nuzzling into your neck and sniffing in your scent with a happy sigh when you card your hand through his hair.
PuppyBoy!Sam who stops short, nose pressing hard into your skin, inhaling an ever familiar scent; Sebastian, the Catboy.
PuppyBoy!Sam who whines and whimpers, his yellow-blonde ears drooping down. The smell distressing him despite being best friends with Sebastian for many years - He squirms and cries, glomping over you, tail frantically wagging as he makes an attempt to heavily scent you.
PuppyBoy!Sam pressing his body to your own, weight keeping you on the surface of the bed below, feverishly rocking his hips into your cunt. Heavy balls slapping into your pussy, warm hands all over your body.
PuppyBoy!Sam who can't help but bite and nibble at your skin, slobbering all over you. His tail wiggles and wags, ears pinned to his head, poor croaked voice whimpering and whining, moaning out silly insecurities and desperate attempts to soothe himself.
PuppyBoy!Sam just can't stop crying. "You love me, I know you do!" "M' a Good Boy! Right?" "Better than Seb- Love you more-!" Babbling nonsense while he humps at your gushy pussy and feverishly rubs at your clit.
CatBoy!Sebastian lazily crawling to you on the lounge when you return, slinking across, tail swishing calmy as he snuggles up, gently pawing at your chest.
CatBoy!Sebastian tucking his face into your neck as he carefully kneads at your skin, peppering kisses and nose boops behind your ear.
CatBoy!Sebastian letting out a little feral growl at the offensive scent of someone else lingering on your clothes and skin - Probably that stupid dumb Jock CowHybrid!Alex. His ears pin and his tail stands static.
CatBoy!Sebastian biting and licking his corse tongue over your pretty, sensitive nipples. Hands kneading at your thighs, lips latched over your pert buds. If he thought and imagined hard enough, he could taste your sweet milky cream on his tongue.
CatBoy!Sebastian who gets a little carried away with the thought of you swollen and leaking milk just for him and his Kittens. He can't help but rut and grind up on your clothed cunt.
CatBoy!Sebastian who wraps his fingers around your throat, squeezing subtly, coaxing your tongue to lul out of your mouth.
CatBoy!Sebastian who spits on your tongue and kisses you after. Searing hot, canines clattering your own, biting into your soft lips as he pulls away, eyes quinted and lips downturned in a pouty frown.
CowHybrid!Alex knocking his forehead softly into your own, mindful of his budding horns, bringing you into a warm hug after your night out at the Saloon.
CowHybrid!Alex kissing your temple, shucking off your coat to hang up, noticing a wet patch and catching a whiff of something odd - Spilt beer no doubt, tangled in something spicy.. Jalepeno poppers?
CowHybrid!Alex wasting little time, instincts running rampant. Easily manhandling your pretty self to the nearest counter, head in the clouds, mind only focused on reclaiming what was his.
CowHybrid!Alex falling victim to his own Bull heritage - Rutting his cock up between the pretty swell of your ass, horns poking pressure into the back of your head. His jaw threatens to nip and bite into your neck, rough, large hands pressing you down.
CowHybrid!Alex who makes haste at his pants, revealing his veiny leaky cock, pushing the sticky, squishy tip up against your wet panties. Grinding and pushing the barrier of your underwear, messing up the fabric even more with his own leaky pre.
CowHybrid!Alex pulling your panties aside and fucking his thick bull cock into your pretty pussy, tumbling himself into a rut. He moans and shouts, hands on your hips to pull you back on his length.
CowHybrid!Alex who can't help but stare at his fat, drippy bull cock burying up in your tight, wet cunt.
CowHybrid!Alex who would go again and again, releasing his hot milky cum over and over, Marking up on your insides. Messy and gooey, dripping down his own front as he humps at you from behind.
BearHybrid!Shane walking home with you from the Saloon, after a big night of drinking and Pool with the other younger patrons of the town.
BearHybrid!Shane grumbling as you enter the front door, kicking off his shoes. Bending to put them on the rack, standing with a crack in his knee and a glare when you giggle at him.
BearHybrid!Shane who pretends to be mad, pulling you in for a big warm hug, wrapping his arms around your frame, squeezing you snug and tight.
BearHybrid!Shane who lets up a little, nose pressing into your hair and neck, catching a whiff of an abundance of hybrid smells - Some Canine, Feline, all sticking to your skin more than he'd like - Surely those youngin boys weren't stupid enough to make an attempt at anything? Right?
BearHybrid!Shane who thinks he just has to mark you up better, to let everyone know who you really belonged to.
BearHybrid!Shane rubbing his scratchy chin on your neck, pressing his larger body on to your own, putting a warm pressure on your skin.
BearHybrid!Shane licking at your skin, nibbling, biting, kissing up on your torso, leading down, down, down your tummy to your core.
BearHybrid!Shane squeezing at your hips and thighs with his large, warm hands, pawing at your body, caressing and teasing over all the most sensitive and ticklish spots. His large thumbs swiping over your cute, drooly pussy, his own mouth nearly watering at the sight.
BearHybrid!Shane suckling on your clit, lapping his tongue through your sticky folds, grumbling to himself between your legs cause you're just "Too fucken' sweet" "Like fucken' honey, Baby".
BearHybrid!Shane and his scratchy 12 o clock shadow scraping your inner thigh. Large, warm hands squeezing at your hips, pulling your pussy onto his tongue.
BearHybrid!Shane with his lips smushed up on your cunt, nose bumping up on your clit, pretty purple eyes peering up through his dark brow, furrowed and grumpy while he laps and suckles on you. Just spitting and drooling up on your thighs, marking you up with his teeth and slobber.
(I don't have a favourite what do you meannn)
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