#randall duk kim
pedroam-bang · 1 year
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The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
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marcellreign · 6 months
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The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
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skeletonfumes · 1 year
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Ninja Assassin (2009) James McTeigue
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I’m so happy that the voice actor for the cabbage merchant gets to reprise his role in the live-action series!
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may8chan · 2 years
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Ninja Assassin - James McTeigue 2009
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moviehealthcommunity · 7 months
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Kung Fu Panda (2008)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
Kung Fu Panda has a few moments of impact that are punctuated by quick but severe strobe effects. One late scene has severe lightning-related strobes.
There is some fast camera motion in this film, and some action takes place at extreme heights.
Flashing Lights: 8/10. Motion Sickness: 4/10.
NOTE: Admin Brandon's review and evaluation of Kung Fu Panda 4 is now available on our Patreon page at Patreon.com/MovieHealth, and will be available publicly on Facebook, Tumblr, and YouTube on Tuesday, March 12.
Image ID: A promotional poster for Kung Fu Panda
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avatar-news · 2 years
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Dante Basco will return to voice Fire Lord Zuko as an adult in the untitled animated adult Gaang movie coming to theaters on 10.10.2025!
It’s so exciting to be making a casting post for a new project so soon and who it’s for is even more exciting!
Dante Basco, the voice of young Prince Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender (2005-2008), is returning to voice adult Fire Lord Zuko in the upcoming untitled animated adult Gaang movie (say that 5 times fast) coming to theaters from Avatar Studios in 2025!
Dante also previously voiced Zuko’s grandson Iroh II in The Legend of Korra (2012-2014), and you may also know him from his iconic role of Rufio in the 1991 movie Hook.
Of course, we didn’t forget about the rest of the Gaang...
A global casting call for Asian & Indigenous voice actors in their 20s is going out to find the adult voices of the Gaang!
Specifically, Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph are currently being sought out, with Zuko already being found as we mentioned above, and Dante is officially attached to the movie.
They’re looking for Asian actors for Aang and Toph and Indigenous actors for Katara and Sokka (that’s not an exact quote, just the idea relayed to me), matching the characters’ cultural inspirations and the live-action casting process from across 2021-2022. All the roles are for the 20s age range, which matches up with our exclusive report that the Gaang would be young adults in the movie, and the exact in-universe year the movie takes place in which we’re not allowed to reveal yet.
Speaking of live action, I want to specify again that this is VOICE casting for ANIMATION, separate from the live-action casting for the live-action series. There will be a lot of characters overlapping but as far as I know right now they should be different time periods, for example Dallas Liu was cast as YOUNG Zuko in live-action while Dante Basco was cast as the voice of ADULT Zuko in animation. (Also speaking of them, did you know Dante mentored Dallas on playing Zuko?)
I can already see this getting confusing, so I thought about doing black backgrounds for voice roles or something but I decided against differentiating them too much-- at the end of the day it’s all acting and vital to the creation of the world of Avatar! I settled on putting that “voice role” label on the voice actor’s photo to hopefully avoid confusion because while Dante also visually looks like he could be Zuko, all the voice actors won’t necessarily physically look like their characters (I believe for example they just have to sound like they’re in their 20s, not strictly be in their 20s themselves). We actually already had two voice roles cast: George Takei as Koh and Randall Duk Kim as Wan Shi Tong, both voicing non-humanoid spirits in the live-action series.
Another thing I wanted to mention is that while these casting calls are specifically for the 2025 adult Gaang movie, I presume the actors will be the new voices for the characters at these ages across Avatar Studios’ whole animated universe. Specifically of relevance is the Zuko movie. Right now I have no idea what time period it’s set in, but if it’s also when Zuko and the Gaang are approx. in their 20s then it’s likely it would be the same voice cast!
But yeah, this definitely feels like deja vu. It feels like just yesterday I was posting the live-action casting calls for the young Gaang. 🥹 They grow up so fast... 😂 Jokes aside, I also want to mention ***I DON’T have insider connections for the casting process this time, so don’t ask me where/how to apply or anything like that because I don’t know.***
Today’s news comes from Avatar Studios’ closed casting process via DanielRPK, thank you for the major reveal dude!
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nilusanimationworld · 2 years
Since we’re close on getting our first kfp4 updates soon. Here’s a list I'd love to see (or hoping to see) in the fourth movie
Firstly let's start with the villain. Idk why but I really want the new villain to be reptile? A lizard maybe? Komodo dragon would be great! Plus a Komodo DRAGON vs Po the DRAGON Warrior (PLUS 2024 WILL BE THE YEAR OF THE DRAGON) would actually make sense too! Also they're terrifying!
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Fingers crossed we get Mads Mikkelsen back on board! We were suppose to get him as Kai but he had to last moment drop out so yeah would be great to see him join the crew!
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If its a female villain I'd love Tilda Swinton on board! She would make a great evil female villain
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Since we all got Tai Lung representing (Strength) Shen (Weapon) & Kai (Spirit) as their abilities I'd love to see the new villain to use some manipulation powers (Mind)
As much as I love big goof sweetheart Po I'd actually love to see the villain to USE Po as their manipulation victim making him go absolute berserk or something.
Idk if its just me but Po has shown clear signs of irritations & frustrations. When Po snaps HE SNAPS HARD! So It would be pretty interesting to see Po has to overcome this. Plus having more pressure on not just as a Dragon Warrior but also as a master I'm sure the pressure level on Po is gonna overload
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Plus would make a great challenge for the Five & Shifu too wondering how to fight Po & get him back to senses. And since us audience we've all grown up seeing Po this sweet goofball it would be pretty interesting to watch him being in completely different avatar.
Speaking of Furious Five & Shifu PLEASE GIVE US MORE OF THEM PLEASE!! As much as I love Po's relationship with his dads I'd also love to see his relationship with the Five & Shifu again on screen! They're like his second family!
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Speaking of family. Since we got kfp3 movie fully focused on Po & his relationship with his dads WE. NEED. SHIFU. TIGRESS. FATHER. DAUGHTER MOMENT!! AT LEAST ONE HEART WARMING ONE! I IT TOO MUCH TO ASK DREAMWORKS?!?! IS IT TOO MUCH?!?!?
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Like we got Shifu apologizing Tai Lung about what he made him but we still haven't got Shifu apologizing or having one sweet father-daughter moment with Tigress! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GIVE US SOMETHING!! And no! The "I'm very proud of you" scene from Secrets of the Scroll isn't enough!!
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This one's for the TiPo Shippers! More of Po & Tigress please.
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I'm not just saying this as TiPo shipper I'm saying this in general I miss these two chemistry & their teamwork which kfp3 din't have much which is understandable since it was more focused on Po catching up with his bio dad & rest of the pandas. Although despite not having more screen time together we still get very small hints about their relationship & how much its developed.
The scene Po voicing his Tigress's action figure saying "He's so handsome" is by far the MOST OBVIOUS HINT Po still having his fanboy crush on Tigress. Boi is so desperate for her attention lol
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But yeah more of these two please. Not necessary it has to be cheesy romantic it can also be casual. They can keep it low profile but make it very obvious. AND CONFIRM IT ALREADY!!
Lastly. Cameos. I'm sure we'll get some old villain's flashback scenes. Although not sure we'll get Oogway again since there's no confirmation about Randall Duk Kim's return. But I strangely want Soothsayer back! I feel like she can STILL play an important role in the franchise since we got to see Master Croc's return in kfp3 would be great to see her back too.
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So yeah....I guess that's it from my side? Let's see what we get.
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I want Randall Duk Kim to narrate a documentary, preferably with Oogway’s voice.
Oogway voice: “And as the new born sea turtle hatchlings dig their way to the surface, they will faithfully follow the light of the moon towards the sea. However, not all of them will survive, as what may seem to us to be a short walk to the water’s edge, is a long journey filled with much peril for them.”
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adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
The Matrix Reloaded (2003)
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When talking about The Matrix Reloaded, we need to remember a few things. Firstly, this is very much a “Part 1”. At the time, we knew a sequel was coming (there’s a trailer for The Matrix Revolutions at the end of the credits) and now you’ll have no trouble watching the films back-to-back so the inconclusive ending isn't an issue. Secondly, we should consider the entertainment factor. This movie has a lot of ideas that may or may not completely come together in the end. It definitely feels more than a little self-important at times. Does that matter when it also features what might be the most exciting, action-packed chase scene of all time, dazzling special effects and the kind of fight choreography most action films could only dream of? Maybe, but only so much.
Neo (Keanu Reeves) has done it. He got the girl (Carrie-Anne Moss as Trinity), defeated the villain (Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith) and now navigates the Matrix like it’s his personal playground. Morpheus (Lawrence Fishburne) believes it’s only a matter of time before the prophecy is fulfilled and all of humanity is freed from the clutches of the artificial world. When the city of Zion learns a mechanical army will arrive to destroy it within 72 hours, those who’ve escaped the Matrix are divided by what they should do next.
Looking back, The Matrix is a hard science fiction film with elements that would fit more comfortably in a fantasy. I don’t mean the power fantasy that it is. All of the talks about prophecies and “the one”, the Oracle (Gloria Foster), the use of mythological and biblical names like Trinity, Morpheus, Zion, and Nebuchadnezzar make you wonder if the mechanical menaces are stand-ins for demons or Greek monsters. Some of it you assumed was just “sounds cool hacker lingo” but The Matrix Reloaded doubles down on the mysticism. Many of the programs we meet allegedly serve a function within the Matrix but you’re unsure how that could work. “People” like the Merovingian (Lambert Wilson) and his wife, Persephone (Monica Bellucci) seem more concerned with their strained marriage and petty squabbles than maintaining a sense of order within the Matrix. At least programs like the Keymaker (Randall Duk Kim) can be traced to useful functions but others leave you scratching your head. I can’t say if it’s intentional or not that the digital entities we meet are virtually indistinguishable from the real humans living outside. Either it says something about the way the machines - once eager to prove their superiority to humans because of what made them different from their fleshy creators (as shown in “The Animatrix”) have “devolved” into beings concerned with petty subjects like who’s sleeping with who, childish grudges and amassing more power in a virtual world, or this series doesn’t really have a concrete direction and is just a neat concept that conveniently allows the Wachowskis (who once again write and direct) to bring their childhood fantasies to life for all to see.
The questions surrounding the film’s ultimate goal and the authorial intent can pull you out of it for a moment but you’ll be sucked back in by the incredible action scenes. It’s a shocker to see Agent Smith back (once again hinting at some confused objectives behind the scenes) but his first confrontation with Neo is the stuff of legends. Long, well-choreographed, consistently exciting and memorable, the scene makes you wonder “How did they do that”? over and over. Some have accused the special effects of being dated (wouldn’t be a surprise considering the film is now 18 years old) but that’s only the case if you watch the clip in isolation. As part of a continuous flow within the film, you don’t see the seams.
As impressive as the “Burly Brawl” may be, it’s nothing compared to the “Highway Chase”. The latter begins with our heroes pitted against the kind of opponents that could only come from the artificial world. As Neo desperately races to save his friends, Morpheus, Trinity and the Keymaker are pursued by “The Twins” (Neil and Adrian Rayment). They're programs from an older iteration of the Matrix that used ghosts, vampires, werewolves, etc. to maintain order rather than Agents. Our leather-clad, sunglasses-wearing superhero protagonists have to go up against phantasms who can become intangible at will. How do you defeat one of those? You can’t. All you can do is run. Racing down the highway at blinding speeds would be enough of a challenge. With these two on their tails AND Agents who are drawn to the flagrant rule-breaking? It seems impossible, which is why the sequence is so exciting. You’ve got no idea how this will end. To get out alive, our heroes will have to invent all sorts of new tricks, guaranteeing that you’ll be talking about this movie with your friends for weeks.
Those are only two scenes. We also have elaborate heists, sabotage that threatens everything, shocking revelations about the world inside and outside the Matrix, fascinating concepts introduced and loads of memorable characters. Some of The Matrix Reloaded doesn’t come together the way it should (or maybe it will in the next movie, don’t be too quick to judge) but this is the kind of picture that makes you go “WOW!” frequently - even if you don’t understand it all. (On Blu-ray, January 1, 2022)
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princessamyrose87 · 1 year
knuckles spin-off series cast
Vector the Crocodile - Bruce Campbell, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Micheal B. Jordan, Seth rogen
Espio the Chameleon - Daisuke Tsuji, l.j. benet
Charmy Bee - Colleen o'Shaughnessey, Jacob Tremblay
Mighty The Armadillo - Micheal Mando, Micheal B. Jordan, Brady noon
Ray The flying squirrel - Tara Strong, Hudson Meek
Fang The Sniper - John Patrick Lowrie, Hugh Jackman, Karl Urban,
Bean The Dynamite - Aziz Ansari, Steven Ogg
Chief Pachacamac - Danny Trejo Sofía
Tikal the Echidna - Díana Bermudez, Ana de la Reguera, Selene Luna, Sofía Espinosa, Isabela Merced, Salma Hayek, Nisa Gunduz
E-102 Gamma - Corey Burton
Wendy Witchcart - Mia Goth, Shohreh Aghdashloo, Harriet Samson Harris
Battle Kukku XV - Nolan North
Speedy XVI - Maria Bakalova
Dr. Fukurokov - Mark Ivanar
Breezie The Hedgehog - Regina King, Janelle Monáe, Jena Malone, Pollyanna McIntosh
Vanilla The Rabbit - Maggie Robertson
Amy Rose - Kimiko Glenn, Anna kendrick
Big The Cat - Dave Fennoy, Patrick Warburton, Micheal B Jordan, Kevin Chamberlin
Cream the Rabbit - Melissa Hutchison, sabrina glow
Sticks the Badger - Margot Robbie, Paola Lázaro
Gerald Kintobor - Ron Perlman
Maria Kintobor - Mkeena Grace
Commander Abraham Tower - Frank Anthony Grillo
Subject Shadow The Hedgehog (Terios Kintobor) - (Paramount stated they want an A-list celebrity to voice Shadow) Keanu Reeves, Robert Pattinson, Pedro Pascal, Oscar Isaac, Micheal B Jordan
Rouge The Bat - Chloé Hollings, Marion Cotillard, Mélanie Laurent, Camille Cottin, Jordana Lajoie, Scarlett johansson
Tom Wachowski’s father - Bob Odinkirk, Dustin Hoffman, Bill Murray, Micheal Keaton, Kurt Russell, John Goodman
Metal Sonic - Ben Schwartz(robotic filter)
E-123 Omega - Micheal B Jordan, Terry Crews, Jon Bernthal
Hazard The Bio-Lizard (Marzanna Kintobor) - Ivana Miličević
Void TrapDark - Jude Law, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way, Scott Williams, Freddie Highmore,
Lumina Flowlight - Tabitha St. Germain
Blaze’s Mother - Janina Gavankar, Sakina Jaffrey
Blaze The Cat (Indian/British accent) - Priyanka Chopra, Devika Bhise, Varada Sethu, Simone Ashley, Ulka Simone Mohanty, Natasha Chandel
Marine the Raccoon - Sia, Katie Bergin, Bella Heathcote, Isla Lang Fisher, Rylee Alazraqui, Kendal Rae
Blaze’s Rival: Frost The Axotol(example)- Michelle Yeoh, Fala Chen, Antony Starr
Jet’s Father - Matt Ryan, Iwan Rheon
Jet The Hawk - Tony Hawk, Aaron Paul, Christopher Mintz-Plasse, Dante Basco, Ken Jeong, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jimmy O. Yang
Wave The Swallow - Sarah Margaret Qualley
Storm the Albatross (pacific, Oceania) - Dave Batista, Taylor Wily
Emerl The Gizoid - Augus Imrie, Kendal Rae,
Clutch The Possum - Micheal Rooker, Benjamin Byron Davis, Robert Allen Wiethoff
Tangle The Lemur - Lauren Keke Palmer, Brenda Song
Whisper The Wolf - Stefanie Joosten, Ana de Armas
Mimic The Octopus - Richard Colin Brake
Doctor Starline - Troy Baker, Hugh Grant,
Starline’s Love interest and partner -
Rough and Tumble the Skunks - Will Ferrell and John C. Reily, Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key
Surge The Tenrec - Rachel Bloom, AJ Michalka
Kitsunami The Fennec Fox - Michael Cera, Kyle McCarley
Zavok - Christopher Judge, John Cena, Jon Bernthal
Master Zik - Frank Oz, Randall Duk Kim, Dustin Hoffman
Zeena -Mindy Kaling
Zor - Jaeden Martell, Dane DeHaan, Gerald Way
Zazz - Danny Brown,
Zomom - T.J. Miller
Black Doom -
,Keith David https://youtu.be/9LmOwEfPHUo
, Jackie Earle Haley - https://youtu.be/sF8zxctevXc
, Jon Bernthal - https://youtu.be/sDp4AuNen0Y
, Sean Schemmel -
, Ray Porter - https://youtu.be/aR8p4DIpxxE
,Karl Urban - https://youtu.be/ccF3uvpJ96I
Eclipse The Darkling - Norman Reedus
Callisto The Darkling - Carrie-Anne Moss
Dark Oak - Jeremy Irons
Black Narcissus - Angelina Jolie
Pala Bayleaf - John Leguizamo
Yellow Zelkova - Terry Crews
Red Pine - Pat Casey or Josh Miller
Cosmo The Seedrian - Carol Anne Day, Liliana Mumy
Lyric The Ancient(Owl like Longclaw) - Jackie Earle Haley
Johnny Lightfoot - Taron Egerton
Tekno The Canary - Paula Burrows
Porker Lewis - John Boyega, Daniel Radcliffe
Shorty “Shortfuse” The Cybernik - Cillian Murphy, Barry Sloane
Ebony The Cat - Gratiela Brancusi
Sonia The Hedgehog - Kiernan Shipka, Evan Rachel Wood, Isabella Merced, Jena Malone
Manic The Hedgehog - Joe Keery
Sally Acorn - Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman
Antoine D’Coolette - Tomer Capone, Bradley Cooper(hes fluent in French)
Bunnie Rabbot - Alex McKenna
Rotor The “Boomer” Walrus - John Cena
Nicole The Holo-Lynx - Ashly Burch
Lupe The Wolf - Amber Midthunder
Dulcy The Dragon - America Ferrera
Chip - Tom Holland, Freddie Highmore
Professor Dillion Pickle - Ian McKellen
Imperator Ix - Gary Oldman
Shade The Echidna - Lady Gaga
Infinite The Jackal - Kit Harington, Jon Bernthal
Silver The Hedgehog - Steven Yeun
Gold The Tenrec - Simone Ashley
Professor Von Schlemmer - Matthias Schweighöfer
Dr. Negan Robotnik a.k.a Eggman Neo - J.K. Simmons, Jeffery Dean Morgan, Giancarlo Esposito, Bryan Cranston, Pedro Pascal
Dr. Grimer Wormtongue - Ian McShane, Jackie Earle Haley
Chris thorndyke - Graham Verchere
Frost the hobidon - Dakota lotus
Juliet suter - Sydney Scotia
Antia/tania - Cassie glow
Perci - Stephanie lemelin
Preteen bokkun - Brett Gray
Park ranger - Patrick Warburton
Ashe - peyton r. perrine iii
Burst wisp - cherami Leigh
Uncle Charles - David Lengel
Bernadette - Melanie Zanetti
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The 5 best animated movies on Netflix
Bee Movie (2007)
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EW grade: A– (read the review)
Directors: Simon J. Smith and Steve Hickner
Cast: Jerry Seinfeld, Renée Zellweger, Matthew Broderick, John Goodman, Patrick Warburton, Chris Rock
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From the twisted mind of Jerry Seinfeld came this oddball DreamWorks comedy about a talking bee (also voiced by Seinfeld) who is outraged by the exploitation of his species for honey and decides to sue the human race. Along the way, he also sort of falls in love with a human florist (Renée Zellweger). Despite (because of?) its wild premise, Bee Movie gets at some potent messaging about workers' rights and the differences between individualism and collectivism. In other words, as EW's critic noted, it's "nutty, ecological, antically funny, and moving, all at the same time." The film has subsequently inspired a surprising number of memes, adding to its bizarro lore.
Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005)
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EW grade: N/A (read the review)
Directors: Nick Park and Steve Box
Cast: Peter Sallis, Ralph Fiennes, Helena Bonham Carter
Following the success of their universally acclaimed shorts, Aardman Animations brought Wallace and Gromit to the big screen for this humorous tale in which the eccentric inventor and his loyal dog are tasked with hunting down a rabbit who's been eating the town's crop of vegetables. But this proves easier said than done, as the pair realizes that the dreaded Were-Rabbit may be closer to home than they suspected. Packed with the studio's trademark British wit, and lovingly crafted with stop-motion claymation, the Oscar-winning film is a total delight. As EW's critic wrote, "The Curse of the Were-Rabbit bestows generous blessings on all that's good in Englishness, in moviedom, and, of course, in cheese.
Kung Fu Panda (2008)
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EW grade: A– (read the review)
Directors: John Stevenson and Mark Osborne
Cast: Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Ian McShane, Seth Rogen, Lucy Liu, David Cross, Randall Duk Kim, Jackie Chan
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Kung Fu Panda may have a gimmicky title, but the sincerity of its storytelling is as effective as any DreamWorks animation released to date. Giant panda Po (Jack Black) is a humble restauranteur living in Ancient China who idolizes a quintet of kung fu masters known as the Furious Five. His dreams become a rude awakening when he stumbles his way into becoming the prophesized Dragon Warrior, and tasked with fighting off a vengeful snow leopard who wishes to obtain the all-powerful Dragon Scroll. Featuring vibrant animation and colorful voice performances from Black, Jackie Chan, Seth Rogen, and more, Kung Fu Panda delights in slapstick comedy while also delivering its timeless message in unique fashion. As EW's critic put it, "Just about all animated movies teach you to Believe in Yourself…but the image of a face-stuffing panda-turned-yowling Bruce Lee dervish is as unlikely, and touching, an advertisement for that message as we've seen in quite some time.
The Adventures of Tintin (2011)
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EW grade: C (read the review)
Director: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Jamie Bell, Andy Serkis, Daniel Craig
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Bringing The Adventures of Tintin to life was decades in the making for director Steven Spielberg, who once referred to the comic book series as "Indiana Jones for kids." The action is set in 1950s Belgium as the inquisitive journalist Tintin (Jamie Bell) purchases a miniature model of a ship called the Unicorn, setting in motion a chaotic series of events that leads to him being kidnapped by a villainous ship collector. On board, he meets Capt. Archibald Haddock (Andy Serkis), whose ancestor was the captain of the real-life Unicorn. Bursting with a high-energy sense of adventure, Tintin is indeed a fun starter pack to the thrilling escapades of Indiana Jones, with dazzling CG animation that uses elements of motion capture. The film won the Golden Globe for Best Animated Feature, and earned yet another Oscar nomination for John Williams for his original score.
Nimona (2023)
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EW grade: B+ (read the review)
Directors: Nick Bruno and Troy Quane
Cast: Chloë Grace Moretz, Riz Ahmed, Eugene Lee Yang, Frances Conroy, Lorraine Toussaint, Beck Bennett, RuPaul, Indya Moore, Julio Torres, Sarah Sherman
Lights, camera, VPNaction! Elevate your movie nights with NordVPN. 🎥🔒secure your connection and Download NordVPN . Click now to unlock global cinematic thrills!
Blending medieval folklore and futuristic fantasy, this high-spirited adaptation of the 2015 graphic novel is more timely now than ever. Chloë Grace Moretz gives voice to Nimona, a mischievous shapeshifter who comes to the aid of Ballister Boldheart (Riz Ahmed), a knight who has since been ostracized by the kingdom due to his background as a commoner. Naturally, Nimona has her own history with being outcast, and the pair unravel a conspiracy that resulted in the queen's death. Featuring a powerful queer allegory, both Nimona and Ballister try to overcome prejudice from their community while forging a bond due to their circumstances. As EW's critic wrote, "The story admiringly delves into how such monsters are in fact created by a society that refuses to accept their differences." —Kevin Jacobsen
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skeletonfumes · 1 year
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Ninja Assassin (2009) James McTeigue
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Lea Salonga in Caricature
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Miss Saigon, Jonathan Pryce, Lea Salonga, and Willy Falk, 1991 - Al Hirschfeld
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Flower Drum Song with Lea Salonga, Jose Llana, Sandra Allen, Jodi Long And Randall Duk Kim. Ink And Gouache. 10/13/02 - Al Hirschfeld
Look. It's late, and I'm too Asian for this. Let's just agree Hirschfeld couldn't draw Asian subjects true to form and move on with our lives. She also has a Sardi's, but like all the women who have had one for decades, it's a bitch to find online, so again, check back in three-to-five business days.
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"Lea Salonga" The Lights of Broadway Trading Cards, Summer, 2015.
She looks like someone. Someone not Lea Salonga, but someone else nonetheless. It'll come to me one day.
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may8chan · 2 years
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Ninja Assassin - James McTeigue 2009
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houseofgeekery · 6 months
Movie Reviews: 'Kung Fu Panda 1, 2 & 3'
Directors: John Stevenson, Mark Osbourne, Jennifer Yuh Nelson, Alessandro Carloni Cast: Jack Black, Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Seth Rogen, Jackie Chan, David Cross, Lucy Lui, James Hong, Randall Duk Kim, Michael Clarke Duncan, Dan Fogler, Dennis Haysbert, Jean Claude Van Damme, Brian Cranston, Kate Hudson, Ian McShane, Gary Oldman, JK Simmons, Danny McBride, Fred Tatasciore Plot: Po, an…
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