#random bullshit with milo
suncast-moth · 8 days
Goldfish goblet for Loki ✨️✨️
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littldolli · 2 years
stacy's mom has got it going on she's all i want and i've waited for so long stacy can't u see you're just not the girl for me i know this might be wrong but im in love with stacy's mom 😩
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bleeding-hart · 6 months
all this stuff about black cat/orange cat, black cat/golden retriever. What about orange cat/golden retriever.
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urfrenfishy · 21 days
random angsty headcannons‼️‼️
gavin and freelancer who just hold each other as soon as freelancer gets home and silently remind themselves that they survived
sunshine who finds their art style has gotten worse and feeling so shitty about it, but they don’t understand why. (we know why)
cutie who has lost all sense of self confidence, always second guessing themselves, much like how goerdi was at the start of their relationship.
baaabe who traces their finger across asher’s scar when he’s asleep, remembering how close they were to losing him
freelancer who forgot about caelum, but still feels an oddly paternal instinct around children that look like him, they don’t get why. (we get why)
damien who had major internalized homophobia in high school, sneering and even arguing with some of the openly gay people in his classes. he still lays awake at night thinking of all the bullshit he spewed at them.
morgan whose first vision was the death of his cat, oreo. he cried for days.
angel who fell into a depressive rut after that fight with david, they had gotten so good at hiding them that the only difference you’d be able to spot was that they would stop eating unless someone made them, david stepped up for that role.
sweetheart who wanted to be an actor but their family forced them to work in the department, they silently envy milo since he was able to choose his own path
darlin who used to have the most amazing hair but quinn told them to buzz it, so they did. it’s just now getting back to the length it was before. hair holds memory ‘n all.
that’s all for now folks i’m gonna go sleep night night!!
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While I'm pretty sure Pelor didn't know that Milo Cowst was the avatar of Asmodeus, I think it's so much funnier to imagine that he did know
Just imagine that one random day, Pelor's attention gets drawn to this one particular temple where he watches a young man waltz in and profess his everlasting faith in the Dawnfather
And the thing is? Since the Dawnfather gains power from his worshippers, he knows this guy is spitting bullshit! He's lying through his teeth, but since he's got the magic to back it up the clerics, paladins, and monks in this temple buy it and let him join
So Pelor's just scratching his head thinking "who the hell is this guy and what does he have to gain from lying his way into priesthood?"
But then it hits him
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glitch-tricks · 2 years
How The SW/SH Gym Leaders + Leon Would Ask You Out
I got one idea for Milo and my brain decided that I had to do this for everyone, you’re welcome /j
Let’s be honest, he’d do that tradition of giving you an Applin
It’s so simple, yet so sweet
Your Applin is best friends with his Flapple/Appletun
I feel like she’d be so bold, yet so nervous at the same time
Eventually, she would give you an autograph
“- Nessa; Your #1 Fan”
Pray for her if you’re dense as hell
Peepaw Kabu would’ve just walked up to you and asked you out
Nothing special, not nervous at all
Just straight up asks you
“Wanna go out with me?”
Okay, okay, seriously, he would use some of the cheesiest pickup lines
And maybe does a backflip
Honestly, she would probably be so over the top
Like, she would make whole ass ice sculptures with her pokemon just to ask you out
He wouldn’t
Marnie would confess for him, fed up with his lovesick bullshit
Unless he did get the courage, he’d straight up serenade you
Oh, he’d be so fucking bold
Probably finished beating some random kid’s pokemon
Fucking announced to the whole stadium that he loves you
It worked
One day, he probably held onto your hand just so his dumbass doesn’t get lost
You were definitely asked if the two of you were dating by some random people
Leon saw the opportunity
“We could be. Wanna go out with me?”
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vavuska · 29 days
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I'm sorry that Vivian - Elon Musk's daughter - is dealing with an oppressive father sharing inaccurate details about her life and spreading false medical information to invalidate trans kids right to self-determination. But I love the fact she is strong enough to call out Elon's lies and persevere, despite his billions of minion around the globe still supporting his bullshits.
I want to give more space and attention to Vivian, who chooses Threads (over X) to mock her father for his lies, hypocrisy, transphobia and bigotry.
To Vivian I wish she cal find all the love and happiness a person can have in this world. I hope we will build together a better place for every queer kid. A special hug to everyone who is struggling with oppressive parents who force them into the closet.
Be proud of yourself. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️❤️
There’s a lot of stuff I need to debunk which I will get to don’t worry, but I want to start with what I find the funniest which is the notorious “slightly autistic” tweet. This is gonna be a bit so just bare with me
This is entirely fake. Like, literally none of this ever happened. Ever. I don’t even know where he got this from. My best guess is that he went to the Milo Yiannopoulis school of gay stereotypes, just picked some at random and said “eh- good enough” in a last-ditch attempt to garner sympathy points when he is so obviously in the wrong even in his own fucking story.
I did not have a “love of musicals & theatre” when I was four, because y’know… I was fucking four. I did not know what these things were. My earliest real experience with musicals was when my twin brother had a hamilton phase in 8th/9th grade and overplayed it so much in the car to the point where for a long time I swore off the entire genre.
I never picked out jackets for him to wear and I was most certainly not calling them “fabulous” because literally what the fuck. I did not use the word fabulous when I was four because once again I would like to reiterate… I was four. Like this is so obvious I don’t even think it warrants explanation but apparently people believe this nonsense so here I am.
This entire thing is completely made up and there’s a reason for this. He doesn’t know what I was like as a child because he quite simply wasn’t there, and in the little time that he was I was relentlessly harassed for my femininity and queerness. Obviously he can’t say that, so I’ve been reduced to a happy little stereotype f*g-ing along to use at his discretion. I think that says alot about how he views queer people and children in general.
As for if I’m not a woman… sure, Jan. Whatever you say. I’m legally recognized as a woman in the state of California and I don’t concern myself with the opinions of those who are below me. Obviously Elon can’t say the same because in a ketamine-fueled haze, he’s desperate for attention and validation from an army of degenerate red-pilled incels and pick-mes who are quick to give it to him. Go touch some fucking grass✨
Credits: vivllainous - Vivian Jenna Wilson.
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frazzledsoul · 6 months
So Matt Czuchry has been making the promo rounds recently because apparently he's still alive on American Horror Story this most recent season and the season was split in two parts.
Apparently he was on The Talk two days ago and he was accused of ruining the love lives of teenage girls for decades
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First of all, I am sick of the knee-jerk misandry that claims that any man Rory Gilmore dates is not good enough for her, because she's such paragon of fidelity, moral character, and good behavior. Has anyone asked if Rory is a good girlfriend and if these guys deserve her? She cheats on or with all of her boyfriends (with Dean and Logan, she's done both), she pits these guys against each other often, she frequently lies and misleads them about her intentions (this goes along with the cheating), she very rarely is repentant about any of this, and she also has the nerve to play the martyr (hello, bridesmaids: hello, being pissed at Jess for not waiting for her in season 3) when her track record does not call for it. I'm not saying she's always awful, but I think the only seasons where she was fair to whoever she was dating were season 1 and season 7. The rest of the time her record....is not good.
Furthermore, Dean and Jess seemed to struggle for a bit after Rory leaves their lives for good and then they get considerably better without her. Dean had at least one kid by 2011, so I'm assuming he was married and settled by then, which is really all he wanted in life (hopefully he got some therapy first). Jess is an author, co-owns a business, and is accepted in a community of his own by 2006 (and is emotionally stable enough not to hold Rory manipulating him into more love triangle bullshit against her). Logan never really gets a break from any of this in the canon we see (and is just as big of a cheater as she is in AYITL) but even he is personally and professionally stable by that era while Rory spends most of AYITL throwing epic tantrums and destroying any professional opportunity she gets.
Why should the boyfriends, who actually exhibited considerable character growth, should be forever declared "toxic" and perpetually morally inferior to Rory when they became more mature (okay, Logan has a mixed record, but Adult Logan works and he gets along with his dad, so we'll take it) and she did not? Why isn't anyone asking if the way Rory treats other people is behavior we want young girls to emulate, instead of only holding the boyfriends to account for what they did wrong?
Yeah, yeah, I know. This is the perils of being a main character written by Amy Sherman Palladinos: you leave her orbit and your life gets better offscreen. But Rory holds a lot of blame for why these relationships didn't work, especially since she keeps doing the same thing over and over. She should be held just as accountable for the things she did wrong as her partners are.
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Honestly, Czuchry is being a lot more gracious than the situation calls for here. He showed up to promote his most recent project and a random Tik Tok was waved in his face accusing him of ruining the love lives of young women for years, because of what his character on a TV show did LITERALLY DECADES AGO. Why are y'all mad at him? He didn't write this. He had zero control over any of this. Why is this his fault? This ain't why he's there. Go yell at ASP if you're still mad and leave the actors alone. Credit goes to him for not trying to play Team Logan and be diplomatic because I don't really think he signed up for this discourse here.
This isn't an issue that is isolated to Czuchry: Milo also made the Interwebs mad when he asked to defend Jess's behavior on a talk show a while back (promoting a completely different project) and he pointed that Jess was literally a child when he was a main character on the show with a lot of childhood trauma. But hey, let's get pissed at the actor for pointing out literal facts again.
And Czuchry is right here:all of these characters were flawed, none of them behaved perfectly, and you should not model your real life relationships on any of them. This is not a tale of evil men ganging up on a helpless damsel. There's plenty of bad behavior to go around for all of them.
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Which redacted listener do you think would hide/ not mention that they speak different languages until some random or funny moment happens? because the fact that I speak 5 languages has put in a lot of funny situations 😂
Omg I wanna know some of these interactions. That kind of thing is literally some of my fav things ever. (I was gonna write a fully fledged fic in answer to this but I have way too many WIPs to do that. 😭 Maybe I'll do it in the future idk.)
Personally, I think all of the demon boys can speak any language used on Earth. Like imagine Gavin travelling to Spain for example. Considering how big he is on consent and for simplicity sake, he would need to be able to speak Spanish to communicate with those he wants to feed on.
Do all demons use this? No. I'm pretty sure Vega's words just get translated into the person's native language on the rare occasions he does communicate with people.
Outside of the d(a)emons? Oh here we go.
This could just be me pushing a French Baabe agenda, but they give off the vibe of knowing another language. And as soon as Angel finds out, they immediate want Baabe to hold onto that card for whenever they need to lay the smack into Christian.
Sweetheart is another one, but I think they needed to learn multiple languages for their job. (Same with Cutie. Probably Cutie even more so since people think in their native language, and if they need to investigate someone mind, language barriers would be a pain in the ass.) Sweetheart would purposefully mistranslate words to people, just for shits and giggles. Even better if it's Milo.
But idk if any of the wolf boyos would hide it since theyve all known each other since they were kids. I also don't think they would mess with each other's mates to that extent.
Lovely and Vincent though? Those two would totally fuck with each other or other clan members when it comes to languages. Sam would probably give them the silent treatment after the fifth time in one afternoon. It got to be too much.
I feel like Huxley thought Lasko was speaking a different language when they first met simply from how fast our local fan company was talking. Especially since Huxley's speed of talking is much slower.
But you wanted listeners. So here's my list.
Cutie - nothing malicious. Work related reasons.
Sweetheart - pranks galore
Baabe - forced by Angel to wait for the "perfect moment"
Lovely - malicious menacery.
Warden - demon things
Mentor (Ollie's listener) - nothing malicious. Simply a fact of their life. They don't really bring it up, but their ability of more than one language is there when needed.
Anton's listener - I don't think they would hide it since they give off such a heavy wholesome vibes. But I also headcanon that theyre European and English isn't their first language.
Asset - AI computer tings
Honey - they only learned curse words in multiple languages (hahahaha me tho 😅)
Darlin - they got sick of falling for Lovely and Vincent's bullshit and decided to start learning the language (up in the air what it is) also since it was confirmed that they're a menace, they also started doing the same to Sam and the rest of the pack. (Sam can't escape it. Someone save southern yee haw vamp daddy)
That's all I can really think of off the top of my head (I'm having bad cramps so brain not fully operating.) But bonus:
Angel: Im learning French, Davey!
David: oh?
Angel: yeup. Like Angel is Ange in French. And please is sil vous plait
David: what else
Angel: oui oui Ange wants your baguette
David: ...
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chipsonthemenu · 1 year
heheheheh i wrote tntsmp shit out of boredom. love this stupid idea of mine live laugh love heart hands emoji
needless to say, this was not how bizly thought today was going to go.
he didn't expect to have what was supposed to be the happiest day of his life to go up in flames, quite literally.
he also didn't expect it to be burnt down by his best friend.
"milo, fucking listen to me—" bizly says, coughing as the smoke fills the area. most people were trying to douse the fires, but some just....stood and watched. notably condi and aimsey.
"i'm not listening to you anymore, you ass, not after this bullshit," milo hisses in response. his face is a mask of calm, but his eyes burn with pure anger. bizly stares right back, however, trying to hold his own.
"what the fuck is that supposed to mean? what bullshit? me being happy?" bizly raises his voice ever so slightly, his hands curling into loose fists at his sides.
milo laughs, but there's no humor in it. his calm expression quickly contorts into one close to a madman as the small giggle turns into a maniacal cackle. 
"you think you're actually happy like this? god, you— you still haven't realized anything about this godforsaken place, have you?" he runs a hand down his face. "god, you've been so caught up in what they want from you that you're too clueless to see what's right fucking in front of you."
"what? the fact that you just burnt down my wedding or you're acting like a crazy person?" bizly's voice is almost a full shout now, having stood up and now almost towering over milo.
milo chuckles yet again in that same twisted, insane way. "the fact that this isn't real, you fucking idiot."
time feels slow. bizly blinks. he blinks again. milo still stares at him, his crazed look turning back into one of calm anger.
"you really think that any of this was real? that any of it was of your own will?" milo's voice had turned as calm as his face. "that you fell in love with someone you barely know? hell, you do fucking know him, but i know you guys never loved each other, not like this, at least."
"what the fuck is any of that supposed to mean?" bizly's voice is barely a whisper, barely a wheeze, over the sound of the roaring flames.
"you're being fucked with, biz. all of us are. or were, except you and your little boyfriend over there." milo jerks a thumb at the burning setup behind them. "we've known. for days. and yet you two were so fucking caught up in living your domestic little dollhouse life that you couldn't see what was right under your nose."
bizly shakes his head in disbelief, whispering quietly to himself but slowly raising his voice. "no. no, no, no, y-you're lying. you're fucking lying, milo. you're just fucking jealous that i'm happy without you."
"this is so much bigger than you abandoning me, you dumbass!" milo shouts, throwing his arms out. "this is insane people making us play house for their entertainment. seeing what we do if they give us set instructions, maybe give a one or two of us clarity. maybe they thought we'd, i dunno, fucking kill each other or something, but i don't know if they count on us fucking them over."
"who the fuck is them, milo? you're making no sense. of fucking course this is real, because all the stuff i see, i feel, everything we've all experienced is fucking real."
"how do you know that? how do you know your memories weren't toyed with? we've got more history than your little brainwashed mind remembers and you know it, zach."
bizly flinches at the name. it was so out of place, yet so oddly....familiar. like the way milo said it was normal between them. not like an inside joke, but like something that was real and actual, not just a facade.
and then it hits him.
they're sitting at a computer, the two of them. him and milo. some game is on screen, it's too hazy to remember what it was. they're talking about some random thing, the topic also lost to time and memory. but milo laughs, and he feels himself do the same.
"you're a fucking idiot, zach," milo says, clear through the haze, a smile on his face as they joke back and forth.
and it feels right. this setting, this name, these jokes, it's their usual.
it's how it's supposed to be.
not like this.
"you saw something, didn't you?" milo whispers, not memory milo, but the milo that was just yelling at him some time ago.
"that didn't happen here," bizly breathes, staring milo in the eye.
"they locked our memories, our actual ones, way back in our minds, but we can access them with some work. we're gonna get out of here. we're gonna figure this place out." milo's voice is low, calm, almost like he's talking to a child. or a pet. "you want to come along?"
he extends a hand to bizly, who was, somehow, sitting down on the ground. he must've stumbled or fallen during that stupid vision thing.
and bizly stares at milo's hand. his best friend's hand. thinks back on that vision, that apparent memory. considers his options.
and he doesn't take it.
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covecornerarchive · 1 year
Anonymous asked:
I'm back on my cc bullshit and your blog is keeping me alive. If you have any random headcanons to drop I highly encourage it 👁👁
hahahahhaha love how this blog just turned into me dragging people back into hell-
- I mentioned it briefly before, but I think it'd be interesting if Percy had red green color blindness, mainly because when Thade was around in the tarantula crew and Percy was the one telling him about colors I just have this scenario in my head where no one realizes he's colorblind at the time, and he's just confidently telling Thade the color red is actually called "green," until someone corrects him.
- I have...so many Tarantula crew head cannons and character reworks that at this point I just have my own version of the crew so I can't get to everything here, but my version of Lillian is best described as a mini god of chaos who happily adopts anyone she likes. Also I see her and Thade's relationship more of a wlw mlm solidarity deal than a romantic one.
- *Points at Thade* This man is feral and confused all the time, and as the full capacity to be just as scary and destructive as he is when he becomes skin-taker, the only thing keeping him from doing so is he's just so god damn tired (tldr: My Thade could and would kick wiki Thade's ass)
- Milo taught Janice a bit about sword fighting, not because he really cares about her getting better or anyone told him to, he just saw her trying and failing to wield a blade one day, went "alright, this is sad, let me show you how to actually do it." I just like thinking even though Milo wasn't as close to Janice as Poppy or Percy, she did look up to him as a cool uncle figure before she saw how terrible he really was. So basically just an excuse to give Janice more trauma. - In terms of characterization my version of Horace most closely resembles Cesare from Bigtop Burger. - Skin-taker would be a Will Wood fan-
(November 29, 2021)
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suncast-moth · 6 months
This is ur sign to go get a fucking milkshake.
Go crazy gurl(genderneutral) have fun.
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littldolli · 2 years
i wanna look masculine in a feminine way
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girlcockcre8t0rr · 10 months
Any chance this is also Aidan probably getting drunk and trying to imagine a world where you were happy and thinking that as a 25 year old you should be reaching out to your ex from high school that dumped you when you were 19? And then you proceeded to blame your manic episode on me? Like I decided to fuck a bunch of random men and describe the details of the encounters to my girlfriend to try and make her jealous so she’ll ask me to stop but
it’s not my job to tell you to stop fucking other people
I was also fucking another person
I was as honest with you as possible navigating nonmonagamy as a 17-18 year old
and you were just like
way why don’t you love me more than them
because you suck as a person and I realized I don’t like you
they make an effort to make me happy and comfortable and feel secure and you want to make me feel like I have to make you perfectly happy or you’ll “disappear”
no one else has messaged me in years and this came at the same time relatively as the other bullshit you decided to throw my way on a stupid whim.
this makes sense to you?
you like being like this?
you want to make me fully, publicly, explain why you aren’t shit and make constant excuses to treat people like objects?
or do you want to keep all the abusive behavior private?
Milo and I had a real, loving, honest relationship that also included me posting pictures of us in bed together very clearly having just had sex in a cheap motel room
It was in fact not all about getting laid. A lot of the time I spent with Milo before the two of us broke up we were just talking and goofing around
or crying in my car together and then having sex in a parking lot
because they actually like
loved and trusted and cared for me
as a human being
not just a sex object
despite what you very misogynistically said behind my back…
just to cope with feeling just hot enough to be fuckable but not enough to be lovable
you thinking it was the fact I was prettier or in better shape than you in your head or something
or letting Kendall say that she deserved them to love her and not me
like someone of any gender should be pressured into a relationship
sorry for rubbing my ass on their dick at prom in front of you. they are too hot for their own good, and you’re annoying.
I’m too hot for my own good AND annoying
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sleeplessphantom-0 · 1 year
Was bullshitting with my friends earlier.
Two of them, Milo and Ishmael, were giving each other shit all day.
Important to note is that Ish is in medical school to become a doctor.
Ish said some random bullshit to Milo, and he fired back with,
“Aint you got a kid with preventable cancer to tell that his insurance won't pay for surgery?”
Ishmael was real quiet for the next 5-10 minutes.
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eldritchmochi · 1 year
Letter ask: the word PHANTOM
jesus christ mina youre going to kill me lmao
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P - Invent a random AU for any fandom (we always need more ideas).
HMMM i have a couple weird ones, because im me, but i think the weirdest would be the one where i just slap ashton into the whole situation i have going on with my job where they get hired to be reception (somehow??? he's baffled too honestly) and then ends up taking over bookkeeping because he has some level of prior experience due to all the temping hes done while trying to get out of manual labor work to save their increasingly fucked up body at least a little, and then revolves around him navigating getting his health under control and the fact that hes like... financially stable and almost well off???? for the first time in their entire life, with added bonus of the IT guy they deal with most for getting all the stuff set up to do bookkeeping is fucking cute as hell and they keep running into each other at the gym and then maybe something about taking care of both fcg and milo (even tho milo hates it) because finally ashton has money to meaningfully contribute to the well being of his friends. i will eventually write it because i think it'd be fun to put ashton into Situations in an entirely benign office setting when he's defintely not the sort youd think to be there, especially not in some sort of management situation, i just haven't figured out the rest of the cast lmao
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
broadly, it really depends. i am all over the map with where inspo comes from and just because i find inspo in one particular piece of media does not mean i'll latch onto something in the same vein even if you'd expect me to. even beyond format or indie vs mainstream, i'm wildly unpredictable when it comes to things like how fleshed out the characters i claim as mine are in source material and like even the kind of characters i find inspo in a lot of the time. like, ive written (but not finished) fic for crime procedurals so like...... my mileage certainly varies lmao
probably the trends are like: indie media or cult classics, things with found family, and things with characters who either have a solid base of unique traits to extrapoliate into a good personality or characters that are very well fleshed out and very unique
A N T answered here!!
O answered here!! but i'll answer it again because its fun lmao
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
this one is very much on repeat when i work on the 30k+ ashrym character exploration pwp i have been writing off and on for like 10 months lmao
M - Name a character that you’d like to have for a friend.
okay so like, cherry was absolutely BAFFLED by my fmk answer for cr between my Big Three blorbos here because its absolutely fuck caleb, marry ashton, kill essek
BUT HEAR ME OUT so like ashton right?? we're both abrasive assholes who have a lot of things in common (brawling, punk diy, not touching people) so you'd think we'd butt heads a lot but i can absolutely see them being the sort to plainly state if i'm being annoying and how, and i also see him being the sort to respond well to the same. i think we'd vibe well because we just kinda get a lot of the bullshit we each go through and also have a similar enough way of communicating frustrations that there wouldn't really be hard feelings from frustrations. 10/10 good buddy, roommate, or husband material in my books
essek is the exact opposite. i would punch that wizard in the face like IMMEDIATELY lmao
caleb physically is aggressively my type (which is why i write so much porn from essek's pov lmao) but he would frustrate the hell out of me irl with the way he manages his trauma so id divorce him in like a year BUT the dick would be bomb so fwb but more benefits and less friends because i do not want to be someone's therapist i have been there
there are several other letters in this ask game u can ask me bles it is very fun
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