traderpulse · 3 years
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Feeling bored? You have a way to escape from this hard time! Try the reliable forex indicator which offers a new range of benefits by the new features incorporated. Stay home and enjoy your forex https://traderpulse.com/most-powerful-indicator-for-metatrader-range-band/
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wetalktrade · 3 years
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Pips earning forex indicator. Arm yourself with the “Range Band Indicator” and start to explore the forex market. With the new strategy and the proven algorithm, this technical indicator misses no trends, and captures pips most of the time.You get more winning trades!
Act now and get the tool with new features https://traderpulse.com/most-powerful-indicator-for-metatrader-range-band/
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vermillioncrown · 2 years
idk idk. the common consensus among the people i've played games with (various games, various social groups, various stakes) is that i am my most diabolical when on a team
"you're the perfect cooperator, co-conspirator" - verm bf
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vaultsofthefirstage · 6 years
Deep Abyss’s Scream (Black Jade Direlance *****)
She had never once lived a happy life. She had never enjoyed her life. She had never been one to wish for more either. Until her ship went down and she heard the voice of the Silver Prince in her ear. When The Maiden of Deep Shadows opened her eyes, she was still underwater, standing on a deposit of Black Jade that she hauled to the surface with her before she arrived on an island filled with shadowlands through which she entered the Underworld to begin her work.
With her Deathlord’s guidance, she drew out the power of the Jade - the fury of the ocean, of the sea, of the Elemental Pole of Water. It was his words that gave shape to the weapon's might, that the newly reborn Abyssal forged a wonder as his hands guided her own. Her first time facing a Dragonblooded, an ironic fight as the Child of Daana'd brought her own mastery of the element to bear. But as she overcame her foe, the realization of her weapon’s destructive power struck a chord of fear inside her. As the waters of the sea turned red, The Maiden of Deep Shadows sailed away from Skullstone, looking for an escape from her existence.
Forged in the Underworld, the massive Jade spear is adorned with skull motifs inlaid with Soulsteel up and down the length, while its bladed edge is a sinister looking barb that would pierce through armor as easily as flesh. Across the weapon are 3 sockets for hearthstones. When submerged, water roils around the spear's tip, as if trying to escape the pain while inevitably drawn to it.
Attunement: 5m Type: Heavy (+1 ACC, +14 DMG, +0 DEF, OVW 5) Tags: Lethal, Melee, Piercing, Reaching, Two-Handed Hearthstone slots: 3 Era: Time of Tumult
Evocations of Deep Abyss's Scream When attuning to Deep Abyss's Scream, the Exalt awakens Abyss Geyser at no cost. An Exalt resonant with Deep Abyss's Scream who pays an additional 3 motes when attuning to Deep Abyss's Scream unleashes the full devastating might of the spear, gaining an additional initiative on any Withering damage roll that includes at least one 10 and applies double 10s to Decisive damage rolls.
Abyss Geyser
4m; Mins: Essence 1
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Dissonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: None
With her spear tip to the ground, the echoing scream brings forth the water deep below the surface. Geysers burst from the ground, tearing it apart in a bursting stream that rushes toward her opponent. She makes an attack out to Medium Range, which if it hits and deals at least one level of damage, knocks her opponent prone. If the weapon holds at least one water-aspected hearthstone, this water remains as large puddles across the area for the remainder of the scene.
Special Activation Rules: This evocation only functions on the ground floor of a building or the ground itself. Theoretically, there must be water below the ground and areas experiencing extreme droughts prevent the use of this evocation. While on the deck of a ship, she may choose to cause the geyser to explode from below, but this likely spells disaster without other charms.
Dissonant: Wielders dissonant with Jade may only send the geyser out to Short range.
Flood Gates Breach
Cost: 4m, 2i; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Simple
Keywords: Decisive-Only
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Abyss Geyser
Water swirls at her feet, gathering behind the Exalt like a wave. In a moment, it rushes forward, carrying her on the water with her spear intent to kill. The Exalt dashes forward a single rangeband, gliding across water and ignoring difficult terrain, before making a decisive attack. The wave strikes a moment after her blow, knocking her opponent back one rangeband unless they succeed on a (Strength+Athletics) roll with a difficulty equal to the successes on the decisive damage roll. She may perform this, even if she has already taken her movement action for the round.
Special Activation Rules: This evocation requires at least some body of water nearby, including the remains of the prerequisite if socketed with a water-aspect hearthstone. It can only be used once per opponent per scene, but it can be reset for a specific opponent by crashing them.
Ocean Burial
Cost: 6m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Resonant
Duration: Instant
Prerequisite: Abyss Geyser
The Exalt leaps into the air, and water follows behind her, before crashing down with the might of Deep Abyss’s Scream, like an ocean falling from the sky. The Exalt may leap forward a single rangeband, before slamming down into the ground with destructive force followed by a deluge of water. After he decisive damage roll, the wielder of the Direlance can reroll (Essence) failed dice on her damage roll. Against a prone opponent, her damage roll benefits from double 10s.
Special Activation Rules: This evocation requires at least some body of water nearby, including the remains of the prerequisite if socketed with a water-aspect hearthstone. It can only be used once per opponent per scene, but it can be reset for a specific opponent by crashing them.
Resonant: The attack and damage roll benefit from double 9s against a prone opponent instead.
Mountain Felling Corrosion
Cost: 1m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 2
Type: Supplemental
Keywords: Stackable, Withering-Only, Dissonant
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite: Flood Gates Breach, Ocean Burial
Like a mountain wears down as the sea crashes into it, each strike wears down her opponent’s defenses. This evocation supplements a withering attack, ignoring a single point of soak. Each time the Exalt uses this evocation in a scene, he increases how much soak is ignored. Each activation after the first in the same scene ignores the Willpower cost. Any time she resets to base initiative, the amount of soak ignored resets to lower of (Essence or current stacks of this evocation).
Dissonant: This evocation can only be stacked up to (Essence+1) times in a scene.
Well of Black Depths
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 3
Type: Simple
Keywords: Perilous, Dissonant
Duration: One Scene
Prerequisite: Mountain Felling Corrosion
With a wave of her direlance, seas churn, plants wither, rivers flood, and disasters abound. This evocation conjures deadly water across the ground from the nearest sources, draining plants dry, pulling riverbeds up onto the shore, and calling hellish rain to cover an area out to Medium range. Polluted through the curses of the Underworld, this water takes on a searing brine, that pulls water from those caught inside of it.  Anyone wearing less than Heavy Armor (or waterproof footwear) feels the immediate pains of their body dehydrating. A character knocked prone in the scene is immediately re-exposed, as is any character struck by Flood Gates Breach or Ocean Burial. Otherwise, the liquid functions as a poison, with the following stats (3i / round, Duration of 3+Essence rounds, -1 penalty). A character crashed by the water immediately begins to suffer dehydration, taking a -3 penalty to their defenses and actions, that can only be recovered by leaving the body of toxic water and drinking pure water. The wielder of Deep Abyss’s Scream and up to one character per water-aspected hearthstone socketed in the direlance do not suffer the water’s effects. Trivial characters die in a matter of rounds of exposure.
This salt water brine remains, although at the end of the scene, ceases to be supernaturally dehydrating, though may still leave the ground salted and ruin plants. The water can only be purified by a Purity Gem hearthstone after the end of the scene this evocation was activated in.
This evocation can only be used once per scene and cannot be reset by the Dawn caste anima banner.
Dissonant: This evocation can only be used while the Exalt has 10+ initiative and resets the Exalt to base initiative after use.
Searing Sea Rain
Cost - (+1wp, 4i); Mins: Essence 3
Type: Permanent
Keywords: Decisive-Only, Perilous
Duration: Permanent
Prerequisite: Well of Black Depths, Rising Sun Slash (Exalted p.347)
At the pinnacle of the Exalt’s strike, it is not a glaring sun beam for the wielder of Deep Abyss’s Scream, but rather than storm cloud on the horizon. When her decisive attack benefits from Rising Sun Slash (on a roll containing at least one 7, 8, 9, and 10), the Exalt may pay an additional 1 willpower and 4 initiative to create an immediate one time hazard of acidic water, spraying out to strike everyone within short range of her. This deals (Essence) dice of damage to her target and anyone out to short range who fails a difficulty 4 (Dexterity+Athletics) check.
Birthing Mother Hydra
Cost: 8m (+4m); Mins: Essence 3
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Perilous, Dissonant, Resonant
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite: Well of Black Depths
As the sea claims victims, the fear of the depths grows deeper, and from that deepening abyss, monsters of nightmare are born. Whenever the Exalt activates this evocation’s prerequisite, a small pool of the water forms into a jelly-like Chrysalis. Each time initiative is lost to the brine, it is stored in the chrysalis, to a maximum of 10 initiative. At any point, the Exalt may activate this evocation to birth from the chrysalis a snake like monster. It has as much initiative as was stored in the Chrysalis and can only make decisive attacks. Each time initiative is lost to this evocation’s prerequisite, the creature gains that initiative to a maximum of 10. If the creature is reduced to 0 initiative, makes a successful decisive attack, or leaves , it dissolves into water. The spawn has no health levels, instead attacks deal initiative damage to it, inflicting one additional level for every 4 dice of damage rolled. The Exalt may spend 4m to spawn another in the same scene, but may only have one creature at a time.
Chrysalis Spawn
Attack (Exalt’s Awareness+Melee+Essence). Damage (Lower of initiative or the Exalt’s initiative + trigger exposure to Well of Black Depth’s poison) Combat Movement: (10+Essence) dice Evasion: (1+Exalt’s Awareness) Parry: (1+Exalt’s Melee) Soak: (12+Essence) Hardness: (6+Essence)
Dissonant: Wielders dissonant with Jade cannot master this evocation.
Resonant: The maximum initiative of the Chrysalis and its spawn is increased to (10+Essence).
Horrors Lurk Beneath
Cost: 10m, 1wp; Mins: Essence 4
Type: Reflexive
Keywords: Perilous
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite: Birthing Mother Hydra
Below the surface, in the darkest depths, there are always more terrors below. This evocation can be activated in place of its prerequisite, causing the Chrysalis to spawn up to (Essence) creatures. The initiative stored in the Chrysalis must be divided evenly, to a minimum of three, and then gains an additional initiative. For example, a Chrysalis with 10 initiative can be turned into 3 creatures with 3, 3, and 4 initiative (which then becomes 4, 4, and 5). Each time initiative is drained from the Well of Black Depth’s poison, it goes into the Chrysalis, allowing the Exalt to spend 4m to spawn another creature reflexively when she chooses. She may only have up to (Essence) creatures at once, but she may choose to fuse two or more together to have their initiatives combines (up to the maximum of their normal initiative pools in this evocation’s prerequisite).
One Hundred Severed Heads Become 10,000 Jaws
Cost: 15m; Mins: Essence 5
Type: Simple
Keywords: Perilous, Resonant
Duration: One scene
Prerequisite: Horrors Lurk Beneath
Special Activation Rules: Only wielders resonant with Jade or the Abyssal exalted may unlock this evocation.
Stabbing her spear into the Crysalis formed by Birthing Mother Hydra or Horrors Lurk Beneath, the Exalt calls any spawned creatures back to her as water rushes around her body, raising her upwards in a tentacled multi-headed mass that she floats inside of. In order to activate this evocation, the Exalt must have 15+ initiative. In this form, she gains the following benefits:
For the purpose of feats of strength, she counts as having a strength of 6 and rolls 12 dice towards those actions. 
Her soak becomes (13+1 for every spawn consumed by this charm), her hardness becomes (10+1 for every spawn consumed by this charm) and she gains an additional health track that must be overcome before she can be harmed. 
She has three -0 levels, (Essence) -1 health levels, and (Essence+3) -2 and -4 health levels. If all of these health levels are filled, the evocation ends immediately. 
The Exalt gains Legendary Size in her Hydra form. Smaller enemies can not inflict onslaught penalties without magic, nor can they crash her without a post-soak damage pool of 10+ dice. Decisive damage against her Hydra form’s health levels cannot exceed the attacker’s (Strength+3) without magic. Smaller creatures cannot grapple, knock back, or otherwise move her in her Hydra form. As a creature of Legendary Size, she ignores these benefits when she fights Warstriders, Tyrant Lizards, etc.
In addition to her normal action for the round (which must be something that an enormous hydra made of searing briny water can take), she may take a devastating action each round.  The devastating action may be used to reflexively make an attack against either an enemy battle group or all trivial opponents within range of the pilot’s weapon.   
Instead of making an attack, the Exalt may have up to (Essence) heads strike at different targets. She rolls her (Dexterity+Melee) with (Essence) non-charm dice added opposed by her target’s (Dexterity+Athletics) roll. Failure indicates immediate re-exposure to Well of Black Depth’s poison.
At the end of the scene or when this charm ends from damage, the Exalt hits the ground, body severely dehydrated, filling her health boxes to the -4 with lethal damage. This charm may only be used once per story unless reset by completing a defining or legendary social goal through water-based mass destruction.
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unconqueredfun · 7 years
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Why fight fair when you can use sorcery?
So I made a homebrew port of a 2e spell that summoned a warstrider (giant mecha) from nearby things. For 3e that sounds kindof weird. So instead it turns you into something that can fight behemoths, armies and warstriders. Balanced to where while you don’t have evocations or the external health levels of a warstrider, you don’t need a hearthstone and some more charms are availible.
This is Liao Wen’s celestial control spell. Fighting armies has never been easier!
I’ll put the homebrew under the cut.
God-Forged Champion of War.
Ritual 3wp
The sorcerer pulls essence from the air around her and suffuses it into her body, creating a startling transformation of her being. After a half a hour long ritual, the sorcerer’s body grows and expands until she is the size of a warstrider and remains such for an amount of hours equal to her permanent essence rating. During this time she has to attune her own personal essence for the spell as well and commit 10m for the duration. For the duration however she’s considered to be wearing heavy artifact armor, regardless of what armor she wears in actuality. All her weapons and armor changes size with her but only confer the reaching tag on all melee attacks against smaller targets and mundane weapons will use the artifact equivelent for damage and accuracy as well as overwhelming.
While under the effect of God-Forged Champion of War, the sorcerer gains the following.
Legendary size: Withering attacks made by smaller enemies cannot drop the sorcerer below 1 Initiative unless they have a post-soak damage of at least 10 dice, though they award attacks the full amount of initiative. Decisive attacks by smaller opponents can’t inflict more than 3+Strength levels of damage to the sorcerer, not counting any levels of damage added by charms of other magic. Smaller enemies impose no onslaught penalty without the aid of magic.
Soak and Hardness: If she was unarmoured prior to the transformation she gains a total soak and hardness of 13 and 10. If she had armor this increases. To the following Light: 14/10 Medium: 15/10 Heavy: 16/10. As sorcery has transformed the sorcery and is of a greater power than invulnerable skin of bronze, the sorcerer gains no benefit from invulnerable skin of bronze while God-Forged Champion of War is active, directly or through control effects.
Health: The sorcerer gains +2x0/+1x-1/+3x-2/+3x-4 whilst transformed.
Titanic strength: She gains three to her strength score, for the purposes of damage, even if this brings her over 5 but cannot exceed 7. These do not add to charm caps however but does not count towards the charm dice limit. For feats of strength, the strength is doubled. So a strength 2 character, would get 5 strength in god-forged form. This doubles to 10 for feats of strength.
Mobility: The sorcerer gains a +3 speed bonus to her rush and disengage actions and she isn’t required to take a disengage action to move away from close combatants against small foes. This does not apply to battlegroups. Outside of combat she is capable of traversing three rangebands per turn if rangebands are used or 13 kilometers per hour at a walking pace, running can double this. Running however brings with a great deal of notice and tremors in the wake.
Devastating action: The sorcerer may reflexively make an attack against either an enemy battle group or all trivial opponents (Exalted, p. 208) within range of their weapon. This doesn’t count as their combat action for the round, allowing her to make another attack. The pilot may reflexively invoke one Simple-type Charm that creates an attack, such as Blazing Solar Bolt, with her devastating action.  
Huge size: Being big has drawbacks. During the duration the sorcerer suffers a -4 penalty when doing things against a human scale. Such as using objects or even attacking an enemy. This also extended towards spotting human scale characters. Stealth rolls however suffer a -4 successes penalty. And due to her extreme weight will sink through soft surfaces such as mud or ice.
Limitations: The increase in strength does not stack with increasing strength exercise. She uses her normal strength for the purposes of charms such as fire and stones strike or hammer on iron technique. Unlike warstriders however, God-Forged Champion of War is compatible with spirit strengthens the skin and similar.soak increasing charms. But not Diamond Body Prana, similarly charms that add extra temporary health levels are also incompatible.
A sorcerer who knows God-Forged Champion of War as their control spell are unnaturally strong even not in a colossal form, in a normal state she is considered to have two more strength than she actually does for the meeting the requirements of attempting certain feats of strength where being large can be advantageous. Her shadow also become unnaturally long compared to her peers and have an uncanny ability to loom over others.
Distort 10: When distorted by another sorcerer, the sorcerer’s sense of balance becomes impaired and is not scaled for the sorcerer’s new size. Thusly she  becomes massively clumsy, all actions get a -3 penalty and her dv receives a -2 penalty
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torturedata-blog · 7 years
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traderpulse · 3 years
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traderpulse · 3 years
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traderpulse · 3 years
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traderpulse · 3 years
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traderpulse · 3 years
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One indicator for all markets                         With Range Band Indicator at your side, there is no need for looking for another indicator to deal with various markets. It works with unique strategies and back tested well for reliable performance. Check the new tool with latest features https://traderpulse.com/most-powerful-indicator-for-metatrader-range-band/
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wetalktrade · 3 years
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traderpulse · 3 years
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Earn more in your forex trading! Get “Range Band Indicator” and hit the right spots in your forex trading. It’s a simple, easy to use handy technical indicator that has been proven with numerous backtests.
Join with our users who are successful in their trading! https://traderpulse.com/most-powerful-indicator-for-metatrader-range-band/
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traderpulse · 3 years
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Feeling bored? You have a way to escape from this hard time! Try the reliable forex indicator which offers a new range of benefits by the new features incorporated. Stay home and enjoy your forex https://traderpulse.com/most-powerful-indicator-for-metatrader-range-band/
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