#rant kinda?
So, I Watched "My Roommate is Hades"
Here's some reactions from me as I watch the pilot episode. Maybe be a bit of rant/long post. Told and expressed in bullet points (list).
Trigger/Content Warning: nude/naked mention (vague), all-caps, cursed image, boomer, fire (fake, CGI)
Major Spoilers: My Roommate is Hades (MRIH) [Pilot Episode]
his name is Homer. like the Greek poet, Homer.
FUN FACT: Lehrer means "teacher" in German
Homer Lehrer -> Greek poet name and also surname means "teacher"? oh f*ck yeah
Matthessy? like... like Odessey? or am I just a nerd.
nice theme song ya got there - catchy
"yeah, that Hades" what other Hades would he be, your main audience are all queer as f*ck, we KNOW Greek Mythology
second time to college - good to note
first degree in chemical engineering but went nowhere? love me some "Thomas projects on his characters" content
Homer is a sweetheart, look at him in his little videos on campus, he's ready to learn, a curious poet man
over 10 years since he last went to school, m'kay
"oh sheesh" -> I laughed at his reaction to how long it's been since he was in school LMAO
yeah, some adjustment period, huh?
Homer's lighting is warm hue and Hades' lighting is cold/icy hue
"HEy-" ffs, Hades almost scared me, jfc
why does Homer look scared in Hades' POV but in his own POV, he just looks annoyed?
^hmm, interesting...
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^I'm laughing, omg-
"doughy mortal" my dude, you make him sound like a pastry
Homer says "mortal rights"
just love the interaction of Homer thinking doughy means he hasn't been working out or something & Hades is like "no, I mean you're soft" and goes on a mini tangent about how he'd die to the easy-feat crocodiles back in Ancient Greece
I have a feeling Hades is gonna talk about Ancient Greece a lot throughout this series - cause it's home
"again with the crocodiles" -> man has talked about crocodiles before, hasn't he?
Hades is an early sleeper, I guess??
^also, 3pm? my dude, that's the afternoon, no need to sleep that f*cking early
love how Hades can just whoosh into visibility from the shadows - excellent for stealing pizza from roommate
"I like my money" OKAY THEN, RICH BOI.
wait, wtf are you doing in college, you f*cking snobby pizza-hoarding mf?
Hades is just walking around with very little to no clothes on, and Homer just closes his eyes and takes off his glasses like "this f*cking dude" in annoyance
"In Ancient Greece, everyone was naked all of the time!" -> everyone in Ancient Greece was also very gay and queer, shut up
^"puppet shows-" WAIT WUT
"You keep bringing up the meaninglessness of mortals' lives." // "To be fair, you're pretty good at bringing it up yourselves."
"that's gen z" // "I'm a millennial, I can only be depressed-"
^gonna cry, omfg LMAO
Homer being surprised at Hades' confession that he doesn't want to be here either is something to note; perhaps they both don't want to be the situation they're in, for different reasons
^something to connect over?
Hades misses his doggo
ah yus: brother Zeus says "ya kinda weird bro" and then yeets him into mortal college
"f*cking community college-" I DIED, H A-
mm, love it when Gods get yeeted by their siblings into mortal bodies to learn a lesson - very delicious trope
"yes I did, Benjermin Franklin" // "what the f*ck-"
Bennie is my favourite, omg
never pause this video - oh god
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^suffer with me :3
"college is useless, death is inevitable" -> you would get along with gen z, wouldn't you?
"fate worse than immortality itself" -> using this every time I have a mild inconvenience
Homer has an existential crisis - relatable
"So, upon seeing the ghost of Benjermin Franklin, something broke inside my brain."
Homer being like "learning that Gods exist was a shocker, but hey - worse sh*t has happened" is my fav thing about him
^this is him upon learning the Afterlife is real
RIP Homer's Sanity, never had a chance, 2023 to Never
ah yus, Greek God eats grapes like he's posing for a statue made after him. classic Gods behaviour
FLORAL SHIRT - the flower motif continues
love how chill Hades is about the Afterlife/explaining it as if Homer didn't just have his entire worldview and reality break in half
5 rivers, Tartarus, Rive Styx - love all of this Greek Mythology knowledge
^the true gayness comes out when GREEK MYTHOLOGY
Hades doesn't know Beyonce - a true Greek tragedy
"is any of them, idk, nice?" // "eh-"
^that's not reassuring
Homer's Existential Crisis, Part II
scales of judgement, mm
...can we please give Homer a hug? he needs one.
Hades has teal/light blue fire- neat
Homer studied Greek Mythology in school? that's very gay of you, sir.
Afterlife has Purgatory and Cool Kids Club, confirmed
Hades not putting people in places cause grey areas and "too much paperwork" - relatable lmao
I just realized Hades is basically like "back in my day" with Ancient Greece
^is Hades a boomer-
Homer really said "um morals tho-" and Hades gets angy
Hades complaining about the weird deal between Zeus and Menelaus(?) is funny to me
wait, Hades complaining about Orpheus is funnier, omg-
I sense some "no one listens to me or heeds my advice" angst from Hades
"f*cking artists-" laughing, crying, TIME TO PERISH
"not even mortals listen to me" -> I WAS RIGHT
hmm, a wager? interesting...
this is gonna get so gay, oh dear lord
"little man" -> Homer is short, confirmed
Immediately recognized Hermes, the casting is brilliant
gay-ass Hermes, yep
Persephone is mentioned and then Hades is like "skjhfkajs- I mean, oh really? haha, how is she?"
Hermes being like "I have no f*cking clue" is funny to me LMAO
Hermes is a flirt, confirmed
^he literally winks/flirts with Homer lmao
Zeus heading a fraternity? most canon thing in canon
"if there's one thing I care about less than humanity, it's my family"
^LMAO Hades is an emo edgelord with a literal God Complex
"a living hell... in a bad way" -> why is that funny-
the best ending line, lmao
mm, outro
Some Overall Thoughts
Because this is the Pilot episode, and Thomas had admitted somewhere that he's not entirely sure how to do what he intends to do, I didn't expect perfection. I was right not to. This is still a very good pilot episode, even with the random things I noticed. It does sound a bit more scripted in an obvious way. Which can be a bit... just eh. We'll see how this goes.
The different lighting choices for Hades and Homer was a nice touch. I appreciate the blue/icy lighting for Hades, as he is portrayed as a cold character. I also appreciate the orangish-yellow/warm lighting for Homer, as he is portrayed as a kind and moral character. There's even some colour themes with them, evident in their student cards. Homer has that beige theme, and Hades has the light blue theme. Hades' fire is even teal/light blue, which is a nice little detail.
The generation jokes were funny (to me, at least), but I can recognize how they'd be kinda blah with other people. Hades seems to be a bit of a boomer (always talking about Ancient Greece in the back-in-my-day fashion), while Homer is a millennial (literally says so in one of his generation jokes). Even then, still funny to me.
^But still, can be a bit flat in the humour department.
I love everyone's distinct personalities already. We have our protagonist, Homer Lehrer, who just wants to go to college and make something of his life; Hades, a Greek God who's "out of touch" with the real world and thus has been sentenced to community college; Hermes, who's a flirty, flamboyant mf with no clue who tf sent the letters or where tf they came from (even though he's literally The Messenger); and we have everyone else, yet to be seen on screen.
The family banter already (between Hades and Hermes) is 100% my fav part about the Greek Deities. Them just bickering like mortal family members would. I love it!
Some lore/theories to think about! Who sent the letters that knocked all of the Greek Deities out and sentenced them to mortality and community college? Why did this happen? Where did the letters come from? How tf did Hermes send himself a letter and then blackout like his amass of siblings & family members? What's the deal with Persephone and Hades? Why won't she talk to him? What happened between them?
What is Homer's purpose of being there, sans him going back to college for self-fulfillment reasons?
How tf did Zeus head an entire faternity so fast?
Homer being roomies with Hades is the funniest sh*t about this entire series.
I do both love and feel weary about the sitcom vibes from this. Sitcoms are funny in their own corny, classic way. It's scripted in a sorta obvious way, but there is a good amount of natural flow to it.
Anyway: that's all my thoughts for now. Hope everyone enjoyed this lovely lil pilot. Feel free to share your own thoughts and theories!! I want to hear them.
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noxith-sky · 1 month
Ok I actually kinda hate the npc quests in Elden Ring. They feel so hyper specific, like go take to Sir Doosh in the corner of this one room way in the back of the castle, but only after you kill Y and before killing Z. Also, make sure you progressed Mage Knight Killface's quest to stage 5 otherwise Lady Paleface the Grim won't move to her new location.
Like stop. I just want to explore the world at my own pace. Not follow a 17 step guide to get one specific item. And I feel compelled to do them cause they're missable or you can mess them up and fail the quest.
This system worked OK is dark souls cause the world was smaller, but I was never great. Now in Elden Ring it feels like an active determent to me.
Everyone teleport back to roundtable hold to give me personal updates please.
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eclipse-moon96 · 3 months
Spoilers for Go rush Episode 114
So dark miester was Yuamu all this time huh... well we all saw that coming a mile away. I like Yuamu but girl why break Yudias like that for the second time? I thought you cared for him and the others?!
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Blog Update / Muse Retirement
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//Hate that it's got to this point. Going to be a bit of a downer here so, read at your own discretion.
There is little to say really. Like many people here, I use RP as a form of escapism to my own stress and life. It makes me genuinely happy to get into character and forget about problems for a while.
These past weeks I have been in dire need of RP more than I had in a very long time. An awful timing really, to hit a slump in interactions.
I did my homework, I tried to network. I reached out. A few became welcome and beautiful mutuals, but many, many many others unfortunately did not. At my age, I tell myself I can handle rejection well, but that is only true to a certain degree. Even if I don't let these feelings impact my routine and real life, they are there nonetheless. And I don't want them to be.
After doing research on how to help with the situation, I have reached the conclusion that I have been in denial just how much my choice to make a multimuse blog has come back to bite me in the ass. Things like anonymous RP confessions say it like it is: multimuse blogs are stigmatized and often passed on without a chance given.
We are considered to be unorganized, lack commitment, and not provide the muses we put in our roster we asked. Personally, I thought multimuse was an excellent idea. I thought that making single blogs muses for such niche fandoms would lead to no activity, since my pool of potential partners would be smaller. I thought a multimuse would equal to fish with a net rather than a rod.
I was wrong, haha.
I can be super organized and tag every post with its fandom; I can provide all the tools for my followers to blacklist fandoms they are not interested in; I can commit to respond to any muse in my roster one may ask for. All this hard work won't amount to anything to those who just look at a number and decide I do none of those things without actually giving me a chance to prove them wrong.
So what is it that I can do? Create single muse blogs. The idea of having to log out and log in from tumblr for each individual muse to check notifications, reblog memes and post replies seems like even more work than what I already am doing, but if it is what gets mutuals, then so be it.
I feel like I have lost a fight here, but RP is a hobby, my favorite hobby, and it shouldn't be making me miserable.
So what is the TLDR? Do not panic. This blog isn't going anywhere anytime soon. But I will be slowly retiring muses that haven't gotten any engagement in months. Those I care to keep will get their own blog, and when those are set up and running, I will update you and provide links for anyone interested.
We are talking about an endeavor that will take months, so do not throw me away as a mutual just yet. This blog will stay up and running until everything else is set up properly. I have over 1500 posts to scan through and decide whether to transfer or not (I hate to leave my own writing behind, I like to go back and reread these threads for my own enjoyment).
In the meantime, I hope to still RP with everyone here. If you want to make sure I update you regarding a specific muse getting their own blog, DM me and I'll write a memo to do so. Just know that it is a long term project.
Thanks to all of my new mutuals and the old ones who have stuck around. You guys are keeping me sane everyday and trust me, this is less of an overstatement than it sounds.
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teasweet13 · 5 months
Bruh I am TRYING to move on ATSV and my otp for it but that media and my ship is like a drug.
Doesn't help that unlike nomnomnami games, Across the Spiderverse wasn't created by a fucking nonce so it's harder for me to just drop it.
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yiippeeekaley · 9 months
For me, the worst part of mediocre sequels, bad adaptations, and crappy spin offs is that not only do they warp the perception of whatever franchise they're related to, but certain people will CLING to that warped perception FOR LIFE
You'd think that since it's so bad, people would pan it and then move on, but no. Even if it's something objectively horse shit and devoid of any enjoyable qualities, you'll still see it pop up in some way. It could be something that's been dead and irrelevant for years or decades, and you'll still feel its hold on how people perceive the overall brand
Like, god damn. I really do just have to accept that for certain franchises, I'm gonna be dead and gone by the time all those incorrect preconceptions finally dissolve. Or, in the best case scenario, I'm at a point in life where I don't care anymore. Holy hell, that's fun (it isn't)
I am a firm believer that owners of IPs should be extremely strict with what gets greenlit.
People should care how brands are perceived and treated. Whether they've had an official hand in the productions or are simply a fan.
seeing something you're invested in be completely mishandled isn't fun. Seeing something you enjoy getting butchered beyond recognition except for some surface level details is annoying. Then there's the added wound of having to see that god-awful failure an installment or product frequently showing up in the wild when you would rather it just vanish forever
Worst of all. This kind of thing is a common occurrence.
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ozzyeelz · 1 year
I love the time of year when i wake up and its hella foggy. like who tf turned down my render distance
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There's something especially biting about people telling transmascs specifically to unpack their misogyny.
After so long of being yelled at or berated by my mother. Looked at with disgust for not shaving my legs and yelled at when I cut my hair, guilt tripped into wearing makeup, and being told any masculine dress was "not socially acceptable." All things that actively hurt gnc women as well as trans people. All things that are misogynistic to imply women have to do.
Every time I try to come out as trans: "I wish you weren't ashamed of your femininity, I'm so heartbroken that you hate women. You're only trying to become a man because you think women are inferior." Following it up with a "why can't you express yourself as you are and just be a gnc woman..." As if she didn't just mock me for those exact traits.
My mother, and by extension TERFs (as my mother is one), constantly imply that the only reason transmasculine people exist is because they are poor little girls who struggle with internalized misogyny. They need to embrace being the gnc women they truly are~ And the gnc women need to fix their internalized misogyny by being more feminine~
So imagine my frustration when the communities I assume to be safe for trans people (both irl and online) hit me with the "transmascs need to unpack their misogyny :/" "a surprising number of transmascs are misogynistic actually :/"
Everyone needs to unpack their misogyny dipshit. The fact that transmascs are singled out specifically leads me to conclude one (or both) of two things:
You have encountered a shitty transmasc person and have taken it upon yourself to decide that the entire transmasc community is like that. I'm not saying misogynistic transmascs don't exist, but if you see someone with a bigoted worldview and go "well this is indicative of the entire community" you are the problem.
You think transmascs are misogynistic for getting gender dysphoria around things that are feminine or conversely, they are misogynistic for getting euphoria around masculinity. This is just straight up punishing trans people for being true to themselves.
Both of these are transphobic arguments and are common TERF tactics to discredit trans people. I do not trust you if you hold the opinion that misogyny is more prevalent in transmasculine spaces than in society at large.
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getvalentined · 1 year
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So, in spite of suing multiple other companies with the assertion that scraping user content for generative AI training is illegal, Long Rodent has decided that the dead bird is going to do the same thing! Natively! On-platform! To train his own new generative AI engine!
With this in mind, I cannot impress this vehemently enough:
If you are on Twitter as a creator of any kind, it's time to pack up your work and GET THE HELL OUT.
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valc0 · 4 months
Rogue is Jack
Rogue is the Master
Rogue is a pre-Hartnell doctor
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thecommunalfoolboy · 5 months
It’s crazy how many people just don’t understand why a lot of aro and or ace people don’t like that Alaster gets shipped. It’s not that hard to understand we don’t have a lot to let ourselves lose. I mean can you name 10 asexual characters? 5? Can you name two aro characters. There’s the guy from Archie who they made have a sex scene in a movie version. There’s a few books. I think a background character in Heartstopper? Do you see the theme here??? You’re all queer people, do you not get it? How it feels to have nothing? Is it so wrong to be upset that there’s finally an outwardly aroace person in popular media and instead of people embracing that they’re fighting on the internet about why it’s ok to ignore it? And I will never in my fucking life have anything against the people who are aro and or ace and portray him in THEIR experiences, even if it is a romance or sex favorable experience, but it is obvious that way too many of you guys are allo and it just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I don’t even like him as a character that much, he isn’t even made by an aroace artist. The show isn’t even that fucking good, I just want to keep someone like me for once in my life. If there were a million other aroace characters I wouldn’t care, but it just hurts seeing erasure coming from my own community. It just sucks, man, I don’t know. It just sucks
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Yall ever just, male ocs right, either cause of a show inspiration burst, a Burts of energy, listening to a really good song, or something else; and that character is queer or neurodivergent?
And you like this character so much ypu add them to a family of ocsz or make them related to this other oc
And eventually, you realize you've made an entire family tree, where their all queer, neurodivergent, or both
And even after realizing it, you dont stop-
Hats me y'all, that's me, I'll be sitting here with my 50+ ocs that are all queer or ND or both
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zebulontheplanet · 9 months
Im sorry, but a TON of you know fucking nothing about level 3 autism.
A lot of you like to go “but I can’t live fully independent and need help with some things so I must have level 3 autism 🥺” I can promise you that you being able to live with your partner and semi independently does NOT mean you have level 3 autism.
So many people have been watering down level 3 autism. And self diagnosing themselves with it because they need a bit more support then those people on TikTok need and it’s TIRING. I can ASSURE you that the majority of autistic people need more support than those big creators on TikTok because a LOT of them aren’t even realistic with their own support needs.
Level 3 autism means you need a LOT of help. It’s called needing very substantial support for a reason. People with DIAGNOSED and even UNDIAGNOSED level 3 autism are not only visibly autistic in many ways, but need a lot more support than you realize. A lot of level 3s are nonverbal or semiverbal (although some are verbal). A lot of level 3s need support in EVERY. ASPECT. OF. THEIR. LIFE. this doesn’t mean just reminders to bathe and reminders to take their medication.
No, this means literally someone hand feeding them. Someone physically bathing them. Clothing them. Handing them their medication and watching them take it or physically having to put it in their mouth. Constant care. This means a TEAM of carers and support staff. A lot of level 3s end up in group homes, residentials, Institutions. A lot of level 3s need help using the bathroom and this doesn’t mean just simply reminding them, no this means physically walking them to the bathroom and helping them in every step.
Not to mention the comorbidities that commonly come with level 3 autism.
A lot of level 3s don’t know how to use the internet. Although I’ve met a few who do and it’s totally possible! A lot don’t.
Stop fucking doing this. Look at the DSM5. Look at higher support needs people. Ask around. Don’t just say Willy nilly that you have level 3 autism. You needing support is completely valid, but taking the label from people who are more disabled then you it is not ok.
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I am having normal emotions about the new hozier ep
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acornered · 1 month
I've never really self-identifed as butch because my style sensibility leans more toward effeminate gay man/eccentric grandparent but while my girlfriend was visiting, the clasps that held the shoulder strap of her handbag kept breaking (thanks temu), and finally I got fed up and fixed it by
a) wrenching off the old clasps with a pair of plyers and
b) replacing them with the only clasps I had on hand, which were 2 giant carabiners
and yeah, now that I think about it, that is incredibly butch lesbian behavior.
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featheredadora · 1 year
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