#rat legion
sarcasmiclife · 1 year
Light Bringer spoilers ahead tread lightly
So this has been wandering around in my head non-stop since I started the Iron Gold tetralogy. It has been foreshadowed, lampshaded, cited and referenced multiple time in all the three books of the tetralogy.
The Rat War.
First mentioned when Dancer and Darrow talked about not being able to sleep. It lasted three years and Dancer fought in all of it. Everyone who fought could never forget it. No one bragged about those victories, no one mentioned those nightmares.
That was all given to us in Iron Gold. We forgot it. It was a step in the ladder of freedom.
Then Dark Age. Darrow, his few Howlers and the Free Legions, The Heart of the Republic military, are stranded in Mercury, cornered by Atalantia and fated to a hopeless battle. The Rat Legion, best of those who fought in the dreaded Rat War is among the Free Legion. We get so many references it is thrilling.
When the first battle on Mercury was won by Darrow, after a lot of casualties, the Rat Legion was the only one that seemed to have enough energy to help with relief efforts. Even while they were put on R&R, they were out helping the wounded. And all that after they had held Heliopolis for half a day against Ajax, who is a nightmare himself to half the Republic navy. Even after that, they are purging the Gorgons, without anti-rads, and still being the sturdy pillar of the remaining Free legionnaires.
There are absolutely none in the Republic who don't respect and admire them to the ends of the worlds. And none in the Society who doesn't dread having to fight the Rat Legion. Not in the tunnels, not on the surfaces.
It is without question the most fabled legion in the Republic, right after the Howlers and the Pegasus Legion. And it is all Reds. All Red soldiers from Mars, arguably the lowest Colour in the Society.
The Rat War, lead only by the Reds and Obsidians, the weakest and the dumbest according to the Society, is a tale of horror almost a decade after. And it will always be.
The Fear Knight, undoubtedly the scariest motherfucker alive in the whole Solar System was haunted by the Rat War. It was extreme how even the memories of it can chill the veterans to their bones, that is not to even think about the second coming of it.
There are so many Red veterans and Obsidian heroes from the Rat War, though not more than the casualties. And not one of them not eternally haunted by the deeds they did in the mines.
And then, finally, finally, we are given a brief description of how the Rat War was fought, followed by a short demo in Light Bringer. It was enough to chill the readers, especially after the Minotaur and Cicero were straight up whipped out of the tunnels after that. And then to see how just the threat of it was enough to make grown Golds pale. Those who have fought in it, and those who haven't.
In the end it wasn't the Golds or their ships or their artillery or their legions of trained gray soldiers who broke the chains completely from Mars. It was the Reds, in their own mines, with Obsidian braves. All by playing with darkness, sounds, temperatures and fear raised by the war chant of Obsidians. It was what made the Society's Golds shake in their limbs even years later.
And if that isn't the peak of strategy and psychological fear and the genius of Pierce Brown, I don't know what is. The Golds could smash Reds like ants but they wouldn't fight the Rat Legion in their own lifetimes.
I am personally so amazed by it I don't know if I crave a short Rat War spin-off, or just want to live in mystery for the rest of my life after reading THOSE little vague stories.
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squeaks-rat · 1 year
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Me when me when, me, when i, me when i
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what-inthe-goddamn · 2 years
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No Gods, No Masters
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goldenbloodytears · 6 months
I would like to tell my fellow "Danny Does Canada" trope enjoyers something
You didn't need a passport to cross into Canada prior to 9/11. Same with the reverse. The trust was tremendous, do with this what you will.
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vertigoartgore · 21 days
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2019's Avengers Vol.8 #14 (LGY : #704) wraparound variant cover by cover artist Matteo Scalera.
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iridescent-king · 2 years
“Sorry but bongwater and his subjects declared you an enemy of the state. I can’t help you man.”
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WHERE ARE THEY TAKING ME? I HAVE RESEARCH I NEED TO BE DOING! HELP! HELP! Я американец! ты не можешь сделать это со мной!!
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eggmceggen · 6 months
I saw Seer in a dress and agree with this movement
I love them you honors and they love each other :3c
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also have two extra drawings because I am feeling generous
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xkeyon · 3 months
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So we might get Beast of Chaos back in Age of Sigmar which I really think they should be doing. For Grand Alliance Chaos, there needs to be 8 factions. 1 faction each representing a point on the Eight Pointed Star.
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From there each point associated with one of the factions have an absolute hatred for the one across with some of these being obvious with the Mono-God factions Khorne to Slaanesh
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Tzeentch to Nurgle
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Another one that makes sense is the Slaves to Darkness hating the Skaven. The members of the Slaves to Darkness worship & gain the favour of 4 of the Chaos God's but not the Great Horned Rat.
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Meanwhile the Skaven could work alongside members of the Gods, but Undivided unity is something I don't think they could get.
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So 6/8 points but if Beasts of Chaos do return who would be the opposite of Beast like Primitives who hate civilization the most. The Chaos Dwarfs/Duardin the Legions of Azgorh who also got some possible notice.
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Perhaps these 2 fight not just of hatred but to raise their lesser Chaos god to higher God status. Morghur or Hashut, as before there were only 4 Chaos Gods before the Great Horned Rat joined them.
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I like the green duck best! 🥹
I have a great love for Somi. It was so she's so wonderfully made and her flower crown matches the one I have in my room.
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motzaball-artistry · 1 year
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beloved creature
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mysillyfanstuff · 2 years
A picture of the grumpy rat boy. I messed up the mask, but I tried.
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gardenergulfie · 2 years
Awwww I’m watching the rats smp streams from today and I’m Sniff’s pov Guqqie tells Sniff that she wants to ask Aimsey out and ja collecting gifts for star awwwwwww
The rabbits Gay good for them
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deathweaved · 2 years
but also bc i mentioned lor'themar's hair........... koltira keeping his hair that long as a dk??? true dedication
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what-inthe-goddamn · 2 years
After bouncing back and forth between Vulpes’s in-game and card concept look, I decided to draw him in the latter style. I just think it helps set him as an important character. (Also in game Vulpes looks like a scrawny Adam Sandler and I cannot bring myself to draw that)
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Anyways here’s a little sketchy sneak peak of the rat bastard himself.
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sweetmangochutney · 2 years
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Something I designed for the DBD cosmetic contest earlier this year. 
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More updates!
Late one night, the Pack and the 501st play Never Have I Ever
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