#raw fanzine
thereal-sophieee · 2 years
Looking for a copy of the RAW Hannibal Fanthology!
I’m looking for a copy of the RAW Hannibal Fanthology, as pictured here on this blog! https://rawfanzine.tumblr.com/
(Image from rawfanzine)
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I can pay for the price of the book as well as shipping, and can do this via bank transfer (best option) or Paypal (my funds are being held, for some reason??? So might take some time.). 
Please contact me here via Tumblr messenger or replies (preferred)! Or Discord at strawberryvanillagalaxies#9993. Or if there is some other mystical tumblr thing I don’t know about, feel free to contact me there as well so I learn of it XD
I came to the fandom really late and was DEVASTATED to find that there were no physical copies left to buy. I found someone on Reddit saying that they got a copy via posting their question on Tumblr, so here I am!!
Also hi, this is my first post on Tumblr ^w^ I hope I’m doing this right!
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umbrace-rambles · 2 years
Looking for RAW and RAVAGE
Hi! I managed to obtain RADIANCE a while ago and I'd really love to own all three major Hannibal anthologies if possible, they have such fantastic work in them <3
If anybody is selling them, or knows of someone who might be interested in selling them, please let me know!
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madlori · 1 month
On being an older fangirl
I was probably 10 years old when I first conceived of what was, looking back, fanfiction. Me and my best friend would lie in bed together on sleepovers and I'd make up stories about what happened after the end of our favorite book, "The Westing Game." She'd ask me for more stories, and I'd tell her more, inventing them as I went along. "Then what?" she'd say.
I was 14 when I went to my first convention. I had discovered Star Trek: The Next Generation. It was 1987, and my youth pastor was a huge Trekkie. He took me to a one-day crappy Creation con, but it was amazing to me. I met Nichelle Nichols. My dad showed me the Trek movies. He and I watched TNG together.
When I went to college in 1991, my dad used to videotape TNG episodes onto VHS tapes and mail them to me, so I could keep watching (I didn't have TV in my dorm room).
By the time I was a senior, we had Trek watching parties in the dorm lounge, where the TV had cable. Star Trek: Voyager had started up, and I wrote a column about it for the college newspaper. I joined a mailing list about it, with people in it that I still know today.
I got my first computer that could go online in 1995. I was on newsgroups. I discovered Doctor Who. I went to Trek conventions where we still passed around fanzines containing fic and art and smutty K/S fan creations.
Then it was Harry Potter. Then there were websites. Then there was Geocities, where we could all make our own little spots. We organized them into webrings. We talked on newsgroups and mailing lists. There were fanfic archives. Then there was fanfiction.net.
Then...there was LiveJournal. And we could interact in entirely new ways. We could form communities, and debate things, and fight over canon, and get into ship wars. On LiveJournal, I met my best friend of 22 years. I was in her wedding. She's my sister of the heart (which is what she calls me).
Then there was Tumblr. And Twitter. And now there's Discord. But it's all the same.
I am the same.
I am still that little girl who made up fanfiction in her head to entertain her best friend. I am still the one who was amazed to find communities on the internet - which was so new, so raw, so uncommodified - where others like me could meet. I found there people to meet in real life.
I am still that twentysomething going to her first major convention, being told that someone loved my fic, being asked about my writing process.
I am still that thirtysomething watching something I wrote blow up. Seeing friends from other fandoms find me in new ones, finding them there, too. Forgetting which fandom I know someone from, because I've known them for twenty years.
I still know some of the people who created those early websites, those mailing lists, those archives. I still meet people in new fandoms who say "Oh, I read your fic in [fandom] fifteen years ago!" There's no feeling quite like having someone remember something you wrote for that long. Or meeting someone whose fic meant a lot to YOU, or who you talked with on rec.arts.drwho.creative in 1997.
Aging in fandom is a gift. Being middle-aged in fandom is a joy. Having people who still read what I write and ask "Then what?" is a blessing.
It breaks my heart that so many people see it as something to be ashamed of, when it is one of my life's greatest gifts.
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archeolatry · 5 months
Go take a look at this beautiful trove of old SparkSound magazines someone is selling on eBay. For the price they might as well be made out of gold, but the seller's been nice enough to take big, largely readable photos of so many of the issues. Is there a similar digital hoard of scanned versions? I'd love to see more! (I've seen photo pages in full but only snippets of the rest.) The absolute like... raw, sloppy, fanzine chaos of these as as official publications from a major label band is blowing my fucking mind, even if it is just for the fan club. It's literally their mom cutting and pasting and cramming mentions from both Melody Maker and TV Guide onto an A3 sheet of paper, layouts be damned. The apostrophe on her typewriter is broken for a couple issues but she carries on with an asterisk. She's also around 60 by this point and banging this out to an audience of hundreds or thousands like it's a local Kiwanis club newsletter. But she's doing it with gusto, by gum, and it's punk as hell. The best thing about it is that the lack of style is made up for by the absolute top-tier access to the band, and her being surprisingly on top of pertinent details.
For those of you who weren't in a fandom before the internet, those behind-the-scenes photos were like your favorite band's proof of life. There was no Instagram or Twitter, or anything that proved they existed between national TV appearances and touring in your area (besides those mentions in Melody Maker anyway). If you were lucky, your fandom had the capacity to trade videotapes and people in Scranton could see local TV appearances in Los Angeles and vice-versa. If you were really lucky they weren't all copies of copies with potato quality sound and video. Likewise, if you wanted the 12" extended European dance mix of a song with a B-side unavailable in the US, you had to either special order it somewhere and pay through the nose, hope it was in the imports section of a record store (and still pay through the nose), or you had to trade cassettes or burned CDs and hope the other person didn't flake on you. The fact that she's saying "Don't go running to the import section yet, the single will be out on ____ record label on this date with this track listing" is WAY more info than we usually got from our official sources. All "Mary Martin" needed to do for exclusive content was take pictures of her sons on vacation. On one page she's absolutely dunking on Russell them in wry cut-and-paste captions and on another she is the perfect hype man, telling people shows at The Greek Theater are gonna sell out so get your tickets early (but hold your horses on travelling- they're working on Japanese dates for September so you may not need to fly to the US). The personal thank-yous! The CARE! *slams fist on table* If any other band had their mom as the head of their fan club it'd be the most contrived shit in the universe, a complete lie, or both. I fucking love these guys.
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transformers-mosaic · 2 months
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Transformers: Mosaic - "Some Days"
Earliest evidence posted on June 29th, 2007
Story - Daniel Worsley Art - Andrew Turnbull
wada sez: So this strip came as something of a surprise to me! I had a single preview sketch for it from the Mosaic page way back in the first month of the project (see below). I was curious about this preview, but that was the only sign of it on the internet. At least, that was, until our Gherkin slid into my DMs with the finished strip! He’d acquired it in remarkable circumstances. Apparently, way back in 2010, he had downloaded a PDF for a Transmasters UK fanzine from “ScotCon 2009″, a small Scotland meetup... and right at the back, there it was! There’s no indication of the strip’s history with Mosaic in the zine itself; maybe it just took Turnbull ages to finish it? Strangely, the PDF presents the strip as the raw art (at tiny resolution, also see below) superimposed with proper text in the file. Anyway, this is obviously a crossover with Doctor Who, starring David Tennant’s incarnation of the character. The fire truck in the first panel seems like it could’ve been drawn with reference to G1 Inferno. I think the H’rud has been invented for this strip?
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rosewaterconley · 1 year
I solved a mystery that only I care about lol
ok so I have no clue what I'm doing and social media terrifies me. I will probably never touch this account again. why did I have to follow 3 algorithm-selected accounts to get into this website? I can actually name 3 people I'd want to follow on here and it's none of the people your fucking robot told me to follow. but hey, I feel like I have to post it here rather than my blogspot since nobody in the world actually uses blogspot and I want people to see this!
so anyway, there's this band out of the city of Milwaukee called Hero of a Hundred Fights. they dropped a couple CDs in the early 2000s and seem to have broken up, though all their members have been in bands since. that'll be important a little later. for now, Hero of a Hundred Fights are important to me on 2 levels:
I'm a Wisconsinite who has a tiny bit of an obsession with local history and art and really fuck with their weird mathy little corner of the 2000s hardcore scene
I'm a Faction Paradox fan and their 2001 EP The Remote, The Cold contains numerous references to the series! if you've heard of this EP before, it was probably in the context of some "music that references Faction Paradox" list or another
about #2... see, everyone already knows that track 2 is called Faction Paradox and track 3 is called The Celestis. we've all long since put together that the title is a reference to Lawrence Miles' Interference. but what about the lyrics? unfortunately, we don't know. they're not online, and the vocals are good, mind, but rather incoherent.
well, we didn't know. until I ordered a CD copy for like $8 lol. that's all it took! so here you go, the lyrics booklet plus some of the other artwork featured on the CD. artist Nick Slough did a great job on this art and it's a shame only the cover is widely available online (though that's hardly a problem unique to the physical version of this one album). turns out, this is some kinda concept album based on the Miles novel Interference. cool! really love the lyrics on Rope especially. "I need your blood to get this vessel running" and "my life was in your hands, I cut them off and now they're mine" are both raw as hell.
the cover art is pretty interesting. this album was recorded in 2000, released in 2001. the entire creative process occurred before the first standalone Faction Paradox release, The Book of the War. this means the album is entirely Doctor Who-based, not based on the FP series itself. it also means, if we assume the humanoid characters on the art are supposed to be the Remote, that this is the first-ever professional art depicting them!
disclaimer: the booklet lyrics don't 100% match up with what's said in the songs! it's mostly accurate but unfortunately there are some sections missing, some repeated bits that are only written once et al. that's all par for the course but I figured I'd mention it - especially in the case anybody wants to use this to transcribe the lyrics on Genius or some other site like that.
and while we're here, Hero 100 member William Zientara has been in a billion different bands, and I think he's probably the most responsible for the Doctor Who theme on this album. See, he was also in a short-lived band called Managara - named after a Doctor Who tie-in novel so obscure even I, owner of a complete set of Virgin New Adventures who spends my work breaks combing through digital copies of old fanzines, have only ever heard it discussed a handful of times. one of their songs is called Happiness Patrol. more recently, in 2021, he was in the band Fuiguirnet, who have a song called What Grows From the Seeds of Doom! which means Zientara has been randomly tossing Doctor Who references into songs from at least three different bands for twenty years!
so uhh without any further rambling here's the lyrics and art:
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popculturelib · 1 year
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Fanzine Friday #10: Skills (2009) by Sabrina Simon
Skills is a DIY zine about common household tasks and fun projects. Following last week's canning theme, here is the section about food preservation, with an additional recipe for a baking soda volcano.
The Browne Popular Culture Library (BPCL), founded in 1969, is the most comprehensive archive of its kind in the United States.  Our focus and mission is to acquire and preserve research materials on American Popular Culture (post 1876) for curricular and research use. Visit our website at https://www.bgsu.edu/library/pcl.html.
Image transcripts below the cut:
Food Preservation
I've been interested in food preservation for a while now and have figured out a few different ways to save fresh produce for use at a later date.
Many vegetables can be preserved simply by freezing. All you need is a plastic bag with no holes and a top that seals completely. Cook the vegetables (fully or partially), stick `em in a bag, stick the bag in the freezer, and there you go!
To prevent things from freezing in a clump, place them in a single layer on a baking sheet, place the sheet in the freezer, then transfer to storage bag when they are frozen through.
To freeze corn, cook it as you normally would, then cut the kernels off of the cob. Sometimes when cooked corn-on-the-cob sits around it gets pale and wrinkly, but after cutting it off the cob and freezing it, it will have a plump, yellow appearance. Nice.
Berries and grapes can be frozen raw.
Bananas can be placed in the freezer for later use. The skins turn brown but does not have an effect on flavor.
To freeze ranges and lemons: zest and juice the fruit then freeze the zest and the juice separately, in a plastic bag or ice cube tray; or just stick them in there whole; or cut into sections and store in bags.
Canning food may seem like an antiquated, labor-intensive idea, but it is actually simple once you know the process.
The Basic Boiling Water Canning Process
Obtain canning jars and lids— that is jars that have a flat lid and a bans band. You must use a new flat lid every time you can, but screw bands can be re-used. Wash the jars, bands, and lids in hot soapy water. Using a dishwasher is fine. Let dry thoroughly. Please follow a recipe for the food you want to can, because you need to make sure there is enough acid in the product so it won't spoil.
Prepare a canner. A canner is a large pot with a lid and a rack in the bottom. The rack is important because water must be able to circulate sides of the canning jar. Assemble your own canner by obtaining a pot deep enough to fit your jar and something that will keep the jars from touching the bottom and allow circulation. Try a toaster oven rack or a metal colander.
Fill the jars with the fruits or vegetables to be canned. It is important to leave "headspace" at the top of the can, as per recipe instructions. For boiling water canning, maker sure to leave 1/2 inch of space between the food and the top of the jar.
Use a clean, wet cloth to wipe around the jar tops. They should be totally clean.
Place a flat lid on the jar, and screw on the bands tightly.
Place the rack in the pot, fill pot halfway with water, place the cans in the pot, and top up with boiling water - enough so that cans are covered with one inch of water above them. Place lid on canner and start timing as per recipe instructions. If need be, top up the pot with more boiling water so that there is always one inch above the jars. Remember not to let jars touch the sides or bottom of the pan or each other. Also, always keep the lid on.
Remove jars from the canner and place on a rack to cool. When they are cool, check to make sure that all of the jars sealed. A sealed jar will have a dip in the lid that does not give. An unsealed jar will "pop" up and down if you press on the lid. If any jars are unsealed, you can try resealing them immediately (by the same process), or else just refrigerate and use within a few days.
Label jars with the date of canning. Store in a cool, dark, and dry place and use within one year. Now wasn't that fun?
I made and canned applesauce and you can to!
This recipe makes about six pints of applesauce. I live in a house with five other people so having a ton of applesauce is fine by us, but feel free to cut the recipe in half.
Start by peeling, coring, and cutting eight pounds of cooking apples.* I've got one of those hand-crank apple peelers which is perfect for this. Otherwise—recruit your friends to help you, because this is a LOT of apples!
*I suggest using a combo of Granny Smith & Golden Delicious apples.
Place apples, 2 cups of water, and a couple cinnamon sticks (if you want) in a huge pot. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer until apples are very tender. Stir often. Depending on what type of apple you use and how small they are chopped, this could take anywhere from 15 to 40 minutes.
Remove cinnamon sticks. Mush apples to a consistency you like. I like a chunky kind of applesauce so I just smash it a bit with a potato masher.. If you want it smoother, run it through a food mill or ricer and put it back in the pot. If you want, add sugar to taste (brown sugar is nice) and more water, if it seems a little thick.
Bring sauce up to boiling. Pour the sauce into the clean jars— they should still be warm. Wipe the rims of the jars and apply lids and bands. Process for 15 minutes using instructions above.
***An obvious way to preserve fruit is by canning your own jam/jelly/preserves. I can't stomach that sort of thing, so I've never made it. If you have a jam-type recipe you're willing to share, please send it in! ***
Baking Soda & Vinegar
Another cheap + easy way to entertain the kids is to make a baking soda volcano! Simply put some baking soda in a glass, dribble in a bit of vinegar, and watch it foam & expand & hiss. It's pretty fun. Add some food dye for special effects. Bonus points if you do it in the sink: the foaming action can help unclog a drain, the soda is a good abrasive for cleaning, and it will also neutralize odors. Sweet! (Note: don't overdo it - a little bit of each product goes a very long way!)
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olderthannetfic · 2 years
I know you've said you've been in fandom more a long time, so I'm just curious. Do you have a particular fanproject/fan-collaboration [fic or otherwise] that you've gotten that you still think fondly of? Like, I received a fanzine in the mail that I order a few months ago, and it's one of my favorite things I own.
Like someone else's stuff that I bought or received a physical copy of? I'm drowning in non-fandom stuff already, and a lot of my collectorly impulses are towards fancy antique dishes or tiny teaspoons with teapots on the handle. For such a packrat, I don't own that much fandom merch.
I rarely collect modern zines now that I've seen how frequent they were. I did buy 3 copies of RAW despite not being into Hannibal because I thought they might be interesting for historical reasons. I sold one to a friend who failed to order in time and gave another to a buddy who just got into Hannibal recently. I've still got all the pins and things somewhere though.
For actual favorite... probably Dejla's Dark Side of the Moon and its sequel. (Yes, the same ones I always rec.) I was talking about cheesy Miami Vice zines in my DW, and dejla commented "oh, like mine", which was very embarrassing because I hadn't read hers and certainly didn't mean it like that. There were two available on Ebay right then, so I got them. They're oldschool zine novels with just a couple of pieces of art and a long, meaty fic. They're het and OFC and remain some of the best-written fanfic I've ever encountered.
Later, I helped digitize the first of the two. You can read it on AO3 here.
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thevalleyisjolly · 1 year
8 and 10 for Elrond?
My blorbo! Thank you so much, anon! <3
8) Made-up connections with other characters that weren't in the canon (friends, enemies, whatever)
I mean, I am all about Elronduil, absolutely one of my favourite ships to the point that I wrote an essay about it for a fanzine once. Have they met in any of the canon texts? Nope! Do I find the similarities and the differences between both their in-universe characters and their narratives roles fascinating? Yep!
I am forever changing my mind between Elrond and Sauron never meeting outside of the Annatar thing, and Elrond and Sauron having one terrifying battlefield encounter that technically and barely ends up a draw. On the one hand, I like the idea that Sauron has never met Elrond one-on-one and fundamentally fails to understand him or the way he works. On the other hand, I also like the idea of them meeting on the battlefield once, briefly, during the War of the Elves and Sauron. Maybe Elrond's doing something with Song, and Sauron, who's already hunting for the Elvish commanders, notices and goes for him? Elrond, despite his many skills and accomplishments, is not a match for Sauron in terms of raw power, but what he has got is friends. For the minute or so that they fight, he spends a good part of it losing, but the important part is that he doesn't actually lose and holds out long enough for Celeborn and others to come in with an assist/distraction, at which point he pulls out some Maiar bullshit and summons a magical fog or something which even Sauron can't pierce through that enables all of them to retreat.
10) Content about them I'd like to see more of
Oh, where to start? I'd love to see more Elrond content that really engages with the mortal part of his heritage. Very understandably, he's often interpreted through an Elvish lens because he did choose that fate, but I think it'd be interesting to see the ways in which he relates to and identifies with his mortal heritage - and then narratively, that as a way to think about what defines humanity and what being human means.
His reaction to Númenor's destruction is something I think about on a regular basis, as is the founding of Imladris during the War of the Elves and Sauron. I like to imagine Sauron absolutely losing his shit over why he can't find this one haphazard band of refugees and soldiers, while they're camped out in the valley, just doing their best to make it another day, another week, another month, another year. More of Elrond on Númenor, being the best uncle to his nephews and nieces! And post-apocalyptic loremaster Elrond after the War of Wrath, although this is admittedly a little more headcanon-y.
I'd love to see more of Elrond in Aman, and his relationships with literally everyone there except Maglor and/or the House of Fëanor. All my love to every fic writer who has written an Aman fic where Elrond is a main character and he doesn't exist in the story solely/primarily to offer unconditional forgiveness to and advocacy on behalf of the House of Fëanor. I'd love to see Elrond and his parents reuniting, Elrond getting to meet and build relationships with all the family he never got the chance to meet in Middle-earth, Elrond and Bilbo (and sometimes Gandalf) raising very good-natured hell together, Elrond and Celebrían doing literally anything.
On which note, of course, Celrond. I am loving the Celrond renaissance I've been seeing lately, and it's truly something the world needs more of.
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"HUN / INDUSTRIAL TECH is an art lab and content creation workshop founded in 2004 focusing on alternative, dark underground and industrial electronic music and subcultures. Its purpose is to follow, analyze and spread local and foreign dark electric- and body-music, philosophies infused into metallic and industrial soundscapes, cyberpunk and electronic social and life aspects; to connect the players and followers of the scene, and also to create and publish the industrial underground subcult zine HUN / INDUSTRIAL TECH (abbreviated as H.I.T)." This is what László Farkas "Crit" Farkas, one of the most prolific musicians of the local industrial scene (under the Empelde moniker), and also its archivist, who, in addition to the industrial music blog hunindustrialtech.hu, or being connected to it, keeps the scene's only real industrial music magazine alive, providing enough reading material for a year - the issues get released around the end of each Q1. The material is really powerful not only because it is uncompromising even in 2023 (only in Hungarian, only in PDF, hundreds of pages, a review sometimes runs twenty pages long), but it also brings the exact raw momentum, honesty and educated understanding that Második Látás (the most important local zine there is) brought to the younger generations after the regime change - if you weren't a member of the scene, you immediately felt that you were LEFT OUT, if you were a member, YOU STILL FELT THAT WAY. Print that large number of interviews (including many local ones), reviews (no, even more of them!) and articles and that heap of paper will stop a bullet. And that smartness, that stops the bullet, too. H.I.T. is at the forefront of the contemporary fanzines more or less approaching the underground-cyberpunk theme (Élő-halott, T+U, Rrriot Nerdz, Xenotopia), the latest copy is always available only on the fanzine's official website: https://hunindustrialtech.hu/magazin /
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drinkacefahz · 2 years
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For the end of year I’d like to feature a drink I’m particularly proud of, as I made it for a fan anthology called Shots of Gold! A Haikyu Bartending fanzine.  A fresh, sweet twist on a a international classic, the Capirinha, perfectly suited for Haikyuu’s protagonist Hinata Shoyo as he enters the professional volleyball world. Here, I feature one of four recipes I contributed to the book, as printed and as presented. 
Ninja Caipirinha | ABV: 32%  | Yield: 2.80 fl oz | International Classic, Built In Glass, Fandom Cocktails
Caipirinha is arguably the most famous drink of Brazil. Using Cachaça, a funky liquor blending spirits made of sugar cane juice and sometimes other spirits. Training and playing in such a hot climate as Rio de Janeiro, internationally-acclaimed volleyball player Hinata Shoyo, better known to some fans as “Ninja” picked up a taste for them – and he’s particularly fond of this mandarin-hued twist on this basic yet iconic drink.
One half small mandarin or tangerine, cut into quarters
0.5 fl oz or 15ml lime juice 
2-3 teaspoons demerara, turbinado, or raw cane sugar* 
2 fl oz or 60ml Cachaça (Preferably Leblon or Novo Fogo, but there are hundreds – explore what’s available local to you! There’s no wrong Cachaça for a Caipirinha.)
In the rocks glass you serve it in, muddle the mandarin, lime juice, and sugar. To muddle, press a wooden or plastic muddler, or if you don’t have one, the  thick end of a heavy spoon, firmly to release the oils in the peels. Then, add Cachaça to the glass, and finish with either cubed or crushed ice. Stir. 
The perfect drink after a long day, whether you’ve been playing on the court or the beach.  
*If necessary, you can substitute about 0.3-0.5 fl oz[10-15ml] of simple syrup.
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jkrockin · 2 years
fanfic writer ask: director's cut for my love is otherwise
(Don't look at how it's been five days since I got this ask and nobody else remembers I reblogged that director's cut meme last week! Shh! Kayfabe!!)
We're talking about my love is otherwise, the colonial Australia mail order bride AU I wrote for The Terror AU fanzine in 2021.
Well now technically you already have the director's cut- the version that went into the zine was a hair under 6k, and the version on AO3 IS the director's cut, clocking in at 7,432 words of raw uncut linguistic hedonism, and cameos by James Fitzjames, gadabout émigré, who in my heart spends the time in which this fic takes place falling in love with grizzled paddle steamer captain Francis Crozier. (They're not relevant to this story but I do think about their forever unwritten All the Rivers Run AU from time to time.)
The whole piece owes basically everything to two fics: clear as western skies by mwestbelle and Came With Your Faith Unshaken by @drunktuesdayss; the former I read back in the halcyon days of 2009 and kept rattling around in the back of my head, inspiring Thoughts, and the latter I read while going through the Mail Order Brides tag as research, and which got me, sideways fashion, reading Best Friends wrestleboys fic despite not being even vaguely in wrestleboys fandom, not least because everything drunktuesdays writes fucking rips. When I pitched the story for the zine, I'd intended to also set it in a semi-mythologised American Old West, but not only did I struggle to not just completely steal setting notes from the fics I just linked, I dunno! I just liked the idea of setting it literally closer to home, and not putting these English lads into yet another American setting.​ There's not enough fic set in Australia, in my humble opinion.​
Uhh what all can I tell you? The location of Edward's land is not specified very much on purpose, hah, but it's somewhere northwestish of Parramatta, roughly in the Baulkham Hills, Bella Vista, King's Park kind of direction, nebulously on a creek fed out of the Parramatta River. I do live in the Sydney basin myself, albeit a ways further east; at the time that I wrote the fic I didn't have my driver's license- god, that's weird to realise- so I didn't do this at the time, but if I were writing it now, I'd probably have gone and spent a day driving around to reacquaint myself with the Vibe, but I did not do that, so. In my defence, this fic is set in, roughly... uh now I actually don't remember? Early 1870s, I think? And the Vibe has changed considerably in the past 150 years. I spent a fair amount of time with my mother's historical architecture and decorating books to think about what Edward's house would have been like, a lot of which did not make it into the text; I laid it out much like the house I live in, which was built in 1889; my house is Italianate Victorian, rather than the blockier rural mid-Victoriana I went for for Edward's house, but it's not an uncommon layout, having two front and two middle rooms off a central hallway, kitchen/living/pantry area off the back. Again, a fair amount of reading that straight did not make it into the text, but which I like to think adds subtextual flavour.
Other stuff: in this AU, the real life suburb of Dundas Valley is called that because it's where Dundy lives; the background Fitzjames/Crozier thing that's happening, very offscreen; farmhands Tom Hartnell and Magnus Manson are having a soft boy sheepherding romance where they gently touch hands softened by lanolin and share bedrolls and so on; I can't remember if he got mentioned in the fic as it is, but somewhere nearby Irving and Malcolm are also sharing property and lingering glances. There's some flavour in here also from having read novels like The Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough, Walking the Boundaries by Jackie French, and My Brilliant Career by Miles Franklin, but I don't know how much that comes through in the cross-dressing gay sex.
(yeah I dropped a reading list for my 7.5k smutty AU fanfiction I do what I LIKE)
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nihilistic-holocaust · 5 months
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The distro was updated with new TAPEs, CDs, and other stuffs… But my closets are full!! Help me make some space for the two forthcoming releases! Last news: BLASPHEMER (Uk) Marked for death Tape. Old school death metal FEANNAG (Uk) Throne Tape. Blackened death metal PUTRID FATE (Uk) Visions of horror Demo tape. Death grind/ Death metal the old way, with vocals from the cavern. OLD ABUSER (Bra) Apodrecendo novamente Demo tape. Raw underground black thrash in 80's spirit. Production is like an 80's thrash demo, only for underground termits. PURGATORY (Fra) For the love of violence CD. Old school hardcore/ Metal hardcore with a massive sound NIHILISTIC Newsletter/ minizine 17 Interviews with ECOCIDE, NAR, ILON LAPSET. Reviews with: Repulsive mass, Morrath, Ootheca, Protrusion, Maggus, Abhorrent Execration, Stenched, Dead enemy, Rashes, Dead meat, Bifid corpse, Surfer james, Pythian, Insurgency, Acrid tomb… And a few flyers. Fanzine: ACID VICIOUS zine (Fra) issue 21: Hungry wolf, Panzergoat, Archaeopteris, Suicidal madness, Varechian, Vigilante, Zora, Goetie exhumation, Ashes no dust, Ephemere, Estve, Merdasse, Pitkan Matkan...32 pages. A5. In french. 2021 https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr/Webshop/fr/24-news Stickers/ Merch: AODON - Sticker BLODORN - Sticker ANTINOMIE Recs - Sticker CATHARTIC (Mex) Promo photo https://nihilistic-webzine-distro.fr/Webshop/fr/24-news
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sobbingdistantnoises · 10 months
Hello :) it is 🌹
I hope you have had a nice day, has anything interesting happened? I spent the day completing homework; tomorrow will be the same :/
Gnr song recs:
- the heavier ones are on Appetite for Destruction, my favorite of which is Nightrain
- The Spaghetti Incident is a cover album mostly consisting of punk covers. Some of the covers I like more than the originals, while others are dogshit. I recommend New Rose, Down on the Farm, Raw Power, Buick Makane, and Attitude
My favorite Ramones album is probably Rocket to Russia
Favorite albums ever in no particular order:
- Appetite for Destruction - Guns N’ Roses
- Use Your Illusions - Guns N’ Roses
- The Spaghetti Incident- Guns N’ Roses
- L. A. Guns - L. A. Guns
- GI - Germs
- Raw Power - The Stooges
- Boogadaboogadaboogada! - Screeching Weasel
- Billion Dollar Babies - Alice Cooper
- The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars - David Bowie
- A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out - Panic! At The Disco
- New York Dolls - New York Dolls
That was a lot, but it does allow us to find more mutual taste 😆
New question: Do you listen to physical music? I own CDs but barely use them because I don’t want to disturb my family by not using headphones
Hello 🌹!! :D
My day was alright, honestly we had the same exact situations with homework </3 I basically spent the majority of yesterday and today catching up with the stuff I've procrastinated, still got a little but it's a manageable amount
Yesterday, besides school stuff, I made that carrot cake/bread I mentioned, and also went to a park with my family!! It was very nice :) (You've also reminded me once that I need to make bread again, LMAO, so thanks for inadvertently doing that again :P)
Appetite for Destruction is definitely my favorite album by them!! Nightrain is an amazing song <3
OOO, I didn't realize they had a punk cover album, that's very cool!! :0 Oh I'm so excited to listen to it now, I knew they liked punk from fanzines but I didn't connect the dots
Rocket to Russia is a cool album!! I feel like it's sort of the classic Ramones album, so a very well deserved favorite :))
Aw, I don't often listen to anything by most of the people you've listed </3 I'd love some song recs though!! Especially from Alice Cooper I think, I've heard some about him and he seems interesting. I also just remembered that he did a collab with Duff before, so now I'm probably gonna be listening to the cover of Hey, Bulldog (90% sure it's by the Beatles) they did with Steve Vai and Mickky Dee for like....half an hour more, LMAO
I don't listen to physical music because I don't really like to spend money, but I sometimes wish I was the type of person to collect cds/vinyl/etc so that I could, sldfslk. That's really cool that you have a cd collection!! Do you have any that you consider your favorites? Any that have sort of a "story" you associate with?
And another question, do you have a favorite instrument? Do you play any?
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fear and loathing fanzine wrote great aricle about REVEREND BEAT-MAN & IZOBEL GARCIA. Baile Bruja Muerte LP
Originally released in 2019, this album is now up to its’ third repress, having already proved itself popular with punters of discerning taste. You know all those boy-girl duos that have been making a mark in recent times (from White Stripes through to The Courettes?) Well, not to knock what they’ve been doing, but this album just blows them away! With plenty of fuzzed-up guitar and stripped-down beats from The Rev, this sounds like the kind of crazed-album that Lux & Ivy would’ve put together had they ever decided to dispense with the rest of the band and headed into a studio with a healthy stock of tequila. There’s a well-balanced share of the vocals between Izobel’s sultry voice and The Rev’s more demented delivery, whilst squeaky keyboards sneak in to the mix at appropriate times. Whilst most of the songs are originals, there are a few covers included, like The Doors’ ‘Love Me Two Times’. But the real moment of genius comes with the raw, nightmarish Blues version of the Venom classic, ‘Black Metal’. I love the original and would have hated to hear a bad version or, worst still, a novelty version, but the way The Rev handles this works perfectly, taking it all back to the music and legend of Robert Johnson. It’s almost worth hearing this album just for this track, but truth is, it’s all great and you won’t want to miss a single track. Get yourself a copy from this latest repress and prepare to be impressed!
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chorusfm · 1 year
Nirvana Celebrate ‘In Utero’ 30th Anniversary
Nirvana have announced a deluxe reissue of In Utero for the 30th anniversary. To say that Nirvana's third and ultimately final studio album In Utero was one of the most impactful records of the modern era would be an understatement. Originally released September 21, 1993, In Utero's unadorned sonic rawness was received by critics and fans with equal measures of shock and elation, as Steve Albini's recording laid bare every primal nuance of the most confrontational yet vulnerable material Kurt Cobain, Krist Novoselic and Dave Grohl would ever record. And with its 1991 predecessor Nevermind having sold some 30 million copies and causing a seismic pop cultural shift, In Utero was essentially the first record Nirvana would make with any expectations from the public.  So from the opening quasi-shamble melodics of “Serve The Servants” through the bittersweet closing strains of “All Apologies,” In Utero was the sound of the most incredible yet conflicted musical force of the era at the peak of its powers coming to terms with a generational spokes-band mantle they'd never seen coming—and ultimately surmounting these struggles to make the record they needed to make.  In Utero went on to mark Nirvana’s first #1 debut on the Billboard 200 and has since been certified 6x platinum in the United States. Geffen/UMe commemorates the 30th anniversary of In Utero with several multi-format reissues, arriving on October 27, 2023. Configurations include a limited-edition 8LP Super Deluxe box set, 5CD Super Deluxe box set, 1 LP + 10” edition, 2CD Deluxe edition, and a Digital Super Deluxe edition.  Pre-order/Pre-save Nirvana – In Utero: 30th Anniversary HERE. The three Super Deluxe Edition releases comprise a total of 72 tracks with 53 previously unreleased tracks. Among the unreleased material, two full In Utero-era concerts, namely Live In Los Angeles (1993) and the band’s final Seattle performance, Live In Seattle(1994), are included in addition to six bonus live tracks from Rome, Springfield, and New York. Seattle producer and engineer Jack Endino—who helmed the band’s 1988 debut Bleach—reconstructed the live tracks from stereo soundboard tapes for this year’s reissue. Additionally, In Utero’s original twelve songs, along with five bonus tracks and B-sides, have been newly remastered from the original analog master stereo tapes by Bob Weston at Chicago Mastering Services—who assisted Albini as the only other engineer at the original sessions. The physical Super Deluxe Edition box sets also boast a removable front-cover acrylic panel with the album’s iconic Angel; a 48-page hardcover book with unreleased photos; a 20-page newly designed fanzine; a Los Angeles tour poster lithograph by hot rod artist Coop; replicas of the 1993 record store promo Angel mobile, three gig fliers, two ticket stubs for Los Angeles and Seattle, an All-Access tour laminate, and four cloth sticky tour backstage passes: Press, Photo, After Show, and Local Crew. Available exclusively at online stores at uDiscovermusic.com and SoundofVinyl.com and limited to 3000 units worldwide, fans who buy either Super Deluxe Edition will receive a Nirvana acrylic stand to display their angel-on-acrylic panel included in both boxset configurations. Nirvana recorded In Utero over the course of six days in February 1993 at Pachyderm Studio in Cannon Falls, MN with Albini. Retrospectively, Pitchfork rated it a rare perfect score of “10.0” and wrote, “In Utero is the sort of painful shock that, paradoxically, reinstills the empowering sensation of feeling alive.” Upon its arrival back in 1993, David Fricke wrote in Rolling Stone, “In Utero is a lot of things—brilliant, corrosive, enraged and thoughtful, most of them all at once. But more than anything, it’s a triumph of the will.” --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/nirvana-celebrate-in-utero-30th-anniversary/
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