#raya fanfiction
sorry if i'm bothering you, i loved so muchhh your raya x reader one shot, sooo i was wondering if have some time, can you do another one? (something fluff because she's so adorable).No pressure of course.
Thank you so much and keep going because you are fantastic.
Have a nice day/afternoon/night
Hi Anon! Sorry, I'm getting to this so late. I would love to do this for you. Raya x reader coming up!
When I Looked Into Your Eyes, I Saw Stars For The First Time | Raya x Reader
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Raya was helpless with her crush on you. What she didn't know was how much you liked her back. In other words, four times Raya daydreamed about you and the one time she thought you might be daydreaming too.
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Hopeless Lesbian, Fluff, Long Oneshot, No Use of Y/n, Second Person, Not Proofread.
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twenty-one. raya was twenty-one freaking years old and she still had a crush on you. it's been six years. six, and raya still had no clue how to get you out of her head. how could she want to?
when she thought of you, she thought of how your eyes sparkled during firework shows at night festivals. she thought of how your cheeks puffed up when you stuffed your face full of food and then how depleted you felt after.
to her, you were so cute it was sickening. downright nauseating and her knees were weak.
"wow, raya! are you sick or something? you're looking at that human like how noi looks at golden and shiny objects." the dragon lady commented. raya hummed in a measle response. she pushed a lazy shoulder towards the dragon and let her hat loosely hang from her fingers.
at the day market, you were negotiating with an elder merchant. as you walked by her table, you noticed some sparkly crystal-beaded jewelry. upon further inspection, the beads were fake. nonetheless, you still wanted the jewelry, but not at the ridiculous price she was advertising.
"all's good, sisu," raya slurred her words. she shifted her weight to her back foot, letting the other stretch out. in a love-stricken daze, she put a hand in her pocket.
"yeah, right," namaari commented. she took the hat from raya's fingers. with light movement, she placed the hat on raya's head. namaari continued to smack the top of the hat with a bonk!
"hey!" raya huffed. she tilted the brim of the hat upwards. "what gives?"
"what gives is your longing. stop being a baby and ask them out already." namaari rolled her eyes. she crossed her arms over her chest while a merchant went around advertising homemade bao.
raya scoffed. "i have no clue what you're talking about."
"oo, raya has a crush! who is it? who is it?" sisu bounced around hon her heels, grabbing a bao as she looked up and down the street for raya's crush.
on cue, you walked over to the group holding five bracelets. "i finally got her to mark the price down some. that lady had a tight grasp around her 60 jade per bracelet."
"per bracelet?!" sisu exclaimed. she snapped her attention to the shiny objects wrapped around your fingers. you nodded. you took a blue and purple bracelet from your collection and wrapped it around sisu's wrist.
"yup. 60. she's crazy but im crazier. i made her change the price to 15 for one or 20 for 5."
"whoa," namaari added. "that's a crazy price drop. how'd you do it?"
"a magician never reveals their secret." you gave namaari a dazzling grin as you slid a firey red bracelet around her wrist. raya tilted her head to the side and hummed again. the polishing of the crystals had nothing against the shine in your eye.
"okay, so, i gathered information from tail to fang and no one has anything on fermented bean sprout powder," you announced as your walked into the designated meeting room of raya's home. raya and namaari were sat at the table.
raya and namaari, up to no good as usual, were making some sort of potion or maybe a dish that required outlandish ingredients like dusted jasmine flower and fermented bean sprout powder. you weren't even sure if those things existed.
raya groaned, leaning her elbows on the table. she held her head in her hands. "are you sure? no one has any information on anything?"
"mm, nope." you placed the collection of papers you had in your hand on the table. beside the paper was a stack of books. "hey," you ran your hand across the thick leather cover of the first book. it was as thick as box of juice, its cover dusty and scratched up. the title of the book was intelligible. "can i scan through this to see if i can find anything?"
namaari, who's been quiet this whole time and enjoying the daze looked in raya's eye, turned her head towards the Heart princess. "yeah uh," raya sat up in her chair. she cleared her throat and scooted the chair closer in. "of course." with a thank you and a sweet smile, you sat at the table. you took the thick book off the top of the stack. it landed on the table with a thick thud. a puff of dust erupted of underneath. you simply swatted the dust away before reading.
raya tilted her head, resting a cheek in the palm of her hand. she was at the end of the table while you were on the opposite end and on the side. the same side namaari was sitting on. namaari was in the chair closest to raya.
raya let out a quiet, dreamy sigh. switching her head to her other hand as you flipped to another page. namaari groaned. she sat back in her chair and pinched the bridge of her nose. "seriously, you're still hung up over this? i thought you were done."
snapped out of her thoughts, raya glared at namaari. "may i remind you why we're here in the first place? no, I'm not done. stick a cork in it."
"stick a cork in it? stick a cork--" namaari stood from her chair. the chair scruffed against the flooring. the sound rang through the echoey room, but you paid no mind. raya grabbed her wrist and shoved her back down.
"stick a cork in it."
"i don't know, there's just, something about them," raya spoke to the stars. she sat at her bedroom window. she had the doors opened, curtains pulled back, and rested an arm on the seal. she sat on the cush cushions of the bench her father made her when she was young.
at first, it was so she could look at the stars without going on her tiptoes, but now it was a place for her to collect her thoughts and talk to the sky.
"i feel different around them. it was the same way i felt with namaari when we were little, but stronger somehow," she spoke out to the sky. "like, when i first met namaari, i was bursting with excitement. i was making a new friend, she was nice, and also a dragon lover. obviously, that feeling turned into hate for a little while, and I'm not saying i hate them or namaari--" she interrupted her ramble by groaning. she dramatically let her forehead fall to her arm.
she took a deep breath. "saying these feelings are so much harder than thinking them," she mumbled into her hand. she lifted her head up, placing her chin on her arm instead. "what i have with them is different than what i have with namaari. it's the excitement, the giggling, and the dizziness i get when I'm around them that's so addicting. i didn't get that with namaari. what i had with her was simply platonic." raya looked up into the sky. a cluster of stars gathered by some leaves of a tree. a soft breeze brushed her skin, forcing raya to take another deep breath. she closed her eyes. she let her shoulders come up to her ears and then deflate. she slouched, feeling a pull towards the ground. slow, she opened her eyes again. she was refreshed, renewed. she knew what her feelings meant now.
when she looked back into the sky again, a star that led the cluster twinkled. raya smiled, the breeze brushing past her ears. "yeah, i get it now. thank you."
finally, the last time raya daydreamed about you co-sided with the time she realized you daydream about her.
there was a party at Heart. it was summer and Heart used every excuse they could to throw a party. Heart's Annual Summer Bash was something all the regions participated in. before the whole, saving the world thing with sisu, a sprinkle of people from each region would come, but since then, everyone came!
raya stood by the food table, resting on the half wall behind. with a fond look in her eye, she scanned the party. there was a couple dancing with their kid in the middle of the dance floor, kids running around with food all over their faces, and then there was you, happily talking to sisu. whatever you were talking about, it excited you.
your eyes lit up, their color even more vibrant than before. the apples of your cheeks puffed up because of how much you were smiling and laughing. raya felt like her chest was going to explode. she wanted to cup your face and kiss it, make you smile more. she wanted to hold your hands and feel how soft they were. raya wanted to do so many things with you, but she couldn't. she didn't want to creep you out.
"raya," her father said as he walked over with a smile. he was dressed up in his party wear, his hair in his usual man bun. snapping out of her trance, raya matched her dad's smile. she pulled him into a hug.
"hi, dad!"
"raya," her dad resumed. he pulled away from the hug. "this party is amazing. you and namaari outdid yourselves." raya waved him off with a sheepish chuckle.
"oh, it was nothing."
"nonsense. this party is better than any one i orchestrated." chief benja laughed, shaking his head. with a happy sigh, he leaned against the wall. "are you okay, dewdrop? i saw you spacing out earlier."
raya's smile softened. she turned around to lean her forearms on the wall's edge. she looked out the opening. she could see the bridge and sparkling water. even from far away, she could see the leaves moving in the wind. "yeah, I'm okay."
chief benja's smile matched hers. he rubbed the small of her back. "you saw them, didn't you? why don't you confess and tell them how you feel? it's been seven years--"
"-- six actually." raya stood upright. she held onto the wall as she rocked herself back and forth. "it's been six years since i had a crush on them. won't be seven until two months."
chief benja laughed. he put his hands up in defense. "oh, excuse me. six years." he opened his mouth to speak again, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a certain young adult walking up to them while fidgeting with a beaded bracelet. "oh, i think someone is calling my name," he told raya. "I'll catch you later."
"okay, dad--"
"hi, raya."
FIVE (technically one)
she just had to stand like that. with her thumbs in her pockets and her back against the wall.
you were proud to say your crush on raya has been a successful secret. no one, absolutely no one, knew you liked her. not even namaari, the girl who swears she knows everyone's secret. she was too wrapped up in her own life to notice yours. not that you were complaining though.
you had a crush on raya for years now; you didn't know the exact number.
there were many opportunities where you hinted your crush on her. like earlier this week, you bought her a bracelet. then, you volunteered to find that ingredient she needed, and now, you were at her party having the time of your life.
okay, so, maybe you weren't the best at hinting at your crush on her but today you had a plan. you bought an extra bracelet for her. you spent your free time during the week creating a personalized charm. it was a heart with your initials engraved into it along with a plus sign. it was the perfect gift to confess. or maybe it was creepy. you hoped she didn't see it as creepy.
"hi, raya," you spoke. your voice was soft and quiet. if you two weren't so close, you were afraid raya wouldn't hear you.
"oh," raya turned around. she stood up straighter, a smile spreading across her face. "hey, you. you enjoying the party?"
your heart was racing. her beautiful brown eyes were staring directly into yours. you could only dream of this moment. her, smelling of fruit and forest, and the strands of her hair neatly pulled back and braided. she even had a half bun to match her dad's.
swallowing hard and wondering where the heck the moisture in your mouth went, you nodded. "yeah! um, I'm having a good time. i actually came over here to talk to you about something."
"uh oh, that doesn't sound good." raya chuckled. she waved you over to join looking at the view with her. you obliged. you stood next to her and instead of looking at the view, you looked at her. "what's up?"
you took a deep breath. there was no time but now to confess. "i made, well, bought this bracelet for you and added the charm." you handed the bracelet off to her. as she grabbed it, her fingertips lingered on yours.
you felt fizz burst up and through you. it was like she knew the effect her touch had on you. your ears were ringing and goosebumps spread to your arms. raya chuckled softly, her own cheeks changing in color.
she inspected the bracelet. she dragged her fingers against the small and cool beads. "this is really cool, thank you."
anxious, you watched as her eyes scanned the item. she finally took notice of the charm. she brought the bracelet closer to her eyes, squinting to read the text. the new color on her cheeks got worse. her dazzling eyes met yours and then looked back at the charm.
"this... this is..."
"raya," you let out a breath. "i like you. i've liked you for some time now and keeping my feelings a secret, while wildly successful, it's also wildly stressful. i lay awake at night hoping and wishing i get to see you and hang out with you." you glanced up at her. she was staring at you now. her face was hard to read. you couldn't tell if she was intrigued or grossed out. either way, you continued. "and if the gift isn't your style or maybe I'm not your style, but i thought you deserved to know how i feel about you so," you trailed off. how else were you supposed to end that? she still hasn't said anything.
raya didn't have anything to say. she realized a few nights back that actions mean a lot more than words. after you confessed, she thought of all the times you were there for her or gifted her something. how couldn't she notice? you were right there. all the time
she held up her wrist to show off the purple bracelet you bought her earlier that week. with a teasing smile, she took it off. she slipped the new one on. after putting the old bracelet in her pocket, she held your hand up to hers. your bracelet on the wrist she held up. she intertwined your fingers, her teasing smile now a grin. "i like you too, jewels."
you laughed. the ringing in your ears calmed down, but that didn't stop the fuzzy feeling in your stomach and the roaring warmth on your cheeks. "jewels?"
she nodded. "you have a knack for buying me jewelry," she cooed. "it's cute, but you don't have to keep buying stuff for me anymore. so, no more hassling old ladies to make sure you got a great gift for your super cool and attractive crush." she poked your nose.
you swatted her hand. "hey, no teasing!"
"ahh," she let go of your hand to wrap her arm around your shoulders. "no can do, jewels. you have a crush on me, it's only fair to tease you."
"oh, so i can tease you back?" you held the hand that was around your shoulders.
"not necessarily, but, i can give you something in return."
confused, you scrunched your eyebrows together and tilted your head. she pulled away from you with a laugh. after digging in her pockets, she pulled out a necklace that had a mini glass bottle hanging from it.
"it's uh, it's forever powder. mari and i found out about it while searching through old books. legend has it that whomever you give this concoction to, you swear your friendship and loyalty to them." she gestured to the necklace, silently asking if she could put it on you. you nodded. raya carefully took the necklace and wrapped it around your neck. she fixed your clothes to make sure the necklace was showing off.
"it looks like we both have a thing for gifting jewelry," you teased her. a grin spread across your lips. raya gave you a dry laugh. she wrapped her arm around your shoulders again.
"seems like."
WC: 2,811
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astrae03 · 6 months
Captain’s log: It’s been almost 2 hours since AO3 went down I’m not coping well to the point my introverted ass has finally decided to actually post something on tumblr for the first time; but in these dark times desperate measures must be taken. Stay strong everyone we will get through this. 🥲😭
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shy-peacock · 2 months
Can y’all imagine this as Rayamaari (modern au 🥰)
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vrfly · 3 months
is the ratld fandom still alive? i have a 7k word wip rayaari fic n i’ll finish it if ik ppl r interested in reading. here’s a basic summary. 🔥🔥
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empresskadia · 6 months
Downtime [Master Chief|John-117]
Feedback is always appreciated, let me know if you think it's too much detail or if there is something I can improve on.
It had been mission after mission after mission lately with no time in between to breathe. Not since the AI Cortana went rogue, taking over the system with her so-called guardians. But even Spartans reached a certain limit and stopped being useful, and it was fair to say you had reached it.
For the past three weeks, you hadn’t been on the UNSC Infinity for more than 5 minutes. Roland gave a quick briefing on the current Pelican, then out you went on the next and repeat.
This last mission had you clear out a Covenant outpost on a remote moon, and Roland had underestimated the numbers.
Another mission, another battle to fight, and you were over it. Even the AI could tell between the posture and snapping tone that the Spartan was at the wits end.
You could feel the exhaustion weighing you down as you left the pelican onto the Infinity. Your armor felt heavier than usual, each step a laborious effort. Even the Spartans fluttering about the Infinity on your way to the bridge seemed weary behind their hidden visors as they boarded on and off their own pelicans.
As you trudged through the corridors, you barely acknowledged the salutes given, the blur of faces clicked nothing in your brain.
Reaching the bridge, you were greeted by the familiar hum of machinery and the low murmur of voices as Roland's holographic form materialized before you announcing the Commander to the bridge and Captain Lasky. The debrief finished in the blink of an eye before Lasky approved you for 72 hours of downtime. It was obvious the Spartan was falling asleep between words. And the fact Commander Palmer was still on the field with her Fireteams meant he needed you in a better condition in case something happened. You nodded your thanks to Lasky, the relief at the thought of downtime causing your shoulders to slack. With a stiff salute to both Lasky and Roland, you turned on your heel and made your way down to the assemblage bay. RnR was the only thing on your mind until the ship’s AI decided to upload himself into the armor.
“Blue team was ordered manadorary 72 hours of downtime.” Roland casually brought up through the helmet audio, his tone hinting at something more. You knew what he was doing, the AI had always been privy to the nuances of life aboard the Infinity, including the relationships and dynamics between its crew members.
And Commanders.
And Spartans.
Plus, the fact that he was the only other sentient being on this ship that knew of the relationship between you and the Master Chief himself other than Blue team.
Hell, you don’t even think they told Dr. Halsey, but you haven’t seen any of the IIs for more than a quick wave, so who knows what’s happened in the last three weeks since the whole AWOL thing. Which, you still needed to tease John and others IIs about, who would have ever thought?
Speaking of the IIs, you and John had only crossed each other’s paths once for a few seconds and he had melted your heart with a quick pass of his fingers on your helmet, one you didn’t have the time to mirror before he was climbing into the awaiting pelican. But you did leave him a box of C4s and a single C12 (Lasky wouldn’t approve of anything more) on his next drop that Roland confirmed Blue team would receive, though you were sure Fred enjoyed that more than John.
“Love you, Roland but I’m ready to go ‘die’ for sixteen hours. I’ll see John when I see John, besides he’s probably doing stuff,” There was a brief pause. “Well, whatever IIs do.” And while you appreciated his concern, there was a part of you that hesitated. Everything had still been new, still was new aside from some hand-holding and teaching him about intimacy, like physical affections and a handful of kisses.
“Probably something you wouldn’t expect,” Roland answered with a tinge of amusement before disappearing. What the hell did that mean? Whatever, you were ready to strip, shower, and sleep till Lasky called you for the next mission.
The familiar hiss of pressurized seals echo in the space. Honestly, you weren’t sure how they got the armor off so fast or if you had fallen asleep while the machines worked.
Once free from the confines of your armor, you wasted no time heading for the shower. The warm water cascading over you was a balm to your tired muscles, washing away the grime and weariness of battle. After the shower, you dressed in comfortable civilian clothing, giving a small yawn while closing the locker and heading towards your quarters.
Spartan Town was buzzing with a lot less, well Spartans, than normal, everyone was getting their asses kicked. The crew was pulling doubles if not triple missions, no one wanted to think about their loved ones or if something had happened to them. Maybe that’s why you didn’t mind when Lasky kept giving you the solo missions one after another with an apologetic look, but this was why you were a commander.
The biometric scanner gave a soft ding as it accepted the handprint, sliding the door open with a small ‘whoosh’ to the dark interior of the room. But it was the faint outline on the bed that gave you pause.
This was what that sneaky AI meant.
You knew he knew it was you who entered the room. He didn’t even react like he was too comfortable on your bed. Who could blame him, though? Your bed was comfortable as hell, but you would have never expected to find the Master Chief on it.
Your foot falls silently as you approach the bed, dramatically draping yourself across the Spartan II. “John.”
“[Y/n].” Those beautiful blue eyes flashed open, a hint of amusement lingering in them. Maybe it was the pride speaking, but you had gotten good at reading this man within the last year and a half. You propped your head on your knuckles, your legs resting on his torso.
“John.” There was a sassy in your tone.
“You lookin’ mighty comfortable there, 117.” You teased, a smile tugging on your lips. There was no hiding it, you had missed John these weeks. It was odd having someone so quiet, so polar opposite, be the person you were most comfortable around.
Fate was funny.
John's expression softened as he gazed down at you, a flicker of warmth in his eyes despite his typically reserved demeanor. His hand instinctively found its way to your back, a gentle touch that sent a shiver down your spine.
"You're one to talk, Commander," he replied, his voice low and gravelly. “Kelly had fun with your present, between her and Fred, they didn’t leave any for me. I believe she said and I quote ‘I’m going to kiss [Y/n] next time I see them.’”
You chuckled softly at John's response. "Well, I’ll just have to find a way to make it up to you, won't you?" You teased, rolling onto the unoccupied side of the bed. John's lips curved into a rare smile, a sight that never failed to make your heart flutter as he shifted the blanket, holding it up for you to maneuver under before settling it over your shoulder.
A long sigh escapes as you snuggle into the pillows, his hand tracing soothing patterns on your back as you close your eyes for just a moment to allow yourself to decompress. John never used more than a single pillow, which you often called him a sociopath for, leaving the rest for you. Three was the bare minimum for perfect sleep.
By the time your eyes fluttered back open, John was staring, facing you rather than the ceiling. The bed hadn’t even jostled suggesting that he moved, or maybe you had been too tired to notice. "I missed you," you admitted softly, the words slipping out before you could stop them, then were cut off by a yawn. John's hand paused for a moment, tapping a rhythmic answer before going back to the patterns that were lulling you towards sleep. A faint smile tugged at the corner of your lips, and you knew he had missed you too, the man didn’t need to say it.
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inkwingsinc · 5 months
Darkfluff Outtake #2: bit my gun with my black-gold gums
[ this is a drabble outtake from my ongoing darkfic, still might sneak it into the story somewhere ]
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Darkfluff Outtake #1 Link Here
Fandom: Dune
Character Focus: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Female OC (established relationship) x Female OC (handmaiden to other female OC)
Parent Fic Rating: Explicit (written by an adult, for adults)
Drabble tags: domestic "fluff", inappropriate family dynamics, "my wife and her girlfriend" kinda vibes, unedited
Word Count: 504
To combat writer's block and darkfic fatigue I write little "fluffy" scenes using the same characters to freshen things up a bit. This is an unedited barebones sample, just for funsies.
Full Story w/ Context:
Scene: Feyd-Rautha doesn't have qualms exposing himself to his (or his lady's) handmaidens
Laera was sprawled on the low lounge chair in the Na-Baron’s antechamber when he sauntered in from the bathroom, fresh from the tub and still dripping. Raya had laid her head in Laera’s lap and was enjoying Laera’s soft, idle strokes against the smooth skin of her skull; it was comforting to both women to be physically close, and with Laera’s attention still fixed on the open book propped on the chair’s arm, Raya was free to gaze up at her Mistress in lazy adoration. Her black dress spilled like silky oil around her legs, the hem hiked indecorously to her thighs and fluttering sideways to the stone floor. The fireplace behind them was unlit, and the glowglobe had been called to aid in Laera’s reading.
The cut of light made Feyd-Rautha look obscene, shadows casting in the furrows beneath carved muscle and highlighting his warrior’s body. His wet, naked warrior’s body.
Laera looked up and said with a gasp, “Absolutely not! Put something on, please,” she cried, slapping down one quick hand over Raya’s pretty black eyes. “There’s no need to offend my handmaiden.”
Raya, cheekily enjoying the claim of her Mistress’s touch, smiled a wide, black smile and wriggled happily.
Feyd-Rautha rolled to a stop before the lounge and dripped absently all over the floor. “You’d tell me how to conduct myself when in my private apartments?” he asked. His expression was hard, but the amusement in his rumbling voice gave him away. He clicked his tongue. “Rude. Little Raya would be so lucky to see my cock. Wouldn’t you, sweetling?”
“That is your niece you’re speaking too, for Great Mother’s sake,” Laera bit out. She batted away Raya’s small hand when it raised to her face, presumably to push away Laera’s hiding hand. Naughty little thing, Laera thought fondly.
Feyd-Rautha cocked his head. “Your pet bastard girl is no niece of mine. I assume your prudishness is leftover sensibilities from Caladan. They do things different there, don’t they? I bet your nighttime kisses to your brother were so boringly chaste, Lady Druegelle.”
The thought of kissing Walden with anything other than simple familial affection made Laera blanche. “Whatever Geidi Prime has done to you is poison, Feyd-Rautha. Come on—you’re a fighter, not a lover. Go put on some pants and find a blade to hold.”
His laughter was sudden and chest-deep, and Laera found herself smiling at the sound despite herself. “You’re a delight,” he purred. He moved to step closer, but Laera pointed back to the bathroom with a cocked brow.
“Have some decorum in front of Raya, seriously. She’s only a girl.”
“That is a grown woman you’re cradling in your lap, Laera.”
Laera rolled her eyes. “She’s a baby. She’s, what, a decade younger than me? Come on.”
Feyd-Rautha gave a long-suffering sigh, the sound a performative, mocking gesture. “If I put away my cock will you let me trade places with your little pet? I’ll send her to go soak and you can stroke me instead.”
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blade-liger-4ever · 2 months
So, I've decided to start something.
Well, a series of somethings.
I've had some Star Wars AU ideas as of late, which I'm thinking of turning into little ficlets that will be posted on Tumblr. If I feel bold enough from my experiences here, I may transfer them over to my WordPress account, but time will tell on that front. In most of these fanfics (which hopefully won't be long - or not, we'll see), there are going to be featured a couple of OCs, as well as established character/OC relationship(s) over previously established pairings. Many of you will probably be discontent over this, however, I will do my best to explain these new pairings and why I was dissatisfied with the original love interest.
Before I get into that however, I will introduce one of these OCs, who was also inspired by the lost potential of one of Disney's most recent princesses.
Click below, and you shall see Starkiller/Galen Marek's AU love interest: Raya Karimi, descendant of the noble House of Zakuul.
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Now, before we get going, let me say something: I do not hate Juno Eclipse. I did, however, find the connection between her and Galen...a little unsettling. I am not saying it was unhealthy or toxic, nor am I saying that Juno should have never been in the same room as Galen. That said, it seemed, at least in the second game for sure, that Galen was over-relying on her and putting too much of his needs/hopes on her for his own good. And no, I'm not agreeing with what the narrative said about Vader having control over Galen so long as she lived. I think what I'm trying to say is that, she ended up being a Living Emotional Crutch for him, and that trope - whether applied to a man or woman, in real life or in fiction - deeply unsettles me. The idea that someone needs another person in order to operate as a human being, or to be kept from totally falling apart...it doesn't sit well with me, and, I suppose, scares me. I don't want that for either of them, hence a new love interest for Galen.
Now, whether or not Juno lived after that final cutscene in Force Unleashed II, I confess, for the purposes of this AU...Juno does die. In the main Star Wars universe that I envision, she does live, but for the purposes of my story, it only makes sense that she is killed by either Darth Vader or Boba Fett. Galen can only do so much to protect her, and moreover, the likelihood of either of those villains killing her is extremely high. PROXY will, quite possibly, be at least salvageable here as well; I don't yet know if he will be a series of pieces that Galen and Raya and their other two crew members will have to put back together, or have his parts integrated into a separate unit. Considering I gave Raya a revamped HK-77 assassin/protocol droid as her muscle pre-meeting Galen (HK-77s are from Legends, by the way; look them up), PROXY's role may be redundant, in which case, some of his salvageable components would be used for HK.
She will also have a small, cat-dragon hybrid known as a felico. Her name is Tapi, and I'm trying to picture her as a traditional Asiatic/Japanese dragon, but one that is small enough that she can easily climb onto someone's shoulder. I picture the same body style, but with shorter whiskers, dexterous talon-like paws, feathered wings of proper proportion, and some fur that helps her with sneaking some items off bad guys, or just all the way around enhance her cuddliness. Color wise, she might be all black or shades of gray with bright green eyes.
Raya I envision as one of the few survivors of the noble family from Zakuul, with perhaps a smidgeon of Force-sensitivity. Her family had guarded artifacts from the Old Republic Era (the time of Revan in SW:KOTOR to SW:TOR, for reference), and so she was trained in the use of both melee and ranged weapons. She was an energetic child, and a prodigy when it came to most topics, although she worked exceptionally hard to get good at working with starship systems and repairs. The Empire eventually came to Zakuul for those same artifacts, around the time Raya was twelve or fourteen. The planet attempted to fight, and was soon overpowered; however, many managed to take off with the artifacts, hiding them away from Imperial eyes. Raya was captured after one battle, and after some time, forced to watch her father's public execution. This sent her into a blind rage, and before she knew it, the squadron that had been detaining her lay at her feet in pools of blood and missing limbs. Shaken by her own actions, she managed to escape, and spent the next six or eight years bouncing across the galaxy as a freelance agent for hire. However, Raya never worked with the Empire, and even though she made apparently shady deals, it was all in the effort to locate those missing artifacts, which she managed to hide with the aid of the hidden in plain sight Jedi Haja Estree.
Following one lead on the edge of the Outer Rim/Wild Space from their efforts on Tanalorr, Raya comes across the remains of the Rogue Shadow on an unnamed planet, the owner of whom, Galen Marek, has resided in for almost a month. He's full of anger, but her stubbornness, humor, and clear disdain for the Empire manages to convince him that she is an ally and not an enemy. Working together, they leave the planet and attempt to return while being side-tracked by HK-77 picking up old, disconnected transmissions from something ancient - so ancient, in fact, that it could be a cache of artifacts from the time of Revan....
I hope you find this interesting, and if you want more, please feel free to check in for updates on it!
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thewoodworkssystem · 2 months
Just finished a story on Ao3
so here's a snippet of a story I started a few days ago that I finished like literally a few minutes ago, It's a Raya and the Last Dragon FanFic (which yeah I know I'm way late to the party, sue me okay)
“I’ve really messed things up, haven’t I? You don’t want any kind of physical contact with me now, I’ve broken your trust.” something about the way she said that made Namaari’s hear ache and without thinking she grabbed Raya’s hands and said,
“No, no, that’s not true at all. I do trust you, I trust you more than I’ve ever trusted anyone in my entire life. I want to have physical contact with you, I wanna touch you so bad I’m just trying to keep to myself because I’m scared.”
“Scared of what?” Namaari didn’t know how to answer that question so she just spoke honestly.
“I don’t really know… of myself, I guess. Maybe I’m just scared that if I touch you I’ll get carried away.” she meant it innocently enough but almost as soon as she said it this spark lit in Raya’s eyes. It was a spark of desire and it caught Namaari by surprise but Raya’s next words threw her off even more,
“Who says you would get carried away? Maybe you should be touching me.” Namaari was too stunned to speak, floundering for the right words and all that came out was a stream of babbles,
“I, uh, you… uh, I mean… what?” Raya found herself giggling at the warrior, thinking to herself For someone who’s always so tough, she's absolutely adorable right now.
Without giving Namaari much time to think Raya climbed into her lap and said,
“I think I know what your problem is, you’re afraid to have sex with me. What’s wrong, afraid you can’t handle me?”
“That’s not… Are you trying to play some kind of game with me?” Namaari was starting to worry that Raya had some kind of sick prank in mind but then the other woman ground her hips against her and pulled on her hair until her neck was exposed and she left a few kisses along her jawline before saying,
“No, but I am trying to get you naked.” as she was saying that she was already working on undressing Namaari but still the woman below her asked,
“Why are you doing this?” Again Namaari couldn’t shake the worries that Raya was up to no good.
“You mean the naked part? To have sex with you, isn’t that how these things usually work?” Raya said with a lilt of humor in her voice but Namaari wasn’t laughing, she kept a straight face as she asked,
“That’s not what I meant, I meant why do you want to have sex with me?”
“Honey, do I really need to explain that? I find you attractive, why does anyone wanna have sex with anyone? Come on, you’re not that dense.”
“Is this just a sex thing then?” Namaari swore her heart skipped a beat when she asked that question because she was so afraid of what she might hear but then Raya just smiled softly and said,
“Maari, you shouldn't have to ask that question either. Do you really think I’d try to hurt you by just using you for sex?” Namaari didn’t know how to respond to that. Did that mean that Raya loved her? Did she want Raya to love her? She didn’t want Raya to be stuck with someone as awful as herself, Raya could do better…
“Speechless, huh? Well maybe we can use your mouth for other uses then.” she started to lean in like she was going to kiss Namaari and the short-haired woman instantly pulled back.
“Raya, d-don’t kiss me because I’m not sure I can hold back if I know what it’s like to kiss you.” Raya moved closer and whispered,
“I don’t want you to hold back, baby.” and then just like that the kiss was sealed. There was so much emotion and passion packed into that kiss that it sent both of their heads spinning and for a moment they were unsure if they were even going to break apart but after a long while they finally broke apart but still stayed close, pressing their foreheads together.
here's the link to the full story:
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lithiumrev · 3 months
brb losing my mind over how i made my vestige tell molag bal to touch grass.
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lavendertwilight89 · 2 years
Swimming in Jade
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Sorry for the delay! But here we are! The final two chapters to Swimming in Jade! Huge shout out to @fawn-eyed-girl for all her beta-ing and @otaku-108​ for the beautiful art! @inu-spiration​
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animalgirl225 · 1 year
It's been a while, friends! A new job will do that to you lol. Here's my most recent finished piece!
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yumkiwidelicious · 1 year
Chapters: 6/6 Fandom: Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Namaari/Raya (Disney), Namaari & Raya (Disney) Additional Tags: Arranged Marriage, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Eventual Smut, Festivals, Hurt/Comfort, Hair Braiding, SEA culture
Series: Part 1 of rivers and roads
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shy-peacock · 7 months
Chapters: 5/? Fandom: Raya and the Last Dragon (2021) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Namaari/Raya (Disney), Namaari & Raya (Disney) Characters: Raya (Disney), Namaari (Disney), Boun (Disney), Tong (Disney), Benja (Disney), Virana (Disney), Atitaya (Disney), Sisu (Disney), Little Noi (Disney), Original Characters, The Druun (Disney) Additional Tags: Childhood Friends, Friends to Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Angst, Drama, Action/Adventure, Memory Loss, Magic, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Romance, Eventual Romance, Slow Burn, NSFW
Updated! Chapter 5.
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vrfly · 2 months
the ratld rayaari fic i mentioned last week is now finished !!
thank u sm for letting me know u guys r interested in reading. it helped me crank out the finishing touches that i felt the story was missing when i first started writing it.
if you want to read the story, u can click HERE and it will take u directly to ao3. i hope u guys enjoy!!!!!
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santiagomenagerie · 2 years
The Hideout and Shore Team
After a ship and a crew, a captain's contacts are his greatest assets, and Santiago has developed a number of excellent contacts in the Caribbean. Lets meet them!
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Art by KiraSs
Driven out of France by the obsession of a judge, Esmeralda made her way to the Caribbean where she parlayed personal charisma, creativity and persuasion to get herself a partial stake in a bar and brothel. That partial stake burned up when the rest of the place did during one of Santiago’s disagreements with the crew of the Ulysses. Unlike her business partners though, Esmeralda wasn’t willing to accept the loss. She hunted him down to demand repayment, only to be swept up in a race that took them to the East Indies. There, while hunting for a Lantean artifact, they found a few new allies, plenty of adventure, and in a cove not far from Singapore, a beached Chinese Treasure ship. Clearing out the pirates who’d been using it as hide out, and coincidentally claiming their modest horde for themselves, Santiago and Esmeralda made a deal. His crew would get the ship seaworthy, and use the captured pirate horde to rearm and crew the ship, and Esmeralda would captain her as a free floating pleasure galleon, touring the Caribbean offering gambling, drinking, live entertainment and more to any with the coin to pay for it. In return for his assistance, The Menagerie and her crew would maintain a 50% stake in the ship and any profits she made. 
Esmeralda accepted. Now she captains The Jade Empress around the Caribbean, trading luxury and entertainment for information, leads, and of course, plenty of silver. 
Namaari & Raya:
The scions of two warring peoples, Raya and NamaarI none the less fell in love. Knowing that unification of their people would be impossible, they elected instead to flee their homes and start a fresh life together. Trading on their combat skills, they made their way to Singapore, where a fight in a warehouse spilled out into the street, and directly into them, dragging them both into a new adventure. Leaping to the defense of who they assumed to be an innocent woman, they instead found themselves fighting alongside Kida as she battled a batch of local gangsters for possession of a map. The three of them fled back to the Menagerie where Raya and Namaari found themselves carried along on the adventure. At its conclusion they were offered the opportunity to join the crew, but instead decided to travel with Esmeralda, offering their services as her bodyguards and bouncers. 
For Raya, this is an opportunity to get out of the base mercenary work they’d been doing. To find a new home somewhere she and Namaari felt needed and appreciated. 
For Namaari, it’s a little more simple than that. She gets to stay with Raya in something approaching her previous lifestyle’s comfort, and she gets to beat the hell out of a few drunks and pirates now and again. She’s happy with that.
Everything was going well for the Family Madrigal, until a new priest came to town. Denouncing their miracles as devil worship, he turned the people against them, driving the Madrigals from their home, and splitting the family apart in the process. Dolores was hounded all the way to the Caribbean coast, where she hopped a ship for the Bahamas. Using her gift, she was able to warn the captain of her ship of an impending mutiny, and he in turn carried her to Tortuga just in time for the Jade Empress to arrive in port. Unsure of where else to go, and hoping she might find information there, Dolores made her way onto the massive ship. It didn’t take her long to figure out just what the ship was, and that information was one of the ship’s largest markets. With her gift, she plucked leads, tips, and secrets from the air without ever leaving her seat. She even caught a hint about her family. Somebody had seen Isabella aboard a ship named The Lovely Assistant. With no other leads to follow, and aware that the Empress traveled a lot, she approached Esmeralda, offering her services as an informant in exchange for a place on the ship and the promise of help should any leads come up. Esmeralda in turn introduced her to Santiago, who promised to pass on any information he heard about her family, and pledged the full capabilities of himself, his ship, and his crew should she need them to follow up on any leads. So now Dolores does odd jobs around the Empress, from dancing, to serving drinks, to even a few more intimate services for the right customers, always with an ear out for news of her family, or anything else Esmeralda or Santiago might find helpful.
Elizabeth Swann:
With Will cursed, doomed to sail the seas as Davy Jones replacement, Elizabeth wasn’t just about to sit around at home. Using her contacts and reputation among both sides of the law in the Caribbean, she amassed enough money to start a legitimate trading company, a company she used as a front for moving pirated goods. Funding secured, she began to search for legends, myths, anything that might give her a way to break Will’s curse. Her search put her in the path of The Menagerie when they both ended up hunting the same prize. Santiago and his crew beat the crew she’d hired, so next time, she simply hired them herself. The ancient texts they recovered for her didn’t have the answers she wanted, but she was impressed with the captain, his crew, and the casual way the crew approached sex. It’d been years since she’d gotten any at that point, and while she wasn’t so desperate as to bed Santiago, she figured Will wouldn’t mind too much if it was with another woman. 
Thus began her relationship with pirates of The Menagerie. The arrangement they reached was simple, she’d help them sell any pirated cargo, and in return, they’d undertake the occasional treasure hunt for her. The fact that most of their hunts ended up with little more than trinkets didn’t dismay her. Each failure was simply one more possibility checked off. Eventually, she’d find a way to free Will. And when she did, she might see how he felt about the idea of sharing her with another man. 
The Hideout: 
Like all good pirates, Santiago has a hideout on an uncharted island in the Caribbean. To the passing ship it looks like nothing more than an average, if pretty, island cove, and the few ships who have tried to put in have discovered a rocky reef just below the surface, making entry at any time other than high tide impossible. Unless you happened to have a woman in league with the ocean aboard your ship. Moana can get The Menagerie into and out of the cove with ease, lifting the ship clear of the reef and into the shallow bay on the other side. And if that was all there was to it, it would be impressive enough, but that’s just the first defense. The true hideout is hidden behind a massive waterfall that tumbles into the bay, tall and wide enough for one to sail a ship through, if a ship could be taken through a waterfall. Once again, The Menagerie’s unique crew comes into play. Elsa can freeze the waterfall if needed, or Moana or Ariel can spell the water to part around it, granting the ship access to the cave hidden behind it.
The cave itself is large enough not only to perform most maintenance upon the ship, but to store several months of repair supplies, extra food, and to house any cargo they need to offload. A small beach inside the cave has also been outfitted with a bar, a few tables, and a raised and secluded bedroom for the captain, and as often as not, at least a few of the girls.
The location of the island is a secret held by Santiago and his most trusted allies. Esmerelda uses the hideout when she needs to meet with the captain away from prying eyes. Elizabeth uses it when she needs to collect or deliver cargo. And now and then, both have been known to use it simply when they need a place to let their hair down a little. Thank you all for sticking around! Have some titties as a reward!
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onceiblinked · 2 years
Writing a Jori and a Raymaari fic because I just rewatched and wanna write about them 🙈
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