#re my last reblog
jimmyspades · 6 months
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zorosdimples · 1 year
you’re away in the human realm for extended period of time while mammon’s in the devildom. you text and video call him every single day, but baby’s desperate and he misses you. you send him a cute selfie? he’s whipping his dick out on the spot and cumming all over his phone screen.
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dynamisdancers · 2 months
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are yall deadass rn these are kids
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scaryarcade · 2 years
"antipsychiatry" does in fact mean "against psychiatry". generally no one is arguing otherwise. like theres nothing sneaky or duplicitous about me calling myself that theres no "actually im just critical of psychiatry" i want to abolish it, motherfucker!!! get with the program!!!
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doomdaysdecays · 3 months
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cellophanejpeg · 6 months
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i see no difference
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rhysnolastname · 1 year
I don’t think we should reduce these kinds of things to “but she’s already attractive” because it’s still just focused on them being easy on the eyes for our benefit but i think it’s indicative of a much bigger issue that i am simply to stupid to explain.
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tri-punisher · 1 year
if people can wrap their heads around the concept of a dead name and not use it when someone wants to be called something else then why is the concept of some people not wanting to be called a certain word so hard for some of those same people to grasp. not every person identifies with “queer” or even considers it a positive thing, gay and trans people aren’t a monolith with experiences that are all universal, i don’t know why some people baulk at the idea that maybe someone doesn’t like being called the same word that you do, regardless of if it’s because of personal preference or because of something much more significant like having that same word hurled at them on the street. shocking, i know, but there are many such cases of people having differing opinions and experiences than your own. and no, that isn’t a bad thing. in fact it’s actually a good thing. a great thing, even, that everyone is different and has experienced the world differently and want to be called different things. why do you want people to conform to what you, as an individual, believe? why do you feel you can speak on behalf of the rest of a wide ranging and diverse community?
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wait while I'm already kind of comparing Bart to Dick — they're both always playing a role. Bart literally makes a comment about getting into character before he goes to the past, and we all know the Dick Grayson way of performing normalcy/okayness because it's what's expected of him, what he's always done. and more than that, Dick is hiding so much in Invasion, keeping layers and layers of secrets far above the baseline secrecy of his and the other Bats' identities — and then Bart, whose entire demeanor is an act to convince people to trust him, to convince them he's just a silly guy from the future and not a traumatized, borderline-desperate kid on a mission, comes in and lays him out flat, verbally speaking. one of the first things Bart does is telling Nightwing I know you I know who you are behind that mask and how you were trained and I know how you work. and the scene is played for comedy, like Bart doesn't know exactly what just did, but considering how tightly he plays the rest of his role all season, even after his real purpose in the past is general knowledge amongst the Team, I'd be surprised if him revealing two of the Bats' identities WASN'T a calculated move — because much like Dick, Bart is constantly performing his own age. considering the world he comes from, he's never had a normal childhood but is constantly acting like a regular, boisterous teen once he's with the YJ Team. it's a definite front, at first, trying not to let on too much about himself or why he's there, but one that falls apart over time the more he's ALLOWED to just act his own age, the more time he spends in relative safety (and isn't it heartbreaking that the life the Team lives is so safe compared to where and when Bart comes from?). Bart and Dick are both always putting on an act, and to some degree, they can both see through the other because of that. which probably affects far more than we actually see onscreen — because Dick is an authority figure whose default setting is "no one can know the true me" (both as Nightwing, hero and co-leader of Young Justice, and as Dick Grayson, pseudo-big brother and son) and here's someone who DOES know the true him, possibly in more ways than just one. and Bart is arguably the key to stopping the Reach invasion, and he's juggling his mission, his fears, and holding up a mask to prove he's normal and okay and confident, but Dick has BEEN there — IS there — and he sees straight through that. he gets it, and that shows.
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exhumedicarus · 1 year
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like. can i fucking help you
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merridelicious · 11 months
…it’s the fucking season?
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i'm white so take this with a grain of salt but i'm so much more interested in stories that place marginalized people in a historical context with sympathy to their struggles than stories that completely ignore or remove any of the historical bigotry that would have been present at the time. like for queer characters i'm more interested in seeing the way they would have thought about their identities given the context of their time period than just using modern language and understandings of themselves. it feels like getting to learn about a world that i'm unfamiliar with. i don't enjoy stories that have excessive and uncomfortable bigotry in them but i do like seeing characters in the context and mindset that would have existed in that time period
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we really need more cannibalism and zombie horror from a black perspective
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urmomsfavelesbian · 2 years
never ever forget
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missnotbrave · 1 year
i got sad thinking id never have a beach day with all my tumblr mutuals,,, it would be so fun i love the beach now
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curetapwater · 1 year
Here's how sonally in the context of satbk can win-
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