vagueiish · 5 months
how the hell do people just talk to people? how do they just put their thoughts out there like anyone gives a shit what they have to say?
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not-quitenormal · 5 hours
...if anyone has experience with having to remember what traumatized you, please let me know. EMDR isn't scratching it yet.
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arjunasearth · 7 months
The older I get, the more I am learning from children.
I have been working with children as a caregiver for almost 14 years -practically for half of my life. They have always been a part of my life. They are the true healers because they continously teach me to reaccess my inner child energy. To be joyous towards life, no matter how hard it may get. To never stop playing or being foolish. To keep taking risks, being courageous and to go for adventures. To collect things in Nature and dance. To move, to shake my body out and to laugh, to cry,to feel my emotions on the full spectrum. To never lose hope and to keep my dreams big. To follow my intuition and to speak and act from the heartcenter. To cherish Nature and to dance to the rhythm of life. To get creative whenever I can and to never lose connection to my creative energy, which is the Source of my Being. They truly are healers. And I am so grateful for having them in my life, for their lessons , for their reminder to always realign with my inner child, to see her smile. To be there for her. To reparent myself. Cause I know that when she is smiling and truly happy, than I am , too.
~She is me and I am her.~
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avaelangel · 10 months
I am sad.
For unrelated reasons, but I am also concerned about what The Boys universe has in store for us. So here you go some random LiMoreou headcanons, because I want to feel something.
Warnings: cheese and no real time restraints.
They for sure do that couple hand-over-the-shoulders thing. Jordan does it while in male form, and Marie sort of adopts it when they're in the girl form. Jordan might be a bit startled about it at first, maybe even will change back just to be annoying. Marie will do one better and try to tackle them into bending down.
Jordan will probably try and teach Marie combat. She would be reluctant about it, but will come to a conclusion (maybe with Emma's help) that it's just a way for them to spend time together. It would be hard not to get distracted, though.
Marie at some point will try and get in between Jordan and something that threatens them in any way, regardless of what form they are in or who is the threat. This might happen when Jordan's parents come again.
They both would adopt each other's behaviors which would include being protective over Emma. Emma would be weirded out that Jordan cares, but will find it funny how them and Marie glare at any guy or girl that looks at her wrong.
Oh, there's no spooning rules for Marie and Jordan. Every night is different. Sometimes one of them can't really breath from the intensity of an embrace.
Jordan and Marie didn't have a shoulder to cry on growing up. After some time they both will realise that they have each other. I think, in both cases they will be good in soothing a crying love, but Jordan will think about solving the problem first and will need a moment to reaccess.
For sure would try to be the clingiest of couples if someone calls them gross.
Totally would have video game nights. Marie never had a console! Jordan has soooo much to show her.
First date in an arcade. Junk food, photobooth pictures and the most cursed plushies they could win for each other.
Jordan wears a lot of staples (t-shirts, tanks, turtlenecks of one color) which will find their way into Marie's closet. Maybe fun pants will immigrate too. Jordan will come stomping to raid Marie's closet then when that black sweatshirt with a skull disappears.
They are for sure going thrifting together. A million percent.
(this is a weird one, but) Jordan knows an abysmal amount of poetry from the days of chasing wrong people. When they start randomly reciting some Shakespear sonnet to Marie, she's so scared. But when Jordan does it to startle her again, Marie actually enjoys it. Jordan isn't bummed for long, because it starts a long conversation about literature.
Marie does indulge in Property Brothes marathons. She didn't get it first, but didn't say anything. Around season 6 she would actually understand the appeal.
That would spawn an idea to just hang out in paint stores and hardware stores.
Jordan for sure can put up a shelf and stuff. Once, they pulled out a fancy drill with a battery and Marie almost swoons for real.
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tildeathiwillwrite · 9 months
Merry Whumpmas 2023 Day 21: Infection
Week 3 of this bullshit. Enjoy.
TW: infection, swearing, passing out
Whumpee had known about the injury for a while now. They’d gotten it on their last mission, but the other team members had been worse off, so Whumpee grabbed some painkillers and bandages and stopped the bleeding themself. They’d assumed that would be the end of it. They’d been through worse; their teammates’ injuries were more serious, and no one needed to worry.
Until the wound got worse.
Whumpee had been shot in the side. Now, three days later, no amount of painkillers they took could numb the pain. When they’d changed the bandages that morning, the wound was warmer than it should have been, it was starting to swell and had turned an angry red color. Whumpee began to worry, then, but they pushed off telling anyone else. Everyone, even Caretaker, was busy helping the more injured team members recover. Whumpee could wait another day before they sought aid.
Hours after making this decision, Whumpee awoke in the middle of the night. The wound was throbbing, far worse than when it had initially been sustained. Each step they took wobbled as they went to the bathroom to check underneath the bandages. Whumpee took a long, ragged breath when they saw the extent. The flesh was streaked with dark red, it refused to close after nearly four days, and blood still welled up from the opening in their skin.
Whumpee’s head darted to see Caretaker standing in the doorway, staring at the wound in their side. Their mouth opened and closed, trying to find the right words. “I…” they stammered, “I… you were so busy caring for everyone else… I didn’t want to bother you…”
Caretaker gingerly prodded the wound. “How long have you been hiding this from me?”
Whumpee’s face grew hot. “Um… almost four days, now.”
“Four days?!” Caretaker’s head snapped up to meet Whumpee’s gaze. Their expression was furious. “Four days, and you didn’t say anything?”
“It’s okay…” Whumpee mumbled, “I’ve been managing with painkillers—”
“Like hell you’ve been ‘managing with painkillers’,” Caretaker snapped, “This wound is infected, Whumpee! Infected! This should have been looked at on day one, not day four!”
Whumpee winced at their tone. “But I’m fine! You still have to take care of the rest, and I’m feeling okay…” they paused, reaccessing. “Okay, maybe I’m feeling a little light-headed… but I’ll be okay…”
The bathroom seemed to blur, and Whumpee suddenly found themselves lying on the floor, Caretaker kneeling over them and cursing up a storm. “You idiot!” They shouted, “You fucking idiot!”
Caretaker shouted something else, but Whumpee couldn’t make it out as darkness closed over their vision and sent them into the sweet oblivion of sleep.
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antinegationism · 2 days
no idea what any of that other stuff means but yay no more deletion thank you for your services !
Well, to be clear, this can still mean deletions if no one actually hosts siikr nodes. But hopefully the percentage of people willing to run a node grows in proportion to the number of blogs people want to index.
All of that other stuff means some very deep and weird things about the incentive structure of human societies which probably very few people care about.
But like, in an ideal world, no one but you personally would have any right to prevent other people from seeing your content. And no would have to figure out who has segregated themselves into which groups that allow which content.
You would just be like "I like this person's content. I'mma follow them" and nothing short of unanimous decision by every single node of the internet could stop that person from saying what they want to nor you from listening to it or not listening to it if you want to.
That person might use Facebook or YouTube or Tumblr or Twitter for the convenience of an interface / initial outreach / identity verification. But none of the people they interact with actually care about the particular platform. They just care about the content.
In this paradigm, Facebook, YouTube, Tumblr, Twitter etc, would reduce to interfaces that attempt to control what is being seen of the content mesh. But the stuff would still be readily available on the mesh regardless of what some interfaces choose they want to show you. And you could easily access it trough the mesh, because you follow content authors (as verified by their PGP signature), not user accounts (as verified by Mark Zuckerberg).
And the mesh doesn't even need the data itself to be consistently stored. Youtube can delete your account and nuke your videos and you might be the only person in the world that has those videos stored personally on their hard drive, but you could at any point make them reaccessible by uploading them to an arbitrary node on the mesh, and all of the people who followed your now banned YouTube account will see them again right where they might have briefly seen a {content not found, please reupload} box while the YouTube link failed to work.
I am, of course -- not going to build any of this. But it is interesting how far you can get with just the primitives of
All content is signed with a PGP key
Any spoke can decide content of some signature is worth hosting.
All spokes are search engines.
Any spoke can serve as a hub (but there is a distinction between the two roles).
You can basically just sign some shitpost, toss it into the mesh with no particular regard as to which spoke you tossed it into, and find it again 12 years later on a spoke that didn't even exist when you tossed the shitpost in. All while having no clue that there's even such a thing as a spoke or a hub.
You'd just log in to siikr and be like "Hey remember that shitpost I made on my UTublr account 12 years ago?"
And siikr would be like "It was your FaceTube account. And sadly, yes."
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wint3r-h3art · 2 years
Attuma would lose his mind the first time he slips into you. He is huge - he’s 100% a big boy so when he fucks you it’s just so unbelievably tight and pure bliss for both of you. He can’t stop growling about how you’re just the perfect fit, made for him to fuck. When you’re completely fucked out beneath him he’d coo at you while he’s slamming into you, rubbing his thumb over your swollen and exposed clit. He’d be constantly praising you for being his perfect cockslut, made for him to breed, taking him so well, how you’ll look so pretty when you’re round with his baby… and then afterwards he’d cuddle you so close to him, letting you lie on top of him and cockwarm him so that he can keep you full of him and his cum
He has to paused, and reaccessed himself because like he knows you’re tight, but he doesn’t realized you’re gonna be this tight 😩 his mind is probably blank for a whole ass minute just because how did he get so lucky. Of course, after you get more comfortable with him, he starts to move, and send your soul to another plane of existence 🤭
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Hey GIL! Sort of a random question, but I travelled with a timelord for years- yet during their forth incarnation they well… Lost all their personal(?) memories, apart from knowledge that was drilled into them. I was wondering, is this common? Is there any way I can help them? They seem rather lost and confused, and it hurts to see them like this.
How can I help a Time Lord with amnesia?
We'd need a bit more information on how they lost their memory to provide the best practice response, but in the absence of this, here are a few pointers:
🧠 Understanding Gallifreyan Memory Loss
Gallifreyans, particularly Time Lords, have some of the most advanced brains in the universe. Their memories are typically robust, well-protected, and resistant to most forms of tampering. However, even with these defences, memory loss can occur due to various reasons:
Regeneration Side Effects: Sometimes, after a regeneration, Time Lords can experience temporary amnesia or confusion as their brain adjusts to the new body. Usually, this is short-lived, but in rare cases, it could last longer.
Trauma, Disease or Psychic Attack: If your Time Lord friend encountered a powerful psychic attack, disease, or severe trauma, this could have overwhelmed their natural defences and damaged or suppressed the areas of their brain responsible for memory, leading to memory loss.
Self-Induced Amnesia: Occasionally, Time Lords might choose to erase or suppress memories as a way to cope with traumatic experiences or to hide crucial information—even from themselves. This is less common but not unheard of.
Forced Removal: Some memories can be forcibly removed despite all the natural defences, by using extremely advanced biological or mechanical methods.
🩺 Solutions
Despite the memory loss, your friend likely still has some underlying protections in place that you can exploit to help them recover these memories.
Limbic System Backup: Even if their conscious memory has been affected, there's a good chance that a lot of their memories are "zip-filed" in their limbic system, waiting to be retrieved with the right stimuli. You could try exposing them to familiar sights and sounds to see if any of the zip files resurface.
Telepathic Defences: Their psionic abilities will still be functioning on some level, safeguarding against further memory loss and potentially aiding in recovery. If you or someone else has telepathic abilities, gently probing their mind might help to unlock suppressed memories. Only attempt this if you're confident in your abilities or can find someone experienced to assist.
The Matrix: Time Lords are connected to the Matrix—a sort of Gallifreyan cloud storage. This connection offers a way to recover lost memories, although it can be tricky to access and your Time Lord would have to return to Gallifrey for assistance.
Self-Induced Memory Rewiring: Gallifreyans can see 'dead spots' in their brains and can rewire their neural pathways to bypass areas potentially affected by memory tampering. This self-induced neuroplasticity could allow them to reaccess memories that have been altered or erased.
Gallifreyan Medical Assistance: Some methods of treatment on Gallifrey could help, including Chronotherapy or Neural Realignment, but these are heavily dependent on the severity and cause of amnesia.
🏫 So ...
Memory loss in Time Lords can be complex, and the cause and severity often dictate the best course of action. Over time, with the right triggers and care, they may start to recover those lost pieces of themselves.
What is Spatio-Temporal amnesia?: A look at spatio-temporal amnesia and its symptoms, causes, and treatments.
What are some Gallifreyan protections against forced memory loss?: How their memory works and how they can protect themselves.
How does the Matrix work?: What the Matrix is and how it can be accessed.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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friendli-rose · 4 months
"...Well, time to give this a try!"
Tumblr media
"Oh I forgot about this part- OW!"
Tumblr media
"Oh thank goodness..."
["Welcome back, Rosie. :)"]
Tumblr media
["Are you okay?"]
"...Yeah. Yeah, actually, I'm great! It worked!"
["That it did. It's nice to be back."]
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ben-marco · 4 months
I wanted to ask if you have any tips for working with a few issues I'm having irt deprogramming.
With the point we're at, our highest ups have converted to the side of the system, but still fear reaccess by our abusers despite that not being possible (group has disbanded, leader moved away). How can we help with the remaining fear?
Another struggle, because the higher ups are no longer keeping everyone stringently separate, the lower gatekeepers are struggling to keep the "daytime" sidesystem away from front like they have been since discovery of our OEA background. It seems like it may be time to start trying to tell them what we remember, but we're afraid of overwhelming them. How do we start telling them without raising questions with answers they aren't ready for yet?
Thank you!
Hello anon.
I totally hear you. Higher-ups are tough. When I've been in similar situations, I have tried to orient them to the present as much as possible-- and in multiple ways. I had to invite one of them to join me at mealtimes (bonus points if he was willing to be around while I cooked whatever we were eating) to see that we can eat whatever we want now, and always have plenty of food. By taking part in meals and observing me while I cook, he learned that things are different for us now in these specific ways:
We live somewhere else, our kitchen is very different from the one that was in our childhood home
We are old enough to live on our own now
We are old enough to cook for ourselves
We eat what we want to eat, nothing that makes us sick, and the cabinets have plenty of what we need
It doesn't have to be anything elaborate, either. I found that this particular higher-up enjoyed chicken noodle soup from a can, for example. Sometimes it's the little things. You could also invite these parts to observe (or even take part) in other activities, like writing or drawing or collaging. Anything to show them that things are different these days.
You may find it helpful to keep an index card in your wallet (or in your journal, if you keep one) that states the current year, your current address, the group being disbanded and the leader having moved away, and any other information you think might be important or orienting. If you have a grounding box, you might also keep a copy of this information in there, too.
Unfortunately, I'm not sure I have advice for the second part, as this is something I struggle with myself-- the constant tug-of-war between day parts and night parts, and who knows what, and who believes what. However, I will advise you that no matter how hard you try to be tactful and gentle with revealing this information, there's always a chance that parts will deny it or be overwhelmed by it. That's just the nature of these kinds of disclosures. A trauma-informed therapist might be able to help smooth this over, but it will likely still be messy or difficult at times, just because of the nature of the information.
Wishing you and your parts all the best.
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jerzwriter · 1 year
why did havenroyals blocked you and liaromancewriter lol
I'm not sure, Nonny - and outside of wanting to be hurtful - I'm not sure why you felt the need to send this to me, either. But since you did, I'll bite... let's address.
I have been a huge supporter of the creator for months now. I simply love their work and always looked forward to seeing it. I found it so unique, fun, and lighthearted. I talked them up to anyone who wanted to hear about it - and some who probably did not, as well. I did all I could to promote them and share their work, and they seemed to be very appreciative of it.
We even messaged privately. As recently as this week, they sent me an adorable shot of Tobias and his little girl that was not posted publicly, and just yesterday, they asked if I wanted to help with a new character that was going to help put little Toby in his place. If posting screenshots wasn't something I find to be a disgusting invasion of privacy, I'd share them here as confirmation. But I'm not going to change who I am, even if I am hurt and bewildered.
I won't lie. Waking up to this was upsetting and hurtful, but such is life on Tumblr, right? Between this and other things happening in the fandom recently, I'm really starting to reaccess what my role is here and how I should interact with, support, and be involved with others going forward. I will be making changes.
To be clear, I'm not leaving. I alone will dictate when that day comes. But I've tried to be supportive of everyone here. I never block people unless I know for a fact that they've done something very bad to me or others because I've always felt I should support people in our fandom, even if we're not friends on a personal level.
I'm rethinking how I move forward - both on my own blog and with CFWC. The future will look quite different.
Anyway, Nonny, if your goal was to hurt me and rub some salt in a would this morning, congratulations. You won for approximately 10 minutes. But I was quickly reminded of how wonderful some of the people I have met here are - and that changed my perspective almost instantly.
If havenroyals ever sees this, I'd invite them to reach out to me personally. I can't see anything that I did that would warrant this, but if I did do something to upset them, it would be nice to have the courtesy of knowing what it was and perhaps a chance to rectify it.
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granulesofsand · 1 year
if you're able to say- what is shatter programming used for? we still feel confused about it
We have it in two formats, and both of them are for use by perps to gain control over a system.
The first is that one alter fragmenting into lots of shards, usually as a punishment for disobedience of some kind.
The other is when an already unelaborated fragment is split apart into even tinier bits, which is something our memory fragments are programmed to do to prevent reassembly of particular events. So, every time a flashback happens, the memory fragments involved split into three smaller fragments until they run out of information to divide.
The shattering itself can be a natural thing in a dissociative system, but someone on the outside forcing the system to work that way makes it programmed. Prevention of reassembly is the same for both of ours tbh, for the alters it’s to make it feel like death or make sure information someone got into can’t be reaccessed.
It’s not actually called shatter programming for us, but it makes it easier to talk about for both shared vocabulary and getting around don’t-talk type progs.
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creature-wizard · 1 year
Continuing from where we left off about Svali, the fake Illuminati defector from whom all of those claims about color/metal/gemstone programming and fictive programming originate, we now reach chapter twelve, which is basically a bunch of supposed tips to keep the cult from reaccessing the survivor.
Svali claims that cult members are given an "E.T. phone home" alter that wants to reestablish contact with the global satanic cult. Basically she's claiming that if you ever find yourself wanting to go back to an abuser, it's not because part of you is nostalgic for the times that were actually good; it's because the Illuminati put an alter in you.
What's she going to blame on an alter next? Craving popcorn? Wanting to visit the beach?
According to Svali, basically any attempt from family members to get in contact with you whatsoever contains "trigger codes." Did your mom send you a birthday card? Did it make you miss your mom? That's because it contained an Illuminati trigger code!!!
If you see someone who reminds you of a family member and you find yourself missing them? Triggered by the Illuminati!!!!!
Phone calls from family and friends? They're definitely trying to activate your "E.T. Phone Home" alter. They aren't just confused about why you've cut them off ever since you started visiting that therapist who thinks Trump is working behind the scenes to save the children from the globalists.
Family send you a birthday card? The number of petals on the flowers is a trigger code. Or the color of the flowers is.
And if you think you don't have DID? If you think you're just a regular person with a shitty family you've cut off and just miss them because, y'know, that's a normal thing? Well of course you have DID, you silly little goose! You're just an amnesiac presenting system! You just don't remember the SRA because you have screen memories!
In chapter thirteen, Svali claims that:
Survivors of Illuminati programming will always have some type of hierarchy inside. This is because the cult itself is very hierarchical, and puts this hierarchy inside the person. What better way to inspire loyalty to leadership than to put the leadership inside the person’s head? Trainers are also very hierarchy conscious themselves. They know that a system without hierarchy and head honchos inside to direct things will be a system in chaos. They will not leave the person’s system leaderless inside.
But... wait, Svali, weren't you claiming earlier that all cult members were taught that it's kill or be killed, betray or be betrayed, that authority figures cannot be trusted? Literally how does this work? How is there any sort of functional hierarchy, whether among the member ranks or within systems, if all of this betrayal shit's going on?
Later, she claims that the Illuminati was responsible for human experimentation during WWII. Now remember that Svali's into that whole 13 Satanic Bloodlines stuff, so she's also repeating the conspiracy theory that Jews were actually behind the atrocities of WWII.
She claims that Illuminati victims today are taught that they are just an experiment, which demoralizes and dehumanizes them, and all that cartoon villain shit. She claims that victims are put into VR simulators and subjected to various modes of sensory stimulation/deprivation.
After the experiment stuff, Svali starts bringing MK-Ultra into this, and claims that alters can have assassin programming. Now just for clarification, Project MK-Ultra was a real thing, and it was beyond fucked up. However, it was the work of the US government, not a global satanic conspiracy. Furthermore, they basically discovered that no, there are no magic mind control drugs. But the Christofascists, who idolize the US government and hate drugs, can't really accept either of these things.
In chapter fourteen, Svali starts talking about spiritual programming. She claims that all children go through rituals where demonic entities are invoked, and also claims:
Trainers will invoke demonic layering during programming sessions. This is done after acute trauma. The person is asked if they want more pain, and they will always say ''no''. The trainer then offers them a way out: if they will accept a ''protector'' or ''protectors'' they won’t be hurt any more. The trainers will want this, knowing that with these ''protectors’'' they can shorten the training sessions. The protectors, or guardians, will reinforce the programming internally, without outside help.
This echoes what other known fraud Lauren Stratford claimed about satanic "spirit guides" in her book, Satan's Underground, just given a psychological twist.
She claims that the Illuminati has a sacred text titled "The Book of Illumination." There is apparently a real text with this title, but it has nothing to do with the Illuminati whatsoever. She claims that the Illuminati frequently worship Moloch, Ashtaroth, Baal, and Enokkim. She claims that children will be drugged and forced to eat the raw innards of sacrificed animals, which... not only is this gross, this is definitely a major health risk.
She claims that the Illuminati practices "resuscitation rituals," in which children are drugged, shocked, or otherwise tortured to the points where their heart stops. Then they perform CPR and bring the child back, and claim a demon resurrected them. Why they'd do this when this is such a massive risk and CPR CAUSES SERIOUS INJURIES is baffling - but then again, this is Svali, Queen of Edge.
She claims that demons can perform miraculous healings, another claim that seems to have been inspired by Satan's Underground.
And then there's more edgy cartoon villainy described here that's kind of just.. generic Christofascist fearmongering about the activities of evil satanic cults and their abusive behavior so like, I'm not gonna bother. If you wanna read it you can find it yourself.
In chapter fifteen - the final chapter of the first part of this two-part series - she talks about VR programming again, where Illuminati programmers can supposedly set up any scenario they like.
Then she claims that there's "denial programming," where parents will harm a child one day and then the next pretend that nothing happened. Because apparently in Svali's world, all shitbag behavior has to be the machinations of a global satanic cult, not just people being shitbags.
She claims that denial programming also includes children being given an orange, asked what it is, and when they answer that it's an orange, be told that it's an apple and be tortured until they agree it's an apple. Like, Svali, this doesn't make an effective cultist, this just seriously messes up a person.
Svali also claims:
Alters will be created as the child grows, whose purpose is to deny the cult abuse. If any leakage or breakthrough occurs, the denial alter’s job is to create a plausible explanation: it was a nightmare, a book the person read, a movie they saw, etc. These alters will read and quote literature that refutes SRA. THESE ALTERS OFTEN BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE SAVING THE LIFE OF THE SURVIVOR. They have been told that if the survivor remembers, and believes the abuse, the survivor will be killed, or the denial alter will be severely punished or shattered for not doing their job. These parts have a vested interest in their job: they believe their very existence and they body’s survival, depend upon them.
So, if you deny being satanically abused? If you tell your therapist that you don't have DID? Why, that's just more proof that you have been satanically abused and you do have DID!!!
She claims that the Illuminati induces "core splits" by means of severe torture methods. She claims that these techniques are also dangerous because they can cause autism if they don't work right.
Yeah, you read that right.
She's blaming autism on SRA.
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starstruckodysseys · 9 months
my grade is going to tank bc i literally cannot finish an assignment bc it timed me out for no reason and my professor won’t email me back or let me reaccess it :)))
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mommyspreciousboy · 1 month
I truly did not think a year ago that I'd be a happy little house(boy)wife in a committed relationship and dynamic with a fellow butch. Im not in That city anymore, I got out of my abusive living situation and now live with Mommy. I get to be loved and taken care of. Ive even been able to reaccess my age regression and feel safe, I'm very lucky.
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get-rammed · 9 months
Your Weregator monty ch.ai bot ain't showing anymore :(
Once people try to break the filter, the bots stop showing for everyone. Womp, Womp. I think all my bots stopped showing up the same day posted them tbh. Only way to reaccess them is with their links
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