#reading fanfiction obviously
clumsy-words-again · 5 months
I love clear sunny days and I love soft sunshine-y cloudy days and I love the winter sun days but nights are best when the sky is cloudless so I can speak to the stars
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sunfortune · 1 year
i don’t care if authors write fanfiction but if i read a book and a major problem the author has is making their original characters compelling or developing characters coherently in a work that is otherwise actually decently written. and Then i find out the author was big into writing fic. i’m like yeah…fanfiction is Not beating the allegations 😔
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janjan-the-ninth · 8 months
To fanfiction authors: Please learn what Dead Dove means. There has been a trend, especially will all the new people who have joined over the last few years, to tag fics which are no where close to Dead Dove as Dead Dove. Just cause the fic contains topics which aren't allowed on tiktok or which they think are bad, like Major Character Death, Violence and so one. Which exists as seperate warnings on ao3. A fic is not automatically Dead Dove just cause it deals with those topics.
The overuse of the Dead Dove tag will make the tag utterly useless in the long run and will lead to an increase of censoring from the outside as new people and everyone else will think that everything they do not like is Dead Dove and therefore bad.
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fernlessbastard · 3 months
You guys aren't ready for the conversation of how Quackity sincerely loves bottoming
I'm not at all saying he wants to always bottom, I'd say he still prefers topping most of the time, but whenever he's down to get something up his ass, he's DOWN to get something up his ass, if you know what I mean
(the switching applies to position only, tho. I sincerely can't see him genuinely enjoying subbing, and neither can I see Wilbur actually domming unless they're both being influenced by years of internalised homophobia and patriarchy and all that bullshit, but even then it's just cringe and they're just both pretending it's not cause it's easier that way (and the sex itself isn't like, actively bad, not to mention that it provides some degree of an emotional connection which they both desperately crave), plus it's still basically vanilla just with a little bit of dirty talk - that's how i see them in Pogtopia (with Q bottoming - if you want another huge post on their Pogtopia dynamic let me know cause I have so many thoughts on it and how their traumas affected them and their relationship and how complicated it all was))
That being said, man's 10000% intensely fucking traumatised
(tw personal hc and following the logical path from canon implications idfk)(also exaggeration) like, if he were ACTIVELY evil and had ZERO (even personal) moral code, then the amount of anger he feels towards Schlatt for taking away the enjoyment of it is probably enough to ignore all ethics and torture Dream so utterly unimaginably he ends up violating entirety of the Geneva convention, and then having 50 new ones written specifically to condemn his actions, just to break every single one of those as well on the way, just so that Dream gives him the revival book so that he can re-kill Schlatt with his own hands
Also he absolutely re-traumatised himself with Karl and Sapnap cause he was for sure like "I shouldn't be having an intense panic attack right now, I'm going to push all my energy into pretending that everything's ok and that I don't want to cry and scream and rip my skin off. I'm just being silly and dramatic anyway ha ha" which just resulted in them unknowingly hurting him all over again. I take no criticism. Q's got MASSIVE communication issues when it comes to validating his feelings and Karl and Sapnap are "everything's fine"-ing way too much on the daily. And whole Quackity should work on his issues, it IS a partner's job to at least try to check up on the other(s) (and vice versa), and Karl and Sapnap clearly always preferred to ignore any hints that something might be wrong as a general life rule. The relationship was immaturely focused on "fun and good vibes" from the very start, so any bad topic obviously felt out of place. It started off with lack of communication and it died cause of it too.
That's also actually why I will always firmly stand by the fact that Wilbur (during las Nevadas era) is the only person with whom he could ever heal, btw (yes, including Charlie as a hypothetical romantic interest). Cause Schlatt's abusive, Karl and Sapnap "deserve better" in his eyes (so he pretends to be fine until shit hits the fan and everything falls apart)(that also applies to his hypothetical relationship with Charlie). But with Wilbur there's enough distance to feel safe and call out his bullshit without retaliation in form of abuse, and on the other hand he doesn't care to pretend to be perfect - hell, he probably purposefully shoves his issues onto the guy cause he's like "you think you're so strong and stubborn you can handle me??? You think???? Think again." (Wilbur does the same btw). They're purposefully trying to push each other away, destroy the "relationship", show each other just how fucked up they are. They're psycho-competitive. Even being the first one to be "too much" and get abandoned turns into a competition.
But it backfires. They bond. They're real with each other. They're stubborn, they're determined enough to stay just long enough to see each other's walls crack. And once they do, the feelings are quick to spill. They're each other's only people to be GENUINELY themselves with - no masks, no manipulation, no bullshit. Just themselves. And that's the first, CRUCIAL step to developing a healthy relationship (or at least healthier than all their other relationships).
So with Wilbur he probably only tries to bottom either once he ACTUALLY begins to feel like he could maybe try to reclaim it, or even if he tries it in a self-destructive way, (considering their history+patriarchy and shit) Wilbur'd know and care enough to realise Q's just trying to hurt himself. And as shitty as Wilbur can be sometimes, he's not a bad person - he'd stop Q if things'd go too far, or give him (at least a temporary) safe space to safely go through a breakdown without hurting himself like that. He wouldn't take advantage of such a low moment, and he would know enough to recognise it's a low moment in the first place.
Anyway once they figure all that out and Quackity's genuinely comfortable with it again, it's for sure not uncommon for him to enjoy some nice aggressive pounding, all the while having one hand in Wilbur's hair, pulling it to hold him close, and the other hand on Wilbur's neck, lightly choking him as they're intensely making out
All that to say Q's a massive sadist but he's also a huge massochist and he'll absolutely have Wilbur on a nice leash and call him a pathetic, desperate, horny dog or something like that as the man's (purposefully) sloppily thrusting in and out of him, causing the most "carnage" he can (Wilbur will be double fisting Quackity and Quackity will be just looking at him unfazed like "your hands are small" (they're not)/hj)
Oh btw to clarify [TW ok more direct talk of SA so please be careful and take care of yourselves]- yes, I'm absolutely saying Q got repeatedly SA'd by Schlatt throughout their relationship. The guy was canonically generally verbally and physically abusive, AND basically the whole point of his character is that he's like, the epitome of everything wrong with society. Add to that the sexual comments which were constantly used to demean, insult, and objectify Q, as well as Quackity's intense, palpitable discomfort which noticeably grows each time the topic comes up when they meet after Schlatt's death during Las Nevdas era, it's a pretty safe bet to assume Schlatt didn't stop at "just" verbal and physical violence. Sexual violence is almost a guarantee when you consider all that context - it's hardly even "reading between the lines". And you can't tell me that in our society that views being penetrated during sex as something negative, especially for men, while viewing penetrating someone as an act of "conquering" and "winning" and all that a character who's supposed to embody as many of this world's faults as possible wouldn't shove his dick where it's not wanted, even just purely to prove he can despite lack of consent.
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valtsv · 2 years
idk if i just have bad taste but i see a lot of people saying they don't like fanfic written in the second person (maybe because it feels too much like x reader insert fic? idk) but personally i love well written second person pov fics because they make me feel so much closer to the pov character, like i'm really seeing and experiencing things through their eyes and in their shoes. maybe that's too intimate for some people, but i really enjoy stepping into a character's headspace and getting up close and personal with their introspective thoughts and feelings, the lies they tell even to themself, and the processes they go through in order to make the decisions and take the actions they do. obviously like any writing device i wouldn't want every story to be written this way because it would get boring and stifle other means of creative expression, but it's really interesting to me and i don't get why it's often something people say they find unpleasant in comments sections about fic preferences and dealbreakers.
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orcelito · 1 year
ok I don't think we as a fandom talk about the way Vash cries blood enough
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we only see it once or twice from what I remember, the one definite time being here ^ when the puppet attack first begins & he's dealing with the emotional agony of seeing so many of his family turn into puppets.
so it's clearly something that comes out only when he's in severe emotional distress.
the interesting thing is that Wolfwood is fucking TERRIFIED of him bc of it.
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whatever this moment is, Vash is giving off the same sort of oppressive energy that Wolfwood's experienced with Knives. it's the first time during their travels that he's really been forced to recognize What Vash Is. he knew it of course, saw him in Jeneora, but he's such a goofy guy it's easy to forget.
but whatever Vash is doing here, it makes Wolfwood Incredibly aware of what he is.
so the real question i think is What exactly is going on here? is it unintentional? is it simply a response to the emotional agony?
Vash isn't the type to indiscriminately terrify everyone in the vicinity on purpose. he wouldn't be doing this purposefully out of anger while Wolfwood's there. no, in this moment, he's not even angry at all. he's Distraught.
going from This
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to this
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in just a moment.
yeah. that's some fucking emotional agony. i dont think Vash is doing this entirely on purpose.
but THEN...
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as both Leonof and Wolfwood stare at him in fear, Both feeling his oppressive energy, Vash then lets out some sort of blast that blows against everything between him and Leonof. it doesn't destroy anything, doesn't even injure him, but it's a physically tangible effect that scares the Shit out of Leonof & spurs him into motion.
there may be some anger involved in this moment, but it's not the hair-trigger rage you would expect from seeing his family turned into puppets. it's something Quiet, something almost cold. he's distraught, Resigned, & retaliating just because he has to.
Vash hates all of this. he doesn't want to fight him. he fucking Knows this guy too, knew him as a kid, & none of this makes sense. but he knows that he needs to fight him, & doesn't have any kind of choice.
but he's not happy about it. not in the slightest.
#speculation nation#fanny reads trigun#fanny's trigun analysis#trigun#trigun spoilers/#trimax spoilers/#adding that tag for tag goers. since this is a very trimax moment.#im just fascinated by the implications here. there's so much we don't see about Vash's abilities. him and Knives both.#there's the implication that he can read people's minds in the way he sometimes responds to thought boxes#and also the entire mental conversation he has with Legato. NONE of this is brought up.#the way Knives created that tree. they obviously can generate vegetation just like their sisters. or at least Knives can.#Vash creates that barrier. which I see as an extreme manipulation of gravity to prevent anything from going through.#and of course there's the explosions. with the angel arm theyre huge.#but then we see at least once Vash turn his finger into a lil canon. aka it can be done in a smaller form#and also the implications of him just making Bomb Bullets? mini versions of his giant explosions? What??????#so it brings the question of What If they could do these things on smaller scales? would Vash be capable of minor manipulations of gravity?#would Knives be able to just generate a fruit in his hand?#so many weird little things!!!! and we have no idea!!!!!!#but ykno what me as a fanfiction writer my entire PURPOSE is to extrapolate from canon. which includes their weird ass powers.#aka im going to make assumptions from the little bits we see in canon and im gonna RUN with them#definitely looking to do something with This moment too. Vash's oppressive energy... it will Definitely be fun.
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robintherobiner · 7 months
male character gets turned into a female and it shows him the experiences his female friends go through and it teaches him to be better? incredible fic, i'd so read it.
male character gets turned into a female and everyone around him starts treating him gentler and fussing over him and he suddenly becomes super emotional? ew. what are you doing. thats a de-aging fic. not a gender-swap. being a women doesn't make you weaker or more emotional or more in need of protecting.
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reidishh · 20 days
I just started reading Crimson Rivers. Very nervous, wish me luck 😅
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valewritessss · 21 days
I love the fics where Percabeth just got together so it’s in between pjo and hoo
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youchangedmedestiel · 4 months
I've noticed that with smutty fics I wrote there's less kudos compared to the number of hits than with angsty/fluffy fics without smut, despite having angst and/or fluff in the smutty ones too.
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compacflt · 1 year
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wip wednesday: made a HUGE amount of progress this week (for context—purple is unfinished & yellow is finished; last week all of them were purple) … i am in the home stretch here
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jazzy-a · 1 year
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leafith · 1 month
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I don't think he'll ever know ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌.
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theotherpacman · 2 months
it's part of my personal bnha lore that hisashi left when he found out izuku was quirkless, divorced inko, moved to a different city, remarried, and had a daughter. and when izuku was like 13 he googled his dad and his facebook came up with pictures of his new family. and izuku realized he had a little sister and he wanted more than anything to be her brother but he knew his dad wouldn't let him in their house.
anyway now im on a concept where she's a teenager and hisashi finds out she's a lesbian and kicks her out and her mom is like "we never told you but you have a half brother, he lives in tokyo, i just got off the phone with him and he says you can stay with him, here's his address" and she gets on a train still reeling with the shock of it all and when she gets there it's a fucking top ten hero, one of the most famous people in the country, she feels like she's been goddamn sold to one direction
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anghraine · 8 months
yavieriel replied to this post:
I feel like it's an incoherent argument because what they really want to say is "people who are vocal about only reading fanfic are annoying" but they misidentify the cause. Like I think people that only read YA novels are annoying and also I don't like most post-Harry Potter YA, and I think a lot of those people would benefit by diversifying their reading... but when you're annoyed, "oh my god please read a real book" is a snappy put-down.
I partly agree, but I think it goes one step beyond that (at least in the discourse I've seen about it).
People often don't stop at the (unnecessary and inconsistent) snappy put-down. That is, they don't seem to just want to express their annoyance at other people's reading habits (why they think it's their business is beyond me, but w/e). The posts about it keep trying to come up with some serious justification for their writers' annoyance, reasons why it arises out of something higher than personal taste (the importance of reading original work however poorly defined, or reading traditionally published work, or whatever).
So it's like ... People Who Only Read Fanfic Being Annoying on the Internet has to represent a serious social problem. You end up at "reading the kind of stuff I like is actually important to proper intellectual development and developing sophisticated taste" etc etc. But tbh the arguments are so bad that to me it just reads as "I find y'all cringe and I'm going to make it your problem."
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viioggvl · 4 months
Finally continuing !!1!!!1!!1!
(pt. 1^^^)
Ron huffs as his ex lover storms out the lockers. He glances at Tom, who is calmly changing into civilian clothes. Ron then looks at Maverick. Maverick glares back at Ron. Ron can’t help himself, so he grins. “You and I both know he ain’t gonna tell you the story.”
Maverick doesn’t miss the way Ron didn’t say his name. Or at least his call sign. “I’m okay with that.”
Ron shrugs. “I’ll tell you my side of the story.” And he sits down on the bench, facing Maverick with a sly grin.
“Ron,” Tom finally speaks up, glancing back to give his best friend a warning look, that was waved off.
“I liked to party.” Ron started. He glares when Maverick scoffs. “I did! Still do. I’m a laid back guy, but I can never settle down. For your buddy—“
“Nick,” Maverick glares again. “Or Goose.”
“Right. Whatever,” Ron shrugs him off. “But for your buddy, I still tried. But I couldn’t break my habits. Especially because he left me alone to deal with your pansy ass. I had Tom help me, but nothing was working. I cheated on him.”
“At least you’re man enough to admit it. But WHAT THE HELL, RON!?” Maverick yells.
“Not something I was proud of, and I drunkenly admitted I cheated on him after a fight.” Ron sighs, no longer meeting Pete’s eyes. “I was sober by the time he was already gone. I loved…him. I loved Nick, Maverick, but it was too late for anything. Yet, we tried, and crashed.”
Tom pats Ron’s shoulder, handing his clothes to him. “Goose is married now, right?”
Pete nods. “Yeah, to Carole. And they have a son. Bradley.”
“Adorable.” Tom scrunched his nose. “Ron’s girlfriend is pregnant. They want to name him Jake, and have the baby take his momma’s last name. Jake Seresin.”
“The mom’s last name is Jake Seresin? So the baby’s name is gonna be Jake Jake Seresin?” Maverick questions.
“No, you dumbass.” Ron growls. “Jake Seresin. Let’s go, Ice.”
Tom nods, following his best friend out the locker room, leaving Maverick.
Pete sighs at the memory. He’s looking at The Dagger’s files, giving quick glances at their strengths and what not before they come in. Maverick pauses, when someone’s catches his attention.
Jake Seresin. Callsign- Hangman.
It’s bad enough the name is familiar, but when he sees who the father is of this competitive flyer? It feels like Maverick is back in Top Gun. Ron ‘Slider’ Kerner is the father.
Maverick puts the files away when the daggers start filing in.
Bradley with Natasha and Bob, and Jake with Javy.
Jake accidentally bumps into Bradley, and they turn to look at each other. The grin Jake gives reminds Maverick of Slider. The headache he feels coming along.
“Bradshaw!” Jake bites his bottom lip to stop himself from saying anything more.
Bradley, however, takes a moment to look Jake up and down, frowning. “Seresin.”
Jake finally takes a seat next to Javy, whispering.
Maverick gives everyone a tired look. Fucking hell. It’s Top Gun all over again.
(I made it in Ron’s point of view, showing how he didn’t think of Maverick as anything more than Maverick, until he fully opens up. And doesn’t say Nick’s name, because it’s too hard.)
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