incorrect-hs-quotes · 4 months
ROXY: oh man im starving but im not sure what i should make for dinner......
ROXY: david you are brilliant. spaghetti it is
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maeofthedead · 5 months
God, the bit in TSC where Jean is furious at the accusation that he didn't fight back because he did. Until one day he just couldn't get back up.
He was just a kid. He still is
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guillotine-drop · 3 months
Kirby is actually such a funny series because a lot of the games follow a structure that’s like
Part 1: Oh no! King Dedede has stolen all the candy in Dreamland, and he’s keeping it all for himself! Quick, help Kirby get it back so everyone in Dreamland can have sweets!
Part 2: Uh oh! That cool knight Meta Knight is back with a vengeance! Run through a crazy gauntlet of enemies and obstacles to make your way to him, and have an epic sword fight!
Part 3: The Great Evil known by the name ‘Caedes the Unwavering’ has cast his shadow over Dreamland. Only a star warrior capable of breaking through his veil of nightmares by destroying his 100 legions of darkness can defeat him. Do you have what it takes?
Ending: And so Kirby and his friends sat down and had a scrumptious shortcake together, to celebrate their victory! The camera pans over to reveal Caedes’ helmet lying in the grass, charred beyond recognition, as a small plume of nightmare energy emerges and is immediately stomped on by King Dedede running over for cake
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sanjiaftersex · 6 months
whatever soul crushing romantic thing happens to you I'm sure it has already happened between naruto and sasuke
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ivys-garden · 9 months
Ten days into 2024 and it already feels like there's been enough events to fill 5 months.
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(Seriously though, it's sad to say goodbye to Mat but I do wish him luck going forward)
(Oh also that's what this post is about btw)
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kiaxet · 1 year
Once again, the latest update from @somerandomdudelmao has left me fully in my feelings, and so I come to you with ~900 words of emotion.
(This one is a rough one: content warnings for death, sibling death, self-sacrifice, and just general despair. Y'all have read the update. You know what we're doing here.)
It's supposed to be over.
Master Michelangelo-
(No, no, he's never thought of himself that way. No matter how many times he's been called Master Michelangelo, in his own head he's still just Mikey.)
-Mikey has given everything. He'd opened the portal, watched his own mystic energy - grown larger and stronger with each battle even as it consumed his youth and his very life as its fuel - tear through his arms, cracks traveling up his body until the force of it shattered his form, consuming everything that kept him bound to the physical plane in order to form one last-ditch attempt at setting things right.
He'd managed a wink and a smile, and then he'd died.
And yet he's still here. Why-
The promise. The caveat to the plan. Leo.
Leo had refused to leave him alone at the end, and Mikey will be damned before he refuses to return the favor.
Not that there'll be anything left to damn. The family's Ninpo is what connected them to the Hamato afterlife, and Mikey's is shattered, expended to give Casey a better chance at life. At this point, he's held together with the metaphysical equivalent of duct tape and spite - Donnie's favorite building materials when supplies ran short.
(Donnie's gone. Mikey failed him - failed to catch the infection, failed to cure it, failed to find his spirit amongst the Hamato ancestors. The Krang had obliterated him, and Mikey had failed to help until it was too late.)
(He can't find Raph among the ancestors, either. One more big brother failed.)
(He knows there won't be much left of Leo - not after Leo spent so long being Mikey's living shield, letting the Krang tear into his Ninpo time and time again in order to keep Mikey's intact - but he won't fail Leo. He can't. He can't.)
He's still here, for now, and that has to be good enough. He levitates, surveying a battlefield gone cold in the wake of an overwhelming Krang victory, and goes in search of his last remaining brother.
Leo's corpse isn't far - Mikey spots it near where the portal had been, face down in rock that had been blasted smooth and clean. Krang laser. There's no surviving those.
His gaze flickers upwards across the horizon, and he sees something glow near the corpse, a white outline coming into being before the color follows after, taking a familiar shape. It's-
It's Casey-
It's Casey, but he looks different. Better. His clothes are intact and clean - brand new, from the looks of it. His hair is washed and fluffy. His face and arms have filled out and his shoulders broadened, like he'd been getting good food and enough of it. He doesn't look like the Casey Mikey had made a portal for minutes ago; he looks like how they'd all wanted Casey to look, like he's finally getting what they would have killed to have been able to provide for him. He looks like a dream.
And that's how Mikey knows it's a lie.
It's the Krang. The Krang have done something, made one final twist of the knife that's been stuck in Leo's heart since the night they lost the Key - for all Mikey knows, they're going to use it to desecrate his brother's body, and he is not letting that happen. He zooms closer to Leo's corpse-
"We did it, Mikey, we got him out-"
-and feels the world tilt.
That's not Leo's corpse, because Leo's not dead. He's clinging to life, muttering nonstop in a voice barely above a whisper - he's not long for this world, but he's still here-
The lie cries out in Casey's voice and makes for his brother-
And Mikey lashes out, magic coming to his hands as easily as it ever did. It's not enough to incinerate the lie - the thing is too smart, too quick, and pulls back with only an injury to its arm. That's enough of an opening for Mikey to land in front of Leo, snarling at the lie wearing his nephew's face. "Don't. Touch. Him!" That's his brother. That's his brother. That's the only brother he has left, and he won't have him for long, but that doesn't mean the Krang can take him! "Whatever Krang trick you are-"
Spite, while fun, is no substitute for engineering. Donnie had told him that once.
The spite - and whatever else is holding him together at this point - gives out, the collapse manifesting as pain, and Mikey folds in on himself with a groan. He can fight - he will fight - but if the lie forces combat, then fighting will be the last thing he'll ever do, and Leo will die alone.
He can't. He just…he can't.
He drops to his knees, laying a spectral hand on Leo's head. Leo doesn't react - his Ninpo is shattered to begin with, and Mikey wouldn't be surprised if death's door has robbed Leo of his senses as it is - and just keeps talking.
"We got Casey through the portal, he'll be okay, he'll get to grow up without all of this, we did it, we- we- we did it, Mikey-"
Mikey kneels there, one hand on his inert brother's head as Leo's life slowly sputters out. Eventually he'll die, and what fragments are left of his spirit will disintegrate, too shattered by years of warfare to persist after death, and Mikey will let himself fade along with them. Together until the rapidly approaching end, like they'd promised.
He kneels, and waits for oblivion to come.
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krash-and-co · 11 months
yall we need ingo to win @favcharacterpoll because not only do we have to drag Kermit down with kipps but the idea of this poor other guy having NO IDEA what's going on, leaving relatively unscathed while the other two winners are visibly on the verge of death is the funniest thing ever to me
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mydnyt02 · 1 year
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Got dressed up, felt self conscious, went to a thing
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44 mickvince something mafia related plbs ill love you forever sorry for being so demanding 🥺
[not sure if this is what you intended but here you go]
---Two weeks before the wedding---
While the whole city of Naples was asleep, Michele was sitting at the pier under the crescent moon and cloudless sky. The night was unusually quiet, and all that could be heard was the sound of the waves lazily going back and forth against the shore.
“How does it feel, Vincé?” Asked Michele in monotone, after Vincenzo sat down next to him.
“What do you mean?”
“Your wedding with Arianna. Have you already forgotten?”
“No, I haven't.” Vincenzo looked up to the sky, spotting a few stars. “But I'm not really enthusiastic about it, you know? I barely know her.” He added, shrugging, turning towards Michele, staring at his icy blues.
The other man turned around and sighed.
“I think she feels the same, too.” Continued Vincenzo, gazing at the sea. “We're getting married just to please our parents, after all.”
Michele stayed in silence.
“What's wrong, Miché?”
“Nothing, it's just...” Michele exhaled. “I don't know what I'm going to do after you get married and move there. Maybe I should just... Get it over with already.” He suddenly got up, but Vincenzo stopped him, seizing his arm.
“Don't even try to think about it!” The blond raised his voice.
Michele stared at him, saying nothing, the corners of his eyes filling with tears.
Vincenzo moved his hand to Michele's. “Ti amo, Miché. I always will.”
The raven-haired man brought his fingers to Vincenzo's cheek, before the blond got closer and pressed his lips against Michele's.
---One week before the wedding---
“Ciao.” Said a boyish familiar voice.
“Ciao...” Michele sighed, without diverting his gaze from the sea. “How's the nose, Vincé?”
“Not as bad as the other day, I think it's healing.” Informed Vincenzo, sitting down next to Michele.
“It's all my fault.” Murmured Michele. “I'm sorry.” He turned towards the blond, whose hazel eyes were glistening under the moonlight.
Vincenzo frowned. “No way! Why would this be your fault?”
“You got beaten up by your father because he saw you hanging out with me! The real question is, how is this not my fault?” Michele's blue eyes began to become watery. “I should just... We should just stop seeing each other, before one of us ends up dead!”
Vincenzo exhaled. “Miché, don't say that...” He rested his hand on Michele's shoulder. Michele took Vincenzo's hand on his and squeezed it.
A gunshot was heard in the distance.
“We should go home. Now.” The dark haired man said, looking at the blond boy in the eyes.
---Two nights before the wedding---
Michele was feeling restless: it was three in the morning and Vincenzo still had to show up. He was shivering, despite it being a summer's night in Naples. He felt like something bad had happened to his lover.
He shot a glance back at the coast: he never felt so happy to be proven wrong, as he realized that Vincenzo was running towards him.
Michele got up and pulled the blond boy in his arms, hugging him and kissing his face all over. Vincenzo squeezed him just as tight. “Sorry for being late. I was worried someone was following me and I took the longer way.”
“Grazie a Dio you're here, Vincé.” The other whispered.
“Listen,” Vincenzo detached himself from Michele, “I am so tired of living like this.”
Michele blinked, a worried expression painted on his face.
“I don't want to get married to Arianna, I can't take being a criminal anymore...” Continued the blond, “and more importantly, I can't stand being away from you for just one more minute.”
“Vincé, where are you going with this?”
“I want to run away with you, Miché!” Vince took Michele's hands in his.
“But where?! You know they're gonna find us no matter where we go!”
“Not if we take the cargo ship to America.”
Michele widened his eyes.
Vincenzo grinned.
“You're crazy, you hear me?” Michele threw his arms up in the air. “Pazzo!”
“So, are you in?”
Michele hesitated. “If I had to choose between staying here without you and the possibility of dying at sea with you…” He said in the end, smiling. “I still would choose you.”
---One night before the wedding---
The first sun rays of the morning had still to come out as Vincenzo and Michele embarked on the first cargo ship to the United States of the day, hoping for a new chance at life.
Put That Guy in a SituationTM Ask Game/Prompt!
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rb9 · 1 year
i’m more than happy for max to equal sebs record with a win in zandvoort but pls for the love of god let charles win in monza
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ukulelegodparent · 6 months
Part of the 'thinking way too much about what if Bavaria had ended up as part of the GDR' gang
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pokemonruby · 1 month
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forkpigeon3146 · 1 month
for some reason i started thinking about sin cos tan while i took a nap today and had an entire dream just thinking about sin cos tan, no background just a black screen, and i was thinking "wow that's a funny joke about sin cos tan i need to post that to tumblr dot com" and then i woke up rolled over and went back to sleep where i had an entire dream that i was trying to post said joke to tumblr dot com and kept getting distracted and then forgot the third thing in sin cos tan and opened my calculator app (STILL DREAMING!!) figured it out and right before i typed it out the dream ended and then i woke up and immediately forgot the joke
best/worst thing? i do not like math, i hate it so much that i never got past pre-algebra bc it just doesn't make fucking sense, i have no idea what sin cos tan do. why was i so fascinated by it that it took over my mind for TWO WHOLE HOURS!! while i slept! what the fuck!
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claitea · 3 months
got quietly competitive about being the first of my friend group to attack the others on art fight, literally scribbling something out when i should be getting ready to go to work and the SITE IS DOWN FOR FIXESSS I CANT UPLOAD IT
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nickiemoot · 3 months
mohg get your problematic gay ass out of my way and let me see my boy
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 year
No no because... if all the endings are made up by Gregory (except the Princess Quest Ending, which i think we all agree is canon), then the original endings make sense compared to this. Some of them contradicted eachother, but this makes sense with Gregory's comics. In some endings Vanny is Vanessa, and in others Vanny is Vanessa's 'evil twin sister'. In one ending she's very important (such as her following Greg out of the Pizzaplex to catch him), but in others she's not, like the VIP/Van ending where its just Freddy and Greg escaping together. I do think Gregory DID see Vanny, but Vanessa never talked about her or explained so he was left to make up stories about her.
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