#readymade apartments
ms-demeanor · 11 months
Nahhhh you lost me at the copyright bullshit. A machine created to brute force copy and learn from any and all art around it that then imitates the work of others, an algorithm that puts no effort of its own into work, is not remotely comparable to a human person who learns from others' art and puts work and effort into it. One is an algorithm made by highly paid dudebros to copy things en masse, another is the earnest work of one person.
I mean. You're fundamentally misunderstanding both the technology and my argument.
You're actually so wrong you're not even wrong. Let's break it down:
A machine created to brute force copy and (what does "brute force copy" mean? "Brute Force" has a specific meaning in discussions of tech and this isn't it) learn from any and all art around it that then imitates the work of others (there are limited models that are trained to imitate the work of specific artists and there are people generating prompts requesting things in the style of certain artists, but large models are absolutely not trained to imitate anything other than whatever most closely matches the prompt; I do think that models trained on a single artist are unethical and are a much better case of violating the principles of fair use however they are significantly transformative so even there the argument kind of falls apart), an algorithm that puts no effort of its own into work (of course this is not a fair argument to be having really because you're an asker and you can't argue or respond but buddy you have to define your terms. 'Effort' is an extremely malleable concept and art that takes effort is not significantly more art-y or valid than art that takes little or no effort like this is an extremely common argument in discussions of modern art - is Andy Warhol art, is Duchamps' readymades series art, art is a LOT more about context than effort and I'm not sure you're aware of the processing power used to generate AI art but there is "effort" of a sort there but also you are anthropomorphizing the model, the algorithm isn't generating "its own work"), is not remotely comparable to a human person who learns from others' art and puts work and effort into it. One is an algorithm (i mean it's slightly more complicated than that, we're discussing a wide variety of models here) made by highly paid dudebros (this completely ignores the open source work, the volunteer work, the work of anybody who is not a 'dudebro,' which is the most typically tumblr way of dismissing anything in tech as the creation of someone white, male, and wealthy which SUCH a shitty set of assumptions) to copy things en masse, another is the earnest work of one person.
Okay so the reasonable things I've pulled out of that to discuss are:
"A machine created to learn from any and all art around it is not remotely comparable to a human person who learns from others' art and puts work and effort into it. One is an algorithm made to copy things en masse, another is the earnest work of one person."
And in terms of who fair use applies to, no. You're wrong. For the purposes of copyright and fair use, a machine learning model and a person are identical. You can't exclude one without excluding the other. There isn't even a good way to meaningfully separate them if you consider artists who use AI in their process while not actually generating AI art.
I feel like I don't really have to make much of an argument here because the EFF has done it for me. The sections of that commentary from question 8 own are detailed explanations of why generative models should reasonably be recognized as protected by fair use when trained on data that is publicly available.
But also: your definition of "copying" is bad. You're wrong about what a copy is, or you're wrong about what generative image models do. I suspect that the latter is much closer to the truth, so I'd recommend reading up on generative image models some more - that EFF commentary has plenty of articles that would probably be helpful for you.
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Light on the Darkside - Chapter Twenty Three.
Huge thanks as ever to all my lovely besties for your commitment to the story!
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Previous chapters - One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Thirteen Fourteen Fifteen Sixteen Seventeen Eighteen Nineteen Twenty Twenty One Twenty Two
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed.
Words - 3,984
Warnings - 18+ throughout. Topics cover depression, suicide and eating disorders. Minors DNI!
“There, told her to make it extra strong,” Alice spoke, putting a large, well-brewed tea down on the table at the coffee shop she and her eldest had stopped at that morning, taking a seat. “What time did she finally settle?” 
“Five,” James yawned, rubbing his eye with the heel of his palm. “Never seen so much fucking puke come out of something so small. Just waiting for it to rip through the house and blat everyone else now.”  
She didn’t envy that at all. “See, now this is another reason why I’m glad I found my children later in life,” she spoke, touching a loving hand to his arm. “No stomach bugs, no incessant colds and no headlice. Just two readymade amazing kids all grown up.”  
“I’m a top grade delight. Sam’s questionable.”  
Alice couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re both the apple of my eye. Still, though. There’s nothing I would have liked more than to have found you all sooner.” 
At least she’d found them all at all. “You came along exactly when you were meant to, mum. If I’d have had a supportive mother all my life, I probably wouldn’t have ended up being sectioned, then I wouldn’t have met Ella. I ain’t saying it was all Carole’s fault, how I ended up for a while, but you get what I mean, innit?” 
“I do, love,” she smiled fondly, sipping her latte. “So, apart from Freya decorating everything in vomit, how are my other two angels, hmm?” 
Ahhh, the typical, adoring eyes of a grandparent. To Alice, they were faultless. “Lyra is entering her moody teenage years a few months early, and Zara is still massively routine-driven. Getting a bit better, though. We can throw the odd change in here and there without her having a meltdown.”  
“See?” she smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear. “I bet this is her growing out of it.” 
“I hope so,” he spoke, eyes widening a little. “Just got big girl throwing us stacks of attitude now the teenager years are looming, like I say.”  
Indeed, Ella had mentioned that to her the last time she’d met with her daughter-in-law for lunch. “Yes, Ella told me that she’d been getting a little sassy now her periods have started.”  
“And they’ve fucking synced up in their moon time, innit, so I’ve got two hormonal women being arsey with me at the same time every bloody month!” He paused, smirking. “Excuse the pun. Gonna be a shitting nightmare when the other two start as well!” 
Alice couldn’t keep her laughter in at that. “And we were all so convinced Freya was going to be a boy, weren’t we?” 
“Yeah,” he snorted, “but apparently my balls only make badass little girls!” Again, his mum was in soft fits, entertained as ever. It was the thing she’d loved most upon meeting him for the first time fifteen years before. He was hilarious. Her husband and son shared a very similar sense of humour.  
James had made her nerves over her pre-op appointment with the surgeon dissipate that morning by just being himself, making his usual uncouth observances. Alice was, if she was honest, dreading such a big operation as having her hip taken out and replaced. It felt to her like a procedure she was too young for still at only just turned sixty. 
After dropping her back home, he returned to his own, walking the dogs before making a slightly later start to his working day. With Otis and Hugo lying at his feet, he spent most of it welded to the phone, only stopping to eat something before he was back to work and intermittently checking up on a poorly Freya. As predicted, the stomach bug she had did spread through the house, Ella and Zara coming down with it too but luckily not plaguing him or Lyra. 
They were back to normal after three days of puking, James sick of the smell of Dettol being sprayed everywhere to help combat the spread of the bug. By the time the following Monday rolled around, Zara had returned to school and the destroyer of worlds to nursery, James picking them up as usual, Lyra walking back with a couple of friends who were staying for dinner. 
When those friends arrived, he was out in the back garden, working up a sweat while kicking the shit out of his freestanding punchbag. It was a sight to behold for one of her two best friends, as least, Cassidy virtually dribbling. 
“God, your dad is bae,” she sighed wistfully. “So hot.” 
Lyra curled her lip immediately. “Dude, you need to stop crushing on my dad!”  
“Can’t help it! He’s... wow.” 
The disgruntled spawn of Cass’s affections looked across the kitchen to their third cohort, Kitt shaking his head. “I can’t even with her.” When James arrived in the kitchen, neither could he.  
“Kitt, how’s it going, man?” he spoke firstly, offering a fist bump, side eyeing the young girl who did not stop staring at his sweat slicked chest. “Cass, pack it in.” 
“I can’t,” she sighed, “you’re... yeah.” 
He shook his head, opening a fresh bottle of water. “I’m forty, is what I am, and you’re thirteen. Enough.” He knew his own attractiveness, but it still made him feel uncomfortable when girls of such a young age noticed it. It was the same with fans of the band, his discomfort only amplified further after he’d become a father himself. There were a staggering number of musicians out there who hadn’t the same set of morals where underage girls were concerned, but he’d never be one of them.  
Turning his attention away as Cassidy reined herself in, he pointed at Kitt. “Got your boy uniform, at last!” he spoke, nodding with a smile.  
Kitt up until six months ago had been Katie, when he’d finally come out to his parents as trans. His friends had known for much longer, as well as James and Ella. They’d been nothing but accepting over it, immediately changing the pronouns used to speak of him, as well as his new chosen name. Sadly, Kitt’s own father hadn’t taken it quite as well. It was why the young lad liked being at Lyra’s so much. Her dad accepted him without question.  
“Yeah, feels good. Mum took me shopping for boy clothes, too. Felt proper, finally getting to wear stuff I feel comfortable in,” he confirmed, James nodding. 
“That’s sound, mate. Oh, don’t leave tonight without taking all my old band t shirts with you. None of ‘em fit me anymore since I got jacked, so you might as well have the ones Lyra don’t want.” 
His eyes lit up. “Really? Ahh, cheers, James!” 
“No problem, kid.” he smiled, leaving the kitchen and heading upstairs for a shower. Dressed in black sweats and a dark grey t-shirt five minutes later, his hair hanging damp, he placed down the large pile atop the island, Kitt beginning to look through.  
“No fucking way!” he gasped, suddenly clasping a hand over his mouth. “Sorry.” 
James snorted. “Ella ain’t around, you can drop F bombs, bro. I don’t give a shit.” Such a stance definitely cemented his status as a cool dad. “You fucking can’t, though.” he then spoke, pointing at Lyra with a wink, her friends laughing as she pouted and raised her middle finger at her dad, who returned the gesture.  
Continuing his excitement, Kitt held the t shirt in his hands aloft. “Is this from the nineties?” 
“Turn it around and look at the back.” He duly did, James pointing to one of the tour dates printed on the reverse. “I was at that gig. Steve, Snedders and I went up to Glasgow for a week on the piss right after we’d finished our A levels.”  
“Dude!” Kitt exclaimed, “That’s so sick!” 
“Innit? Banging night, that was,” he spoke of the Pantera gig they’d been to back in nineteen ninety-two. “Broke my nose in the pit, Snedders ended up with a dread ripped out, and Steve... well I can’t tell you about what he got up to.” 
“Oh, go on, man!” Kitt exclaimed. 
“Nah, mate. Ask me when you’re sixteen and I’ll tell you then, innit.” He had to be a proper adult sometimes, he supposed. Thirteen-year-old ears didn’t need to know that his best mate had somehow managed to discreetly shag two girls one after the other against the barriers that night. 
They continued to talk more about music, all the while with Lyra looking on proudly. That was her dad, and he was utterly awesome. She loved him even more for how completely unphased he was about Kitt’s status as a trans boy, too. He simply treated him just as that: a boy. It was more than Marc, his own father did, refusing to acknowledge him as Kitt, still referring to him as she/her and using his deadname.  
“Hello, everybody!” Ella chimed brightly, coming into the kitchen after her last therapy session had ended for the day, smiling widely as she was greeted by the three kids sitting at the island with her husband. “What are you all chatting about?” she continued, quickly checking through the windowed door that led to the lounge, seeing her younger girl's content in their cartoon watching and homework endeavours.  
“When dad punched Fred Durst in the face at the Kerrang awards,” Lyra laughed, her friends exploding all over again. Ella rolled her eyes, remembering it well. She’d been there. In fact, it was because of her that the Limp Bizkit frontman had ended up with a face full of fist.  
“I suppose he had it coming to him. He did grab my arse, and your dad takes exception to that kind of thing,” she spoke, kissing James between his shoulder blades and squeezing his arms. “You were lucky he didn’t bleedin’ press charges, though!”  
“Wouldn’t have cared if he had. Wanker got what he deserved for putting his hands on my wife.” Ella immediately raised an eyebrow. “Not that I advocate violence or nothing like that,” he swiftly added, turning to wink rapidly, the kids further descending. It was always a good time in the Kingston household.  
After dinner, James drove Cassidy and Kitt to their respective homes, Lyra accompanying.  
“Thanks, dad,” she spoke, examining the split ends in her hair. 
“What for, kid?” 
“You’re always really great with Kitt. He’s having a hard time since coming out, few of the kids at school teasing him. It isn’t good at home either with his dad refusing to accept it all.” 
It must have been hard for all involved, but especially Kitt himself. “The lad has enough to contend with, innit, growing up in a body that don’t reflect who he is on the inside. I ain’t gonna give him shit for it. Hopefully his dad’ll come around to it sooner rather than later. Gotta be tough for him, too, to suddenly see that who he thought was his daughter now wants to be referred to as his son. Big thing, that.” 
Lyra hummed, picking at her hair. “Yeah, but you’d be alright with it though, wouldn’t you? If it was me who came out as trans.” 
“Yeah, course I would, monster. All I want is for you to be happy, but it don’t mean I wouldn’t find it a bit tough as well. I’d keep that to myself, though, ‘cos I’d realise that in the end, what you’d go through would be a thousand times tougher than anything I’d feel.” 
“Mum would just fucking analyse me,” she snorted, a tiny slither of contempt there. 
“Oi, less of that,” he warned lightly, turning left to put them back on the dual carriageway. “Your mum would help you while you found your identity, and all the stuff you’d have going on up in your head. That’s her job as a mum first and foremost, innit. Just because she does it professionally is by the by.” 
“Always feel like she’s watching me from a professional standpoint, though,” she remarked, raising her hands up to drop them into her lap. 
“Nah, Lyra. She don’t do that. Not with you kids. What you need to remember about your mum is that yeah, because of her job she does understand certain behaviours and responses better than others do, and she will tailor that understanding to how she deals with things. That ain’t a bad thing, you know. Like when you’re being arsey for little to no reason, she knows it’s cos’ your brain is changing as you’re growing up, and she’s gentle with you because of that. Trust me, you have a top grade mum. You’re lucky.” 
His daughter was silent for a few moments. “Do you mean because she’s not like Carole?” The older children were aware that their nanny wasn’t James and their auntie Sam’s biological mum, but only Lyra had a slightly more informed grasp over why. 
“Exactly that, kid,” replied, slowing as they reached a roundabout. 
“What was she like?” 
Taking the third exit, he felt his jaw stiffen a tiny bit. Since her death he’d attempted to try and remember the more favourable traits, but with how she’d behaved with him from his mid-teens to early twenties, it was difficult to reconcile. “She had her good points, I suppose. Always raised us knowing right from wrong and all that, but she was proper hard on us if we weren’t living up to what she expected. She’d pick at us, looking for arguments to make her feel justified and then blame us when we bit back. They call it gaslighting in this day and age.” 
“She didn’t like mum either, did she?” 
He snorted loudly. “Hated your mum, yeah. Didn’t like that she not only stood up to her, but stood up for me while she was doing it. Never took the chance to get to know her either.”  
Lyra softened then, humming a gentle laugh. “Yeah, mum is very protective of us.”  
Those words made her dad smile. He’d noticed of late that she’d been harbouring a little extra in the way of resentment when it came to Ella having to be tough with her because of her attitude, although truly, his eldest didn’t know from tough where mothering was concerned. Ella was firm when she had to be, but always gentle.  
“Your mother is a bloody lioness,” he beamed, turning to look at her fleetingly. “You girls are her world.” 
“Do you ever miss her,” she then asked, quick to clarify. “Carole, that is?” 
“Nah, I don’t. I let go of the idea that she could be anything more than a controlling woman with a predisposition for aggro a long, long time ago. Before you were born, innit. In the end, whatever Carole had wrong with her, she didn’t wanna fix it. Now, your nanny Alice, different matter entirely.” 
She wasn’t just the mum he’d wanted for so long, she’d become the mum he’d needed, so kind and nurturing, very similar to Ella in that respect. A lot of the damage left in the wake of him walking away from Carole had been much soothed by her coming into their lives.  
Once home, Lyra kissed her parent's goodnight, James flopping down on the sofa next to his wife, ready to resume their catchup of Game of Thrones season 3 before season 4 began airing two months’ from then. 
“I still can’t shitting believe we’re in this!” he exclaimed, excitement for his and the guy’s upcoming appearance in season 4 buzzing through him. Someone on the production team of the show had reached out to the band’s management, the crew member a die-hard Nocturnal Descent fan who had put it to the casting and show runners that the band make a cameo appearance somehow as background cast. 
The guys had headed to Iceland for three weeks the previous year to film as members of Mance Rayder’s Wildling army, having an amazing time on set, doing something so different to their main profession.  
“I always knew I’d married a wildling, but now it’s official,” Ella chuckled, grabbing her cup of tea and curling into her husband. 
“Yeah, you fucking did!” he chimed, reaching to playfully squeeze her boob. She laughed, turning her head to kiss his shoulder. 
“Oh, snacks!” she then announced, reaching to pause the opening credits with the Sky+ remote. 
“I’ll go.” Heaving himself up, he entered the kitchen, the sound of rummaging becoming audible. “We got any popcorn left?” 
“No, Zara finished it.” 
“Total bullshit!” More rustling followed. “Babe? Are the giant pretzels still in here?” 
She resisted the urge to tell him that he should know, being that he was the one peering into the snack's cupboard at that particular moment. “Yes! Bring those and the little cheese biscuit things as well, the ones in the blue box.” 
“Okay, cheese things found,” he called back, “but can’t see the shitting pretzels.” 
“They’re in there!” 
More rustling. “Where, though?” 
And to think he’d spawned children who could hear pretzels being opened from four rooms away. “Probably behind the jar of almonds.” 
“Ahh! Got ‘em.” Finally. She heard the sound of various baked snack goods being decanted into a bowl, James appearing again, two very interested parties getting up from their beds to amble over and sit expectantly at his feet. “Oh no, you two ain’t getting fuck all. Especially not after you, shitting expensive brown potato decided to get a piece of carrot stuck in his pissing throat.”  
Feed a healthy snack of carrots to your dog, they said. They make an excellent, high fibre alternative to dog treats, they said. And they had, until Hugo had spent the entire evening hacking and retching to no avail, James having to drive him to the emergency vet at nine thirty on a Sunday evening, the dog knocked out before having the offending piece of carrot pulled from his throat with a long set of tweezers for that very purpose.  
“Costing me the best part of a grand because you can’t chew,” he continued, Hugo head tilting with a grunt. “Yeah, make your confused sounds at me all you pissing like, mate. Ain’t happening, soft foods only for you two now. Fucking pom frites.” 
Potatoes, pom frites, chauves-souris (the French word for bats, chosen because of their ears) French fuckery number one and number two, James had a whole host of amusing names for their canine companions.   
Ella reached for Hugo, stroking his tan-brown head. “I don’t think he’s forgiven you yet.” Again, the dog grunted, him and his brother waiting expectantly. It was to no avail, though, Ella gently reminding them they’d had ham as a treat earlier before sending them back to their beds. They got through two episodes of the show before calling it quits for the night, sitting there talking instead. 
“Have you noticed Lyra being a little off lately?” she asked suddenly, fiddling with the tie on her pyjama bottoms.  
“Only when she’s got her moon time.” Since finding out the centuries old term for women having their periods, James had referred to them as little else. “She was chatty enough in the car on the way back earlier.” 
“Ahh, maybe it’s just me, then. She just seems a bit quiet sometimes. I’m trying not to be bothered by it, rationality decreeing it’s of course all hormonal,” she replied, pursing her lips in a twist. “What was she talking to you about?” 
“Thanked me for being good with Kitt since he came out,” he revealed, biting into the last pretzel and offering the other half to her lips, which she took.  
“That poor boy. I know it’s so much more common these days, but he’s going to have such an uphill struggle. His dad especially is making it difficult, calling it a phase when truly, the kid has felt that way secretly his whole life. I forgot to tell you, he collared me at the school gates yesterday when I was dropping Lyra off, asked me if I’d consider taking him on as a patient to, and I quote, “straighten her out again” as he worded it.” 
James raised an eyebrow. “And what did you tell him?” 
“I said that I’d happily refer his son to a specialist in the field of gender dysphoria to assist him living as the person he clearly wanted to be, but that I wasn’t prepared to try and change Kitt’s mind,” she revealed, scratching her head with a sigh. “He didn’t take it particularly well, so I was surprised Kitt was allowed round here tonight, if I’m honest. Then again, Louise is doing all she can to try and make his life bearable since his dad isn’t being supportive. I suppose that extends to being allowed into the houses of his friends whose parents support his transitioning.” 
“It’ll come back to bite him in the arse if he don’t, though. I could tell the fella that first hand, innit.” 
Ella widened her eyes. If anyone knew all about having a parent who was unsupportive, it was him. “Big time, you could.”  
“We spoke about that a little bit, actually. Well, Carole,” he revealed, leaning to place the empty bowl down upon the coffee table, admiring the craftmanship as ever. Away from the band, Snedders ran a very successful sideline of carpentry, James putting a lot of work his way after they’d first purchased their forever home. The coffee table was just one of the beautiful, unique pieces within the house crafted by him. 
She was surprised by that. “You did? What prompted that?” 
“Ahh, she made an offhand remark about you analysing her, and I set her straight on it, told her that ain’t the kind of thing you do. I think she tries to use it as a bone of contention a bit too much, innit. Mum’s therapizing me, all that nonsense just because you can figure her out. I told her how lucky she was, having someone like you as a mum.” 
It had been hard for Ella, Lyra having a natural gravitation toward her father, very much daddy’s girl. It wasn’t that they weren’t close, hell, when she’d had her first period late the previous year, it had been her mum she’d immediately gone to. Over the last few months though, she’d noticed her eldest pushing back against her especially. Even more so when James was away with the band. 
“She’s isn’t wrong, though. It is a fault of mine sometimes, to talk to her more from a therapist standpoint than that of a mother,” she confessed, sighing. "But you're right. I will never be in the same bleedin' ballpark as Carole. Good freakin’ god. Never.” 
Such a statement of canid honesty truly reflected that notion. If Ella had her faults, she recognised and acknowledged them. Carole, in her own mind, hadn’t had any. “It’s all teenage shit, innit? She’ll get through it. We were once where she is now, too. Just a lot more fucking troubled. Well, I was, at least.” 
“Yeah, baby. You’re right. I know it probably better than most. It’s tough though, to be challenged so much by that sweet little girl who used to think I hung the moon and stars. I know she’s always been closer to you, but still.” Resting her cheek to his shoulder, she smiled as he wrapped an arm around her, kissing her head. 
“Ain't easy, all this parenting stuff, is it?"  
It wasn’t. Constant worry broken sleep; the latter evidenced later that night when Ella was awoken by tiny hands rousing her with a gentle shake. “Had a bad dream, mummy. Need cuddles.”  
Ella smiled, wrapping Freya in her arms as she pulled her into bed. At least the littlest of the Kingston girls still thought the moon and stars were hung by her mummy.  
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onboardsorasora · 10 months
❄️Enchanted AU: Christmas Part 17❄️
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Its Thursdaaayyyy. Excited to post this behemoth of a chapter, its one of my faves :)))))))
Part 1 | Christmas Parts 14 | 15 | 16
Part 17
Daniel turned on a Christmas playlist on Max's Spotify… that Daniel made him get after Max admitted that he didn't use a streaming service. He YouTubes songs he wants to listen to.
Daniel had looked at him with the same level of disgusted curiosity that Martin normally looked at him with when this topic came up. And unlike what happened with Martin, Max blushed. 
So now he had a Spotify account and his algorithm would immediately be filled with Christmas music. 
The tree had come in that morning and Daniel had then gleefully lined out the decorations they had bought. Max watched the method to his madness; there was a package set down by the fireplace, a package by the door and the remaining packages settled near the tree. 
Jimmy sniffed the new additions, walking up and inspecting the lowest branches of the Douglas Fir. Sassy sniffed the packages of baubles before jumping on the mantle to oversee the tree decoration. Daniel lifted Jimmy into his arms and kissed the cat's head a few times before placing him gently into the couch.
With the music going and the cats safely out of the way, Daniel started unpacking baubles, tinsel and lights while humming and swaying. Max unpacked the wreath by the door and hung it on the outside by the readymade hook. He came back inside to find Daniel already tangled in lights.
“Help.” Daniel giggled and Max huffed out a breath, he knew not to ask when Daniel got into small clumsy situations. Sometimes he just doesn't pay enough attention, and that was ok. Max helped him unravel the lights from himself and onto the tree. They laughed together as Daniel twirled this way and that to untie himself from his bindings.
“If you were taken captive, at least you would have something to do “ Max joked as they used the attached remote to decide which flicker setting to leave the lights on.
“A very festive kidnapping. Very like home alone.”
“Is that the one with the neglected child that gets left behind at home?”
Daniel dissolved into giggles at the very apt description of a Christmas classic. “That's the one!” He gasped. “They made it like all the way to Paris too before they noticed. Like how?!”
They continued to bicker and tear the movie plot apart while they worked. At some point glasses of wine were poured. The music changed from the traditional carols to more jazzy mood music versions that Max decided he preferred. He sat on the couch sipping from his glass as Daniel danced around the living room, a rope of gold tinsel wrapped around his shoulders like a shawl.
Max laughed joyously when Daniel plunked down his glass to instead scoop up Jimmy as a dancing partner. Sassy jumped out the way, burrowing into Max’s woven sweater to hide. She trusted that he wouldn’t betray her to dance.
“Don’t worry Sassy girl, you’re safe right here.” Max stroked down Sassy’s back before honing back in on Daniel’s twirling form. In the twinkling lights of the almost finished tree, the warm glow of the fireplace, surrounded by open packages of all sizes and giggling merrily at a surly cat, Max couldn’t think of anyone more beautiful.
He looked away quickly, lest Daniel see that his face was maybe doing something it shouldn’t be in his presence– like baring his soul. He looked down at Sassy instead, who was now curled on her back and presenting her belly to him. She looked at him with her knowing eyes and he looked away again, stroking her soft fur. 
“Oh Jimmy you’re no fun!” Daniel cooed, letting the bengal down to skitter away onto the other side of the couch. He turned his smiling eyes to Max who looked up at him like a sunflower turned to the sun. “Would you like to dance, Maxy?” He asked almost hesitantly, clearly bolstered by the wine flowing through him. Sassy jumped off of his lap quickly– as if he told her they were going to the vet, and Max thinks he found his answer.
He got up and watched as Daniel’s smile widened impossibly. Max decided that he liked these smiles, he liked them the most since they happened because of him. He took Daniel’s hand and twirled him around, Daniel laughed a honking laugh and made a show of it. The music was lively enough to warrant the hijinks. 
Eventually the music slowed down and the dulcet harmonies of ‘White Christmas’ played through the speaker system. Daniel made to step out of Max’s hold but Max’s grip on his hand tightened. Max pulled him in closer with a smile and Daniel’s cheeks reddened further. He rested his head on Max’s chest, following as Max swayed them along. Max rested his cheek on the top of Daniel’s head, he wanted this moment to last forever. This was a moment for them alone.
Daniel’s eyes slipped closed as he let the feeling wash over him. The song was one of his favourites, he’d always thought it was a fantastical dream to have snow during Christmas. Sure he’s seen snow during the wintertime when they went on family trips, but Christmas was during the summer back home, so a white Christmas was highly unlikely. He and Michelle would always sigh and wonder what it would be like to wake up on Christmas morning to snow. And Daniel learned a little trick that he would do for just the two of them. Clenching his closed eyes, he whispered a song, muffled into Max’s sweater. He hoped Max would like it, no one other than Michelle has ever seen this. Max’s gasp told him that his magic worked. Daniel looked up to see Max’s face upturned in wonder.
Max was speechless, all around them were small soft lights– different from the cleaning lights– fluttering to the ground like snow. They floated sedately like a light sprinkling snowfall that didn’t touch the ground. He watched as the cats tried to sniff the snow lights before seemingly turning to mush. Max looked down to find Daniel already looking up at him through his lashes.
Daniel’s eyes sparkled in the warm light of the tree, Max could see the distinct outer ring of brown and the warm honey that trapped him within. Daniel licked his lips and Max followed the motion, watched as Daniel’s wine stained mouth glistened in the light. He wanted to kiss him, so badly. He’d give up his trophies to feel what Daniel’s lips felt like against his. 
He could find out. Right here. 
Max leaned in, eyes never leaving Daniel’s…
There was the sound of a phone ringing– piercing the atmosphere of the room. Immediately followed by the screeching hiss of Jimmy and the sound of glass crashing to the ground and breaking. Max and Daniel sprung apart and both ran to the scene of the crime. 
Max’s phone continued to ring, burrito’d up in the blankets on the couch. Daniel scooped Jimmy into his arms and began to hum a melody to soothe the frightened cat. In his fear he had hit over Max’s empty glass onto the carpeting. Max answered his phone and tucked it between his cheek and shoulder while he worked the coffee table off of the area rug.
“Hello?” Max tried very hard to not sound rude, he wasn't sure he succeeded though. He did succeed in rolling the rug up and taking it into the guest bathroom.
“Max!” Alex’s joyous voice rang through clearly. There was a lot of chatter in his background, as if he was at a party.
“Where are you mate! Are you coming to the tree lighting?!” Lando yelled in the background
“The tree lighting? It's tonight?” Max stood in surprise in the bathroom, he looked at his watch seeing that it was also pretty late in the evening.
“Of course it's tonight! Are you guys coming or what?” Alex chuckled, they knew how frazzled Max had become in recent weeks and loved taking the piss out of him for his distraction.
“Uhm, yeah sure. We’re on our way.” Max hung up before Alex could say anything else, he walked back into the living room to see Daniel swaying to the music whispering softly to Jimmy who was curled completely in his hold. The tinsel shawl from before hung limply off one shoulder. Max cursed silently, wishing they could go back to five minutes ago.
“Is everything ok?” Daniel looked up with concern. His oversized tshirt almost looked like a dress on him, completely covering his shorts.
“The tree lighting, it's tonight. The guys are there.” Max got his mouth to work. Daniel’s eyes widened as he gasped. 
“I thought it was next week! Oh no!” He was no doubt thinking of how he promised the boys they would go, thinking of how disappointed Luka and Lio might be. Max really wanted to kiss him.
“Do you still want to go?” Max was ok with staying in, if that's what Daniel wanted.
“I mean… we may as well right?” Daniel bit his lip and furrowed his brow a little. He felt bad.
“Then you should put on pants, I think. It will be cold.” Max teased, Daniel stuck his tongue out at him before scampering off to his room. Max shook his head good naturedly and set about putting the living room to some semblance of rights. He turned off the music, and the fireplace. Then he put Daniel’s wine glass in the sink. Finally, he turned off the lights on the tree. Tomorrow they could finish decorating and clean everything up.
He was putting on his shoes when Daniel came out of the bedroom. He had put on a pair of black skinny jeans and his vans. But no sweater or jacket. Max’s brow furrowed.
“You’ll be cold.” He pointed out, and Daniel blushed before covering his face with his palm, his curls flopped forward.
“I need to do laundry, I don’t have any clean sweaters. I’ll be fine.” He muttered with a shrug. Max rolled his eyes, knowing that Daniel would shiver the moment they walked into the elevator. He shook his head and walked past Daniel back to his bedroom. He grabbed a sweater from his closet and walked back out of his room with it held in front of him for Daniel to take.
Daniel’s blush deepened as he ducked his head into the thick fabric, the navy sweatshirt was perfectly oversized and smelled like Max. 
“Thanks.” He said shyly, ducking his head to covertly sniff the collar and get enveloped in Max’s scent again.
“Bwoah, don’t mention it.” Max fanned his words away, it was nothing. He just didn’t want Daniel to be uncomfortable. Max opened the front door and stepped out first, Daniel skipped out after him and down the short hallway to the lift. Max watched him go quietly, the sight of Daniel in his clothes burned in the back of his eyelids.
Part 18
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daggerzine · 4 months
45 With An Epic: Ben Holton interviewed by Eric Eggleson
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(photo: Rob Glover) epic45 has been a band on my radar for many years. Ever since I saw the “Ghosts On Tape” video,
I started looking for more music by them and eventually other artists on their label. After purchasing their latest amazing new album, You’ll Only See Us When The Light Has Gone, I contacted Ben Holton about a possible Dagger interview. He agreed, so here we go. When did you begin your musical career? The word ‘career’ is a funny word to attribute to what I’ve been doing over the past 25 years as it suggests I set out to make a living from messing around with sounds. The first epic45 release came out in 1999, though, so I guess that’s a good place to say it started. What musical training do you have? None whatsoever, apart from a few production tips I picked up on a woeful ‘music production’ course I took part in in the early 2000s. Both my parents played guitar and I kind of learnt by osmosis. There was also a piano in the house I used to play around with. It was my little world, and I didn’t like anyone entering it and telling me the ‘right’ way of doing it. When did you feel that you made it in the field? Why? Again, a hard one to answer as, in many ways, I have never truly ‘made it.’ Our first release was played on Radio One by John Peel, so I think that gave us a lot of confidence. We had a quite combative attitude back then, a bit ‘us against the world’ which has held us in good stead ever since. Who influenced you the most in your musical career? I think discovering Mogwai around 97/98 was a big factor in us getting our shit together, and making us realise we could give it a proper go. Then, even more so, the band Hood, who we felt an instant kinship with. It felt a bit like ‘punk’ to us at the time. How did you come up with the name of your band? The origins are pretty foggy now, as it was quite some time ago, but I believe it was from looking through my mum’s old record collection and seeing the ‘Epic’ label and the ‘45rpm.’ I liked the idea of these small pieces of vinyl holding something so powerful and potentially meaningful. In hindsight, I don’t think the name has done us any favours, it’s not particularly ‘cool’ or anything. I don’t find that particularly important, but I recognize the possible impact it has had. I mean, ‘Prefab Sprout’ is an objectively awful name, but they are one of the best bands ever! Tell me about your record label. How did it start? The label started in 2006. As epic45, we were still part of the collective label Make Mine Music with our friends, but started to want to have our own little thing for side projects and things. MMM was great, but maybe felt a little disparate in its overall ethos and aesthetic. Eventually, MMM ended in 2012, and we had our own readymade label to continue releasing on, using the knowledge and skills we’d learned from being part of the collective. As for what determines what’s on the label, to put it very simply I have to like it. Obviously if it’s a Doom Metal album (a genre a really like) it might not end up on W&W (but I’d never say never). So, the music/artist has to share a sense of belonging with the existing ethos of the label, which is based around landscape, memory and place. That could sound quite a broad remit, but I will ultimately recognize whether something fits or not.
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lost-leopard-beanie · 2 years
— Until You're Home
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#part 28 ! - will you marry me?
#summary ! - y/n didn't expect to meet her ex boyfriend in that cafe she used to go to, coming face to face with yeonjun's bright smile who had never changed. But y/n expected even less to be embarked on the false melody of a fake dating to promote the career of the young rocker she used to love.
#word count ! - 1k
#Note ! - early new year surprise!! Written part under the cut !! Please don't mind the timestamps pl 🙇🏻‍♀️ and HAPPY NEW YEAR WHO HOO!!! It isn't new year here yet but it will be in about 3-4 hours but wish yall a happy and less stressful year!!! <33
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Arriving where Yeonjun had told you, you were confused. Where was the said man? He usually told you if he'd be late but he didn't mention anything of that sort this time. You flashed back to reality when the cold breeze hit you. It would be a whole new year tomorrow. You smiled to yourself at the memory of you last new year hoping you'd spend it with someone special. And here you were going to spend it with Yeonjun.
Waking in the restaurant, you were even more confused when the lady in the reception gave you a neatly rolled paper. Opening it, a smile decorated you face as you looked at the picture of you and Yeonjun from years ago. There was a sentence written on top of it. You recognised the handwriting. It was him. The sentence read – " Hi my love, I'm sorry but I'm not gonna come get you. This time you have to find me. I left clues all over this place! Come find me, I'm waiting!!"
Giggling to yourself you made your way inside. Immediately after you opened the door, you were met with another roll of paper on the ground. This time it read, " this one was easy wasn't it, you're one step ahead in finding me! Make your way and you shall see the papers!" You walked as he told you to and you indeed, as he mentioned saw another paper. This time tucked near the readymade salads.
It read " okay i know you're probably tired of this, there're only two more!! You halfway there!! Now walk to the stairs and you will see another one" asking where the mentioned stairs were you made it there.
There was a paper rolled around the handle. " Now one more and we're done!! Make your way up till there's no more left! And you shall see the finale!"
Excited in seeing your boyfriend, you ran up the stairs to, yes you guessed it, the last roll of paper. Opening this one with a little excitement, you read " yay!! We're done with it!! Now open the door and you will what this was all about!"
You immediately turned to you right where the door was. You were eager to find what this scavenger hunt was all about but also you felt a little nervous. You couldn't figure out why you were feeling it.
Twisting the door handle, you were met with a beautiful scenery of the city. And you could also see big led letters speeling out "WILL YOU MARRY ME?" you were speechless. You turned back when you felt a hand on your shoulder. As you turned around, you were now face to face with the man who put you through this.
He was down on one knee. He pulled out a velvet box from his pocket and started-
"You know, I know this is gonna sound chliché but ever since we first started dating, I knew you were the one. I didn't realise that back then and I lost you. For a good amount of years. It hurt but it felt good at times when i thought you were with someone else that deserves you and you deserved them. But after meeting you in that café, I couldn't help but wonder what could've happened if we didn't break up. And then I drunk crashed your apartment, which I honestly don't remember, I can only remember soobin cursing his ass of at me. But when I saw you again at the company the day they called us because of the rumours, all the feelings I tried to push away for all these years just came rushing in. You looked amazing. You were glowing. Then they told us to fake date. I was angry at you for accepting it but now I'm glad you did because if it wasn't for that, i wouldn't be here on one knee. Then we spoke. For the first time about the break up. Then i asked if we could try again and you said yes. That day, was the happiest day of my life. Now i know it's a little too early to ask this. But I don't wanna lose you again. I wanna wake up to you in my arms. Me coming home from work to you. I love you. And i just don't see my future with you but whenever I think about the word future, you're the one that pops up in my head. You are my future....... So, will you marry me?" He concluded.
You were speechless. All these years you've imagined how your proposal would go but this was just a million times better.
You nod a yes as you hug him and the tears come rushing. He pulls away just enough to slide the ring on and locks your lips into a breathtaking kiss.
Pulling away you rest your foreheads with eachother, staying in silence. It was love.
You loved him, he loved you and that's all that mattered.
After a couple of minutes in silence in eachother's arms, you looked at him. He looked magnificent. He was stunning. He looked like a greek god under the moonlight. He caught you staring. Usually you'd look the other way but tonight you stared.
After about 30 minutes of talking random stuff, you asked him, "does anyone know?" He nodded and said "everyone does. I made sure to ask you parents and friends for their permission before i asked you. And my members ? If it wasn't for them i wouldn't have done it tonight."
You felt like you must've save a country in your last life for this man to be this considerable. You felt blessed. Smiling at him, you said in a soft voice, "I love you, to the moon and back" He looked back at you mirroring the smile, stealing a quick perk and mumbling "I love you too, to the moon and back, and forever and ever" before placing a soft kiss on your forehead.
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theblackshit · 8 months
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Every now and then I am reminded that we spend the vast majority of our time indoors: at home, at school, at the office, in shops and retail spaces, in bars, clubs and restaurants, in the apartments of friends and relatives, in train stations and moving vehicles, in hotels, venues and theaters, in museums, churches and hospitals – big boxes and little boxes with varying ratios of functionality to ornament.
Every now and then I am also reminded that we live in an air-conditioned dream/nightmare. In standard hotel rooms, split AC units are now as common as bedside bibles used to be. In most cases, these units are fixed to the wall above the entrance door, so that upon entering the room, guests can briefly enjoy a view unencumbered by the sight of the bulky appliance – a sort of icon corner in reverse, since an icon corner is usually located to be visible when you first enter. Once you lay down on the bed and gaze up at the familiar yet bewildering piece of engineering, you might begin to wonder: what’s the optimal temperature? Will I get sick if I sleep with the AC on? Is this thing more ugly than it is convenient? Would natality rates suddenly drop if these machines didn’t exist? Is this a tool that “brings energy home” as Ursula K. Le Guin would have it, or one that “forces energy outward?” How does it work? What’s inside the box? Is it good, is it bad? Where is the remote control for this thing?! 
Although the overhead placement of these split units is clearly a matter of practicality, I can’t help but overthink and ask myself if we also tend to place them at such heights, along with other physical objects including speakers, curtains, wall reliefs and friezes, because they pertain to immaterial realms such as temperature, sound, light and narration. As a “unit,” this compact object is at once whole and dependent upon an unseen network, which suggests a hidden elsewhere beyond the confine of the room. While its boxiness could bring to mind minimalism’s so-called “specific objects” (objects that can be apprehended on a phenomenological level), the idea that it contains unseen parts and is linked to an unseen system constitutes a conceptual or even metaphoric opening. Philip Seibel’s quietly baroque Gehäuse sculptures consciously play with this dichotomy. 
In borrowing some of the formal qualities of these units, Seibel paradoxically empties them out, thereby turning what first appears to be an enclosure into a container or a vessel where other ideas can get on board like stowaways. Looking up at his Gehäuse makes us aware of the many other vessels and boxes that create and sustain the conditions for our lives, those that shield us and our belongings, or again, those which act as receptacles for our fears and aspirations. Like ships made of reeds, there is something sensible but absurd about Seibel’s encasements. Their sleek finish seems to conceal something that is beyond our reach; or at least, it blurs the line between the manufactured and the handcrafted, the real and the fake, the readymade and the not already made, the functional and the decorative, the office, the hotel and the gallery. 
Emile Rubino
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socialorganism · 7 months
When you refer to AI art as slop, you're using an antisemitic dogwhistle. Look up "goyslop", if you need further context.
The truth is, that the nazis on 4chan agree with all your criticisms of AI. They believe that it's a tool invented and wielded by lazy thieves who are trying to make our country's youth lazy, stupid, and immoral. Guess who they think the lazy thieves are.
They believe it represents a moral backslide, a degeneration of values and an erosion of the definition of art. Guess how they define real art.
When you say AI art lacks something "human", that it lacks some fundamental quality of the "human spirit", know that you are echoing the sentiments of these fascists, who believe that AI art lacks the qualities of and subverts the artistic legacy produced by the aryan racial spirit. Your argument is the same as theirs. You just sub in a vague term to replace the original overt racism.
I mean, last time I checked, it's a technology that humans made, right? Not space aliens. When you're asked to dehumanize AI art, you're being asked to dehumanize all the people involved in making it.
When you criticize AI art on the basis of its failure to reproduce reality as-is, on the basis of its production of malformed or disabled bodies, you are again echoing the eugenicists. The race scientists and nazis who believed that impressionism, cubism, and surrealism were forms that reflected the degenerate and innately criminal bodies and minds that were alleged to have produced such art. To say now, that AI artists are stealing something from "true" "real" artists who have cultivated some sacred skill and exist as exemplars of human expression and culture, is to align yourself with the rhetoric of fascists.
In truth, there is no theft. If AI image generators were plainly "collage machines" we'd be able to then confirm that collage-making is a recognized art form that doesn't qualify as theft. But they're not "cutting up and mashing" art together. That's a lie. Invented by the people who fed you all those other garbage, fascist arguments. I wonder why they would lie to you like that? 🤔
When you fall back on the most tired, most self-damning argument of all- it takes no effort, they're being lazy, just pushing a button!! Just learn how to paint!!!
It all kind of falls apart, doesn't it? Even if AI had magically appeared from space and had required no programmers to design, and had not required countless people to label images, build datasets, or train the AIs, required no artistic process of investigation, iteration, refinement, or labor hours from the most dedicated AI artists, what would be wrong with wanting to see novel art at a low effort? What exactly would be wrong with that?
Please, try to find an answer that doesn't make you sound like the most conservative boomer stereotype ever.
Please, try to find an answer that doesn't appeal to some of the most draconian, anti-art and anti-artist strictures to ever exist, Intellectual Property laws.
After all, how do you feel about cameras? How do you feel about other machines that produce art? That are, on the face of it, "only pushing a button"?
How do you feel about readymades, about Fountain by Duchamp?
How do you feel about fascism? About reactionary fears and anxieties about losing your precarious place in the economic hierarchy? About banding together as a community to push these invaders and thieves out? About not being able to provide for yourself in this tide of oncoming degeneracy?
Are you scared? Are you afraid they'll take our jobs? Are you afraid they'll corrupt our children?
Aren't you angry about the injustice of it?
Don't you just want the people in charge to be willing to make laws to protect you? To protect you from this sick, vile, not-art? These gutter paintings?
Don't these criminals just deserve the worst?
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pwlanier · 2 years
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The work of Michail Pirgelis updates the traditions of post-minimalism, the readymade and conceptual art while simultaneously resisting them. His process usually begins with found materials from aircraft cemeteries in California and Arizona, where disused passenger planes wait to be dismantled and recycled. The Cologne-based artist explores the limits of our understanding of objects, while radically expanding our experience of the sculptural.
The first thing one notices in Pirgelis’s works is their subtle play with the aura of his found materials—materials that could both be considered industrial waste products or civilizational fragments. Larger than life metal objects lean against the walls like strange relics. Large-scale wall works with scratches, traces of paint and varnish have the look of heavy paintings. Floorboards with drilled holes and traces of carpet recall sections of a heavily used studio floor.
Pirgelis makes surprisingly small changes to the materials he finds, leaving the painted surfaces of most of his objects as he found them. He sometimes sands and polishes certain sections, partially removes logos and lettering or exposes rivet patterns. But essentially, the viewer bears witness to a surface marked by signs of wear and weather, by the sun and desert storms over the aircraft cemeteries. These are complex aesthetic surfaces with obvious painterly references, and the artist presents the objects as a form of found abstraction.
Pirgelis’s works derive their forceful presence from a fundamental self-questioning. The objects are not invented or produced, or even labeled in any way by the artist. Nor are they readymades in a strictly post-Duchampian sense, since the objects’ material and form have become entirely detached from their former function, making it almost impossible to discern their origin. The materiality of the works seems strangely familiar, and yet it is impossible to say why or what exactly is familiar about them. They are objects characterized by a deep-seated uncertainty: an uncertainty that leads them to thwart their own objectness and situate themselves on the threshold of non-objectness.
Pirgelis’s oeuvre defies conventional strategies of considering the artwork with startling consistency. Apart from obvious references to minimalism, post-minimalism, and readymades, some of these works recall Gordon Matta-Clark’s heroic dissections of homes and factory buildings or Rosemarie Trockel’s psychosocially charged objects. And yet they still come across as enigmatically uncategorizable. The urgent exclusion of sculptural knowledge in these works triggers a moment of confusion or disquiet in the viewer. What comes into play is an aesthetics of the indefinable, a sensory effect somewhere between rebellion and the sublime. Not least it accounts for a certain beauty—a beauty of emptiness, of things lived and lost, of semantic abandonment and contingency.
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ommaginteriordesign · 23 days
Transform Your Home With Ommag's Modular Solutions In Mumbai
In the quick-paced city of Mumbai, where space is a luxurious, making the most out of each rectangular foot is vital. Whether you’re looking to revamp your modular kitchen, improve your bedroom, or optimize storage in your wardrobe, OMMAG’s modular solutions offer an excellent mixture of style and capability. Our modular kitchens, modular kitchenettes, customized mattresses, and wardrobes, consisting of sliding door wardrobes, are designed to cater to the precise needs of Mumbai homes.
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The Rise of Modular Kitchens in Mumbai
Modular kitchens have become increasingly popular in Mumbai, and for a good reason. With the city's compact living spaces, a modular kitchen offers a smart, efficient, and elegant solution to make the most of your available area. At OMMAG, we specialize in designing modular kitchens that not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home but also offer maximum functionality.
Our modular kitchen cabinets are customizable, allowing you to pick from various designs, finishes, and storage solutions that fit your lifestyle and space constraints. Whether you're looking for a sleek, modern design or a more traditional look, our modular kitchens are crafted to meet your unique needs. Additionally, with clear information on modular kitchen prices, including modular kitchen prices per square foot and overall modular kitchen costs, planning your kitchen renovation has never been easier.
For those living in smaller apartments or studio spaces, our modular kitchenettes provide the perfect solution. These compact yet fully functional kitchens are designed to offer all the essential features you need without taking up too much space. With modular kitchen rates that suit a range of budgets, OMMAG ensures that everyone in Mumbai can enjoy the benefits of a well-designed kitchen.
Enhancing Your Bedroom with OMMAG’s Modular Solutions
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Your bedroom should be a sanctuary of comfort, and OMMAG’s modular beds and wardrobes help create a space that’s both functional and stylish. Our range of modular beds can be customized to fit any room size, ensuring that your bedroom remains cozy and clutter-free. Pair your modular bed with a customized mattress for the ultimate sleeping experience. Our mattresses are designed to provide the perfect balance of support and comfort, catering to your unique preferences.
In addition to modular beds, OMMAG offers a variety of wardrobe solutions that help you make the most of your bedroom space. Our sliding door wardrobes are particularly popular in Mumbai, where space is often at a premium. These wardrobes not only save space but also add a sleek, modern touch to your room. Whether you need a sliding wardrobe, an almirah for clothes, or a complete storage solution, our designs are tailored to meet your needs while enhancing the overall aesthetic of your bedroom.
Smaller Spaces Will Be Maximized with OMMAG’s Modular Solutions
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One of the biggest challenges of living in Mumbai is dealing with limited space. But with OMMAG’s modular solutions, even small spaces can be transformed into functional, stylish areas. Our modular kitchen cabinets and modular kitchens are designed to maximize storage and functionality, making them perfect for smaller kitchens. We understand that every inch counts in a Mumbai home, which is why our modular kitchens are customizable according to your exact specifications.
For those looking for a readymade kitchen solution, we offer stylish and practical ready-made kitchen cabinets. These cabinets come in a variety of designs and finishes, ensuring that you find something that matches your home décor. Whether you’re looking for a modular kitchen near me or need a comprehensive modular kitchen price, OMMAG has you covered.
Our modular kitchen solutions aren’t just about functionality; they are also designed with aesthetics in mind. We believe that your kitchen should be a reflection of your own style, which is why we offer a wide range of designs, colors, and finishes to choose from. With modular kitchen rates that are transparent and affordable, it’s easy to find a solution that fits your budget without compromising on quality.
Why Choose OMMAG for Your Modular Needs in Mumbai?
OMMAG is dedicated to providing high-quality modular solutions catering to the unique needs of Mumbaikars. Our products are designed to provide uniform style, functionality, and affordability. Whether you’re looking for a modular kitchen, wardrobe, or customized mattress, our team of experts will work with you to create customized solutions for your specific needs.
We understand that every home is different, which is why we offer options for all of our products. From modular kitchen cabinets to sliding door wardrobes, you can choose the features, finishes, and materials that best suit your space and lifestyle. Additionally, our clear pricing structure, with modular kitchen pricing per square foot and overall modular kitchen costs, ensures that when it comes to budgeting your home renovation, there are no surprises.
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aadambharaa · 30 days
Top 5 Online Stores for Bridal Readymade Blouses
Are you a bride-to-be on the hunt for the perfect blouse to complement your wedding attire? Look no further! In this article, we'll explore the top 5 online stores for bridal readymade blouses that'll make your shopping experience a breeze. But before we dive in, let's chat about why finding the right bridal blouse is so crucial and why online shopping might just be your new best friend.
You know, a bridal blouse isn't just any old piece of clothing. It's the cherry on top of your wedding outfit sundae! It can make or break your entire look, so choosing the right one is essential. And let's face it, in today's fast-paced world, who has the time to hop from store to store? That's where online shopping comes in handy. It's like having a personal boutique right at your fingertips, available 24/7. So, grab a cup of chai, get comfy, and let's explore the wonderful world of online bridal blouse shopping!
Top 5 Online Stores for Bridal Readymade Blouses
1. Kalki Fashion: Where Tradition Meets Trend
First up on our list is Kalki Fashion, a name that's become synonymous with bridal elegance. Picture this: you're scrolling through their website, and boom! It's like walking into a virtual wonderland of bridal fashion.
Product Range
Kalki Fashion isn't just about blouses; it's about creating a bridal experience. From intricately embroidered silk blouses to modern, contemporary designs, they've got it all. It's like they've taken a piece of every bride's dream and stitched it into their collection.
Now, I know what you're thinking - "This sounds expensive!" But here's the kicker: Kalki Fashion caters to various budgets. Yes, they have those jaw-dropping, splurge-worthy pieces, but they also offer more affordable options that don't skimp on style.
Customer Service
What really sets Kalki Fashion apart is their customer service. It's like having a personal stylist just a click away. They're known for their prompt responses and helpful advice, making your online shopping experience feel personal and special.
2. Indianweddingsaree: Your One-Stop Bridal Shop
Next up, we have Indianweddingsaree. Don't let the name fool you - they're not just about sarees. This online store is like the Swiss Army knife of bridal fashion.
Product Range
Indianweddingsaree offers a wide array of bridal blouses that cater to different regional styles. Whether you're looking for a South Indian silk blouse or a Rajasthani mirror work beauty, they've got you covered. It's like taking a tour of India's diverse bridal fashions, all from the comfort of your couch!
One of the best things about Indianweddingsaree is their competitive pricing. They understand that weddings can be expensive affairs, so they offer quality products at reasonable prices. It's like finding a designer piece at a bargain price - who doesn't love that?
Customer Service
Their customer service team is known for going the extra mile. They're not just there to process orders; they're there to help you make the right choice. It's like having a knowledgeable aunt guiding you through your bridal shopping journey.
3. Mirraw: Where Variety Meets Value
Mirraw is like the Aladdin's cave of Indian fashion. You'll find yourself saying "Oh, just one more click" as you browse through their extensive collection.
Product Range
What sets Mirraw apart is the sheer variety they offer. From simple, elegant blouses to show-stopping, heavily embellished pieces, they have it all. It's like they've read every bride's mind and created a blouse for each unique vision.
Mirraw is a champion of affordable luxury. They prove that you don't need to break the bank to look like a million bucks on your big day. Their pricing strategy is like a well-balanced diet - there's something to satisfy every budget.
Customer Service
Mirraw's customer service is like a warm hug in the sometimes stressful world of wedding planning. They're known for their patience and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.
4. Utsav Fashion: Bridging Tradition and Modernity
Utsav Fashion is like that friend who always knows the latest trends but never forgets the classics. They've mastered the art of blending traditional designs with modern aesthetics.
Product Range
Their bridal blouse collection is a beautiful mix of the old and the new. Whether you're a bride who dreams of a traditional red and gold blouse or one who wants to make a statement with unconventional colors and designs, Utsav Fashion has got your back.
Utsav Fashion believes in transparent pricing. No hidden costs, no last-minute surprises - just straightforward, competitive prices. Shopping here is like playing a game where you always know the rules.
Customer Service
What really makes Utsav Fashion stand out is their attention to detail in customer service. From size guides to style tips, they provide all the information you need to make an informed decision. It's like having a fashion guru on speed dial.
5. House of Blouse: For the Bride Who Dares to Be Different
Last but definitely not least, we have House of Blouse. This online store is like a breath of fresh air in the world of bridal fashion.
Product Range
House of Blouse is for the bride who wants to break away from the conventional. Their designs are unique, bold, and absolutely stunning. It's like they've taken traditional bridal blouse designs and given them a modern, chic twist.
While their prices might be slightly higher than some other stores, the uniqueness of their designs makes it worth every penny. It's like investing in a piece of art - something you'll treasure for years to come.
Customer Service
House of Blouse prides itself on its personalized service. They understand that each bride is unique, and they strive to cater to individual preferences. Shopping here feels less like a transaction and more like a collaboration.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Online Store
Now that we've explored these fantastic online stores, let's talk about what you should keep in mind when making your choice. It's not just about pretty pictures and attractive prices - there's more to consider.
Quality of Products
First things first - quality is key. You want a blouse that not only looks good in photos but feels great when you wear it. Look for stores that provide detailed information about their fabrics and craftsmanship. It's like choosing a life partner - you want something that looks good on the surface but also has substance.
Size and Fit Options
Let's face it - we're not all built the same way. A good online store should offer a range of sizes and even customization options. It's like finding a great hairstylist - they should be able to work with what you've got and make you look fabulous.
Return and Exchange Policies
Even with the best intentions, sometimes things don't work out. Make sure the store has a clear, customer-friendly return and exchange policy. It's like having a safety net - you hope you won't need it, but it's reassuring to know it's there.
Shipping Options and Costs
You've found the perfect blouse, but can it reach you in time for the big day? Check out the shipping options and costs. Some stores offer express shipping for those last-minute purchases. It's like planning a road trip - you need to know not just the destination but how you're going to get there.
Customer Reviews and Ratings
Last but not least, don't forget to check out what other brides are saying. Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the actual product quality and service. It's like getting advice from a bunch of helpful sisters who've been through the same experience.
There you have it, lovely brides-to-be! We've journeyed through the world of online bridal readymade blouses, exploring five fantastic stores each with its unique charm. From the traditional elegance of Kalki Fashion to the bold designs of House of Blouse, there's something for every bride out there.
Remember, choosing your bridal blouse is more than just a shopping task - it's part of creating your perfect wedding day look. Take your time, enjoy the process, and don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. With these online stores at your fingertips, you're well on your way to finding that dream blouse that'll make you feel like the beautiful bride you are.
Happy shopping, and here's to finding that perfect blouse that makes you shine on your big day!
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subikshafoods · 1 month
Readymade Paratha Madurai: Your Secret Weapon for Keto-Friendly Comfort Food
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Following a keto diet doesn’t mean giving up on all your favorite comfort foods! Sometimes, you just crave something warm, filling, and satisfying. Enter the humble paratha — a delicious flatbread staple in South Indian cuisine. But wait, isn’t paratha usually loaded with carbs? Well, not necessarily! Here’s where Readymade Paratha Madurai comes in as your keto savior.
Beyond the Bun: How Readymade Paratha Madurai Fits Your Keto Lifestyle
Traditional parathas can be high in carbs due to the use of refined flour. But with Readymade Paratha from Subiksha Foods, you can enjoy the same satisfying texture and delicious flavors without compromising your keto goals. Here’s the secret:
We use a unique blend of low-carb flours like almond flour or coconut flour in our paratha mix. This keeps the carb content significantly lower than traditional options.
We ditch the refined sugars and unhealthy fats, using only ingredients that fit your keto macros.
No more hunting for special keto-friendly flours or spending hours in the kitchen. Readymade Paratha Madurai is ready to use in minutes!
The Delicious Versatility of Keto-Friendly Paratha
Just because it’s keto-friendly doesn’t mean it has to be boring! Here are some ways to enjoy your Readymade Paratha Madurai for a guilt-free treat:
Stuff your parathas with spiced cauliflower rice, grilled chicken, or a creamy keto-friendly veggie mix.
Whip up a quick and easy keto breakfast by filling your paratha with scrambled eggs and a sprinkle of cheese.
Feeling a bit adventurous? Try a low-carb berry filling or a sprinkle of sugar-free cinnamon for a sweet and satisfying treat.
Why Choose Subiksha Foods for Your Keto-Friendly Parathas?
Finding truly keto-friendly readymade parathas can be a challenge. Here’s what sets Subiksha Foods apart:
We use only high-quality, keto-approved ingredients like almond flour, coconut flour, and healthy fats.
Our paratha mix is prepared fresh and delivered straight to your doorstep, ensuring you get the best possible taste and texture.
We understand the challenges of following a keto diet, and we’re here to make it easier and more delicious!
Embrace the Comfort and Enjoy Delicious Keto Parathas
Don’t let following a keto diet mean sacrificing your favorite comfort foods. Look for Readymade Paratha Madurai from Subiksha Foods today! We’re confident you’ll love the ease of preparation, the delicious taste, and the fact that it fits perfectly into your keto lifestyle. With Subiksha Foods, a satisfying and guilt-free meal is just minutes away!
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regalokitchens70 · 2 months
430+ Modular Kitchen Design Ideas, Images, And Cost
Source of Info: https://www.regalokitchens.com/430+modular-kitchen-design-ideas-images-and-cost.php
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Revamp your kitchen haven with the magic of modular kitchens! This inspirational guide has over 430 outstanding modular kitchen design ideas. Discover a treasure trove of photographs exhibiting the most recent trends, from sleek and futuristic to warm and inviting. However, functionality meets form: examine precise cost details to suit any budget. Find designs that maximize space, regardless of the size of your kitchen. Learn about innovative storage options and explore a variety of materials and finishes to create your ideal kitchen. Regalo Kitchens, known for pioneering excellence in this industry, has unveiled an amazing find of 430+ modular kitchen design ideas, pictures, and cost breakdowns. Join us on an innovative and creative journey where design meets function at the heart of your home.
Understanding Modular Kitchens Modular kitchen design transforms the traditional idea of kitchen layout and management. Built on the modularity principle, these kitchens are built up of readymade modules or pieces that can be readily constructed and altered to meet individual preferences and space constraints. Modular kitchens are infinitely versatile, ranging from elegant minimalist designs to luxurious, vast setups. Regalo Kitchens provides a wide choice of designs adapted to every taste and requirement.
Exploring Design Ideas Embark on an inspirational journey as we reveal a vast array of modular kitchen designs. Whether you want a contemporary trendy environment or a rustic, homey vibe, we offer a wide range of styles to fit your preferences. Each design, from L-shaped layouts that make the most of corner space to U-shaped configurations that provide plenty of storage, is meticulously created. We believe that the kitchen is the heart of any house, and our designs reflect this idea, putting elegance and functionality first.
Images that Inspire Our carefully curated collection of kitchen photos will help you visualize the possibilities. Explore a mix of textures, hues, and layouts that capture the essence of modern living. Our photographs show how modular kitchen design can convert everything from small studio apartments to large suburban homes. Witness firsthand how creative storage solutions, optimal layouts, and exquisite finishes work together to create rooms that are both visually appealing and extremely functional. Regalo Kitchens believes that each image conveys a tale of craftsmanship and imagination, inspiring you to imagine the kitchen of your dreams.
Cost Considerations The allure of kitchen design extends beyond aesthetics to encompass affordability and value. We offer a range of cost options tailored to suit varying budgets and requirements. With prices starting from ₹1 lakh and ranging up to ₹12 lakh, our modular kitchen solutions are designed to deliver exceptional quality without compromising on style or functionality. Whether you seek a budget-friendly makeover or a lavish culinary sanctuary, our team is committed to delivering unparalleled excellence at every price point. Transform your kitchen into a haven of comfort and efficiency with our company, where luxury meets affordability in perfect harmony.
Key Features of Regalo Kitchens' Modular Designs When you choose Regalo Kitchens for your modular kitchen requires, you can expect nothing less than the highest quality, innovation, and artistry. Here are some significant aspects that differentiate our modular designs:
Premium Quality Materials: We use only the finest quality materials, including high-grade wood, durable laminates, and sleek stainless steel, to ensure longevity and durability.
Customization Options: Our modular kitchen design is completely adaptable, allowing you to tailor every detail of your kitchen, from cabinet finishes to countertop materials.
Space Optimization: With clever space-saving solutions and ergonomic design principles, our modular kitchen design maximizes storage space and functionality, making cooking and meal prep a breeze.
Efficient Installation Process: We appreciate your time, which is why our skilled installation crew provides a smooth and efficient installation process, reducing disturbances to your regular routine.
Transform Your Kitchen with Regalo Kitchens Today Ready to make your kitchen fantasies a reality? Contact Regalo Kitchens today to learn about our broad modular kitchen design , photos, and cost-effective alternatives. Whether you're remodeling your existing kitchen or building a new home, our design specialists are here to help you every step of the way. Regalo Kitchens offers unrivaled quality and craftsmanship, improving your house with a modular kitchen that is both useful and beautiful.
Conclusion Going into the world of modular kitchen design is marked by innovation, creativity, and limitless possibilities. Regalo Kitchens invites you to browse our extensive collection of design ideas, photos, and cost-effective solutions, each designed with the highest care and attention to detail. From design to execution, our staff is committed to changing your kitchen into a room that is more than just utilitarian and truly reflects your lifestyle and tastes. Join us as we redefine the art of kitchen design, one modular masterpiece at a time.
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warlockisaslur · 2 months
[ For real tho i love the idea of Billy and Teddy coming back and taking on leadership/guiding hand roles for the younger generation because like. They have Seen Some Shit. Been through hell. Came out absolutely better for it BUT they refuse to allow that to happen to any more kids if they have anything to say about it and like
their apartment becoming an unofficial safe meeting place for anybody from x-kids to indie street-heroes looking for a little support and understanding. There's always fresh pie and coffee and sure these dudes are real huggy but they also don't judge too harshly (unlike some of the adults) when somebody just gets in a little over their heads.
esp once that Eye falls to Billy. Lot of good a guy can do with the cheat codes to the universe. and hell it also means they have a readymade corral of babysitters when katie and the twins come along 😉]
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Originally posted on :https://www.regalokitchens.com/space-and-comfort-in-modular-kitchen.php
With the creative modular kitchen concepts from Regalo Kitchens, experience the right balance of comfort and space. Our customized solutions benefit functionality and appealing qualities through the use of smart storage choices, functional layouts, and comfortable features. Whether you're remodeling a large home or improving a small apartment, Regalo Kitchens makes sure every space is used successfully and offers an easy connection between layout and function. Join us in redesigning the cooking environment and accept a higher standard for comfort in the kitchen.
How Do Modular Kitchens Work? A modular kitchen is an updated kitchen design made out of readymade shelves, drawers, and cabinets that are simple to put together and adjust based on your needs and available space. This creative design makes the best use of the entire area of available room while offering a modern and well-organized look.
The Best Use of Space in Modular Kitchen The possibilities of a modular kitchen to effectively use space is one of its main benefits. Modular designs make sure no space is wasted in any kitchen, no matter how big or small. They can be customized to match any plan.
Smart Storage Solutions A range of smart storage options, including pull-out cabinets, corner units, and vertical storage, are included with modular cooking areas. With the help of these features, you can take advantage of all the space of your kitchen, removing waste and maintaining the workplace. To make sure that everything from your cooking equipment to your spices has a separate spot.
Productive Layouts Your kitchen's layout is important for making the greatest use of available space and maintaining comfort. For modular cooking areas, the L-shaped, U-shaped, and parallel designs are the most popular layouts. The best option depends on the shape and size of your kitchen. Each of these layouts offers advantages of its own. Regalo Kitchens' professionals will work together with you to choose the best layout for your area keeping your lifestyle and cooking habits into mind.
Space-Saving Appliances Space-saving appliances can be featured in customized kitchens along with clever storage options. You can achieve a more simplified kitchen design and save up counter space through installing built-in ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers into the kitchen layout. To make sure you have everything you need near at your hands Regalo Kitchens offers a selection of premium appliances that can be adjusted to fit into your modular kitchen.
Improving Comfort in a Modular Kitchen While making the finest use of the available area is important, comfort must also be prioritized. A professionally built, well-lit, and easy to use kitchen is a comfortable one.
Comfortable Design A comfortable kitchen layout makes sure that everything is simple to use by paying attention to the user's height and range. This includes where the appliances, counters, and cabinets are located. At Regalo Kitchens, our main objective is to create designs that lower stress and improve the comfort of daily duties. To improve comfort, we include features like pull-out trays, soft-close drawers, and adjustable shelves.
Proper Lighting Good lighting is important in a kitchen, not just for looks but also for safety and functionality. A well-lit kitchen helps you see what you're doing, whether you're cutting vegetables or reading a recipe. The modular kitchen can be provided with natural, task, and accent lighting to create a bright and relaxing environment. Regalo Kitchens provides a wide range of lighting choices, from under-cabinet lights to pendant fixtures, to make sure your kitchen is well-lit and comfortable.
Ventilation Proper ventilation is another critical factor of a relaxing kitchen. A properly ventilated kitchen removes aromas, smoke, and moisture, resulting in a healthier atmosphere. Modular cooking areas can be equipped with effective ventilation systems, such as range hoods and exhaust fans, to provide enough air circulation. Regalo Kitchens offers a variety of ventilation options to help keep your kitchen fresh and refreshing.
Why Choose Regalo Kitchens? Regalo Kitchens is totally committed to designing kitchens with modular design that are not only attractive but also provide lots of space and comfort. Here are a few reasons why you should select us for your personalized kitchen requirements:
Quality Regalo Kitchens place a high value on quality in every single thing we do. We use only the best materials and work together with trustworthy suppliers to make sure that our goods are long-lasting. From solid worktops to high-quality appliances, you can be trustworthy so that your modular kitchen will last long.
Customer Satisfaction The attention we give to customer happiness separates us from the competitors. We take the time to learn about what you want and need, giving individual support and guidance throughout the process. From the first consultation to the final installation, we are committed to making your kitchen design experience as smooth and joyful as possible.
Conclusion Regalo Kitchens' modular kitchen provide an excellent balance of space and comfort, transforming your kitchen into an effective and stylish environment. With our clever storage solutions, smart layouts, and comfortable designs, you can have a kitchen that is both functional and enjoyable. When it comes to customizable kitchens, Regalo Kitchens stands out for its quality, personalization, and customer satisfaction.
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321regalo · 3 months
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Space and Comfort in Modular Kitchen
Originally Posted on  : https://www.regalokitchens.com/space-and-comfort-in-modular-kitchen.php
With the creative modular kitchen concepts from Regalo Kitchens, experience the right balance of comfort and space. Our customized solutions benefit functionality and appealing qualities through the use of smart storage choices, functional layouts, and comfortable features. Whether you're remodeling a large home or improving a small apartment, Regalo Kitchens makes sure every space is used successfully and offers an easy connection between layout and function. Join us in redesigning the cooking environment and accept a higher standard for comfort in the kitchen.
How Do Modular Kitchens Work?
A modular kitchen is an updated kitchen design made out of readymade shelves, drawers, and cabinets that are simple to put together and adjust based on your needs and available space. This creative design makes the best use of the entire area of available room while offering a modern and well-organized look.
The Best Use of Space in Modular Kitchen
The possibilities of a modular kitchen to effectively use space is one of its main benefits. Modular designs make sure no space is wasted in any kitchen, no matter how big or small. They can be customized to match any plan.
Smart Storage Solutions
A range of smart storage options, including pull-out cabinets, corner units, and vertical storage, are included with modular cooking areas. With the help of these features, you can take advantage of all the space of your kitchen, removing waste and maintaining the workplace. To make sure that everything from your cooking equipment to your spices has a separate spot.
Productive Layouts
Your kitchen's layout is important for making the greatest use of available space and maintaining comfort. For modular cooking areas, the L-shaped, U-shaped, and parallel designs are the most popular layouts. The best option depends on the shape and size of your kitchen. Each of these layouts offers advantages of its own. Regalo Kitchens' professionals will work together with you to choose the best layout for your area keeping your lifestyle and cooking habits into mind.
Space-Saving Appliances
Space-saving appliances can be featured in customized kitchens along with clever storage options. You can achieve a more simplified kitchen design and save up counter space through installing built-in ovens, microwaves, and dishwashers into the kitchen layout. To make sure you have everything you need near at your hands Regalo Kitchens offers a selection of premium appliances that can be adjusted to fit into your modular kitchen.
Improving Comfort in a Modular Kitchen
While making the finest use of the available area is important, comfort must also be prioritized. A professionally built, well-lit, and easy to use kitchen is a comfortable one.
Comfortable Design
A comfortable kitchen layout makes sure that everything is simple to use by paying attention to the user's height and range. This includes where the appliances, counters, and cabinets are located. At Regalo Kitchens, our main objective is to create designs that lower stress and improve the comfort of daily duties. To improve comfort, we include features like pull-out trays, soft-close drawers, and adjustable shelves.
Proper Lighting
Good lighting is important in a kitchen, not just for looks but also for safety and functionality. A well-lit kitchen helps you see what you're doing, whether you're cutting vegetables or reading a recipe. The modular kitchen can be provided with natural, task, and accent lighting to create a bright and relaxing environment. Regalo Kitchens provides a wide range of lighting choices, from under-cabinet lights to pendant fixtures, to make sure your kitchen is well-lit and comfortable.
Proper ventilation is another critical factor of a relaxing kitchen. A properly ventilated kitchen removes aromas, smoke, and moisture, resulting in a healthier atmosphere. Modular cooking areas can be equipped with effective ventilation systems, such as range hoods and exhaust fans, to provide enough air circulation. Regalo Kitchens offers a variety of ventilation options to help keep your kitchen fresh and refreshing.
Why Choose Regalo Kitchens?
Regalo Kitchens is totally committed to designing kitchens with modular design that are not only attractive but also provide lots of space and comfort. Here are a few reasons why you should select us for your personalized kitchen requirements:
Regalo Kitchens place a high value on quality in every single thing we do. We use only the best materials and work together with trustworthy suppliers to make sure that our goods are long-lasting. From solid worktops to high-quality appliances, you can be trustworthy so that your modular kitchen will last long.
Customer Satisfaction
The attention we give to customer happiness separates us from the competitors. We take the time to learn about what you want and need, giving individual support and guidance throughout the process. From the first consultation to the final installation, we are committed to making your kitchen design experience as smooth and joyful as possible.
Regalo Kitchens' modular kitchen provide an excellent balance of space and comfort, transforming your kitchen into an effective and stylish environment. With our clever storage solutions, smart layouts, and comfortable designs, you can have a kitchen that is both functional and enjoyable. When it comes to customizable kitchens, Regalo Kitchens stands out for its quality, personalization, and customer satisfaction.
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