#reality shifting tips
kyoshitargaryen · 1 month
shifting tips for neurodivergent shifters!
shifting tips for autistic people, and for those with ADHD and OCD! for scripting ideas, click here! (coming soon!)
hey, everyone! I'm autistic and I have ADHD and OCD -- all of these things have greatly impacted my journey. these are some of the things that have helped me progress with shifting and with getting to a healthy place mentally in general. note : I have aphantasia, so any time I mention "visualizing" it moreso means thinking of it. instead of seeing "visualizing" as something you can't do, put it into perspective of the things you CAN do. if you can daydream, you can visualize, even if you're not physically seeing anything. don't let it stop you!!
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don't think that you can't shift while autistic. I've done it, and you will too if you haven't already. the only thing that could stop you is your own lack of belief.
if you're like me, you take everything extremely literally. that makes understanding what people -- especially neurotypical people -- mean when they give advice difficult and even harder to apply. here's some things that I've realized about common shifting tips.
5 Senses Methods
I've noticed that some people who talk about "using" your senses, don't exactly mean to use them or to force them. for the longest time, I kept getting so caught up in trying to force the experience that I was keeping myself from shifting entirely instead of trying to physically hear something, or taste or smell or feel, focus more on understanding how those senses work. you probably know the taste of your favourite soda. you probably know what steak or chicken tastes like. you know how when you have your mind set on a particular dinner or drink or experience, you HAVE to have it or else you won't be hungry or thirsty or excited? you KNOW what those things taste like. you KNOW what you expect, all while not physically having those things in front of you. try living in that expectation, in the knowledge and understanding of what you're going to get. this also works with general manifestation! think about what you're wanting for dinner tonight. think about your dream vacation destination. just lightly imagine it. you might be able to almost taste it now. you might be able to almost feel the wind on your skin, or a light rain, or warm sunshine. try approaching shifting like that!
I struggled for the longest time over letting myself move when I go to shift. Feeling symptoms go away just because I had to move or twitched unconsciously was so frustrating. I actually forced myself to lay perfectly still on my back even while feeling physical discomfort and pain. yes, I understood that you can move, and that you don't need symptoms to shift, but I was so caught up in feeling the transition and in my body in general that I found it impossible to let go of control like that. when I first tried focusing on the position my body would be in in my desired reality, I focused way too hard on feeling it. and I'll be honest, forcing myself to feel the physical sensation of laying down in a different position did work. I really did feel it. It just didn't help me shift. and obviously the moments where I would become more aware of my body in this reality or I needed to move were practically devastating. but then something clicked. I was so busy trying to feel my whole body in my desired reality that I was only grounding myself in this reality, and I was slowing down if not outright stopping myself from shifting. you know how you breathe automatically until you are suddenly reminded that you have to breathe to survive? or how you don't necessarily feel your knees or your toes until you think about them? you're only aware of the parts of your body that you are actively interacting with. our minds are trained to tune out a large amount of the sensory information going on in our bodies. imagine how exhausting it would be if you had to manually pump your heart. you probably don't feel what you're sitting or laying down on after you've been there for a long period of time, unless you're actively feeling discomfort or pain. take a moment to take stock of your body. now that you're aware of it -- you probably feel so much more than you did a few minutes ago when you weren't thinking of it. keep that in mind! now pay attention to the places your body overlaps. right now, my elbows are on my lap, and my ankles are tucked under my thighs. the places where your body overlaps are the easiest things to focus on and remember. picture yourself in the passenger seat of a car. you're tired, so you're leaning down on the centre console. your head is tucked into your elbow to shield your eyes from light. focus on the parts of your body that overlap. you KNOW how it feels to rest your head in your elbow. you likely know how it feels to sleep in the passenger seat. instead of trying to pay attention to your body as a whole, think of these little contact points. do this for a few minutes, and I guarantee you that you'll eventually begin to actually feel it, or at least, you'll forget about your physical body in this reality. don't make yourself feel this things, just remember how it feels. this way of aligning myself to my desired reality makes the process go by so much faster. once I feel comfortable remembering how my body would feel in that position, I move on to other things. I remember how it would feel to have my fingers run over the seatbelt or the buckle. I remember how the blinker or the windshield wipers sound. slowly but surely, these things build up and then you're not consciously thinking of them anymore, you're just there. but the best part of it? it's so easy to get myself back into the "zone" if I move in my CR. since I'm not trying to feel a whole environment and my whole body at once, I'm able to quickly and easily remember and experience the position I'm in in my DR. I don't worry about symptoms, or even actively notice them. I'm just there. once I have put my focus on those few contact spots, I'm in my DR. then, it's just a waiting game for when I can open my eyes. I'm in no rush, because I'm just relaxing!
Staircase Method
don't worry about visualizing the perfect space. I was so caught up in making sure the amount of stairs I was walking up or down matched the environment I was thinking of. don't worry about that. the only thing that matters is getting yourself to a point where you're relaxed and you can let go of your original reality. I kinda see shifting as removing velcro. your consciousness is velcro'd to this reality, especially when you're inexperienced with shifting, have doubts, or are going through a slump. the deeper you get into a method, the farther you get from focusing on your CR (the fact that you're still there, that you still feel your body, that you still hear and smell your CR environment), the more the velcro releases. if you try to make everything perfect, you're only making yourself realize that you're not actually in your DR, that you're just doing a method. instead, just focus on knowing how it feels to walk up or down stairs. don't worry about a length of time, or the number of stairs. don't worry about any turns or bends, just go straight up or down. once you feel like the "velcro" of this reality has released, you're ready to enter your DR.
at the beginning of my shifting journey, I was obsessed with making sure I counted correctly. if I accidentally skipped or repeated a number, I would get so frustrated. don't worry about being accurate or perfect. the sun does not rise and fall on your ability to count on endlessly. focusing too hard on counting will just keep you from becoming aware of your DR. again -- try not to focus so hard on the process of getting to your DR, try to just focus on being in your DR.
Just BE in Your DR (or, Let Go of Control)
I have two ways that I love to describe this;
it's like driving a car. when you've reached your destination, you put the car in park, you turn it off, and you get out. you don't drive past it, or keep hitting the gas, you don't assume that you haven't made it yet. you just know you're there.
it's like trying to fall asleep. you might be counting sheep, or daydreaming, or thinking about what you want to dream of, but you're NOT thinking about how to get home, you're not thinking about changing your clothes, or brushing your teeth, or doing your nighttime routine. you're just there, in your bed, waiting for sleep to take you. you know there's nothing left to do but sleep. so let yourself exist in your DR. think of methods as a way for you to pass time in your DR rather than a way of getting there. you're on a long car ride, or the hogwarts express, or in the middle of a lull hour at your job. you have freetime, so you just keep your mind busy enough to be entertained (and possibly ready to go if you're needed). just relax. you're there. you're just don't need to be "on" right now. think of how you mask in social situations, but you unmask when you're by yourself or you're somewhere safe and comfortable. your mask doesn't need to be on! your customer service voice doesn't need to be used. think of it like being idle in a video game!
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Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts
especially when I go to shift, I get intrusive thoughts. what if everyone hates me? what if my s/o cheats on me? what if I somehow cause a sequence of events that gets someone or an animal hurt or killed? it doesn't matter if I have things scripted to prevent all of these, my brain thinks them anyway. intrusive thoughts don't bend to logic. so don't try to use logic to fight them. it's gonna sound kinda crazy, but just think the opposite every time they come up. thoughts are just thoughts. even the ones that seem really scary and really powerful.
Call him Voldemort, Harry. Always use the proper name for things. Fear of a name increases fear of the thing itself.
as much as I dislike Dumbledore, he kinda ate here. it's the same thing with thoughts -- if you have an intrusive thought, immediately combat it with the opposite sentiment. it might seem ridiculous or pointless at first, but I promise you, it will work eventually. this has been my favourite way to heal through my anxiety and my ocd. no, it doesn't go away, but I've learned how to manage them, and how to stop fearing them. they're just shadows, and all they need is light to be driven away. have you ever done or said something ironically or as a joke, and then somehow over time it became a genuine part of your personality? that's because your brain is even more literal than you are -- it can't tell when you're doing something as a joke, it just knows that you ARE doing something. that's what "fake it until you make it" is all about. it's how I've completely transformed my world, manifested physical changes, created a better self image and grew my confidence level. one day you'll be thinking poorly of yourself, but then eventually, once you start actively fighting against those thoughts, your brain catches up to them and believes it as fact. that's the magic behind affirmations! don't think you can only use them to shift or to manifest. you can use them just as effectively to make changes within yourself!
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that's all for now! I hope these tips help you guys, because they really have changed both my life and my shifting / manifestation journey for the better.
yoshi !!
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loaveriaca · 15 days
if your sick, like with a fever and everything, go and shift! The first time I shifted I had a fever and I knew I had shifted because my s/o put a hand on my face (probably to check my temperature) and I knew it couldn't be anyone else because I slept in a loft bed at the time (If you dont know, a loft bed is basically a bunk bed with no bottom bunk) and I was facing the wall, so someone in my OR physically couldn't be there
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smshifts · 4 months
Something that I used to do back in 2021/2022 was journal as if I was in my DR and I only stopped because I ran out of stuff to write about.
BUT I think I’m gonna start doing that again because nothing triggered me “core memories” (I don’t know if anyone else calls them that or something else but like when you can vividly picture or hear something that happened or will happen in your DR as if it was a normal memory like in here in your CR) better than doing that DR journaling.
Now that shiftblr is a thing, I think I’ll do that again because I’ve been seeing asks floating around on my dash that are meant to help connect you to your DR self.
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lunarshifting · 6 months
Every time I've tried to set intention, it's always been a "failure." It's super annoying, but I was like "what am I doing wrong?
Every time I've tried to shift, it's always been without actual intention. I was repeating words, but not their meanings.
What is shifting to you?
It doesn't matter why your shifting, but the emotions and thought process does. When you wake up in your DR, what will you feel? Not physically, but emotionally.
To set intention, you feel the weight of your words. Ask yourself, what do you emotionally feel about shifting? That emotion you feel, right now, in that universe, is enough to shift you. When you lay down, and close your eyes, no matter the method, when you shift, you have to think about the emotional impact you'll have waking up on your DR bed or area. Think about the feeling of your environment. How happy you'll be to feel that one thing there. And once you feel that happiness, that excitement, affirm. "I am shifting." Or, if it pleases you, say "i have already shifted." And you wanna know why that shifts you? Because your emotions are your intentions.
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salemlunaa · 2 months
get your ass up and get your dream life
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*mild tough love because some of you need this*
so alot of people go on about how they procrastinate the void and shifting to their new reality because of fear. but alot of you do not want or care to admit that , you’re just too fucking lazy. And to that i say seriously?? You know that you can have ANYTHING, absolutely ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you dream of, with just a trip to the void state and yet you hold it off. “I’ll do it tonight” you say, even though the most groundbreaking thing you have done today was scrolling through your phone on this app and others (which is time that could have been spent tapping in). You torture yourself scrolling through tiktok and instagram, looking at others from afar with jealousy wishing you had their lives. You add posts into your favourites telling yourself “i’ll have that life someday”, “i’ll have that body soon”, “when i shift i’ll be as pretty as her” (when you could literally have all that and better RIGHT NOW) You insert yourself in different narratives, shows and groups you wish you were apart of, when you could literally shift to a reality where you are there.
you don’t have to look at them with jealousy
you dont have to get upset about your shitty life
you don’t have to imagine
you don’t have to want for anything
you don’t have to yearn, long, desire
it can be yours, if i’m honest you should be more excited about this, scripting anything you could ever possibly dream of, even the little details, and they could be YOURS. you should start being so much more excited about this, about your dream life, like seriously. And that excitement about having everything should motivate you to tap in. Instead your lazy ass has adopted a loser mentality, doing absolutely nothing all day telling yourself you’ll “try at night” and when you don’t get in you repeat the cycle. You abandon responsibilities telling yourself it doesn’t matter because “youre gonna shift anyways”, and you don’t even put in the actual effort. It’s a very dangerous cycle to go down and you can go from moving round that cycle once to doing it 30 times and before you know it you’ve spent a month in this rut.
you don’t have to wait until the night and you know that so don’t give me bullshit. Take those limiting beliefs away and do it at any time of day when you get the chance.
Do you know how lucky you are to even have the access to learn about this shit. There are probably so many people much more disciplined than you, that would do so much with this information, who don’t even have access to the internet or any outside resources to even reach this sort of information and you’re fucking wasting your days lurking on this app. doing what? And it’s sad because, this community is so small meaning you are here for a reason my love, all that shit you went through and didn’t deserve, you looked at it all and knew there was more out there for you, knew that you were deserving of more. And i’ll be dammed if your lazy ass ruins it for yourself.
You have overcomplicated the void so much to the point where you’re scared to “fail” and “let yourself down” so you put it off and say you’ll “do it later”. Now remember, you cannot fail the void, you cannot fail something that is inside you, something that IS you. What you fail to do is stand firm in the fact that you’re a god and can do anything, everything is easy for you so get off your ass and go shift.
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i just HAD to 🤭 @smellofemale
you deserve everything, and you CAN, in fact, have it all. JUST DO IT 🥥💋
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shiftthemoon · 22 days
notice how most of the successful shifting story times are people saying ‘i gave up and just went to bed’, ‘i just took a nap’, ‘i just affirmed and fell asleep’.
mhm. mhm. fuck methods, all you need is yourself!
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stilljuststardust · 2 months
You're not "going" anywhere you're becoming aware of the fact you're already there.
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
Your awareness shifts and your senses follow, so stop letting your senses dictate your awareness.
You are already in your DR. It's a real reality that you have lived, breathed and cried in. It already exists and you already exist within it.
You are shifting your awareness to a life that you're already living. I know that you feel in your heart that it exists inside of you.
You are not just a physical body you are the potential of everything that ever was or ever could be. You're still holding onto the belief that in some way you're tethered to this reality but the truth is nothing can hold you.
I know you can shift because it already belongs to you. You already exist in that reality. It's already yours. The ONLY thing you have to do is become AWARE that its yours.
You know the truth. You belong in that reality and some piece of you, however much your fears deny it, is already there. The second you declare it as yours it is.
Once you accept that it is yours nothing can take it away from you. It has to happen.
There is no "trying" you do not try to exist you just do. You live there, that reality is natural to you. Just become aware.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:
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adilynnyuri · 8 days
Just easy like that!
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Let me ask you to do something!
Count numbers from 1-10 or say the english Alphabets! Would you say it instantly right when I asked you or will you take time thinking "it's too tough" Or saying that "I don't know if I can do that"
I know damn well you will say that shi immediately because you have assumed or considered saying numbers from 1-10 or saying English alphabets is very easy for you, effortless shi which you can say even while closing your eyes.
Because that's your assumption about it. Keepin it simple. Why can't you do the same to your "bigger manifestations" Or even "shifting"
Start assuming! Start affirming! Shit is easy!
"Everything/Everyone in this fucking world is easy for me to have or be just like saying numbers/alphabets"
And that's why no matter what, nothing can give you any stress/resistance at any instance! Because everything and everyone around you is controlled by you. Thus, manifesting anyone/anything is too easy peasy so Everything will- MUST happen exactly like how you say because it's tooooooo easy for a hawt baddie like you!
With lots of love,
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vegageshsworld · 3 months
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the concept of "i am" in the realm of esoterics is deeply rooted in the belief that our thoughts, words, and intentions have the power to shape our reality. it stems from the idea that whatever follows the phrase "i am" becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, influencing our perception of ourselves and, consequently, the world around us.
to develop the concept of "i am" in a spiritual practice, one can start by becoming more mindful of their inner dialogue and self-talk. by paying attention to the words we use to describe ourselves and our experiences, we can begin to understand the power they hold in creating our reality. affirmations and visualizations are also powerful tools to reinforce the concept of "i am," as they help to align our thoughts and beliefs with our deepest desires and intentions.
when it comes to manifesting desires through the concept of "i am," the key lies in fully embodying the feeling and essence of already having what you desire. by affirming statements like "i am abundant," "i am loved," or "i am successful," you are not only declaring your intentions to the universe but also aligning yourself energetically with the frequency of your desires. this alignment can help attract opportunities, resources, and experiences that resonate with your affirmations.
moreover, practicing gratitude for what you already have can further amplify the power of the "i am" concept in manifestation. by acknowledging and appreciating the blessings in your life, you raise your vibration and open yourself up to receiving more of what you desire.
in essence, the concept of "i am" in esoterics is a potent tool for self-empowerment and manifestation. by cultivating a positive self-image, using affirmations and visualizations, and embodying the feeling of your desires, you can harness the creative power of your thoughts and beliefs to co-create your reality. remember, you are the architect of your own destiny, and by embracing the power of "i am," you can pave the way to a life filled with abundance, love, and fulfillment!!
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solanasreality · 2 months
- the key to shifting is just manifestation.
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Ⅰ ⦂ the law of assumption.
the law of assumption by definition is simply coming up with an assumption and persisting no matter what the 3D tells you. it’s a state of being. despite what the 3D shows you, you are confident in yourself and your beliefs because that’s law and that is what will show up at the end of the day.
when you close your eyes at night, it’s the 4D that you fall back into, is it not?
how to apply this to shifting, you may ask?
your assumptions create your reality, so, why not assume that you’re in your desired reality?
“oh! solana! i’m clearly not there! i’m going to do my 5000000th method and hope for the best-”
the law of assumption ensures the most success, why assume that a certain method works over and over, or assume that you’re in the void (some of you guys really forget that there’s so much more than the void), than assume that you’re already there?
there is nothing to be done, just let it materialize right in front of your eyes.
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Ⅱ ⦂ how the state of being helps rather than desire.
when you assume that you‘ve already shifted, it will seep into your subconscious and harden as fact. that’s the law. i understand that for some, it may just be easier to assume yourself into the void, and that’s fine, but to shift, all you need to do is shift your perspective and awareness.
you do not wait for the 3D to change just because you did a method, you wait for the 3D to catch up to the fact that you had a successful attempt.
and this means that no matter what, you will saturate your brain into believing that you’ve shifted regardless of circumstances. don’t chase anything else, don’t look for another method, just change self.
you are your DR self, your DR is your current reality and that’s final, but the change can only come to fruition if you find the courage to change your beliefs.
how do to do that?
robotic affirming : robotic affirming is simply affirming over and over again, similar to how a robotic repeats coded phrases. you don’t have to believe in them (although i do suggest fixing your self concept so you have lesser doubts), all you have to do is affirm constantly until your subcon picks up on it. it’s very easy to convince, i promise.
affirmation tapes : affirmation tapes are similar to robotic affirming, they’re affirmations that are repeated. the more specific, the better, in my opinion. they can help tackle fears, doubts and “blockages” in shifting that you wouldn’t have noticed otherwise because they send affirmations directly to the subconscious.
daydreaming : now, if you’re like me, you rely on daydreaming a ton. you know about the imagination (4D) and you use it to your advantage. all you do is imagine yourself having your desires, apply emotion to it and live by it.
law of assumption : assume that any doubt, any worry or anxiety concerning shifting just. doesn’t exist. don’t ignore it, but let the emotions come and allow them to past before returning to the state of fulfillment. that’s law and that’s final. walk around like you are a master shifter because you are. gaslight your subconscious into believing that you are whoever you want to be, because you are.
p.s. don’t believe that intrusive thoughts can hinder your journey, as long as you remember to reverse them and to return to that state of fulfillment, everything is still going according to plan.
all love, solana <3
(i’m actually sticking to this theme promise)
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sirenesolace · 4 months
your desires, SP, and higher self watching you give up on persisting when you were so damn close
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you literally CANNOT fail! get it together!
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hxnyshifting · 3 months
idk who needs to hear this but
like are people really promoting fucking suicide? there are many impressional MINORS in this community and you should not be telling them to KILL THEMSELVES BECAUSE IT WILL MAKE THEM SHIFT
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stars2me · 2 months
Man, stfu and go shift.
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starlaci3s · 2 months
What is your dr(s) that you really want to shift to & is all you can think about?
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salemlunaa · 2 months
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so in my asks i have alot of people going “sai, you always go on and on and on and on about the void and different problems people may have, but you never explain what it is and how to get there”And to be honest with you, most of my posts were meant to be that way because i knew of other blogs explaining the void and my blog was just meant to be follow up posts for those who already knew about the void. Although, now i feel more confident and equipped to explain the void in its entirety.
so strap in for this long ass post because this is a gonna be THE guide (if you can’t tell i’m very excited for this post)
i just wanna say that this post is an inspiration and a remix of all those that have inspired me
1. What is the void?
so as you can see yourself and life right now is you in the physical plane (the notorious 3D) you are experiencing the world as *your name* *your lastname*, and your experience is confined by the way that you initially came into the world, being y/n y/ln . The void, originally known as the “I AM” state is when you leave that experience behind, you leave the physical world behind and become nothing and everything at the exact same time. And doing so you can create and destroy absolutely anything in your experience = your reality which is why people call their destination after the void their “dr”=“desired reality”.
2. Why the void?
This method is seen as very effective and efficient once you know how to do it right because it’s a “method” in which your subconscious mind is in full control, which means you can do absolutely anything and that’s not some conspiracy or belief, it is a fact that when entering this subconscious-based meditation state that you can do absolutely anything, which is why i said that you have the power to create and destroy anything in the physical plane, altering your experience. You can change your genetics, your family and friends, your wealth, gender, where you live and much more. You can also redesign things, like a country for you to live in, your age, your s/o’s age, your memories and just your life in general. Just one trip to the void and all that you dream of is yours.
The void doesn’t have to be pitch black you can design it anyway you like, i see alot of people in my dms and asks, saying that the pitch black scares them, but your void can look anyway you want.
personally i’m not scared but i just wanted my void to look cute so i added pink stars to the pitch black
3. How do i get to the void?
There are many ways to get into the void, you can follow a guided many meditation, you can listen to subliminals or waves, you can simply affirm, you can visualise, or you can simply do none of these and go into the void with just the intent, KNOWING that it’s apart of you. You don’t need any method to tap into the void, all you need is yourself and the intent, knowing it’s apart of you and not some magical fairyland. You can enter at anytime of day, because you’re a god and don’t need to be confined to “time”. “Time” is a malleable concept and i’ll be dammed if you guys waste your days because you only believe that you can tap in at night.
4. Problems people have with the void
3 things: wavering, laziness and putting the void on a damn pedestal
a lot of you guys fail to enter the void simply because you try to enter. all the things i have said about the void make it almost impossible to believe, a golden ticket to your dream life with one trip to the void. And because of the fact that we have been conditioned to believe that we have to work for everything we have, this just seems to good to be true. and you see the void as some magical place when it’s YOU, the void is YOU, why do you think you affirm “I Am”? well it’s because the void is literally the state of you being everything but nothing, it is not a place it is a state, hence the void STATE, the “I Am” STATE. it’s a meditative state and that’s it.
When you enter the "I AM" state, why do you affirm phrases like "I am, I am pure consciousness, I am the void, I am unattached to any reality, I am faceless and formless"? It's because these affirmations align you with your divine essence, your true God Self. However, this practice is often short-lived. You enter this state briefly, and when you don't experience any immediate changes or wake up in the same shitty reality, you begin to doubt. You think, "Why hasn't it worked? I must be doing something wrong. I'll try again tonight." This is what wavering looks like. You declare yourself to be in the "I AM" state, but when it doesn’t immediately manifest, you believe it hasn't worked and attempt to re-enter it repeatedly. This endless cycle of trying can confuse your subconscious mind. Instead of truly embodying the state, you're constantly oscillating, creating inconsistency and doubt.
the void is the easiest thing ever and it is owed to you, because it is you
you can literally enter right now and have every single thing you’ve ever wanted, with just a meditation state, the void isn’t the one with the power it’s you. The void is inside of you and it is lifeless, the only time it gains any power is when YOU step into the equation. As i once said, the void is your bitch not the other way around.
5. Unhealthy relationships
Although the void is one of the best methods i know, i would hate for anyone to accumulate an unhealthy, toxic relationship with the void. The void is as easy as breathing, i know, but it can be alot for some of us to wrap our heads around due to the way we have been conditioned to think (which hurts my heart more than you know). I see people spend months and years trying to get into the void going through an emotionally taxing experience with it. Although i tell people it doesn’t matter how much time you’ve “wasted” and not to let that discourage you because you could really enter now if you put your mind to it (no pun intended) , if you know that it has been eating you up trying for the void going around a constant cycle, please take a break or use other methods.
now with that i say go, go and redesign yourself, deconstruct yourself and create the new you, start from scratch and make your dream self, go to the void and get your dream life.
don’t try, just be 🌊💋
i really hope you loved this as much as i do, now go get your dream life -salem ᥫ᭡
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bambishifts · 5 months
you can obsess over your manifestation.
been thinking about this recently and i think you can affirm as much as you want, think about it as much as you want as long as you’re thinking favourable thoughts.
obsessing over your sp (or any other manifestation) is fine, as long as you’re not doing too much, as long as you’re not constantly checking the 3d, stalking their socials and chasing after them.
you can affirm 24/7 if you want to, it can also help you keep the doubts away and saturate your subconscious faster, imo the more repetition the better.
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