#realizing now that this is also my first Rayllum drawing
cantpickonefandoms · 2 days
Sooo guess what came in the mail for me!!
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It’s really good and I wanna ramble about some of my favourite things in the comic so THIS IS YOUR SPOILER WARNING!!
-First, this is probably my favourite of all the TDP comics that have been put out, TTM was chock full of Rayllum and I loved every second of it, and I loved learning about Rayla, and Claudia and Soren’s pasts in their respective comics, but I have been dying to learn more about Callum and Ez’s past for a long time, and this comic delivered plenty of what I was hoping for, I think the only thing I’m kind of disappointed about was we didn’t learn much about Sarai or about Callum’s bio dad, but that’s alright, that’s more of a gripe of mine than anything.
-The story starts off with Callum and Ezran coming back from the incident with the waterfall and the raccoons that Callum mentions during 1x09, nice continuity nod!
-There’s a part where Ezran is struggling to explain to Harrow how he can talk to animals and Harrow just gently tells Ez to slow down to let the words come to him, Harrow is such a good dad!
-Callum makes this face when the boys discover a library:
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I love that nerd so much! (All I could hear when I read this line was “I’d like to spend my vacation at the LIBRARY!”)
-There’s a handful of moments where Callum quotes Sarai, little tidbits of advice she gave to him.
-There’s a great moment where Ezran goes around talking to several kids and offers them comfort and sends them to the town hall for safety and Callum is completely blown away and tells Ez that he was amazing and he sounded just like Harrow in that moment.
-There’s another great moment where Ezran wants to go check on the kids in the town hall while Callum reads about the dream warden and of course Callum doesn’t want Ez to go alone and we get some genuine vulnerability from Callum when he admits that he promised to keep Ezran safe for Harrow and that he thinks if he succeeds then Harrow will be proud of him, and that he feels like he keeps failing at keeping that promise, poor guy doesn’t realize that Harrow already is proud of him!
-Easily the best moment is when Ezran talks the dream warden down, the the story of the dream explains that the creature had a young elf friend, but eventually he lost his friend started giving people nightmares as a result, now during most of the comic there’s a lot of times where Callum is irritable towards Ezran, he scoffs at a lot of Ez’s suggestions, he mocks Ezran’s ‘weird animal thing’, and there’s a part where he’s trying convince Harrow to let him come with them to the east side of the village, and is annoyed when Harrow permits him to come on the condition that he keeps an eye on Ezran, and when Ez talks to the dream warden he says that creature reminds him of his brother, that Callum makes him laugh and draws imaginary animals for him, but around the same time every year, around the time when Sarai passed, Callum becomes angry, but that Ezran still loves Callum and refuses to give up on Callum, I love this message so much, also Ezran is truly wise beyond his years, he’s like somewhere between four and six in this story and he shows this level understanding and patience towards Callum dealing with grief and missing Sarai, that’s incredible!
-Later Callum tells Ez that he has a gift for talking and that Sarai would be proud of him, and Ez tells Callum that she would be proud of him too, I love these boys so much!!
I loved the comic so much, I loved looking into Callum and Ez’s past, I loved the angst, I loved the message, I loved all of Ez’s animal sidekicks, I had such a good time reading it! This is just making me more hyped for season 7! Idk if they’re gonna put out another comic, but if this the last TDP comic then I’d say they ended on a high note.
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jellydrawsposts · 5 months
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Another redraw meme and the dragon prince cause I physically couldn’t stop myself
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raayllum · 2 years
love as magic :: rayla + callum’s mage arc (s4 update)
So I made a post about this over a month ago and a much longer meta about Rayla as an agent of Narrative Change in Callum’s specific arc with magic (as he has arcs with his family, grief, also running throughout Arc 1 and 2) forever ago ?? (Oct 2021 dear lord) but this is my unofficial follow up because S4 did what I’ve been hoping for for a very long time
Which is to say rather than leaving the parallels between Callum’s relationship with magic and his relationship with Rayla as purely subtextual, it finally made them 100% textual, thank you very much
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So now I just wanna scream about why this is a big deal, to me, anyway
The first is that this is not technically the first time this has happened, with three main preceding events. The one that probably counts the ‘least’ purely because it’s supplementary material (although it did help me predict that Rex Igneous was gonna eat a jelly tart like 2 years in advance so you know, can also be relevant sometimes) is from Callum’s Spellbook, in which Rayla has a note saying “Love is magic” in agreement with him (and Amaya also signs it, so future Janaya foreshadowing maybe?) as the closing note / page of the entire book.
This sentiment is of course very well reflected in the other moments that draw the largest parallels between Callum’s journey with magic and his development with Rayla. When Callum connects to the Sky arcanum, he does so propelled by love from the memory of his mother and anchored in the present by love from Rayla, with pretty clear parallels. 
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And in his eyes, it is his love for Rayla that makes the wing spell work for the first time against all odds. 
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Season four continues this trend, then, with the creators confirming in multiple interviews that one of the reasons Callum became so obsessive about the mirror was to distract himself, and we see this first hand in their reunion scene as he goes to his half-empty Tome of Translation, then using the mirror as a wall, etc etc. Even throughout the season in terms of how he uses his staff as well, until he realizes he can’t use it as a crutch any longer and flat out drops it to pick up Rayla’s sword.
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Okay cool, so Callum’s arc with magic often parallels this relationship arc with Rayla, even into S4. (If you’re interested in how it parallels in S1 and S2 I’d recommend the metas linked at the top.) Why does this matter?
Well, it lends itself very well to the idea that while reconnecting with Rayla, Callum will also connect to the Moon arcanum in a future season (likely season five) and possibly while breaking free of Aaravos’ brainwashing. 
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It also helps to balance out the negative side effects he’s experiencing due to magic use with some of the more positive ones, like the emphasis of agency in Callum’s arc or the fact it can help him protect his loved ones, like the rest of the Dragang. 
TLDR; I think it’s a great example of how relational TDP is with its story arcs (i.e. Soren’s position as crownguard is about his own construction of self and also his relationship with Ezran, reaffirming each other in a loop) as well as how the show displays that the best things or characteristics in our lives can also routinely be our worst ones if taken too far to extremes, and I just think it’s a neat fun consistency and reflects how Rayllum’s dynamic changes every season, while Ezran has thus far routinely been there to anchor Callum as a foundational > transformative aspect. 
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arcadialedger · 5 years
Your Soul is My Treasure — a Rayllum One- Shot
Set in my vision of season 4, Callum discovers a spell to get Runaan and Rayla’s parents out of the coins. However, Callum doesn’t get the warm parental welcome he was hoping.
“Callum-- are you sure this is going to work?” 
Rayla’s words lodged a dagger in his heart, because he wasn’t. From the moment that he and Ibis had found the fallen bag of coins on the floor of the Storm Spire, Callum had tried tirelessly to find a spell to reverse Viren’s horrific incantation.
But he didn’t want to get his hopes up, and he could tell that Rayla had been hesitant to herself. Still, he owed it to her to try. Callum knew all too well what it was to lose a parent. 
“I don’t know, Rayla,” he admitted, unable to look her in the eye, “The spell was cast with dark magic, and it might require dark magic to reverse it.”
Rayla gave his hand a squeeze, and gently turned his face to look at her own. Her light, lilac eyes were filled with both hope and sympathy. 
“Listen to me, Callum,” she said sternly, “I will not be angry if the spell doesn’t work. You understand? And we will not even consider the alternative. I do not want you risking your life with dark magic for me again.”
Callum smiled, and laced his fingers through hers. He had only a few months training. He was just a boy. Something about Rayla’s presence, however, always managed to make him feel as though he could do anything. 
“Ready to try?” Rayla asked.
Callum nodded, and Rayla released her hand. With a deep breath, Callum stepped forward and outstretched his hand, and from his fingertip drew an intricate rune of delicate swirls. Rayla let out a light gasp, entranced by the beauty of the rune. She had never understood how Callum could so effortlessly draw something so graceful, so elaborate. 
Callum closed his eyes— as he always did when he tried to connect to the arcanum— and incanted.
“Your soul is my treasure. Absolvisti te ipsum.” A gentle wind blew into the corridor, and Callum repeated the words.
“Your soul is my treasure. Absolvisti te ipsum,” he shouted, his tone more forceful and determined this time.
The wind began to increase- now swirling in a giant spiral around the perimeter of the corridor. With his arm outstretched, and his scarf blowing behind him, Rayla couldn’t helped but be awed by how powerful Callum looked. In only months time, he had come so far.
“Come on— work!” Callum cried out in frustration, “Absolvisti te ipsum. Absolvisti te ipsum!”
Rayla watched as all of the color drained from Callum’s face, and suddenly all of the hope in her heart turned to worry. 
He was pushing himself too far. 
“Callum— stop!” she yelled, but Callum could not seem to hear her. Instinctively, she went to run towards him. She made it not a step before a gust of wind caught her and blew her backwards onto the cold, stone floor. 
“NO!” she screamed, her eyes now wet with the sting of tears. She got up to her knees, as Callum shouted the spell one last time.
The coins on the ground before Callum began to glow, and the entire corridor burst with a blinding light. 
Rayla awoke to three shadows standing over her.
Her vision focused slowly— the outline of three tall figures turning to color, and then clarity, and then…
By the moon…
“Mum? Dad? Runaan?” she choked, as she slowly pulled herself back up to her feet.
“Rayla,” Tiadrin cried, and only then was Rayla able to believe it was real. Unable to hold back her sobs, Rayla engulfed her parents in a hug.
“He did it,” she remarked in disbelief, “He actually—“ 
With a jolt, of realization, Rayla pulled herself out of her parents embrace.
Callum. Where was Callum? 
Ignoring her parents, and Runaan’s inquisitive looks, Rayla raced past them.
A few feet in front of the coins— which now lay dull and empty on the stone— Callum laid crumpled on the floor.
“No, no, no, CALLUM!” Rayla cried. Unconcerned about her parents watching, she ran and dropped to her knees beside him.  When she grasped his hand, it was cold, and clammy.
Tears began to roll down her cheeks, and she clasped his hand tighter, “You have to stay with me, Callum.”
Rayla rubbed her hands together, and placed them tenderly against his forehead. He was so cold…
“You know I couldn’t bear losing you, you big dummy,” she whispered, “You have to stay with me.”
Slowly, Rayla bent down to give him a kiss on his forehead. 
Then his green eyes shot open, and he sat upward with a start. 
“Rayla?” he croaked, his mouth curl into a stupid grin which she wanted to kiss a million times over, “Did it work?”
Rayla let out a sob of elatement, and tackled him in a big hug.
“You always wake up at the worst time,” she laugh, her tears dripping down onto his jacket shoulder, “Don’t scare me like that.”
Callum laughed, and hugged her tightly back, before kissing her gently on the forehead, “I’m sorry I scared you. I’m okay now.”
“Rayla,” a called said from behind her—  Lain— “What is going on? Why are you with this… human?”
Callum looked at Rayla, eyes wide.
“It worked,” she says quietly, a smile spreading across her lips, “You did it.”
Callum’s eyed widened to a beam— his happiness for her happiness so pure and clear. 
With one quick squeeze of Rayla’s hand, Callum stood up to look at Tiadrin, Lain, and Runaan. 
“Hello,” Callum announced, as he raised his hand to a dorkish wave, “I’m Callum, the, er, human. Nice to meet y—“
Before Callum could finish his sentence, Runaan lunged forward in a blur of motion. Callum found himself pressed up against the stone wall, his lifted up so he was eye to eye with Runaan. The cold steel of Runaan’s blade pressed his throat. 
“Runaan, don’t!” Rayla yelped, “Don’t hurt him!”
“He’s the crown prince!” Runaan snarled, “Why shouldn’t I?”
“Because he’s my friend,” Rayla explained, thinking back to her conversation with Sol Regem, “Runaan, he and King Ezran helped return Zym to his mother. They’re good! Runaan, Callum risked everything to save you and my parents. For me.”
Runaan’s eyes dawned with realization. Slowly, his grip of Callum loosened as he let him gently back onto the floor. 
“He did dark magic,” Tiadrin remarked, her eyes narrowed with skepticism, “To release us. He’s a human!”
“I practice primal magic,” Callum clarified, his voice raspy from Runaan’s hold on his throat, “the sky primal, specifically, although Rayla has been teaching me some moon magic as well.”
“That’s… impossible,” Tiadrin gasped, “A human can’t learn a primal!”
“It’s not impossible. Callum’s just the first” Rayla explained.
“You look just how I remember from when I casted historia viventum,” Callum remarked, as he looked at Tiadrin and Lain, “You look so much like your mother, Rayla!”
“Rayla,” I will not ask again, sneered Lain, his eyes cast at Callum in disgust, “We are gone for years, and we wake to find you with a filthy, disgusting human. They hate us, Rayla!”
Rayla’s brows furrow in anger, 
“How dare you, dad? How dare you insult Callum after he saved you. Everything we knew about humans is wrong, father. Yes, some are bad, but no more than us. Callum and the people of Katolis put aside the prejudices they learned about us when he met me— can you please do the same? Callum is not a filthy human, dad. He’s smart, brave, talented, funny, caring, and meeting him has been the best thing that ever happened to me. So please, give him a chance because I love him and I know you can grow to love him too.”
Out of breathe by the end of her passionate speech, Rayla gasped, as the full reality of everything she just said truly processed. Lain and Tiadrin stared at her in shocked silence.
“It’s true,” Callum added, “Elves and humans— we don’t have to hate each other. Things are changing.”
Tiadrin and Lain slowly turned to each other. After a moment of silence conversation and a nod, they stepped forward to their daughter.
“My Rayla,” remarked Tiadrin, “You have grown a lot. Haven’t you?”
Rayla’s heart sobbed with relief, and she nodded. 
“Yes, I have,” she agreed.
“And you were never one to follow convention,” Lain adds, “You couldn’t have just found a nice Moonshadow boy and joined the Dragonguard together, could you?”
“I was banished,” Rayla stated flatly, to which Runaan lowered his head in shame, “This is my home now. Callum, Ezran, and Zym— they’re my home now.”
Callum, who had quietly walked up to stand beside Rayla, put a comforting hand on her shoulder. 
“We visited Ethari,” he mentioned. Runaan’s downcast eyes moved upward to meet Callum’s at the sound of his husband’s name, “He misses you, Runaan. He… he thinks you’re dead.”
“My flower,” realized Runaan, “When Viren cast his spell, it…”
Rayla nodded, “It sank. Mine was the only one left.”
Callum could see the glimmer of tears in Runaan’s eyes. Stoic as ever, however, the elf held them back.
“Runaan, he’s going to be so happy to see you again,” Callum insisted, and “And I’m so happy to meet you, Tiadrin and Lain. Your daughter is the most incredible person I’ve ever met. I can already see how much you she has in her.”
Lain gulped, and turned to speak to Rayla.
“You understand, Rayla, that this is going to take some… getting used to,” he stated. 
“I understand,” Rayla assured, “It’s just… I have my old family back, and Callum has lost all of his parents— his father, his mother, and his step father.”
Runaan flinched, yet Rayla continued, “But we’re all here now, and I was hoping we could form a new one. Together.”
Tiadrin smiled, and took Lain’s hand in her own. 
“We should all get some rest, and talk more in the morning. We’ve much to discuss.”
“You may rest,” declared Runaan, “I am leaving for the Silvergrove. My husband has waited long enough for me.”
“And you,” said Rayla, as she turned to Callum. Sensing that Rayla wanted to address him privately, Tiadrin and Lain walked off to find a place to sleep. “Should also get some rest. You’re still cold, and pale.”
“Maybe I could do mage wings?” Callum thought out loud, “The feathers could help.”
“No. No more magic for you today,” Rayla decided, “I’ll make you a fire. And here— take my cloak.”
Rayla unclasped the long, green cloak she had taken to wearing at the Storm Spire due to the cold temperatures, and draped it over Callum’s shoulders. 
“You shouldn’t have done that,” she said softly, “I almost lost you again.”
Callum gazed downward, “I know. I just— I could feel that I was so close. And my parents are gone for good, so I thought, if I could do this for you, this one thing, it would be worth it. And…”
Rayla’s brow arched quizzically, “And what.”
“Did you really mean everything you said back there?” Callum asked, “I mean, what you said to your parents. About me.”
Rayla rolled her eyes in amusement, and slung her arm over Callum’s shoulder.
“Of course I did, you dummy. Don’t you know that your soul is my treasure?”
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owl-girl04 · 5 years
Someday - A Rayllum Thing
This is one of the first times I’ve written these characters, os feedback is always really appreciated! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it :)
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“I just don’t know what to think Zym.”
“That’s not really helpful, little guy,” Callum sighed, leaning forward to prop his chin on a fist. He gazed despondently across the small clearing, watching as Zym gleefully jumped from puddle to puddle. It had rained yesterday, which had driven their trio to find temporary shelter. By the time they had all squeezed through a crack in a nearby cliff-face, Callum, Rayla, and Zym had been soaked to the bone and shivering. The crack had opened into a narrow cave that was just big enough for the three of them to sit together, squished side by side like a can of sardines in the darkness.
They hadn’t spoken for a while, just listening to the echoes of raindrops as it hit the towering Xadian trees outside their cave. Callum was only just beginning to lose feeling in his left foot (he didn’t want to disturb Zym, who was asleep in his lap, by moving), when Rayla spoke.
“How do you think Ezran is doing?”
Callum blinked, caught unaware by the question. Rayla was constantly surprising him with her empathy, proving in a variety of ways that she did care for him and his brother. A small knot of guilt formed in his stomach. All he had been thinking about was the fact that he was pressed up against Rayla in the dark. In fact, he couldn’t seem to stop thinking about the warmth of her arm against his shoulder, or the way her hair tickled his neck whenever she would lean over to pet Zym.
“He’s probably home by now,” Callum said, “And hopefully the king’s advisors are taking good care of him. I mean, most of them seemed pretty helpful when we were back home.”
Rayla mumbled something to herself, the words too indistinct for Callum to make out. Realizing the conversation was over, he closed his eyes.
“I’m kind of glad Ezran isn’t here,” Rayla said suddenly, interrupting his thoughts again.
“Why is that?” Callum’s brow wrinkled in his confusion.
“Well, we wouldn’t fit in here for one thing,” Rayla said, laughing softly. Callum couldn’t help his grin. Her laugh was so bubbly and tentative as if she wasn’t sure if she was joking or not.
“We’d be all wet,” he agreed. “Or wetter, I suppose.” He ran a hand through his damp hair to enunciate the point.
“Yes… and I probably wouldn’t get to spend so much delightful quality time with you,” she continued. Her tone was colored with sarcasm, but he could tell she was only teasing.
“Uh, yeah. And I with you, I mean, I also enjoy spending time with you, I mean-” Callum cleared his throat uncomfortably, his ears turning pink. Why was he so flustered by her?
“Okay Callum,” Rayla smiled at his ruffled composure, her Xadian accent drawing out the vowels in the words with a rolling drawl. Callum cleared his throat again, unable to think of a way to continue the conversation.
And that had been that. Callum still wasn’t sure what to make of the new butterflies that seemed content to flutter in his stomach every time Rayla smiled. Or the way he seemed to blush every time he said something to her. It was as if his brain had suddenly stopped working around her!
Zym shrieked happily as he landed in an especially muddy puddle. His scales were crusted with muck from his game, which Callum knew would take forever to wipe away. As soon as Rayla got back from her excursion to gather food, they would continue on their journey. Callum assumed that her return would also mark the return of his perpetual embarrassment. If only he could master himself enough to have a simple conversation with her, he was sure he could figure himself out. The last time he had felt so overwhelmed in a girl’s presence had been with Claudia…
“Oh my gosh! Zym, I’ve figured it out!” Callum sprang upwards, a strange buzzing filling his head. He began to pace, scooping up Zym on his way past. “It’s no wonder she gives me a stomach ache, and I can’t form complete sentences whenever I talked to her! She’s so intelligent, kind, and heroic… how could I not have seen it!” He lifted Zym up so they were face to face, smiling the whole while. “I have a crush on Rayla!”
The weight of the realization suddenly hit him, and he dropped Zym when he began to squirm in protest.
“Oh no! Zym! I have a crush on Rayla,” Callum his voice reduced to a frantic whisper. The dragon merely tilted his head, as though he was confused by the sudden shift in emotion.
“There’s no way I’ll ever be able to do anything about it! She probably wouldn’t ever feel the same way.”
“Who feels what way?” Rayla asked, emerging from the trees. She sheathed her blades as he watched, a graceful movement that indicated years of familiarity with the weapons.
“Nobody feels any way, I mean… nothing. Um- food huh?” Callum stammered, stiffening like a deer in headlights.
“Uh… yeah. I found a zazzberry bush over there,” Rayla said, gesturing loosely over her shoulder. She regarded Callum skeptically, then shook her head, a physical dismissal of his oddness.
“Cool, you’re perfect- Um! That’s perfect. Excuse me,” Callum felt nauseous. He really needed to stop talking.
“Are you alright Callum? Anything you want to tell me?” Rayla had a strange glimmer in her eye as she spoke, as if she was sharing a secret with him. Callum couldn’t make any sense of it. He figured she was secretly laughing at his obvious awkwardness.
“No, not really,” Callum said. But maybe someday. Definitely someday.
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davey-in-a-minivan · 5 years
just, remember me, okay?
asdfkjal this is late and long, but my gift for @keiththeweirdo for the @tdpholidayexchange!
word count: 2213 mood: angst with a happy ending?? rayllum, side serving of claudia premise: what if callum’s rescue off the storm spire had gotten... complicated? (also on ao3)
She should have died. That was Rayla’s one clear thought as consciousness returned, sticky and slow as blood seeping from a reopened wound. She had thrown herself from the Storm Spire. She should have died.
But then, Callum above her. But then, Callum with feathers pushing through his skin and a wild, desperate determination in his eyes. Callum, with human fear and human clumsiness and heavy human bones, who could barely support his own weight with his new wings. Callum, who had realized that he could not carry her to safety and so had swooped beneath her instead.
Callum, in whose motionless limbs she was still tangled.
She should have died.
It wasn’t grief that plagued her so much as fear-- icy, paralyzing fear, to open her eyes and roll off his crushed body and see him staring blankly at the sky he dearly loved. Even the pain that burned in her every bone and joint after the jolt of impact could not persuade her to untangle herself.
The sound of approaching footsteps, however, could. Her eyes opened to slits to see a dark figure in a billowing cloak stumble past, stopping beside Viren’s battered body. The caterpillar that had coiled around his shoulders wriggled and the figure kicked it aside with a guttural cry, slinging it through the air to crawl into the shadows. Then she dropped to her knees, hands fluttering from Viren's bleeding head to his chest to his pulseless throat. “It’s going to be alright, Dad. I found you. I’m going to save you, I’m going to--” Her voice cracked.
Rayla inhaled. “Claudia.”
The human shot upright, wiping her face furiously. “What are you doing here?” Then Rayla struggled to her feet and Claudia’s eyes shifted past her, to Callum. The last flush of color left her ashen face. “No.”
Rayla pointed a finger. “You said you can save him.”
“No, no, no-- what happened?” Claudia demanded, her gaze darting from face to vacant face like a caged animal looking for an escape. Rayla wanted to shout at her to stop stalling. It didn’t matter what had happened! “This is your fault!”
The words hurt like a dagger twisted in the back-- because they were true. But-- “You were the one that attacked us! You, and your evil father--”
“Don’t talk about him like that,” Claudia snarled, raising her staff. A sunfire staff, stolen from the elves, though the core had somehow been corrupted. “You need to leave, now.”
“I’m not leaving Callum,” Rayla said.
“I’ll kill you.”
“Try it.”
For a moment they just stood, panting, eyes locked. Rayla’s face burned, and the effort of holding back tears made her head pound. She would fight. She would die. But she could imagine a moment of savage triumph, of sinking her blade between the dark mage’s ribs, before they both collapsed onto the blood-stained ground. She reached for her swords.
But then Callum’s voice stopped her. Claudia is my friend. They had been at the lunar nexus. She had only seen Claudia and Soren as threats, but Callum wanted to trust them. They betrayed us at the nexus, she thought angrily. Yes, but then Soren came to help us. Led by the good heart Callum had sworn he had, Soren joined the fight for peace. Maybe… Claudia could do the same.
Hesitantly, Rayla shifted from her fighting stance, her hands drifting away from the hilts of her blades. “Claudia, you and I’ve never been friends. I know that. But Callum-- you and Callum were. And he needs help.”
“Why do you care so much?” Claudia asked suspiciously. “A month ago you would have been glad to see him dead.”
“I would have,” she said. “But I didn’t know-- Callum is good.” The word choked in her throat, and she squeezed her eyes shut for a second, holding back tears. “Since I’ve known him, everything he does is for love. It’s for peace. He makes you see how the world could be, instead of how it is. And I don’t know anyone else like that. The world is so hurt and so ugly, but if anyone can heal it-- it’s him. Don’t you see that? He needs to live.” Hot tears slipped down her cheeks, but she didn’t break eye contact. Surely Claudia knew. Surely she understood that nothing could be right if Callum were dead. Surely--
“You love him,” Claudia said softly. The last ragged thread of Rayla’s self-control snapped, and she sank to the ground, sobbing, nodding, shoulders shaking. The sunfire staff clattered as it was cast aside, and then Claudia’s arms were around her, holding her as she cried. “It’s so easy to, isn’t it?” she whispered. Rayla clung to her as she fought to steady her breath, finally pulling back to wipe her eyes.
“Is there anything you can do to save him?”
Claudia gave a watery laugh, gesturing at Callum and Viren. “What, like a double resurrection?”
Rayla’s heart skipped a beat. “Is that possible?”
"Theoretically," Claudia said, kneading her eyes. Her voice quivered-- from sorrow or exhaustion, Rayla couldn't guess. "In practice, though-- I’ve never touched necromancy before. The ingredients alone are almost impossible. You need-- you need--” She trailed off, furrowing her brow, and Rayla’s veins iced with fear. Of course the ingredients would be something horrific. Or something impossible. Nothing came for free, not with dark magic, especially not something as precious as Callum’s life. Still looking fuzzily to the distance, Claudia muttered “--and of course, the hard part isn’t even healing the body, it’s calling back the spirit--”
Rayla shook her head, refusing to acknowledge the impossibility of her task that weighed like the world on her chest. “What are the ingredients?”
Claudia grimaced. “You need some part of a magical creature that owes its life to the one who died. But there’s no way we’ll get up to the dragon prince in time for it to be of use, even if we could evade the queen and all the guards--”
The crushing pressure on Rayla’s chest lifted. “Use me, then.”
Heat flooded Rayla’s heart, painful and brilliant. “I would have died if it weren’t for Callum. Use me.”
“But I need to use a part of you, flesh or bone.”
“Then you’ll have to cut off my horn,” Rayla said, reaching for the fallen sunfire staff. Claudia watched wordlessly as she drew a blade and slid it through the fiery core of the staff. “With a steady hand and a hot blade, it shouldn’t be hard.” The blade now shone white-hot as she offered the hilt to Claudia.
Claudia gaped at her. “You… want me to do it?”
“Well, I cannae do it myself,” she said. Gingerly, Claudia took the sword. Rayla smoothed her hair away from her horns and then turned her back to the human. She was entirely vulnerable. One slash from the superheated sword and she’d be gone. She clung to her second-hand belief in Claudia, her desperate trust. And after a moment, she felt heat waft over her scalp, and an unfamiliar pressure against her skull. The smell of singed hair reached her. Then the pressure eased and the heat faded. Rayla turned to see Claudia holding her blade in one hand and a coal-gray horn in the other, looking entirely lost.
“But what about my father?”
She sounded… helpless. She must have combed through a lifetime of memories, searching for one moment her father saved a magical creature, only to come up empty. The fear in her eyes echoed Rayla’s own. For the first time, Rayla didn’t feel a wave of disgust at the mention of Viren. Instead, grief tugged at her, for the man the girl had lost. Rayla hesitated. Then, slowly, she said, “if Soren hadn’t come ta warn us yesterday, I would probably be dead.” Viren was greedy. Manipulative. Ruthless. But she had been wrong to believe that humans were fully evil. “And if you hadn’t taught Callum his first spell… he would never have connected to the sky arcanum.” Every one of them was a mix of good and bad, drawn from two streams. “And I know I’d be dead.” Viren had made wrong choices, evil choices, that she could not forget. But he had also done good. “I owe the man who raised you two with good hearts,” she said.
Claudia’s hands were shaking. “I don’t understand.”
“Take my other horn. For him.” Rayla turned her back to the human once more. “And do it quick.”
“Thank you,” Claudia said hoarsely, pressing the blade to the base of Rayla’s remaining horn. “I don’t-- I know he--”
“You won’t let things go back to the way they were,” Rayla said, cutting her off. “This is a new chance-- for both of ye.” The choice felt inexplicably right. The kind of thing Callum would do. A weight lifted from her skull and her fingers went to her head, finding two uneven stubs tangled in her wind-swept hair like spiderwebs. “Well, that’s that.” Claudia carefully set down the sword, which had cooled to a cherry-red. “What now?”
“The blood of one who loves them,” Claudia said, passing one horn to Rayla. It felt funny in her hand. Smaller than she imagined. She copied Claudia, bloodying the tip of the horn from one of her many bleeding scrapes. Then Claudia knelt between the bodies, pressing the tip of one horn to each chest, piercing the skin. Rayla counted the passing seconds like a clock was ticking in her ears.
“It’s going to work. You can do this,” she urged Claudia.
Claudia bent her head with grim determination. “Or I’ll die trying,” she said, and began to chant. Rayla held her breath, bracing herself for the poisonous hum of dark magic in the air. Instead, all she felt was an electric buzz, making her hair stand on end. Claudia’s eyes filled with golden light, and more light blossomed from Callum and Viren’s chests. Claudia’s forehead beaded with sweat from the effort, but she seemed to draw strength from the light. Because it’s not dark magic, Rayla realized with a jolt. Dark magic was stolen magic, ripped from the creature to whom it belonged. But Rayla had given her horns freely, and the power that Claudia now summoned was something new. Callum would be fascinated. Then the thought slipped away because suddenly Claudia was gasping for breath, blinking away the light and fixing Rayla with wide eyes. “It’s up to you now. Call his spirit back.”
The boy supposed he must be dead. He had the vague idea that death was something that had scared him before; he had the faintest memory of fear shooting through his heart as he hurtled toward the ground, fear that was only overcome by the overpowering urge to save-- hmm. He couldn’t remember who.
It was peaceful here, in death; no ticking clock, no frantically beating heart. Just a soft expanse of hills, blanketed in fog, and in the distance a white gate. He walked towards it. Again, he felt like he was forgetting something. He wasn’t supposed to be travelling alone. But there was no one else here to travel beside him. The white gate loomed above him as he approached. He pushed the knob and it swung open without a noise, feather-light. His breath caught as he saw the vast sunlit valley beyond. It was beautiful. He stepped forward-- then stumbled back, as if pulled by unseen hands. This wasn’t right. What was missing?
A voice whispered in his ear, soft and insistent. Callum. He spun, looking over his shoulder, back over the fog-bound hills. No one. Callum, come back. The boy blinked. Callum. That was his name. Callum, please.
“Who are you?” Callum called. His voice echoed strangely in the still air.
Callum. Every repetition of the name was like the tug of a fish-hook lodged firmly in his chest. I need you to come back. I need you to wake up.
“I don’t know how,” he said, distress tightening his throat for the first time since he had died. “I don’t know where to go, except through the gate.”
Follow my voice. Come back to me. Do you hear me?
“Who are you?” he shouted desperately, his head jerking from side to side. The voice sounded like it was coming from the left-- and as he looked, a path seemed to open in the fog, revealing tiny white flowers. He took a few tentative steps, and a flash of memory shot through his mind: a meadow of flowers, and laughter in the air. He stumbled. “Hello?”
Can you hear me?
“I hear you! I’m coming!” He broke into a run.
Callum, please. Scattered memories crackled through his head, fast and disorienting. His legs pounded the earth. He knew that voice. I know you’re there. I know you can find your way. I’m not going to give up on you. The fog dissolved like ocean spray on a breaking wave. I love you, Callum.
The name he had been searching for came at last to his lips. "Rayla," he said. Then every memory came crashing back, and a searing flash of lightning split the world. 
"I love you, Callum," Rayla whispered. And his heart began to beat again. 
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porscheczar110 · 5 years
Accents - Rayllum One Shot
Based on an idea by JellyJay.
Summary: Callum wants to visit and elven town. Rayla makes him practice his accent. Lots of fluff.
Please consider reading here.
“Rayla PLEASEEEE, I really want to see one of your villages! You got to see our villages, it’s been a month and you STILL haven’t let me see one of yours.” Callum was practically whining at this point. Rayla hated whining, but it didn’t sound so bad coming from him.
She rolled her eyes, “Callum, I am a trained assassin. It takes years of hard work and dedication to convince people you belong somewhere when, in reality, you don’t.” Rayla was particularly proud of how she fooled the humans in the last two villages. Only a master trained assassin could pull that off, not a dopey human prince.
Callum stared blankly at her for a moment, then a smile began to creep across his face. Finally, he burst out laughing, as if he was having a hard time keeping his amusement contained.
“Oh that’s funnyyyyy,” he drew out, “you had me going there for a second. You are a trained Assassin, but blend in you did not! Ha, I think the only reason people didn’t notice you were an elf was the massive fight going on in the main square.”
Rayla was not amused. Her ears drooping a bit she said, “I thought it was pretty good…”
“It wasn’t that bad! But the accent was crazy off. It sounded like you were from...well I don’t even know.” Callum started laughing again, his eyes full of joy. Rayla’s face began to warm. She loved it when he laughed. Their mission was serious and could save thousands of lives, but Callum still found a way to make the journey enjoyable. It warmed her heart.
“Ok dummy, if I was so bad, you can’t be much worse. I will let you come this one time...let’s get you ready.” She gave him a small smile. Callum couldn’t control his excitement and wrapped Rayla in a bear hug as the last word left her mouth.
Her face was burning like crazy, this will be loads of fun, she thought rolling her eyes.
Rayla’s fingers danced across Callum’s face, tracing intricate patterns that would pass as his moon shadow tattoos. At each touch, Callum could feel a little more heat rising to his cheeks. By the time half of his fake tattoos were finished, Callum was sure that his blush must be visible to Rayla. Sure enough, as she started the next marking, Callum caught a small grin on her face.
“What’s so funny?” Callum asked a little to defensively.
“Nothin’. Absolutely nothin’,” Rayla answered. She cleared her throat and went back to work, but every now and again Callum still caught her grinning. It only made him blush more, which of course made her grin more. It was a vicious cycle, but not one that Callum was eager to break. He liked seeing the amusement play between the upturned corners of her lips and that shimmer in her eyes.
“You seem all choked up,” Rayla teased when she was almost finished. Having been lost in a daydream that may or may not have involved Rayla, Callum nearly jumped at her words.
Her face was slightly flushed now. Callum hadn’t noticed because he had been so lost in his daydream. But now, he could see the light dusting of purple/pink on Rayla’s cheeks. She was probably just tired from painting his face. That was it.
“Hmm?” he hummed out.
“Where’s that accent that you seemed so confident in before?” Rayla pressed with a mischievous grin.
“Where’s that acc’nt ye seemed so confeedent in before,” Callum mirrored. Rayla’s grin fell as her mouth opened in surprise. Her eyebrows raised and Callum was sure now that his face must be beet red. He’d sounded like an immature child who was mocking a teacher and he knew it. Clearing his throat to try again, Callum barely opened his mouth before Rayla burst into laughter.
“I’m sorry,” she huffed out between laughs, “I was in shock, it hadn’t hit me yet,” Callum put on his best pout but Rayla didn’t seem to notice. “That was horrible, you need a lot more practice so please, continue.” She gestured with her four fingered hand, telling Callum to try again and giving him another idea.
“Wait, Rayla, do you have an extra pair of gloves?” Callum asked in his perfectly normal human voice.
“What’d’ya need those for?” Rayla asked. Callum could still hear the light lilt of a laugh in her voice, but Rayla didn’t give Callum a chance to answer. She reached her clean hand into her bag and pulled out a pair of black, four fingered gloves.
Callum grabbed them greedily and worked to fold his pinky in a position that would work and slip them over his hands. Rayla watched inquisitively as the gloves went on with surprising ease. Callum’s head jerked back and Rayla forced herself to swallow another laugh.
“Rayla, how are our hands the same size?” Callum asked, his voice heavy and serious.
“Haven’t you ever noticed?” Rayla laughed, “It probably has to do with the fact that I’m taller than you.” She hovered over him and Callum sent her a harmless glare, “Now sit still and practice your accent, I need to finish your tattoos.”
“Rayla, it’s really not that funny,” Callum said again. Was this the millionth time he’d said that? It sure felt like it.
“I’m getting bett’r,” Callum whined, still holding onto the fake accent, “I think we’c’n go to town anytime and it be absolutely cheery.” Rayla, who still hadn’t recovered from her earlier laughing fit, broke into another.
“Callum please,” she wheezed. Had she sounded this bad in her human accent? Surely not.
“So’re we going or not?” Callum waved his ‘four fingered’ hand around. Rayla could see the little lump of his folded over pinky and wondered if it was cramping by now. He certainly was dedicated. Maybe if he just didn’t talk much they would be okay.
Rayla finally rolled her eyes “Yes, yes. We can go, you big dumb human. But first, give it one more go. I need to be sure that if anyone talks to you, you don’t make a complete fool of yourself.”
“But you’re just going to laugh at me again,” Callum sighed.
“Nooooo, I promise I won’t,” Rayla replied, not entirely honest.
“Let’s go int’town then ‘nd meet our fellow eleven frends,” Callum said, being careful to say it just as she had taught him.
Rayla was silent for a moment, taking in what he had said. As expected, her lips started to turn upward again into a mischievous smile. Then, she started laughing again.
“Hey, you said you wouldn’t laugh at me anymore,” Callum protested, slightly offended that she hadn’t been true to her word.
“Oh Callum, I am trying hard not to! That was actually really good, it just sounded so funny coming from you.” Rayla continued laughing. It didn’t look as if she would be able to stop any time soon.
Instead, Callum watched her laugh. Her laugh was like sweet music, dancing off her lips into the nature around them. It wasn’t just the sound of her laugh, though, it was everything. The way she pulled her silver-white hair behind her angular ears as she doubled over. The way her purpleish face lit up with the warmth of her laugh. She sounded and looked so perfect, he realized. He wanted to freeze time so he could save this moment and never let it go. It was then that the realization dawned on him, Rayla was pretty when she laughed. No, that wasn’t right. She was always pretty, from the first moment they met. He had just never thought about it before.
Callum was blushing as he looked up sheepishly at Rayla. She stopped laughing when she realized Callum had grown silent.
He had never looked at her like that before. She wasn’t really sure what that look meant. But, it was new, it was different, and it was exciting.
“Come on Callum, let’s get going,” Rayla said, blushing uncontrollably at the look he had given her.
“Ok,” he whispered. There was no doubt about it, he was hopelessly infatuated with his elf assassin friend. Maybe, just maybe, they could create a world in which they had a chance.
They walked towards the town silently, still not completely recovered from the realization before. As they walked, they came across a pond. Callum hadn’t seen the tattoos Rayla had painstakingly painted on his face before. Now was as good as time as any.
As he stopped to stare at his reflection, he noticed Rayla almost try and stop him. What was she so nervous about? When he returned his gaze to his reflection, he realized why. The purple markings painted on his face looked really familiar.
Callum pondered that for a moment. He always wondered, but never asked, “Rayla, do you face tattoos mean something important? I’ve always been curious.”
Rayla looked even more uncomfortable now, if that was even possible. Callum could tell that his curiosity had struck a chord, but he wasn’t really sure why.
“That’s a good question, Callum.” Rayla wasn’t really sure she wanted to tell him. It was a personal thing for moonshadow elves, usually reserved for mates alone. Also, Callum had just seen his tattoos, and probably wouldn’t understand, but his were modeled after hers. This was an adjustment that only the most dedicated elven mates would ever go through. Why had she done that?
“And the answer?” Callum asked innocently.
Fine, fine, I’ll tell him. It’s not like he will care anyways. Rayla broke down easily.
“Well,” she began carefully. Her fingers bunched together nervously. She looked down and noticed, drawing her hands apart as she began her explanation again, “It’s an old custom, not many people go through with it anymore. And I’m just doing it because I know my tattoos better than anyone.” Rayla rambled, a faint blush rising to her cheeks as Callum stared at her attentively.
“I’m sure you humans have your own customs, but when a moon shadow elf decides to fight alongside someone for their entire life - sometimes they will make their tattoos match. So uhh,” Rayla wrapped her fingers around each other again, “You’re tattoos look a lot like mine.”
Callum’s eyes had grown wide, too wide. Rayla was partially worried she had broken him. But then he spoke, quietly at first:
“So people in this town will think we are...together?”
Rayla blushed again. She had done way too much of that today. “Yea, I uh, guess that’s right.”
Callum contemplated her response for a moment before smiling, softly. He reached out his hand, urging her to take it, “well we might as well start now.”
Everything inside of Rayla rebelled against the thought of holding Callum’s hand. But she took it anyways. Deep down, she knew why she had drawn his tattoos to match hers. It was time to find out if those feelings could be reciprocated.
“Let’s go Callum, we can’t keep the town waiting forever.” They smiled fondly at each other, both enjoying the warm embrace of each other’s hands.
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jewishicequeen · 6 years
Teach Me- Rayllum One-Shot
Read it on AO3 here
If last year someone would've told Callum that he'll spend his fifteen birthday at Xadia, teaching an elf how to dance, he'd probably recommend them to go clean their head because they had too much wine. Yet, here he was, and here was Rayla.
And he wasn't even sure how it all started.They were traveling in Xadia for some weeks now, and Callum started thinking about his mother. She was always so drawn to the nature and the beauty in the world - he knew she would've loved it."We shall mount it all together, reach up to the stars, for you are mine and I am yours, and this magic time is ours."
"What did you say?" Rayla asked, shaking him back to the present.
"Oh- nothing. It's just... A song my mother used to sing to me when I was little." he looked away, scratching his neck.
"It was nice. Go on." she smiled. She was carrying Zym in her hands- the little dragon was sleeping.
"I-" he started, then gave up. "Um, okay. Er... Look up at the sky, feel the heat of the sun, the air that surround us, and earth and sea as one, feel the light of moonbeam, hear the stars' old song, that's our magic time, son, and that's where we belong." he blushed. "It- she used to sing it to me at my birthdays. Every year. We'd dance too." they had a dance every year at the palace the day of his birthday, and he'd always dance with his mother, and after her passing, with aunt Amaya, who knew the song too, and used to sing it- well, not sing, but rather sign it in lovely, dance-like movements. Rayla looked at him, and he was sure she was going to tease him somehow. He prepared to hear her calling him dummy, or laughing at this- did elves even had dances? What she said catch him off guard-"Teach me."
"What?" he wasn't sure he heard her right.
"It's your birthday today, isn't it? Teach me to dance." she put Zym on the dirt gently, careful not to wake him. "Well?" she stood up, looking at Callum.
"Ahhh, I don't know." he looked at the dirt, not wanting to catch her eyes. It was kind of his mother's thing- a thing that still belonged to her. He'd dance at other occasions, but at his birthdays, he never danced with anyone else. Not even Claudia. It- it was part of his mother, and he didn't want it to disappear.
"Oh. Okay then." she seem to understand.
"Thanks." he said awkwardly, sitting down at the dirt. It was a disaster. He didn't want her to be offended - it just was something he wasn't ready to share yet. Yet he felt like a jerk.
"You know, in Xadia, fifteen is the age you start becoming mature. You get your first marks, and you can start doing jobs, if you want. It's a big deal." Rayla brushed the sand with her hand, drawing spirals and waves in the dirt.
"I see." he looked at her, her purple eyes glittering in the setting sun. She was beautiful. Magical.
"Did your mother wrote that poem?" she asked, smiling. "It's about the six primlal sources."
"I know." he laughed awkwardly. "My mom- she liked magic like me, maybe even more. She used to think every creature has the right to live- and everyone loved her. She was kind, strong, and determinate..." he looked up, his voice fading. "You met Amaya. Mother was like her- but also so different. She was nice to everyone and yet fought like a demon- and she used to make fun of everyone. Anytime. She used to tease my father even more than you tease me." he stopped as he realized what he just said. Did he really just tell her that? He hadn't even noticed how much Rayla reminded him of Sarai until now.
He's gonna be so sorry about it.He stood up and offered her his hand. "Okay."
"Um, what?" she looked at him, amusement and confusion battling each other in her gaze.
"I'll teach you to dance." he said, his ears burning.
"Oh. You will?" she looked so happy. It surprised him. She stood up, too, and took his hand. Her palm was soft and gentle, and fitted perfectly into his, her four fingers naturally slipping into the spaces between his, his skin reflects her own purplish shade. "Okay, just..." he hesitated, not wanting to startle her or make her uncomfortable. He gently placed his other hand on her hip.
"Hey." She smiled, touching his shoulder, "I'm not gonna kill you, okay?"
"Okay. Yeah." he laughed awkwardly. "Okay, you put your hand- oh, never mind, just leave it there." he blushed."Okay, now we just -" he started moving, counting like his mother taught him. "One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two, three, it's all about timing." he explained, as they spin slowly. "You're a natural."
"Thanks." she followed his steps, her movements smooth and elegant, and reminding him of old lost times and she laughed and her laugh was high and kind and full of joy and she took control of the dance and suddenly they were dancing something that isn't human dance and isn't elfish and it was both and yet non and it was beautiful and full of life and he was exhausted but he didn't want to stop and her eyes met his and they laughed so much and she was beautiful and it was magical and they were flying-
And she stopped, breathing hard, looking into his eyes. Callum started to panic - why did she-Did he do something wrong? Did he screw up again? Of course he did, he always did, and he should have known that he'll only make it worse and-
Her lips touched his.
I have no excuse for that.
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raayllum · 2 years
S5 Speculation Theories Post
Because I kept delaying this post since I wanted to see if any of my theories / thoughts about where S5 may lead would change, and the only thing that has is that I feel more firm in my belief about one of them, so here it is: a dumping ground for the various paths S5 could take pertaining the main cast, the mage fam, Sunfire politics, Aaravos, the coins, and Rayllum. 
Mage Fam
Much of my original thoughts concerning the mage fam, specifically Viren eventually stepping away from Aaravos and doubly down on “my life is not worth the cost of freeing him” (whether that’s the safety of the world due to untold danger/destruction, or just for Claudia’s well-being) still hold very true to me. We see Viren wrestle with a lot in season four. In 4x02, he reckons with some of the consequences, opportunities, and desires he’s struggled with over the first three seasons. But we also see his continued guilt over what Claudia has gone through as a result of everything, best seen perhaps in the nightmare-memory he has with the “She is not an asset, she is my daughter.”
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While the end of 4x09 showed Viren regressing in some ways in picking up his staff, I think the end credit art with him passing out, the realization that his killer (Rayla) is still alive, and the situation to free him growing increasingly more desperate will push him (and Terry) and Claudia further and further apart. We’ve already seen that Terry has a good heart and that he’s stuck by Claudia because he believed in her reasoning: it’s understandable to want to save your father. However, much worse will happen if Aaravos is unleashed, something that Terry currently doesn’t have much knowledge of, and if he learned some of it, I think he would start having reservations. 
And we see how Claudia is when people don’t agree with her or doubt her methods.
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So I think Claudia staying under Aaravos’ thumb post-s5 (re: him being shown whispering in her ear in 4x04, as opposed to any of his other prime pawn options in the intro like Viren and Callum) means she’ll continue to be the driving force behind freeing him, even if Terry and Viren possibly defect. 
I also think we’ll see a lot more of Soren and Corvus, not only because comments from cast and crew have made it clear they’re going to get more screentime, but also because it would give Soren a space where he could express some of what he’s going through now that he had an unsuccessful reunion with Claudia and knows that his father is alive again, because boy, that’s a Lot to unpack. Although not quite developed in full, I was partially right regarding Soren stepping up as the group’s protector in a lot of ways; he’s the moral compass when Rayla refuses, he’s the one who runs to and gets Ezran out safely, he’s looking out for Callum’s feelings, etc. I think we’ll only see more of that as we go on. 
Now onto the kiddos themselves 
Regrouping in Katolis / Ezran
This is largely based off an audio clip of a pleased Soren, exasperated Opeli, and tense Ezran of a future season we got at a con like, 2+ years ago, but I think it’s possible the main group (or at least Ez) will head back to Katolis to regroup for a bit in season four. The Dragang may have decided to switch gears from trying to stop Aaravos outright, somewhat, and trying to focus instead on what they’re going to do if/when after he gets out. 
Given that the Sea of the Cast Out is closer to the border / Katolis and quite far from Umber Tor, coming back to Katolis to discuss politics with the other kingdoms (now calling for solidarity and giving us a Pentarchy update) could be part of Ezran’s arc next season if it isn’t mostly reserved for S6, as well as possibly expanding on his parallels to the Orphan Queen, particularly if he and Callum disagree on where to take things. It’s now been confirmed the other human involved in jailing Aaravos was a human mage and puzzle master, so that could be another generational parallel to draw on for the brothers as well as Viren and Harrow.
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As I mentioned in a previous post, season four is book ended by Ezran’s overestimating peoples’ ability to move on and/or be rational about things. We see this with his well-meaning but ultimately painful birthday party for his brother in 4x01, his miscalculation regarding the Dragon Queen’s visit in 4x03 even as his speech demonstrates his ability to grow, and him risking his life in failing to calm Rex Igneous down in 4x09. This is not to say Ezran has no successes in season four, but I wouldn’t be surprised if season five pushes Ezran even further into realizing that words cannot always solve things. If he does have to go to the Pentarchy in a call for solidarity, it would be a very interesting parallel and inversion to S2 Viren, in which Aanya was the high mage’s only opposition and now Ezran’s only ally. 
Speaking of politics, let’s move onto the
Sunfire Side of Things
Given Karim saying “This rising sun may become a falling star,” the fact he’s a mage specifically (and not just a warrior), his deep interest in history, and that he’s impatient in ways that Viren was (even turning against his sibling-turned-monarch figure), I think even if he doesn’t fall prey outright to Aaravos in some manner, he will be playing into Aaravos’ hands. Part of this is due to out of context spoilers from SDCC 2021 that included indications of Janai and Karim having intercut but opposing speeches and more Sunfire elf conflict. We also know, according to the supplementary material of Callum’s Spellbook that foreshadowed Rex Igneous eating a jelly tart, that Sunfire elves also have a light being mode similar to their heat being mode, but it’s used for healing rather than combat. 
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The story of the first Golden Knight being one to take down a mad king in another sibling conflict makes me wonder if Karim will eventually win and temporarily topple Amaya, only for him to be more progressively unwell / unhinged until Janai reclaims her throne and defeats him, thus reaffirming her status as queen as an honourable Golden Knight. I’m still hoping they’ll reconcile and I think they will, given Karim’s sympathetic motivations and the fact they still have love for each other, but I wouldn’t be surprised if S5 ends with Janai losing her kingdom. From there, perhaps either Janai or Amaya will be injured, with Karim using light being mode to heal one or both of them and fix some of his wrongdoings. 
The Coins
In my mind, there are three main paths that Rayla’s feelings about the coins could go next season. Now, I don’t believe her parents will be getting out successfully next season. There is already so much that has previously been set up and it seems necessary that Aaravos will be released next season (but more on that later). Additionally, a Q&A confirmed that the stack of four coins in one of the S1-S3 credits was intentional, and that there’s a fourth person imprisoned in the coins. Therefore, there’s an important player that is still with Viren and Claudia and who still needs to be freed. So like I said, I think there are three main options in no particular order of likeliness:
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1) Rayla keeps the coins a secret at first from Callum and co., as she doesn’t know what she wants to do with them, and she doesn’t want to be something like a burden when there is already so much going on / feels like she has no right to ask for help after everything
2.1) Callum encourages Rayla to look into the coins even if that takes her away from their current mission (a la “You have to go get that dagger, we’ll find help for the egg” in 1x07 and “You’re right” about the dragon in 2x07) and she goes, leading to some kind of run in with Kim’Dael, the Bloodmoon Huntress she encountered as a child. This could explain the out of context spoiler from SDCC 2021 as to why Callum and Ezran appear to arrive in Elarion on their own without Rayla present, or could.
2.2) Callum becomes obsessed partially with looking into the coins in an attempt to fix everything / Rayla’s problems (because if her problems are fixed then she’ll stay, obviously) in a more intense version of what we see in Through The Moon and for a similar purpose. This could lead to him considering dark magic as Jack De Sena alluded to an interview pre-S4 but in the lead up to the season release, and it has also been alluded to that the only way to undo the coins is dark magic at all. While I don’t think that dark magic will be able to successfully free them (cause it’s a bit too muddled thematically right now) or that it’ll be happening yet, attempts could still lead down a dangerous path, or even Rayla asking Callum to look into freeing her parents for her as, after two years of failing and failing to catch the bag in the first place, she feels like she can’t trust herself.
3) Even with (or without) Callum’s encouragement or knowledge regarding the coins, Rayla resolves to stay by his side and to help them defeat Aaravos / watch over him. This leaves room for them to get the fourth coin and possibly have some failed attempts to get it / free her parents, but also the way clear for the season finale to revolve around stopping Aaravos from being freed from his prison. It also keeps Rayla where she needs to be (by Callum’s side) during a future possession or the like scene, as they wouldn’t waste that set up and the clear light and dark symbolism (but more on that later). 
As of right now, I think option 3) is the most likely as it keeps the main group together for the season climax in the most straight forward manner as well as pushing Rayla to evaluate and choose what matters to her most, especially in wake of leaving Callum and now wanting to stay, and her persistent drive and determination to stop Viren. There’s not much point in bringing her parents back into a world that, according to her, might be ending. 
But for all of this as always, we shall have to see. For the next to last section specifically, I want to talk about
in season five in general. Simply put: I think Ocean is going to be Our Season, for a number of reasons. Even more so than season three perhaps. So let’s get into the reasons shall we?
1) Now that Callum is able to admit to himself that Rayla’s presence in his life is always worth the pain she could bring, and that he still cares about/loves her, they’ll get to start repairing their relationship verbally rather than just through action the way they largely did in S4.
2) Season four focused more on Callum’s feelings 100% (not unlike how S2 focused more on him, only for S3 to focus more on Rayla’s emotional journey) and with the coins as a catalyst, I’m sure S5 will focus more on her in general. This means diving deeper into what she may have gone through during the timeskip as she clearly went through something, what inspired her to come back, and more explicit insight than implication in terms of how she views herself now, even if she know how she views their relationship and that she’s still scared of losing him: “I risked losing the best thing I ever had: you.” 
3) With the confirmation that we’re seeing Tidebound elves next season, it seems a surefire thing that Book 5 is Ocean. This is exciting for so many reasons. The first is that ocean/water is a particularly loaded motif and symbol for Rayla and her shame/guilt complex/emotional issues. The second that this is a perfect stage for Callum and Rayla’s full reconciliation. Not only for stakes and romance as the world possibly ends, but because they both have a drowning motif 
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And Callum has a breathing / suffocation motif as well that is also interwoven in his relationship with Rayla in the first place, i.e. he breathes better when she’s around. It was primarily established in season two and I was very happy to see season four bring it back around. 
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So it plays perfectly into my Mutual Salvation Theory in which Rayla will save Callum from Aaravos emotionally/mentally from Aaravos, ultimately, and with Callum possibly saving Rayla physically as well (since she can’t do everything alone; Claudia has a tendency of using Rayla’s former plans against her, i.e. threatening a boyfriend for leverage; S4 setting up a question of what Callum would be willing to give the cube up for; this always being their emotional pattern; and why I think Callum being possessed can’t be solely why Aaravos gets out). 
4) Mutual salvation theory / Callum connecting to the Moon Arcanum / Light and dark motif. 
It seems a done deal in some ways that Rayla will ultimately be the one to break Callum free of possession/brainwashing and save him emotionally and physically from Aaravos. This may result in Callum connecting to the Moon arcanum as he re-connects with Rayla over the course of S5 and finally letting the past four seasons of Moon arcanum foreshadowing culminate in a beautiful symbolic and literal bow. This would also allow Callum to reconcile the light and the darkness he choose a middle path, if not the light outright.
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The Rayla and Callum as each other’s light in the darkness motif was true even in the previous seasons, although S4 made it as about as overt as it possibly could without stating it outright, gearing up for something truly spectacular in season five. This would play in perfectly with both Callum’s reconciliation of the Moon arcanum / reconnecting with Rayla, as well as Rayla being the “other path” he can choose away from this path of darkness, literally and symbolically. 
Last but not least for this section, a post regarding the theory multiple people have put forth in regards to Callum leaving the group out of fear, although it’s not very extensive as I think if the season does go this way, it’ll be a finale or one episode plot line and I think it ties into the “possession” plot line more so that I’ve already addressed. 
I think the Startouch elf is getting out of the mirror for sure by the end of season 5 since S6 has to give the heroes a chance to defeat him in person and it won’t work (hence why S7 exists). I lean more towards Callum’s possession plot line being fulfilled / finished in S5 as well since it has to be before Aaravos gets out, or Callum will dip then (but that’d be S6 as Aaravos isn’t likely getting out any sooner than the end of S5 I’d presume). I think the Key of Aaravos will be used and/or in his possession by the end of the season as well, given the consistent way the Key is introduced with the Star, Earth, and Ocean primals on display when it comes to talking about secrets or other foreshadowing. I don’t think possessing Callum is a requirement of Aaravos’ endgame prison release goal, merely a means to manipulate him.
Ultimately Aaravos’ speculated release is most interesting to me because it means that everything the core trio and co. will attempt in S5 is inevitably futile. They cannot win and they cannot / will not stop him from being released. If you want more details on precisely how that might go, please check out this tag.
That is it and I am tired and I hope you enjoyed! If there are any other elements of S4 / the show I didn’t touch on in terms of what may happen in S5 that you’d like to hear my thoughts on for whatever reason, feel free to drop them in my inbox! Thank you for reading and happy holidays.
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raayllum · 3 years
articulation of need: a rayllum meta
My brain was thinking over a few different but interrelated aspects of Rayllum’s dynamic, canon s1-s3, and Through the Moon, so a few disclaimers before we begin:
Neither half of a couple, nor Rayllum, are or can be mind readers! That’s not a fair expectation for anyone in any kind of relationship. These kiddos are just deeply in love, and traumatized, and doing their best. That goes for both of them in all ways. Furthermore, this doesn’t mean that they aren’t compatible, or that the way Callum expresses love for her is lesser than how she expresses love for him. 
This is just a small pattern in their dynamic extrapolated upon + some hopeful ideas of how S4 could resolve it, if it’s something canon has picked on as well. Also not a flaw of canon or Rayllum if they don’t, this is just me being an English major who thinks about these two kids and their all consuming love for each other way too often. Okay? Okay.
With that out of the way, let’s get into it. 
Today we’re gonna talk about Rayllum and how they express Need.
Short form: Callum expresses that he needs Rayla mostly through action. Rayla expresses that she needs him through both action but, predominantly, word. Now, this is different from the usual way they show love to one another. Callum is very heavy on words of affirmation (always complimenting her, etc.), and Rayla shows affection through both acts of service and physical touch, like all those shoulder touches in season two and handholds in season three. But that’s the key difference: affection versus need.
So, let’s begin.
There is a pattern, however slight, of Rayla and Callum expressing their feelings for each other in ways we wouldn’t quite expect. Callum is talkative and open, with lots of words of affirmation for his loved ones: “Well you seem pretty great too,” “Every team needs good support,” “I am so proud of you,” and basically everything he’s ever said about Rayla. Rayla, meanwhile, is much more Moonshadow, doing lots of acts of service (aka every favour she does for Callum) and through physical touch / being a more overt protector. But when it comes to the development of their romantic relationship, the seeds of it are planted in the opposite manner we’ve come to expect.
Callum is quietly drawing her and holding things to his chest while he privately works it out.
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Rayla is the one making first moves and talking too much, a lovable, flustered train wreck for anyone (and especially Callum) to see.
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This goes back to the idea that Callum has a fantastic memory for spells, able to recall ones he saw only once very easily, due to their tie to art. But Rayla is the one who remembers exactly what people have said to her, even if they don’t; words haunt her in ways they don’t haunt Callum. (The only time we see him harken back to something that has already been said is with Harrow and Ezran regarding Sarai, and then Harrow’s death). For example:
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And last but not least, the famous 2x07 scene contrasted with 1x02, where at the time we thought nothing was really getting through to Rayla, and it turned out that everything was. 
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We even see this directly contrasted in early season one in regards to magic. Callum can’t remember what Claudia was saying, even though he was there for the spell, and she only got slightly cut off when it came to fulminus. But Rayla, through a little prior knowledge and word association, is able to realize that it wasn’t fool Claudia was saying, but fulminus. 
But why does all of this Matter, you ask? Well, here’s the thing...
Callum has never said he needs Rayla. Not the way she has repeatedly with him. And this shows up in a few ways, so without further ado, let’s shift from the precedent to the present.
Heartfelt Speeches
2x09, 3x01, 3x04, and 3x05 are the Heartfelt Speeches for these two, when it comes to getting all swept up in their feelings and affection for each other. So let’s put these four speeches, two each (and each pair a day apart from one another, in canon timeline) back to back and see the commonalities, shall we?
R: Callum, wake up! You’ve got to stay with me! Oh, Callum. Please come back. It doesn’t matter what you did before, I just want you to be okay again. Callum! I can’t lose you like this, you mean too much to me! Callum, I... I—
R: I agree with you, Sol Regem. Some humans are evil. But not this one. Not Callum. The only reason the Dragon Prince is alive is because of this human. He left his home and his family to save the egg, and he sacrificed everything so Azymondias could be born. He’s noble, and true. When we met, he could’ve had me captured or killed. But he didn’t. Because without knowing me or anything about me, he saw past human hatred, and did what he knew was right. He’s smart and kind and brave and he’s... My friend. My best friend. So please, allow him to pass into Xadia and help me take the Dragon Prince home. Because I don’t think I can do it without him.
Now, let’s look at Callum’s heartfelt, swooning speeches concerning Rayla.
C: You’re too good to feel this bad about yourself. I know that and you should know that. You have true courage and a big heart. I’ve seen you get knocked down so many times before, and every single time you get up again. That’s real strength. And... and you’re ten times funnier than any human I know. See? See, you know you’re amazing. You’re smart, and fast, and beautiful. Rayla, you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met.
C: It’s because Rayla is a hero. Rayla’s brave. She saves people. Even when it puts her own life in danger and even when the odds seem impossible. Even when it means her own people might misunderstand and turn against her. Rayla is selfless, strong, and caring. That’s what makes her a hero. That’s what makes her Rayla.
Now look at the bolded, and look at how Callum’s speeches aren’t bolded at all. Can you tell what the difference is? Rayla’s speeches — pleas, really, for Callum’s life — are equally as complimentary as Callum’s in some ways in 3x01, but she also adds and keeps circling back to something that Callum never does. Rayla admits, out loud, to herself, Callum, and Sol Regem, that she needs him. 
The root of Callum’s speeches is admiration for her, explaining how he sees her, and why she should think better of herself. He loves and admires her kindness first and foremost, closely followed by her bravery and resilience, all qualities he thinks make her heroic. Now, Callum deserves credit where credit is due. His speech in 3x04 is particularly perfect and all things Rayla desperately needs to hear, while he also delicately dismantles so much of her verbal self loathing (even down to small things, like concern over her appearance; meta here). Nor does Callum viewing Rayla, rightfully, as a hero means he thinks she doesn’t also need help or needs to be saved sometimes; if anything, it’s the opposite.
But Callum’s speeches are about admiration and love, not need. See the difference? He’s not saying that he needs her, or that he can’t lose her, or that he can’t do this without her. But Rayla is, she continually does.
And we see this sort of pattern follow them into
Through the Moon
TTM is an inherently cyclical work, specifically about the patterns Callum and Rayla have formed with each other, and based off their parents’ relationships. Rayla follows in Runaan’s footsteps, leaving her lover behind and believing the fault is all in her. Callum follows arguably in his mother’s footsteps, supportive of a plan he doesn’t 100% approve of. However, we see the exact some precedent and pattern from the show follow them into TTM regarding need.
Now, by the time TTM rolls around, Callum has expressed that he needs Rayla, very clearly, in action. Following her down in 2x07 and risking himself by doing dark magic; jumping off the Pinnacle at just the slimmest chance of saving her in 3x09. We see this exact type of devotion play out again in TTM when he follows her into the Nexus and prepares to help her hunt down Viren, even if Callum still isn’t convinced (and understandably so) that Viren is actually alive.
Rayla is the one who consistently says, however, that Callum shouldn’t risk himself. Not even on her behalf. Callum worries about her, yes — god does he worry — but ultimately, Callum has only ever said, “Let me come with you.” He never outright says to her that the risk isn’t worth it, or that she shouldn’t do something dangerous without ultimately folding.
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And again, Callum’s reactions and choices and relenting all make sense! He’s giving her agency, or feels helpless, or in 3x01′s scenario, literally does not have almost any other choice. He’s doing it out of respect, and because he knows Rayla. Even if it’s not her responsibility, she feels like it is, and Callum does his best to support her through it. To stand by her. But Rayla has a very different approach when it comes to prioritizing Callum’s safety and emotions, largely above all else.
C: There’s something after us! R: [Hanging up, unfurling her blades] Keep running.
R: Callum, Ezran, go.  C: But— R: Just keep it safe. R: Or it’ll blow you up until you’re dead. [...] If you die out there, I swear I’ll kill you!
C: In the end, I didn’t have the guts. R: Good.
R: It’s okay, Callum. I’m not asking you to come with me.
C: Getting Zym to Xadia is all that matters [Rayla reluctantly agrees] I’ll go back home VS If me dying is the only way for you and Zym to get across safely, then it’s time for me to meet the end. R: Calm down.
R: Okay, let’s do this. Just one more thing — I go into the portal alone [...] You said it was dangerous, I’m not going to risk both of us.
R: What are you doing here? Now we’re both trapped!
R: No! I’m going alone. Viren has taken away everyone I love — everyone except you. I can’t risk you coming with me.
We see this time and time again when Rayla puts Callum above the mission and her better judgement. Offering to go back into the tower in 1x03, going to the Banther Lodge and still getting the cube even if her life is now in danger in 1x04, wanting to tell Callum the truth so badly in 1x06 even if the egg is at risk, staying extra days at the Nexus in 2x01, allowing Claudia and Soren an inch in 2x02, putting herself on the ground and the boys safely on Phoe-Phoe in 2x03, saying that Callum doing dark magic doesn’t matter in 2x09, grabbing him instead of Zym in 3x01, etc. Rayla needs Callum, and we know this because she says it out right — in spite of trying to be independent her whole life in order to not need anyone — and because of TTM, where she leaves him because she needs him alive more than she wants to be happy with him. She’s asked him to stay in the past, but she can’t bring herself to do it now, because she feels too much like a liability.
However, the closest Callum ever comes to asking her to stay is in 3x08, but he never says the actual thing. Callum doesn’t really actually talk about how he feels during their argument in 3x08. He’s just guessing (or stabbing) at how Rayla feels: “You’re going to stay here and die out of pride? Honour, ‘redemption,’ it’s just pride!” “I know you feel guilty, but you’re not thinking straight!”
Callum doesn’t say “I need you,” or “I don’t want to lose you,” or anything along those lines, even if we know he’s feeling all those things. (Again, action over word). In many ways, it’s a perfect parallel as to why he gets pissed off at her in 1x06, when she’s the one dodging her feelings about their dynamic and focusing on his and the political. In some ways, this is communicated through his devotion to her. It’s not as though Callum doesn’t prioritize Rayla, he absolutely does. And Rayla absolutely needs someone who stays and runs after her, given everything in her history, culture, and personality. It’s already been a transformative, radical relationship for her, after being abandoned both short term and long term by her family before. She’s never had someone who stays, before. But I also think she needs Callum to ask her to stay.
TTM comes closest. “I couldn’t lose you” and “I made the biggest mistake of my life, I could have lost you” are close to being “I need you” and “I need you to stay.” But it’s still buffered by an offer to come, to say that Rayla isn’t wrong to continually risk her life, just that Callum also deserves to be able to risk his life alongside her.
And again, I’m not going to say it’s bad writing if the show — or season four — never goes in this direction to rectify. TTM already had much more delicate work in regards to mental health and trauma than I was expecting the show or canon to have time for. A core part of the series is these kids taking a stand even if that means undertaking dangerous tasks;  you can’t have a story with heroes who go “Y’know, maybe I won’t try and stop the second coming of the most evil elf that’s ever existed.” 
But I do think it’d be very nice, and full circle, and important for Rayla to hear, from Callum, “It doesn’t always have to be you. You don’t have to sacrifice everything for everyone else. You think that you’re worth more than me and I can live without you, but that’s not true. I need you. I need you to stay,” given this pattern (mind you, possibly unintentional, but I don’t think so) set up in their dynamic.
Because that’ll be Rayla’s real test in season four. If and when Callum asks her to stay, can she say yes? Can she not only let Callum come with her, this time in life, but can she choose to stay with him through it all? Can she accept that someone needs her just as badly as she needs them?
Because I hope so. I really do.
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raayllum · 6 years
setup and payoff: what’s the purpose of the drawing scene?
Like many of us, I was yelling throughout most of 2x07 for various reasons, but one thing in particular stood out to me. It’s a long standing headcanon that Callum draws Rayla—and similar sentiments can be seen for any ship that has one character is an artist, for them to draw their S.O.—but then we actually got see it onscreen, and it was beautiful.
But I started thinking about it, and... there is one very specific purpose in mind for showing us this scene. After all, consider the alternative: Rayla and Callum have their talk on the cliffside, Callum watches Rayla leave, and then goes after her. Maybe he sees something that makes him think of Dark Magic, maybe that seed isn’t planted, maybe he goes back to Ezran and they talk and he decides to after her. Either way, I think it’s clear the writers had a lot of possible options as to how Callum would decide to go after Rayla and use Dark Magic to protect her. (Just typing that makes my Rayllum shipping heart pound, but anyway)
So, why did they all go with the one we know and love?
Simply: to foreshadow Callum’s eventual / changing feelings for Rayla.
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There are many reasons Callum, within the show, is drawing her. She’s at the forefront of his mind, he’s frustrated that she might seriously get herself hurt but feels he can’t do anything - so it’s a slight venting process - but I also think there’s another, more heartbreaking reason: if she doesn’t come back, he wants to make sure he remembers what she looks like. Like his drawing of the primal stone, of his mother, and of Claudia in a way, everything that Callum has drawn in his sketchbook, he’s lost one way or another. This way, Callum can remember her if things really do go wrong, and it’s plan that’s he worried they will as he starts pressing so hard on the paper he breaks his pencil, and this was his face after Rayla left:
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But back to my first point: this scene is here, at its core, to show how much Callum’s feelings have changed. We see a few of his past drawings were of Claudia, a girl he had a very big crush on.
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But all he focuses on now when he sees it in the book of her hands, and realizes: that’s how I can help Rayla, no matter the cost to me. It’s clear that after the end of 2x03, Callum has no more romantic feelings towards Claudia. He looks at her with straight venom in his eyes when he confronts her and Soren later on in this episode.
But having Claudia be drawn in this book, by Callum, in the past only to show that he is now drawing Rayla is no coincidence, but careful foreshadowing. My prediction? By the end of s3, Callum’s gonna know he’s got it bad.
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