#really happy with the trinity one tbh
warframestuff · 5 months
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wanted to do some angel aesthetic fashionframe ever since jade was revealed
arsenal shots under read more
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grinchwrapsupreme · 8 months
season 8 is kind of weird so far but the basic concepts it's coming up with are really interesting like "psychiatrist who targets trauma victims and turns them into serial killers" and "Serial Killer Social Sphere" and "Vince Masuka character development"
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nalyra-dreaming · 3 months
IWTV s2... an (emotional) recap
Between the spoilers dropping before the last three episodes and the content of the episodes themselves we really have gone through the emotional wringer.
I think I have rewritten this three times over, because my feelings kept changing.
I had hoped for more, I got more than I wished for, I wanted something else, they hit the nerve precisely...
And now with the season 3 announcement:))))
Maximum emotional carnage - indeed.
Everything ... up to that NOLA visit in episode 8 and the actual ending... is not the truth. Let that sink in.
The trial: scripted (and Lestat breaking out of it for the important bits)
Claudia's turning: So much... more raw.
Claudia's death: brutal. That final look between her and Lestat was one of the most painful things to witness.
Her diaries (pages): mostly unused. I am a bit unnerved bc of that wasted Merrick reveal and aftermath implementation tbh. Louis is not freed up after it, but... he should have been, imho. Though, that said, with Dubai likely a stand-in for Trinity Gate... maybe the arc fits after all - BUT I still think they could have done more with her diaries. I get why they wanted to escape the “white savior trap“ but this way Louis did not get that power-up that will ultimately bring him to where it frees him. But who knows... maybe they will implement a version of it all still.
The broadcasting and Loustat's relationship in general: Armand putting a fantasy retelling into Louis' brain. Holy shit.
Flashbacks to 1790: Self-indulgent fanfiction.
Dubai: Stepford Wives via mind gift. 💀
Daniel: Supposedly(*) turned out of spite. I absolutely get why DM fans are besides themselves with this and the comments after.
The story itself: More or less ending exactly where the first book puts us. I do NOT know why they kept that title a secret, it's not hinting at anything other than that simple fact, imho. :)
You know, them using the movie "Gaslight" for the poster reference makes more and more sense now, because that is how I feel a bit at least: gaslit. Just a little bit.
Because... Nice reunion that you had there... too bad it will turn out to be the contested NOLA one, I would bet real money on it. 😅
Sarcasm aside, this is a brilliant show. But I am NOT looking forward to another two years of bullshit accusations (by some) because they were mostly/only spelled things out in the episode insiders, and only broke things up in the last episode. Or of people confusing the meta and social commentary level with the in-universe one.
Which, by the way, I'm happy that they went there. And I am relieved that they spelled things out in the episode insiders. Truly. But as experience has shown after season ONE... implied manipulations, episode insiders and interviews, and cast/crew/writer statements don't mean jack shit to some people.
So yeah, where does this leave us?
This was a dark season. I think I'm not totally wrong when I say that most of us did not get what we wanted from it, neither DM, nor Loumand, nor Loustat. Or Claudeleine.
"Locked together in hatred" comes to mind, though "hatred" is obviously (way) too strong a word. (But that quote fits so nicely 😏🤓)
We DID get some of what we wanted. But for a show which built so heavily on other books... to follow the first book then so closely?? I don't know, it leaves me a bit unsatisfied(**). It feels as if they just shut the book, to be done with it, you know?
I still enjoyed the season, there were brilliant parts in it. But it feels... bloodless. Sexless. Empty of affection. Harrowing. Which is, of course, the point.
This... is a depressing, hinting at suicide-through-vampires note.
Which won't happen, of course.
Because here we get to (**), which is of course ™️ them announcing s3 just prior to the last episode;))) And thereby making some things clear by that fact alone :)) 🙌🙌🙌
I said it before, I expect them to revisit... again. Given that this will be in what, 1,5 to 2 years from now? Well. Hopefully still in 2025. And I hope the arc they spun over these three seasons will be done then. And we can move forward.
I do hope this show will get 10 seasons. But for the first time since it aired I wished we'd already be ahead, in season 4 or something. 😅 Because this heap of loose endings is... taxing^^. Though definitely coming very softened as a blow now with the s3 renewal that’s for sure^^
Can't wait to hear your thoughts, if you want to share them. But these are mine. For now.
I'm sure there will be a lot of details, and analysis and meta to follow, and I'm looking forward to it. 🥰🙌
S1 and s2 were a tale... I mean we knew. But I would have preferred a bit more... truth.^^
Because that Magnus‘ tower scene?! No way. The metaphorical push off the tower??? No way, sorry Rolin but if they let that stay… that’s not giving agency that’s removing Lestat‘s suffering for their weird “toxic masculinity arc“ that Sam hinted at and which was - IN THE BOOK!!! - a misjudgment of Akasha.
AND it is removing Lestat‘s suffering to give more nuance to other characters. -.-
Given Hannah‘s episode 5 comments I hope they do not make a misjudgment of his character there. The red flags are there though, especially after the recent interviews, have been ever since that DV drop, and I have people come to me via DMs now to tell me they’re leaving the fandom bc they’re scared of another GoT…. which I get.
I… still have some faith. I know Rolin tends to put his foot into his mouth at times, he is a troll, and for all her takes on ep5 Hannah also wrote other brilliant scenes.
And we have Sam and Jacob as trump cards.
I‘m determined to enjoy this - this is what we‘ll get. I waited 30 years. I won’t go anywhere. I will enjoy what they give us.
I won‘t like all their decisions. That I am aware of.
BUT I will enjoy it, going in open-eyed, nonetheless.
(*) okay that is obviously bullshit, Armand would not turn him out of spite. Which is another hint I guess. But I talked about that in asks^^ At length 😅
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gallawitchxx · 4 months
weekly tag wednesday thursday <3
omg how is it wednesday thursday again already?! where has this week gone? i've basically been MIA here since the last one lol so thank you to @jrooc @creepkinginc @energievie @deedala @gardenerian
@blue-disco-lights @sgtmickeyslaughter @vintagelacerosette for the tags! i love you all! i love this place! i'm so happy we get to scream about it today!
- - - - OKAY LET'S GET INTO IT - - - -
how did you get into the fandom? i fully fell into gallavich in the spring of 2021 & starting shoving fics in my face faster than ian & mickey took their clothes off when ian went to get the gun back, mickey. then i started noticing that people were linking their tumblrs in the end notes & so i lurked suuuper hard through the summer until i finally made my own blog!
how long have you been here? almost three glorious years <3
what’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?) i suppose youtube is correct because i watched a bunch of edits that really cemented my obsession, but tumblr was the first place i interacted with fandom friends :)
what’s your favourite now? i'm a tumblrina for life!
which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom? this will always make me so fucking emotional -- my first mutual was @metalheadmickey & now i've been to their wedding *sobs forever*
which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and wanted to get to know? oooohalskfj this is a hard one! there have been so many! when i first showed up, i started collecting beloved mutuals like pokemon... but to steal from mel, there was a real HUZZAH moment around getting a message from @whatwouldmickeydo & now i'm gonna go to their wedding *continues sobbing forever*
first Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember) the holy trinity of my early fandom days were absolutely like real people do by grayola, restoration by @palepinkgoat & the increasingly poor decisions of ian gallagher by @goodkwuestion
first fan art that blew your mind? yooo we are so blessed around these parts & at the beginning it was another trilogy lol - @steorie @psychicskulldamage & @darthvaders-wife
fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love? a/b/o! truly shocking to discover & then love & then WRITE A WHOLE MULTI-CHAP FIC OF
What surprised you most about this fandom? omg how smushy soft everyone is! halskfjalfj - like, it's a pretty hard show to watch at times & the characters are all so messy & not saying we have it altogether over here or anything, but everyone's just a kind little marshmallow! :)
moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich? the first one was probably s3 "not everybody gets to blurt out how they fucking feel every minute!" because i was like, OHHH OH THIS IS GONNA HURT ME & then it just kept getting worse....
Ian or Mickey? mickey baby ily so much. but to echo others, they really are two halves of the same brain cell & they've fought so hard to be together. so idk how you choose!
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? jeeeez, maybe fiona? lip? liam? hahaha probably none of them tbh, but i love 'em like family!
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tagging @thisdivorce @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit @crossmydna & @heymrspatel if you wanna play! if not, i'm smooching you on your nose <3
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golbrocklovely · 22 days
That’s exactly what i meant. You voiced it perfectly. I personally do not know how to feel about Malia, but that feeling is only coming from a place of not knowing much about her, because she isn’t really a public person like snc or even Katrina are. She just enjoys her time on social media, but for the most part she is hella private person and hey. I respect that, cause looking how people are on Internet, it makes very much sense to want to protect yourself from them (also your relationship, cause many relationships that were public ones - i mean in a way that they constantly would post eo and their daily lives on socials, eventually would break up). I don’t like her, but i also do not hate her. And if Colby is happy with her or even loves her, then i am happy for them and wish them all the best. I mean it would be weird to call yourself a fan and not be happy when your idol is happy.
And on the other hand, Shea and Colby shippers are more annoying than Solby shippers.
i agree with you. i think it's one of those things that fans can't accept bc in their minds, they have control over colby and his decisions. mostly bc for a long time, when fans would tell him to jump, he would respond with "how high". but for a little over a year now it seems as if he doesn't plan on listening to fans like that anymore, and i think that's for the best in the long run anyway.
bc he gave them so much power, they thought they controlled him or had say over what he chose to do, which just isn't the case.
the problem also is, so many fans (shea shippers and more) expect him to be with one of three ppl: shea, stas, or amber. or a rare fourth one, a fan of some sort. it's odd how many fans want this y/n fantasy to play out either via themselves or the holy trinity as me and my friends refer to them as lol
anyone outside of that is a no go.
so when malia came into the picture, and she wasn't what fans expected or wanted, they thought they had a say in telling colby to break up with her. and not only that, they thought she was just another fling of his. but when that didn't work, they went ballistic. which is why for months the hate for her and him has upticked to a level i never expected. like i knew when he got a gf, fans would lose it. but this is a different level altogether.
i personally don't love or hate malia, but i would say i have more positive feelings for her rather than negative.
at the end of the day, regardless of how any of us feel, colby is happy. you can lie to yourself all you want bc he doesn't smile in pics or bc they look too posed in their pictures. it doesn't matter. he loves malia, that's is abundantly clear. and you have to accept that and his decision to be with her. and if you can't, you're not a fan of him. i'm not saying you gotta love malia, but hating her will do literally nothing. so just accept it and move on. and if you can't, leave. it's honestly that simple.
(tbh anyone that heavily ships him with someone that isn't his gf is equally annoying in my eyes, but i getchu lol)
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herrscherofmagic · 11 months
finally caught up with the current HI3rd event, the Luna one! so time to share lots of random thoughts, hehe
It felt a bit surreal first seeing this conclusion to the Captainverse story, but now that I've gone through the whole thing I can say that I really liked the way Mihoyo handled it. Of course there are details that I'm still iffy on, like the whole Luna-aged-over-10,000-years thing is pretty clearly fan service-y; but even that doesn't bother me too much.
More than anything else, I appreciate how the Captainverse gave us a happy ending for the "holy trinity of depression" in HI3rd's main story: Kallen, Himeko, and Sirin. All three of them suffered so much in the main story, after all.
Even if these bubble-world versions of them aren't the originals, it's still heartwarming to see them looking forward to a brighter future, instead of being faced with certain doom in the face of powers beyond their understanding.
Himeko especially hits me in the feels, not just because of Final Lesson but all the way back in her late teens when she lost her father, as we saw in the Alien Space manga. It was a completely life-changing event for her, and if she hadn't lost her father there then Himeko could've followed her passions and lived a very different life.
The Captainverse Himeko isn't the same Himeko, but it feels like she's carrying on that same dream. It's almost like a different version of the Kiana-MemoryHimeko reunion in the Flamescion arc; but instead of a mature Himeko seeing off her student, it's the young Himeko starting a new adventure and following her dreams...
I also loved how well Mihoyo wrote the Captainverse cast. The way everyone interacts w/ each other felt so natural imo, it was really nice seeing all the different connections that started popping up. The rivalry between Luna and Kongming, the budding friendship between Bronie and Sirin, Himeko & Captain, and so on. There was very little technobabble or convoluted plot stuff (at least in my opinion) for most of the Captainverse events. All these fun character interactions were the center of attention, and it was an absolute blast! ^.^
There's two final thoughts I have about the Captainverse, and I know that Mihoyo probably isn't going to explore either of these possibilities, but I'll choose to dream that it'll happen someday >.<
First: The Main Story showed us that HoFi Kiana has the power to stabilize an entire bubble world. Even if she didn't, the Earth civilization is still pretty advanced thanks to the Divine Keys (1st Key and 2nd Key especially). So if the Captainverse Hyperion crew ever encountered Earth and met our Main Story cast... wouldn't that be the perfect solution to the bubble world dilemma? After all, much of the pain these characters have gone through was the result of the inevitable decay and collapse of unstable bubble worlds (which is nearly all of them).
I doubt it'd ever happen in the story, but I'd still love to see how the Hyperion crew would react to meeting their "real" selves, and to discovering that there's a way to save all these worlds. Of course there's probably countless bubble worlds so not ALL can be saved, but every world saved is still a massive achievement!
And I'm curious how they'd react to the existence of the Imaginary Tree. As far as I can tell, none of their bubble worlds seem to have any idea that the Imaginary Tree exists. They likely have no clue that there is a Cocoon of Finality, or that Earth is a thing and that it's part of a solar system, and so on. So learning about all these things would probably be a huge revelation for them. Kinda like a Plato's cave allegory. Which is quite fitting tbh, since bubble worlds are basically shadows of the "real worlds".
Second: I genuinely believe the Captainverse cast would fit perfectly in the setting of Honkai: Star Rail.
One obvious point is that the Hyperion crew is a clear candidate for a Path of Trailblaze faction. Instead of traveling across the Imaginary Tree with the Astral Express, they travel through the Sea of Quanta on their own Hyperion. They don't connect "real worlds" and I don't think it's accurate to say they connect bubble worlds, but they're still able to travel between them and transfer people and ideas. Surely with enough time they could come up with a way to truly bridge the gap between different bubble worlds, and then they'd be a near perfect thematic parallel of the Astral Express- just in the Sea of Quanta instead of on the Imaginary Tree.
Then there's also the fact that most of the Hyperion crew members have a strong ambition to travel, explore, adventure, and so on. Bronie and Himeko want to see what lies in the countless worlds of the Starry Sea, Captain wants to continue traveling between worlds and helping people, Sirin wants to grow stronger and learn how to better protect her own world, and so on. Almost any of these characters could feasibly join the Astral Express if given the opportunity (and if they weren't already part of Hyperion).
I also feel like their character dynamics would fit HSR's balance of sillyness and seriousness. The Captainverse crew can all get serious when they need to, but they're also capable of plenty of fun shenanigans. I could imagine them getting into trouble and engaging in a bit of tomfoolery just as easily as I could imagine them facing down the Antimatter Legion and fighting to save a world from its impending doom.
Again, there's basically 0% chance of this happening... but I'd still love to see it someday. The Captainverse crew might be a bunch of familiar faces but they all have their own unique origins, ambitions, skills, personality, and so on. They're not just mere copies of the "real" versions of themselves, but they've become their own characters through this story.
It does hurt a bit, knowing that this cast is ultimately going to be relegated to side stories and temporary events. I believe that if you changed some of the terminology and character designs a bit, then the story of the Captainverse could probably stand entirely on its own as an independent piece of media. The concept of traveling between unstable and decaying worlds in the Sea of Quanta, the use of consciousness mapping and how it affects both the world & the user, the Ether Anchors; all these ideas are well-developed and they're conveyed in a story with a lovable cast. There's so much potential here, and this story doesn't really need the rest of the HI3rd story to give context to these characters and the setting they're in.
If this is truly the end of the Captainverse, I'd still be satisfied. If we still get Captainverse content but it's just minor stuff, I'd still be satisfied. I think this event did a great job of answering questions, tying up loose ends, and leaving things open for the future.
But despite that, I still wish we could see more of this cast. I want to see Bronie reuniting with Ciora and Theresa, Sirin growing stronger with time as she explores the Sea, Himeko's excitement in traveling across worlds, Kallen & Luna bonding and growing past their troubled past.
at this point I probably care about the Captainverse as much if not more than the Main Story. I'm excited about Mars, don't get me wrong... but the Sea!!! the bubble worlds!! Himeko & Sirin & Kallen & everyone else!! >~<
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iridescentis · 3 months
You don’t have to answer !!
THANK YOU ofc I'll answer!!
30. Overall favourite part of RTC and/or the fandom?
Favourite part of RTC is HARD, the characters absolutely have my heart and the worldbuilding around Uranium is so important to me but I can't pick a favourite element!! Fandom wise, I adore my lovely little circle of RTC people, everyone is so lovely and super talented and it just makes me so happy!! This fandom is so comfy and creative and everyone is the sweetest <333
23. What would your catchphrase be and/or what 'The ___ in Town' would you be called?
Catchphrase: if it was short like Constance's, "Well...." with a proper elongated vowel sound is very me I say that all the time, if it was something longer it might be something with a similar vibe to Ricky's? I'd have to think about it and write one
The other thing: At first when I wrote the questions mine was The Loneliest Boy in Town, which could still work but I don't think that really fits me anymore? Ricky already stole imaginative so I can't use that! I'm not really sure how people perceive me lmao
20. Favourite RTC fanfic/fic author/fic recs in general?
YESSSSS!!! Okay, EASY. I'm sure plenty of people already know and love Sierra (Seddiefan11)'s fics BUT I'LL STILL PROMOTE EM ALL ABSOLUTELY LOVE <3333 URL I Need is literally the cutest, most precious nischa fluff ever it makes my day every single update 🥰
One of my favourite fics, Let the Light In by the wonderful vsapphire, it is so beautifully written and I ADORE it, literally some of my favourite writing ever and the plotline is deliciously angsty and full of nischa goodness, IT IS PERFECT 💖
I ALSO HAVE TO PROMOTE MY AMAZING FRIEND MADDIE (Moodles171) AND ALL OF HER STUFF GO READ!!! NOW!!! I cannot promote her multichap Born Yesterday enough it is absolutely incredible so far YOU MUST GO READ!! this is me hypnotising you you wanna read maddie's fics soooooo bad GO READ IT
is that sappho you're reading? by jup1ter_moon, absolutely lovely perfectdolls slowburn it has my whole heart the backstory is SO GOOD and I cannot recommend it enough <333
Uranium, Uranium by Cr0w_Qui11, also absolutely wonderful worldbuilding and is fully getting me on board with CDPlayer, it's a PERFECT combination of Legoland and RTC
8. Favourite cut character?
Ooo, I'm not sure! I don't really know much about them tbh, if anyone who loves them and knows a bunch wants to rant about them in my asks PLEASE DO!! I would say I'm most curious about Astrid though, I think she could be a fun addition to fics, if I knew more I'd definitely try writing with her
1. Favourite production?
Trinity Theatre has been my favourite for a while, it's definitely still up there but I think Majestic Rep might be my favourite now?? It is SO GOOD, the characterisation is so perfect and detailed and the dynamics between characters is different but in THE BEST WAY. Oh and of course our lord and saviour the people's Mischa, Ray Winters, INSTANTLY my favourite Mischa ever
THIS IS SO LONG HELP, thanks for all the questions!!
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error4343 · 2 months
Rules: Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions, then tag 10 people you want to know better.
I'll tag less than 10, but still!
Tagged by: @midnightella-mass
Midnight Mass
Faith: The unholy trinity
First character you loved:
Annet. From first frames she reminded me of my grandma and it was love on first sight.
John. Tbh, he is the first distinct character in whole Chapter I, so it's not hard to be first fav.
Ahti. Came for chill, stayed for lore.
the character you relate to most:
Joe. It is a very strange connection, but um. As you know, I'm ukrainian. And because of fact that my life is payed by lives of hundreds, theme of seems-like-irredeemable quilt and then redemption though actions hits close.
John again. Again, themes of quilt and redemption, but with (semi?) happy end. Also, untreated anxiety problems, yupiee!!
I think Jesse? Not thematically tho, mostly because I grew attached to her while playing.
the character you’d slap:
RILEY FLYNN. At this point my hate for Riley became a running joke among friends. I will elaborate on it later in this post, but for now SLAP HIS BALD HEAD WITH ALL HEAVENS MIGHTY.
Garry Miller. Also slap his bald head.
Dylan Faden. No hair? Get slapped. It's a rule here.
three favorite characters in order of preference:
John Pruitt (ofc he is), Sarah Gunning (need more of her), Beverly Keane (...i can explain-)
John Ward (who could've guess huh), father Garcia (who doesn't love Garcia?), Lisa (patiently waiting for her development in Ch IV)
Jesse Faden, Casper Darling (goofy aah man), Emily Pope (://3)
a character you liked at first but don’t like anymore:
Riley Flynn. Here we are. I could write an essay about why I don't have any respect for this man, but in short: self-pity doesn't equal redemption. At first, I was justifying his behaviour by mental problems, but then recalled that Angels blood fixes everything, so every action he takes really is dictated by his own will. And a lot of those actions is questionable to me.
Miriam. As character - she rocks. But I grew spiteful towards her because of her fucking boss fight in Chapter II that screws my attempts to get "Good Christian Boy achievement" over and over.
a character you did not like at first but now do:
Beverly fucking Keane. As every normal human being, I hate her. But in same time, from the first watch couldn't deny how well written and played she is... And then something happend that now I have legit lesbian panic over her. I have no idea why. Please help me.
Lisa. At first, thought of her as cliche protag-love-interest™ (and she is tbh), but headcanons and expanding beyond original media did a trick.
Dylan Faden. I KNOW ONE PERSON HERE WON'T AGREE but I do like him! Just in my special ways!
(less than) three OTPs:
All canon ships... Plus Paul/Riley. Don't ask, my morals were questionable already on Bev's part.
Holy smokers (John/Lisa) and Vatican approved yaoi (Garcia/Alfred)
Jesse/Emily and Darling/Trench. Also, me and my bestie have codename "bumblebees" for first one. All because on Ukrainian their names together make something, remotely similar to word bumblebee: Джесі/Емілі (Jesse/Emily) -> джемілі (jemily) -> джмелі (bumblebees).
I spy with my lil eye: @orsanedraws @https-yaracchi @neldartkhaina
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doctorofmagic · 2 years
Strange #9 Review
(Yes, I know the last issue is tomorrow and I’m super late. I blame my adhd. You know, the thing with deadlines? It’s a me)
Anyway, there are a few details I want to point out in this issue and some fundamental bits that I’d like to delve into. So let’s start with this panel.
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I find it hilarious but I can understand why some people are not happy about Clea’s portrayal. It’s true she has never been this feral before but *IMO* I think it’s valid for her to have this side because 1) she was raised by Umar and Dormammu. Her father was a simp, her mother, a narcissistic queen, and her uncle is freaking Dormammu. Besides, let’s assume one cycle in the Dark Dimension equals 1000 years on Earth. We don’t know Clea’s age but we do know she was born during their reign so I assume she has a few centuries there at least; 2) she was the leader of a rebel army. My girl is not one sweet damsel in distress at all. She fought a war and saw many of her friends die; and 3) she has Faltinian blood. I’m glad she redirect their need to conquer towards love, though. So, in conclusion... I pretend I do not see it.
PS: Stephen’s pose like he were Batman sent me!!
Now let’s focus on this part because it’s always reassuring whenever a writer confirms what I’ve been talking about since forever ;-;
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I usually tend to describe him as a healer, but doctor is also a good word once he knew that was his call since he was eleven.
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And this is why I can’t accept whenever someone calls him self-centered (partially due to his MCU portrayal). Stephen is altruism incarnate. He’s very kind and doesn’t hesitate to sacrifice himself in order to save people’s lives (which is also shown later in the preview). This is not my personal instance, it’s literally all over this volume and so many other books.
And this panel pretty much sums up what I was trying to say about both Clea and Stephen.
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We never managed to see Clea’s past and what it felt like to be raised in such a place. But we do know that she finally learned love through him, which is super unusual because love is most often associated with female characters, not the other way around. And this happened in the 60′s!
And noooow let’s appreciate Stephen’s sappiness because omv how I missed this. He’s been looking for someone to be this sappy with for ages ever since Clea left! It didn’t work with any of his flings because truth be told, he’s a hopeless romantic 🤧 Clea is lucky 💜 (and she blushes!!)
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Now my favorite part because they’d be talking about Marc and Victor, it was such a bingo for me (for those who don’t know, they’re part of my top 5 characters tee-hee)
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I love that they're trying to justify their faves here. Friendly reminder that Marc once stole Stephen’s powers in (ew) Age of Khonshu, so it’s kinda shocking for Stephen to hear that there’s kindness in Marc (but there is!!!). Meanwhile, Clea doesn’t really know Victor’s soft spot (yet) and they don’t usually see eye to eye, but Stephen is far more familiar with Victor and has seen kindness in him a few times (although yes, Victor isn’t one to give things freely. Listen, he’s complicated! *my Stephen side vouching for Victor is showing, I know...)
Moving on, I’m glad there’s an explanation for how Clea managed to become Earth’s Sorcerer Supreme without a new tournament. People be discussing this and tbh I was kinda tired. I just wait for things to be explained and look! Turns out it was.
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Also I cry.
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Aaaand he’s making jokes about being dead 💀
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Moving on... Here I am once more, praising Jed for showing impeccable knowledge on Stephen’s lore. Director None reveals that he was in contact with the Trinity of Ashes and also working for them.
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Back in Sorcerer Supreme, the magic deities were forcing Stephen to fight for them in the War of the Seven Spheres. He refused and lost part of hs power until he finally agreed to serve them. Except that the war lasted five thousand years. In order to preserve Stephen’s sanity, the Vishanti suppressed his memory of it (Sorcerer Supreme #48; #80).
Director None is using the revenants to spread chaos and pain in order to please the Trinity, but he’s also preparing a vessel for them. And this vessel is... well, THE Sentry.
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Which is not only super dangerous but also painful for Stephen due to their history. Stephen once assisted Bob with a spell to make the world forget that he existed in order to eliminate the Void - Sentry’s “dark side" manifest (Sentry #4-5). Stephen also helped Bob with his mental health by locking him in his own mindscape (it was not ideal but it was the only way for Bob to feel safe without the Void’s influence). Stephen lied to Bob about the Void (it was somehow locked in the Sanctum?) and for that Bob ended their friendship (Doctor Strange #381-385).
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It’s true that Bob died several times (last one was Knull’s doing, a very graphic and violent death, to put it mildly). But hm, it’s the Sentry. He always comes back. He’s like Marvel’s Superman, and that includes his strength. He beat Hulk in WWH. He’s that strong. So yeah, Clea and Stephen are really screwed =D
I’ve already read the preview pages for #10. I’m saving it all for tomorrow, though. I’m very much excited and it’s been a long journey. Can’t wait to see how Stephen will come back to life and how they’ll rekindle their marriage I’m not expecting spicy tomorrow but I won’t be denied in v6!! Did you hear me, Jed? I want my spicy!!
As usual, delicious food! See y’all tomorrow <3
(PS: I have access to the Infinity Comics now and I need to write a post on Victor Strange because Ewing is indeed cooking something for him. And I can finally have a full view on that by reading the Strange Tales compilation. Soon!)
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magpiefngrl · 1 year
What writers have inspired you the most?
(p.s. you inspire me ❤)
Ohh thank you so much! I'm really touched and very, very happy to hear I have inspired you. It means a lot!
As to my inspirations:
A few years ago I had a Holy Trinity of Authors:
--Angela Carter. Exquisite baroque prose and weird stories. Uncategorizable. There's no one like her. While writing one of my fics, I would read a passage from one her short stories before writing to put myself in the mood I wanted to capture.
--Dorothy Dunnett. Exquisite baroque prose and angsty stories with excellent plotting and characterisation. Really dense writing. Not an author I easily recommend tbh. She inspires me to write clever, competent characters.
--Donna Tartt. Exquisite baroque prose (you might notice a pattern here). I've only read two of her novels, but the impact The Secret History had on me was enough to put her on this pedestal.
If I was to revise my Holy Trinity, Mo Xiang Tong Xiu would go up there. I love how she ostensibly writes about two dudes falling in love but also explores really deep themes in her stories. She is really funny, but not afraid to bring out the knives--and when she does? Boy, she doesn't pull any punches. I'm completely in awe of this author, ngl.
Also, I love:
--Zyranna Zateli. A Greek author of stunning, magical realist, convoluted and rambling stories. Unique.
--KJ Charles. Writes fab queer romance and her writing is going from strength to strength. Excellent sense of humour that is evident in her witty prose. Awesome secondary cast, nuanced characterisation.
--CS Pacat, for her Captive Prince series. Such delicious tension! It inspired me to try and ramp up the tension in my stories. My goal is to write a romance one day that will have the same kind of UST as CaPri.
They're so many fic authors I love and have been inspired from that this list would be a mile long so I'll stick to two:
--frayach, because (guess why) I love her prose. I've read her Bound Skerry fic upwards of 20 times.
--astolat. I'm a huge fantasy author and when I read astolat's drarry fics, I fell in love with the way she created a new fantasy lore in each of her stories, either a type of bonding or a spell or the erosmancy thing etc. She inspired me to try and create something similar in my stories, to come up with a unique type of magic or lore. That's when I was writing The Full Monty and I created the Lust Leaks. Also, why I created the Incubus lore in my Hush, darling fic.
Thanks for the ask!
ask me about writing
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leclerqued · 1 year
F1 gifmaker ask game ❣️ tagged by the wonderful @mickbetsch, @leclercpiastri and @iguessricciardo, thank you all for the tag, it means so much!
1. which drivers do you mainly make gifs for? Charles, Daniel and Lewis. They're my Holy Trinity <3
2. out of the above (if more than 1), who’s your fav to make gifs for and why? Ah, that's a tricky one. It really depends on what I want to gif, because I do it rarely and just whenever something really triggers my creativity. I don't think I have a favorite one.
3. link the fav gif set you’ve made and tell me a lil about it I actually have three, because I don't gif a lot and I don't post stuff unless I'm really comfortable with what I've created. The first one is a Lewis gifset and I like the fact that it's very simple and I think I've captured the beauty of this man. The second one is a gifset that I made for @c2stan-main for The Chircus Secret Santa, and it's supposed to mimick the journaling/scrapbook experience. The third one is a gifset I made after Abu Dhabi 2021, when we were uncertain about the future of Lewis in F1 and I just wanted to remind everyone of how powerful this man is.
4. link your fav gif set from another creator another tricky one! ahhh so difficult to choose. I stored some under my "fave" tag, tho.
this by the amazing @iguessricciardo who's doing the lord's work by giffing every Dan's moment;
this by the super talented @leqclerc who never fails to deliver stunning gifsets
this made by @overtake, it's amazing and I wish I had such a cool idea.
this work by @brawn-gp, the coloring is wonderful + the slowmo is *chef's kiss*
these are just a few, I can't really link all of the wonderful works made by the F1blr gifmakers, but I won't stop telling y'all how happy I am to see your creativity.
5. off the top of your head!! tell me about the most memorable tag you've received recently ah, joke's on me for not posting anything recently, but I always tear up whenever someone tells me I made a good job with the coloring or the typography.
6. which f1 media source (post race interviews, sf full accesses, no brakes, sharl’s vlogs, tiktoks, etc) is your fav to make gifs from? whichever has the best quality tbh, but mostly content posted by the original Formula 1 channel. I have giffed some moments from no brakes and charles' vlogs, tho :P
7. tag someone else!! I apologize in advance if I'm tagging people who already have been tagged x) @brawn-gp @cloudiness @yesloulou @il-predestinato @princemick @livetogether--diealone @countingstars-17 and anyone who sees this, really!!
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desertfangs · 2 years
I’ve also been thinking about this a lot recently. In PL it’s mentioned that Daniel seems to be in a much better state and that he looks forward to traveling and has regained his dreams and ambitions. Do you think Daniel left Rio with his mind set on getting Armand back or was it something that happened more unexpectedly (for lack of a better word) when they reunited in NYC? The fact that he seemed to be in such good spirits (despite the brewing crisis happening around them) and was finally “ready” to leave Marius’ place has sometimes made me think that he might’ve been a man on a mission, but at the same time, after almost two decades on time out, I’m not sure if he was planning to do anything that long term yet.
I have definitely thought about this way too much, too, so I’m with you there! 
I don’t think Daniel left Rio with the intention of getting back with Armand but I do think he was thrilled to have an excuse to see him again. As you point out, Marius tells us, “Daniel was powerfully excited that they were going. Daniel wanted to be with the others, Marius knew this, and he was happy for Daniel, but he himself was full of foreboding.” Daniel is afraid about what might happen with Amel, sure—he’s the one who’s like “If Amel is destroyed, we all die! I am against that course of action!”—and so going to the others in this time of crisis feels right. But I think he’s also just really excited to have a reason to go to where Armand is. He had probably been hoping for an excuse to do so for a while tbh. 
I don’t think Daniel knows what will happen when they see each other again at all, so I don’t think he has any long term plans beyond “See where it goes.” I imagine he was probably full of doubt, in fact.
We don’t know what contact, if any, he and Armand have had since he regained his faculties. I imagine they’ve spoken on the phone, possibly even Facetime’d or something, but I also think those conversations were probably short and strained. Not for lack of love, but the distance between them, not to mention everything that's transpired, probably made it hard to really talk the way they needed to over the phone. So it was probably just a matter of small talk to reassure themselves the other was fine and that was it. Even if they wanted more, we know they’re both terrible at communicating so Armand wasn’t going to invite Daniel to visit Trinity Gate out of fear Daniel would reject him, and Daniel wasn’t going to offer to visit for the same reason. So instead they end up in this stalemate where neither is willing to push things forward and they stagnate. 
And, for what it’s worth, I do think Daniel was happy in Rio, just as Marius says, and that he enjoys Marius’ company and cares for him a great deal, so it’s not like he’s itching to leave him or Rio so much as he’s just really eager to be in the same room as Armand again. 
But Daniel has no idea if Armand will even want him there, or if Armand will actually talk to him, or what. He just knows they’re going to have a better chance at reconnecting in person (assuming this whole Amel thing doesn’t kill them all - together again on the brink of disaster! It’s familiar ground, at least!)
He probably went over how their first conversation would play out in in his head a hundred times - and when he finally sees Armand, it probably doesn’t go like any of the ways he imagined. It’s probably stilted and awkward and maybe it ends like one of their phone calls: too short, with nothing really said. But being there in person means more chances to be in the same room, to bump into one another, to catch the other in a corner or empty room and talk, and touch the other’s arm or hand or shoulder, and reconnect in ways they hadn’t been able to at a distance. 
Which is a long ass way of saying I think he hoped going to NYC and seeing Armand again would lead to them being back in each other’s lives in a more tangible way, but I don’t think it was a plan or anything. Just a chance at seeing someone he loved again for a while, whatever that led to. (Though honestly, deep, deep down I think Daniel probably knew that once they were in the same physical location, all bets would be off because they’ve always had a huge effect on each other that’s way harder to brush off and ignore in person.)
Thank you for the ask! 
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Hello, I have this headcanon about Louid/Armand/Daniel at trinity gate that won't leave my mind so I need to dump it on someone and none of my friends have vampire brainrot sorry if it bothers you! Louis is acting a bit strange, spending time alone or with Benji and Sybelle and none of them explain why. After a lot of nagging from Armand Louis admit he's working on a surprise for him and Daniel. One night, Daniel, Armand and Louis are sitting on the couch relaxing calmly when suddenly (1/3)
Daniel and Armand are hearing each other thoughts. Louis has been practicing and he's listening to both of them while broadcasting to the other (and pushing his own thoughts at the back of his mind). After a very emotional moment, Daniel and Armand look at each other and Daniel whispers in Louis' mind "there's something missing". Louis ask what and Armand answers aloud "you". (2/3)
After that Louis releases his own thoughts and the three of them share each other's mind for a while while cuddling on the couch (and crying a bit probably). Sorry for my English. Love your Tumblr and adore your fics! (3/3)
Aww this is such a cute HC!
I have to admit: for the longest time, I found it hard to envision Daniel with anyone aside from Armand, simply because we don't really see him having an explicitly romantic relationship with anyone else in canon like we do with all the others. So he doesn't usually factor into my poly ships that easily. @rainbowcarousels is bringing me around though, with the latest chapter of her stars fic (it's so good, please read it).
I'm such a softie for everyone healing and loving on each other at Trinity Gate, and I love the idea of one partner in a vampire threesome being a mental conduit for the other two. It's my go-to for Lestat/Armand/Louis, and it looks so well here too! Louis really would push everything else out and just do whatever if it meant everyone else is happy. He should be rewarded for that.
And thank you so much for your compliments! My tumblr loves you too 😭💕 (Never apologize for your English btw; neither of my parents spoke English as their first language. I only speak English fluently (this is debatable tbh, you've all seen how incoherent I can be sometimes). So it's something to be proud of - you speak more than one language and that's awesome!!)
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nalyra-dreaming · 9 months
Love your answer about David, I also would not miss him if the show decides to omit his character
I've been thinking about who would replace him if Anne Rice had dropped him after he used up his relevance, aka if he had died at the end of TotBT like she originally planned
I do not see Armand writing his own story so he still needs an interviewer but Daniel is right there so that's not a problem and David is completely irrelevant after that so no need to replace him
But I also don't see Louis going his Merrick misadventure alone, he needs someone there for support and to prevent him from spiraling and Lestat can't be that support because of his own involvement and the same can be said about Armand so that leaves out the two people closest to Louis so who could come with him? And in absence of any logical choice I think we should go with the funniest choice, that's right let's give Antoine the spot!
It would make the book a little more interesting to explore their dynamic outside of Lestat and force them to confront the past (and the ghost) together and I can see him being curious about the ghost too and he and Louis are in an interesting kinda unresolved place at the end still (and I really think the only thing in the way of Lestat's dreams of everyone getting along and becoming a big happy vampire family is Lestat himself which is ironic)
Also the books should be half from Louis pov and half from Antoine pov just because 100% from Louis pov would be depressing but Louis needs to narrate at least part of this and also because I'm curious about what goes inside that air head Antoine has
What do you think?
Interesting :)
Antoine is an interesting character in the later books, though underdeveloped at the court, but his very presence there, and that Armand actually lets him in at all at Trinity Gate...
I would love to actually see Louis and Antoine interact. (One of the reasons I would find it interesting if Antoinette would actually survive.) Antoine would definitely be an interesting companion for Louis, especially in the adventure with Merrick.
I'm not sure if Merrick would have been able to manipulate Antoine as she did David though, spell or not.
I think for chronicling Marius is likely the best person tbh. He already wrote down his own experiences, and I do think sooner or later he would maybe do so with the current adventures as well.
But very interesting concept! It would definitely have changed a lot of things, and yes, his and Louis' POVs would have been very riveting!
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hirazuki · 1 year
Tag game: Tour my bookshelf!
Thanks for the tag, @general-illyrin!
An estimate of how many physical books I own: Including those in storage, probably over 800 by now. Those physically with me, currently, in my apartment: 267.
Favorite author: It's a tie between J.R.R. Tolkien, Paul Scott, and Dorothy Dunnett. They are my holy trinity ♡
A popular book I've never read and never intend to read: Hm, probably one of the YA ones floating around, with the courts and roses in the titles? Or the book with Gideon and Harrow. Those just don't appeal to me, particularly in terms of writing style ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (idk specifics, sorry y'all, I don't really keep up with literature past like. mid-ish 20th c, and even that's super late for me. It's 18th/19th c. gothic all the way for me XD)
A popular book I thought was just meh: Mmm, again, I don't really know what's popular tbh despite working in a library lmao; if it doesn't concern The Hyperfixations, it literally does not register in my brain XD. So probably some assigned reading in school, like Catcher in the Rye or The Great Gastby. I was an extremely unimpressed teen/young adult with most of the 20th c. American literature we were given to read.
Longest book I own: Of the ones in my apartment at the moment, just doing a quick visual scan, it looks like it's The Dictionary of Mythology; though tbh, I suspect my BHS probably has significantly more pages, despite it looking so tiny in comparison. But I'm too lazy to actually go look XD
Longest series I own all the books to: Depends on what we mean by "series." If it's strictly linear plot, then I think it's The Lymond Chronicles, by Dorothy Dunnett. If it's just same universe/same characters, it's definitely Agatha Christie's novels. If we're including comics as part of books? It's Lucky Luke, sitting at 82 issues yes I have all of them XD
Prettiest book I own: A New Treasury of Poetry, it has a beautiful cover and includes really lovely plates interspersed throughout the collection.
A book or series I wish more people knew about: Ahaha, none! I used to have one series, but then; well. Let's just say that, while I am firmly against gatekeeping, I can't help but notice that popularity sometimes does spoil some things ^^;
Book I'm reading now: Re-reading The Silmarillion, and making my way through History of Middle-Earth and Nature of Middle-Earth.
Book that's been on my TBR list for a while but I still haven't got around to it: The recently published Fall of Numenor is next in line for me to read.
Do you have any books in a language other than English: Yup, plenty in Greek, some in Spanish, and a handful in biblical Hebrew.
And lastly, paperback, hardcover or ebook? Oh, paperback for sure. I can't stand ebooks for my own personal use -- it's a great concept and I love the accessibility it provides, but it's just not for me; unless I'm reading fanfic, I require a physical item in my hands in order to be happy. Hardcovers are gorgeous, but I primarily read lying down on my back and they are very cumbersome in that respect. Paperback is cheaper, lighter, and there's far less guilt attached if you're a messy reader like me (pen/pencil notes, folded pages, reading in the bathtub/on the beach/while eating lunch or dinner, art/craft projects involving glue and paint everywhere in the apartment, keeping tons of plants on the bookshelves, etc.).
Tagging, no pressure: @ruiniel, @baked-hylian, @cruelfeline, @dear-kumari, @nomadicism
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behanami · 1 year
hi everyone! i’m not actually new, but i’m happy to introduce this gal that is! this is carly, bejoomi and benayoung’s mun with the final addition to my wannabe trinity!! hana is, thankfully, quite different from both joomi and nayoung, so she should be fun. she’s about as shy as they get, but a very skilled ballerina and an absolute sweetheart. and a useless lesbian. she just floats around between being a dance major, additional dance lessons, and two jobs as a librarian and a florist! she doesn’t have any real authority at either of those jobs, though. she really just helps out. her cute lil profile is here, and her more detailed about is here, but i’ll ramble about her and put some plot ideas under the cut. of course, please like this if you’d like to plot with her, and i’ll slide into your dms (probably on joomi’s account so i can stay organized.) ok let’s go!
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hana is an ‘03 liner and a pisces! dreamy dreamy gal
she was born in tokyo japan to a (retired) professional ballerina and translator (who translated for some pretty important people sometimes)
her mom retired as a ballerina due to heart complications. they were afraid giving birth would be too trying on her body, so they adopted their first kid (hana’s brother) and then hana was an accident
obviously her mom went through with giving birth to her but she unfortunately passed away because of  it
thankfully hana’s family didn’t resent her, and her dad instead saw her as the last remnants of his wife. which can sometimes be a problem tbh
she was put in ballet lessons asap to follow in her mother’s footsteps, and has been at ballet academies and dance lessons literally as long as she can remember
she was always way more interested in watching the girls dancing even when the other girls were freaking out about the potential to do dance duets with boys. gay ass
she didn’t Realize she was a lesbian until she got into online communities. she didn’t really have a ton of time and energy to socialize outside of ballet and school and was always very quiet so she had a much easier time making friends online
started in online ballet forums, got into kpop through girls there that liked it as well as some irl friends, eventually ended up on stan twitter and tumblr thanks to her really good english her dad taught her, considering he’s a translator
she also really got into poetry, and made a poetry blog, and she kinda figured out her sexuality by writing about it more than anything else. she also kinda kept her Poetry Presence separate from the rest of her online presence because u know, shy
she eventually fell Big in love with one of her kpoppie friends. this friend actually lived In korea and wanted to be a kpop idol so hana ended up daydreaming about moving to korea and debuting with her one day
she ended up so serious that she asked her dad if she could move to korea and enroll in sopa. she had a whole plan
they had a close family friend that lived in sk that agreed to house hana if she did move, and her dad never saw hana so passionate about anything in his life...so he let her go
he didn’t move with her due to work; he decided supporting his daughter’s dreams was more important than Being with his daughter, and sends her money regularly 
when she arrived, things did not go how she hoped. the girl she loved had a whole Life outside of her and they did not fall in love, in fact, they didn’t spend nearly as much time together as hana wanted at all. and hana is not assertive whatsoever, so she just kinda let it happen
she mainly just tries to keep busy now because she’s lowkey heartbroken but doesn’t want to dwell on being sad. she’s also trying to figure out if she actually wants to be a kpop idol By Herself now or not. she’s figuring out that the dream was way more to be with her friend than it was to debut
she’s not really unhappy though! just. figuring stuff out. 
hana has a youtube channel where she posts dance videos; mainly of choreo she learns from lessons, but some kpop dance covers too. this is an example of the stuff she does most often. it would be great to have people to collab with on her channel! contemporary dancers ideally. fans of the channel are great too. she would be so shy if anyone was her fan
onesided crushes? that kinda. seems like hana’s vibe. onesided crushes in either direction; boys having a crush on hana who is a lesbian, hana having crushes on girls that don’t return her feelings...
university friends? i don’t have where she goes to uni in mind rn to keep plotting open. she’s a dance major but will have other classes too obviously
dance friends! fellow dance majors, or dance students at the dance studio she takes additional lessons at
people that help her develop being an idol as her actual dream. people that are really passionate about kpop and becoming one themselves. she really admires people that have a lot of drive because she does not really
online friends! stan twt, tumblr, honestly we can probably make anything work, hana is all over the place
i think that’s all i’ve got i love brainstorming too so let’s do it!
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