#really intrigued me because i wanna know how actually toxic they are
ladsofsorrow24 · 8 months
watched a yhara zayd review of saltburn and... wow that sounds like a very boring film, ngl
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deoidesign · 8 months
Hello, I think i'm kind late to ask this but a saw your art about Zagan and Luciel and would like to know if you already have planning the story? like what would be the main themes be and how the dynamic of the characters would work
How could you be late to ask me something about my comics? It's never too late!
I've pretty much got the whole story planned, yes. I actually intended to start this story back before my first comic, Millennium, but some character design drama got in the way of things so I postponed it... And then I started making Time and Time Again for work, right when I was planning to start it, so it got pushed back again!
So We Were Legion has been on the backburner for me for about 7 years now, and I am just ITCHING to get it started. so I'm MORE than happy to talk about it!
Obviously I wont tell you the entire plot, as that's pretty big spoilers and also subject to change, but the characters are pretty set at this point and I love them dearly
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Luciel (he/she/they) is a lucky, upbeat mermaid. They easily make friends, but are a bit of a homebody and really just enjoy living in the middle of nowhere at the bottom of the sea, and definitely are NOT looking for an adventure.
Zagan (he/him) is an asshole. He's a demon and really good at what he does, and a bunch of people want him dead. Which is, honestly, the plot.
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The two become supernaturally tied together, and have to hold hands when on the surface, or Zagan will die. This hit to his cool guy aura (being attached to the cutest, sweetest mermaid to ever exist) is really bumming Zagan out and making his work (stealing souls) extremely difficult. One of them is way better at accepting this situation than the other.
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Between a lot of drama, intrigue, and mystery, the two grow closer together as Zagan learns to unravel his toxic masculinity and accepts a more gentle way of living, while Luciel learns to confront situations, rather than evade or put up with them.
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Aaaand obviously they fall in love and the power of love saves the day and fixes everything. because I'm the one writing it and this is how I am as a person.
I wanna make it so so so bad... I'm going to make it next I have to...
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rogertaylorshbb · 1 year
'toxic' Roger Taylor x reader
summary- you and roger get into an argument but you guys make up like 20 minutes later🤭🙄💅
swearing, light smut, mentions of alcohol. [ I have no idea why I'm adding these, just makes the fanfic look more ✨professional✨]
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"okay see you tomorrow!! love you!!" you yelled out to your bestfriend Chelsie as you stepped in the door of you and rogers apartment. "finally" your heard a groan, it was roger "I've been waiting for you all night". you turned on the light to see him slouched on the couch with a bottle of vodka in his hand. "your drunk" you sighed.
"maybe" he chuckled "where were you?". "I was out at that new nightclub that opened" you smiled thinking back on it. "with who?" he questioned his words becoming more intrigued. "just Chelsie and a few other friends" you said.
"Chelsie? and what other friends" he said turning his head to you. "just...people, I'm not sure, just Chelsie's friends that she kept from high school".
"what? like guys?" he questioned "guys..?" you questioned back. "where there any guys?" he stated. "Jesus rog.." you sighed. he stood up from the couch placing the vodka bottle on the table. "what? don't 'Jesus rog' me" he said mimicking your voice. "your drunk, and I don't wanna argue, go to bed".
"are you cheating on me?" he asked. "what?!, god no!" you frustratingly told him. "don't fucking lie to me y/n, I know your cheating on me!" "no!" you yelled "I know your fucking other guys y/n" roger shouted. "how-? what- why? why would I do that huh?" you shouted back. "because your a fucking slut-" roger slurred pointing a finger at you. your heart went cold, how could he? how could he call you that?.
you tried to keep calm, "your drunk roger". "So? being drunk doesn't make me a liar" he groaned. you tried to keep in your tears. "I cant hang out with my friends for one night without being a slut?? I'm cluttered with work, all I want to do is go have fun for one night, but no, I cant have fun" you stated.
"your such an idiot" he muttered. "your the idiot!" you yelled, you took a deep breath "you know what? arguing with you is childish, I'm going to out to get bread because I forgot and then I'm going to bed, sober up or not before I get back....actually I don't care, do what you want"
roger stood there while you walked off out the door. he started to really think about what he had carelessly blurted out, and the guilt in his chest started to hurt. "fuck...I am an idiot".
you walked to the convivence store 7 minutes away, getting bread from the shelf, and walking as slow as possible back to your apartment, trying to escape the awkwardness that would be there when you walked back in.
you walked back in to see roger in the bathroom brushing his teeth. you plopped the bread on the counter stumbling into the bedroom. you took off your party dress and heels and picked out a pair of pajamas. as you were looking around in the messy clothes draws roger walked in. "get out, I'm getting dress" you huffed. "what? I'm not allowed to see you naked now?" he scoffed. "whatever" you muttered throwing on an oversized t-shirt.
"I'm not so drunk anymore" roger told you. "good" you sighed. not one of you making eye contact as you both slid into bed. the tension was killing roger. "I'm sorry" he whispered "I don't think your a slut, I was just jealous". you turned to look at him. "the truth is....im scared of losing you, just the thought of you finding someone better then me terrifies me, I don't think I can live without you"
you looked into his eyes. you were speechless, you had never heard roger say anything like that. since you had no words you just kissed him, running your fingers through his hair. roger grabbed your waist, practically dragging your body over his. his hands travelled your body, reaching over to take your t-shirt off, before he suddenly stopped "oh wait...im not allowed to see you naked anymore, guess were gonna-" he chuckled, you cut him off "oh shut up" you laughed.
you dragged the t-shirt off you continuing to kiss roger. roger cupped your breasts, massaging them, making you moan into his mouth. "where are the condoms?" you smirked. "here" roger said reaching into his drawer.
he hurriedly put it on, you started to slowly sit further on further down on his cock, not trying to muffle your moans at all when you did. "fuck I love it when you moan like that" roger smiled.
-just gonna end it there-
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ryuichirou · 6 months
A couple of replies! Mostly about ships, but there is a couple of asks about the fandom and stuff…
mysaldate asked:
Two questions here! 1) Would the Leech parents maybe attempt to hijack one of their sons' relationship for whatever reason, maybe if they feel like their sons aren't doing enough in terms of controlling their boyfriend?
They have a reputation to uphold and all so I'm guessing there are probably rules for what they can and cannot afford to tolerate. A bit of snark here or there is probably fine but if one of the twins' partners is bringing shame on the family? The parents might wanna step in and see to it that such individual is properly retrained, especially if their darling sons don't do it themselves.
2) And partially related via a fic, what do you think about Jade/Vil? I can see them as either being mutually toxic, both metaphorically and literally, or totally wholesome. Toxic would be with Jade being more controlling and possessive, not to mention his eel toxins, and Vil being purposely dismissive or sometimes acting like Jade is beneath him just to piss him off, together with his alchemy prowess.
Wholesome would instead work based on the basis of Vil being just smart enough to where Jade's manipulative bs doesn't work so he has to learn to be more open and actually start a healthy relationship for once. Bonus points for careful, controlled introduction of the eel toxins in a cold secluded pool area so Vil can build up resistance to them.
Sorry for the late reply again, let’s talk about it!
1) In general, I don’t think Jade or Floyd would have any problems in this department, both of them are great in this regard: Jade is very calculating and picky, Floyd doesn’t really commit to anyone, but!
If their parents are dissatisfied with the partner they end up picking for themselves, they’ll absolutely let them know and ask them to either discipline (“fix behaviour” even) or get rid of the said partner. This is both a matter of reputation/respect and a matter of control.
If Jade or Floyd doesn’t do as told or can’t do it for some reason, they’ll help out. Even if it goes against their sons’ wishes and even if it’s going to be messy.
Out of all the characters we ship them with, I think their parents would love every single one of the boys~
2) Jade/Vil is a “hmmm intriguing” ship to us; while we don’t actively think about them together, the concept is very promising and could be hot. We actually talked about them in this reply, but very briefly.
And you know how it is with us, so my mind instantly went “YES TOXIC YES YES TOXIC IT’S FUN” lol A manipulative lying bastard and a bossy actor is such a dangerous combination, considering the fact that Jade really is very controlling and possessive, and Vil isn’t someone who would submit to this type of relationship very easily. Vil could also, like you said, act purposely dismissive and straight-up provoke Jade, both to mess with him and to express his frustration with Jade acting like Vil is stupid enough to believe his lies. Whatever they would have, it would be interesting. But I feel like it wouldn’t be very volatile all the time, because Jade strikes me as someone who prefers to keep things low-key… until it’s time to cause chaos lol
The eel toxin thing also sounds quite hot! In fact, this is what I especially liked in the wholesome scenario you’ve described: Vil building up resistance to Jade’s toxins sounds like a very intimate process. Maybe they really could have something more-or-less healthy, but this is a question of which thing is going to prevail: Vil’s impressive life-coach skills or Jade’s distaste for order and tranquility.
I am unfamiliar with the fic you’re talking about, since we don’t really read fanfics. But still, I can imagine how the Tweel parents could be initially very happy with having Vil on board, considering who his dad is + the prestige of it all… even though I figured this isn’t what happened in the fic that you’ve mentioned…
Anonymous asked:
Do you think Vil likes to roleplay with his partners in the bedroom?
He totally does. Well, sometimes he just wants to get fucked and go to sleep, but he does genuinely enjoy roleplaying even if it’s just for the dirty talk. But there is also the other extreme that happens every once in a while, when Vil gets way too into the roleplaying aspect and forgets about the sex part, because it wouldn’t make sense for his character to have sex with this person right now lol
Anonymous asked:
Why was Idia shirtless in the comic where Azul was asking about his tattoo? lol
(this is the comic)
I don’t even remember, Anon, it’s been almost a year lol But I think in my head I implied that Idia was acting weird, maybe covering his stomach, but didn’t want to go to the infirmary, so Azul insisted on him taking the shirt off so he could check on him himself.
Either this or they already started _doing something_ because Idia figured that there was no other way to make the tattoo disappear. Still, he didn’t want Azul to notice it or to know about how the tattoo works, so…
Pick whatever option you like the most lol
Anonymous asked:
Honestly I don’t like the shroudcest stuff you post but like other than that ion give two shits ^_^ you eat wit ur art and the headcanons like I’ve been scouring the internet for bottom Jamil content and the second I saw ur account I felt myself salivate at the mouth >_< literally keep absolutely slaying
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3
Like I always say, you don’t have to like every single thing that we post. It’s absolutely okay for you not to like certain stuff, and I really appreciate that it doesn’t stop you from enjoying the rest of our content.
Bottom Jamil is super underrated though, I’m glad we could provide lol
Anonymous asked:
Sorry for using you as a free therapist, but I don't know what to do.  Whenever I get super into a game/anime I always end up getting a fictional crush on one of the characters.  This leads me to consuming every fanwork I can find of them, including NSFW ones.  My best friends know this and let me talk about the characters.  But the moment I get on TWST's Ace (I'm an adult) there are rules to follow and lines you don't cross because sexualizing minors is weird.  Real life ones yes absolutely but he's not real, that's part of the appeal to me.  They're acting like me liking him is me falling into a trap that sort of couldn't be avoided but one I should have known better about and I shouldn't do it again.  I don't have these desires towards real life teens and kids (no one actually since I'm asexual) and while I know sometimes real predators do this, I know those desires existed and come out independently of the fiction they do or do not consume and they're outliers.  I know there's nothing wrong with me "crushing" on Ace, but my friends still made me feel guilty about it.  And they're not strangers on the internet I'll have a bad encounter with but won't meet in real life.  I've known them for a while and they've helped me through a lot.  But hearing them talk like this...I don't know what to do.  Sorry for the long rambling and emotional dumping on you.  To end on a not sour note, have you seen fyageee's TWST comics on Tumblr?  Their Rook is ~delightfully unhinged~.
Well we can’t provide therapy, but we can try giving our two cents for the situation you’re in. We never talk about this topic ourselves, and it’s nice to share thoughts with people who are actually nice and concerned and respectful and just want to talk.
First of all, yeah, as long as you separate fiction and reality as the majority of people does, crushing on Ace and being thirsty for him doesn’t make you a bad person, especially considering that these characters were practically written for people to be attracted to them. And it’s a good thing that you keep it in mind instead of straight-up blaming yourself for that all the time. And I am very sorry that you had such a bad experience with your friends.
But, to put it bluntly, I guess not everyone is going to understand that? It doesn’t even necessarily mean that your friends are assholes, some people just don’t have the same mindset and it’s okay. If you are good friends with them and are very close, I could suggest discussing this thing in-depth and setting up some boundaries: if it’s uncomfortable for them to see someone crushing on a fictional character, alright fair. But I feel like they should at least recognise that this isn’t that serious and it shouldn’t influence your relationship, because you are still the same person, not some criminal with ugly and dangerous thoughts. Maybe they’ll become more open-minded overtime. But if they keep making you feel guilty or bad over this, I wouldn’t call them good friends, even if you’ve been through a lot together. To me, it’s weird that someone would prioritise the fact that someone likes an anime character over an actual friendship with a real person – it just seems off.
If I were in this situation, I would probably just… not discuss this with this particular group of friends. I have people in my life who don’t like BL, and even though we are good friends, I don’t discuss this aspect of my life with them. Instead, I talk about it with those who are on the same page with me about it.
And to answer your question, I think we’ve seen their urinal Rook comic! It’s very funny lol
blackbutlerfandomnerddomain asked:
Have you heard of the games NU: Carnival or What in "Hell" Is Bad? I feel like you guys might like it, I know I do ;3
Yep, heard about them! There are some interesting aspects about them, and I do like that these games are spicier in nature and very glad they exist, but I’m not sure if we’re going to check them out in the nearest future.
Still, thank you for recommendation!
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I re-read my post about chapters 22-30 and I realized that theres so much I just fully forgot to mention, mostly relating to the inner circle so heres a quick summary of my thoughts about each ic member now that Im about halfway through the book and have spent some time with them. To briefly recap my previous thoughts, I think their group dynamic is insanely uncomfortable because of how apparent their hierarchy is and also none of them seem to actually like each other all that much
I dont dislike her in the sense that I dont dislike her personality or the basic concept of her character, but I do hate that shes in the inner circle at all. Like, whats this eldritch creature trapped in a body thats not her own doing hanging out with all these boring people ass people FOR 500 YEARS dude, if I had to spend 500 years with Rhysand I would destroy the entire night court regardless of whether or not I had Amren-levels of power. Like, why on earth would she be satisfied playing second fiddle to Rhysand and living in an APARTMENT in his stupid °•~City of Starlight~•° when shes supposed to be like a billion years old and a thousand times more powerful than him. I feel like itd be interesting to explore that but I know that we really dont from watching cari can read's summaries, so she just ends up being a character thats supposed to be interesting because shes so mysterious but is actually so shrouded in intrigue that it turns around and she just becomes boring again
When I first met her I said that something about her bothered me but I couldnt put my finger on what it was, but that I still kinda liked her because she atleast annoyed Rhysand. She really hasnt annoyed Rhys in any way since her and Feyres first meeting so I like her less because of that and also because shes mostly just boring to me at the moment. I think another reason why I dont particularly like her is that she feels so intrinsically tied to the misogyny of this world that just suddenly materialized in this book and its really annoying, I would like to avoid that subplot as much as possible. She basically just exists to give Feyre a female friend at the Night Court and to show her that you can totally girlboss your way out of a misogynistic system! But you cant dismantle the system because uhhhhhhhh. change is like a glacier because its slow
Also, shes obviously meant to parallel Ianthe, like shes supposed to be the better version of her, but I cant even imagine her and Feyre making out sloppy style toxic yuri edition so I cant really see her as any kind of improvement. sorry
One of my least favourite character types is Fratbro But You Put Him In A Fantasy Setting so Im not the biggest fan of this guy ngl. The one redeeming quality he has is that hes very obviously crushing on all of his friends bisexual style, especially Rhys and Azriel. Its almost a little sad but mostly its just very funny. Like whyd you wanna take their clothes at the illyrian camps so badly huh? You like seeing pretty boys squirm around naked?
Unfortunately, I know that hes gonna end up with Nesta and that hes not even gonna treat her well, my guy is gonna go from being gay because he likes men to being gay because he hates women and I am not looking forward to it
Speaking of Nessian, a lot of sjm critical anti nessian people say that Nesta and Cassian used to be so good and so genuinely romantic in ACOWAR and that their relationship got completely ruined in ACOSF and. I mean, granted they dont ever talk about Cassian behaviour towards Nesta during the meeting at her house in ACOMAF but I hated the way he was just so angry at her on Feyre's behalf when she wasnt even that mad herself, she just felt weird and bad. Of course, I havent read ACOWAR yet and I might change my mind in the future but right now, I'll just say it doesnt surprise me that Cassian would laugh at Nesta falling down the stairs
My favourite guy!!! Out of this bunch I mean. My favourite guy in the entire ACOTAR series is probably Lucien, but if we're just talking about the jokers from the Night Court, then this guy is my favorite
I really wasnt expecting much from him, I thought he would have absolutely no personality from what Ive heard other people say about him, but hes basically exactly what I want in an edgy traumatized shadow boi. Ive talked about this before but I really dislike Rhysand and part of that is that I normally really like the archetype of the tortured edgy love interest with shadow powers but he makes it so goddamn annoying by being so flirty and cocky I just want to see him dead. But Azriel is quiet so he doesnt bothr me and also theres some intrigue about his backstory and the extend of his powes but he feels like a solid enough character that he doesnt become boring to me like Amren
I will say though, theres something particularly uncomfortable about watching anyone from the inner circle interact with him and vice versa, I think its because he seems like he doesnt actually like them more than anything else. Ive said this in a previous post, I think Cassian wants to be in a relationship good friends with him and he seems to think they have some good sunshine guy/grumpy guy banter going on but to me it just seems like Azriel genuinely dislikes him. And then he obviously doesnt trust Amren and I feel like hes in love with Mor and has been for a really long time but doesnt actually like her, I honestly feel like hes just sticking by Rhysand because he feels like he owes him and because it gives him an excuse to be close to his crush
Yknow, that I think about it maybe thats why I like him so much. I dont like the Inner Circle, he doesnt like the Inner Circle, thats a relatable king right there
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avatarmerida · 2 years
Disclaimer: I wrote this prior to having any real knowledge of what mistletoe actually is and then I looked it up and I think Willow might actually hate it because it turns out it’s like a parasite for trees?? Pretend they’re in the human realm into Christmastime and Flapjack is still alive and everything is fine for a little while longer, okay? Happy holidays Huntlosers 
“I think my favorite part of human holidays is how plant focused they are,” said Willow excitedly as entered the living room before taking a seat on the ground beside Hunter, who was focused on cutting the most intricate paper snowflake possible.
“Camila said you’d like it,” said Hunter with a smile as he struggled to force the scissors through the paper he had definitely folded too many times.
“Who wouldn’t?!” Willow beamed, rummaging through her bag. “They’re all so pretty! There’s poinsettias and holly, not to mention you bring trees inside the house??” Willow added with gusto. “I’ve been doing that for years! And it’s like the main thing, I mean a holiday all about trees? Brilliant!”
“Woah that is cool,” marveled Hunter as Willow continued, looking at the snippings and twigs she had gathered. Camila had wanted to make their first human holiday season special, and apparently this time of year was nonstop holiday prep and who better than Willow to handle the plant aspect of the holiday? “What other plants do they bring inside?”
“Oh, this one has gotta be my favorite,” mused Willow, rummaging through her bag to get the sample she had found. “It’s a magical plant called mistletoe.” She said as she carefully handed it to Hunter.
“It’s magic?” He said, examining it. 
“Well, human magic at least,” said Willow with a shrug.
“‘Mistletoe,’ huh?” said Hunter, thinking it resembled neither of the things it was named after. “What an odd name. How do you activate it? Do you eat it?” He asked as he went to take a nibble.
“Oh no, it’s actually highly toxic,” said Willow, taking it from his hand. “It’s supposed to be hidden high up so you don’t see it right away.”
“Oh why? What’s it supposed to do?”
“Well, apparently when you’re under it with someone you have to kiss each other.” said Willow deviously. 
“Really? How interesting.” Hunter asked, intrigued. “Is it just a seasonal rule people agree to abide by or does it release magic when you’re under it that makes you want to kiss someone?”
“Hmm, I dunno let’s see,” said Willow, sitting up to kneel closer to him as she raised the plant over their heads. “Do you feel like you wanna kiss me?”
Hunter’s eyes went wide, literally having no idea how to answer that. He didn’t know how to tell Willow he was not the right person to tell if the plant was magic or not because its magical properties would be redundant if he was beneath it with her.
“I, uh-.”
“Oh wait, we probably have to hang it up properly to really see how it works. Could you put it above the entranceway?”
“Oh, yeah sure, of course.” he said quickly, rising to his feet to grab the step stool and making haste of tacking it on the archway in the living room. Willow stood beside him as they admired its placement “So now what? How do we know if it’s working?”
“Hmm maybe it’s supposed to trap you beneath it, and you can’t leave or enter the room until you kiss the person you’re trapped with,” said Willow, still trying to figure out the exact lore as she stood beside Hunter.
“Interesting,” said Hunter, taking a step back to test the theory. “It doesn’t appear to emit a force field or warning sound. How does it enforce the custom?”
“I dunno,” said Willow, sucking her teeth. “Maybe it inflicts a curse if you don’t.”
“Humans are so weird,” said Hunter fondly before he processed Willow’s words. “Wait, a curse? Like an actual curse?”
“I mean, maybe,” said Willow, adjusting her glasses. “This holiday seems very light and jolly on the surface, but then a lot of the stories Luz showed have a man watching your every move making a list of all the things you do wrong and ghosts haunting people who break customs.”
“Ghosts?” Hunter asked, trying not to panic. There certainly wasn’t room in the already crowded house for any ghosts.
“Yeah,” said Willow, still focused on the mistletoe, waiting for it to move or suddenly grow ten times its size to try and crush or attack them. “And they can like ruin your future, but it was only three ghosts so-.”
As Willow continued to think aloud, Hunter, not wanting to anger any holiday spirits, bent down and kissed her quickly on the cheek. She stopped herself and turned to look at him with wide eyes, a small smile pulling the edge of her lips as he stared back at her nervously, his face undecided about what emotion to express.
“Sorry, sorry,” he said, his face turning seasonally red as she fidgeted with his hands. “I-I just didn’t want you to get haunted or cursed or anything.”
“I should take this down until we know the effects and how to control them,” continued Hunter, trying to hide his stammering. “J-just in case.”
“Oh, right,” said Willow, snapping from her small daze, briefly touching the spot Hunter had kissed as the wheels in her head started turning. “Let me get the step stool for you.”
She went over to the living room and brought over the stool to place before Hunter, who hopped up. But before he could remove the mistletoe, Willow let out a small gasp that stopped Hunter in his tracks. “What?” He asked, concerned.
“I left the room and came back and now I’m standing under the mistletoe again,” she explained. “What if I re-triggered the curse?”
“Oh, do you have to kiss every time?”
“I don’t know,” said Willow, her voice adopting a concerned tone nobody else would believe. “I mean, maybe it’s fine.”
“I don’t think we should risk it,” said Hunter, leaning down and placing his hand under her chin to direct her face up so he could kiss her forehead. He was less flustered this time, more focused on keeping her safe than on any other implication the action could have. Willow was delighted.
“Oh no, but what about you?” Willow pretended to suddenly realize right before Hunter could remove the plant.
“I need to make sure you’re safe from bad luck,” said Willow, reaching up to pull him back down to her as she went on to her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. She lingered a little longer than Hunter had, probably to make sure it worked.
“Oh, uh thank you,” said Hunter, clearing his throat. “For keeping me safe from ghosts, I mean.”
“Of course,” she smiled sweetly, overjoyed at his awestruck look before he reminded himself what he was supposed to be doing as he went back up on the stool to finally remove the plant.
“Such an odd tradition, I wonder why humans keep it going.” Hunter wondered as he placed the plant back in Willow’s bag.
“I’m sure they have their reasons,” said Willow with a twinkle in her eye. “I’ll investigate it further, see if it has any other magical properties.”
The Nocedas went all out for Christmas. Every wall, every window, every inch of the house had something festive to display. Camila made sure each child had something special on the tree and Hunter took the liberty of crafting everyone their own stocking (“One giant sock? By the fire? Are humans ok?” Gus had asked). But despite the lack of understanding, they were all captivated by the house’s transformation and quickly fell into the holiday spirit.
Some more than others.
Evidently, humans really did value mistletoe because suddenly Hunter couldn’t enter a room without it hanging over him. Luckily, most times he’d be with Willow and she’d happily oblige and help free him from any impending curse. Willow was always better at spotting it and very often Hunter couldn’t even see the sprig she spotted before she would pull him down to kiss him to protect him from its magic. “Mistletoe,” was all she had to say to justify it, not that Hunter required proof. Hunter admired her commitment to keeping the house and him safe from holiday ghosts.
He had a few theories about mistletoe; maybe if the ghosts’ wishes were honored, they offered some sort of protection  and used the mistletoe as a way to communicate their presence. Maybe it was an invasive species trying to escape the cold the winter months brought, though he had a hard time linking this theory to ghosts. He wasn’t 100% how involved ghosts actually were. Or that it used its magical kissing ability in a misguided way to try and make this time of year more cheerful despite how awful it could get outside. He also wondered if the plant was drawn to him and Willow somehow, he could easily tie it to her abilities as a plant witch and his... own plant like features. But despite the mysterious and possibly dangerous nature of the plant, Hunter had become very fond of it to the point where he started seeking it out and it soon became an unofficial game the two played, seeing who could spot it first before they removed it so others wouldn’t risk being exposed.  
Something inside him hoped the holiday season would never end.
One day they were returning home from the library, each carrying a tote full of books. They swore it was all for research, but every book Willow saw with a wolf on the cover she checked out on Hunter’s behalf, delighting in quizzing his every growing knowledge. They reached the front door and as Willow rummaged through her bag for the door key, Hunter acted as impulsive as someone who had been thinking about doing this all day could. While she was distracted, Hunter dug a piece of mistletoe they had removed for the kitchen entrance earlier in the week from his pocket and skillfully stuck it above the door.
“Oh Willow,” he said softly, his voice a mixture of nerves and giddiness. She looked up at him and when she did she was met with a gentle kiss on the side of her face, right at the corner of her mouth. A small gasp left her lips, the breath frozen in the cold air and she looked up at him with wide eyes, her cheeks flushed with a gentle shade of pink. Hunter’s heart flipped at the reaction, at the fact that there was a reaction. Was she impressed he had found it before her? Was it because of the cold? They were both fairly familiar with the tradition by now; why did this time feel different?
“Um, m-mistletoe,” Hunter stumbled, pointing up to explain.
“Oh. Oh,” Willow looked up, genuinely surprised. “Huh, where did that come from?”
“Yeah, ya know it’s really so weird,” Hunter chuckled nervously. “It’s so weird how it just randomly appears, randomly. Like totally at random.”
“Yeah, totally random,” said Willow, raising her eyebrow. “It’s just so odd how it’s never appeared here before.”
Hunter’s face fell. Of course she’d know more about the migration patterns and typical locations of the plant! How could possibly think he’d be able to fool her?
Was he trying to fool her or was he just looking for an excuse to…
“It was me,” Hunter confessed as though being interrogated, averting his eyes to the ground, his deception weighing too heavily on him. “I put the mistletoe there
She gave the anxious boy a small, reassuring smile.  “Oh Hunter, I-.”
“I know it was wrong of me!” He went on, too ashamed to process her gentle tone. “It was risky, we don’t know what ghosts here are capable of or the rules of where they go but I guess I just...”
“Hunter, it’s okay! I-.”
“I know it’s a human custom and we shouldn’t be messing with it and we don’t understand how it keeps appearing-.”
“Hunter, I’m the one who keeps putting mistletoe everywhere,” said Willow quickly.
“Yeah,” she confirmed with a laugh, demonstrating by making a circle to summon a piece to appear above them to accompany the one Hunter had brought. “It’s okay.”
“Wait, so… is it dangerous?” Hunter asked, becoming more confused.
“Not exactly,” Willow said, smiling. “Camila said it’s actually harmless, most humans use it for decorations. They think it makes the holidays more… romantic.”
“Sooo…” Hunter began, kicking at the snow beneath him. “W-why did you keep summoning them? For decoration?”
“I mean, half the time I didn’t even bother to summon the mistletoe, I just thought saying it was like... our code that we wanted an excuse to...” As she continued, the look on Hunter’s face made it clear that he was not aware of the code. Her confidence faltered as her eyes darted from Hunter to her bag as she continued to search for the keys. “...but I guess maybe that was just me, sorry. Uh, it’s cold, we should get inside before-.”
“So- you still wanted to…” He fumbled over the word, the thoughts still swirling in his mind as he fought the chill the newly fallen snow brought. “Even though you didn’t have to?”
Willow looked back up at him and felt at ease by the familiarity of his flushed face. Maybe it was just because it was cold. Or maybe…
 “I guess I kind of like the silly tradition,” she admitted, tugging at the end of her braid. “I mean, didn’t you wonder why it only ever appeared above us?”
He did wonder that, he just really didn’t mind.
“I mean, it’s obviously a… very powerful magic,” Hunter said as eloquently as he could. “Which makes sense, if they were coming from you and you’re so powerful and talented and-um.”
“Hunter, since we’re being honest… Luz told me that there's no curses or ghosts linked to not kissing under the mistletoe.”
She nodded. ”It’s really just a harmless decoration. Nothing more.”
“There’s really nothing magical about it?” he said skeptically. ‘
She shook her head.
“Huh, weird,” he said, absentmindedly adjusting Willow’s scarf, assuming she was chilly from the crisp wind. “Then why do I still feel-?” He looked back up to Willow who eagerly awaited the end of his sentence but suddenly he felt frozen and he knew the cold had nothing to do with it. 
“Feel like what?” she asked with a smile that suggested she already knew. The rush he’d get when they’d walk in a room together, the ease with which she’d pull him down, the warmth the contact brought. 
“Like… I wanna protect you from ghosts.” He said bashfully.
“Maaaaybe it was a different kind of magic,” Willow said sweetly, stepping closer to him. 
“Ha ha, I uh um m-maybe,” he chuckled nervously, standing still as Willow continued to move closer. “A-are you cold? Your glasses are fogging up, do you want to uh here-.”
“Ya know, Luz told me something else about mistletoe,” Willow said, so close to him Hunter could feel the heat of her breath on his cold face.
“O-oh really?”
“She said usually when people kiss under the mistletoe, they kiss under the mistletoe…” she trailed off and raised her eyebrows playfully to him, taking his hands in hers to see if he understood the word within the word.
“They… ki-oh,” the deep scarlet that consumed his face like a brick let Willow know he understood. He cleared his throat as his response fought to come out, but he knew the answer was more than something he could merely say. The trill of the wind was the only sound as Hunter filled his lungs with the cold air and Willow held his hands tightly as he leaned down, just as he had earlier.
She slowly closed her eyes as she went up to meet him in the middle..
He brushed the hair that had escaped her hat to the side, small flakes of snow sticking to her black locks like stars in a night sky. One hand rested on her cheek to protect her from the snow as his own closed. They bumped noses for a moment before their lips gently collided. Her soft lips dusted his chapped ones as though testing the waters Hunter immediately reciprocated, titling his head to kiss her easier. Willow wrapped his scarf around her hands to pull him closer and his hat fell to the ground but he didn’t care, there was no cold that could reach him now. The cold metal of her glass bumped his cheek, and he gently used his free hand to move them up atop her head as though it was second nature to him.
Willow took that as a sign that he didn’t mind kissing her a little bit longer, suspecting that he too now felt immune to cold as she did. They had completely abandoned their tote bags, lost to the snow that continued to cover them. When they parted, Hunter kept her close and rested his forehead down against hers. “L-like that?” he said softly, hoping she would have corrected him sooner had that not been the response she had been seeking. She simply giggled in response, burying her nose in his vast scarf and he moved his hands around her back to embrace her, the chill catching up to him as he looked up at the dangling plant.
“Y-you sure it’s not a magical plant?” Hunter asked, and Willow looked back up at him with a spirited smirk. He was utterly captivated by the stunning combination of faint moonlight and dancing snowflakes working together to highlight the gentle rose color of her face. This wasn’t a curse, that much he knew, but there had to be some greater power behind this warmth, this comforting and terrifying feeling.
And the fact that it was mutual.
“Let’s see,” she said, still holding him tightly as she made a circle and the mistletoe above them vanished from sight. His eyes remained on her, knowing the plant was gone but the feeling still remained. “Do you… feel any different?”
“I feel…” he exhaled and the cold wind captured his breath as he searched for the words. “Like this should be a tradition year round.” 
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Hi!! I saw your post about Gideon and Harrow and just wanted to ask if you could talk a little more about them. I really like the series and also I really like to read your posts about pieces of media you've engaged with so I would really appreciate that
Also can you talk about why you didn't like the series?(you don't have to be nice)
And even thought you didn't read the other books, did you look into spoilers? You can talk about that too if you wanna
Thanks :)
Well for starters, even though I didn't like The Locked Tomb series, I do enjoy Gideon and Harrow as a ship. I'm a HUGE fan of the whole like. Asshole x goofy thing. and the fact that Gideon is described as tall and buff, whereas Harrow is just like. A short stick. Is so enjoyable to me! Love a ship where one can easily throw the other around. And I like that their dynamic is that Gideon is the one person who doesn't treat Harrow like she's some important princess like everyone else on their planet. I love that they grew up isolated and only had each other. Gideon was the only person in Harrow's age range. The fact that they have known each other since they were very little kids is appealing to me.
Despite everything I have to say about this series, I do really like them and enjoy content with them and hope that they are end game! Honestly, if they are end game, I think I might actually try reading the series again. This ship has actually gained the type of status where I don't like seeing them shipped with other people (tho, I won't lie, I liked Gideon x Dulcinea when I first read. Don't get me started on how lovely Harrow's jealousy was! "I gave it to you precious septimus!" lives rent free in my head. I ADORE jealousy!). I don't like the hero x Ianthe ship because I'm like "she belongs with Gideon!!!" but that's neither here nor there.
As for why I didn't like the series: I got to be real, I think I'm just not a fan of sci-fi! When I picked up the book some years ago, I didn't really know that, but this past year I've realized that the Sci-Fi genre just may not be for me in general! I tried to watch scavengers reign and I got an episode and a half in before deciding that it was not for me.
I'm definitely more a fan of fantasy and, recently, the mystery and Thriller genre.
I think my main issue with the series is that I was expecting more lesbianism. The story was very plot heavy and not as romantic as I was hoping for when I decided to pick it up. The whole reason I bought it was because I was interested in the fact that there were lesbians in it. However, the whole lesbian aspect is not as big a part of the book as I personally would have liked.
This could have been forgiven if I found the plot more engaging, but I did not! Honestly I gotta be real, I do not give a single shit about the plot at all. Harrow could reach her goals and I would not care. Honestly? I feel like I don't really care about these characters outside of the shipping. Well, maybe I care about Gideon a bit since she's my butch queen, but I really only like Harrow relative to her relationship with Gideon.
The plot was not to my taste at all. In fact, I found the first book to be incredibly confusing. It took me three tries to get through it because I just kept getting lost lmao. I only managed to get through it via audiobook, and even now I'm still lost on what the fuck happened. I pushed through because I really wanted context for the famous pool scene.
The kicker is that apparently the first book isn't even supposed to be confusing! And the fact that second book is intentionally confusing not endear me to finishing the rest of the series at all.
Yes, I have looked at spoilers for the other books. Despite what I said earlier, I do think that Harrow x Ianthe ship is interesting. I don't ship them, but Ianthe being crazy and a little obsessed with Harrow is intriguing to me. I love lesbian toxicity that is one-sided. I feel like Ianthe is unhinged for Harrow but Harrow does not feel the same way at all, and even though that's a bit heartbreaking, I also think that that creates an interesting and fun dynamic. And, again, I don't really care about the ship too much, so it's not as heartbreaking as it would have been otherwise if, say, this was Gideon in Ianthe's place.
Also, I love Nona's character from what I've heard so far. I love her naïve golden retriever thing without necessarily being fully childlike? Usually characters who are very positive get painted with a children's brush and don't get to say stuff like "I think they wanted to have sex with me." so that's appealing.
But, yea, this series just wasn't my jam at all.
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suntaeshine · 2 years
Am I Supposed To Be Mad? 2
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Yoo Taeyang x OC
In which Nabi's boyfriend reminds her of the past and Taeyang wants to know more.
Friends with benefits to lovers!
Chapter 2/?
Rating M
for future chapters: heavy smut, descriptive smut, toxic relationship (not with Taeyang!), harsh language, violence, honestly it’s just a lot of p with little plot, 18+ MINORS DNI
This is a work of fiction completely by my own ideas
A/N: Part 2 already! I love this fic so much, I'm really looking forward to diving into Taeyang and Nabi's relationship and their dynamic.
                                                        -ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅
Casual words are traded amongst the group, a calm scene compared to the vibrant chaos happening just feet away from the rest. However, an even calmer discussion was happening in the midst of the already secluded area.
"It's a tough job, for the brain and hands anyway. But, I hope to one day inherit the company from my father," Taeyang explains. Nabi nods in understanding.
"I can only imagine how much harder it would be if and when you become CEO," she says and Taeyang chuckles.
"Yeah," he scratches the back of his neck, "But, it's what they expect me to do."
"Do you enjoy it?" she asks, her eyebrows crinkled in confusion at his words.
It was always expected of him to take the company on. He had a half brother who was also eligible, but he wasn't as committed to it as Taeyang is. Taeyang was also older than his half brother and he wouldn't place that burden on his younger brother.
"To a point, I assume. Does anyone truly enjoy mountains of paper work, though?" Taeyang laughs but Nabi frowns a little and tilts her head.
"If you don't like it, then why do it? You really want to be 70 years old and hating your daily life all because you made some decisions you regret in your 20's?"
Taeyang was speechless. Never before had someone taken his feelings and his future into account like this. Especially not someone he'd just met. He was overwhelmed, but also intrigued. 
"What about you? Your work?" he asks, delflecting her question.
"No work. I'm actually a college student," she answers, a blush rising on her cheeks, she wasn't used to so much attention on her at once.
"Oh, really? What degree?" he asks, moving a bit closer in order to hear her better.
"Business management. I wanna start my own business, I've always wanted to," she admits. She didn't get the chance to talk about this ambition much, she felt giddy at the interest in Taeyang's face.
"What kind? I know some places you could get a grant from," he offers.
"That would be helpful. I want to start my own fashion lines. I love designing and creating things. It's been a hobby of mine since I was younger and found out that I can actually turn it into a career in high school. I've been pretty set on it ever since."
"That's cool, I've never met such a creative person before," he teases and she laughs while shaking her head.
"You seem creative yourself. Do you dabble in art of any kind?" she questions, once again switching the focus onto him.
"It's embarrassing," he denies, once again his hand going to the back of his neck as he looks to the floor.
"Oh, now I have to know!" she exclaims, pulling her leg up onto the seat to view Taeyang fully. "What is it? What super secret hobby do you have?" 
"Ah, it's dumb," he shakes his head, refusing to meet her eyes.
"If you enjoy it, it's not dumb. If you enjoy it, it's extremely important and I need to know."
"Why do you need to know?" he jokes, finally looking back to Nabi.
"Because! For all I know your hobby could be creating replicas of the wonders of the world in toothpicks! And if it is, then you have to let me see them!"
"Toothpicks?" he laughs, liking how Nabi's nose crinkled.
"It's a thing, I swear!" she defends, crossing her arms and holding her head up.
"Maybe you're the one with that obsession," he says, poking at her leg that rested beside his.
"Guilty!" she holds her hands up in surrender. "I watched a TV show about a guy that makes them and thought it was cool."
"Doesn't take much to impress you. You're probably astounded by those enormous domino structures," Taeyang teases and Nabi begins giggling again.
"I totally am!" she admits with a bright smile.
"I can't lie, I am, too. I think it's cool to see people put in so much time and effort just for it to go away in seconds time," he agrees.
"I saw one video of a guy making a pyramid and he was over halfway done with it when the whole thing collapsed," Nabi frowns, a small laugh still escaping her lips.
"Oh no! That's awful," Taeyang tries to be sad as well but joins in the laughing.
"It is! I almost cried," Nabi shakes her head.
"I'm sure the guy did cry."
"Now, stop distracting me! What is your hobby?" 
"Photography. That's it. I just like to take pictures," he shrugs, even though he felt like the words were hard to say. His father always told him the hobby would never be useful in the 'real world' and so Taeyang became ashamed of it.
"That's fine, why is it so bad?" Nabi questions and Taeyang feels like she'd seen right through him.
"Just one of those things you do as a teenager but never really helps you out any," he shrugs.
"My hobby is something I found while young. And now I'm well on my way to making it my life's work. My income, my way to pay bills. Is that dumb?" she asks, her voice more caring than offended.
She was testing him, Taeyang knew that. He felt cornerned, never so vulnerable to someone despite it was such a casual conversation. It wasn't to him, he was never asked these things. No one really wanted to know that much about him. They were always much more interested in knowing when he was going to be CEO, or how much he was making. Never did someone ask him what he did for his own pleasure in his free time.
"Of course not," he shakes his head. Which was true, he thought she was admirable. She was determined to achieve her goals, but he could also see the love for the craft she held in her eyes. 
"So, why is yours any different?" she asks.
She caught him. Taeyang chuckles, absolutely trapped in her mental grasp. He'd played right into her game.
"I also like drawing," he exposes. "You going to grill me for that next?"
"Maybe. I'll stop when you realize that your hobbies are important and not something you should be embarrassed about," she shrugs.
"Fair enough," he nods, meeting her eyes once again.
Neither of them could hold back the smiles that took over their faces.
"What time is it?" Nayeon yawns, stretching her arms over Nabi who was still immersed in a new conversation with Taeyang.
"Nearing 2 a.m.," Jaeyoon answers, glancing at his phone. 
"I'm exhausted," Moonbyul admits and Nayeon sighs with a nod.
"Tag along back home with me?" Nayeon asks and Moonbyul agrees.
"Please, I've had a few drinks and don't feel like taking an uber," Moonbyul says.
"Hey, Nabs," Nayeon calls. Nabi doesn't give her roommate a glance, instead laughing at something Taeyang said.
"Nabi!" Moonbyul calls out, louder this time, finally gaining a second of Nabi's attention.
"Yeah?" Nabi asks, barely turning her focus away from Taeyang, only sparing a quick glance.
"I'm tired so I'm heading home. Moonbyul is coming, too. Do you need a ride or is Hyunjae taking you home?" 
"Who?" Nabi asks before nodding. "Oh, right. Umm...."
Nabi trails off, looking from Moonbyul to Taeyang, then to the crowd of people still partying. She caught a glimpse of Hyunjae, who looked awful. It was clear he was hitting more than just the keg stand. He looked as if he were about to puke everywhere on anyone that walked by him. 
She knew it was the 'dutiful girlfriend' thing to do and go over to him. But, she also didn't want to fight with a drunken Hyunjae. That was the worst Hyunjae, because that was when he got louder and a lot more brutal with his words.
"I don't know," she mumbled, a deep frown setting across her usually delicate features.
"I'll take you home, if you want," Juyeon offers. "I'm staying a little longer."
"Really?" she asks and Juyeon nods.
"No problem."
"Thanks," she gratefully smiles then turns to where Moonbyul and Nayeon were already standing. "I'll see you at home?"
"Sure thing, night everyone," Moonbyul waves and the group all send their farewells to the two girls.
"So, Hyunjae?" Taeyang asks.
"Boyfriend," she answers, though the word felt like poison in her mouth. 
"Ah," Taeyang nods, instinctively glancing around the crowd as if he could point out which one Hyunjae was.
"It's.... Complicated?" Nabi trails off, before finding the closest word to fit the situation.
"If you don't mind me asking, how so?" Taeyang asks, setting his hand on top of Nabi's. 
Her hands were even tense and that sent a rush of uneasiness through Taeyang.
"It's just, you know.... College, distance, fighting," she fumbles over her words, unable to look away from how large Taeyang's hand was compared to her own.
"Damn, that sucks," he sympathizes, squeezing her hand in comfort. He wasn't sure why his words now seemed to fall short. He felt guilty to even be sitting so close to her right now.
"Yeah, it does," Nabi nods. "I don't know. It's just a weird, touchy subject."
"I understand," he nods, removing his hand from hers. 
Immediately, she yearned for his warmth again. 
"I can't leave him like that," Nabi sighs, as she and Juyeon had gotten closer to where Hyunjae was. 
He was now propped with his back against the wall. His eyes were shut and Nabi wondered if he was even conscious.
"Yeah, well, he deserves it," Juyeon shrugs. He and Nabi were close friends as they were neighbors when Nabi's family moved into town. Juyeon was a few years older than her but took Nabi in as a younger sister and the two grew up together. He knew the whole story with Hyunjae and he hated every bit of it. 
"So rude," Nabi giggles, playfully shoving the taller man who hardly budges.
"If you want to grab him, whatever. I'm just saying I wouldn't blame the manager if they just threw him on the sidewalk," Juyeon shrugs.
"You don't mind?" she asks, not wanting to burden her friend.
"It's fine. But, if he pukes in my car I'll personally leave him on the side of the road."
"Deal," Nabi agrees and Juyeon laughs.
"Hyunjae? Hey, Hyunjae?" Nabi coaxes, waving her hand in front of her boyfriend's face.
"What?" he snaps with a deep voice, his drunken nature already more ruthless than his sober one.
"Come on, we're gonna take you home," she softly says, flinching as he pushes himself off the wall.
"Whatever. Party's lame anyway," he slurs, tripping over his own feet with every step he takes. Juyeon scoffs but follows Nabi who was following Hyunjae. 
From afar, Taeyang watches with curious eyes. He finally saw Hyunjae's face and didn't recognize him, but already felt a sense of anger in his veins despite never having a conversation with the guy.
"Hey," he nudges Jaeyoon's shoulder, "That's Nabi's boyfriend?"
"Uh, yeah," Jaeyoon says and grimaces. "For now, anyway. Not sure how long it'll last this time."
"This time?" Taeyang repeats.
"Another story for a better day. Wanna hit the keg?"
"I'll be right back," Nabi grunts as Hyunjae's weight was bringing her down.
"You sure you don't need help?" Juyeon asks, still sitting in his car.
"No, I've got it. I'll be back in just a few," she breathes out, steadying her boyfriend's arm around her shoulder.
"Make it quick," Juyeon says and Nabi nods before tugging Hyunjae toward his door.
Each step was difficult as she was all but carrying his entire frame on her shoudlers. Eventually, she makes it to the door, propping him up on the wall and reaching into his pocket for his keys.
"Stop," he demands, pushing her hand away from him.
"I'm trying to get your keys!" she hisses, her patience wearing thin.
"Shut up," he groans, his head leaning back against the wall. 
Nabi rolls her eyes but finally finds his keys and makes quick work with the lock. As she makes an effort to resume the previous position, he groans once more.
"Stop," he demands once again.
"Hyunjae, you're home. Just help me get you to bed," Nabi exasperatedly pleads.
Although he fought and spit curses at her with every step, she finally got him to his bedroom. All at once, he seemed to wake up from the haze.
"Stay with me," he says, leaning back into his pillows, moving to unbuckle his belt.
"I can't," she shakes her head.
"Stay," he continues, his tongue caressing his bottom lip.
"Hyun, I can't," she firmly denies.
"Whatever. Fucking leave then, see if I give a damn," he scoffs, kicking her hand away and tugging his blanket over him. As the rough edge of his shoe catches the back of her hand, she lets out a small 'ah' and coils her hand into her chest.
"Fine, you'll just call me when you're hungover anyway," Nabi rolls her eyes and starts out the door.
"Just fuck off," Hyunjae scowls. 
"Gladly," she whispers under her breath and makes her way out of his house without looking back.
"All good?" Juyeon asks as Nabi hops into the passenger seat.
"Mhmm," Nabi nods, her lips pursed in a tight, thin line as she holds her scratched hand out of Juyeon's sight. Juyeon sighs and rubs her shoulder softly before starting the car up.
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
hi!! im rereading slwy because im super normal and have a very healthy attachment to it, and i'm just noticing small details that i missed the first time i read it. at first i only saw the connection between yn's arrangement of the blue and purple paints and the balloons on chap 12, but now i noticed things like how hyunjin was carrying a purple bag the very first time yn saw him, the purple hair clip he wore, the blue star yn drew on his cheek and how the heart on her cheek was purple, then the balloons on chapter 12....... i feel insane
also i wanna mention - i love ur writing in general, but i just have to talk about the double date. ur writing is really extremely immersive - the way hyunjin was not "supposed" to pay attention to yn at all, but there were subtle moments where it was so clear that she was always on the back of his mind. i don't really know how to explain it, because you made it so subtle. like, it was clear he was intrigued by her, but it could very well be just her wishful thinking, but it wasnt, but it could be, but i know it wasnt ?!?!?,!!? you get me ?,!?!,!? the only real confirmation we get that he was very much thinking ab her is when he buys her the whole damn menu, but thats like by the end of the date, so when it happens it feels like he was being so successful in hiding his interest in her, but he slipped up bad on that one and made it obvious. so yeah, extremely immersive and i was very impressed while reading it again
and man, i already knew hana sucked, but rereading has made me realize shes legit fucking awful. idek if shes aware of how bad of a friend she is, idk if she does it on purpose but at the end of the day i guess that doesn't really matter, she still sucks ass
i used to think felix was worse, because he's more outwardly toxic, but that's what makes hana that much more of a bitch. she belittles yn in so many moments but its so quick you almost miss it, she crosses every single boundary my good sister tries to set and i KNOW she isnt even that cute alright yn just blindly likes her too much
okay thats it sorry for rambling i have a hard time writing words that make sense
have a lovely lovely day you you talented soul i'll miss you until you blow my notifications up again
hiii. i love this so much, and i love you ! this made me laugh, and ive had a very stressful day so thank you 🥺☹️
you noticed all the colors, it makes me so happy because i love putting little details like that, even if they go unnoticed but just for myself, and the story.
thank you for loving the double date that was actually hard to write because i did not want hyunjin to come off as someone (rude?) for not being interested in hana or not being sweet to her, but i also wanted to push the initial attraction he has for yn. looking back, it was one of my favorite “tensions” to write and the fact that you think this way makes me very proud, thank you! i definitely wanted to leave it up, because he is intrigued by yn but we’re also seeing things from yns perspective so it can be skewed.
felix and hana can be “toxic” in different ways. for lix, it almost always stems from hyunjin, but for hana, her behaviour is the same regardless of the situation, so yeah its about picking the lesser evil 😳
you made sense, dont worry, and you made me so happy with this message.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
hey im back again as a functioning individual and im here to unpack my thoughts on shattered glasses
first off, i love how this fic got dark with all the stalking and yandere behaviors like it can be so fun to read, though i know that it is just to show what a horrible person jeno is but i want more it (im sorry theres something wrong with my head 😭). and wow, their relationship is not exactly the same as the first part because in this, y/n can actually dare to ignore jeno or his calls and texts, and she lied about things too (like im sorry im just so shocked because idk if im dumb or just forgetful but how long was the jump from rose-colored glasses to shattered glasses???) because why do i feel like she is a different person even tho she is still the same naive and manipulated girl like uGHHHH!!! jeno too, i know it was in the tags but i was also surprised to him being a teeny tiny bit romantic to y/n?!?!?? with his “how lucky am i to have you” or “you truly are the best thing that happened to me” even tho we all truly know why he said that :/ it just amazes me how fast jeno can turn the tables around when the both of them are fighting and how y/n quickly apologizes like when she told him that her friends know about their relationship!?! like girl, y/n stand up please why the hell are you afraid of him leaving you. but i guess i can understand her cause a bit(?) of her childhood and her relationship with her parents has been revealed. and god her father infuriates me so much 😪 (istg the psych major in me is about to unleash and make a wholeass case study on her and jeno :3) i know she doesnt have a good relationship with her brother but like jaemin infuriates me too like i was scoffing and rolling my eyes the whole time i reading through their interaction with y/n like its great he’s concerned, also cause jeno is his best friend so he knows how horrible he is but !!! at least y/n was able to wake tf up on how toxic her relationship with jeno really is. and the ending too !!! idk why i find it hard to believe everything that came out of jeno’s mouth in that scene because really, he was envious of y/n?!??!? what kinda bs is he making her believe now :/// but then again, there’s probably an explanation or theory on why the both of them turned out that way (nnghh im sorry again 😭) apparently there’s something wrong with y/n’s head too because in that scene where jeno admitted to stalking her and beating jaehyun up, she stayed and didnt leave him like that is actually so SOOO scary irl omg please what the fuck is the spell jeno put on her. i am intrigued curious looking forward on what happens next and i cant wait for the day y/n actually breaks free from jeno’s chains just as much as he is free from his demons >< tho i just read your answer to my previous ask and i respect your decision on not writing a third part for this series. i just wanna say that i enjoyed this fic and series very very very much like i actually passed an activity late because as i said i couldnt function after reading this last night. i literally was huffing and puffing unconsciously thinking of y/n’s life choices and a huge part of my day was spent zoning out trying to think of the events in this fic or like what will it take for her to actually have the guts to leave him.
ANYWAY!!! im sorry this got too long, it just seriously affected me 🥹 but yeah, have a good day and i hope you never lose your passion for writing 🫶🏽 i will probably be going through your masterlist and try to forget that i have a life outside of my bedroom. -♏️
ps: can i be ♏️ anon if its okay with you?!?
first off, i love how this fic got dark with all the stalking and yandere behaviors like it can be so fun to read, though i know that it is just to show what a horrible person jeno is but i want more it (im sorry theres something wrong with my head 😭)
no i agree, i think it's interesting to dig deep into these things. morally grey characters will never bore me and also it's kinda therapeutic, idk, it gives me the illusion i'd be able to point out similar behaviours irl and don't fall in the trap.
it has been 6 months since the end of rose-colored glasses. i think it feels different because in the first part they weren't dating until more than half of the story. like she was the worst hopeless romantic on earth and he was (still is) the biggest asshole so their relationship was less serious, unlike this part. also in the first part, she was the only one that seemed in love so maybe now it looks like she's less blindly in love just because jeno is the one that lost his mind. in my mind she is a bit stronger though, for example when they fight after coming back from the club, she snaps back and tries to leave and she is also quite firm about it but jeno's manipulative skills are just too strong. surely you know it better than me since you studied psychology (my high school years are not enough, sorry) but he switches from attacking her to loving her (love bombing her or telling her she is the one that doesn't know how to love) as soon as he realizes he's losing control, and it works because on the other hand, as soon as she gets a bit of love everything else disappears (we will blame her father for that). the only thing that seems like a red flag for her is the bet, though, she realizes he's maybe lying to her only when that thought crosses her mind and it sucks because she seriously cannot see anything else. the same thing happens in the end, she's terrified he's the cause of everything but when he confesses she stays anyway and comforts him. also she thinks he's lying but then she's like 'oh, but he finally opened up with me so all the lies he fed me with don't matter anymore,' i want to hug her and drag her out of there.
and god her father infuriates me so much 😪 (istg the psych major in me is about to unleash and make a wholeass case study on her and jeno :3)
PLEASE DO IT i might need it if i'll write more
jaemin is... jaemin. i mean i don't want to defend jeno but let's be honest, it might be true that he also just wants to come between her apparent happiness, until ningning brought it up he was like ??? my sister??? is she here??? is she at home??? idc *shrugs* so yes, he's becoming more protective but i truly think that the only people she can trust are ning and yeri. also the 'funny' thing is that jaemin doesn't truly know how terrible jeno is. nobody, except her now, knows it so jaemin wants to protect her from things that aren't as problematic as the reality.
idk why i find it hard to believe everything that came out of jeno’s mouth in that scene because really, he was envious of y/n?!??!? what kinda bs is he making her believe now :/// but then again, there’s probably an explanation or theory on why the both of them turned out that way (nnghh im sorry again 😭) apparently there’s something wrong with y/n’s head too because in that scene where jeno admitted to stalking her and beating jaehyun up, she stayed and didnt leave him like that is actually so SOOO scary irl omg please what the fuck is the spell jeno put on her.
jeno is genuine in this one, as genuine as a person with manipulation as a love language can be lmao. but the last part of their fight was truly a confession. i don't want to spoil in case i might actually write another part but yes, he has something that's clinically wrong, and she has something too. they both clearly have unresolved traumas to work with. it is scary that she didn't leave, but for me is actually sad because she craves love so much that she'd rather stay there, even if jeno 'gave her'* an opportunity to leave than find healthy love. * we all know he would've started stalking her again but at least the illusion of freedom and than she could've always sued him.
i am intrigued curious looking forward on what happens next and i cant wait for the day y/n actually breaks free from jeno’s chains just as much as he is free from his demons >< tho i just read your answer to my previous ask and i respect your decision on not writing a third part for this series. i just wanna say that i enjoyed this fic and series very very very much like i actually passed an activity late because as i said i couldnt function after reading this last night. i literally was huffing and puffing unconsciously thinking of y/n’s life choices and a huge part of my day was spent zoning out trying to think of the events in this fic or like what will it take for her to actually have the guts to leave him.
i am too actually, i'm just a bit sad because it really underperformed (is this even the term? idk, i'm tired sorry) and i'm a bit meh :/ since i was really proud of it and i seriously enjoyed writing it. i'll write another part just for the two of us okay??? /j (or am i??) no but seriously i have the plot ready so maybe i'll write it taking more time and then i'll post it anyway. btw i'm very happy to know you liked it so much, i'm sorry i broke you, i'll make it up in some other ways. so thank you so much for unpacking your thoughts, i loved reading them! i also hope i won't lose it but life is putting me through a hard test lately. i hope you will read something that won't 'traumatize' you like this one, i promise i have lighter stories. have an amazing day! ♡♡
and yes you can be ♏️ anon ♡
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f1nalboys · 3 years
Okay, okay! So I love your poly!Ghostface dark/angst, but I wanna see you do some poly!Ghostface dark/fluff too(if that's a thing?)! Still unhealthy/toxic relationship, but one where their feelings are at least actually true and genuine. Trio vs the World shit. Best Friends to Lovers blah blah blah cause you know Im a slut for that lmao. NSFW too if you're willing 👀
AHH so glad I finally got to this request I'm sorry it took me so long :(( HOWEVER i had fun writing it!! i really hope you enjoy (ps, no smut unfortunately i tried to add it and it was coming out wrong ahhh) flashbacks are italicized! 
WARNINGS: toxic relationship, kinda cute moments between the three of you, cursing, little bit of stalking, threats of violence, no nsfw because i was a little lazy sorry :,(
Had someone told you five years ago that you'd be dating not only Billy Loomis but Stu Macher as well, you’d have laughed straight in their face. And yet here you were, curled up on the couch between the two, your legs thrown over Billys and your head resting on Stu’s shoulder, watching a horror movie. You smile softly as you feel Billy’s hand grip your thigh slightly. He never seemed to realize he was doing it which made it even cuter.
“Remember the day I met you guys?” You question, head moving off of Stu’s shoulder when he turns to look at you. He gives you a goofy grin and nods, kissing the tip of your nose. “Sure, baby. Why?”
“Did you think we would have gotten together? Like, back then?”
“Definitely,” Billy says, poking his finger into your side. You raise an eyebrow at him, catching his hand and holding it in your lap. He sighs, grinning slightly. “Alright, maybe not the day we met, but I knew pretty soon. Why? What’s got you thinking about it?”
You shrug, not really sure yourself. Something about the situation you three were in at the moment made your mind drift to those few awful god damn weeks. “You two really sucked then, you know? Honestly, I’m surprised I didn't kill you both.”
Stu gasps, throwing himself back with a hand on his heart. You roll your eyes; ever the dramatic. “You would have hurt us? I can’t believe this… the betrayal!” You elbow him and he sits back up, laughing, and wraps his arms around you, planting a few sloppy kisses onto your neck.
“We weren’t even that bad, babe.” Billy says, eyes widening as you glare at him.
“Not that bad? Do I need to remind you of the first thing you said to me when we met?” You shoot back, sitting up closer to Stu. You had already forgiven the two for how they acted then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t give them a hard time.
The first day you met Billy and Stu, it had started out good. You still didn’t have many friends but that was perfectly okay with you. You were sat in the grass outside one of the buildings where your next class was held, waiting. Thirty more minutes and you got to go to math; yay. You were leaned up against a tree, headphones in, trying to relax, when two men stood in front of you. They were pretty cute. One was tall, wearing a thin sweater and a goofy grin, while the other was shorter with dark hair and a smirk. The tall one's mouth moves and you pull your earbuds out, about to apologize for not hearing him, when the shorter one speaks.
“Pretty stupid to wait for someone to talk to you before taking your headphones out.” His smile was still there but it was clearly masking his annoyance. Your eyebrows raise in surprise at the gall of this dude. You don’t even know him and he thinks he’s owed a conversation?
“Excuse me?”
“What? You’re deaf and a bitch?” The taller one slaps the back of his head immediately and he grumbles, rubbing the soreness. You scoff, shaking your head, fuming. Was it just this dude or were most people here dicks? You didn't want to find out.
You stand, grabbing your bag and pushing past the two, heading towards the building. Your eyes instantly roll into the back of your head when you hear the sound of footsteps behind you. “Hey, I’m sorry about him, really. That’s how he jokes and sometimes it comes across as mean. I’m Stu and he’s Billy.”
Stopping in your tracks you turn to face Stu, the taller one, and take a second to think of a response. Glancing over at Billy, who had finally caught up with you, you can see what resembles regret on his features. “Well, he didn’t come across as mean, he came across as an asshole.”
Stu laughs, nodding. Billy shrugs, giving you that same weak smile he had shown when he approached. You shrug your backpack up higher onto your shoulder, the weight of it starting to get to you, when Billy grabs ahold of it and yanks it off of you. “What the hell? Give me my shit back!”
“Least I can do is to carry it for you. You going to class?” He asks. It’s like he wasn’t taking no for an answer. You give a large sigh and nod, silently thankful for the weight off your shoulders. “Which building?”
“Sycamore.” He nods and begins to walk there, you and Stu trailing behind him. “Is he always so...?” You ask Stu under your breath, trailing off, unsure of a word that could describe the man. He grins and nods. “Annoying? Mean? Stubborn? Yes, yes, and yes.”
Billy groans at the memory, annoyed. He hated when you brought that up. “I told you I was just having an off day! Come on, you’re acting like Stu didn’t offend you too! Do you not remember when you got food with us, like, that night?” Stu punches Billy in the shoulder hard, pissed that he had brought it up.
“Oh yeah! I kinda forgot about how much of a dickhead Stu was,” You say, leaning back against the couch. It really was a shock your relationship with the boys got to where it was now.
Billy and Stu followed you around all day. It seemed they were trying to apologize for Billy’s attitude earlier but, if you were being honest, it was kind of unnerving. After your math class, where they had walked you inside the building and only left when the professor came in, you saw them waiting outside under the tree you had been at.
“Can you guys stop following me?” You had told them the third time you noticed them, this time at the small diner you stopped by after your last class. Stu’s face turned red and he looked behind him as if there was someone else you could be talking about. “Yeah, you two.”
“We wanted to apologize for earlier,” Billy said, motioning for you to join them at their table. You had to choose which one to sit next too and, after your not-so-pleasant meeting with Billy that morning, you sat next to Stu. He sticks his tongue out at Billy who rolls his eyes.
“You already apologized. It’s getting kind of creepy.” You say, placing your elbow on the table. Before the boys could respond, the waitress walks over, placing down their drinks. She flashes you a smile and takes your order, walking off with a sway in her hips, much to the boy's enjoyment.
Stu throws an arm over your shoulder and you shrug him off, ignoring the pained look he gives you. “We just wanted to make sure you really knew we were sorry! Billy here never acts right around a hottie,”
“Stu you fucking idiot.” Billy spits, throwing something at him. Stu laughs, holding his hands up in mock surrender. Billy looks at you and gives you what looks like a real, genuine smile. “Sorry about him; he can’t seem to think with his upstairs brain.”
“Don’t need to when my downstairs one leads me to be sitting next to a smoke show,” Stu says, holding his hand out to you for a high five. Your face flushes and you ignore him, scooting away from him slightly. He was cute, sure, but way too forward. “What? Can’t compliment people anymore?”
“Not when your compliments are preceded by stalking.” You mutter, a part of you hoping he doesn’t hear it. Unfortunately, he does. You see his face change in your peripheral vision and your eyes flick over to Billy. He grins at you, sitting back in the booth, and taking a sip from his drink. He was enjoying this.
“Stalking? You’re fucking with me, right?” His rant is cut short by the return of the waitress who hands you your drink and places the food the boys had ordered onto the table, completely oblivious to your discomfort. She leaves and Stu grabs a fry from his plate, chewing loudly. “We’re not fucking stalking you - trust me, there are better ways to spend our time.”
Billy throws his balled up straw wrapper at Stu, catching his attention, and you let out a soft sigh of relief when Stu’s demeanor changes. He was back to smiling and laughing as if he hadn’t just been attempting to tear you to shreds. “Sorry about that… I’m pretty tired, that’s all.” Stu says, playing with his fingers.
“S’okay, I guess.”
“Why don’t you let us take you on a date? You know, as an apology?” Billy chimes in and Stu grins, nodding. A large part of yourself was screaming no. There was something off about these boys, something dark just under the surface, but you were intrigued. And so you smile.
“Yeah, I guess you two can do that.”
Billy had his arms wrapped around you, laughing at the excuses Stu was stammering out. He was obviously getting frustrated at the memory and you opened your arms to let him join in on the cuddling.
“You know, I really am glad we stuck together. I don’t know what I’d do if it were for our nightly cuddle sessions,” You say, your words muffled by Stu’s sweater. He pulls back and gives you a kiss, Billy swooping in to take one from him as well.
“Yeah, I don’t know what I’d do without our fuck sessions,” Stu hums and you groan, punching him in the shoulder. What a way to ruin the moment. “Wait, let’s not act like you were a saint in all of this! I remember you being pretty awful at one point.”
“What?! No way!”
Billy nods, tickling your sides for a second. “Sure were, babe.”
Two months into the relationship was your breaking point. You really did like, if not love, the boys and yet you were still an outsider. Walking into the shared apartment just for their whispered conversations to stop. Late nights spent in the living room with hushed voices while you tried to sleep. You felt as though you only knew a portion of the two people you had come to like; no, love.
You admit it was petty. It wasn’t the right thing to do in any circumstance, but you did it because you knew it would get a reaction. You had packed a bag and sat in the living room. You wanted them to see you leave. Wanted them to see how much their secrecy had taken. You had been together only a short while and yet you felt so at home with them that the idea of actually leaving, of breaking it off, nearly tore you apart.
The door opens and in enters Billy and Stu, wrapped up in their own conversation. Stu waves at you, carrying on before realizing what he had just seen. “Babe? What are you doing?”
“I’m leaving.” Your voice was confident, not a waver in sight, and you knew it was because you weren’t planning on leaving. Some would call it manipulation, sure, but you were backed into a corner. Stu’s mouth drops open and Billy stares at you, his eyes narrowed.
“What? What do you mean you’re leaving? What’s wrong? Did something happen?” Stu rushes to sit down next to you on the couch, not wanting to accept the idea that you were leaving them on your own volition. His arms wrap around yours and you shove him off. “Babe?”
You shake your head, standing from your spot on the couch, grabbing ahold of the bag. Billy was still standing near the door, his arms crossed, watching you. “Don’t call me that. The two of you… It’s like I’m not even in this relationship. I’m an outsider with the two people I love and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it.”
“Where the hell is this coming from?” Billy questions, grabbing ahold of your arm when you try to walk past him. His voice is thick and you could see the vein in his forehead throbbing. He was angry and you hate to admit it but that’s exactly what you were hoping for.
For the next two hours the three of you talk about your relationship and the future of it. Stu cried, you cried, Billy sniffled a few times, and then you came to an agreement. No more secrets. They told you things that they hadn't told anyone before that they hid behind a vague threat of ‘once you hear this you’re stuck with us,’ and you told them things you had planned on taking to your grave. To say you weren’t shocked at what they told you would be a lie.
Murder wasn’t what you thought they were capable of and especially not murder so gruesome. But, oddly, you felt better about being with them. They trusted you, loved you, enough to let you know their biggest and darkest secret. And you loved it.
Knowing they wouldn’t hesitate to kill for you was a major turn on, which they soon found out.
“Wow, I really was kind of horrible, wasn’t I.” You mutter as Billy recounts the memory with a few interruptions by Stu. You didn’t remember it that way but the more they talked the more you could tell they were being honest. “Well, good thing we stuck together, hm? Would have been pretty bad if we hadn’t.”
“Yeah because we would have killed you,” Billy whispers into your ear and you shiver. He’s telling the truth and that’s what makes the relationship the way it is; they choose to be with you, to keep you around, to love you. “Yeah, we would have given you a call a while ago,” Stu says, his finger making a slicing motion across your neck.
You roll your eyes not because you don’t believe them but because you do. And you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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sk3tch404 · 3 years
Reader who loves to play horror games with Yandere idv boys 💖 ( Puppet Combo Edition )
Note: Omg the ask that @aticklessclock sent me totally motivated me to finish this early! Tysm <3
Not a requested post!
Content warnings: Yandere/obessive and toxic behaviors, profanity, violent games, and mentions of gore
Tell me if I missed anything!
( Characters: Joseph, Antonio and Wu Chang )
Joseph [ The Night Ripper ]
He'd be intrigued, the idea of playing something purely just to instill fear into yourself sounded idiotic and confusing. But since it was you who asked, he'd give it a try.
Joseph: Alright, and what are we supposed to do here?
Reader: When you see a black car pass by, hide, because that's the killers' car. And if you see someone with a duck mask and a long black coat with a black hat, run
Joseph: Oh alright, I think I remember what a car is...
Reader: Okay, go into the crack house
Joseph: Crack house?
Reader: You know, it's in the name, crack cocaine, the drug, and house, put it together and that's where people go have a good time
Joseph: *walks into crack house* Maybe I should go to a crack house with you sometime then :)
Reader: No, Joseph you don't wanna do that, crack cocaine isnt a good thing- OH MY FUCK JOSEPH
Joseph: HOW DO I RUN
Reader: *MC gets stabbed in the eye on screen* Well fuck, we're dead :p
Joseph: NO
He feels the need to check up on you every so often, deceased or not, he doesnt want you dying of a heart attack :( Joseph tries his best not to scare you too much in matches, so he usually let's you leave through dungeon if you've been good. Doesn't even step on you the rare couple of times he actually does down you :D
Antonio [ The Glass Staircase ]
Why would you play a game just to be scared? Although he has a literal demon inside of him, it doesnt feel as bad as people believe it is. Yeah it may whisper it wants to strangle him at times, but he assures himself that everything will be alright if it just keeps playing the violin that's gripped to his shoulder.
Antonio: Good girls take their medicine? What do we have, turberculosis? Cough away I guess
Reader: Nah, I actually have no idea, oh, and sorry you have to sit on the floor. You're kind of super tall and stuff
Antonio: *blushes and chuckles a bit* It's fine
Reader: Alright let's read these notes
*reads all available notes*
Reader: Jesus, what is this man trippin on?
Antonio: I dont know what he is, "trippin" on, but he is "trippin" on that terrible piano
Antonio: *Figets with his hair with a satisfied smile* Heh, I was only speaking the truth
Reader: Anyways, let's go through the doors, we have some gardening to do
Antonio: Of course
*door animation pauses and knocks back*
Antonio and reader: Wait what-
*Antonios hair suddenly wraps around Reader tightly*
It's become his thing to pull you in closer with his hair when he becomes hostile. Even in matches, he'll bleed out every survivor and hold you close seconds after. Fictional fear has no impact on what you feel during these moments, you wonder if you should keep playing these kinds of games with the charming violinist...
Wu Chang [ Nun Massacre ]
Fan would find it idiotic at first, you already have enough on your plate with tall hunters beating you to death almost everyday, why would you want to be even more frightened? As much as he is stubborn, later on as he got to know you and technology, he found it wasn't as bad as he thought it to be. Xie was confused and a bit concerned in the beginning, but seeing it please you and seeing how you wanted to share those experiences with him made his undead heart beat a bit slower.
Reader: Throw the rock at the glass window in the door
Fan: Wouldn't that alert the nun?
Xie: I'm sure it'll be fine as long as we hide for a bit
Reader: Yeah, just jump in really quickly and hide in the corner of the room
Fan: Alright, whatever you say Reader...
*Destroys window*
Reader: Okay go!
Fan: *continues to spacebar repeatedly* I'm trying to go over but it won't let me
Reader: Sometimes it might be like that, other people had problems like this
Xie: Fan, you're pressing it too much
*gets stuck in barbed wire pit*
*Nun peaks up on screen*
*collective concerned silence*
Reader: Uh, hey girrrrrrlllll, how are you doin? Please dont kill us lol
*nun starts to stab the shit out of the MC*
Xie, Fan and Reader: JESUS FUCK-
Fan feels the need to protect you even more now. He'll try to beat survivors down out of your line of sight to cut your heart some slack. Although he doesn't have that much of a problem chairing you, the fear ridden look on your face is so much more different than those of the cherished times you three share... Fan is much more careful of his image for you, he knows he supposed to be the angry/mean one, but he doesn't want you to run away from him or be too scared to confess your feelings to him...
Xie also feels the same, he'll be more gentle from then on, but doesn't stop playing his part in the actual death game. The tall, fair man only chairs you with a gentle grip and downs you with playful tripping. He also tries to look more reserved while in your witness, but when he hunts other survivors, let's just say that everyone always begs you post match to escort them for the rest of the day... You want to confront the boys about it, but with everything you hear, they could do anything dangerous to you if they were to ever lose the wrong screw. Despite what you may think about the situation, dont be too naive to believe they're both too Innocent. Even your most loved ones could be the bigger threat.
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hamavocadosebwich · 3 years
can i fix him but it's the f1 grid.
lewis hamilton - i have not figured out if i wanna get railed by him or get adopted by him, either way, he would be the one fixing me. he just looks so kind.
valtteri bottass - he's finnish, he takes part in cycling competitions for fun, he poses naked for netflix and insta. there is something about this man that intrigues me. so, i wouldn't fix him but i would observe him very keenly for academic purposes.
max verstappen - i could fix him, but why would i do that, when i can be the one that makes him worse? i would be the final element to his corruption arc.
checo - if helmut hasn't already fucked him for calling lewis the 2021 champion (so true, bestie), i would probably fuck him up by giving him anxiety about my reckless behaviour. he would be worried about me.
charles leclerc - i cannot fix this man or do any emotional damage to him. he's headed towards an inevitable jungle fuck and i just wanna egg him on when he's fucking up.
carlos sainz - does not evoke any strong emotion in me, looks pleasant enough but nothing about him compels me to care enough about him to fix him.
lando norris - yeah, i could fix him. i have insane patience when it comes to cocky dumb fucks, so yeah i could and would fix him.
daniel ricciardo - i have enough trauma and toxic habits (that i'm working on changing) that could just wreck him, but that guy's strong. but, he also has this deep desire to be liked by everybody which i despise. but i also adore his general vibe and optimism. but, historically, i have a bad record with people who are too nice. i feel like we could either fix each other or completely ruin each other's stability.
pierre gasly - doesn't need to be fixed. petty bitch (justified), but has a base level of emotional maturity. i just wanna ask him where he got his blonde tips done. also, would ask for an insight into charles' brain.
yuki tsunoda - no, i'd be friends with him simply because of how angry he is. already fucked up and i have no desire of fixing him.
sebastian vettel - i wanna get married to him. don't want anything else. we could build each other up, make a home, take care of each other, all while engaging in activism while judging others. best case for everybody.
lance stroll - daddy's money, but actually has talent. yeah, i could fix him but don't really know what there is to fix.
fernando alsonso - i want him to [redacted]. he would fuck me up. period.
esteban ocon - underrated. but i don't feel strongly about him to fix him. although, considering his maybe-rivalry with pierre, he might need some slight tweaking. i could do that.
nick latifi - would make him grow out his hair and beard. that's all that needs to be fixed.
george russell - hidden anger issues while maintaining a superficial layer of politeness? i would either fix him or murder him depending on the day i'm having.
kimi raikkonen - i know a sum total of nothing about the guy. also finnish, i think? added to the list of people i have an academic interest in.
antonio giovinazzi - he's italian and looks like jesus. by virtue of that, i would just let him be. maybe ask him about his shampoo.
mick schumacher - i wouldn't try anything on him. i wanna go to gardens with him, teach dogs tricks with him, learn how to ride horses. our friendship would have no emotional layer to it apart from vibing with each other and having mutual admiration.
the other guy from haas - i refuse to be associated with him. anybody who brings me near him will be hearing from my lawyer.
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
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Request: Can I get a one shot for the episode 52 pickup with Spencer x female reader? Like with the scene specifically where Spencer is trying to hand out the flyers but none of the woman take one, but reader approaches him to take one along with his number or something? Whatever else your mind can come up with please.
A/N: Thanks for the prompt, @just-call-me-non​! Very specific episode request! I had to take an hour out of my day to rewatch this episode to accurately get the storyline across. Hopefully it does your idea justice! (Also, I know this was posted a day late, but I was relaxing all Friday i didn’t forget about your request i swear)
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Fluff
Content warning: None
Word count: 1.3k
Another Saturday night out with your girls should have been a blast. Unfortunately, it was packed with embarrassingly entitled socialites and toxic masculinity. The music also wasn’t helping because the DJ couldn’t pick a good song if his life depended on it. If you wanted to listen to EDM house music, you would have just stayed home and played a YouTube playlist full of them.
Due to your boredom, your eyes started to wander around the club as you and your friends were huddled in a corner trying to make the best of the night. Your eyes had landed on something quite interesting though. Or you should say, someone.
A tall brunet with flyers in his hands was talking to a group of women who couldn’t care less about what he was telling them. They looked as if he was speaking a frightfully terrible language by the way their faces twisted. You, however, were intrigued by the sight you were watching and wanted to get a better view.
“I’ll be back,” you told your friends.
“Where are you going?” One asked.
“I think I’ve found something of interest,” you said.
They all followed your gaze to the lanky, awkward guy you were staring at. The women had walked away from him, so he was left with no choice but to desperately try to convince someone to hear him out. They all looked back at you with questionable stares.
“He looks cute, but he seems like one of those awkward, stiff types. How did he catch your attention again?” Another friend asked.
“Thought I should help him out. I wanna see what he’s handing out,” you explained.
You took the last sip of your cosmo before placing it down on the table. You fluffed up your hair a bit and brushed down any wrinkles in your dress. Your friends watched you in amusement as you prepped yourself to go over to him.
“Get him, tiger,” another said followed by a meow.
You laughed at their sarcasm before walking over to him. He had no idea you were walking towards him as he flailed around a single flyer in his hand trying to convince someone to take it. Since he had about 30 more of where that came from you decided to help him out. You grabbed the one he was flailing around from out of his hands to look at it. He turned around to look at you, surprised someone had actually taken it from him. You looked at him with a smile and held up the picture.
“Who’s this?” You asked him.
“Uh, it’s um, this guy we’re-and when I mean we’re I mean my team and I-uh,” he stuttered.
You giggled at him stumbling over his words as he struggled to comprehend why you were giving him the time of day. You looked at the picture as he finally told you about some sort of murderer on the loose. It was a very vague sketch, so you looked at him with a quizzical expression.
“How do you ever expect to find this guy with a picture like this?” You asked.
He awkwardly chuckled. He held up the stack of flyers in his hands so you could see them clearly. He put his hand in front of the scar which was sketched above the man’s left eyebrow. You raised your eyebrows curiosity.
“Well, the funny thing is some witnesses say he had a scar right here,” he lifted his hand up to reveal the scar.
You stared intently at the scar on the drawing. Then he lowered his hand down to cover it again. What happened next made you widen your eyes with amazement.
“And some say he doesn’t,” he said as he lowered his hand down to reveal an image with no scar.
You stupidly grinned at his trick. Your ear-to-ear grin made him smile as he lowered the flyers. You grabbed his hand with the flyers and placed it back up so you could see it again. There was really no scar there anymore.
“How did you even do that?” You asked.
“Pure magic,” he said.
“Okay, magician, what’s your name?” You asked.
“Spencer Reid. I-uh-work for the FBI, so that’s why I’m-”
“Yeah, I heard your reason why you were here the first time. Along with you saying some sort of statistic about men being more likely to kill targeted victims over women who are more likely to kill related victims.”
He looked at you stunned. It seemed as if he was shocked you were listening to him ramble. You may have been looking at the sketch of the person he was looking for, but you couldn’t help but to invest in what he was saying.
“You were actually listening?” He asked.
You nodded. “I’m a sucker for true crime. That’s not to say I want to be murdered in real life, but it’s cool that you do this for a living. You know, saving lives and catching the bad guy.”
A genuine, non-awkward smile appeared on his face. “Yeah, I do something like that.”
“And what do you do when you’re not kicking ass and taking names?” You asked.
He chuckled. “I think kicking ass is more up my colleague’s ally, but I personally don’t do anything interesting. Well, interesting to most people.”
“Surprise me.”
“I like to master different chess moves in my spare time and read. I like reading pretty much anything and everything. Twice.”
“That sounds interesting to me. Maybe one day you can teach me that trick and how to play a mean game of chess.”
Spencer looked at you astonished at the way you kept engaging with him. You were starting to think girls like you or even girls in general never took an interest in his quirky behaviour. To you it was enticing.
“Um, thank you. I’m sorry, I didn’t even get your name,” he said.
You smirked. “How about you give me your number and you can figure it out then. Maybe even discuss each other’s favourite books if you’d like.”
He nodded his head with a tiny smile that slowly appeared on his face. You couldn’t stop looking at him as he did the smallest gestures. He was more attractive than you initially thought from across the club. Every mannerism he did intrigued you more about his character.
“I’d like that,” he said.
“Great. What’s your number?” You asked.
He smirked. “It’s near your heart.”
You looked at him funny as he gave you that riddle. You placed your hands in your dress near your left breast. You felt something at the side of your bra. You took it out to see the ace of hearts.
It was nice meeting you, Y/N.
His number followed right after. You were floored. Not only did he figure out your name, but he also gave you his number in the suavest way possible. He didn’t even have to touch your breasts to do it. That was some respectful magic.
“Now you’re telekinetic too?” You asked.
He shrugged. “Can’t say. Maybe if you call I’ll give you a hint.”
“Can you guess when I’m going to call too?”
“That wouldn’t be guessing, but profiling. I have a feeling I’ll be hearing from you in the next two hours.”
“I’ll make sure I don’t keep you waiting.”
He chuckled. “Bye, Y/N. It was really nice talking to you.”
With that he walked into the crowd where he was met by a tall, muscular black man. He put his arm around Spencer and gave him an impressed smile. You giggled as you watched the scene before they fully disappeared into the crowd. You looked back at the ace of hearts and couldn’t stop smiling. Maybe you were starting to have a new thing for quirky magicians.
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sketch--booked · 4 years
I wanna complain about how the ninja treated Zane in the first few episodes real quick. Specifically in Home. Since I have some beef with the ninja.
So remember that one time Zane froze the entire monastery without effort? Yeah, that was kinda cool,
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Now I begin to get angry, You’ve been warned--
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And the ninja, understandably, were upset and I can get that.
But then you see how they all kinda just--- treated him really badly all the time. I get it,, he’s got weird traits and does very “Zane” things (being unfazed to be in the bathroom with somebody, legitimately not understanding comedy and laughing at odd things, at least Nya and Jay weren’t watching a horror or slasher movie, and his famous sitting-in-the-fridge scene) but like--
They really gonna do this??
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Laugh at the guy for what he wears and throw around the food he made for them? Even Wu, may I add.
Can I also call attention to Jay, who throws something at Zane.
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That is not a face of comfort? By any means?? Zane shows a very little range of emotion, in the early seasons especially. But when Jay throws his own food at him, he frowns. THAT’S EMOTION,, HE’S NOT HAPPY,,, THIS ISN’T A JOKE NOR IS IT FUNNY TO HIM.
And they just--Don’t even do a double-take.
I’m bewildered at just how horribly they treat him, in this scene specifically. Not one of them, NOT EVEN WU, takes a second to think about how Zane might feel in this moment??? IN FACT, If you listen carefully, you can hear Nya and Jay belittling him.
“He looks so cute in his apron!” and “Look at his face!”
So after this god awful display of friendship that makes me want to slap all the other ninja, we get the infamous Falcon scene.
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Zane has his general neutral kinda-angy-lookin’ expression. So we can’t really tell what he’s feeling in this moment, but it’s his actions that follow that say everything.
He sees the falcon and is intrigued by it and actually smiles. Which is good! That’s emotion! Well done, Zane, you’re learning!
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NOW IT’S THIS BIT---IS WHERE I GET REAL JUST---HHHHHMMM It’s in this moment, I wonder if Zane knows what a toxic friendship isghghgh I jest--
Zane is smiling when he sees the falcon fly off. He likes the bird but he lets it leave.
But then---
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Zane takes one brief look back to the sound of his friends and without a second doubt he BOOKS IT--
So from initially seeing this, you get the instant feeling that he would prefer to follow a mysterious bird into possible danger, than go back to his friends who are still laughing in the distance. He obviously was going to return back to them, they tease his lack of returning later in the episode WHICH I HOPE TO GET TO. But that does say enough about his actual feelings towards the rest. 
Strange, possibly evil bird---or my friends who’re probably going to continue to laugh at me.
It’s a nobrainer that he’d follow the bird??
He’s not truly upset at them, I don’t even think that Zane has the capability to really be angry ngl,, but he still chose the bird over his “family” and that’s what makes me so angry at the ninja. 
And to those who say “He’s not upset at the ninja, he’s just curious and the fact that he essentially ran away from them, doesn’t mean he dislikes them” I say,,, That is fair. And I will, for the sake of not looking like a dick, argue for that.
It’s clear that Zane likes to know stuff. In the beginning, he’s been the smart one. Even in this episode Kai says “We like the guy, he’s really smart..” then complains about him being weird. And later down the line he’s shown an interest in learning, being the only one in season 11 to actually read about the desert of doom and the Mechanic himself saying he’s an inquisitive nindroid in season 12.
So it’s understandable if Zane was simply sating his curiosity. But how can you tell me that the previous event was not a deciding factor in choosing the bird instead..
I would now like to jump forward to when the ninja are at Lloyd’s tree-house (Can I point out that the first place the falcon took zane, was a tree-house. And the last was a tree house?? Anybody? okay just me--). 
And when they ask him how he found it; he tells them it’s because it danced. Jay then jokingly asks if it was a coo-coo bird, promoting everyone to--
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When he does his info dump thing they don’t even bother, they just shrug in unison--which ngl I do find funny ghghgh
Now that’s where you’d think the Zane bullying stops right?
NOPE,, TIME TO BURN DOWN THE MONASTERY (this is a cool shot btw)
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This is a good shot too, because it sets up that Zane will be a focus, and you can already assume it’s because, in some essence, this is Zane’s fault.
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But then they go all out on him. They straight up tell him this was his fault, that he shouldn’t have followed the bird, he shouldn’t have been curious or try to help, that everything they had here is gone, and yell at him to his face “A teaching moment? What’s wrong with you? Don’t you get it? Everything is gone!” and it’s because of him.
In this moment they are taking out every frustration they had with him. They’re taking out every moment he’s gone into his own world and making their lives harder and that their home is gone because of him.
This is one of the very first, and very few times all the ninja have pitted against just one of their team. And it hurts. Because Zane’s reaction to this, his response to being treated horribly, having his food thrown at him like he didn’t spend likely hours making and planing it, like he doesn’t do the chores they probably wont do (taking out the rubbish earlier in the episode), is to go back to them like he wasn’t hurt by this at all. 
And y’know what could’ve solved this entire thing? What could’ve prevented the exclusion and the explosion that is their friendship. Communication. On both sides, neither of them communicated with each other. The ninja didn’t openly express their feelings towards Zane TO Zane, only Wu and probably Nya. And Zane never expressed anything, ever, like--literally nothing. His moment of most emotion is in episode 7 dammit.
And I just--This is an issue that’s followed through even to the new seasons. Honest to god some of the only times I can recall him actually expressing how he feels about something, is with Pixal, and when Kai persuades him to break his morals and cheat in the slug race. God please help me find more examples because I cannot remember anything else (I’m ignoring Decoded for the time being since the last episode of that was almost entirely “Zane therapy time”)
Imma end it here because my rant juices have stopped flowing and I haven’t slept in many many long hours and I really would like to collapse right about now.
So i’m not saying Zane has it worst, he probably doesn’t,, but what I’m saying is that Zane had a tough time in the beginning especially. After Kai became properly a part of the group, it was Zane that they outcasted. And because they wouldn’t actually talk to him about what they all thought. They didn’t take the time to understand him and only realized they missed him and how badly they’d been treating him when he was gone.
In the start, they were bad friends, they were horrible in fact. Zane tried, or didn’t. Where he didn’t understand people or social cues, he understood being kind and doing the right thing. 
The ninja did however work from this. As of this episode, they tone down the mistreatment and make a bigger effort to get the guy. And it’s all explained and finished in episode 7.
Overall, I really like this episode! I think the characters were great! I think the humor was great! I think the progression was great! I dunno why some o’ yall think I don’t like something because I hate it. I can hate-love something, and you’ll find there are a lot of things I hate-love in ninjago.
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chubbybuckydumpling · 4 years
Hello, having seen your requests are open, I would like to request your thoughts on
Andy Barber and Reader going on vacation together for the first time (rating up to you)
A Much Needed Vacation
words: 2.5k
pairing: Andy Barber x female Reader
warnings: mentions of smut, implied smut, fluff
A/n: I don’t know why I struggled so much with this, I hope it’s okay. I’m so nervous (because I really want to impress @slothspaghettiwrites ) pray for me please! :)
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Andy had always had trouble making and keeping friends. He had a couple of colleagues and acquaintances, but a true friend he could confide in? Not really no, his past trauma and toxic habit of keeping all his emotions bottled up made him seem arrogant and standoffish.
But then you came along. You, with your perfect smile and golden heart and the patience of an angel. No matter what Andy tried, how distant he acted, you wouldn’t budge. The opposite actually. His behaviour intrigued you and the way he made your thighs clench by only looking at you added to his appeal.
So when you regrettably went to go for a swim in the morning because you felt too exhausted yesterday evening and saw this delicious piece of man in just a pair of trunks? You knew it was time to get that man to become yours.
You situated yourself at the end of the lane Andy was using, thighs spread and calves dunked in the cool water, your swimsuit tight around your body. A smirk plays on your lips as you watch the man of your desire move closer to you until his hand hits the edge of the pool and his head pops up.
You can see from his expression that he did not expect to come face to face with your crotch, eyes wide under his goggles and mouth agasp. He panted heavily and took off his glasses, beard and hair wet, a few droplets running from his forehead. ”Hey, Andy. What are you doing here so early?”, you asked with a smile.
He struggled staying in one spot, because you were blocking the edge with your thighs, hindering him from holding himself up. Grinning, you reached for his hand and placed it on your leg. Andy’s had snapped up to stare at you in shock, yet his fingers tightened around your flesh to keep him steady.
“I like when it’s empty in the mornings. Fewer disturbances”, he answered and lowered his gaze. Now he was right back to watching your crotch and a delicious blush covered the apples of his cheeks. Quickly he glanced to the side to try and be respectful.
You pouted and splashed some water with your foot, “Am I disturbing you?”. Andy squeezes your thigh erratically, “No, absolutely not. It’s a real pleasure that you’re here”, he responded a little too eager, which he must have realised because he started to backpaddle, “I mean that in a really respectful way not that I get off on this or something. That’d be weird”
You raised an eyebrow, a smirk playing on your lips, “Not that you’re weird, you’re obviously very attractive and beautiful, not that I’ve been watching you, bu-“, your giggles interrupted him. With a loving gaze you cupped his face, “Wanna race?” Confused, Andy agreed, but before he could part from you, you pulled his face close to yours.
His breath was fanning over your lips and you could perfectly make out all the flecks and shades of blue in his beautiful eyes, “Will you take me on a date if I win?”
You’re very glad you got Andy to open up to you, especially now that you’ve been dating for ten months. Never before have you felt this happy so consistently and even though Andy still struggles with fully discussing his feelings and thoughts, you think that he has been sharing your excitement. You’ve become his rock, the one constant in his life, the shoulder he leans one. In return he treats you with the utmost respect and love. There wasn’t a moment where you didn’t feel like a queen in his care.
Sadly, you couldn't spend as much time with him as you wanted, his work as an assistant district attorney taking up most of his time.Of course that didn’t hinder your growing love for the man, but it left you feeling lonely a lot, particularly because your occupation as an architect allows you to work from home quite a bit.
Once you moved together, you felt slightly more connected to your boyfriend. Falling asleep in his arms every night and waking up with kisses being peppered all over your face was like a dream come true. For the first few weeks, you were in a constant state of bliss, cooking and providing for Andy while he kept you happy and satisfied. Soon enough however, Andy received a new case to work on and your fairytale vision was destroyed. The reality of life settled in and your rose coloured glasses were ripped away.
You still enjoyed living with your boyfriend, every time you saw him, butterflies erupted in your belly, still do, you just wished you could spend more time with him. Never before have you been so in love with somebody. All of Andy’s little quirks and ticks had you weak in your knees. The way he acted so delicate and gentle, especially around you, while his muscles were bulging. To see this huge, sculpted man be so caring and soft made you feel all kinds of things.
But it must have been your lucky day when Andy came home early with a big smile on his face. “Sugar, the case is closed. You’ve got me all to yourself for the next three weeks”, his arms open for you to fall into with loud giggles. “For real?”, you asked, excitement bubbling in your chest, “Yes, for real, honey!”, he grinned and pulled you closer, his beard scratching against the delicate skin of your cheeks as he pressed his lips to your temple.
You’re currently sitting next to Andy on a flight to “You’ll like it, I promise”. Your head rests on his shoulder, eyes closed peacefully. His breathing calms you down and even managed to lull you into a deep slumber. He’s been reading some kind of book and occasionally glanced over to you, checking if you’re doing alright. The flight has been quite calm, smoothly flying over the clouds.
The first class seats are a blessing, the constant stream of food that’s been given to you and the extra leg room added to the whole level of comfort. Andy’s warmth makes you feel very small and cuddly, his muscular frame a stark contrast to your softer, smaller form; a thing that you’ve come to appreciate quite a lot.
“Did you have a nice nap, honey?”, his deep voice rumbles as one of his hands moves to cradle your face. You nod and cuddle yourself further into your boyfriend’s chest, his distinctive smell consumes you as you continue to practically melt into his side. “We’ll land shortly, shortcake. Are you ready to find out where we're going?”, he asks into your hair and nuzzles his nose into your scalp. A loud yawn escapes your mouth, “I guess. I’m just happy to be with you again”, you whisper and turn to face him.
Of all the places Andy could have picked, he chose this particular place, because he knew you would love all the new experiences and adventures it would bring. He’s aware that you love to experience new things with all of your senses, how you become so excited whenever you discover a new smell or feel a foreign fabric under your fingers, the way your eyes glaze over when you spot a novel view or an object of interest. The way you grin when a new taste warms your body, there’s nothing that Andy loves more than seeing you beam with such childlike joy.
“You’re taking me to Marrakesh? No way”, you gasp, suddenly awake. The grin on your boyfriend’s face mirrors your own as excitement courses through your veins. “I’ve never been to Morocco before! Or Africa!”, you stare at him for a split second before your head whips to the other side. The window doesn’t suffice with your sudden hunger to explore the city, you can barely make out any landmarks. Yet you can’t stop squirming in your seat. The wanderlust has fully taken over and you latch onto Andy’s arm, giggling uncontrollably.
Your laughter is infectious and soon your boyfriend is cackling next to you, desperately trying to silence himself when he sees the man next to him staring at the both of you with a death glare. If looks could kill.
The next two hours pass in a blur. Andy maneuvered you through the airport safely and carried most of the luggage as your eyes were trained on the different people that moved past you. The drive to the hotel was no different, your nose practically glued to the window, “Look, Andy, look!”. He entertained you, of course, and looked out of the window every time, a smile on his soft, pink lips, “Good job, shortcake. Did you take a picture?”. The check-in went smoothly, all of your bags stored safely in your room.
You’re sitting on the softest king size bed ever, anxiously waiting for your boyfriend to finish up in the bedroom. “Hurry up, please. I can’t wait to get out to see more of this place”, you shout, phone in your hand to take a picture for your family. “Relax, honey! The sights won’t run away”, he responds with a chuckle. His deep timbre makes goosebumps arise all over your arms. All your excitement must have caused an increase in your blood flow to your lady parts.
With a shake of your head you try to rid yourself of these thoughts. The attempt fails horrendously once Andy comes out of the en suite. His loose, unbuttoned shirt and the form fitting shorts make you weak in the knees. Your boyfriend is just that handsome. The thought of ripping his trousers from his body dissipates quickly when he asks if you’re ready to go see the souks. Hell yes, you are.
The sun is setting while you and Andy overlook the Jemaa el-Fnaa from your table on the restaurant’s balcony. An almost empty plate of cake between you and your boyfriend. He’s holding your hand on the table, gently tracing your knuckles with his thumb. “How’d you like your first day, honey?”, he asks gently, affection clearly shimmering in his eyes.
“I loved it! I don’t know what I liked most? Everything is so interesting and beautiful”, you jump in your chair, giggling happily. “I loved all the different little shops in the bazaar! I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many different foods and clothes in one place and everything smelled so good. I really loved all the spices, we should make something like this at home!”
“What, a whole wall filled with spices?”, he snorts, shaking his head, the smile never leaving his face, “I think we should leave the colossal spice walls in the souks”. A pout forms on your lips, but the squeeze of Andy’s hand makes you melt back into your blessed state. “I really loved all the different things they sold. I’m sure you could find about everything there”, Andy pieces the last piece of cake and holds it up to your mouth. You open up to reach for it, but he pulls the fork away just efore you get to it, “Andy!”, you whsiper yell at the grin on his lips.
“What’s the matter honey?”, he asks sweetly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. You playfully glare at him, smirking, “Are you sure you want to play this kind of game, Mr. Barber?”. He nods at you like you’re being his bratty teen, in need for some serious attitude control, “Don’t be all venomous, I don’t like snakes”. As soon as he spoke those words regret washed over his features, “Oh dear, here we go…”
“I can’t believe you’re scared of snakes! You’re the biggest man I know and you’re terrified of snakes!”, you burst out with laughter, tears forming in your eyes. “I just didn’t want it to touch me”, he mumbles, arms crossed in front of his chest. “Please, Andy you should have seen your face. It was a tiny little snake”, you giggle and reach over the table to take his hand into yours again, but he doesn’t budge. “It was laying on your shoulders, it could have killed you!”, you keep trying to loosen up his arms, a few giggles still slipping out. You get out of your seat and move to your boyfriend, “The kind owner was standing right next to me, everything was fine”,
With a sigh, Andy opens his arms and pulls you on his lap. His beard tickles you as he places his head on your shoulder, gently kissing and lapping at your neck, “I just want you to be safe”.
You cuddle further into his warmth, smiling at his overprotective manners, “I’ve got you with me, I don’t think I could be safer”.
A smile on your lips, you turn around to kiss him, his scent envelopes you with a sense of comfort. His soft mouth against your own, the setting sun warming you from the outside, the love and adoration coursing through you from the inside. It’s gentle, full of emotion as if he’s trying to put all his wasted feelings from when he was working so much into it. After a while you pull back, breathing heavily. Your hand cups his face and you run the other through his soft hair, a couple of knots tangling between your fingers.
“I love you, baby”, you whisper like you’re telling him a secret, “I love you too, honey”.  A warm breeze blows over you and you turn to watch over the place below you, the last rays of sun painting it in a delicious golden glow. “Let’s ask someone to take a picture of us. Our first day on our first ever vacation together”, you smile and press another kiss to his lips. “I’ll find someone, stay put”, Andy grins and squeezes your hips as a sign for you to move back into your seat.
You watch your boyfriend’s retreating figure, a happy flutter in your chest. You can’t believe that you’re on a beautiful vacation with your beautiful boyfriend and about to take a beautiful picture to glue into your memory book. Excited, you let the atmosphere envelope you, completely floating in all the different sounds and scents. It’s really peaceful, the loud and busy streets quiet for a change.
Andy’s voice coaxes you out of your trance, “You ready, sugar?”. The two of you stand in front of the balcony, his hands rest on your waist when he suddenly bows forwards, making you fall backwards in turn. With a gasp, you reach for his shoulders, holding onto his strong frame. His warm breath grazes your cheek as his blue eyes stare into your soul. You hear the camera clicking, but it’s faded into the background. The only thing you can focus on is your boyfriend and his enticing body, the exposed skin that’s glistening deliciously.
He leans even closer to you until his lips brush your ear, “I can’t wait to have you all alone tonight. Just you and me, finally”. You gulp at the list and arousal in his voice, thighs clenching at his tone, “I’ve been waiting for you all day”.
Safe to say your vacation with Andy was very satisfying.
Taglist: @teetles-and-other-stuff @winteralpine @slothspaghettiwrites @marvels-gurl @gotnofucks
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