matchafoxjournal · 2 years
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4/4/22 • And the award for quickest weekly set up goes to …
- grateful for the Easter break so I have two weeks to get things done for my job and university and then afterwards I will be teaching 6 classes instead of only 1!
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coffeerevision · 4 years
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Currently: Studying Accounting  Looking forward to: Not studying accounting anymore :) 
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studyingnigiri · 5 years
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19.07.2019 | 07:16PM
it looks as if I'm playing mikado with my stationery, but that's not the case, I'm simply ready with flashcards on the vocabulary I have to know by tomorrow
btw, I'm sooooo happy, the CAE results came out and my result is 200/210 which is A and enough for a C2 certificate in English 😊😊
now I have to continue studying for TOEFL and SAT and hope to have even better results
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I’ve been inspired by @optomstudies to share this picture of my digital notes. We have a massive final exam in pathology and there’s just no way I can handwrite all these highlighted parts from Robbins, so I’ve started to type notes up into this simple template header I made. It’s really basic (only has the topic #, title, and a little area for a summary for when I’m reviewing, so I can write the key ideas) but this way I don’t have to keep redoing the font/style for each new topic. 
[If anyone’s interested, I’ve shared the template with you guys here, but it’s really very basic, so don’t get your hopes up.]
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larabristudies · 7 years
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180306: Some digital Bio notes because I was inspired by this post on digital study notes so I wanted to post some of my own. There are so many ways to get creative while formatting notes and it’s a lot of fun. :)
np: Gravity by Monsta X
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annoteate · 7 years
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Procrastinating finishing my (three) essays by starting to plan my big project for my literary theory module. I seem to be able to concentrate more when the work feels illicit?
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foxscarf · 7 years
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33/100 days of productivity Revision for my biology assessment (Sorry about the crappy lighting!)
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sweetymutant · 7 years
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06/18/2017 - 13/100 Days of Productivity (again!)
More German today, mainly vocabulary (you can see how thick the veggies and fruits flashcards are!!!) and a bit of grammar with personal pronouns. I really love this language.
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onedaystudy · 6 years
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The apple will make me healthy, this all-nighter won't.
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cookareads · 7 years
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30.05.17 | pathology review today, t-9 days until my path exam 😓😨, but I have 2 other exams before it.
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beatastudia-blog · 8 years
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🔊 A Wish- Gregory and the Hawk
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patchworkstudies · 6 years
hey i have the url realstudyblr and im looking to give it away. i want to give it to someone who will use it and who promotes the idea that you dont need fancy pens or to be neurotypical or an ultra organized system to succeed in school. do you know anyone who would be interested?
off the top of my head, i think @universi-tea and @piratestudy were some of the people who started the studyblr gets real movement, so maybe them?
i’m posting this to see if any of my followers would be interested, though!
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evanstudies · 6 years
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intellectys · 7 years
does anyone remember that #realstudyblr thing I tried to start that failed catastrophically and caused drama & hate mail? bc I was going through my archive and saw it and felt vaguely queasy yet 'studyblrs get real' is so widely supported idk what I did wrong
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biomedlcs · 7 years
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20 days of productivity - 
20/05/17 DAY 1: The end of my semester at uni is approaching, so going through my chemistry notes and preparing them for printing using the cornell method! I decided to create my own “Days of Productivity”....  hope this goes well!
@optomstudies has a post about digital study notes and promoting them to encourage #realstudyblr! make sure to go check that out here!
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optomstudies · 8 years
Digital Study Notes
I find it interesting that many studyblrs seem to have a laptop, Macbook or otherwise, but we rarely see pictures of digital notes typed up. What about all the folks whose handwriting is a little difficult to read? Or all the people who don’t have the enough study time to pretty up their notes? Or those that type a lot faster than they write? We should promote the idea that digital notes are just as good as handwritten ones for many students! #realstudyblr
I’d love to see people post up more pictures of their digital study notes! 
I went through 564 reblogs, and found only 4 by @astralistudies​ (here) @celines-studyblr (here) @hannahbananastudies (here) and a snippet of my own (here). 
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