#reblogs still appreciated! lel
owari-no-homo · 2 years
Owari no Seraph Drama CD: Kakuse! Kurorekishi!! (Track 2)
Link to Track 1.
Link to the audio: https://soundcloud.com/namanari/02-2a-1?in=namanari/sets/owari-no-seraph-seraph-of-the-end-drama-cd-set-2
(note: * means I am unsure of the translation for whatever reason, and *** means I have no idea what the hell they're saying and just took my best guess)
Owari no Seraph - Drama CD, Track 2: Hide It! The Dark Past!!
This is the story of young high school stars risking their lives in the competitive world of show business… continued.
Yuu: Damn it, why do we have to clean the warehouse?
Yoichi: It can’t be helped, Yuu-kun, and I think this is actually a mercy. Normally, it wouldn't be strange to get fired. 
Kimizuki: I was an idiot to go along with your plan…* Just shut up and clean the warehouse, idiot. 
Shinoa: Once you finish sweeping the floor, it's time to organize the backs of the shelves~
Yuu: Why aren’t you cleaning? You were in on it too!
Shinoa: Oh, no~ please don't get the wrong idea. Regarding that matter, I’m only here to oversee the actions of you three.*
Yuu: What sophism. This is so unfair. Only Shinoa gets special treatment. 
Kimizuki: You’re the ringleader*, so you should work the hardest!
Yuu: What was that? You were in on it too!
Kimizuki: No! I was just tagging along with you. 
Yuu: Are you trying to pin all the blame on me?!
Kimizuki: It’s your fault!
Yuu: Bullshit!
Yoichi: Now, now, you two-
Yuu & Kimizuki: SHUT UP!
Yoichi: Ehhh? This pattern again?
Yuu: Oi. Let’s settle this, right here, right now. 
Kimizuki: All right, let’s see if you’ve got the guts to go up against me.
Yoichi: Hey! Stop it!
Shinoa: Yoichi-san, it’s about time you gave up on Yuu.
Yoichi: But…
Yuu: You bastard!
Kimizuki: Don’t fuck with me!
Yuu: That hurts! 
Kimizuki: That’s my line. 
Yoichi: That sure was something.
Shinoa: It’s always the same with them. Why don't you at least check your surroundings before fighting?
Yuu: Is there anyone who would check their surroundings before fighting?!
Kimizuki: Oi. Let’s straighten out that fallen shelf. 
Yuu: Tch.
Shinoa: Please put back the scattered luggage as well. Ah! You’re back to square one of your floor sweeping.
Yoichi: Ehhh?!
Yuu: All right already! Oi, let’s straighten this up. 
Kimizuki: Damn!
Yuu: Ugh, what the hell is with this pile of DVDs? It’s such a mess!
Yoichi: You’re the one who messed it up, Yuu-kun!!
Yuu: Huh? What’s this? 
Yoichi: Eh- what’s the matter? 
Kimizuki: What is that? It’s got your name written on it.
Shinoa: Oh~? This is a recording of your audition, isn’t it? 
Yuu: Wha-
Shinoa: And there just so happens to be a DVD player right over there!
Yuu: Oi, w-wait a sec! Let go! This ain't a store!
Shinoa: What are you talking about, Yuu-san? How could we possibly go on without having witnessed this amusing- ah, I mean, this very valuable item?
Yuu: Idiot! Stop!
Shinoa: What’s this~? The disc is getting sucked into the player!
Guren: All right. Next! Enter!
Yuu: Hyakuya Yuuichirou! I'm going to take the top spot in the entertainment industry! 
Guren: Your projection* is good. So, which of your qualities are you most confident in? 
Yuu: Most confident in… To be honest, I’m better than everyone at everything!
Guren: One hell of a guy came in… 
Yuu: You don’t have to praise me.
Guren: Pfft- seriously?
Yuu: I’ll just get right to the point!
Guren: Ooh, let’s hear it. 
Yuu: If you don’t take me, you’ll regret it later. 
Guren: Pfft-
Yuu: Oh, did I say something weird?*
Guren: Ah- no. Sorry, but you see that camera over there? Go to it and say what you just said.*
Yuu: Okay! Uh, is this it?
Guren: Yeah. That camera.
Yuu: If you don’t take me, you’ll regret it later. 
Guren: Y-You’re amazing. 
Yuu: Right? That’s why you have to recruit me to the agency right away so I can debut!
Guren: Ohhh! That’s the spirit! You pass! 
Yuu: R-Really?!
Guren: Pass training school so you can move on to becoming a star.* Work hard and make your debut! 
Yuu: Woohoo! I’ll debut!
Guren: What’s with that guy? His projection* is good, and that stupid straightforwardness is way too funny! Looks like a good way to kill boredom! Hahahaha!!
Yuu: Seriously?
Kimizuki: HAHAHAHAHA!!!
Yoichi: T-The way you immediately agreed-***
Yuu: Can you not laugh at me too?!
Shinoa: Albeit by chance, we got to see something amusing, hm~?
Yuu: Haha, laugh it up while you can. If my audition tape is here, there should be others, right?
Kimizuki & Yoichi: Oh.
Yuu: You guys stay away from the DVDs!! … Hoho! Found Yoichi’s name!
Yoichi: Ehh?! Wait a minute!! Ah- hey-! You’re horrible! Kimizuki-kun, let go of me! After this, he might find yours, too!
Kimizuki: We don’t know that yet. Besides, even if you watch it, it’s not like I made any embarrassing mistakes.
Yoichi: WHA-
Yuu: Well then, Shinoa, I’ll leave it to you~
Yoichi: S-Stooop!
Shinoa: Oopsie, my hand slipped!
Guren: Next! 
Yoichi: S-Saotome Yoichi! I-I’ll do my best! Looking forward to working with you!!
Guren: Hmm, you’re very stiff. It’s okay to relax. Just try being yourself. 
Yoichi: O-Okay! T-T-T-T-Thank you v-v-very much…!
Guren: If you’re that nervous, you’re not cut out to be a celebrity. 
Yoichi: Y-Yes, that's true…
Guren: Why are you aiming for it? 
Yoichi: U-Um, well, I guess it's about my desires and interests? 
Guren: You guess?* Ehm, sure, sure, desires and interests. 
Yoichi: E-Ever since I was little, I've always been a plain, unassuming kid... I-I admired the lively kids* around me, and thought, "Maybe if I become a celebrity, I can be dazzling like them...", stuff like that. So I auditioned for this agency!
Guren: Ah… I see. All right! You’re hired. 
Yoichi: Eh? Ehhh?!
Guren: Starting tomorrow, you can start taking lessons as an apprentice in training school! 
Yoichi: Ahhh! Thank you so much!!
Guren: Well, that’s it for today. Thanks for coming. 
Yoichi: Y-Yes! I’ll be leaving then! Ow!
Guren: Haha, be careful. 
Yoichi: Sorry! Goodbye now!
Guren: He ran into the door... what an airhead. But I guess it’ll be a good laugh if it's on TV.* Well, there's a fine line between talent and mediocrity, right?*** 
Yoichi: Air…head…
Yuu: I understand your feelings.
Yoichi: Somehow, I can't see how you're so frank about understanding this sadness.***
Yuu: All right! Now let’s look for Kimizuki and Shinoa’s!
Shinoa: Ah. By the way, mine isn’t there.
Yuu: Huh?
Shinoa: I was hired through connections, so there wasn’t an interview or anything like that.
Yuu: Not fair!!
Shinoa: It’s such a sin to have good lineage, right~? Such a sin to be so cute, right~?
Yuu: Ugh, then just Kimizuki’s!
Kimizuki: I already said it before, but I’m not embarrassed to be seen. Who knows, maybe I can set an example. 
Shinoa: My, my! How in the world did this DVD with Kimizuki's name on it end up in my hand~?
Kimizuki: What the hell? 
Yuu: What? You don’t mind being seen, right? 
Kimizuki: Ha. Fine, go ahead. It’ll be nostalgic. 
Yuu: In it goes.***
Guren: Oi… the next one’s scores on everything are so good it’s kind of annoying. Heh. Welcome to the club.* No, no, no, for real—it’s fine if I skip this interview, right? Shut up, I’ll do it. Ahem. Okay, next!
Kimizuki: Kimizuki Shiho. It’s nice to meet you.
Guren: Yeah. Have a seat.
Kimizuki: Yes sir. Excuse my interrupting.
Guren: Let’s see, your practical test grades are excellent.
Kimizuki: Thank you very much.
Guren: So, why did you apply to our agency? 
Kimizuki: All of the performers affiliated with your company, whether it comes to acting, singing, or dancing, are top-notch entertainers. I think it's wonderful that the company provides a place for them to showcase that ability and increase their sales.* I would like to become a member of this agency through my audition.
Guren: What’s with that boring answer?
Kimizuki: Eh?
Guren: Oh. Doesn’t your younger sister model for our agency?
Kimizuki: Yes!! My little sister is amazing.*** I'm very proud of her gentle personality and ability to listen.*
Guren: A-Ah… so then, you wanted to join our agency as well? 
Kimizuki: Of course. My little sister trusts people right away with generous honesty; she's too kind for the world of entertainment where people will use you for their own profit! I wanted to watch over her so she wouldn't get tricked by any strange guys. 
Guren: Ooooh-
Kimizuki: So I would very much like to be hired by this agency where I can easily watch over my sister!*
Guren: Yes! That chivalrous spirit may be just what we need in this day and age! 
Kimizuki: Thank you very much. 
Guren: All right, you’re hired!!
Guren: Hmm. Eh? I said I wasn’t going to hire him?* Hehe. But he’ll become one of those siscon gags, won’t he~?
Kimizuki: S-…Siscon?
Yuu: You have a sister?
Yoichi: Kimizuki-kun, you’re super nice to your sister!!
Shinoa: Sibling love, huh? 
Kimizuki: Kggk… Since it’s come to this, let’s find Guren’s audition tape too!
Yuu: Wasn’t Guren also hired through connections? 
Shinoa: I haven’t heard anything like that.***
Kimizuki: Great! 
Yuu: Found it!!
Kimizuki: So even amateurs* can be useful sometimes!
Yuu: Huh? You say something?
Yoichi: Please don’t fight right now.*
Shinoa: Moving on~
Guren: Ahem. Ichinose Guren! My specialty is taking the top spot in everything. I’m going to take the top spot of the entertainment world too, and reign supreme!!
Kimizuki: Somehow, it feels like I’m looking at someone else.
Yoichi: He acts just like Yuu-kun…
Shinoa: Is this what they call “two of a kind”?
Kimizuki & Yoichi: Ah.
Shinoa: Oh my.
Guren: You lot… taking it real easy watching DVDs, huh? 
Yuu: Umm… w-we thought we’d follow our senpai’s example!!*
Yoichi & others: OWWW!!!
Yuu: Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Irino Miyu. I'm going to take the top spot in the entertainment world! 
Guren: Ichinose Guren, Nakamura Yuichi. I’m going to… watch over Irino-san- ahahaha!
Shinoa: Hiiragi Shinoa, Hayami Saori. I will watch over all of you. 
Yoichi: Eh, Saotome Yoichi, Okamoto Nobuhiko- tte, ah. I’ll do my best! 
Kimizuki: Kimizuki Shiho, Ishikawa Kaito. I’ll try my best to follow my senpais’ examples!
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squid--inc--writes · 4 years
To be fair, things would work a lot better if I could type while walking without running directly into traffic, because I cant type at work, and both are menial tasks where I make my best ideas
Like, a great concept about how a variety of religion works in some of my universe (pertains to several of my wips, ask me about it, idgaf) how, the universe isn't fully sentient, but does create everything at its own whimsy, and several universes how original creators, like Green team mercenaries have the 10 goddesses (gender neutral in this sense, I'm still working through languages and mythos, and lore, and yada yada), who were gifted a dimension (also often times referred to as a universe lel) BY the universe, in which they created planets, and dispersed magic, and they created the first gods, but since those gods werent created by people (anything that isn't born into being by the universe itself), people just started calling them Icthiad goddesses (I looked the word up later, and there is a similar word, this did not derive from it, but I feel a connection could be made) and later they just get referred to as goddesses. Also, evolution is relevant, but that's another post.
Gods, however, reffer to entities created by people, as in enough people believed in something for it to become powered by an extra sense of magic (almost an "I do believe in fairies" concept). It takes about 200 people to create a god from scratch, and in a similar enough way for it to come to be. An existing thing can also become a god, with well over 1000 believing in someone for similar things, which either gives them powers, or enhances their preexisting ones. In the event that people stop believing in a god, the ones that were brought into being must lose every single persons belief, and they cease to be, whereas an existing entity needs to get down to only 100 people, and they revert to how they were before (a god made from a mountain turns back into a mountain, magically transported back to where it started, which has killed people in a variety of ways) (a person who loses faith just goes back to how they were before). Gods of existing entities are allowed to give a "blessing" which can be that they heal people, grant people with power, grant people with magical weaponry, etc, which remains even if they are no longer a god, not to mention the choose how to gift it, though you only have one shot to choose, so if you choose smacking someone, that's what you've got.
@nekoazumie @wettthepottterheadss4120
Let me know if you want to be tagged, want to be taken off the tag list, etc. Reblogs are always appreciated
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chaosd1 · 7 years
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You know, when I reblogged that, it was mostly to showcase an issue that’s been present for YEARS, but keeps cropping up every now and then because most of Channel Awesome’s fans still think it’s 2010. If I had a Patreon dollar for every person who asked me something about “____ DOESN’T WORK THAT WAY!” despite that not being a thing I’ve done for over half a decade, I would probably not have to worry about paying off that damaged tire, or any future repairs to my car and/or PC. Long story short, they aren’t very good at letting things go.
I know people who want me to share my story are hoping for the same level of juicy gossip or levels of hypocrisy or betrayal that have accompanied so many of these other stories but I’m sorry to say it’s not quite that interesting, or even remotely “gotcha” in any sense of the word. If anything it’s more a reveal of how the company feels about its low-tier producers, and symptomatic of the larger issue that they clearly DON’T want anyone but the Chicago crew, or anyone that’s possibly bringing in their own audience. Remember when JonTron and PBG posted on Blistered Thumbs? I’m pretty sure they’re still kicking themselves over that one. As a bit of background, I always wanted to be on the CA site in some form, and by the time I had a show to offer up, I was already pretty close friends with a lot of the producers. In fact, it was Julien (Sad Panda) who decided to post up one of my videos in his schedule slot as a way to offer me a test spot. It was well recieved enough, but video games were almost always relegated to BT at the point, so off I went.
Despite being the more “respected” site by some audiences, all snafu’s aside, I felt that Channel Awesome treated Blistered Thumbs producers as second class citizens. Posting on there was like the Wild West. You put up whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted, and as often as you wanted, and hoped someone with a show that consisted of a three-hour long livestream split up into 15 minute increments wouldn’t end up pushing your video off the main page slider within the next few hours. It was very much for that reason I pursued some means to get myself listed on the main site by cleaning up the YEARS worth of spam and reported comments. After bringing it to the right people, I was permitted to post videos on the main site as well. It went well enough... for a while.
Once BT was shut down, a few of my friends (specifically MegaGWolf) were unceremoniously let go without an ounce of communication. (Most everyone on BT who wasn’t brought on to the CA “merger” had to find out via friends, as Michaud didn’t directly inform them.) Despite the promise of rebranding and stronger promotion, the BT audience didn’t really follow over to CA as the site didn’t really fit their desires, and the core CA audience was basically “NC, Linkara,and that’s it.” Views tanked and it was around the time I decided to move over to Youtube as the Blip waters were already pretty troubled.
At some point I started doing relatively well on Youtube, to the point CA felt like an annoying afterthought. I had to make special titlecards for CA as they had a ridiculous format I’d purposefully ignore later on just to see if they were paying attention. For example, the images were all supposed to be JPGS, though I always made them PNG, and since they were hotlinking them from my site anyway, WHY DID IT FUCKING MATTER?! It most felt like this ridiculous push for control and a power play that no one bothered to enforce anyway. Each time we scheduled we had to provide a link, a title, and a link to a special made titlecard. Did you have a special instruction or link you wanted to include when posting on CA? Good fucking luck they would ever include it, or spell half that shit correctly. Hell after a while, I figured it was pretty non-coincidental that after changing the title format from “MMO Grinder: Name of Game” to “Name of Game - ChaosD1,” views coming from CA were barely a percentile of the overall views I’d get from every other source. It wasn’t worth making them a stupid special title card and hopping onto a painfully broken scheduling site (a site that, by the way was designed for Sporting Events, and was so filled with non-updated dead links I occasionally would troll them by posting my category as “Blistered Thumbs” and “The Inebriati” both still available in the category dropdown menu. I’ll bet you they are still there to this day.
My issue didn’t come about until a sudden rule change. A rule I didn’t really have an issue with until the market started dying down, and my constant crushing depression over winter and my wife’s illness kicked in. Basically, “Post one video a month, or you’re stricken from the site.” later on that was changed to TWO videos per month and my show was almost always a ONCE per month deal. Seemed a bit suspect and draconian. There were people who didn’t post videos for several MONTHS that were still listed on the site, but they suspiciously had pretty strong followings elsewhere. Still I figured some form of warning or amnesty would take place to some extent. So in April of 2017 it was a pretty shitty month. Most of it was spent working on Eternal Crusade which was such a miserable slog none of us felt like doing much of anything else, there were no games to Sidequest for the suddenly required 2nd video per month, and I was pretty sure I was going to get some flak for it.Keep this in mind, I was WELL AWARE of the risk I was taking by not posting a second video, despite me rather often saying my show was monthly at the most. I figured they might know this, I’d get a warning, and that’d be the end of it. However, I was able to get out Eternal Crusade at the very end of April, but didn’t get around to posting it on the schedule until May 1st. May 1st rolls around, I check the site for any feedback and comments, and notice the video isn’t posted at all.... and I can’t access the scheduler anymore. One day late of posting consistently for 5 fucking years, and I’m locked out of the site like I stole a laptop from the studio. So I hopped on Twitter. Partially to express dismay, and partially because... I noticed I didn’t really have an audience on Channel Awesome anymore. I asked this very specific question and joked with some of the replies, most of whom confirmed my suspicion. They really only watched me on my site or my YT channel.
Still in talking with the CA chat in Skype, (I’d be on that Producer’s chat more often if I didn’t basically swear off Skype after Discord included screenshare. The producers and former producers really should make a Discord channel already.) they informed me that they’d probably reverse their decision if I just contacted Greg. While I didn’t think it was likely worth the effort, I figured I would anyway. Maybe pipe dreams of being included in an anniversary special some day. I just couldn’t wait to be the guy sitting slightly out of camera range in every shot with the one exception of getting to say “What should we do now, Critic?” for my first and only line in the movie. So I contacted Greg. It went a little something like this (for the Skype uninitiated, my words in Blue, Greg’s in grey):
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So yeah, always fun to have to wait several days for a sentencing to the crime of being a day late on a post.
Of course, I cropped out the rest of the image, because the response without any contact in-between immediately afterward was this:
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Yes I was being a sarcast there. I’m a sarcast... but when I’m last told “we’ll go through everything” and that is immediately followed up by “Sorry I took so long to get back, but... get lost scrub” I’m probably going to be a bit miffed about it. Of course this is CA and you can’t talk bad about them... or post something on Twitter they presume is talking bad about them, as this was the response to my sarcastic reply:
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So yeah, Greg not quite understanding the concept of linear time (again I posted the tweet BEFORE I sent him the Skype message, not after) apparently you can’t even ask your audience where they still watch your videos most. They take it as a personal insult, like I didn’t enough appreciate those generous table scraps us low-tier producers had to fight over.
All things considered though, I knew the risk of not posting a second video in that month, and I valued my sanity over tossing out content for the sake of a suddenly imposed deadline. Could I have contacted Greg? Yeah, I suppose so, but why should I even have to? To be only a day late and have everything stricken without warning, like a robot looked over the feed and said “Well a month has passed, and there was only one so fired lel” without considering why, or even checking in on the employee in question, is the kind of corporate "numbers-only” bullshit that I swore off retail for. It’s fitting so many people in charge of Channel Awesome used to work at Circuit City is all I’m saying.
So that’s it. Nothing major, something I basically brought on myself, but still a fairly telling story of how you’d be treated as a content producer on that site.
And to all the current and remaining producers that aren’t showing up to the studio every day, or have a sizable enough audience to make a dent if you were to leave... they don’t WANT you there. They do not care about you. You are a liability. The very second they have a logical-to-them reason to cut your ass from the site, they will. Why put yourself through all that stress for a job that makes demands of you, without even paying you, promoting you, or benefiting you in any way? You know they don’t care about that site now that they are where they are with their YouTube channel. (Currently there are two producers that haven’t posted since December, that are still listed on the site. I must have been a special exception, or maybe it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a video as long as you keep telling them you don’t.) You’re white noise to them. Stay or go. As much as you think it might, it probably won’t make a difference to you... 
...but it definitely won’t make a difference to them.
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