#recognising the poem even if the chances of someone from college seeing this are extremely slim) & it was fun
Maybe I should dabble a little more in poetry
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shivu14 · 8 years
An Important Life Lesson
When I look back at my life and realise that I will legally be an adult next year, I have began to have many epiphanic moments. The most epiphanic moment is naturally indeed the most important.
I will admit this. I feel privileged, proud and extremely lucky that I have been given great opportunities this past year or two. It took me a while to realise that it was essential to express myself more. My ideas and thoughts cannot always easily be expressed, given where I live and the environment I am in. The internet is a a great place that has helped me achieve just this. It’s the one place where I feel that I may be getting some manner of positive reception. Writing on so many great platforms has also made me understand the vitality and importance of opportunity. My writer and journalism internship with the Borgen Project, letters to editor, my blog and now my contributions to the College X- press website have collectively made me come to this real and true conclusion. Regardless of my busy schedule as an IB student (those of you who can relate will understand what I mean), I never default on any of my writing commitments and contributions. If I have the chance to write, contribute or try out for a project, I don’t make excuses. I have never made excuses. I default on homework, studying, music and dance practice from time to time, but I have never defaulted on submitting an article or writing piece. Some people know me as that annoying and loud girl too basic and unintelligent to adhere to convention, and with a history of needless debates and verbal fights with people deemed to be better than her. But writing and getting all these opportunities has made me glory in the fact that I am none of the things that people think I am. I am not the most popular, prettiest, ‘coolest’ or socially accepted person in some of my environments, but writing and creating my own thoughts has made me not think about it anymore.  I thank the few, but loving, supportive, loyal and most amazing friends for recognising the somewhat loveable parts of me, and even my parents who have more or less agreed and come to some form of contentment with what I want to do with my life and how I will make a change. I have also had the opportunity to meet and interact with some really interesting people on the way who have helped me network, given me feedback and just been nice and cordial towards me in general. It’s just the wonderful opportunities that the past two years have offered me that has made me realise that there is a way I can fight this battle with myself and be victorious. The more I write, the more confident I become. The more praise from my editors and published pieces I see, the more I want to work harder and achieve better. This is a cycle I hope my life will keep undertaking, no matter what the future holds for me.  I may not have the conventional problems and relationship drama that people my age face, but I feel thankful for it. Opportunity has made me who I truly am and shaped my goals for the future. Maybe its something that the universe or God has luckily provided me with, but whatever it may be, I will respect it till my last day in this world and will be forever grateful. The first article I ever wrote for the Borgen Project will always stay with me. The first person who followed my blog, is someone I will always remember. The first poem and story I published will always stay saved on my laptop, and the strangers and forces who gave me the opportunity will always stay with me forever.
Thank you for supporting a quirky, strange and loud 17- year old girl!
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