#red is associated with sacrifice danger and courage
radiosmile · 10 months
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Stolas + Gold
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mysadblacksoul · 7 months
Twenty One Pilots 7 - tape theory lol
So I think we all know what happened the other days. The red tape appeared on the covers of the past albums. What is interesting is that the tape only covers the eyes. Yet in case of Blurryface it covers one circle - and since it's Twenty One Pilots we talk about it has a huge significance
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So get yourself a cup of coffee and let's break down the mystery 1. The tape - significance The tape was very important element to the previous eras. In Trench it was something that was used to cover what is important, which is yourself. Remember what happened in the Nico and the niners mv? After meeting Josh Tyler was given yellow tape to keep him safe.
But it was yellow - why? Because Bishops can't see yellow. So the tape this coloured can keep you safe. How we know that? Let's look back on Ride, Tyler says he likes to "stay in the sun where he's fine". The sun is commonly drawn as yellow.
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In Scaled and Icy era the tape also made an appearance. In Saturday mv, after the submarine was flooded Josh used tape to try to fix it. But it was still the same yellow tape
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Now the tape become red. It is usually associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. But as you can see it is not used by the pilots. This tape is used by the Bishops to cover people/animals eyes. To prevent them from seeing something they are not supposed to.
But is it the first time we see the red tape? Not really, it is the colour that Josh used in Guns for hands mv. And as you can see the tape also covers his eyes...
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2. Tape - covering eves
How we know it's Bishops? Well, they are the one who banned music from Dema. It is possible that they don't want other's to see what Banditos were doing, the rebellion. What does the tape cover?
On Vessel, it’s on the eyes of Tyler and Josh’s grandfathers, who in the album art could’ve served as the same vessel for their spirit.
On Blurryface, it’s blocking out the first circle, made for HDS. The bishop associated with that? Keons, the one turned (told you it will be important later).
On Trench it's over the eyes of a vulture, the Bandito’s symbol.
And on SAI it covers the eyes of Trash. Why? Trash the dragon represents a vulture. Citizens of Dema literally call vultures “trash dragons”, it means that they’re covering the vulture’s eyes completely.
3. Covering eyes in lyrics
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The lyric from The Outside of course - "I’ve got a long drive, I’ll tape my eyes, so I don’t fall asleep again"
But we can also see eye reference in Heavydirtysoul in "Gangsters don't cry / Therefore, therefore I'm /Mr. Misty-eyed, therefore I'm". And you might ask yourself what the hell does HDS have to do with anything. Well it has a lot to do with Keons. 4. Keons and his importance
So we already established that he is important to this theory, because he is the one who is covered on the Blurryface cover. His name is derived from a Heavydirtysoul lyric, “choKE ON Smoke”. Th
So he is a Bishop but his eyes are covered - why? Well he could be on Bandito side this whole time. Crazy, I know but hear me out.
In the music video storyline, Keons plays a pivotal role in aiding Tyler's escape from Dema and supporting the Banditos in their fight against the oppressive bishops. Keons orchestrates a diversion to allow Tyler to flee and leads a plan to crash the submarine, saving Tyler from the fake bishops' schemes. He also frames another bishop for the submarine incident, leading to their demise. Keons ultimately helps Tyler take control of a bishop vessel to destroy Dema from "the outside". Makes sense right? So it would make him a threat to the other Bishops - therefore he has to be eliminated or blinded. So that he won't interfere with their plan again.
5. Let's talk colours again I know I said that the tape is red. But is it actualy? It could be seen as deep orange and orange also plays a significance in the lore. It symbolizes being a prisoner, like in Heathens mv and Choker mv.
You might say that Heathens is not part of the lore at all. But if we talk colours then Tyler was literary wearing orange while bein opressed and then changed to yellow when he played with Josh. As if he gained the freedom to play music and where the music is prohibited? In Dema
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And in Choker Tyler wore orange beanie, as a symbol of still being controled
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So I believe that IF the tape is orange it could be a colour of opression. Which would makes sense for Bishops to use it. But overall it also stands for determination and strength. It is sure something that Banditos will need for the final battle lol
And in the rap part in Choker you have "You get taller, bolder, stronger and the rearview only blinds you".
The rearview has a symbolism itself. Meaning, if we knew in the past what we know now, we could have acted on that insight.
And fun thing. The drumset in Saturday was also orange
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6. Let's circle back to what we know so far
Well, that the album is comming, which is exciting. That it would be full of lore and that we would see more of the Bishops who are out for blood and revenge
So... I will keep you updated when something new drops!
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jounosparticles · 5 months
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good question!!
i actually very much prefer the red for a few reasons!!
when you take the colour red, it often is associated with strong emotions. passion, danger, anger, courage, bravery, sacrifice, etc. those are all things the hunting dogs must hold to high standards. red shows that they are flashy, out there, bold, and willing to do what it takes to achieve justice.
in contrast, green is often associated with calmness, nature, growth, and health. if anything i would say the hunting dogs go against most of these. they can be calm but they must act harsh when needed, and their bodies are unnaturally altered, meaning they aren’t as in line with nature or proper health.
i feel red just suits them best in colour theming. it was a good choice to change it i think.
there’s also the fact that a lot of media uses green uniforms for high-military members. making the hunting dogs wear red makes them stick out when it comes to imagining said type of groups. it adds a uniqueness to the characters that i love to see.
that annnd. red is my favourite colour :] hehe
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fawndlyvenus · 10 months
So, I want to share something that’s been sitting in my brain since KinnPorsche the Series aired. I’m a person who loves seeing colors and their meanings in the media I consume, as well as seeing how those colors connect to characters and become like a calling card for them. And oh boy does KPTS do that often. And one thing I’ve seen over and over again is that when Pete is on screen, – and somehow Vegas is involved – the color green appears.
In either lighting, clothing, and/or background items/decorations. And yes, green lighting is shown in scenes where neither is involved, or just Vegas, but it’s most common with Pete.
The meal that Vegas barges in on at the main home where Pete is present? Green lighting.
Pete in the car with the condoms and Vegas? Green lighting.
Pete snooping in the minor home and getting caught? Green shutters and Vegas in a green robe.
Pete being tortured? Green lighting.
Pete in the safe house? Green lighting.
Pete afterwards in the tub after his escape? Green lighting.
Vegas when he is pretty much confessing to Porsche about his feelings for Pete and swearing he’ll keep him safe no matter what? Green silk shirt.
Now, I know what you’re saying, “This sounds almost like Vegas is the green color.” Or “Well green can mean this thing, so it’s not really connected to Pete.” And yes, you are probably correct, but this is where it gets interesting. (Also this is just my personal take. So anything else is also valid.)
We know how Pete is as a character, right? Well look at what we find when we look at the color green:
“Green is a very down–to–earth color. It can represent new beginnings and growth. It also signifies renewal and abundance. Alternatively, green can also represent envy or jealousy, and a lack of experience. In spiritual terms, the color green implies beginnings, new growth, vibrant health, and other ideas connected with life, rebirth, and renewal.”
Now, does some of that sound familiar? These are all things that you can tie to Pete. Down-to-earth, lack of experience (you all know), beginnings, new growth, rebirth/renewal, and even envy or jealousy (from what I’ve seen people talk about how Pete felt about Porsche at certain points.) These are parts of Pete and his journey throughout KPTS.
Even more interesting is when you look into green in terms of love:
“What does the color green mean in love?
Green is the color of the heart chakra, symbolizing love to others, forgiveness, compassion, understanding, transformation, warmth, sharing, sincerity and devotion.”
Now tell me that isn’t Pete’s love for others, but especially Vegas. That’s basically how Pete loves Vegas down to the letter in the series.
But let’s also look at Vegas while we’re here. So I know most of the fandom pins Vegas’ color as red (I do too) and when you go back and look at certain scenes (the torture and safe house scenes for example) you see both colors. And the show almost always seems to add the red once Vegas enters, and even frames them accordingly to their colors. So of course we have to look at that.
Now what’s interesting is red and green are opposites, yet complimentary colors on the color wheel. One could almost say two things that are the same yet different. (Yes, I am implying Vegas and Pete being similar, yet different right now.) But let’s take an even closer look at the colors and what they represent when compared to each other:
“Red is a color of vigor and energy. It represents passion, urgency and grabs instant attention. It can also cause you to feel hunger, which is why it is used in food and beverage logos.” Now who does this sound like? Grabs instant attention, vigor and energy, but above all else causing you to feel hunger?
“Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy.” And now we bring blood, danger, sacrifice, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy into the mix as well? Seems pretty spot on with Vegas.
“Green, on the other hand, is a color of peace, rejuvenation, nature, cleanliness, and fertility.” So when compared to red, green is its opposite: bringing peace, a rebirth of some sorts, and cleanliness (like washing away the sins of your past perhaps?). But also note how some similarities still are there.
Now one last look at the colors. I feel like this one is the big kicker for these two, and really sells Pete as green, and Vegas as Red: “Green speaks to our desire to foster understanding and acceptance between people and to see the potential value and goodness of each person. Green does not represent the color of love on the level of passion between two people. Throughout history, red has been the color of passion, romance, and sexual energy.”
That to me is Pete. If nothing else, that is Pete as a character and how you see him in his time at the safe house. He tries over and over to understand Vegas, see the value and goodness in him, as well as acceptance for who he is and of his past. You can even boil it down to just how Pete is as a person and how he loves/cares for people in general.
And when we look at the love on a romantic or just simply passion level, we see how Vegas and Pete are different. Vegas – like most people in his family – loves people to obsession. Once he loves you, he will do anything for you. He cannot and will not let anything or anyone harm Pete. He brings the intensity and sexual energy that we never really get from Pete. Pete loves in a more nurturing and compassionate way. Vegas comes in like a fire, whereas Pete comes in like a gentle rain on a summer day.
But when they two come together (look at me bringing things back around again) they compliment each other, and both take from one another. Pete learns to be more rage and heat. Finds that hunger and passion that he never had before. Finds the love and sexuality that he never explored or was aware of in his life.
Vegas cools down some of his heat and rage, and brings in the compassion and understanding of others (even if we only get to see it briefly with people like Porsche and Pete.) And we even see him entering his rebirth right before he gets shot and afterwards. Him finding that peace and devotion. That warmth and his own love that he never had before.
Red and green are two colors that work perfectly (again, in my opinion) for these two as “their colors”, but also to give us more depth and insight into two characters who didn’t get as much time and development as others. Complimentary, yet opposites. The same, yet different. Two people that you would never expect to come together, yet are soulmates through and through for one another.
One ruby heart, now speckled with beautiful emeralds. One lush and green heart, now blooming beautiful red blossoms.
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garrothromeave · 4 months
I definitely agree with you
And blue is soo Garroth's colour when he does find himself
I'd like to point out the symbolism behind the colour blue for a second
"Blue often symbolizes serenity, stability, inspiration, or wisdom. It can be a calming color, and symbolize reliability."
That description is very fitting for Garroth.
Meanwhile if we look at red, the description says that it has been historically associated with "sacrifice, danger, and courage."
And Garroth actually often LACKS courage. He runs away from his problems instead of facing them.
So it fits that as he finds himself, he starts wearing a colour that fits him better.
ohhhh yeah. red being a much more aggressive colour vs blue being more passive as well... him finally representing HIS colour just works out always. like, i mean, he's ALWAYS blue, even before he SHOWS being blue (based on vibes alone, too, but i realize that i may speak from bias of knowing the character). but idk. i also like that his blue is a deeper blue and not the bright blue of his sword & shield. there's something more calm and thoughtful about it. i like that idk
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nomsfaultau · 10 months
SBI SCP AU character playlists
Rose by The Oh Hellos (I mean I'm doing an entire animatic wip, it fits and I have essays to prove it. Anyway violence, the power of names/narratives, truth, hypocrisy, how sacrifice and love tie together.)
Sunken City by David Wirsig (Tubbo associations, mostly symbolic/vibes past the prison break. The euphoria of escaping and how the world beyond is confusing and unrecognizable. The idea of journeying with a friend to the ruins of what was once your life. 6th verse as finding a new home in found family. 'God free me from the burden of my thoughts')
Never Love an Anchor by The Crane Wives (Tubbo, and how Tommy tries to distance himself to protect them/is the only reason Tubbo stays in a group with people they abhor. Touch starvation, hands as dangerous, seeing himself as a monster/burden. Again. Did an animatic for this one.)
Wilbur (yes they're all by Will Wood for the bit):
Misanthrapologist by Will Wood (Philza, for their light/dark dynamic and untangling of Wilbur's loathing of society and himself. WHiT Constellations interlude. I imagine 'can't keep a straight face while I'm praying' as Phil trying to get Wil to meditate but they end up laughing + 'don't you revolve around someone else' as a chide to Philza post Anderson's death)
Love Me, Normally (If he were honest with himself. Wilbur is wracked with jealousy for humanity that he disguises as hatred. Die young mentality, insomnia, bridge 2 addressed to the void, 'Is it courageous or escapist to leave the quarantine when you’re contagious?' as a comment on the danger of anomalies and if they should be contained)
BlackBoxWarrior (An entire life spent running from the Foundation and their experiments + trauma, repressing the past, general void madness, 'a map to every victim of his love' as the scars the void has left)
The Blade:
Red Water Dreams by Aviators (The sea motif of the voices, being a vessel for The Blood God, finding blame in those who unleashed his apocalyptic revenge. The entire chorus fits so well. 'Vicious thoughts are stirring/And I hunger for their power')
Paralyzed by Aviators (He's just an Aviators boy, what can I say, it's the violence and upbeat tempos man. Really this is The Blood God's song. His challengers as a duty to cull, as he's forced to hunt down every last foe that laid a hand upon his vessel. The thrill of battle, impending doom, 'I will give you one fair chance' because he really does seek a good fight. The Blade is the one paralyzed, unable to do anything but watch as his body is used for destruction)
Turn Out the Lights by The Crane Wives (Because The Blade does actually handle The Blood God/voices pretty well. I feel this song captures the way he just sorta rolls his eyes and shrugs off the intrusive thoughts most of the time)
Rule #9 - Child of the Stars by Fish in a Birdcage (Wilbur as a wanderer, but works for any Collected for fostering their growth. Father vibes. Philza raising his children to be strong, independent people. A gentle expectation of greatness, because he picks out the exceptional among humanity)
Hot Tea by Half Alive (His sheer adoration of his Collected, also fun to swap the roles so that it is the god showing devotion. The pure warmth and sweetness matches Philza. In retrospect I need a song about protective violence but eh I set a 3 song limit.)
Time Machine by Miracle Musical (Amnestic arc. Particularly with loneliness and the vehemence in 'look at what you've done now to me', as well as 'I'm leaving today, today' with his confused insistence that he leaves at the end of the week. The way Philza is dragged in and out of grief at the whims of the Foundation, left free floating and disorientated)
Soap by The Oh Hellos (Actual perfect Tubbo song. WHiT Croplands interlude. Themes of pacifism, how Tubbo is made of pieces, the separation between humans and anomalies and how the Hivemind can cross that barrier. Learning when to let go/hold on with the Tommy, Hive members, Willow. The 2nd chorus as Rhodes trying to convince Tubbo to leave Tommy in Jasper, with the response of 'I think that you’re worth (keeping around/holding onto)' to both Rhodes and Tommy's Never Love an Anchor. And imagining Tubbo saying the last stanza to Tommy makes me so soft)
Escapism by Rebecca Sugar (Dissociation. Grey chapter in general, specifically Pewter for being firm in convictions: 'shouldn't show a trace of doubt' and telling Rosalind the sacrifice won't hurt them, as well as trying to force a dissociative episode when their hand is sawed off)
Saint Bernard by Lincoln (ok this is a troll but also fits well for Cinnabar and Old Gauze. The guilt of failing one's morals. Technically Tubbo is in Indiana satanic and chained up, but I'll let it slide. The Saint Calvin verse is so good for the Rhodes-Tommy tension + Foundation destroying families. Also the way Tubbo blames their self-loathing on Rosalind, making the chorus apt for the Hivemind mess) (but also its funny to give Tubbo the classic edgy character song)
(Bonus) Dr. Blake:
Take Me to War by The Crane Wives (She sees herself as forced to be ruthless to survive against powerful anomalies. 'And I'll rankle the beasts with words' for her manipulation. Also epithets in the dehumanizing way the Foundation avoids names. Verse 3 is Tubbo 'corrupting' the guards when they saved humans from Philza)
Solaria, Kevin / End-World Normopathy by GHOST (Tommy, with religious themes and verse 5/Kevin understood as The Blood God. The cold cruelty of the Foundation, sentience as a failure/flaw in a tool (Tommy), Dr. Blake completely separating her personal and professional selves because to have humanity is only a weakness anomalies will exploit. 'Though you’ll never die, you’ve found that/All eyes are staring at your hands' is an absolutely perfect line for summoning sessions)
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deldeldel90 · 8 months
blaine's name means Yellow:
what does yellow symbolize?
Yellow, [the lightest hue of the spectrum,] signifies joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, caution, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard and friendship.
It's associated with happiness and sunshine. Yellow can also be associated with deceit and cowardice, [though (calling someone yellow is calling them a coward)]. Yellow is also associated with hope, [as can be seen in some countries when yellow ribbons are displayed by families who have loved ones at war.]
Yellow, the color of sunshine, hope, and happiness. Yellow, [a color giving you confidence and bringing creativity, joy to our hearts and lift up our spirits.] As the color of the sun it is associated with warmth, as the color of light it is associated with knowledge and wisdom.
he wears red:
what does red symbolize?
[Just as blood can be associated either with its life-giving properties or with violence,] red is also paradoxically affiliated with notions of violence, danger, and anger.
Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. [Modern surveys in Europe and the United States show red is also the color most commonly associated with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love, and joy.]
Red symbolizes many emotions, [both positive and negative.] Namely, it's associated with anger, rage, lust, passion, high energy, stimulation, and fear.
he was born Yellow, but made Red. Both colors are him and I feel like that's ... Something.
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thetudorslovers · 1 year
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Should your glance on mornings lovely
Lift to drink the heaven’s blue
Or when sun, veiled by sirocco,
Royal red sinks out of view –
Give to Nature praise and honor.
Blithe of heart and sound of eye,
Knowing for the world of colour
Where its broad foundations lie.
— Goethe
Often associated with bloodshed, the color red can trigger feelings of sorrow and defeat. It can also be a fortifying presence, letting us know that we’ve endured another painful scar. In Greek mythology, the red rose was a symbol of the cycle of growth and decay, but also for love and affinity. Since red is the color of blood, it has historically been associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage. 
The color red has represented many things, from the life force and the divine to love, lust, and anger. Up through the Middle Ages, red held a place of privilege in the Western world. For many cultures, red was not just one color of many but rather the only color worthy enough to be used for social purposes. In some languages, the word for red was the same as the word for color. The first color developed for painting and dying, red became associated in antiquity with war, wealth, and power. In the medieval period, red held both religious significance, as the color of the blood of Christ and the fires of Hell, and secular meaning, as a symbol of love, glory, and beauty. Yet during the Protestant Reformation, red began to decline in status. Viewed as indecent and immoral and linked to luxury and the excesses of the Catholic Church, red fell out of favor. After the French Revolution, red gained new respect as the color of progressive movements and radical left-wing politics." - Red: The History of a Color by Michel Pastoureau
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ak4rin · 4 months
For the hc meme : what would she choose to represent herself in terms of animals, flowers .. etc. what would her symbol be ?
this is a list of all the things i could think of:
ANIMAL: fennec, which symbolizes good luck, charm, and quick wit - ironically enough all things she's displayed in the episodes she starred in!
FLOWER: daisy, which is frequently associated with new beginnings and cheerfullness - again themes very close to akari and her story - but also the victorian era association of loyalty and ability to keep secrets.
FOOD: tiramisù, because it's a dessert containing both sweetness from the sugar and bitterness from coffee ( akari's beloved lol ) which in a way is suits her a lot - she presents quite stoic and "thug" like, but her playfullness always comes through in the most random ways.
DRINK: rosé wine, symbolizing romance, fun and optimism - all things akari is ... behind closed doors.
WEAPON: combat knives, which symbolize her past as a delinquent but are also her preferred weapon of choice on a fight - another thing is the "bringing a knife to a gun fight" say, symbolizing how she can be a deadly weapon ideally, but is always somewhat in disadvantage compared to her peers.
COLOR: red, historically associated to sacrifice, danger and courage - all things akari has found herself dealing with throughout her life. she's very determinate and confident, action-oriented whenever allowed.
SEASON: spring, symbolizing hope, new beginnings and opportunities. it's quite ironic, considering she was born in winter ( typically associated with sadness, heartbreak and loneliness ... which also reflects on some parts of her life )
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the-coffee-fandom · 5 months
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𝙷𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚑𝚊𝚔𝚒 𝙷𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜
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❀ Hanahaki Hours 2024 Flower Symbolism List ❀
Hanahaki Hours 2024 Calendar
Red - Remembrance - Death - Hope - Love - Sacrifice - Success - Good fortune
White - Life without conflict - Peace - Faith - Eternal life of the soul - Pleasant dreams
Blue - Imagination - Thinking - Faith - Creativity - Messages from angels
Pink - Compassion - Platonic love - Restful sleep
Yellow - Renewal - Optimism - Positive memories
Orange - Joy - Exuberance - Health - Regeneration
Purple - Remembrance for animals during wartime - Commitment to peace - Luxury - Peacefulness - Imagination - Beauty - Tribute and honouring another
Black - Elegance - Deep sleep - Mysterious dreams
White - Purity - Innocnence
Yellow - Joy - Friendship - Cheerfulness - Well wishes
Pink - Platonic love - Romance - Gentleness
Orange - Healing - Happiness - Playfulness - Warmth - Joy - Excitement
Red - Love - Passion - Romance - Unbreakable love and devotion (bundle)
Purple - Thinking of someone - Spontaneity - Peace - Unity - Fun - Apology - Misunderstanding - Royalty - Pride
Blue - Trust - Honesty - Loyal
Forget Me Not
Blue - Remembrance - Memory - Deep emotional connections - Pledge to never forget them and think of them often (wedding) - Eternal love - Think of them often
White - Charity - Care for less fortunate
Pink - Romantic relationships between spouse - True love - Respect - Promise to never forget someone - Constancy
- Health and well-being - Passion and romance - Domestic Virtue - Immortality - Royalty - Success - Diginity - Love - Resilience
Green - Balance - Tranquility - Growth - Harmony - Calmness - Relacation - Renewal
Purple - Royalty - Success - Dignity - Wisdom - Spirituality - Life - Prosperity - Love - Resilience - Protection - Hope
Yellow - Healing - Protection - Purification
Wolf's Bane
- Danger - Evil - Death - Warning - Presence of a foe - Protection (against mythic beings) - Transformation - Deceit - Murder - Dark magic Associated with werewolves, vampires, and witches in folklore. Should never be given as sympathy or grief due to its connotation of death. Used historically to make weapons more deadly due to how poisonous it is.
Yellow - Warmth - Creativity - Deception - Caution - Malicious - Hidden dangerous outcomes - Friendship - Appreciation Can be used as a special warning. When all things look beautiful and well, that is not the case, and caution should be practiced for the dangers that hide beneath
Blue - Healing - Depression - Anxiety - Sorrow - Trust - Wishes of fast recovery - Sympathy
Purple - Mysteriously wicked - Mystery - Murder - Poison - Witchcraft - Mistrust - Hatred Use this in a bouquet for your enemies
White - Elegance - Innocence - Honesty - Thoughtful love - Purity
White - Innocence - Purity - Clarity - Peace - Trust - Serenity
Red - Respect - Desire - Courage - Joy - Vitality - Deep afffection - Support - Encouragement
Purple - Passion - Opulence
Yellow - Spreading happiness - Joy - Friendhip - Protection
- Good luck - Wealth - Fortune - Compassion - Romance - Accomplisment It was said that digging them up would result in curses and it was bad luck if they dried out.
Yellow - Happiness - Warmth - Friendship - New beginnings - Prosperity
White - Bashfulness - Apology
Pink - Luck - Prosperity
Red - Love - Passion - Honour - Respect
Coral (Changes colour as they bloom) - Elegance - Good fortune - Strong relationship - Success - Happiness - Abundance
Purple - Royalty - Nobility - Diginity - Admiration - Respect - Romance - Ambition - Luxury
- Love - Fertility - Charm
Pink - Femininity - Grace - Thoughtfulness - Love - Innocence
White - Purity - Innocence - Honour
Purple - Royalty - Luxurity - Admiration - Originality - Calmness - Enchantment
Yellow - Friendship - Joy - Appreciation - Positivity - Optimism
Red - Beauty - Romance - Love - Strong emotions - Intense affection - Desire - Courage - Determination
Blue - Confidence - Loyalty - Power - Calmness - Serenity - Unique - Mezmerizing
Orange - Creativity - Energy - Fascination
Green - Health - Good fortune - Sucess - Growth - Vitality - Recovery - New beginnings
Narcissus (Daffodil)
Yellow - Mirth - Camaraderie - Abundance - Positivity - Happy chance - Good luck
Blue - Mystery - Transformation - Inspiration Do not occur naturally
Orange - Well-being - Courage - Creativity - Nurturing love
Pink - Femininty - Tenderness - Grace - Gratitude - Affectionate love - Passion (deeper pink) - Energy (deeper pink) - Strength (deeper pink)
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coeurthas · 2 years
thinking about how there's so much emphasis on color and floriography in Stampede and honestly that shit fucks so I'll do my best to explain. Granted color and flower symbolism isn't international but Orange seems to be pulling specifically from floriography/Biblical/Historically Western sources.
Rem and the past are associated with red geraniums, which symbolize happiness, good health, and friendship. In Victorian England they meant stupidity or folly, so I think Trigun uses both, and I think the scenes where Knives is berating Vash for his pacifism/love for humanity emphasizes this point.
Red itself is historically associated with sacrifice, danger, and courage, ntm the religious connotations with the Eucharist, etc,.
The flowers Luida is growing to help alleviate the burden humanity places on Plants(although it's explicitly stated that this won't happen until far into the future which i think is very important) are all blue, I think for sincerity, trust, and loyalty. The ones Meryl examines directly, are Baby Blue Eyes, symbolizing wishing for success/happiness in all things.
I was gonna write about purple but I don't think that's as important as the fact that Vash's things being tinted purple after he regains his autonomy is clearly supposed to represent how he's accepted himself enough to embrace both the past and the future and it's 🥺
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jounosparticles · 10 months
hello I meant to send an ask and then got distracted 😭
but! red uniforms for the win 💪 they make the characters stand out more and the designs just pop its so AGREGR makes my brain happy dbf it just fits. it's a vibe
the only downside to them I think is when the hunting dogs actual arrive in the anime. they blend into the red background and hues of the sky but that also goes away in later season 4 (sky casino) - season 5 so it's really just meh. they make it work :D
and they look so good in red uniforms dude. the green ones just don't seem to fit but also they're military(esque) and camou and dark green so I understand
I have more thoughts but that veers off into a fukufuku conversation JDBDBF I love these old men and i think that will just become more obvious the more I send asks KDDJC
i completely agree on the uniforms!!
one thing i’ll say about the red background in their debut is that Arguably it works. since the background is all orange-ish it suits as a sort of camouflage so they’re not seen as easily walking in the woods. not that anyone is in the woods but i just wanted to mention hehe. anyway i don’t mind it. it makes the redness of the uniforms kinda bright in the scene.
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idk i think it’s nice. i feel the hunting dogs would have a beautiful fall photoshoot 🎉‼️
sorry. i am rambling.
anyway, yeah i feel the red ones suit them better. green makes sense given they’re military uniforms but i feel the red fits them well.
not to dive into colour meanings but.
red is often associated with danger, courage, aggression, sacrifice, and passion. which is what the hunting dogs must act like daily in order to achieve their missions. it’s also a bold colour, since the team is very impending group it suits them well.
green is often associated with growth, hope, renewal, health, and nature. although i believe the hunting dogs can signify growth and hope, i find the traits of the colour red fit them better. if anything, the hunting dogs are less natural than most humans with their enhanced bodies. that also puts their health at risk, they are very far from properly healthy and natural due to their surgical bodies.
of course, i am likely looking too deep into things. i believe the actual reason it was changed was because they didn’t want the hunting dogs uniform to resemble ww2 uniforms. but looking into colour association is fun regardless. i wonder what other colours they considered? maybe black or something would look neat. but i’m glad they went with red.
i also just like the colour more. so i am biased. but i believe it’s fitting. anyway moral of the story the hunting dogs look great in all colours. i love them for that.
annnd please i’m interested in hearing your other thoughts! would love to see fukufuku stuff :)
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twilekchiss · 1 year
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Part 1: Thrawn
In this series, I am using Tarot as a tool to analyze Thrawn and other Chiss characters from Thrawn: Ascendancy. For the uninitiated, Tarot is traditionally a deck of 78 cards, consisting of twenty-two Major Arcana and fifty-six Minor Arcana (or pip cards). Famously, Tarot is often used in cartomancy, or the use of cards in fortune-telling. However, Tarot is rooted in card games developed in 15th Century Italy, and is still used that way today; beyond that, it can be used as a tool for self-exploration. The cards are read via the heavy symbolism in the card art, drawing from occult traditions (depending on the deck in question).
I am basing my analysis off of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck, which is usually the deck you see in movies and TV shows. I have assigned every major character I could think of to a Major Arcana card (two of them have two!); this analysis is not including the Minor Arcana.
Today, we discuss Thrawn as The Hanged Man.
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The Hanged Man
Let’s look at the art. (I know, I know. Art analysis. How very Thrawn of me.)
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A person is suspended from a cross made of living wood. His clothes are a blue tunic and red tights, a slim brown belt and beige slippers. He hangs by his right ankle, while his other leg is folded, crossed behind his right one. His arms are likewise folded, hands unseen behind his back. Around his head is a golden halo. The card itself is labeled as number twelve.
As you see, I have bolded a few points in the description above. These I believe are the key symbols behind this card. Let’s go through them one by one.
Suspended - The main feature, as it were, of the Hanged Man is that he is hanging. More than that, he hangs upside down, giving him a completely different view than the viewer. He is not struggling, but seemingly at peace with this, indicating his consent.
A Cross - Crosses, obviously, are highly associated with the crucifixion of Jesus in Christianity, but also the practice of Roman crucifixion in general, both criminals, and in Christian mythology, saints.
Living Wood - The cross being made of living wood brings to mind the myth of Odin hanging himself from Yggdrasil, the World Tree that connected the Nine Realms. Not only that, but throughout Tarot living wood indicates growth and change (and life in general).
Blue and Red Clothing - Blue symbolizes wisdom, freedom, intuition, and serenity, as well as sometimes loyalty and reliability. Red is the color of blood, of life, of passion, but also danger, sacrifice, and courage. Note that for the card, red is on top and blue is on bottom, but if the Hanged Man was not hanging upside down, they would be reversed.
Hanging by right ankle / Left leg folded and crossed - The right foot is bound, the thing that he is suspended by. But not the left foot. That is curled, but choice, behind the right. Right and left are often associated with *right* and *wrong* – mostly due to archaic thoughts of right handedness vs left handedness. Consider the positions of the legs – the right being at the forefront, and perfectly straight. The left behind, crooked and angled away, leading a different path than the right leg. When a person stands, legs are parallel, ending at the feet both firmly on the ground. Here, the legs end in different places, the right pointing towards the heavens, the left points away from the heavens.
Hands unseen - Are his hands bound, or does he keep them there of his own free will? We cannot tell. Regardless, they are still and idle, the ability to *do* taken away by circumstance or by choice.
Golden Halo - A crown or disc of light, a halo is used to represent holiness on religious figures, but also kings and heroes. Aside from holiness, it can also mean glory and enlightenment.
Number Twelve - This is the twelfth card in the Fool’s Journey, after Justice but before Death. It is the time between, rather a liminal card, where one surrenders to the end that Justice has brought. 
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Thrawn is The Hanged Man
So how does this apply to Thrawn? 
I think it's most evident in Lesser Evil. Of course, one thinks of the ending of Lesser Evil, most especially Chapter Twenty-Eight, and Thrawn’s purposeful sacrifice of exile for his actions at Sunrise (and to some extent, through the whole Ascendancy trilogy and arguably the events of Outbound Flight). The exile was willing; he did not fight it, but saw the tactical implications of it. He surrendered to it (point #8), and through that surrender, he found a new way. Through his exile and subsequent service to the Empire, he found a new perspective (point #1). He found freedom, as he was no longer bound to the No Preemptive Strikes law of the Ascendancy. He was labeled a criminal, but also hailed as a hero by others (point #2). Like Odin on the World Tree, he hung himself to gain further knowledge and wisdom (point #3)
This exile, thus surrendering to the Justice of the Syndicure that lead to the Death of his career in the Ascendancy, was all by his consent (point #9) to Ba'kif's idea of it. 
The epilogue, narrated by Thrawn (the only time his POV turns up during the Ascendancy trilogy, even if it's a rehashing of the Prologue of Thrawn 2017), he has this line: "Among these aspirations is the desire that there will be a straight path to those goals." Just as Thrawn muses on paths, the Hanged Man depicts two via the position of his legs, the legs themselves a symbol of movement (point #5). You could ascribe the Straight leg pointing towards the heavens as doing what the Syndicure ruled, and thus Thrawn turned away from that, going along a crooked path instead, his fate sealed through martyrdom.
There's also the fact that Thrawn used a fake surrender to Jixus to ensnare him into a trap (point #6).
But even as we see The Hanged Man in Senior Captain Thrawn's Last Stand, there are other symbols that apply to Thrawn. His incredible patience (a type of surrender), for example, with those willing to learn and grow (like the Living Wood of the cross, point #3). The way he guides Thalias and Samakro to find the answers on their own, giving them information but passively allowing them to form their own conclusions instead of telling them the answer. There's his desire to learn and collect data to find enlightenment (points #4 and #7). Thrawn is more than happy to go with the flow of things to gain insight into his opponents, instead of stubbornly battering it head on, most especially if he can learn from it.
Next up: Samakro as The Emperor
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Soul Traits vs Monster Souls
TW: Suicide mentioned. It's not in detail, and rather brief, but I still respect others enough to put this here.
Each Soul Trait have their own traits, and it would make sense that only Humans have them. So, why don't we go down and show the uniqueness of each soul, hm? Id love your own interpretations on these as well and why. Whoo, let's go!
Top Three Rarest Souls-
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Determination: The most rare of souls, this soul is associated with a bright candy red color. They are far more ready to keep going, judged by how much you want something and the lengths you are willing to go to in order to make it happen. It is shown that this soul has been not only the rarest, but has evidence of doing things other souls have not. Not much is known about this soul, but has an issue with overflowing and becoming corrupt.
Excessiveness of this soul leads to Tenacity, being unwilling to give up and leading to their downfall
Corruption leads to Spite, pushing themselves over the limit and only growing bitter
Resistance against the soul's desire would lead to Irresolution
This soul trait is less likely to Fall Down but more likely to be Corrupt
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Kindness: The second most rare of souls, this soul is associated with a bright lime green color. A scarcity in this realm, their soul is associated with helping others and extending empathy to others. Though often seen as a weak trait due to being easily discoloring, keeping this soul bright is challenging to many, but it ends up being rare to see it corrupted
Too much Kindness leads to Complicity, having a high risk of dying easier due to self sacrifice.
Going against the soul's desire would lead to Apathy, a lack of compassion
Corruption leads to Animosity, strong hostility to the point of hatred
This soul is more prone to Falling Down and Resistance, but is the less likely to be Corrupt and being in Excess
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Integrity: The third most rare of souls, this soul is associated with a royal blue color. Given to those who hold strong morals, they strive to hold their promise and are adamant about keeping promises. Due to the world's condition, it is rare for this soul to be found more overflowed than corrupted.
Too much Integrity leads to Righteousness, unable to stop itself from thinking that all it's doing is for the good of others
Corruption leads to Conceit, leading to bias and egotism
Going against the soul's desire would lead to Deceit
This soul is more prone to corruption, Falling Down, and Resistance
This soul rarely has Excessiveness
Most Common Souls-
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Bravery: One of the most common, this soul is associated with a pumpkin orange color. Given to those who are confident and courageous, they keep going in the face of danger. They have the courage to keep going in times of hardship and are wonderful to befriend. Though the most common out of any soul, they are surprisingly hard to corrupt, but have a hard time being tamed.
Too much Bravery leads to Impulsivity, not knowing when to back down and often becoming ones own downfall as a result
Corruption leads to Stubbornness, especially if it's directed towards a bad goal and ends up hurting others
Resistance against the soul's desire would lead to Cowardice, too scared to do anything and often running away
It is harder for this soul to Corrupt and to Fall Down
This trait often has Excessiveness
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Justice: One of the most common, this soul is associated with a aureolin yellow. Given to those with a strong sense of right and wrong, they are lawful and unwavering people. They cannot stand on the side when there's obviously conflict, and they are the first to step up to help. One of the least likely to overflow but often seen corrupted.
Too much Justice leads to Vengeance, an ambitious and powerful force
Corruption leads to Iniquity
Going against the soul's desire would lead to Injustice
This soul is more prone to Corruption
This soul hardly experiences overflow
This soul has lower rates of Falling Down
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Patience: One of the most common, this soul is associated with a cyan blue. Given to those who can wait things out, knowing what's good for them in a quiet manner. Though more common than other souls, it's still hardly spotted nowadays. This is due to scientists classifying as such because having a healthy soul for this trait is uncommon.
Too much Patience leads to Stagnation, an idle soul
Corruption leads to Agitation, easily losing your calm and rationality
Going against the soul's desire would lead to Restlessness, unable to wait and becoming too quick to get results
This soul tends to Fall Down often
This soul is less prone to Corruption
This soul often has Resistance to its vessels
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Perseverance: One of the most common, this soul is associated with a grape purple. Given to those who are persistent against all odds, they learn to overcome their challenges. The most likely Determination, they have a tendency to overflow vs having a lack of the trait.
Too much Perseverance leads to Inflexibility, adamant about not changing or compromising
Corruption leads to Blind Persistence, leading to their own self destruction
Going against the soul's desire would lead to Apathy, not caring enough to continue
This soul is less prone to Corruption
This soul is less likely to Fall Down
This soul often overflows in Excess
This soul often deals with Resistance with itself
Other: This is not quite a soul trait rather an ending result. Grey souls and Hatred are their own unique and special situations that need analyzing.
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Grey Souls: This is what happens when someone completely loses their soul trait. It's hard to get it to fully turn grey, but there have been no reported incidents of what happens when fully grey. It is determined that a Human can't properly handle a soul where 25% or less of their Soul Trait is present, and usually there happens to be cases of suicide as a result. It's very challenging to change the soul to be back to a healthy percentage, but it's possible
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Hate: When a soul becomes corrupted, it starts to crack and wither into a dark shade of black, becoming more and more as the underneath of the original color of the soul ends up turning here. There is little to no way of stopping this once it reaches dangerous levels, and because of it? It completely alters the Human, changing them until they are entirely consumed. No human has reached this point within recent times, but during the War between Monsters and Humans there were written scripts of Mages turning because of Corruption. But those scripts have been lost over time, so there's no real knowledge of what happens when it reaches over 80% of the Human's soul...
Now monster souls do not have soul traits. In fact, it would be impossible since they are made entirely of magic or (LOVE = LV) and do not have a body separate from their soul. However, their magic has their own unique colors and depending on the AU that simply has to do with their environment, stress, etc. Purple, red, orange, and yellow have the most stress. Blue, green, and white have the least. Of course, it can change, but if the soul is under too much stress, it can alter the color of ones magic permanently.
Monster Souls
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Closing Notes:
I tried my best to get everything here, hopefully I will not need to edit and change this. I hope that this fully explains my interpretation of Souls for later posts including them :)
Thank you
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bangtan-in-black · 1 year
The colour red
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Historically, red has been associated with courage, danger and sacrifice.
Modern results from a survey shows that red now has connotations with heat, activity, passion, sexuality, anger, love.
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letterman-blog · 1 year
Seven Remarkable Dogs Who Became Heroes in History
1__ Hachiko: The Legendary Dog of Loyalty
Hachiko is a Akita dog that became famous in Japan for his remarkable loyalty to his owner. Every day, Hachiko would walk his owner to the train station and return to the station to pick him up after work. However, one day his owner passed away at work and never returned to the train station. Hachiko continued to wait for his owner at the train station every day for nine years until his death. Today, there is a statue of Hachiko at Shibuya Station in Tokyo to commemorate his loyalty.
2__ Balto: Chú chó kéo xe anh hùng của Alaska
Balto was a Siberian Husky who led a team of sled dogs during the 1925 serum run to Nome, Alaska. The serum run was a life-saving mission to deliver diphtheria antitoxin to the town of Nome, which was experiencing an outbreak of the disease. Balto led the final leg of the mission and delivered the serum to Nome, saving countless lives. Today, a statue of Balto stands in New York City's Central Park in honor of his bravery.
3__ Laika: The Trailblazing Space Dog
Laika was a stray dog from Moscow who was selected by the Soviet space program to become the first animal to orbit the Earth. In 1957, Laika was launched into space aboard the Sputnik 2 spacecraft. Although the mission was successful in demonstrating that a living organism could survive in orbit, Laika did not survive the flight. She became the first animal to die in space, but her sacrifice paved the way for future human space exploration.
4__ Trakr: The Hero German Shepherd of 9/11
Trakr was a German Shepherd who was involved in the search and rescue efforts following the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City. Trakr helped locate the last survivor found in the rubble, a police officer who was trapped beneath the debris. For his bravery, Trakr was named "Dog World Magazine's" "World's Most Heroic Dog" and was awarded a prize by Pedigree dog food company. Trakr also went on display at the U.S. National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. In 2015, Trakr passed away at the age of 16.
5__ Chips: The Courageous War Dog of WWII
Chips was a German Shepherd who was trained to serve in World War II and participated in many campaigns across Europe. Chips captured several German soldiers and was injured during battle, but recovered afterwards. After the war, Chips was awarded many honors and was inducted into the "Dog Hero" category of the U.S. Army's military museum.
6__ Appollo: The Bravery of a 9/11 First Responder
Appollo was a German Shepherd who was trained to serve in the New York Police Department and participated in the response to the 9/11 attacks. Appollo helped locate and rescue many victims from the rubble of the North Tower and was named "Dog Fancy" magazine's "Hero Dog of the Year" in 2002.
7__ Cairo: The Loyal and Fearless Navy SEAL Dog
Cairo was a Belgian Malinois who was trained to serve in the U.S. Navy SEALs and participated in the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound in Pakistan in 2011. Cairo worked alongside the SEAL team on many dangerous missions and became a symbol of courage and loyalty in the U.S. military. After retiring, Cairo was awarded the American Red Cross and American Humane Association's "Hero Dog" awards.
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