#red tips? we see red on salmonids
ghosthoodie · 2 years
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i think she is a salmonling
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noneuclideanwhimsy · 6 months
Ok so first off. This au started with BANTIM because my friend kept making Splatoon jokes and I was like hmmmm what if.
Just some like. Info on who is what first off (all colours listed are their original colours, now everyone except Henry and Joey has black ink)
Joey Drew: inkling (purple)
Henry Stein: inkling (yellow)
Sammy Lawrence: octoling (green)
Jack Fain: salmonid
Susie Campbell: inkling (light blue)
Norman Polk: eel (laser eyes) (red)
Daniel “Buddy” Lewick: atlantic wolffish
Bertrum Piedmont: spider crab
Lacey Benton: inkling (pink)
Wally Franks: cleaner wrasse
Allison Pendle: angelfish
Thomas Connors: octarian (brown)
(I don't talk about a lot of these guys much, but Wally is the janitor, Jack is the lyricist, Allison replaced Susie as Alice's voice actor, Thomas helped build the ink machine, and Lacey was Bertrum's assistant. In this au Allison and Tom voice Alice and Boris respectively for the news, which is animated after Joey takes over.)
Ok so the main plot is Joey still runs an animation studio, and it's still kind of falling through and losing money and Joey is mad about this. Also, Henry left the studio like four years prior which made him real mad. So he decided to start experimenting with stuff to bring his cartoons to life, and he actually succeeds after finding some remaining crystals that haven't dissolved and using them to bring Bendy, Alice and Boris to life (Bendy is a cat, Alice is a rabbit, and Boris is a wolf. For reasons.) but this wasn't enough for Joey so he got Tom to help him build the ink machine. He also stole the great Zapfish to power it but whatever that doesn't matter. Anyways Joey used the ink machine to slowly sap colour from the inky guys, turning their coloured parts black and pretty much mind controlling them. He has all the colours in a giant ball in his evil lair. Also, the Ink Demon is a manifestation of the lack of colour, it is the opposite of the colour ball. Yeah :3
So anyways. Henry hasn't left his house in four years nor has he watched the news in also four years. He has been really sad because he misses his friend and feels bad for leaving Joey Drew Studios. Anyways his wife tells him to go get milk and he says ok and pretty much as soon as he leaves Bendy jumps out at him and tells Henry he ran away from Joey because Joey was being evil and stealing colours and Henry needs to go stop him or everything will be bad. (Important to note: instead of black, Henry is still greyscale but his ink is white) So Henry is like ok and goes with Bendy to the studio where Joey seems him coming and promptly ejects him to Bendyland.
So the first area is the theme park! Here the enemies are mostly like. Squid tentacles. Kinda similar to octarians but not sentient they are just kinda there. Lacey is also there, and she's attacking Henry just to try and get him to leave because it's not safe here and Henry is just like yeah I wish I could leave. He tries to escape but his exit is blocked by Bertrum who is like. Actually just a giant crab right now he's also attached to the floor. So Henry fights him and Bertrum mostly just has cool spinny attacks. But yeah Henry wins and Lacey jumps down to tend to Bertrum's wounds and Henry leaves Bendyland.
The next stage is the City Square. You see this part introduces Buddy (who gives you weapons and tips) and also the greyscale Inklings, who are just like. Black instead of bright colours and wear goggles that make it look like their eyes are glowing. They also attack you. Henry fights his way to the news station and asks Allison and Tom what's going on and Allison is like oh yeah hi so Joey's kinda crazy. Anyways you really shouldn't be here if we don't attack you Joey will probably do something bad to us. So that boss fight takes place on set, and theres like. A ring of water that Henry has to jump over and Allison and Tom just send waves of enemies at Henry, starting with just regular ol' tentacles enemies and then tentacles that try and push you into the water then greyscale Inklings. So Henry wins and Allison is like cool good job, you are obviously the right guy for this job and you can go do this. So Henry keeps going.
Henry is just in a different part of Inktopolis now, heading towards the entertainment district which is where the studio is. This part is real similar to the last part, except the whole place is completely drowned in ink, and this time the boss is Norman Polk, who used to be either an inkling or octoling but is now a giant eel with glowing eyes that eats people. His fight mostly takes place on platforms that you can like. Jump to and shoot from since the whole this is surrounded by ink and Norman is like. Swimming in the ink. Norman starts by going under the ink and jumping out at Henry and trying to bite him, then spraying ink at him, then submerging the platforms and making Henry swim while he tries to bodyslam Henry. Henry gets out though,
The final area before the studio is the entertainment district. Here you are not only attacked by greyscale Inklings carrying guns, they also have musical instruments that spray ink at you. The music here also seems more personal. So Henry makes his way to the big ol' stage at the very end of the long, winding street, and has to fight the band that has made all the music he has been hearing up to this point (Sammy, Susie and Jack). They are all up high, sitting on fake clouds suspended from the ceiling. Sammy monologues a bit but Jack ends up jumping down first. His section is mostly him setting up turrets to attack Henry until Henry takes him out. Sammy then jumps down and plays a violin, doing this funky pied piper thing and summoning the greyscale band members to attack Henry until he takes Sammy out. Susie's part mostly takes place in the air as she'll drop down for about a minute to use a singing attack, then she'll jump up to the fake clouds and snipe at Henry. So yeah he defeats them and FINALLY he can get to the studio.
Henry goes into the studio and is faced with all the enemies he had faced before just more. There's also a mini boss, the Butcher Gang (technically there are three of them but they make one mini boss) but other then that it's the same. He makes his way to Joey's "lair", and confronts him. Joey monologues about how it's so much better now that he holds all this power and blah blah blah evil stuff and starts egging on the Ink Demon to attack Henry. The floor is actually mostly covered in rainbow ink. Also. You see the stages of this fight mirror the previous boss battles. The first stage has a lot of spinning and stabbing, the second stage is fighting through hordes of enemies, the third stage the Ink Demon tries to bodyslam Henry, and the fourth stage Joey snipes at you from above. Joey also has sprinklers that make certain areas untouchable. Anyways. Henry is getting overwhelmed and really regretting going in alone, but just when all hope seems lost...everyone he defeated and saved shows up! You see. Jack, Sammy and Susie are armed with The Old Song (this universe's version of the Calamari Inkantation) and help bolster Henry. The power of it also breaks Joey's gun somehow so he has to go down onto the floor (he was previously in a control booth) and use a roller to attack Henry. Joey also absorbs the giant or of colour he had so he can be more powerful. His ink is rainbow now. Anyways Henry ends up overpowering Joey and the Ink Demon ends up eating Joey, which causes it to explode because it technically destroyed the colour ball keeping it alive. So yeah! Colour and sentience is restored and everyone goes home!
But you see. There's also lore around this! You see in Joey Drew Studios you can see a lot of things branded Aperture. This is because Joey and Cave were buddies and had an alliance. Cave was actually spared from the greyscaleing because he was giving Joey power eggs so that's. Something. Anyways! Below is a list of all the canon companies we have thus far (Inkwell Studios is the rival company to Joey Drew Studios, and it's the company that "made" Cuphead so that's why no employees are listed)
Mann CO.
The Administrator: horrorboros
Miss Pauling: inkling (lavender)
Saxton Hale: cohock
Mister Bidwell: chum
Mister Reddy: chum
Jerry: inkling
Spy: inkling
Scout: inkling
Pyro: seahorse
Solider: octarian
Demoman: pistol shrimp
Heavy: cohock
Medic: cleaner shrimp
Sniper: octoling (raised by salmonids)
Engineer: hermit crab
Redmond Mann: inkling
Blutarch Mann: inkling
Grey’s Gravel CO.
Grey Mann: inkling (grey)
Olivia Mann: inkling (olive)
Cave Johnson: inkling (orange)
Caroline: octoling (blue)
Doug Rattman: sea urchin
Black Mesa
Breen: octoling (ice blue)
Judith: octoling (green)
Colette: inkling (maroon)
Gina: octoling (ivory)
Gordon: clownfish
Barney: blue lobster
Kleiner: sea anemone
Eli: parrotfish
Azian: swordfish
Magnussen: flying fish
Russel: steel eel
Inkwell Studios
Joey Drew Studios
So yeah. Aperture does the salmon runs and it is actually even more messed up because a) there are just salmonids. Living among everyone. And b) Cave does hire salmonids for testing. But yeah you see he was friends with Saxton, but Saxton didn't like him anymore because he was preying on the weak and Saxton has an actual moral code so like. He stopped beings friends with Cave and Cave was like ok then! There's nothing stopping me from stealing eggs then! So he does that. Caroline hates this but she's terrified to be put of a job.
Nothing really happens at Black Mesa luckily, they just do funky science and come up with cool new stuff. Colette and Gina also have a band together because Decay Girls goes hard as a band name. Speaking of bands, Aperture has an orchestra that's entirely it's test subjects, both RED and BLU are bands in their own rights, and Saxton, Bidwell, Reddy, Jerry and Miss Pauling all play salmonid type music and are directed by The Administrator.
Also the story of the Team Fortress comics does still happen, Grey still attacks Mann CO. with robots, ends up killing his brothers, then steals Mann CO. from Saxton by exploiting Saxton's moral code that won't let him fight a child. So yeah that whole thing happens. It happens kind of far away though so it's not catastrophic.
So anyways salmonid territory is the Australia equivalent, and golden eggs are the australium equivalent (australium is gold that can extend your life, make you stronger, do all sorts of stuff.) Sniper was raised by salmonids, so he had believed for years he is one and was really devestated when he found out he wasn't. He was even more devestated when he found out his biological parents were using golden eggs to try and power their rockets (Sniper had previously developed a grudge towards Spy as he believes Spy has participated in salmon runs. So yeah. He doesn't like filthy child thieves). Heavy comforts him and tells him that even if he is an octoling on the outside, he is a salmonid on the inside. Then the Classic Mercs show up and shoot Sniper so like.
But yeah that's what's shaking.
Does. Does your friend have a Tumblr by any chance? They seem like one of the coolest people ever and I’d like to meet them if possible.
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whieldonflyfishing · 4 years
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  What are chalk streams? The flows of water that rise from springs in terrains with chalk bedrock are called chalk streams. The water passed through easily to the surface because the chalk is absorbent; hence the chalk streams get little surface runoff.
  This outcome is that water in the surges comes with a small amount of organic substance and residue, which is, in general, very clear. There is so much clarity in the beds of water, compressed rock and flints that are good generating areas for the fishes, especially Salmonidae.
  They are up to the aquifers, the flow timings, mineral capacity and range of heat show a little less seasonal variation than the other streams.  This river water is slightly acidic and has a more increased level of alkaline, high range of nitrate, phosphate, potassium, and silicate. Other than that the streams are more likely of the habitat of algae and diatoms and many macrophytes. ( including water crowfoot). The oxygen level is also suitable for much of the fish population.
  Geology and hydrology
The nature of the chalk is more passable and spongy rock. The raindrops falling from it go directly into the earth because the chalk stine acts like an aquifer.
The water from the earth trickles through the chalk bedrock, emerging again lower down the hill in spring seasons. The role of chalk is like a momentary puddle by regulating the amount of water in the springs.
  In England, if you're wondering how to fly fish chalk streams, many chalk streams have much stable flow rivers that vary only slightly over time. The temperature of the emerging water is very stable and rarely differs from 10° C (50°F). On the mornings of chilled winters, water vapour from the relatively warmer streams and condenses in the cold air above to form fog.
  Chalk is more likely to soluble in rainwater because the rainwater is generally a little acidic. The products of chalk are experienced and mixed with rainwater and are then moved to streamflow. Chalk streams fly fishing that is transported a bit rescinded material in the river streams. These dissolved items are considered as mineral-rich due to the mixed calcium and carbonated items.
  The surface water of the streams of chalks is commonly called as gin clear. The channel bed is made up of angular flint gravel comes from the natural deposits of flints found beneath the land of chalks that contain a comparatively low amount of clay and residues of slits.
  The different specification of chalk stream ecology is because of the stability of heat and the regimes of flow combined with highly transparent water and very low sediments of sand.
The streams of chalk have been amazingly managed from the ancestors, in the administration that has been aimed at creating the best atmosphere for fly fishing technique and most importantly dry fly fishing in the ear of the 20th and 21st century.
  There are several wild salmonid fish such as brown trout (Salmo trutta), Atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar), grayling ( thymallus thymallus). There are many stocks of rainbow trout. (Oncorhynchus, mykiss). The rich life of invertebrate and the characteristic of clear and shallow water that will make chalk rivers and stream extremely to fly fishing.
   Because of the constant heat, maintained temperature, and pure alkaline-rich mineral spring water, there is the production of watercress in many stream rivers. There is a local chalk stream in Hampshire that is named under the local chalk stream because the hand watercress Railway because then made hand watercress railway is transferring water to London from local chalk stream.
  We got this evil reality that the mayfly fly fishing on the streams of chalk comes to an end for the season and we got to know it from the initial scythe start to harvest the spring weed growth.
   Because ( it is raining again) so it may mark the end of any kind of particular moment but not the end of a season because we are here to enter the summer fly Creek fishing time.
  There are many more new challenges on summer fly fishing on the chalk streams along with hatches and some great fishing experience. As angry, we have to change our approach because the fly life changes to reflect the changing climate.
  Summer fly hatches
During the hot months, the peak dry fly fishing and fly fishing tie works very commonly in the mid-morning and later in the afternoon and beginning of the evening when the sun is low and about to set, and the air temperature is not very harsh.
   The morning time is reserved for the olives and roughly sized small (16-18) upcoming insects because they have to hatch in an array of size and colour no matter how small they are, but they can be interested even in the largest fish to take a look at the surface of the water of Stream Fly fishing.
  When the middle of the day is very hot in the scorching sun, this is the ideal situation for Terrestrial insects; heat on a day of the very bright sun. You will find many insects blown toward water and driving among these insects there are grasshopper ants, aphids, Beetles and Daddy long legs. You may find any kind of fish tucked in near the surface just sitting in these ratings as they loot round. The special mailroom near you where you are standing so be careful.
   You will see everything very alive starting from evenings coming from the hatches of midges the fish will mostly strike on the edge of Sunbeam and Shadow eating these little dark and brown giving when we see the shadow elongating there is a coming of the caddis fly.
  These fly the fishes unpredictable close to the shore, mostly with the smaller trout coming clear and clean of the water in pursuit. The day comes to an end when the trees and the over meadows and lays their eggs before returning to the water. As they become a stick in the surface, they become an important and easy food for any trout.
  Sight Fly Fishing with Nymph.
Make a show to check the rules before you go because the extreme rivers seem very subtle to the rulebook of fishing. They move from dry fly only to allow upstream nymph fishing.  There are a very wonderful skill and experience in name fly-fishing, but some of the people also considered this as a dirty phrase.
  By the Gem Skues from the original days of nymph fishing and some unwanted flies. From Frank Sawyer the development of heavier flies and onto our modern understanding, this is a very great skill to spot the fish, make the caste and then identify the movement of the fish having your fly Subsurfaces.
  The comeback of Grayling
Some people also wait for the start of grayling time. Similar to nymph fishing, there is very little desire, and it comes with a new challenge. The fish are like grey ghost patches on the skin as they sometimes lurk on the gravel purchase in between weed patches and softly paddle their fins to have the required stance.
  They can be identified by their folk tale and large flowing dorsal fin with fiery Orange-tip. It is very much possible to have them on the surface to study a dry fly, but the pattern may be slightly and correct. They will study eight for a required time before sending back down to their station.
  Chalk Stream Rainbow Trout
The test and kitchen rivers of Ham fire are very much famous for giving the finest English Rainbow Trout, which is also a birthplace of fly fishing. With the very similar fast-paced pure chalk stream water stream to the farm results in narrow and athletic fish weather unique and clean flavour.
  The Fish
The highest lower rates of the farmer and the quality of water are directly proportional to the quality of fish production. A unique fresh, clean test is required and has pure chalk stream water.
  A very narrowed and athletic fish is produced with a high flow design of the farm. Slow-paced grown in more than two years in the same atmosphere as the wild trout from the test and itchen, they formed a strong fish.
  The company of stream has been working with their feed providers for so many years to make a specially made high trait microbalance diet.  The marine content has been reduced to 60% in the last decade and is sourced from durable fisheries certified to IFFO RS. The conversion of feed rate (FCR) is from 1.2- 1.3 and the ratio of fish in and fish out ratio (FIFO) that is less than 1.
  A true rainbow trout comes from exclusive freshwater. The Chalk stream fishes are red-fleshed and are planted at the robust and appropriate size of 2.5-3 kgs. Chalk stream Rainbow Trout have a beautiful Ruby red meat well-balanced fat and very clear flavour. It is very suitable for raw and cooking applications.
  The Farm
The actual chalk stream water is fed exclusively in spring emerging from chalk download. Rainfall filters from the chalk bedrock to rise in clear and mineral and nutrients rich and many verdant and unique habitats.
The farms are located on the sites of old water mills giving a big volume of water splash (about 36 million gallons per day) for the fish to grow in the same currency that resembles the natural river environment. Trout make their development in hard-sided and gravel bottomed tanks and raceways and are kept at a tight density of 35-40 kgs of fish per cubic meter of water.
  The design of farms passes from the specially formulated settling channels to remove waste and make sure that the river goes back to the river in high-class condition. The rivers like test and itchen are among highly inspected rivers in the UK. Their farm outflows are subject to constant testing by the agency of the environment to check the water quality.
  Chalk stream Fly Fishing techniques
As we said earlier that there could be very strict rules and some places of Chalk streams. In most of the cases, nymphs and other subsurface flies can be banned, which means that there is the only allowance for dry fly fishing.
  You have to check the rules of the water because there are only a few clubs that allow fishing, which will give you another option. Some are saying that names can be used but only from months normally from July or August.
  There is an advantage in wading and if you have a presentation option available, but you have to see if waiting is allowed from the bank only. If it's not allowed, there is a good reason behind so stick to the rules.
  Dry Fly Fishing
Whenever you think about fishing in a chalk stream upstream dry fly fishing is the first thing that will pop in your mind first because of the very rich invertible invertebrate life, fly hatches and very phenomenal dry fly sport.
  Sitting by the Shore of the river and sea in the activities is never a time waste. So in every river, matching the hatch is a good start. It is worth to note that this is not a very detailed list and all-flash species may not be present on all the streams. As a quick guide and fly fishing tip, it is proved to be very useful.
The fishing of names on chalk streams has been started from the beginning of the 20th century when G.E.M skies were about to promote the benefits of its upstream name fishing style of fish in a chalk stream. On the Northside, wet flies have been used for many generations, but for the south chalk stream, the dry fly was the only method that was accepted. At that time Frederick Halford was the only man saying in favour of Grey fly and two men seriously defended their chosen methods in the Sporting Press.
The flies who seem good are the ones that imitate natural flies the fish take as the feed. Use the information to have the starting point. If you're up to having the fly box that you can use in every season when these flies serve you from their core variation can give you more options of size and colours. These are some methods of small stream fly fishing.
from Whieldon Fly Fishing - The Fly Fishing Diaries https://ift.tt/3oKNAvv via IFTTT
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