#red truffle wrappers
rune-writes · 7 months
I Want to be Your Canary
Fandom: Final Fantasy XIV
Word count: 1755
Rating: G
Pairing: Warrior of Light/G'raha Tia
Summary: Valentione's Day is here. While Nayra crowds around Mother Miounne's Mystery Truffles, G'raha seems to be taking part in a public event happening on the stage.
Notes: an idea i had last year inspired by a play of the same name in FF9.
Read on AO3.
In a season of ardor and affection, the Mih Khetto Amphitheatre was decorated in a plethora of heart-shaped balloons: reds, pinks, whites, and even a couple blues and greens. Nayra was standing by a stall, perusing a merchant's display of cookies and truffles and scones all wrapped in plastic with pretty red ribbons. She’d heard Mother Miounne had provided the confectionery. The elezen had told her herself when Nayra visited her abode a few weeks back and was treated to plates upon plates of chocolate sweets. A new recipe, Miounne had said, to spice things up. Certainly, the chocolate Nayra tasted had literally been spicy. She’d thought it a mistake, but Miounne had only giggled and said that it was indeed her intention to hide chilly or mustard among her sweets. “Think of it like a game of chance. You roll your dice; the lucky one gets the prize.” Except this prize would have their tongue burning like a dragon's spit. 
Yet it did seem Miounne’s little trick managed to liven the festival. A crowd had gathered around the stall bearing the banner ‘Miounne’s Mystery Truffle’. Nayra felt them push her this way and that, from her back, right, and left. Without much thought, she swiped a couple of each, paid the merchant, and ducked under the crowd. Once she managed to put some distance between them, she drew a deep breath. 
“Got them, Nay?” 
Kasia trudged over to her with a bag of candy and a cup of what looked to be strawberry juice. She indicated a stall further back, right at the edge of the amphitheater, where the cooks from Bismark had set up store. 
Nayra huffed a sigh and pushed one of the truffles into Kasia’s hands. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
The limbal rings around Kasia’s violet eyes glowed. “I thought you liked spicy foods,” she said. 
“Not when they’re in chocolates.” 
As Kasia opened the wrapper and popped a truffle into her mouth—Nayra inwardly winced at the prospect that it was some chili pepper flavor (though it soon proved uneventful since the auri frowned and commented that it was only lemon)—Nayra scanned the grounds for their friends. She had initially come here for business, but seeing as it was Valentione’s Day and knowing there was a celebration in Gridania, Raha had of course asked to come. Kasia then tagged along after hearing about Mother Miounne’s truffles, and where Kasia went, Zorig went with her. Now even the big burly Au Ra was nowhere to be seen in this heavy crowd. Honing her senses, Nayra narrowed her eyes and spotted the emissaries in their red-and-white garbs, couples sharing chocolates and intimate moments under the shades of maple trees. Her ears picked up faint traces of a bard’s song drowned beneath the chatter of people. And then there: beyond the gate, on the stage far in the distance, where Astrid de Valentione, young protege of House Valentione and now head emissary of the Valentione celebration, held a hand toward the steps, followed by a series of claps and applauses, a familiar dark figure emerged. 
Nayra wondered how she could have missed him, but maybe she hadn’t thought Zorig would be standing by the stage. The Au Ra stood imposing before the young elezen, his brown skin seemed to blend well into the woods of Mih Khetto but his dark scales stood stark against the light. 
“What is he doing?” Kasia, who seemed to have been taken by surprise by the sight of her friend and partner, hung her mouth, a half-eaten truffle forgotten in her fingers. 
On the stage, Astrid cleared her throat and spoke into a microphone. “Care to tell us your name, good sir?” 
One of the staff had given Zorig a similar microphone. His eyes flitted awkwardly. “Zorig.” 
“And what, pray tell, is your heart’s desire, Master Zorig?”
In her fight to obtain Kasia’s mysterious truffles, Nayra had forgotten that part of the stage’s event was to have people come up and speak their heart’s desire. A public romantic confession, so to speak. It was nothing new, and perhaps it was the most popular event of the festival. Beside her, Kasia seemed to pick up on what was happening, because then, Zorig’s eyes met hers across the distance, and Kasia dropped her truffle to the ground. 
“Kasia!” His deep voice boomed across the speakers.
“Oh dear…” Kasia ducked behind Nayra. “Hide me. I’m not here. He didn’t see me.”
“We started off at the wrong foot, and a lot of things have happened between us since then, but I just want to let you know.” Kasia clutched onto Nayra’s back. Nayra watched as Zorig’s eyes shifted and bored into her—past her—to where Kasia, her smaller stature perfectly hidden from view, trembled in mortification. A moment of silence passed. Nayra heard his intake of breath, and then: 
“I love you!” 
A hush fell over the crowd, more from the loudness of his voice than his declaration itself. It didn’t help that they stood right beside one of the speakers. Nayra’s ears hadn’t stopped ringing from the moment he shouted Kasia’s name. 
“I’m going to kill him,” Kasia said under her breath. 
Nayra nudged Kasia out, but the auri refused to show her face. 
“You need to respond,” she whispered. 
“I’m not going out there!” When Nayra made to move aside, Kasia tugged her back into her place, hissing, “I’m going to kill you, Nayra, if you move from this spot!” 
But the moment passed, and an applause started at the front, followed by hoots and whistles, rippling farther until the entire amphitheatre was clapping for him. Nayra joined in, glancing at the Raen still hiding behind her back. She couldn’t help her smile. “It was cute though.” 
Kasia hit her spine. “Wait ‘til Raha gets on stage.”
“He wouldn’t.” 
He did. 
Because after Astrid thanked Zorig for his heartfelt confession and hoped that his partner return the feeling, Zorig stepped down from the stage, only to exchange fistbumps with a familiar redhead. Nayra’s jaw slackened at the sight of Raha striding across the stage.
“See?” Kasia murmured, peeking over her shoulder. Her eyes flitted over the crowd, then, seeming to notice a certain dark head moving towards them, quickly offered Nayra a farewell before scurrying away. Zorig soon emerged from the thick mass of people. The Xaela looked at her questioningly, and Nayra surreptitiously tilted her head toward the marketplace where Kasia had made her refuge. He grinned and dipped his head. 
“Good luck,” she mouthed. He was going to need it. The least Kasia would do was present him with a mustard-flavored chocolate truffle to get back at him for embarrassing her. At least he seemed to know what he was getting into. 
Nayra was too preoccupied with her younger friends’ plight that she had missed Raha’s introduction. When she returned her attention at the stage, she found Raha was already looking at her. 
“...and I asked myself,” he was saying, “‘where is she?’”
Nayra blinked. The lines he spoke sounded familiar to her ears. 
“The eastern sky grew bright, yet dawn was bereft of its gentle light. Could she truly be gone? Could we not spread our wings any longer, as yonder birds in joyous flight?”
A distant memory rose to her mind, of a play they once did when they were children—a play he had once shown her—as written in one of the books he had brought from the Baldesion library. 
“I sought her, writ to her, yet the star seemed fit to see us apart. For five long years had I lost her in the fires of the Calamity. Ne’er again, I thought. Ne’er again shall I let her slip from my fingers.” 
No, Nayra realized with a sudden jolt. This wasn’t the play. This was their story. 
Raha’s voice rang clear and true. It shook Nayra to her core. His time at their alternate future had been a sore subject to broach, as well as the time she’d spent after Dalamud fell. They had discussed it in passing, but neither wanted to relive such harrowing moments of their lives. And so they had let it rest, opting instead to focus on the future they had promised to build together. 
“I must have faith!” he went on. “Even should this body burn or crumble to dust, even should I need to traverse time and space, she shall appear if I only believe.” 
He stepped down from the stage. Unbidden, Nayra found herself moving forward.
“Hence, I beseeched the moon that gave her succor: o wondrous moonlight, grant me my only wish.” 
She met him halfway toward the stage. Raha was looking at her so earnestly, the only hint of a playfulness was the little smirk that tugged the corner of his lips. Then he spoke the final words that Nayra knew by heart because he had liked to recite the passage to her, except back then, he had used the character’s name instead of hers. 
“Bring my beloved Nayra back to me,” he whispered. 
“‘I Want to be Your Canary,’” was her first response, which prompted a grin from him. 
“I might have tweaked it a bit.”
“Of course you did.”  
It had been years since she last saw him act. He was never the best actor, but he had always liked reciting dialogues, as though it would transport him across time and space to where the heroes of eld had lived. It had transported her, albeit briefly, to a time when all was still good and well and her parents were still alive and the only thing they had to worry about was when to see each other next. 
Nayra vaguely felt everyone’s stares, heard their bated breaths. She cleared her throat. “So, what is your heart’s desire, Raha?”
“To forever stay at your side.”
In another time, such a bold profession would have sent her blushing—sent him blushing, more likely, because the Raha she knew would never make public confessions like this. She blamed Zorig for roping Raha into this. But while their younger companion’s confession was brief, Raha had taken his time to recount his favorite passage from one of his favorite plays. Perhaps Valentione indeed had love in the air, because Nayra then leaned forward and brushed her lips against his in a light kiss. All around her, the audience broke into a collective aww. 
If the stars willed it, she would want to never be parted from him again. 
~ END ~
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samaeljigoku · 2 years
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❤️ 🍫 ◇◆Passione Chocolate Box◆◇ 🍫 ❤️
My little gift for Valentine's Day - If each member of Passione (and their Stands) had their own chocolate flavour! And what it would taste and look like. I also included Scolippi. This is silly and seems like it took a thousand years, but was super fun to make, so I hope you like them.
These were originally supposed to accompany a drawing of each. I really wish that could've happened, but I didn't have time. Sorry if I gave your favourite a flavour you don't like, but... I don't think some of these actually exist. Which ones would you try?
🍫═══◇◆◇◆Bucciarati Gang◆◇◆◇═══🍫
Giorno - Sakura Blossom ◆Royal purple wrapper with gold flowers. ◇In the shape of a large ladybug, coated with gold leaf. An experience of springtime and the metamorphosis of nature. Subtly sweet and elegant, yet somewhat haughty. Dried flower petals are baked in, and perhaps a stray butterfly wing.
Mista - Caramel ◆Blue wrapper with white lattice pattern. ◇Salty-sweet, topped with gold sugar crystals. You can always rely on this chocolate. Has a friendly, nostalgic flavour - like a summer's day by the sea. Pairs well with red wine, and can be split into six pieces.
Narancia - Orange ◆Violet wrapper with an orange band. ◇Coated with orange frosting. Has a punchy, fun, in-your-face vibe. Tastes like your favourite song, but the one that you love to annoy your friends with. Will make you happier, but won't make you better at math.
Bucciarati - Hazelnut Truffle ◆Metallic white wrapper with bronze houndstooth pattern. ◇Are you prepared for this one? Swanky, chic and delicious - the chocolate equivalent of haute couture. Tastes like gold and cashmere look. Has a glittery fondant zipper that can be cracked open. It would be easy to hide money or jewelry in the center.
Fugo - Black Forest Cherry ◆Dark purple harlequin-patterned wrapper. ◇One of two candies in existence with a Latin scientific name. Rich, darkly sweet and sinister. Smooth on the surface, but has an oddly poisonous-tasting center that pops violently if you dare bite into it. Eat with caution.
Abbacchio - Bittersweet ◆Metallic black wrapper. ◇Chocolate is the silky, midnight black of the cosmos, topped with an edible lavender ribbon. Has a harsh, dizzying, intense flavour that feels like it's twisting the fabric of time and space in reverse. Absolutely does not pair well with tea.
Trish - Strawberry ◆Pink wrapper with brown checks. ◇Bright pink, sweet chocolate that tastes like cupcake frosting, but also has a spicy cinnamon bite. Is topped with purple and yellow sprinkles. Kind of under-rated. Has a jelly center that can be oddly tough to chew, like taffy.
Coco Jumbo (Plus Polnareff) - Coconut Rose ◆Green tortoiseshell-patterned wrapper. ◇In the shape of a turtle. Outer shell is crusty and tastes a few decades old. Seems to have been tossed around in someone's pocket. The center, however, has a pleasant, romantic tropical flavour.
🍫═══◇◆◇◆La Squadra◆◇◆◇═══🍫
Ghiaccio - Mint Mocha ◆Light blue wrapper with white spirals. ◇Chocolate is pale, bluish and crystalline. Aggressively chilly in flavour, yet has zero chill. Z-e-r-o. Forces you awake like a series of icy slaps to the face. If the cold shock doesn't send you to the hospital, its deadly caffeine level will.
Melone - Yubari Melon ◆Green melon-patterned wrapper. ◇It seems wrong to be eating this chocolate in public. Creamy, divine exotic bliss. Likely laced with a aphrodisiac. Can be split into many square pieces if say, you wanted to share it with willing partners.
Risotto - Sanguinaccio Dolce ◆Metallic black wrapper with white stripes. ◇Traditional blood chocolate with a rice-based filling. Has razor-sharp edges. Despite its dark reputation, the salt and iron make it taste wholly unique. But you may still want to watch for stray needles, just in case.
Formaggio - Mascarpone ◆Gold wrapper with red dots. ◇Not to be underestimated. May be small but is loud in flavour, viciously tart and sweet. Chocolate is dotted with little holes so the mascarpone center can be seen. Cheese and chocolate may sound bizarre, but is a surprise here.
Prosciutto - Tiramisu ◆White wrapper with brown and blue stripes. ◇Classy, mature chocolate with a midnight sheen. Has a syrupy coffee center and hard sugar top glazed with a strange, eye-like pattern. Makes you feel 20 years older with each piece, so don't eat too many. Is best served ice-cold.
Pesci - Butterscotch ◆Black wrapper with green and pink hearts. ◇Bears an unfair reputation as a babyish, "kiddy" chocolate, but is still loved by almost everyone. Extremely mild, sweet and gentle in flavour, but has its moments of sudden, brittle toughness. Is topped with a cute little chocolate fishy.
Illuso - Marzipan ◆Half-brown, half-ivory wrapper. ◇Chocolate is glassy and sharp-edged, decorated with gold beads. A rich, pompous sort of flavour that tricks you into thinking it's nougat, but also makes you feel unworthy to eat it. May cause double-vision or hallucinations.
Gelato - Milk Chocolate ◆Light brown wrapper. ◇A simple pleasure, like chocolate ice cream. Pairs well with most other flavours, but is perfect with raspberry creme.
Sorbet - Raspberry Creme ◆Rose pink wrapper. ◇Subtle and cool but likeable. Pairs ideally with milk chocolate. Do NOT slice in half, or filling will bleed out everywhere.
🍫═══◇◆◇◆Unità Speciale◆◇◆◇═══🍫
Tiziano - Amaretto ◆Ivory wrapper with a brown band. ◇Tastes of almond... or arsenic? An elegant trickery of the tongue, both medicine for the senses and poison for the heart. It's literally impossible to say anything bad about it.
Squalo - Sea Salt ◆Orange wrapper with blue wave pattern. ◇In the shape of a shark, and you are its prey. Tastes of violence - tart and sharp, like it's devouring the inside of your mouth. Combining this with amaretto might end somebody.
Carne - Marshmallow ◆Pastel pink wrapper. ◇A massive chunk of chocolate, bursting at the seams with marshmallow fluff that violently consumes your taste buds in an explosion of sweetness. May contain meat product of suspect origin.
Cioccolata - Green Tea ◆Light green wrapper with brown skull pattern. ◇The first candy in existence with a Latin scientific name. Tastes like the guts of a dead tree. Bitter and earthy, with a frothy, aerated center that tastes of mushrooms grown in old chocolate. Has a pale green coating that is likely mold.
Secco - Prosecco Cordial ◆Light brown wrapper with black stitch pattern. ◇A punch of pure sugar concealed in a hard gemstone shell. Raw, maddeningly sweet, instant tooth damage. Pairs amazingly with green tea, somehow. By the way, chocolate is bad for dogs.
Doppio - Checkerboard Cookie ◆Pink wrapper with purple and green checks. ◇Seems to be both chocolate and vanilla, actually tastes more like berry. Sweet and cute in appearance, with little cartoon frogs etched into each square, but is likely to chip a tooth. Not a telephone.
Diavolo - Dark Chocolate Ganache ◆Dark red wrapper with gold lattice pattern. ◇The ultimate sin. All the decadent, devilish delights of hell melted down to candy form, topped with dark chocolate horns. This chocolate really is monstrously evil and addictive. You'll relive the experience of it over and over... forever.
🍫═══◇◆◇◆Other Characters◆◇◆◇═══🍫
Zucchero - White Chocolate ◆Light green wrapper with white spirals. ◇In the shape of a snail shell. Pale, sugary sweet and very soft, almost gelatin-like. The inside is strangely hollow and airy, seems to deflate when you eat it. Pairs nice with something spicy.
Sale - Chile Chocolate ◆Metallic orange wrapper with red stars. ◇Star-shaped with a dark red chile coating. Dry, salty and fiercely spicy. Pieces somehow get stuck in your mouth and burn like hell. Pairs best with white chocolate.
Luca - Pumpkin Spice ◆Metallic brown wrapper with green leaves. ◇Tastes fresh from an autumn garden, where the bodies definitely aren't hidden. Sweet at first, but has a sudden spiciness that hits you directly in the brain. Don't worry, the gaping hole in your noggin will go away. Eventually.
Scolippi - 100% Cacao ◆Stone grey wrapper. ◇Beware the astounding bitterness of the cold hard truth. The ghost of your decision to eat this will haunt you for the rest of your life. Hits your taste buds like a storm of rocks, but you'll never stop thinking about it.
Polpo - Squid Ink ◆Black wrapper with yellow squid logo. ◇Controversial, but proud of how weird it is. Is that a tentacle in the middle? Tastes like regular chocolate that's been sitting in the darkness of a musty bedroom for too long. PS: Try the new banana variant!
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thehungrykat1 · 5 months
Paradise Dynasty Still Offers the Best Flavored Xiao Long Bao in the City
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It's been a while since my last visit to Paradise Dynasty and I had been thinking about their flavored Xiao Long Bao for quite some time now. There are many other restaurants around the city that offer these delectable soupy dumplings, but I have always kept coming back to the place that introduced me to the many different flavors and variants that these tasty XLBs can come in.
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It was time for The Hungry Kat to rediscover the signature dishes and flavors of Paradise Dynasty Philippines. I have dined several times at their original branch in S Maison (Read: Legendary Xiao Long Bao at Paradise Dynasty) but this was my first time to visit their branch at SM Aura Premier which you can easily find on Level 2.
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The SM Aura outlet comes with the same elegance and charm as their two other branches in Metro Manila. Paradise Dynasty is a popular international franchise which originated from Singapore and specializes in serving Xiao Long Bao and other delightful Shanghainese dishes.
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Their pioneering branch in S Maison was where I first had a taste of their signature XLBs. Paradise Dynasty has been included once again on Tatler Dining Guide's list of Best Restaurants in 2024, an award they also received in 2022 and 2023.
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Their Podium branch is the one I usually visit nowadays since this is closest to my residence. Paradise Dynasty is planning to open two more branches later this year including one at Greenbelt 5 so that should bring them closer to everyone.
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I was really excited to be back at Paradise Dynasty. While the SM Aura branch may be a bit smaller than their first two branches, it does feel more homey and relaxing to dine in.
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We ordered some of their Seasonal Fruit Shakes (P150) to begin our adventure. My husband had the Watermelon Shake while I had the Mango Shake. These are refreshing beverages to have during this hot summer season.
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For our appetizers, we started with the Stewed Bamboo Shoots in Oyster Sauce (P238). This is the first time I have seen bamboo shoots prepared this way so it was quite an interesting dish. It's a healthy appetizer that should be featured more often.
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Next up was the Sliced Beef and Tripe in Spicy Szechuan Sauce (P488). This one really comes with a spicy kick so my husband enjoyed having several bites of this fiery starter.
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There are also several dim sum items on the menu like the Steamed Vegetable Bun (P150) which is another healthy way to explore Shanghainese cuisine.
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The star of the show at Paradise Dynasty is always their Xiao Long Bao. Everyone who visits Paradise Dynasty has to order their Specialty Dynasty Xiao Long Bao (P488). This basket contains eight different flavors of Xiao Long Bao which are all color coded for easy reference. Paraside Dynasty is the first restaurant which offered this kind of colored Xiao Long Bao set and they will always be remembered for putting their legendary Xiao Long Bao on the global foodie map.
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There's actually a recommended sequence of eating these flavored XLBs as shown on the paper that comes with it. Start with the Original (white) in the middle which is the traditional pork soup dumpling filled with chicken broth. Then go clockwise starting with the Korean Kimchi (green), Foie Gras (brown), Black Truffle (black), Cheese (yellow), Crab Roe (orange), Garlic (gray), and finally ending with the Szechuan (red).
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Each Xiao Long Bao has its own unique flavor and taste which really separates this from other Chinese restaurants I have visited. The Xiao Long Bao dumplings are perfectly made, with thin but durable wrappers that do not easily break even with all the hot soup inside. So how do you usually eat XLBs? First, place a dumpling on your spoon. Next, take small bite out of the side of the dumpling and sip the hot broth. Lastly, dip the dumpling on the XLB sauce and finish the rest of the piece. The procedure is not really as strict as like how the Japanese eat their sushi, so you can eat it however you like.
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Once you have your own favorite flavors, you can order each Xiao Long Bao basket with just one type of dumpling. The Original XLB (P230-6pcs / P360-10pcs) continues to be the most popular, but you can also go get the special flavors like the Szechuan XLB (P280-6pcs / P450-10pcs). My favorites are the Cheese, Foie Gras, and most especially the Black Truffle XLBs.
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Paradise Dynasty offers several interesting noodles on the menu. One of them is the La Main with Pork Wanton in Hot Chili Vinaigrette (P300). This semi-dry noodle comes with spicy pork wonton dumplings that really go well with the noodles.
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Now let's try some more of their hot dishes. The Stir Fried Shredded Pork in Black Bean Sauce (P588) is served with Chinese Crepes that can be used as wrappers.
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Place the savory shredded pork inside the crepes, wrap or roll them into bite-sized portions then bite away. The salty and savory pork pairs well with Chinese crepes to help balance the flavors.
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One of their fiery Szechuan specialties is the Poached Sliced Fish in Szechuan Chili Oil (P1288) which is really as hot as it looks. The fish slices are really so good to eat, although the soup base is really red and spicy. This bowl can be good for up to four adventurous persons so make sure you are up for it.
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Another dish for those who like it hot is the Stir-fried Shrimps in Spicy Bean and Tomato Sauce (P588). The spiciness level of these shrimps is way up there and while I may not be that comfortable with very spicy dishes, my husband happily took care of finishing this item.
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The Deep Fried Garlic Pork Ribs (P588) is a dish that everyone will enjoy. We paired these crispy pork ribs with their Shanghai Fried Rice which was also so good and fragrant.
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One of my favorite hot dishes at Paradise Dynasty is the Stir-Fried Beef with Kai Lan (P588). These tender slices of beef are cooked in oyster sauce resulting in a rich and very flavorful dish that would also really go well with fried rice.
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For our dessert, we enjoyed nibbling on the Charcoal Custard Lava Bun (P188). This Darth Vader-looking bun is quite heavenly with its gooey salted egg yolk custard that just oozes out when you bite it. The custard has just the right amount of flavor, not too rich or salty, so you can finish all three pieces in one sitting if you don’t want to share. I actually prefer having my custard bun as a dessert instead of an appetizer but you can do that as well.
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We would like to thank Xchosa Deniega for hosting our small reunion at Paradise Dynasty in SM Aura Premier. It had been a while since we last met her so we were all happy sharing our recent travel adventures over a hearty and flavorful lunch. If you want to enjoy these yummy dishes, you can visit any of their three branches or order online via Grabfood, Foodpanda, Pickaroo and SM Online for delivery.
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Paradise Dynasty Philippines
Level 2, SM Aura Premier, Taguig City
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myflowertree12 · 8 months
Indulgent Delights: Unwrapping the Sweet World of Chocolate Gift Ideas
In a world filled with myriad gift options, few can rival the universal appeal of chocolate. Whether it's a special occasion or just a thoughtful gesture, chocolate gifts never fail to bring joy and indulgence. In this blog, we'll explore the delectable realm of chocolate gift ideas, from classic favorites to innovative creations, sure to satisfy any sweet tooth.
The Timeless Elegance of Chocolate Boxes: There's something inherently luxurious about receiving a beautifully packaged box of chocolates. From renowned chocolatiers to local artisans, the market is brimming with options. Consider exploring gourmet assortments featuring a variety of flavors, textures, and fillings. Dark chocolate truffles, milk chocolate caramels, and white chocolate pralines are just the beginning of the exquisite possibilities that chocolate boxes offer.
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Personalized Chocolate Bars: For a more intimate touch, consider gifting personalized chocolate bars. Many chocolatiers now offer customizable options, allowing you to add a personal message or even choose specific ingredients. Whether it's a favorite flavor combination, a heartfelt message, or a special occasion-themed wrapper, personalized chocolate bars add a unique and thoughtful touch to your gift.
Chocolate and Wine Pairings: Elevate your chocolate gifting experience by pairing it with another beloved indulgence – wine. A carefully curated selection of chocolates paired with the right wines can create a sensory experience that transcends the ordinary. Dark chocolate often complements bold red wines, while white chocolate pairs well with lighter white wines. Experiment with different combinations to discover your perfect chocolate and wine harmony.
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Chocolate-Covered Strawberries: For a delightful blend of freshness and decadence, chocolate-covered strawberries are a perennial favorite. The contrast between the juicy sweetness of the strawberries and the rich, velvety chocolate coating creates a harmonious symphony of flavors. Perfect for romantic occasions or as a sweet treat for someone special, chocolate-covered strawberries are a classic yet timeless choice.
DIY Chocolate-Making Kits: For those who appreciate a hands-on approach, consider gifting a DIY chocolate-making kit. These kits typically include high-quality chocolate, molds, and a variety of toppings and fillings. Whether your recipient is a seasoned chocolatier or a novice in the kitchen, the joy of creating their own custom chocolates adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the same day chocolate delivery.
Chocolate-Centric Gift Baskets: Go beyond the confines of a single chocolate item by assembling a chocolate-centric gift basket. Include an assortment of chocolates, truffles, hot chocolate mixes, and even chocolate-scented candles for a multi-sensory experience. Tailor the basket to the recipient's preferences, whether they favor classic flavors, exotic blends, or a combination of both. Conclusion: In the realm of gift-giving, chocolate stands out as a timeless and versatile choice. From elegant chocolate boxes to personalized treats and creative pairings, the options are as diverse as the flavors themselves. The next time you find yourself searching for the perfect gift, consider the sweet allure of chocolate – a delightful indulgence that transcends boundaries and brings smiles to faces worldwide.
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arcanescribe · 6 years
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On my quest to find spirit animals for the dynamic duo, I found out Johnny’s heart is actually quite soft and gentle, hence the need to protect it with as much grease and big dick energy as possible.
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tesserariuss · 5 years
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It’s not much, but it’s nothing.
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somensfw-blue · 3 years
Some late night thoughts, late Halloween addition:
Making a deal with demon!Wilbur and then being fucked senseless by him
Oni!Techno fucking you with his oni!dick
Dilfbur taking you around the corner to fuck while at the Halloween Market, your friend Fundy looking at the stalls as your being fucked
You being c!Wilburs candy
Big bad wolf Techno fucking you in the forest
Giving head to candy dildo? Making it seem as if it's a normal lollipop as you suck on it in front of dilfbur
Vampire!reader sucking and leaving marks on c!Wilburs neck........this is an excuse.........
Ghostbur wanting to trick or treat but getting turned on by your ghost costume
Grim reaper!Wilbur fucking you in the graveyard when you accidentally came across him working
Phantombur teasing you as you go around giving our candy
-🌘 anon
halloween is my favourite holiday, but more for the vibes and the aesthetic and the autumn theme. because halloween is in spring here and i mourn (/j) the cooler and superior seasons
demon!wilbur - when you summoned him, you didn't have a specific demon in mind, but you did have a deal you wanted. you had expected him to want your soul or for you to collect a soul for him. but instead, the devilishly (buh dum tsh) handsome demon had another idea. "you can keep your soul, but the alternative is you let me fuck you" you had a feeling that he was using some... demonic power to coerce you into agreeing, but that was entirely an excuse so you could pretend you didn't eagerly let the tall, horned man fuck you into your sheets until you were a crying, babbling mess.
oni!techno - very big demon man with tusks and muscles. easily hold you down with one hand while he fucks you until you feel like you're going to burst from how full he makes you
dilfbur - i have no meaningful input because i have no idea what a halloween market specifically is but but but fundy has wandered away from you not even noticing that wilbur has taken you by the wrist to find a building to fuck you against
c!wilbur - that wrapping paper trend that's happening this year but you cover yourself in lindt ball (apparently they're called lindt truffles in the states, but truffles are different. i have had an agruement with a friend over this) wrappers
techno - the predator/prey aspect of this too. he would ask if he could chase you down before he fucks you, and both of you know it would be an easy hunt for him. so he gives you a head start, and you run as hard and as fast as your human legs will take you. you trip over a divot in the ground as he lets out a taunting howl. he's close, caught up to you quickly, but the howl sets off your fight or flight, and for a moment there is genuine fear propelling you forward and away from him. when he catches you, he tackles you into the ground, you panting far harder than him with your eyes wide and your heart racing. "now what shall i do with my little puppy/kitten/bunny now that i've caught them?"
dilfbur 2 - there are definitely some very dildo looking lollipops, and you manage to get your hands on one. you were visiting wilbur, knowing fundy was out of town with other friends. wilbur had ducked to the bathroom, the first time you had been alone since you arrived that morning, and you quickly pulled out the red lolly from your bag. as you unwrap it, you listen out for his footsteps so that just as he re-enters the room and can see you, you push the lollipop all the way down to the balls of the lolly, where you give a harsh suck. you don't even look over at him to acknowledge him, simply pulling it back out, then licking the balls where a small drop of spit was about to fall. "what are you doing?" he stops in front of him and you look up at him through your lashes, giving the lollipop a long lick from base to tip "eatin' a lollipop" you push the tip of it back into your mouth, giving it a light suck, and wilbur takes your hand and pushes it all the way down your throat, causing you to choke slightly. "what are you playing at, sweetheart?"
vampire!reader - bite bite chomp chomp face pressed in neck. okay now that that part of my brain is satiated, asking if he's okay with you biting his neck in the vampire way, but man's is so infatuated by you he's more than happy for you to. so you sit on his lap, and slowly bite into his neck. as your fangs pierce the skin, he tightens their grip on your waist
(i started drinking a whiteclaw around here, it tastes meh because i don't like sparkling water, but they're expensive, so i'm drinking them. also i like the face tinglies from alcohol)
ghostbur - it's a simple costume with body paint that makes your arms fade to white hands. but something about seeing you dressed as a cute little ghost, matching him with blue stains on your fingertips, he gets the strong urge to not let you leave for halloween, and fuck you, calling you his little ghostie, a nice change up from when you call him yours
grim!wilbur - you had lost a bet with your friends and had to spend the night in the graveyard (with them staying in the neighbouring church for safety. graveyards are the ones in churchyards, cemeteries are the ones by themselves), but your fear had kept you from falling asleep. so you explored, wandering from headstone to headstone, reading what had been left for those who found their final resting place there. it was late, and you had expected to be alone, but you heard a voice. a honey-smooth, low and warm, almost as if it were comforting someone. if it were during the day, you would have left it alone, assuming it was someone mourning a loved one. but instead it was a cloaked man, talking to a transparent figure who seemed to be crying. then the figure turned, walked away, and the cloaked figure materialised a scythe, which they swung through the air. "it's rather rude to watch someone pass on, you know" you blinked and he was beside you, talking into your ear "oh i'm- sorry i didn't-" he laughed, a sound that was almost boyish, before resting his hand on your shoulder and stepping in front of you. "no need to stutter, pretty, i was just teasing you. they had no idea you were there. but, you should make it up to me for watching me work" he pulled his hood down to reveal dark curly hair and a wide smirk. and holy shit he was hot. "okay, sure. how can i make it up to you?" the dots had been connected that this man was a reaper of sorts, and had assumed there would be some deal or promise made. "well, you could let me fuck you against the tree?" there was a slight chill and suddenly you were no longer stood in the graveyard, instead you were at the edge, hidden by some trees. "oh. i- yes" there was another chill and your underwear was gone, left in your shirt and sweater, back against the tree and the man in front of you was also missing his pants. "call me wilbur, by the way" "okay wilbur" (i got very into this one. maybe i'll mark it down as a future fic?)
phantombur - you had decided to almost reverse trick or treat, go to your friends and give them sweets. you had a simple costume on, some small white wings and a headband that gave you a halo. despite your simple angel costume, you had phantombur whispering sinful things in your ear, occasionally pinching your ass while he was visible, or groping your sex while invisible
oh god i think i'm going to fall behind because i ran out of time to do tonight's, so... oh god. anyway that was last night's ttkyuan
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Izuki Shun x Reader
Title: Puns and Love Fluff No Warning
When Izuki met you, it was at his teammates house. Kagami was having a small get together for people to meet you since you were the new transfer student. You were a year older than Kagami, and he saw you as a sister. You both took care of each other, especially now that you both would be living together.
Izuki had a small crush on you just by looking at you but when Kagami said you and Izuki would be a match made in heaven, you corrected him.
“Don’t you mean a match-a made in heaven.” Everyone dead panned and Kagami face palmed. You blushed realizing what you said.
“Don’t start with the puns (Y/N) we already have someone for that. They aren’t even funny either.” Kagami groaned, Izuki though had hearts in his eyes. 
“Uh (L/N) san are you from Starbucks? Because I like you a latte..” He said and everyone began to groan. You giggled at this and decided to play along. 
“This may sound cheesy, but I think you are really grate!” He smiled widely and quickly thought of another.
“If you were a fruit you would be a fine-apple.”
“Oh my god, they are perfect for each other but bad for us.” Riko sighed softly.
“If you were a vegetable you would be a cute cumber.”
“Are you a hen? Because you are eggsactly what I am looking for.” You grinned deciding to roll off what he just said.
“I consider myself an egg because I am looking to get laid.” You said and he blushed ten shades redder. Kagami and everyone else’s mouths dropped.
“Uh… uhm…I think we are mint to be.” He was trying to recover but didn’t want to stop with the puns.
“Please make them stop.” Hyuga said sighing softly.
“Are you a keyboard, because you are just my type.” You giggled softly and he scooted closer to you.
“Can you call a life guard? Because I am drowning in your eyes,” he said holding your hand.
“I don’t think they are gonna stop anytime soon.” Kogenai said.
“I am curious how far this will go,” Kuroko stated.
“Honestly, me too,” Riko grinned.
“If I was a cat I would spend all nine lives with you,” you had a small blush on your cheeks after saying it.
“Are you a triangle, I think you are acutie.”
“You are killing me Izuki…”
“I can’t do jail time.”
“You can just do time with me.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight? Or should I walk by again?”
“You know what’s on the menu? Me n U.” He snorted slightly and causing you to laugh. 
“Excuse me I am really attracted to you, and according to Newton’s Law of Gravitation, you are attracted to me to.” You both were smiling widely, and Kagami face palmed.
“I think we are the perfect pear.”
“The s’more I know you, the s’more I love you.” 
“Don’t go bacon my heart.”
“You got a peach of my heart.”
“I think you ate barbecute.”
“Olive you.”
The puns continued until everyone ended up leaving or going to sleep. It was just you two now and you both ran out of random puns temporarily.
“I didn’t think I would meet someone that enjoyed puns as much as me.” He admitted as you both ended up relaxing on the couch. 
“Me either, lets avocuddle.” You grinned and he laughed wrapping his arms around you. You leaned your head on his chest, even though you both met and spent hours telling each other puns, you felt you knew each other even longer.
“I knew you were a truffle when you walked in.” 
“Izuki, we can stop now.” You giggled slightly but he didn’t.
“Did you want a Hershey kiss?”
“Sure..” You heard a wrapper and looked up to see a Hershey kiss between his lips and he leaned down to kiss you.” You blushed a bright red, and gripped his shirt. He then parted leaning his forehead against yours as you both ate the Hershey. 
“I love you very mochi,” You said and he smiled and nuzzled your nose. 
“You make Miso happy.” 
“Will you two shut up!” Kagami yelled from the room, and you both burst out laughing.
“Okay we should really stop,” You whispered and he nodded his head. 
“Will you go out with me?” He whispered back and you nodded.
“Yes, you are a keyper. Okay I am really done now,” You couldn’t help it, and he grinned.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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denkamis · 4 years
bnha characters as cheesy valentine’s day tropes.
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masterlist. | valentine’s day event masterlist.
warnings: none! some swearing, but a lot of fluff for the best boys
characters: shouto todoroki, denki kaminari, eijirou kirishima, tamaki amajiki
notes: dedicated to @nekomanagers / @meilbox ,, for being the most supportive human being in my life and undoubtedly the reason i have been posting so much of my work here on this blog. thank you for dealing with all of my shenanigans on and offline, and for picking me up when i felt like i couldn’t. <33 i love you.
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shouto todoroki
flowers & chocolate as gifts
he’s one for the classics
he buys you the most gorgeous flowers, ones that are most definitely your favourites mixed in with an arrangement of others that all have particular meanings to them
he also got you expensive truffle chocolates, and also some cheaper ones that you really like to snack on
he’s so thoughtful, it makes your heart melt
literally so sincere as he gives it to you too, has a whole ass speech prepared
shouto came home after work a bit later than you had expected him to. perhaps he got caught up with some hero work, a report that needed to absolutely be filed today or a villain that just wouldn’t let up. either way, when you heard the front door to your shared apartment open, you came running over to greet him. as you turned the corner to see the front door, there stood shouto with the most breathtaking bouquet of flowers you had ever seen in your life. it was a myriad of colours and petals of all kinds standing out against the white of his suit. since when did he have time to change after work to surprise you like this? his usual aloof expression was replaced by a soft smile, one that was reserved for you and only you, “happy valentine’s day, my love.”
he strolled over to you, initiating a kiss that was slow and passionate. it made your heart melt right on the spot, your face erupting in nothing but pure warmth. “shouto, these are beautiful,” you told him as you took a moment to admire the different flowers that went into assembling the collection in his hands. “these ones mean gratitude, and this one here means love. truth is the white coloured one,” he pointed out, guiding you through the meaning of each individual one that made up your special gift.
he snuck a glance at you, your face radiant with how much you were smiling at his thoughtful present. “i also bought you a few of your favourites,” shouto gestured to the vanity you two kept by the door. you turned to see a very expensive box of truffles and a few hershey's kisses paired with more of your favourite corner store chocolates.
“it wasn’t too much, was it?” shouto asked quietly, watching as your jaw dropped at the sight of the truffles. didn’t you hear a rumour once about how those ones literally had gold integrated into their wrappers?  “no no, it’s wonderful. this is.. you’re so sweet,” you giggled, tapping his chest as a signal for him to lean down so you could kiss him again. no matter how many times shouto gifted you flowers and chocolate on valentine’s day, you got the same butterflies as you did when he first gave you these heartfelt gifts back in high school.
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denki kaminari
fancy dinner date at an expensive restaurant
the entire bakusquad was EGGING HIM ON for something good on valentine’s day okay
he’s been talking big game about some kind of secret plan he had in store for the both of you
he bought you an outfit that not only suited your style, but was elegant and absolutely stunning as it complimented your figure
he pulled out all the stops for you
he wanted to be classy, so he reserved a table for two at one of those rooftop restaurants so you two could dine and enjoy each other’s company
“like grown ups” as denki says
you were sat at a candlelit dinner for two near the edge of one of the most highly rated restaurants in your area. denki had really gone all out, wanting to treat you like the resilient and beautiful partner you were to him with a night that would be unforgettable.
and unforgettable it was.
you two were arguably the loudest ones at the restaurant, laughing and overall just having a good time amongst such high class individuals. denki was making faces at you across the table, making you choke back on the red wine you were having. “and then bakugou slapped that dude! it was crazy, y/n, super fucking wild,” he laughed as you nodded your head in agreement. denki sure knew how to talk, filling in conversations with anecdotes and playful conversation topics sprinkled in with compliments for you. he loved you so damn much, he felt like his electricity quirk was on all the time with you from how much you turned his brain to mush.
he couldn’t get over how gorgeous you looked tonight, with your hair done and your outfit styled to perfection. like, that was all his? and a personality to match? damn! he felt like for once, he was doing something right in his life for you. he wasn’t the dumbass everyone constantly made him out to be. he was trying to be the best for you, and if he could make you happy for the rest of his life, then nothing else mattered to him.
your waiters came back with two platters in hand, with outrageously small portion sizes that could feed maybe a small cat at best. the two of you stared at each other with blank expressions. oh no, this would not be enough to appease your appetites. each of your plates were worth twelve thousand yen, so you really couldn’t get more. on top of that, denki had prepaid everything for tonight anyways. what was worse was that the food tasted like a rat’s ass, yet the two of you dined like kings regardless. well, you pretended to at least. as you were suppressing your disgusted expressions out of kindness to both the waiters and the other guests, denki couldn’t help but stare at you. you were his person, and although the dinner wasn’t exactly all it was cracked up to be, he knew that you dealt with so much more of him than anyone else was willing to. that meant more to him than words could even express.
that, and he immediately bought you apology mcnuggets after you two left. then you two really ate like kings.
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eijirou kirishima
long captions to their s/o on instagram
this mfing SAP
he has everything planned, he made like 3 drafts beforehand and even had bakugou proofread it for him
he had all the different pictures he wanted to post too
this is a little unrelated but mans definitely showed up to your house with red roses and a suit
your phone buzzed, indicating that  you had received a new notification from instagram. after taking your phone off the table and entering in your passcode, you tapped into the instagram app and saw what had caused the tiny ping.
eijikirishima has tagged you in a post!
the first photo was an oldie, but a goodie. it was of you and eijirou at prom together back when you both graduated from ua. he looked absolutely stunning in the darkened suit he had bought, right beside you in a matching colour scheme. though the picture was in fact a meme in itself, as he posed like that one will smith picture gesturing to you with the goofiest smile. you remembered telling him that he was absolutely banned from wearing crocs that night to the dance. it was a good thing you had saved him from that utter atrocity.
the next picture was a photo of you with the puppy you had adopted together. you had named him bean, to which eijirou had expressed was the manliest name he had ever heard for a tiny pomeranian puppy. you were pressing a kiss to bean’s nose, the angle of the photo showing off your loving nature that he had fallen for.
the last was a picture of you sleeping against him during a long train ride for a mission. it wasn’t the most flattering picture eijirou had of you, but it was certainly one of his favourites. you looked so at peace, cuddling against his side with a tiny line of drool running down your chin. he was smiling in the picture, his eyes solely trained on you with the most wholesome look on his face. he was so utterly in love with you, and this picture couldn’t have showcased that look any more clearly.
the caption read as follows:
Hey bros! It’s Valentine’s Day, which means that it is my duty to post about the most amazing person I’ve ever had the pleasure of dating for about five years now! Y/N, we’ve been through so much together over the years, we’ve had ups and downs and everything else in between but I’ve been fortunate enough to remain standing here as the person you can confide in, much like you are that person to me. You’re my rock. I continue to find so much more to love about you every single day. I hope I get to spend the rest of my days with you, my best friend, my partner throughout everything. I love you so so much, pebble. I hope we get to stay just like this forever, and grow as we go along.
needless to say, many happy tears were shed that day.
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tamaki amajiki
love letters in their shoe locker
for all the days leading up to valentine’s, tamaki put a different letter in your locker
mirio hyped him up asf to even get him to write what he was feeling towards you
and he was still nervous as hell and had mirio stand guard so that you didn’t accidentally walk in on him shoving weird notes in your locker
but unfortunately for tamaki, mirio isn’t a very good watchman
and so you caught him in the act, right on valentine’s day ironically
it was the end of a long, rather eventful day at school. you had gotten a few confessions from some other students, to which you turned down due to someone else being on your mind. for the past few days, you had begun collecting small letters in your shoe locker. the notes were short, handwritten with small doodles and even a recipe or two for you to try. it seemed like this person was reaching out to you to express their true feelings, their intimate and romantic feelings, towards you. and you couldn’t help but feel the same towards them, whoever they were. this admirer unveiled small details about themselves to you, yet hadn’t revealed enough for you to piece together a name. so here you were, sprinting down the hallway as soon as the bell went to try and catch a glimpse of this mystery individual who had been leaving you such sweet writings for you to cherish.
you rounded the final corner and there you saw him. before that happened however, you first you ran into your classmate and good friend mirio, who let out a tiny “oof” at the sudden contact. you apologized to him in a rush, explaining in a rushed tone that you needed to go meet someone. he nodded and waved to you before realizing that he had one job and tamaki was definitely going to kill him later.
only slightly out of breath, you saw a mess of indigo hair and shaky hands sliding your latest note into your shoe locker. as he turned to leave, his face drained of colour at the sight of you. he slouched further, retreating into himself. he looked around nervously for an excuse as to what the hell he was doing shoving letters into your locker. though, you beat him to speaking first.
“it’s you.”
tamaki’s throat felt scratchy and swollen, his entire form shaking as you slowly, calmly made your way towards him. “i- i can explain, y/n,” tamaki barely murmured, his nerves beginning to get the best of him yet again. “your words, they were so intimate. you were so well spoken on paper, i just had to meet you in person,” you confessed to him with a patient smile on your face. you stood a relatively safe distance away, not wanting to overwhelm him by your presence. you had just caught him in such a compromising act, after all.
“i read all your letters,” you went on, “every night before bed, i read them, tamaki. i even tried out the udon recipe you gave me and it was the best udon i had ever had. everything you said in your letters, the confessions and the other, more personal stuff… is that all true?”
tamaki, though he felt frozen beneath your warm gaze, had the courage to nod his head. “i didn’t know how else to tell you,” he admitted, hands now covering his face in shame. suddenly, gentle fingers grasped at his shaky ones as you uncovered his face to the light that was you. “i like you too,” you said finally. it felt like a chord had snapped inside of tamaki’s mind and all his feelings came crashing down in a deep crescendo of emotions all for you. it was all that he had ever wanted from you: a response.
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all works © denkamis 2021.
want to be on the taglist? see this post!
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better-be-daydreams · 3 years
The Farmer and the Witch
For the @drarrymicrofic prompt Pumpkin
436 words | Rated G
It was Harry’s idea to dress up, and Draco’s idea to hand out candy. Harry had decided on the Americanised idea of a farmer, and hunted throughout all the stores in Godric’s Hollow until he found a red flannel shirt, denim overalls, brown boots, and a straw hat. Draco had taken it in the opposite direction, raiding his own closet instead and finding an old pointed hat and an imposing set of black robes. “I already look enough like a witch in their eyes,” Draco protested when Harry produced a tin of green face paint. He stood impatiently and begrudgingly as Harry carefully painted his face in a likeness to the Wicked Witch of the West from The Wizard of Oz. The only thing he needed was the black hair, but when Harry brought it up Draco had such a look of horror that it was dropped immediately.
Between trick-or-treaters Draco kept stealing from their bowl of Honeydukes’ caramel truffles when he thought Harry wasn’t looking. It wasn’t hard to tell, though, with the wrapper crinkling every time he thieved one. “Those are for the children, you know,” Harry commented on the fifth crinkle, looking up from his pumpkin carving. Draco had insisted on carving a lightning bolt scar and a pair of round glasses. Harry had shot him down immediately, opting for one of the classic crooked-toothed smiles and crescent eyes he’d seen through the windows of Privet Drive, when Dudley had gone out trick-or-treating with Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia had tutted through the curtains at the costumes their neighbours had allowed their children to wear.
In the end they couldn’t decide on one pattern, and Harry was just adding the finishing touches to the lighting bolt running just above the crescent eyes and toothy smile. It certainly was unique, he thought, picking up the pumpkin and carrying it over to their hearth to sit next to its non-carved companions.
The doorbell rang just as he was standing up, and he rushed over to the candy bowl as Draco opened the door and grinned menacingly at the little princess and Frankenstein at their doorstep. He stood silently at Harry’s side as Harry wished them a happy Halloween and dropped candies into their pumpkin buckets. “You don’t have to scare them, you know,” Harry said, reaching over to smooth out a patch of paint that had smeared back to pale skin just above Draco’s left eyebrow.
“It’s all treats, though. The children need just enough trick to balance out the night,” was Draco’s cheeky response, kissing Harry lightly on the lips and stealing another chocolate.
Back with another one, happy Halloween folks!
Read on AO3 below
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boldlyanxious · 4 years
Remember when
RW masterlist
Generosity-part 4
Marinette showed up early to work to bake. It happened sporadically but the owner always appreciated it. He knew it was when she had trouble sleeping but he didn't know the trouble came because of nightmares. Usually the nightmares came when she had a blanket wrapped around her too tightly. She would watch the flames cover the patisserie as strong arms held her on the ground to keep her from running into the building. Her screams of terror would always be what woke her.
The coffee shop didn't open until 6 but it was some time before that when the blue eyed man returned. She already had key lime truffles made and chilling and strawberry shortcake cupcakes ready to be frosted. She pushed the button to start the coffee before she headed to unlock the door and let him in.
The timing of his arrival worried Marinette. He ordered a coffee and set up as if he planned to work for a while but it was so early and she was alone. What if he knew who she was in the evenings like she had figured him out. She was thinking so hard she barely realized she had finished frosting the cupcakes. She put the fresh strawberry topping on them before she pulled out the one she deemed too imperfect to sell.
It was now only a few minutes until the shop would officially open but since she was ready and didn't expect much of a rush for close to an hour she sat with her cupcake and coffee and started reading the news. Her alter ego was not mentioned in relation to the fire, for which she was glad, but she was happy to see that the children were all physically fine and would have each other. She nearly forgot the man was there until he spoke.
"That looks like the most amazing,delicious and terribly unhealthy breakfast on the planet."
"I don't know how you could say such a thing. It has real fruit and I made it from scratch. That makes it healthy."
"Well, I can't argue with that logic." He smiled at her and stood up. "Pretty sure I will need a healthy breakfast to make it through the day."
Marinette walked to the opposite side of the counter from him to sell him a cupcake. When he put the remainder of his $10 bill into her tip jar she flushed a bit. "Thank you. That's very generous." It made her slightly uneasy. She was happy to have the extra money but often those who tipped a lot would end up expecting her to want to see them after work. She hoped he wouldn't be pushy like them. "Not sure you will feel as generous with the guy taking your motorcycle."
"What!" He turned and rushed out the door to stop the guy before he could get away with it. He must have trusted her some because he left all his things at the table and his wallet on the counter before he ran out. Marinette delivered his cupcake to the table just before the morning rush started. When she saw him re-enter a few minutes later he looked slightly more tousled than he had before. Marinette was focused on the line of people that now reached to the door but she made a mental note to return his wallet that she hadn't wanted to just leave on the table.
She knew to move quickly once the line cleared out. She started with the coffee bar filling it and wiping it down before turning and clearing the tables of abandoned mugs and a fair amount of wrappers from her morning baking spree. That made her happy, the manager didn't track what she baked and allowed her to keep all the profits, he just happy to get the additional business.
She put the dishes in the back and when she went back out he was on the phone. She worked her way around the shop wiping down the empty tables and checking on the others still there. As she passed his table she set his wallet where he could see it and moved on without comment. From his conversation it sounded like he was being called to the office and he was frustrated because he was working so well on his project without interruptions.
She was behind the counter washing the dishes when he had his things ready to leave. He stopped at the counter causing her to look over to see what he needed. He held up the wallet before tucking it away.
"Thanks for keeping track of this for me. I would have forgotten all about it. It would not have made for a pleasant day."
"Anytime. Have a good one." She replied. Then, with a smile and a small wave, he was gone.
Oracle considered carefully before responding, "I think we should leave her be. She doesn't seem like a threat. Why make her one?"
"Those children are only alive because of her. I didn't see the fire and the rest of you were too far away." Red Robin said.
"I really miss when it was all in your head," said Hood. "It really opened up the options for mocking you."
"It was never all in my head. All of you just don't have the same skill level as me."
"What kind of skill does it take to get tied up by a girl that tiny?"Hood asked.
Batgirl laughed, "I have to be honest if someone showed up like that and named themself after me, I'd probably want to keep them around too."
"She is named after Red Robin?" Dick asked.
"I looked it up. It's French. The American robin was named after the European robin by the colonists because it looked similar. In French it is rouge gorge for red robin." Batgirl said.
"I did catch Tim playing with his hair in the mirror to see how he would look with a different style. Guess she isn't the only one who wants to be noticed." Dick said.
"That was for--I mean not for her. That wasn't for her. For me. It was just for me. To try something new."
"So a civilian then. Are there any new hires at WE?"Oracle asked. "Nevermind I'm in. I love the daily picture at the entrance security feature. Makes compiling a list of possibilities so much easier."
"None of this has anything to do with the new vigilante." Robin said. "Are we still voting?"
"If you all have written your votes down you can turn them in here," Batman said as he lifted a small trash can and put it on the desk. Groans and attempted arguments filled the room but he ignored it all as he continued speaking. "Gotham is not free range vigilantism. I am in charge. I make the rules. She will seek my approval and follow the guidelines or she will cease her operation."
Tags. Let me know if you want me to stop tagging.
I did have one more a couple chapters ago but the tag won't work.
@toodaloo-kangaroo @ira-sairain @wannajointhecrabcult
I'm not expecting the next part out as quickly. I'm supposed to be writing other things.
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apocalypsewriters · 4 years
Joy Under the Stars
Summary: A super cute date between Nala and Fera, where they discover a surprising new aspect of Fera's powers.
The day had been fantastic. The plan had been to have a picnic in the park, but naturally, since it was a sapphic date, it didn't stop there. Fera had worn in her favorite dress - a featherweight white dress with delicate vine embroidery on the hem cinched with a red belt that matched her mushroom necklace. Nala's hair was tamed in a ponytail, tight ringlets spilling every direction. She wore a dark green flannel over a white t-shirt and black slacks. Luckily, they both had the foresight to pack the food into a cooler since they ended up talking about nothing and everything for an hour, before finally setting up and starting to eat. 
Nala was a reliable source of reassurance, used to her girlfriend's almost constant second-hand anxiety. They talked about Fera's garden, Nala listening intently and bringing up Fera's favorite flowers, warming her heart with her acute memory. In turn, they talked about the upcoming finals for Nala's team. Watching her girlfriend's eyes light up, Fera almost lost the sensation of passerby's stress. Almost. Nala's enthusiasm was infectious, evident in how Fera now followed her favorite teams and went to every single one of her girlfriend's games. But for now, she just enjoyed the fiery passion in Nala's intense chocolate eyes as she rested in her lap, Nala's fingers running absentmindedly through her hair. She sighed contentedly, picking at a curl, trying to dispel someone else's anger while remaining in the moment.
"Hey," Nala's voice was tender, a sharp contrast from her enthusiastic monologue moments before. "Are you okay?"
Fera found her concern touching. She reassured her, "'m fine. It's just the usual."
"Okay. Do you want me to get you a drink? Maybe a snack? It's getting late," Nala commented, glancing at the reddening sky.
"Only if you're hungry too," Fera insisted. "Do you want me to come with?"
She chuckled, "That's very sweet of you. Stay put. Try to relax. I'll be back before you know it." With that, Nala bent down and kissed her forehead making Fera squeak as her cheeks almost matched the sky. Gently moving her girlfriend's head to the picnic blanket, Nala jumped to her feet and stretched, before heading to the café they'd passed on the way over. Letting out another happy sigh and simultaneously trying to expel more of the second-hand negativity, Fera realized something. During the past few minutes watching Nala gush and listen to her own interests, she had barely felt any stress. Odd. Other than being completely isolated, she hadn't come that close to peace since before turning ten. Smiling fondly, Fera watched the sunset as she waited for her beloved to return.
The last of the sun's rays were peeking over the horizon as Nala returned with two hot drinks and a giant muffin. Fera attempted to work the creases from her brow; there was a lot of tension, anger, and melancholy from the 9 to 5 workers that passed through the park. She knew her girlfriend wouldn't mind, but it was always nicer to return to a smile, or at the very least, not a frown.
"Thank you, sprite!" She called, as Nala approached the edge of the blanket.
Nala handed the hot drink over with a peck, "Anything for you, cutie."
Fera took a sip of the drink. Rich chocolate surged over her tongue, not quite hot enough to skald her mouth. A puff of whipped cream escaped the small opening, its sweetness making her sigh in contentment. She broke a chunk off the muffin, revealing a cream-colored inside, punctuated by clusters of blueberries. Feeding it to Nala, she gave her a questioning look. "Any good?"
Nala nodded enthusiastically before swallowing, "Of course! I only get the best for you."
Fera blushed, barely registering the anxious presence that passed beside the pair as she ate her own piece of the muffin.
The sun continued to sink below the horizon, the darkening sky it left behind highlighting the moon that peeked above the treeline. The abandoned take away cups lay on the edge of the blanket with the muffin wrapper folded beneath them. Excusing herself momentarily from the conversation, Fera rummaged in the picnic basket and pulled out four paper lanterns, with electric tea lights to match. She placed them on the corners of the rug before lying down, grass prickling against her back as her phone lay as a last-minute security plan on her abdomen. Stretching out her arm, she feebly tugged at her girlfriend's shirt, whining softly. Nala let out a chuckle before falling backward to lie beside Fera and intertwining their hands between them. Smiling contentedly as the low ambient negativity from nearby apartments faded into nothing, Fera tucked her legs up, resting her bare feet on Nala's legs. Spotting a constellation, Fera eagerly pointed it out and started rambling about its discovery and meaning. She felt Nala's lips curl up as she lined up her face against her arm to see the stars Fera was talking about. In turn, Nala pointed out a constellation she recognized, resulting in Fera immediately explaining all the symbolism. The conversation quickly spiraled into one of zodiac signs, international sky views, and the deep expanse of space.
Nala propped herself up on her elbow, stars brightening her chocolatey eyes. Dimly, Fera wondered if her eyes looked similar. The moon was bright enough to cast shadows, she noticed, as miniature circles wiggled at the top of her girlfriend's brow. A giddy grin spread across her face as she grabbed the darker girl and pulled her in for a kiss. It was slow and sweet, and tasted vaguely of chocolate, distinctly like the truffles Nala had brought.
Fera relinquished her grasp first, falling against the blanket once more, Nala's hands cushioning her fall.
"Wow," Nala breathed. Fera giggled in return. A warmth had spread in her chest, different from what she'd felt before. Being so well versed in emotion, she knew her own joy. It was delicate, like wind chimes in a light breeze, or butterfly wings, and easily overshadowed by others’ negativity. But this, this was different. She knew her feelings towards the incredible girl above her. She smirked and sat up, pushing Nala down. The darker girl obliged, sinking as slowly as she could. With a self-satisfied sigh, Fera put her head on Nala's chest, imagining her girlfriend could feel her smile through her clothes as honey brown fingers ran through her curls. Her love for Nala felt like spring sunshine, bright and cheery, illuminating new buds of flowers aplenty. It felt like a refreshing breeze, blowing through flowy skirts and ruffling hair, cutting through the heat. What she felt now was different. Her love and joy were there, but there was more. It felt like smoldering embers, one breath away from becoming a roaring fire. It felt like a warm summer beach day, with waves roughly caressing the shore. Intuition leading her down a path, Fera decided to follow it. Moving slowly, gently, she kissed Nala's jaw, from her chin to below her ear. The fire ignited, the sun scorched. Fera's jaw dropped, her thoughts freezing in awe.
"Hey, sunshine?" Her question was quiet, still floored by the revelation.
Nala's voice was tender as she answered, "yes, Bee?"
"I think I get how much you love me," she wasn't sure why she kept whispering, but it felt right for the moment.
"Oh," Nala whispered back, "how so?"
"I feel," Fera struggled to find the words. "I feel your joy." She laughed giddily, the situation somehow becoming more real as she declared it. "I feel it here." She placed Nala's free hand on her heart. "Thank you."
"I hope you believe me now when I say I'd give the world to you," she could hear Nala's smile in the words. "I'm so happy for you. Though I do wonder, now you have both sides of the story, who loves who more?"
"Oh!" Her giggles died down as she tried to gain enough composure to respond. "I always believed you. But the way we love feels different. Though I might be compelled to say," she turned to rest her chin in the nook of Nala's neck. "That I love you more," she breathed.
Nala laughed heartily, sitting up and gathering the smaller girl in her lap. "And how do I know you're not lying?" She demanded playfully, gently poking Fera's stomach.
"Then I guess it's your turn to believe me," Fera replied cockily, half-heartedly pushing Nala's hand away.
"No, I don't think I will," Nala said contrarily. This time she leaned in to whisper into Fera's ear, her breath tickling, "I definitely love you most." Before she leaned away, she pulled gently at Fera's ear with her teeth, making her shriek. In protest, Fera awkwardly reached an arm down and scratched at Nala's foot, making her squirm in protest as she fruitlessly tried to stifle her laughter. A brutal tickle war broke out as the moon continued to glide across the sky, ending with the girls panting, lying down together once more, gazing into the other's starry eyes.
"I love you. Your happiness means the world to me."
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firefly-in-darkness · 5 years
Confessions of a Chocolate Thief
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Characters: Steve Rogers & Reader, Wanda, Bucky
Prompt: Chocolate
Summary: Someone stole and ate your secret stash of chocolate...
Word Count: 1.4k
Warnings: Fluff.
Beta: the lovely Stace - @princessmisery666​ // all mistakes are my own.
A/N: Congrats on your follower milestone Lyn aka @coffee-with-bucky 
Firefly’s Library & Masterlist
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Y/N’s dream startled her awake from her afternoon nap; disoriented and confused by the lights flickering at the end of her bed. She uncurled herself from the plush caramel blankets and patted around for the television remote to shut off the soundless screen. She rubbed her bleary eyes and pulled her hair into a messy but successful ponytail. With a frown, she noticed the darkness outside the window and looked to the clock on her bedside table. It was after eight, oops.
A simple half hour nap after a marathon of a mission was Y/N’s plan and clearly another four hours was what she really needed. She shuffled out from underneath her mound of pillows and blankets, tossing the now cold, hot water bottle to the side. It was a bittersweet feeling to be climbing out of the comfort, the memory foam mattress beneath her and the cocoon of blankets on top of her was like a double decker of bliss. But her grumbling stomach forced her from the bed. Y/N’s stretched her arms high above her head, wincing at the pain from her aching muscles.
With her feet placed into the soft slippers, gifted by Pepper, and her body wrapped in a fluffy dressing gown, another gift from Pepper, Y/N left her room with one thing on her mind, something she knew would give her a boost; chocolate. She padded down the hallway and entered the communal kitchen to find some of the Avengers perched on and around the breakfast bar with their beverage of choice, a cup of coffee or herbal tea, chatting amongst themselves.
“Hello sonnaya, are you feeling better?” asked Wanda, her doe eyes brightened with her smile.
Bucky and Steve turned to greet Y/N’s sleepy amble into the room and she waved half-heartedly before grabbing the fold-out step and headed over to the cupboard. She needed her sweet treat before she could form coherent words. She used the step to climb up to the highest shelves, solely focused on her quest to get to her treat.
I know you’re all super soldiers and can fly or whatever but did anyone think that there would be normal sized humans that need to access these when they built this compound?
“What was that sweetheart?” Bucky asked, a smirk on his lips.
Y/N’s head whipped around, a blush staining her cheeks. “Oh did I say that out loud? Sorry.”
Wanda shoved Bucky's arm, “He’s just trying to wind you up princessa.” 
“Oh right, yeah.” Y/N giggled lightly.
Once she had reached into the back of the cupboard to pull out the boring cereal box from the top shelf, Y/N descended the step and placed the box on the counter. She could already taste them; mouth-watering, she thought of breaking the hard shell and the gooey centre spreading over her tongue, it made her lick her lips. The cardboard flaps flicked open as she eagerly tore it open, box lifted and tipped. Nothing. No clang of heavy sweets hitting the countertop. Only empty wrappers of her favourite chocolate fell out like confetti onto the counter.
Hot tears welled up in her eyes and she clenched her fists at her side. “Who. Ate. My. Chocolate.”
Bucky raised his hands, surrendering and looking innocent. “I didn’t even know there was chocolate in there.”
Wanda rubbed her hand up and down Y/N’s back, the sensation brought little comfort and she felt worse than before. Anger simmered under her skin, she snickered and muttered to herself about maiming the person that had taken her chocolate.
“Sorry doll, we’ve got to head off but we’ll catch up tomorrow.” Bucky pulled her into a hug, “It’s movie night and your choice.”
Y/N didn't argue that it was actually his choice. He was trying to make her feel better, but it didn’t help. Steve and Bucky left the kitchen and Y/N stared at the discarded wrappers. All the superheroes in the complex and not one of them had the ability to create chocolate. What use were super-soldiers and mind control if they couldn’t transform empty wrappers into her beloved chocolate. The pain in Y/N’s back and stomach eased with Wanda’s strokes.
“Don’t cry, how about I make you some hot chocolate…” 
Wanda guided her to the bar stool and prepared the drink that Y/N knew wouldn’t sate her desire for that chocolate or to find the culprit that had stolen it.
The super soldiers entered the elevator and once the doors were shut, Bucky shoved Steve into the wall,  “You did it, didn’t you? And you didn’t even replace it?!”
“What the hell Bucky?!” Steve raised his arms in defence as his cheeks and ears reddened, “I had the last one today, I couldn’t resist - ow!” Pain rushed from the back of Steve’s head and he rubbed where Bucky had struck him.
Steve rubbed at his scalp and smoothed down his hair, “What was that for?!”
“For being sucha punk, you need to make this better. Now.” Bucky pushed him out of the elevator as the doors slid open and pressed the button to go to another floor.
Steve turned around, “Wait, where are you going?”
“You’re on your own with this one pal. Just think of the ol’ faithful tricks mom used to share with us.” The elevator closed without another word from Bucky.
With coffee in Y/N’s system and some of her anger taken out on a punchbag and a two-hour gym session she felt more alive. She had enjoyed the time out with Natasha, it had helped her to forget about her missing chocolate and the bounty that she was going to put on the chocolate raider’s head. Now all she needed was to shower away the sweat and ease the aches in her muscles. 
An involuntary gasp left her lips as she found Steve perched on the corner of her bed, and then she noticed the room was covered in flowers and boxes of chocolates. “Steve, what-”
His head snapped up at the sound of her voice. “I’ve replaced the chocolate in your cereal box and wanted to make it up to you.”
Y/N couldn’t concentrate on his words as she took in the room; an assortment of colours burst from every corner. Vases of tulips in every available colour, sunflowers, red and white roses and daffodils with boxes of chocolates in different sizes; from truffles to sugar coated candy leaning against the bouquets. 
Her eyes finally rounded back to Steve who joined her, standing awkwardly in the middle of the room.
“Wow. Erm- thank you.” She stammered as his arms wrapped around her.
Y/N couldn’t help herself and cried into Steve’s shirt. “Sorry, I’m just a little emotional and this is probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. 
“You deserve it sweetheart.” Steve placed a kiss on her forehead.
Her heart pounded as she felt his lips touch her skin -what is happening right now?!  
Y/N went to breakaway and unravelled her arms, “And I’m a little sweaty and smelly.” 
Steve held her closer, tipped her chin up with his index finger, “I don’t care.”  
She turned away from those blue eyes that sparkled like a galaxy whenever she looked for too long. Shying from the intensity of his gaze and slightly panicking, she buried her head in his chest and he leant his chin on her head. leant her head back on his chest, “Could have just got me another couple of bars.” Her voice and laugh muffled against his body.
“Your reaction was worth it.” Steve grinned and rested his cheek against her head.
Steve’s hand absentmindedly stroked Y/N’s back, and the warmth from his body encouraged a hum of approval. She tilted backwards and grinned up at her favourite super soldier, the chocolate fiasco long forgotten.
“This might be slightly off topic, but is the stealing of chocolate the only reason you did all of this?”
Steve’s smile grew, “Is it that obvious?”
Y/N rose on to her tiptoes and planted a light kiss on his lips, pulled away to smile at him. Steve followed her lips, captured them and deepened the kiss.
Bucky spotted the embrace, smirked to himself as he left them amongst the colourful blooms and sweet treats.
the end.
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fuwafuwamedb · 4 years
Golden Foresight (Rin Tohsaka, Gilgamesh)
“I’m going to be rich one day.”
Gilgamesh glanced over the rim of his wine glass, noting the tiny spawn from that useless master of his. She was standing so proudly with her little twin tailed hair and her overly optimistic stance, hands perched upon her hips.
“When I am, I’ll already have probably won at least two grail wars.”
“You’re neither funny nor entertaining, mongrel,” Gilgamesh told the little one simply. He motioned to his right. “The door is over on the side wall. I would suggest you make use of it before your father finds out that you’re disobeying his ‘leave my study alone’ order.”
Look at him being a mature adult and guiding naïve youth through their senseless decisions and poor ideas. He was truly a patron to the futures of children. A man of sensibil-
“I’m telling you because you’re going to be my servant one day and you need to know what to expect. I’ll make you listen and do chores for me much more than my father does.”
“Hold on- Your servant? Does your father partake in lobotomies?”
“Don’t say stupid words.”
He set his glass down.
The fool had surrendered her happiness to him now. She knew nothing of the grail wars and of servants, yet she made such bold claims on him.
She believed she would be rich and powerful by the time she was an adult? She thought she’d even have a fraction of his wealth? She thought, foolishly, that she would be able to summon him- not once, but twice- defeating all others in holy grail wars?
“Let me see here.”
Gilgamesh made a show of tossing a tissue upon the girl’s head so as not to touch her hair. His hand pressed lightly atop it, eyes closing.
Clairvoyance was a useless and rare art. With the liquor in his system, it would be far stronger than usual. However, he merely wanted one peek.
“You’re my friend, Rin.”
The woman before the adult version of the useless brat was holding the hands of the brunette, her grip tight. The woman smiled softly… in his king’s necklace. The soft features were definitely those from this land. The brown eyes were almost a whiskey kind of color. The brown hair had hints of reds and golds amongst the many strands, such colors dancing in the light as the useless brat continued to talk to the woman.
The smile hit him like a blow from the Chains of Heaven.
“I’ll be working with Gilgamesh to make it through this, but we have to do this separately. The woman will come after us if we work directly. Let’s stick to cellphones or Gil and Cu meeting.”
“Cu and I will be here then.”
The woman grinned, releasing her hands and taking a step back. “Let’s win this war, Rin. You for Cu Chulainn and me for my king.”
“You like him too much.”
“I do.”
She closed her eyes, sighing with that soft smile in place.
“There’s nothing I can do though. I’m in this too deep.”
Gilgamesh pulled his hand away from the small girl, a fierce pounding inside his chest giving away how much his heart was panicking. He could hear everything, feel every single bit of chill in the room.
What had that been just now?
“Ew! Don’t stick your hands and tissues on people!”
The girl swatted at her hair, glaring at him as she got the tissue off and attempted to throw the thing at him. The open sheet fluttered to the floor instead of striking him, leaving the girl to glare at him.
“What were you doing?!”
“I was looking into your future.”
He was telling her the truth. It was more of a surprise that he felt like answering. What had gotten into him?
More importantly, who had that brunette been?
“Oh… I guess if you were looking into my future, then I forgive you, but only if you tell me what you saw! I want to know how rich and powerful I’ll be. Don’t worry about feeling any embarrassment about anything. I don’t mind how much more I have than you.”
The urge to strike this tiny pest down was strong, but…
She had contact with that brunette.
To think he would have a wife he thought enough of to allow to wear something symbolizing his kingship. What did that mean for him? How would they court?
It was doubtful that the girl would have seen much of this. His relationships were for him to partake in and him alone to nurture and build.
The girl was frowning now, leaning forward and tilting her head slightly.
“Hey… Hey! I asked what you saw! You don’t get to put tissues on my head and pat it only to not tell me what you saw-“
He opened the gates, dropping a candy into hand. He held it out, watching the girl look at it with faint interest.
“What’s this?”
“You won’t have me as a servant, but you work with someone named Cu Chulainn.”
She took the candy, opening the wrapper up to the truffle within. Without hesitation, she plopped the thing in her mouth and spent a good minute attempting to eat the whole thing without losing anything. The large truffle was no doubt filling that entire loud mouth of hers, making it hard to handle.
“It’z goob!”
It would be. It was from his gates.
The girl was still struggling to eat it after a minute, her hands covering her mouth to keep it closed.
“Ignore that useless father of yours,” Gilgamesh told her. “The man cannot hold a candle to your abilities. He hinders you, insults you. A father has no use in being related to you and will only cause you suffering.”
“He’sha goob fa-“
“Do you want to be powerful?”
The girl’s eyes lit up.
“Do you want to be a winner of these wars?”
“I do. I DO!” The girl bounced, her hands finally coming away from her mouth. Her face was covered in chocolate now, the sight almost bringing a laugh to his lips. “What do I have to do?”
The girl was close to the woman he claimed.
Since that was the case, he would accept doing her one favor. Only one.
Pulling a book from his gates, he handed the girl a tissue and ordered her hands clean. She did it in a rush, wiping at her face as well without order. She used another tissue to wrap that dirty tissue before she rushed to her father’s desk to throw the thing into a waste bin.
And then she was back, looking at the book with interest.
“Ignore your father’s commands. Read through this book in its entirety. Do not share it with anyone. Do not fail to memorize a single word on these pages.”
“I’ll do it.”
“Every single word.”
“Every single word! I promise!”
She hugged the book to her chest, spinning around and rushing from the room. He could hear the excited footsteps, pitter pattering across the floors. The slamming of doors made it obvious that she was taking his words to heart.
He’d have to keep an eye on the girl throughout this war.
This war had become quite interesting.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - Where the Crop Circles Grow ch.3
Summary: When things get out of hand at the Pines’ family farm, Ford asks an old college buddy to assist investigating anomalies and Stan hires a farmhand. Who knew asking for help would actually get you somewhere?
For @lemonfodrizzleart. Part of her Farmer AU and featuring her OC, Jackie Asante.
Ao3 link here.
ch.2 - ch.4
“Good girl, Spots, good girl.” Stan coached and then turned his head away from the sheep. “Jackie! That water n’ towel sometime today would be great!”
“Shaddup, I’m coming!” Jackie called back, a dark towel over her shoulder as she drew a tub of water. She hurried as fast as she could without spilling much water and hurried into the bigger of the two barns. While the smaller one was for Luna and Truffles, the bigger one was for the sheep. All but one was outside, enjoying the nice weather, while a white sheep with black spots like a cow was taking deep breaths as she laid in the soft hay.
“Atta girl, atta girl,” Stan soothed as Jackie joined his side and put down the metal tub and gave him the towel. “Thanks, now watch this.”
Part of her wanted to look away and the other part of her was mesmerized, so the boss’ order helped Jackie to make up her mind. She rested her hands on her knees and watched as Spots pushed very slowly. Just under her tail what looked like uncooked chicken was seeping out. Stan pressed his mouth tight, a sign he was concerned, and Jackie watched as the farmer gently patted a little head, just by the neck. “C’mon, c’mon…”
Jackie’s eyes adjusted to what she was seeing as the little lamb jerked, not even fully born yet, but already making wee cries. Jackie wondered if something was still wrong, but Stan relaxed and smiled as the lamb jerked around some more, and the new farm-woman was sure everything was alright. 
“Well, look at that.” Jackie awed as the lamb slipped out and Spots immediately got up, turned, and began to lick her baby clean.
“Good girl, Spots, good girl.” Stan praised as he petted her neck, her back tender and sore, and therefore it wouldn’t be appreciated to be petted there right now. “Right, we’ll let her clean her lamb as much as she wants to n’ then we’ll just look it over to make sure everything’s as it should be. Most of the time s’long as they’re movin’ they’re fine.”
Jackie nodded, enjoying the scene. Yes it was gross and Jackie could probably use a glass of water right now, but she had never seen anything give birth before, so it was kind of nice to check that off her bucket list. After another minute or so, the new lamb was beginning to stand. That made Stan grin. “That’s it, fellow. That’s it, take your time, now.”
The lamb, now nearly clean, was white all over and already had an impressive coat. Stan chuckled and scooped the lamb up in his strong arms, his long sleeves rolled up to his elbows and his hair tied back. “Sweet Lord, this one’s got quite a coat.”
“Does it?” Jackie asked.
“Oh yeah,” Stan said as he began to gently wash the lamb. “See, most sheep when first born got thinner coats, cuz they don’t need thicker coats inside their moms, but this one’s just a right ole little cloud.” Was his voice becoming more strained? Was he getting choked up?! 
Jackie looked at his brown eyes and thought they looked more wet than normal. “Stanley Pines, are you crying?”
“That’s not important right now!” Stan snapped as loud as he dared, his voice still somehow managing to be soft and quiet for the baby. When back in Stan’s arms as he rubbed it dry, the lamb “bah”ed happily with big shiny eyes. The farmer happily gazed at the newest member of the flock until Spots “bah”ed at Stan, making him laugh and set the lamb down. “Alright, alright. Here’s your Dot, Spots.”
Dot nuzzled her mother and began to drink her milk. Spots licked her back as she nursed and Stan stood up to leave them be. “They'll rejoin the herd later. Just keep an eye on Dot to make sure she’s okay.”
“Gotcha.” Jackie followed Stan with the tub since he had the towel.
“Grayback had her lambs last week,” Stan pointed out and he and Jackie watched a gray sheep with a white head and legs snap at a gray lamb and a white lamb, bigger than Dot and much more troublesome. “N’ Clover should have her’s any day now, then that’s all for the season.”
Jackie caught the eye of a big white sheep gnawing on some grass and smiled at Clover as she followed Stan towards the house. “Do they need us to be there?”
Stan shrugged. “Nah, they can do it alright by themselves, but better be safe than sorry n’ be there in case something goes haywire, you know? Just keep an eye on ‘em n’ if things don’t look good call for me.”
Jackie mockingly sallutted her boss. “Yes, sir.”
It was Sunday and it rained all day, so while Jackie should be more productive since she rested yesterday, she didn’t really have the energy to do it. Which was fine, nobody else seemed all too keen on doing more than they have to. Stan was watching TV by the wood-burning stove as he used a piece of glass to cut at a long piece of wood and Ford used the extra time to teach Jackie how to make butter. 
It really was simple. Jackie had no idea why, but she expected it to be more complicated, but Ford simply took a carton of Luna’s milk and poured it into an electric mixture, let it mix on low for a minute, and then on high for three, then he showed her a special mold the family had, a perfect rectangle shape, but along the edges there would be a forest field with pinetrees. When the cream was separated into butter and buttermilk, Ford put the butter on a plate and poured the buttermilk into a jug to use later for cooking or whatever. Then with clean hands, Ford pressed the clumps of butter together to drain it of liquid, made sure it was clean and smooth, and then packed it into the mold. Then, like magic, Ford flipped the mold over and a perfect stick of homemade butter appeared on the dish, earning him a jaw-drop from Jackie.
“There’s enough milk for another stick.” Ford said and gestured to the mixer. “Would you care to do the honors?”
“Sure! Thanks!” Jackie said excitedly and got to work on making the second stick of butter.
Ford smiled, excused himself from the room, and went off to watch TV with his twin and try to finish knitting that extra blanket for Tate’s bed before the McGuckets arrived in two days.
Jackie counted to sixty after setting the mixer on low and then set it on high and set the little timer to three minutes. To entertain herself, she turned away from the counter and looked out the big window that decorated the wall. Displayed was a beautiful view of the woods and the driveway that housed the red Diablo. All the animals were tucked away safely for the rainy day and it gave the farm an odd appearance. The rain was heavy, but there was no thunder or lightning. Even a little bit of fog played with the grass.
Jackie crossed her arms over her chest and smiled at the scene, until something unusual caught her eye and it made her smile drop. Now, she couldn’t be sure, but swore she saw a little ball of white fluff moving farther and farther away, closer and closer to the woods.
At once Jackie shut off the mixer, snatched one of the boys’ rain jackets from the hooks, slipped it on, and bolted outside. She ran to the driveway, past the small berry garden, and squinted with a hand shielding her eyes from the falling water. Sure enough, a little lamb was skipping and playing in the rain, and soon disappeared in the woods.
“DOT!” Jackie cried out and ran towards where the baby sheep had last been seen. “You come back here! Dot!”
The young woman was too small in the blue rain jacket, the hood often covering her eyes and the sleeves rolling past her fists as she ran, but it would have to do. Jackie’s feet were already chilly, but thank goodness the work boots were doing their job for awhile at least. Jackie paused to look around and try to catch a sighting of Dot, but no white could be seen in the sea of blues and greens and browns.
“Dot!” Jackie called out and walked carefully so she wouldn’t pass the lost sheep. “Dot, here girl!”
The farmhand held herself tightly in the overgrown jacket and blinked the rain drops off her eyelashes. She had never been in the woods before, except for when Stan took her on a Truffles-drawn cart ride through the woods and into town and up to Boyish Dan’s house for lumber in exchange for some wool. But this was different. Last time she was on the main path and safe with Stan on the reigns by her side. Now she was by herself and in the middle of nowhere and she could understand why Stan ordered her to never come here.
It wasn’t scary, rather it had a bigger-than-life feeling to Jackie. As she passed towering oak trees and old pines that housed many sleepy owls and fuzzy squirrels, she had a borderline creepy feeling in her spine, like there was so much more to these woods, like they were hiding something. But that was ridiculous! Woods can’t hide anything, like how a child would hide candy wrappers from their parents. No, it’s just the rain creating a dearry feeling in the forest.
“Dot!” Jackie called again, her face becoming damp and her thighs were cold. “Dot, please! Let’s go home!”
She paused and looked around. She allowed herself a minute to think as she cupped her hands by her mouth and blew into them to warm her cheeks and fingers. It wasn’t terribly cold, but the spring rain did make it a bit chilly and uncomfortable. But then, thank goodness, Jackie heard some bahs coming from her right. She hurried, pushing through branches and bushes, and there she found Dot. The lamb’s back-right leg was caught in a branch by the thick wool and she fought and tugged and pulled but could not get free.
Jackie smiled and went to her lamb. “Dot! That’s what you get for running off. How’d you even escape the barn and the fence, huh girl?”
Of course Dot didn’t answer. Jackie scooped her up one armed and untangled the bush from the wool. Now Jackie could snuggly hold the lamb. Poor Dot was wet and shivering; she may have a slightly thicker coat than other sheep her age, but it still wasn’t quite as thick as it should be to protect her from the bitter cold. Jackie retracted her arms inside her jacket and then unzipped it quickly to let the lamb in. Now Jackie had a closed oversized jacket hanging by the hood on her head and a lamb in her arms. And she was lost.
Jackie looked around the woods for any sign of the farm, but she had strayed too far into it and saw no sign of a clear field. Well, she wasn’t going to find anything by standing still. If she could find that dirt road, then at least she would either hit town or the farm. Jackie carefully stepped over tree-roots and wildflowers and lightly scolded Dot to give her something to occupy her thoughts.
“Dot, just wait until I tell Mama Stan about this. He’s gonna scold you good.” Jackie snorted as she remembered when Truffles snapped at Jackie and Stan scolded at his horse, much like how a parent would scold a child. Really, there was no point in hiding the fact that all the animals were his babies. Let’s just say that when the time comes Stan will make a wonderful father and leave it at that.
Dot licked some droplets off Jackie’s chin and snuggled up against her chest. Jackie was damp, but not as bad as she would be without the blue rain jacket. Really, she couldn’t stay mad at Dot. Moses knows she was nothing but trouble as a kid, but every mistake she had ever made helped mold her into a better person, helped her become the person she is now. And she would like to think she was alright.
Jackie stepped on a twig that snapped and she kicked it aside as she ventured onward. She might not even be heading towards a road. She wished she could see the sun. At least then she would know East from West and could make a better guess on which direction to go. And… oh, crap! She left the butter unfinished! Damn it. Jackie groaned to herself and walked on, but then her left foot plunged into a dip in the earth and was now ankle-deep in mud. Jackie swore loudly and pulled her soaked foot out and walked on. Dot shook in her grasp and licked her hand to try to calm her down.
Jackie rubbed the lamb’s back. “I’m sorry Dot, but I’m having a rough day right now.”
Then something else made her stop in her tracks. Was it… whispering? Or wind through the trees? No, the air was still. Jackie looked around and lifted her hood up lightly to see better. “Hello?” She called out.
The sound was gone. Someone was definitely out there. “Hello, can you help me out?” Jackie called and looked around for a shadow or a light. “I think I went in the wrong direction.”
She was silent and listened carefully through the symphony of rain. “Yes… yes, she will do fine.”
Jackie’s heart skipped a beat. She had seen enough horror movies to know what happens to young women alone in the woods. Jackie turned right around and ran for her life. Dot cried out in shock and uncomfortably, bouncing around, but Jackie ignored her and only held the lamb tighter.
Puddles splashed and wetted her legs up to her knees. The hood fell off her head and now the over-sized jacket was barely hanging by her shoulders. Jackie freed some fingers from Dot to grab the jacket so she wouldn’t lose it and have to explain to the boys that one of their jackets went missing in the woods. Lightning flashed and a few seconds later thunder rolled. The heavy rain was turning into a storm. Dot cried out again and buried her head in Jackie’s chest. Jackie gasped for breath but did not stop running.
Now she couldn’t be sure. She was moving too fast to get a good look at it, but Jackie could have sworn on her life that she saw some sort of triangle on top of something circular, like an upside-down ice cream cone. Or a gnome.
The Pines twins had been laughing too loudly over a joke on the TV to hear the door slam when Jackie left. A few minutes went by and Jackie hadn’t joined them in the living room, which was fine, she probably was starting on dinner or wanted to be alone. Her disappearance hadn’t even been noticed until Ford went into the kitchen for some orange juice and he frowned at the electric mixer. The butter was only half done and now a whipped, melting mess. Ford restarted the mixer and after a minute deemed the cream salvageable. If Jackie didn’t want to make the second stick of butter she should have said so.
Ford finished the chore and left the dishes to soak in soapy water in the sink. He went into the living room as Stan laughed at the TV. “Haha! That guy got hit in the head with a coconut!”
“Stanley, have you seen Jackie?” Ford asked.
“Huh? Uh, no. Why?”
The front door flew open as wind howled and lightning stuck and thunder roared. Jackie hurried inside with the jacket hanging by her shoulders, her hair soaked and sticking to her skin, and her lungs nearly empty of oxygen. She leaned against the door and tried to catch her breath while the men stood at the doorway of the living room and stared.
“Sweet Lord!” Stan gasped and helped Jackie out of his rain jacket. “What were you doin’ out there?!”
“Dot… got… out.” Jackie panted, swallowed and handed the sleepy lamb to Stan, who was completely dumbfounded. “I caught sight of her escaping just in time. Poor thing ended up stuck on a bush.”
Stan was at a loss for words for a minute, but then cradled Dot in one strong beefy arm and wrapped around around Jackie’s shoulders. “Here, let’s get you warm n’ dry. Sixer, go get a towel or two, will ya?”
Ford nodded, hurried for the bathroom, and Stan walked Jackie into the living room. He pulled a short stool out in front of the wood-burning stove and gently guided Jackie to it. She could walk on her own, she was only cold, but she was grateful for the help and decided not to fuss. She watched as Stan slipped off his red button-up and wrapped it around Dot like it was a blanket. Jackie smiled at seeing Stan rubbed the lamb dry and how his eyes sparkled and shined. Dot licked his strong chin and he chuckled and scratched Dot under her chin.
“I wonder how she got out.” Jackie said quietly.
“Must be a whole somewhere in the barn.” Stan guessed. “We’ll take a look tomorrow.” He looked up at Jackie and smiled kindly at her. “N’ hey, thanks for brinin’ her home.”
Jackie’s face suddenly felt hot, and she wasn’t sure it was from the fire. She smiled and nodded. “You’re welcome.”
Ford then returned and handed the towels to Jackie. She thanked him and wrapped one around her hair and draped the other one over her shoulders. She watched as Stan threw some wood in the fire one-handed, the other holding Dot and then he sat next to her on the floor and let the lamb rest in his lap. Dot yawned and buried her face in his arm, his other hand petting her back. Jackie, without registering her actions, put a hand on Stan’s shoulder.
Ford smiled at the scene before him and decided to go read a book elsewhere.
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rainbowbeast-fr · 4 years
25 Unique Fish Dishes (for fish-eating dragons)
This is a portion of a descriptive list I’ve put together for myself for roleplay purposes, lore blurbs, etc. The original intent was to have a d100 list, but I ran out of steam pretty early on, haha. Thought I’d share it, just in case it proves helpful for anyone else! 
 Aether Gumbo: An iconic and heavily seasoned soup dish from the Crystalspine Reaches, it incorporates aether hermits, a type of magical crab native to Arcane waters, alongside a dark roux and a slew of herbs and vegetables. The arcane nature of the meat causes the gumbo itself to sparkle and shimmer. 
Harpy’s Roost Maeun-tang: This Wind Flight specialty is a spicy fish stew, utilizing anchovy broth, sea bass, and red chili pepper paste, alongside a wide variety of spices and vegetables, to create a soup that packs quite the punch! Servers will often allow customers to choose which fish will be cooked from a well-stocked aquarium.
Tiger Shrimp Bruschetta: This appetizer, consisting of freshly grilled bread with diced tomatoes, basil pesto, immaculately cooked tiger shrimp, and fresh mozzarella, is served at only the fanciest business parties in the Shifting Expanse, and is sure to please any Tempest Spire CEO. Now get back to work! 
Steamed Royals With Garlic Sauce: Royal oysters, hunted like truffles by trained amberwing waveskimmers, can turn quite the profit; not only are their pearls worth quite a bit, but when steamed and drizzled with a nice, buttery garlic sauce, they make for an excellent-- and pricey-- meal.
Popcorn Megashrimp: Popcorn megashrimp, made from skittering megashrimp breaded, fried in oil, and peppered with cajun seasoning, are perfect for those rare occasions during which the Colonel’s XXL popcorn shrimp buckets are simply not enough. 
Boston’s Devilsnap Chowder: Said to be a recipe originating from a dinner guest of the Lightweaver herself (perhaps even pilfered from her royal kitchens), this creamy chowder uses devilsnap clams, bacon bits, and a variety of veggies, alongside milk and flour (as a thickener) to create a meal that’s both filling and delicious. 
Nebula Float: Often served in a tall glass and garnished with a cherry, this drink consists primarily of a soft drink such as root beer or cream soda, and is topped with a nebula floater, a particularly sweet type of jellyfish. Especially popular on hot days in southern Sornieth. 
Emperor Roll: Named for one of the most fearsome beasts known to dragonkind, this delectable sushi roll calls for battered tempura shrimp, avocado, cream cheese, and spicy mayo. A plate of these is sure to keep any fish-eating dragon happy!
Angelspine Hors D’oeuvres: A small, savory delicacy consisting of raw, lightly seasoned angelspine meat, or uni. It has the texture and consistency of a firm custard, and is often served on platters at high-profile gatherings and dinner parties, where the urchin’s own golden quills are used in lieu of toothpicks. 
Sand Sucker Jelly: A seasonal treat from the Sunbeam Ruins and Shifting Expanse, these leeches only come to the surface during annual floods, after which many are caught, ground up, and fried into a savory paste. Often spread on toast or crackers for a quick (and tasty) snack. 
Tetra Tetrazzini: Diced ruby tetras imported from the Gladeveins, when tossed with forest mushrooms in a buttery cream sauce and splashed with a bit of sherry, make a fantastic topping for any pasta dinner. Top with almonds, fried onions, or breadcrumbs to really impress your date.
Drunken Scarlets: When not cracked over coatl tummies and eaten raw, scarlet mussels can be cooked in a flavorful white wine sauce for a quick and crowd-pleasing meal. Serve with a lemon wedge and grilled bread for extra class! 
Hand-Tossed Anchovy Pizza: Regardless of what other flights might say, nobody does pizza better than the dedicated chefs at the Emberglow Hearth. What could possibly be more delicious than a pizza with hand-tossed dough and freshly made sauce, cooked on an all-natural open hearth furnace? Adding anchovies fresh from the Blacksand Annex, of course. 
Star-On-A-Stick: A popular street food in coastal Fire Flight cities, vendors sell these deep fried starfish by the dozen on busy days. The crispy, oily exterior and soft, meaty interior are definitely an acquired taste if you’re not from the area. 
Fallen Star Soufflé: A savory soufflé made from whipped egg whites, white wine, roasted red peppers, and meat from the fallen star starfish, alongside other ingredients. The rarity of the fallen star, compounded by the difficulty of preparation, makes this quite the expensive treat. 
Tidelord’s Fingers: This traditional summer food from the Sea of a Thousand Currents is made from whitefish, which is battered and then deep-fried. While certainly not very healthy, they’re the favored snacks of many water-dwelling dragons. 
Snakehead Ehomaki: A maki sushi delicacy often eaten by Wind dragons at the start of spring. Though this recipe calls for a wide variety of potential ingredients, one should traditionally only fill the roll with seven. The golden snakehead eel is the central ingredient of this ehomaki. It’s considered especially good luck to eat this dish facing the year’s lucky direction. 
Ragesquid Calamari: Fried ragesquid is a staple of seafood restaurants all across Sornieth. However, their natural purple coloring oftentimes doesn’t survive the battering and frying process-- so chefs often use dye to give the calamari its distinctive purple color. 
Steppes Rangoon: These appetizers are a staple of Wind cuisine restaurants, despite not actually having originated from the wind flight. They consist of crab meat, cream cheese, and seasoning, which are then wrapped in a wonton wrapper and either fried or baked. 
Pickled Vampires: A favored snack from the Scarred Wasteland, plaguelings will often kill and ferment recently-fed wetland vampires, a type of leech, in a salty brine. They make for a satisfying, if bloody, treat. Non-plague dragons are noticeably less fond of these. 
Luminescent Caviar: Also referred to as “Glow Roe”, this food is scavenged or farmed from the bioluminescent fish native to the Tangled Woods. Though they’re not quite as flavorful as regular caviar, their aesthetic appeal ensures that this dish is just as, if not more, expensive. 
Black ‘n’ White Crab Cakes: Named partially for the Blacksand Annex and partially for the White Reaches crabs native to it, these pan-fried delicacies are served hot and are a favorite of many coatls. Add ashfall prickler hot sauce for an extra kick! 
Mirrorlight Anchoïade: This dip, at one time, was quite popular in the Sunbeam Ruins, though it’s since fallen out of style in favor of olive tapenade. It consists of filleted anchovies, olive oil, garlic, and white wine vinegar, alongside hints of lemon juice and other seasonings, and it makes for an excellent (though quite smelly) snack when paired with veggies or bread. 
Dumpling Squid Dumplings: A delectable treat consisting of ground dumpling squid and vegetable filling, wrapped in a thin dough, sealed, and then steamed. They’re especially delightful with a tangy sauce. Also referred to as jiaozi.
Glowstar Special: Because the Glow Star loses its luminescence the moment it leaves the water, this savory dish, consisting of smoked, seasoned starfish and kelp noodles, is prepared and served entirely underwater. This task becomes significantly more difficult when one is not in the Water Flight. 
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